Nineties Eastenders (5th January 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (5th January 1998)
00:00Yes, I see. We can come over immediately if you like.
00:29Yeah, how about, um, 11 o'clock? Yeah, all right, good. See you then, then. Bye.
00:35Did Hogan say what this bastard thinks our chances are?
00:38Soon find out. Don't look like that. We're going to win.
00:44Nope, all quiet. He's been out for the paper and that's about it.
00:47All right, well, let me know immediately anything happens. Cheers.
00:52Annie! Hi. How's it going?
00:54I think you should get a good turnout. Well, it's tomorrow we really need them.
00:57Don't worry, I'm working on it. Excuse me.
01:01Hello? Johnny! Hi.
01:05Yeah, one o'clock should be fine. I'll just have to check my diary and make sure.
01:10I'll get back to you, Johnny. Bye.
01:14Look at this, look. I mean, we've got to keep the pressure up right until the meeting.
01:17Otherwise this hostile could still happen. I don't know, Ian. You see, you're wasting my time.
01:21Pat, all I'm asking for is one final push. We're up against a real threat here.
01:25OK. Try and get everyone who signs it to come along to the town hall tomorrow morning.
01:30Yeah, will do. Cheers.
01:34I'm just going to take a dog out. What are you saying?
01:38I'm just going to take Frida out. Oh, yeah.
01:41Is there anything I can get you? No.
01:43You sure? Yeah, I'll do anything.
01:46I'll see you later, then.
01:49Are you bunking off?
01:51No, poetry class.
01:53Oi, what's he doing here?
01:56I don't know, mate. I intend to find out.
01:59Why aren't you at school today? Poetry class.
02:01Oh, I see. So it's Jasper's day, then, is it?
02:04Drug dealers, rapists, sorcerers.
02:06Wife beaters? Yeah, probably.
02:08Has he signed? Why don't you ask him? Go on, ask him.
02:13Morning. No point in asking you, is there?
02:17Mum! I was just coming to see you.
02:22I can't count on your support, can I?
02:24Aren't you forgetting something? The court hearing?
02:27Shouldn't you be worrying more about that than about this hospital business?
02:29I've got all that under control. Have you? Are you sure?
02:32Because if I was you, I wouldn't be wasting my energy on this.
02:34I'd be watching my back. I seem to be one step ahead of me.
02:38Do you want this job, or don't you?
02:40Nick, please, will you just let him finish?
02:43I can't represent her on a not guilty plea
02:45when she has told me herself she's guilty.
02:47Please, I'll go to jail.
02:49I still maintain that you should change your plea to one of guilty.
02:52You're kidding.
02:53And I'd argue that you had mitigating circumstances.
02:56Which I did. And then what?
02:58Well, assuming a sympathetic hearing...
03:00I said, and then what? What happens to her?
03:03Well, we can hope for the lowest possible sentence.
03:05No, no, I'm paying you so she doesn't get any kind of sentence.
03:08Well, I'm sorry. I'm simply not happy with...
03:10Oh, you're not happy. Which means that you won't do a good job...
03:13Nick, to heaven's sake!
03:14So I don't want you handling this case.
03:17You heard, you're fired.
03:19What's going to happen when he finds out Georgie's only involved?
03:22Why, do you think we're trying to flank him?
03:24Johnny's got something he wants to sell.
03:26We want to buy it. That's the bottom line.
03:28I hope you're right.
03:29There's nothing the sort of geezer you want to cross, is there?
03:31We're not crossing him.
03:33We're not crossing him.
03:35There's nothing the sort of geezer you want to cross, is there?
03:37We're not crossing him.
03:39We just want to do business with him.
03:41I'm doing it!
03:43Cheers, Mum.
03:45I just don't know what you could be thinking of,
03:47foisting people like that on us.
03:49Look, take one of these. That'll explain what the hostel's all about.
03:51I don't need one of them to know that you're trying to dump
03:53undesirables no-one else wants on Walford.
03:55It's about helping people. You want to do that, don't you?
03:58You can take his low-life scum and stick them out on that prison ship
04:01You can take his low-life scum and stick them out on that prison ship
04:03or better still, chuck them all overboard.
04:17See what you've driven people to?
04:19You're wasting your time with those leaflets.
04:21That's what they really think.
04:23Some people.
04:25Yeah, the ones that have got meat to fight for them.
04:27And I tend to win my fights.
04:29I've got to go and sack him. What am I going to do now?
04:31When I hire a barrister, I expect to get what I paid for.
04:33There is the question of professional ethics.
04:35I paid him to do a job.
04:37If I wanted a priest, I'd go to church.
04:39Will you just shut up? I could go to prison.
04:41And all you can do is sack the one person that might be able to help me.
04:43You can get another barrister.
04:45You can find someone else, can't you?
04:47I expect so.
04:49Good. Then do it. Come on, Cindy, let's go.
04:57Don't let the kids out of your sight, not even for a second.
04:59And be careful if anyone you don't know starts talking to you.
05:01Yeah, OK, OK.
05:03You're not taking this seriously, are you?
05:05Well, nothing's likely to happen, really, is it?
05:07I'm joking. Where Cindy's concerned, anything could happen.
05:17He'll find us someone better. I'm sure he will.
05:19Oh, yeah? And what if he doesn't?
05:21Will you stop looking for trouble?
05:23Everything's going to work out the way we want.
05:25It's all right for you to say that.
05:27You're not the one who's going down, are you?
05:29When have they ever sent a woman to prison for something like that?
05:31Oh, so you're the legal expert now, are you?
05:33No, all I'm trying to say... It's rubbish.
05:35If you were capable of keeping your big mouth shut occasionally,
05:37I'd still have a barrister.
05:39We wouldn't be in this mess.
05:43Ros. They're back.
05:45And they don't look too happy.
05:47At each other's throats, if you ask me.
05:49Maybe the meeting didn't go too well.
05:56She's still there.
05:58Of course she is. This is Ian's style.
06:00He never gives up.
06:02She's just sitting there watching everything we do and reporting back to him.
06:04Not for much longer, she's not.
06:06Yeah? And how are you going to shift her?
06:08When you get the children back is what I meant.
06:10Oh, don't say that. Why not?
06:12Because it's bad luck. There's too many things that could still go wrong.
06:14You keep thinking like that, you'll make things go wrong.
06:16So it's all my fault now, is it?
06:18No, I didn't say that.
06:20Oh, come on, Cindy. Please, let's not fall out.
06:22I know you're going through hell, but...
06:27Yeah, speaking.
06:31No, no, I definitely did not.
06:33Yes, of course I'm sure.
06:37All right, well, thanks for letting me know.
06:41This has just gone too far.
06:43Nick, what's going on? Where are you going?
06:45I'm not sure.
06:47All I know is...
06:51Ian, I've got to go.
06:53Roz. Roz, are you there?
06:56Roz, answer me.
06:58Oh, yeah, you're busy.
07:00What's happened?
07:02What the hell do you think you're doing?
07:04I want you out of here.
07:06Excuse me, I can park my car wherever I like.
07:08I'm sick of you watching this.
07:10I've just had a phone call from my bank.
07:12Now, you can tell, Mr Beale,
07:14banks don't give out information on their clients' accounts quite so easily.
07:17I don't know what you're talking about.
07:19Phoning up and pretending to be from another branch,
07:22that is fraud.
07:24Now, I'm going to walk back and look round.
07:27And when I do,
07:29I don't want to see you here any more.
07:32Do you understand?
07:36Come on.
07:52I said get out of here.
08:10Oh, Ian.
08:12Can I call you back?
08:16Now do you see what he's like?
08:18You see the lengths he'll go to?
08:22Who are you ringing?
08:24A mutual friend, Mr Beale.
08:26Nick, don't. You don't know what he's like.
08:29That's exactly what I intend to find out.
08:34I'll try again in a minute.
08:36Yeah, I see your problem, Ros.
08:38No, I'll call it a day.
08:40There's no point taking unnecessary risks.
08:42We know we've got to him.
08:44Yeah, check out the barracks to see what you can learn by all means.
08:47But be careful.
08:49What's happening?
08:57What's going on?
08:59I think it's time you and I met up properly for a little chat.
09:02Well, that's a novel suggestion.
09:04Yeah, you got me intrigued.
09:06Yeah, OK, then.
09:08Evening, yeah?
09:10Right, I'll see you then.
09:12I can't believe that's just happened.
09:14Who was that?
09:16Cindy's bloke. What?
09:18Meet up for a chat. Should be interesting.
09:20You've never agreed to it. You're crazy.
09:22No, I'm winning.
09:24I hope you know what you're doing.
09:26I always know what I'm doing, don't I?
09:30I want to make you happy.
09:32You never will be happy until you get your children back, will you?
09:35You could be walking into a trap.
09:37This is the woman that tried to have you killed. Have you forgotten?
09:40Far from it. I remember every time I see her.
09:43You should have seen her and Mary the other day.
09:45What happened? I came home and she was sitting there having a laugh with Mary.
09:48Mary thought she was wonderful. I don't suppose Mary knows the whole story?
09:51Or does she?
09:53Well, if you like, I'll talk to her.
09:55No, I'd appreciate it. Maybe you could do it when I'm meeting this Nick character.
09:58Oh, Ian, don't go, please. It's a challenge.
10:00One you don't have to accept. Mum, I am going, and that's all there is to it.
10:11I just want to look at something.
10:13Looking for anything special?
10:16No, not really.
10:18Are you in? Oh, good God, no.
10:20Still up for tonight?
10:22Yeah, anything to get out of the house for a bit. I'm going a bit stir-crazy.
10:29Well, being banged up with Ian Beale could purgatory be worse.
10:33A lovely man you are, Daddy, and I mean that in all sincerity.
10:37Not tonight.
10:39Hiya. Enjoying your freedom, are you?
10:41Hiya. Hiya, Clare.
10:43Clare's not talking to me cos I won't let her have a dress
10:46that's got a neckline down to there and a hemline up to here.
10:49Is something wrong?
10:51Yes. I've just seen the state of the hall.
10:53It's flooded out and the stage has collapsed.
10:55Will they be able to fix it?
10:57Not in time for us to do our play, no.
10:59Oh, that's a shame.
11:01Look, can I get you a cup of tea or something?
11:03Yeah, why not?
11:08So, who is this Phil Mitchell?
11:10He's solid. Trust me.
11:12Can I get back to you on that one?
11:14Don't think I'll try and cross you, do you?
11:16No, I wouldn't have thought you'd be that silly.
11:18Here he is now. Johnny, this is Phil Mitchell.
11:20Pleased to meet you.
11:22Well, then, shall we get down to business?
11:24It just won't do, will it?
11:26You know, I couldn't sleep easy if I thought that lot were just a stone's throw away.
11:30Could you?
11:32Silly of them. I do live here.
11:34How's it been? Fine. Why?
11:36You know why. Right. Yeah, well, he's been lovely to me.
11:38Yeah, he would do, wouldn't he?
11:40You could have had him done for assault, you know.
11:42Yeah, well, we fell out. Things happen.
11:44Made up again now, have you? Yeah.
11:46You weren't your head examined.
11:48Yeah, well, maybe I just overreacted.
11:50Yeah, probably. I'll remember that if he ever kills you.
11:52I'll go to the morgue and say to the coroner,
11:54don't worry, she just overreacted a lot.
11:56Oh, no, you're just being stupid.
11:58If anyone's being stupid, it ain't me.
12:00Don't come crying to me next time.
12:02No, I won't. And anyway, there ain't gonna be a next time, yeah?
12:04That's where you're wrong.
12:06Oh, I was about to buy you a drink.
12:08Buy your sister a brand instead.
12:12What's happened with you and Bianca?
12:14Nothing. Why? Oh, give me that.
12:16Why don't you just leave me alone?
12:18You all right, Simon? I'm all right, yeah.
12:20So am I. What about you?
12:22Yeah, I'm fine.
12:24So there you are. We're all all right. That's good, isn't it?
12:26Why don't you get Simon a drink, Tiff?
12:28That is what you came in for, isn't it?
12:32I'm not sure I want to do this unless George is here in person.
12:35I'm here, aren't I?
12:37If Phil wasn't OK with Dad, he wouldn't be here.
12:39How about this?
12:41He screws up, you both pay.
12:43OK by me. Now, remember you said that.
12:45You're in.
12:47Oh, and one other thing.
12:49You do know to score?
12:51I think so, yeah.
12:53Some people think protection is a doddle,
12:55but they forget that once in a while you have to protect people,
12:57know what I mean? Of course.
12:59It's not just about turning up every Friday and picking up the dosh.
13:01There's a bit of quid pro quo involved on occasions.
13:04It's understood.
13:06Well, then.
13:08The amount still stands?
13:10Eight grand.
13:12OK, so make me an offer.
13:16Do I look like a big issue seller?
13:20Look, let's not waste one another's time.
13:22Seven-seventy-five and it's the best I can do.
13:24Call it seven.
13:26I call that taking liberties.
13:28OK, I'll take pity on you.
13:30Seven-five, because I've got to be somewhere else at two o'clock.
13:32Now, don't bother, that's my final concession.
13:34Because of who you are,
13:36any more messing about and I might just start to get the needle.
13:40Seven-five it is.
13:42Want to pay me now?
13:44Well, you've got till Thursday.
13:46Well, pleasure doing business with you both.
13:48Sorry I missed George.
13:50Tell him I was asking for him.
13:52We'll show you out.
13:54Nice, eh?
13:58Think people have better things to do?
14:00That's exactly it, son, they don't.
14:02What you've got is an oppressed population
14:04whose only remaining values are how much money have you got.
14:06So you end up with people who's almost nothing
14:08turning on people we've even lit.
14:10Oh, hello.
14:14What do you think of this lot?
14:16Well, look, I can see you're busy.
14:18No, not at all.
14:20Well, I've got the word with Mary, anyway.
14:22Did I put my foot in it?
14:24I forgot, it's our son who's organising the protest.
14:26These clients are yours.
14:28When do we get to meet them?
14:30All in good time.
14:32Look, if you go into business, you wouldn't know who you're dealing with, would you?
14:34As I said, all in good time.
14:36Trust me.
14:38Don't you understand what I'm saying?
14:40She tried to have him killed.
14:42Are you sure?
14:44I mean, Ian just didn't sort of misunderstand.
14:46Yeah, probably, that's what it was.
14:48Ian just misunderstood getting gunned down in the street.
14:52Mary, it was touch and go. He nearly died.
14:56Yes, hired a hitman.
14:58But she seems so nice.
15:00Well, she's not.
15:02I mean, I knew about the David fella, but these things happen.
15:04Yeah, they happen all the time when Cindy's around.
15:06Did Ian tell you that she'd already done it once before?
15:08That she'd gone off with Simon, David's brother?
15:10Well, Stephens is, child.
15:12You're wrecking my head.
15:14Well, none of it's exactly done a lot for Ian's mental state, I can tell you.
15:16And when he comes home and finds you sitting in the kitchen with Cindy,
15:18laughing and joking like you're best of mates...
15:20Look, Kathy, how was I supposed to know?
15:22Yeah, I know.
15:24He should have told me.
15:26Yes, he should have.
15:28Listen, when Cindy was here, what did you talk about?
15:30This and that.
15:34A bit.
15:36And what did she say about him?
15:38Just that he can be difficult. And he can be, you know.
15:40Yeah, well, try to bear in mind what he's had to put up with.
15:42Yeah, well, poor Ian.
15:44I'll have to be extra kind to him now, I know that.
15:47Right, I've just done me way out.
15:49You're not stopping me for a cuppa?
15:51No, I've got things to do. I'll catch you later.
15:56Something wrong?
15:58No, nothing.
16:02Oh, Mary, about tonight...
16:04Yeah, I'm going out to Bed Six.
16:06Um, sorry, you're not.
16:08But you said...
16:10Yeah, well, forget what I said. I've got a meeting and the kids can stay up late and watch a video.
16:12Yeah, but I've made plans.
16:15So, er, what was all that about in the Vig?
16:17What was all what about?
16:19You and Tiffany.
16:21Nothing. You'd better ask yourself.
16:23Yeah, well, I did, but she won't tell me.
16:25Yeah, well, maybe she will one day.
16:27Well, can't you tell me?
16:29Well, she's got to tell you. Ain't up to me.
16:31Now, you really ought to register your protest.
16:33Well, why don't you do it for me, eh?
16:39I want a word with you. I'm busy.
16:41I just said I wanted a word with you.
16:44Ian, I think we might as well begin.
16:51Glad to see so many of you here tonight,
16:53especially on a cold night like this.
16:55I'm Ian Bill, chair and founding member of the Residents' Association.
16:57Now, the reason this meeting's been called tonight
16:59is to make sure you all know about the big day tomorrow
17:01when we present our case in the town hall.
17:03And we let the council know what we think
17:05and what we believe.
17:07And we want to make sure you all know
17:09what we think and what we believe.
17:11And we let the council know what we think
17:13about having the dregs of the earth dumped in our backyard.
17:17You must be out of your mind.
17:19You know, at once I'm getting me life sorted out.
17:21And what are you doing? Just rubbish the whole idea.
17:23You know what I think?
17:27I think you're jealous. I think you don't want to see me get on.
17:29No, I just don't want to see you lose, Ben, cos you will if Kathy finds out.
17:31And you can forget any chance you've got of getting back with her.
17:33And who's going to tell her, you?
17:35Don't tell me.
17:37You know, one thing I never had you down for, brother, and that was a grass.
17:39You do that,
17:41and me and you are finished.
17:43You got that?
17:45Murderers, thugs, drug dealers,
17:47do we want that sort of person in our community?
17:49I say we do not.
17:51In the last 15 years,
17:53crime in this borough has risen by 40%.
17:55Violent crimes,
17:57burglaries, muggings,
17:59crimes in which little children are the victims.
18:01Walford doesn't need to import criminals.
18:03We want to get rid of the ones that are already here.
18:05We want streets that are safe to walk down.
18:07I wonder how many people here tonight
18:09have been the victim of some form of crime.
18:11Don't just nod your heads.
18:13Let's have a show of hands.
18:15Put your hand up if you've suffered at the hands of some thug.
18:17Come on, let's see you.
18:19We're all in this together.
18:21Everyone who's been mucked.
18:23Everyone who's been burgled.
18:25Everyone who's been threatened or assaulted.
18:27Everyone who's been raped.
18:29Everyone who has been a victim of some form of crime.
18:31Looks like I've been stood up, then.
18:35Forget it.
18:37You've been stood up?
18:39Not really, it wasn't a date as such, just Mary.
18:41Oh, right, Mary.
18:43Might as well just keep drinking.
18:45You've been OK?
18:47Yeah, it's just been really quiet.
18:49Yeah, we're all down at the community centre, aren't they?
18:51Baying for the vicar's blood.
18:53Why not?
18:55I'm sure it does them all good to get out of the house.
18:57I'll have a pub, have you got a minute, Tiff?
18:59Yeah, I'm all right. What about you?
19:01Are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Bianca?
19:03You want to stay on, you reckon you can cope?
19:05Yeah, yeah, I can cope.
19:07Well, I've got to hand it to you.
19:09To get back to what I was saying, you and Bianca...
19:11Why don't you just shut up?
19:13Do you know what? I think you've got the right idea.
19:17Do you want one? On the house.
19:21We're not talking about maniacs.
19:23We're not talking about what the tabloids call monsters.
19:25Oh, no, not much, we ain't.
19:27We're talking about helping people.
19:29Most of them have had a bad starting line.
19:31Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
19:33Many of these people are straight out of prison, aren't they?
19:35Well, yeah, some of them are petty offenders.
19:37And what's that supposed to mean?
19:39Yeah, to find a petty offender, what do you term petty crime?
19:41Well, shoplifting, driving away people, possession of drugs.
19:45We as a community have a duty to help them.
19:47But what about the victims?
19:49They're victims themselves.
19:51Imagine this. Please, just listen a minute.
19:55A while ago, Ian Bill asked who'd been a victim of crime.
19:59Well, I'd like to turn that on its head.
20:01How many people sitting here tonight have committed a crime?
20:05Because since I've been there, dear,
20:07because since I've been there, dear, I've been struck by it casually.
20:09Some of my congregations...
20:11You are coming in here and calling us criminals.
20:13I didn't.
20:15You called us perverts.
20:17I didn't. I was trying to save us.
20:19Please, just listen a minute.
20:23I'm never going back to it again.
20:25Can you believe it or not?
20:28Can't you give him some bogus figures or something?
20:30I just did.
20:32He's authorising payment of three and a half grand.
20:34So you're all right, then?
20:37Those two are getting quite petty these days, aren't they?
20:39Yeah, well, it's just business. They're not an item.
20:41Well, I don't look so annoyed.
20:42It'd be quite nice if you were seeing someone.
20:44I just said they're not an item.
20:47Look, I didn't mean to.
20:49I shouldn't have snapped.
20:51But look at me.
20:53It's a smile.
20:55It's a smile.
20:57Come on.
21:00You've got collateral. You can get a loan.
21:03Or would you rather phone Johnny and tell him you've changed your mind?
21:07I'll check out of the bank.
21:09I have no luck with women. I wonder why.
21:11It's because you hang about with any all the time. That's why.
21:14Is that it? I thought it was because I wasn't macho enough.
21:17You women, all you really want is some caveman
21:20who treats you like dirt and then thumps you if you complain.
21:22I'm just going to go to the loo, all right?
21:25Drink that up and go. You've had enough.
21:29Brilliant. You were brilliant.
21:31Yeah, I said that. You spoke ever so well.
21:33You weren't the problem, that bit.
21:35Yeah, well done.
21:40All right?
21:42Didn't do too well, did I?
21:44Well, you were outnumbered.
21:46Sometimes people really depress me.
21:48They can be such bigots.
21:49They're just scared, that's all.
21:52Someone's shat in the lad.
21:53He's probably had police records as long as you're on.
21:55Yeah, I know, but what can you do?
21:57Wish I could answer that one.
22:00Anyway, how's life treating you?
22:05Well, maybe not.
22:07I've, er...
22:10I've asked Phil for a divorce.
22:14Do you reckon I'm doing the right thing?
22:16You reckon you're answering the right person?
22:18Well, I just wanted your opinion.
22:20Professional opinion, not my own personal one.
22:23Well, I don't know.
22:28Well, I'd better go.
22:32Quite chilly.
22:37Now I know what it's like to be part of a lynch mob.
22:39What happened?
22:40They wouldn't listen to him.
22:41They howled him down.
22:42He was ugly and violent.
22:43Yeah, right, that kind of thing.
22:44I'm just going to get my over and sit.
22:48Well, that was brilliant, Tiffany.
22:50You should have been there.
22:51Should I?
22:52Yeah, see Ian demolish that blasted vicar.
22:54Yeah, I'll try if it goes as well at the town hall tomorrow.
22:56Tiffany, give Ian a drink while everyone's on the house.
22:58Oh, thanks, Peggy. I'll have a scotch, please.
23:00I didn't hear you say how much it amazed him.
23:02I went there to listen, not to talk.
23:03I went there to try and back my mind up, but...
23:06I'm more confused than ever now.
23:08Oh, thanks, Tiffany.
23:09Here's to you, Ian, your continuing success.
23:11To a brighter future for all of us.
23:12A future we all deserve.
23:15Maybe I'm just getting worried.
23:17Maybe I'm just getting what I deserve.
23:20I suppose I never loved him.
23:22I married him for security.
23:24Now he's going to get the kids and I'll probably end up going to jail.
23:27I don't want you even thinking these thoughts.
23:30Because I make them come true.
23:31Because we're going to win.
23:35Your Ian seems to be on a roll right now.
23:37Mum was well impressed with him when I left the Vic just now.
23:39Yeah, he spoke well.
23:42I just wish he'd put his energy to better use.
23:45You know, the court case.
23:46He's got it all sorted, hasn't he?
23:48Yeah, except he's arranged to meet Cindy's bloke tomorrow night.
23:51Is he mad?
23:52Oh, you tell me. He won't listen.
23:54Could be walking into anything.
23:56Well, how about if I go along with him, you know, like we did in Italy?
23:58Keep an eye on him, just in case.
24:00Would you?
24:01I just said I would, didn't I?
24:02Have you told Phil?
24:04Would you want me to tell him?
24:06Only, I like him to come along with me on occasions like this, you know.
24:09Like I said, just in case.
24:11Yeah, OK, then.
24:14How did it go tonight?
24:16Not very well.
24:17What, you all won a tar and feather to people from the hostel?
24:20And me.
24:21Yeah, a bunch of lump and prole ignoramuses.
24:24Well, that's nice, isn't it?
24:25Coming from the great champion of the oppressed masses.
24:28Ignorance is all part of being oppressed, and that's the way your lot likes it.
24:32My lot?
24:33The church.
24:34Keep them believing in a bunch of dozy fairy tales.
24:36Keep them scared of the great all-seeing Wizard of Oz in the sky.
24:40It means they're easier to control.
24:42People are when they don't think for themselves.
24:44Don't you find?
24:46I don't know.
24:48Why don't you phone the Archbishop and ask him what you're allowed to think,
24:50or even if you are allowed to think.
24:54She back with her old man, then?
24:57Her lovely Mrs Mitchell.
24:59What do you mean?
25:00Just seen him going back in her house, I saw.
25:03Just now.
25:04Phil Mitchell?
25:05Think so.
25:07One of them, anyway.
25:09I can't tell them apart, to be honest.
25:12Maybe it was the other one.
25:14The one from Liverpool.
25:15I don't know why I mentioned it.
25:17No, neither do I.
25:19I'm sure he really misses you, you know.
25:22Still, I know what he put you through.
25:26He's in bits, Kath.
25:28Well, now he knows what it feels like.
25:29And anyway, he's not, cos every time I've seen him lately, he's seemed fine.
25:32Only he ain't.
25:33He's got this edge to him, like he could suddenly do anything.
25:35Oh, so what's new?
25:37I'm worried about him, Kath.
25:39I'm worried he might be getting himself into something that he can't handle.
25:41I'm sorry, Grant, but it's not my problem.
25:43He's still Ben's dad.
25:45Well, he'd listen to you.
25:47Say him what?
25:48That you're worried about him, that he seems to be spinning out of control.
25:51No, I'm sorry.
25:52We are doing a favour for you, remember, looking after Ian again.
25:54Oh, the offer was conditional, was it?
25:57The penny still hasn't dropped, has it?
26:00We're finished.
26:01I want a divorce.
26:02He still needs you.
26:03Yes, but do I need him?
26:05What about me, eh, Grant?
26:08I spent years putting up with his drinking, his women and his iffy deals,
26:11and his assumption that the whole world revolves around the Mitchell family,
26:14and I've had enough.
26:16There are men out there who treat me like a human being again,
26:18and not a flaming doormat, so don't ask me to give that up.
26:21What Phil wants ain't a wife.
26:23It's a private nurse or a servant or a living psychiatrist,
26:25but whatever it is, Grant, it isn't me, all right?
26:33I was just asking.
26:35There's no harm in asking.
26:38I do understand, Cath.
26:40I know he put you through hell.
26:41Look, if you know that, why are you here again?
26:44Because he's my brother.
26:47If you change your mind...
26:48I won't.
26:49I'd best be off, then.
26:52I'll see you later.
26:54Oh, by the way, how are you?
26:57Twelfth night, ain't until tomorrow.
26:59I don't care.
27:00Yeah, well, don't say I didn't warn you.
27:24Carolyn and Jack visit Douglas on their honeymoon.
27:27Aussie drama, a place to call home at 2.15.
27:30More classic EastEnders next.