Nineties Eastenders (17th February 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (17th February 1998)
00:27You don't have to come.
00:28But I want to.
00:29Well, it's going to be nothing special.
00:30Just a few of the bald and moussant Bridgesses now open for business.
00:33Anything else?
00:34A pound of tomatoes, please.
00:35Well, then you'll need all the support you can get.
00:36I mean, not many of this stuff are going to be out waiting their flags.
00:38Here we go.
00:39A pound of tomatoes.
00:40A bag of apples, please.
00:45Oh, morning, love.
00:47You off to work?
00:49Got far to travel?
00:50A bit, but it's worth it.
00:51Oh, you like being a policeman, do you?
00:52I really mean it's worth getting out of Soho.
00:53It's not a place to bring up kids.
00:54Centre of London.
00:56See you, darling.
00:57You all right?
00:58I'm fine.
00:59It's getting really cold out.
01:00Don't feel it.
01:01You're getting to be a bit of a regular.
01:03I'm a creature of habit.
01:04Tomorrow I'll have it waiting for you.
01:05Got any powdered milk?
01:07At the back tap shelf.
01:08Oh, I couldn't find it.
01:13What's your problem?
01:16Tried to grab himself a free bar of chocolate.
01:18Sent him packing.
01:20Oh, wrong brand.
01:21Never mind.
01:23I'll just take a packet of mints.
01:30I'll be five minutes.
01:32Could you get us a washing-up liquid?
01:33Just a small one.
01:34Let us see us over till we get to the cashier.
01:35Oh, yeah. OK.
01:36And if you could get back as soon as possible,
01:37then I can take Ben to nursery.
01:38Yeah, sure.
01:39Why don't you phone Phil?
01:40Get him to take him.
01:41Yeah, I might do it next time.
01:42Have you thought any more about what you said last night about Phil?
01:45When I woke up this morning,
01:46I suddenly thought I must have gone mad,
01:47but, well, now a few hours later,
01:49I know it makes sense.
01:51Not a word I'd attach to Phil Mitchell.
01:53Well, sense for me.
01:54Sense for Ben.
01:55He needs parents.
01:56Two parents.
01:57I'm nearly 50, Pat.
01:58Oh, come on, Karen.
01:59Well, it's the next big one.
02:00You're hardly over the hill.
02:01Phil is Ben's father.
02:03He cares about him.
02:04The two of us can give him a better start than just me on my own.
02:07At least I never get bored with Phil.
02:09That's true.
02:10I hope I can see him again.
02:15Sorry about that.
02:16That's all right. Cup of tea, please, Karen.
02:17All right.
02:18Pat had to leave early.
02:19No, she's going to do a bit of shopping.
02:20She'll be back.
02:21Oh, that's a good job.
02:22I might be busy.
02:23What with that new place opening today.
02:24Point Brashears?
02:26It's not my business.
02:27Well, it might be.
02:28Think about it.
02:29What have ex-cons got to do all day long
02:30except sit around drinking tea?
02:31It's either that or a spot of burglary.
02:33Not too keen on it, then?
02:34Not especially, as I'm moving my family into the square.
02:37When's your flight?
02:38No, number 25.
02:39So you'll be out demonstrating, then?
02:40Too right, I will.
02:43Morning, Dot.
02:44Morning, Kev.
02:45I'll have a cup of tea.
02:46I'm just worried every time there's a knock on the door,
02:48it's going to be them.
02:49Don't worry.
02:50Look, it's not worth it.
02:53It'll be a while to keep chasing us.
02:55They're not going to go away, though, are they?
02:56Not while they're reassessing my claim.
02:57It'll be over soon.
02:58It's got to be.
02:59They wouldn't make you go without any money at all.
03:01They're not allowed to do that.
03:02That's what they are doing.
03:03I haven't got a penny.
03:04They're making me pay for cheating them.
03:05That's what they're doing.
03:06I don't know.
03:07And they'll be watching us from now on.
03:09They won't.
03:10That's what they do from now on.
03:11Every penny that comes into this house will be under scrutiny.
03:13You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
03:15How do you make that out?
03:17They said it was illegal.
03:18They told us...
03:19They were bluffing.
03:20They said they might prosecute us.
03:23If you hadn't persuaded me to lie when I filled in that form...
03:25Mum, you were supposed to wake me.
03:27I did wake you.
03:28No, you didn't.
03:29I did.
03:30Ready to do this shopping?
03:31Oh, I don't think we should be seen out together.
03:33I come from a family that do not believe in criminal activities.
03:36You filled out a form wrong, that's all.
03:38I filled out the form wrong because you told me to.
03:40I knew it was wrong. I knew it was a lie.
03:42It's a little porky.
03:43They won't think it's so little.
03:44You're blaming me for this, aren't you?
03:46All I'm saying is I live here.
03:48And me.
03:49And me.
03:50People respect me. I've got my reputation to think of.
03:52Right, I'm off.
03:53Oh, bye, love.
03:54Oh, you've not had your tea.
03:55I'll be cold by now. I was going to bring it to you in bed, but I...
03:57You didn't, because you didn't wake me.
03:59Oh, I was going to.
04:00Look, I'll see you tonight.
04:01And stop worrying about the DSS.
04:03Just make sure they don't catch you again, all right?
04:05See you later.
04:09I think you look really attractive when you get angry.
04:11That's where you've got it wrong, Terry.
04:13This is not anger.
04:14This is worry.
04:15Worry about what's going to happen next.
04:18Big day for you.
04:19Just on the board.
04:21You did take on the rest of the community, though.
04:23It wasn't that big a deal.
04:25No, I suppose not.
04:26Because if it had been, you wouldn't have bothered, would you?
04:28Ah, you make a few grunts now and again,
04:30but you never really fight for anything, do you?
04:32I thought you did, and I thought you'd join the church.
04:34I've never really understood why.
04:35Because it was worth fighting for.
04:37And Cathy isn't.
04:38I might have guessed.
04:40Well, is she or isn't she?
04:41Will you stop it?
04:43Because I said.
04:45Now we're getting down to it.
04:47The only person you ever thought in your life was me.
04:49I should consider myself very privileged.
04:51After all, I'm nowhere near as attractive as Cathy.
04:53Well, what do you expect me to do?
04:55Follow in your footsteps?
04:56The only time I ever saw you was on a picket line.
04:58That's my dad there fronting the policemen.
05:00At least I was fighting.
05:01Yeah, for some outdated archaic union agreement.
05:03But never for your family.
05:04That's not true.
05:05Where were you on my tenth birthday, eh?
05:07Where were you?
05:08You don't even remember, do you?
05:10You were at a union meeting.
05:12You don't even remember, do you?
05:13You were at a union meeting.
05:15I'd heard you practising your speech.
05:17One for all and all for one.
05:18United we are strong.
05:20I didn't feel our family were very united that day.
05:22So you joined the church because I didn't make it to your tenth birthday party?
05:25Don't be so stupid.
05:27I joined the church because I thought at least there people really cared.
05:30Ah, now's being stupid.
05:32You can think what you want, Dad.
05:33It doesn't really matter.
05:34You think the unions are archaic.
05:36You obviously haven't taken a look at the church.
05:38Why is it so wrong for you to see Cathy?
05:41You know why.
05:42The whole religion was created so that Henry VIII could bonk his way round Europe.
05:47Can you stop this? We've been over it a thousand times.
05:49Ah, cop out, as always.
05:51Still, that's nothing new for you, is it?
05:53It's your speciality.
05:54So you seem to think nobody else does.
05:57That girl that overdosed.
05:59The one at university.
06:00What was her name?
06:02Walked away from her, too, didn't she?
06:04You can stop this right now.
06:05Oh, no, you don't like this bit, do you?
06:08When she overdosed, she told everybody it was hard to talk,
06:11difficult to communicate with each other,
06:13when the truth is you left her there in the hospital.
06:16Couldn't handle it, could you?
06:17Turned your back on her like you turn your back on everything.
06:19You are totally unable to commit to anything or anybody.
06:23So you hide behind a dog collar.
06:24That's not true.
06:25Then prove it.
06:31Where have you been?
06:32I'm so retarded.
06:34Think so.
06:35I've been sitting here by myself for a full half hour.
06:37There was a crisis.
06:39Well, what crisis is so important you leave me here by myself?
06:42Mrs Murray's daughter turned up with another man.
06:45That's the third this week.
06:47I think she's trying to give her mum a heart attack.
06:49What's that got to do with you being late?
06:52Well, she was so upset,
06:54she put her electric wheelchair in reverse
06:56and shot down the stairs backwards.
06:59It was a good job the warden was at the bottom to break her fall.
07:03All right, is she?
07:04Oh, yes, she's fine.
07:06But the warden's got two broken ribs,
07:09a cracked jaw and a dislocated shoulder.
07:12Oh, I see.
07:13Still, he was waving when they put him in the ambulance.
07:17Anyway, why did you want to see me?
07:20Well, it's Ethel's birthday on Thursday.
07:24I thought we'd give her a bit of a do.
07:27She's 82.
07:2882? Oh, is that all?
07:30And we won't have her forever.
07:33I'll have a cup of coffee to take you out, please, Kat.
07:36How's Ben? Fine.
07:37Is it all right if I take him out on Sunday?
07:39I mean, that's the best day for me.
07:41I can really spend some time with him then.
07:43And I'll do him Saturday week, so he won't have to do anything.
07:46Yeah, I don't mind. He'd love that.
07:48I could pop round and see him before that, wouldn't I?
07:50Well, why don't you come round tonight?
07:52Well, I'm not sure.
07:53You could put Ben to bed and then stay for a bit of supper.
07:55He'll be on top of things by then, Philip.
07:57If not, I'll sort it out.
07:58It's just I've got other things I've arranged to do.
08:00I'd like you to, Phil.
08:02All right. I'll see what I can do then, yeah?
08:06What have you got on for me?
08:07Oh, just something.
08:09Cheers. What can I get you?
08:10Oh, tea, please, Kathy. And a bacon salami.
08:12All that salami I know is in this rabbit food.
08:14Oh, are you going to the opening of Bridge House this afternoon?
08:17Well, I don't know.
08:18I think you could do with all the support you can get.
08:20Well, I'm a bit busy here.
08:21I know he'd really appreciate it.
08:23All right, then tell him I'll be there.
08:26It's about time they met him. He's our partner after all.
08:29Yeah, well, make it brief.
08:30You know what Ian's like.
08:31We're still not high on Gianni's popularity list.
08:33I feel like slapping him.
08:34He should be down on his knees thanking us.
08:36Nah, he'll get down, eventually.
08:41All right, it's all set.
08:42I'm going to see her tonight.
08:44Have you spoken to her?
08:45Yeah. Have you spoken to her today?
08:48Did she give anything away?
08:50Oh, well, I'll have to wait and see, won't I?
08:52But listen, Dad,
08:54I know I've been a bit of a pain in your past.
08:56I'm sorry.
08:57I just hope this works out for us all.
08:59I didn't want you to split up in the first place.
09:01I never really knew what you thought.
09:03Well, you do now.
09:04Yeah. Thanks.
09:06You know there's no talk of us actually getting back together.
09:09This is purely a practical solution.
09:10Yeah, I know that.
09:11I just didn't want you to get any big ideas.
09:13Would I?
09:16Listen, Dad, you'd earn us five grand.
09:17Amazing job, lot of imports.
09:19I don't see what the big deal is.
09:21I'm not making a big deal out of it. Everyone else is.
09:23So you won't do it?
09:25Not even to keep your dad happy?
09:26Not even me happy.
09:27I asked for some money the other night for a new gizmo...
09:29What are you talking about?
09:30For my guitar.
09:31I'm after a wah-wah pedal.
09:32I saw one that wasn't that much and he wouldn't even lend me the money.
09:35How much does a wah-wah thing cost?
09:36About 40 quid.
09:37Well, you could get a job or something.
09:39It won't take you long to earn 40 quid.
09:40When? We've only got a week off.
09:41Then it's back to exams.
09:43Well, there must be something we can do.
09:44And you're going to help me, are you?
09:45Well, if you want me to.
09:46Well, I don't mind.
09:48Come on, I've got an idea.
09:53My feeling is this should just be a small affair.
09:56How small?
09:57Me, you and her.
09:58Oh, that's definitely small.
10:00Well, it's 83.
10:01She doesn't...
10:03She doesn't want to be having any surprises.
10:05Well, all right, then we'll meet at the big.
10:07We'll have a drink, we'll borrow a present.
10:08Oh, yes, that sounds perfect.
10:10But I think I'll make her a cake.
10:12Oh, no, no.
10:13She shouldn't be having anything rich.
10:15He knows the area like the back of his hand.
10:17Born and bred here.
10:20He looks a bit young to be an entrepreneur.
10:21Don't underestimate him.
10:22Not only is he a shrewd businessman,
10:23but very soon he'll be a counsellor as well.
10:25He knows where he's going.
10:26George, nice to see you.
10:27Sit down, sit down.
10:28No, I won't.
10:29I've got to get back.
10:30I just thought we ought to see how the restaurant was coming along.
10:32Make sure everything's in the right place for you.
10:33Bit late now.
10:34Everything's almost done.
10:35I looked in there earlier.
10:36Never too late.
10:37We can get it changed if it's not right.
10:38You all right with the little one, Nana?
10:40No problem.
10:41Nicky, here.
10:42Now, don't spend it all at once.
10:45You really shouldn't.
10:46All right, next time I won't.
10:48Nice to be having you.
10:49Can I come?
10:51So, you met the other partner?
10:53He's a smart boy.
10:54Cooking fish and chips.
10:56It's not that difficult.
10:57He's smart, because he doesn't do the cooking.
11:01Well, I hope you like it.
11:02They've been working really hard.
11:03Well, for builders.
11:05What do you think you're doing?
11:06Washing your windscreen.
11:07But I never asked for it washing.
11:09It's all right.
11:10You don't have to pay us if you don't want to.
11:11No, I'll pay you.
11:13Come on.
11:15Why do you keep saying they don't have to pay us?
11:17We're not doing this for fun.
11:19I told them they don't have to pay,
11:20and then they don't mind paying.
11:21It's worked every time so far, hasn't it?
11:27This place seems to get filthier and filthier.
11:29I've just been scrubbing the basin again.
11:34Sorry, Laura.
11:35The door shouldn't have been open.
11:36Five o'clock.
11:38Come back at five.
11:39I just...
11:40I just...
11:41Have you got a cup of tea?
11:43I don't...
11:45Forget it.
11:46Come here.
11:47Come here.
11:49She'd let her take the money.
11:51All she wants is a cup of tea.
11:52We have rules at a place like this.
11:53If we don't, it'll end up a free-for-all.
11:55It was all right for her to stay yesterday.
11:57We had enough cover yesterday.
11:58Today, we don't.
11:59It's just one cup of tea, that's all.
12:01Suddenly, everybody knows how to do my job better than me.
12:04Just do what I think's right.
12:07I don't believe it.
12:09That man on the corner.
12:10What man?
12:12As we came in here.
12:13Do you think he could have been watching us?
12:16What's that?
12:18Finest blended Scotch whisky.
12:19Would you believe that asked for dandelion and burdock?
12:21If that man was spying on us, he would have seen that.
12:25They'll know we can't afford to buy bottles of whisky.
12:27Well, in that case, we'd better dispose of the evidence.
12:29You just don't get it, Terry, do you?
12:31This is serious!
12:42Come on, come on, it's all right.
12:44This will make you feel better.
12:45It's the drink.
12:46I shouldn't drink.
12:48Where did you sleep last night?
12:49I don't know.
12:51You're freezing.
12:52It's because it's cold out.
12:54Don't just drink your tea.
12:55We've got to be going to this opening soon.
12:57It's all right, I'll go.
12:59Come back at five.
13:03No, stay.
13:04Alex, she's as cold as ice.
13:06She's going to catch pneumonia out there.
13:08Look, I think we should let her stay here and keep warm.
13:10We can't do that.
13:11Well, why not?
13:12Well, you wouldn't be insured.
13:13There has to be a member of staff present when there are people here.
13:16Alex, you'll just put somebody who's obviously in need back on the street.
13:19Well, I have no choice.
13:20Of course you have a choice.
13:22Let her stay.
13:23I just said...
13:24Look, we're meant to help these people.
13:26We are.
13:27By turning them away.
13:28Well, I can't do it.
13:30You might be able to.
13:31You're being unrealistic, Sarah.
13:33I don't think so.
13:34I just want to stay true to my beliefs.
13:35There's nothing you can do.
13:37Oh, no?
13:40Laura, you up to a short walk?
13:43I do.
13:44Somewhere you can keep warm.
13:46What are you doing?
13:47Taking a hike.
13:48You mustn't get involved.
13:50No, you mustn't.
13:51I'll decide for myself what I want to do.
13:53Listen, this'll end up being a problem.
13:55Well, it's a risk I'm willing to take.
13:57Come on.
14:01I was just trying to do the best for us.
14:03You call this doing your best?
14:05Well, I'm working, aren't I?
14:06You're a pot man.
14:07That's hardly work collecting glasses.
14:08Well, it's more than you do.
14:09At least I don't hang around all day like some big slob drinking whiskey.
14:12I'm a slob, am I?
14:14Where are you going?
14:15I don't think I want to stay around here to be insulted.
14:17Fine, you needn't bother coming back again.
14:19Don't worry, I have no intention to.
14:20And if the DSS come again, I'll say it was your fault.
14:22Say what you want, cos I won't be around to hear it.
14:24Fine, that suits me fine.
14:29Mum, this is Laura.
14:30She's going to stay for the afternoon.
14:33To get warm.
14:34OK, sit down, I'll put the kettle on.
14:36Do you mind if I smoke?
14:38Are you...
14:39Are you not?
14:41Sarah met me at that place she works at.
14:43For dossers and losers, I'm a bit of both.
14:46What do you think you're doing?
14:48Do you know what that woman is?
14:50You don't bring people like her home for tea.
14:54She's invited me round tonight.
14:56Did she say why?
14:59Are you going to go?
15:00Yeah, well, it's her chance to see Ben, isn't it?
15:02It's probably what she wants to talk about, you know, when you can see him.
15:05Yeah, maybe.
15:06You don't think so?
15:09You think it might be something else?
15:12There's a few things I need to sort out, though.
15:14Like what?
15:15No, just things, you know, things I need to get straight
15:17so they both know where we stand.
15:19Are you ready?
15:21What are you off to?
15:22I don't see him, I...
15:29Did you take her home?
15:31What did your mum say?
15:32Yeah, she was great about it.
15:40That was my fiancé's.
15:42I just had a mouthful.
15:43Helped me warm up.
15:45Do you want me to give you something for it?
15:47No, I'd just prefer it next time, if you ask, instead of just helping yourself.
15:51My daughter's got an heart of gold.
15:53Just give her her last penny away.
15:54I'm not the same.
15:56I'd prefer you out of here as soon as possible.
15:59I'm on my way.
16:00Oh, you'd better wait till Sarah comes back.
16:02I don't mind going.
16:03No, she'll only say I drove you out.
16:05Which is true.
16:06Just wait till Sarah comes back.
16:08Sit there.
16:09Don't touch anything.
16:11I've had a terrible day.
16:13And I don't want it to be made any worse.
16:19This project will give those who are wanting to make a fresh start
16:23the opportunity to do just that.
16:25Oh, yeah.
16:26We all deserve another...
16:27We all deserve another chance in life.
16:29I'm praying that this home will be a place of contentment
16:32and happiness for the people that stay here.
16:36I saw Phil earlier.
16:38You never said.
16:39No, he came in when you were there.
16:41I've asked him to come round tonight.
16:42Told him why?
16:44Probably means he doesn't think he can make it.
16:46I have a word in his ear, Kath.
16:47Remind him he's in no position to play hard to get.
16:50Thanks for turning up.
16:52Oh, that's all right.
16:54Look, I'm sorry.
16:55I'd better get back now.
16:57Excuse me, Vicar.
16:58I've got to go.
16:59I've got to go.
17:00I've got to go.
17:01I've got to go.
17:02I've got to go.
17:03I've got to go.
17:04Excuse me, Vicar.
17:05Would you like to tell me your feelings about the crowded reaction?
17:11On the top or lower?
17:12Well, not too late if you want to see Ben.
17:14Well, it's eight too late.
17:15No, I'll have just put him down, but he should still be awake.
17:21Be careful, Kath.
17:30Don't keep it to yourself.
17:33Is there something wrong with the restaurant?
17:36Not yet.
17:37What does that mean?
17:38You know how I feel about us moving in.
17:40Well, we all knew it was going to be a gamble.
17:42A gamble?
17:43What are the odds of nowhere near even?
17:44We don't know that.
17:45We had a business.
17:46So what's to stop us from having that here?
17:48It doesn't feel right.
17:49It's not home.
17:50Gianni, we all knew it was going to be a gamble.
17:53It's up to us to make it pay off.
17:55Is it?
17:56Well, we haven't got a chance of it paying off if you've got that attitude.
18:04Look, I'll go, all right?
18:06I don't want to upset you.
18:08It's not you.
18:09That bloke that left.
18:11He's your fiancé.
18:13Hey, look.
18:14It happens to us all.
18:16Yeah, but I didn't ask for it.
18:18And I did.
18:19I'm not meaning you.
18:20I don't know anything about you.
18:22Believe me, ending up like this wasn't part of the master plan.
18:26You've been married.
18:28So was I.
18:29We both drank.
18:32Like most people, or so I thought.
18:34But not really.
18:36We drank to try and get over the fact we shouldn't be together.
18:39We were wrong for each other.
18:41By the time I realised that, it was too late.
18:44So I carried on drinking.
18:45Stupid, eh?
18:47We've all made mistakes.
18:50This your fiancé's, you say?
18:54You know what's wrong with this stuff, don't you?
18:56Solves all your problems in two glasses.
19:01Keep it calm.
19:03She's 86, you know.
19:05And she doesn't get out much.
19:07So I thought we'd take her for a drink.
19:09A quiet one.
19:10So if you would please just reserve us the table in the corner.
19:13Yes, of course.
19:15Please, Tiffany, one night.
19:17I can't.
19:18I've got nowhere to stay.
19:19Well, then you shouldn't have walked out on her, then, should you?
19:21You don't think I wanted to, do you?
19:22I love that woman.
19:23I love that house.
19:24Well, go back and make it up with her, then.
19:25I can't.
19:26Why not?
19:27You didn't hear what she said.
19:28Please, Tiffany, just for tonight.
19:30It's not our restaurant.
19:32Whatever we do, whatever we say, they're the boss.
19:35We could work ourselves into an early grave and still have nothing to show for it.
19:38George will see we're all right.
19:39Oh, yeah?
19:40Well, look at the house. It's better than what we have.
19:41But it's not ours.
19:42Whatever we do, we're going to be indebted to them.
19:44Oh, drop it now, Jeremy.
19:46Yeah, we don't want to upset anyone, do we?
19:48You've just missed George.
19:49He'll be back soon.
19:50How was the restaurant this morning?
19:52Good. Very good.
19:53I saw Beppy earlier.
19:55He'd be embarrassed about being a copper, is he?
19:57Well, mind you, I don't blame him.
19:59I wouldn't shout my mouth off if I was him, and especially not in here.
20:02It's not good for business.
20:11What are you doing home?
20:12Oh, I brought you some veg with tonight's tea.
20:14Where's Jessie? She didn't come and help me on the stool.
20:16Oh, she's, um...
20:18Look, she just called by.
20:23What did you let her in for?
20:24I don't think...
20:25Well, get rid of her.
20:28Mum, it's all right.
20:30It's all right. Look, don't cry.
20:32Please don't cry. It'll be all right.
20:34What's happened?
20:35I don't know. I just came home and found them.
20:37I guess I'd say someone's had too much to drink.
20:40And who is that?
20:42Look, this is Laura. I'm trying to help her,
20:44but I didn't know she'd drink. I don't know what to do.
20:46Oh, come on, Mum. We'll get you to bed.
20:48Come on. Up you come. Come on.
20:50What am I going to do about Laura?
20:52Is the refuge still open?
20:53No, not tonight.
20:54Let her sleep it off. That's all you can do.
20:56Come on. Come on, Mum.
20:57How much?
20:58All right?
21:03Thought you might like a glass.
21:04Thanks, I'd love one.
21:05I've just put Ben up. You want to go and see him?
21:12What I'd have got dressed up if I'd have known.
21:15You look great.
21:17So do you.
21:19I just don't think he had anything to do with Colin.
21:21He's your brother.
21:22Yeah, well, the problem was between you and me.
21:25I don't think it was right for him to interfere.
21:28I was seeing another man.
21:30I think if I'd have been in his shoes, I'd have interfered.
21:32Yeah, well, I think you should have said something to me first.
21:35I found out what was happening and he didn't stop to think.
21:38He made a right mess of Kevin.
21:40How did Colin find out about him?
21:42Someone saw us together.
21:43Colin came round, asked me what I was playing at,
21:46so I told him.
21:47You told him?
21:48It was what I was looking for.
21:49The whole thing had come to a head. I hardly saw you, Michael.
21:52You were away more often than you were at home.
21:54Matthew didn't know you.
21:55I'm sorry.
21:57Believe it or not, so am I.
22:00I really wish things could have been different.
22:03But I needed somebody there and you weren't.
22:05I was trying to earn a living.
22:07I know.
22:09You just didn't think it was worth it.
22:11It was hard for me as well, you know.
22:13Out there every day on the stall, travelling backwards and forwards.
22:16I can't remember how many days, three or four.
22:20Then home for a night.
22:21Get some more stock and off you go again.
22:23If I could turn the clock back, I'd change everything.
22:27So would I.
22:30We had some good times.
22:32They were alright, I suppose.
22:38You all right?
22:39I went for a drink.
22:41Listen, Mark.
22:43We can't stop her seeing her own daughter, you know that?
22:45From now on, that woman doesn't come in this house
22:47unless it's been cleared by the social worker.
22:49And that's final.
22:50We're looking after Jessie.
22:51She blew it.
22:52And she's going to have to live with that.
22:54If she does have to come and see her,
22:56then we make it as difficult as possible for her.
23:05I think it's time we cleared the airfield.
23:07Time we both knew where we stood.
23:09All right?
23:13Look, there's something I've been wanting to say to you.
23:17Are you starting?
23:20One second.
23:31I let this woman come in to keep warm and now she's drunk.
23:35No, I can't move her.
23:36I don't know what to do.
23:39The Housing Association have just started work on the house.
23:42How long before it's ready?
23:43Oh, I'm not sure.
23:44I wasn't going to ask until I heard what you had to say.
23:47I don't need your charity.
23:48This isn't charity.
23:50Then what is it?
23:52It's a friend trying to help out.
23:54A friend?
23:58I can get help if I want it.
24:00Look at me.
24:01I don't need help now, do I?
24:02I didn't say that you did.
24:04So what are you saying?
24:05That it would be better for you, for Matthew,
24:07if you moved in with me.
24:09You can't expect him to shoulder all that responsibility.
24:12And what's in it for you?
24:15Why are you doing it?
24:16I had an affair.
24:17You ruined our marriage.
24:18Why would you want to help me at all?
24:20It wasn't just you.
24:21I got it all wrong.
24:23It was me who really found out.
24:25You were just trying to earn a living.
24:27Do you know what hurt me most of all?
24:30That when it came down to it,
24:33you went off with him, not me.
24:37I'd have had you back.
24:38I wanted you back.
24:40We all make mistakes, don't we?
24:42Yeah, but it won't be a mistake moving in with me.
24:47You still haven't told me why.
24:49Probably because I still like you.
24:52I still like talking to you.
24:54Perhaps I just don't want to live on my own anymore.
24:56Perhaps I don't want to lose Matthew again.
24:58Perhaps I think we should put this all behind us once and for all.
25:02Perhaps I still like your cooking.
25:03I don't know, millions of reasons.
25:05What about the practical problems?
25:07Is the rent, upkeep, electricity, gas, water rates?
25:09Is all that business to sort out?
25:11We can do all that.
25:13I just need to know if you're prepared to do it.
25:18If you can get the house, then...
25:21I'm willing to give it a go.
25:24What's she taking her own for?
25:25You know what Sarah's like.
25:27Anyway, I told her there was nothing I could do.
25:29If she ever calls the police, I'll let her sleep it off.
25:33You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?
25:37Look, what I want...
25:38Shall I say what I was going to say first?
25:41I'll go if you want.
25:42All right.
25:46It's not that bad, is it?
25:49Were you drinking a lot tonight?
25:53I, er...
25:55I had a relationship with Alex Healy.
25:58And I thought it was important that I tell you about it.
26:00Lay all our cards on the table.
26:03That's it.
26:05Nothing amazing, it just happened a couple of times.
26:08That's it.
26:11I don't know why.
26:14He was sympathetic.
26:16He listened.
26:17I was lonely.
26:23I said fine.
26:25We're separated, aren't we?
26:27It's up to you, you see.
26:28Are you going?
26:29Yeah, I'd better.
26:31Well, what was it you were going to say to me?
26:33I, er...
26:34Just wanted to make sure everything was, er...
26:36going all right and that, er...
26:38there'd still be no problem seeing Ben after the divorce had gone through.
26:41Right, well...
26:42No, there'll be no problem.
26:45Right, well, I'll see you around and, er...
26:47thanks for something.