Nineties Eastenders (3rd February 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (3rd February 1998)
00:30Hey, do you think she got anything from her mum?
00:37I don't know. Right, Jesse, will we add that to the pile?
00:40Okay. Close your eyes.
00:43Let's go.
00:44And keep your eyes closed.
00:46They are closed.
00:47Come on then.
00:53Right, you can open your eyes now.
00:56Happy birthday to you.
00:59Happy birthday to you.
01:02I don't know if this is a good idea.
01:05Well, maybe we should just let sleeping dogs lie.
01:07And let Ian Beale trample all over you.
01:10Alex, if you done it back, and quick, and publicly,
01:14then the people around here are going to think it's right what he wrote about you.
01:16Maybe you're underestimating the people around here.
01:18One thing I've learned in life, son, you've got to shout as loud as the next man,
01:22because if you don't, then it's only his voice that people hear.
01:24Ian Beale shouldn't have written that letter, but...
01:27Yeah, well, anyway.
01:29Morning, Kev.
01:30Morning, Jeff.
01:32See my son's still flavouring them up with your old man.
01:35Dad always had a sense he'd let things get to him.
01:37Well, tell him from me that it's all blown over.
01:39I haven't heard anyone mention Ian's letter all weekend.
01:41Just give it a day or so and it'll be yesterday's news.
01:44I'll catch you later, Kev, okay?
01:46Yeah, bye.
01:49Oh, look at this.
01:51Oh, that's lovely, Jesse.
01:53There's nothing, by the way, I just checked.
01:56Oh, did it wake you up?
01:58Never could sleep with a party going on.
02:00Party's not till four.
02:01It'll help us.
02:02There you go.
02:03Happy birthday.
02:04Oh, there was no need, Connor.
02:06No, I can see that.
02:08I spent ages yesterday wrecking my brain wondering where to get her.
02:11I think I used up all my inspiration at Christmas.
02:14And what's the bed that she throws away the present that plays with the box, anyway?
02:18First Christmas I remember.
02:20I got this beautiful doll's house.
02:23Oh, that is lovely, Jesse.
02:25Thanks, Connor, it's magic.
02:26You're very welcome.
02:28The same Christmas, just as a stocking filler,
02:31my dad gave me this ring out of a cereal box.
02:35It was a cheap thing, but when you pressed it, it could light up.
02:39I spent the whole afternoon making it light up.
02:41I never looked at the doll's house once.
02:44My dad was furious.
02:46Why didn't we just go out and buy her six packets of Corn Flakes?
02:50Poor Dad.
02:55So where were you last night?
02:58The community centre.
02:59The rehearsals.
03:00What do I need to rehearse for?
03:01I'm not going to be in the play, there's no point.
03:03All your friends is going to be in it, Martin.
03:05You won't be needing me then, will you?
03:07Oh, no, man, it's an island.
03:08What's that supposed to mean?
03:10Well, it means we shouldn't get moody, spend all our time on our own, I think.
03:13We really do need everyone, Martin.
03:15And that includes you.
03:17It's a community play.
03:18And you are one of the community.
03:20And I'm relying on every local person to play their part.
03:23Yeah, well, not this one.
03:25That boy needs a serious talking to.
03:28I'll deal with it, don't you worry.
03:30Yes, what we should do is set him down...
03:32I said, I'll deal with it, Dot.
03:37All sounded a bit of a shambles to me.
03:39I wasn't the only one who didn't make it, hardly anybody turned up.
03:42And then that Julie tried to get them to play a getting-to-know-you game,
03:45and none of them would.
03:46What getting-to-know-you game?
03:48Search me.
03:49A cup of tea to take out, please, Kathy.
03:51Cold out there, isn't it?
03:53Yeah, Ben doesn't need any warm gear, does he?
03:55Not a cold weather start of the bike.
03:56Only, I was thinking about it last night when I was tucking him in.
03:59We've only got to say, you know.
04:01Actually, we've got some lovely stuff down at that new baby shop on the high street.
04:04We could take a look at the weekend, if you like.
04:05I'm not very good when it comes to things like that.
04:07Why don't you pick her up, sonny, and just let me know how much you need, yeah?
04:10All right.
04:13Oh, Phil popped over last night, did he?
04:15Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing.
04:17When he came round to me, Ben Astori.
04:19That all he came over for?
04:20No, he stayed for something to eat.
04:21Very civilised.
04:23And it did give you a chance to check that he'd got the divorce papers.
04:26And nothing.
04:27Said he'd got them, signed them, sent them back.
04:29Just like that?
04:30Just like that.
04:31No fuss?
04:33Well, that's good, isn't it?
04:38Ever wondered if you'd bump into her?
04:40Ever wondered if you'd bump into her?
04:43Mary's mum.
04:44I mean, she did come to London when you two split up, didn't she?
04:4717 years ago, yeah.
04:49She could be in Timbuktu by now.
04:51What's brought this on?
04:52Do you think it must be weird having something like that hanging over you all these years?
04:55It's not exactly been hanging over me.
04:57Never got divorced, though, did you?
05:00No, that's right.
05:01Just never got round to it.
05:03Tried a new banana or something like that.
05:07You want to be careful.
05:08Hang around on street corners.
05:09Don't do much for your new squeaky-clean image.
05:11Not funny.
05:12You free for lunch? I've got quite a day today.
05:14I'm meeting someone.
05:15Rosa and Gianni.
05:17What are those two doing so far away from home?
05:19I just want to have a chat with them, pick their brains about this place.
05:21And they've got a lifetime's experience in the trade, you know.
05:23Ian's got a fair bit himself.
05:25Top-notch chef will give us all the expertise we need.
05:27Can never get too much good advice.
05:29Are you sure that's all you want from them?
05:31How do you mean?
05:33I've got the feeling there's something you're not telling me.
05:35About the restaurant.
05:36I don't know what you're talking about.
05:37The DiMarcos are strange people to get advice from, for starters.
05:40Their place isn't exactly doing well right now, is it?
05:42The restaurant trade is not just about banging out grub these days.
05:45Now, you try picking up a pay without coming across some food column
05:48or a review for some local eatery.
05:50It's showbiz.
05:51The DiMarcos have worked so for years.
05:53They're bound to have a few useful stunts up their sleeves
05:55and that's why I think their input will be valuable.
06:00Was something wrong?
06:01You just give me an idea, that's all.
06:06What's up?
06:07About what?
06:08Are you going to tell me what's going on in that mind of yours?
06:10I don't know where you are this morning, love, but planet Earth it ain't.
06:13Did you phone?
06:14It came from the welfare officer.
06:16Oh, yeah, yesterday afternoon.
06:17I'm sorry, love, I meant to come and tell you.
06:20Cheers, love.
06:23So what did she say?
06:24She explained she was looking after a custody case
06:26and that she wanted to meet me for a chat.
06:27Nothing formal, she said.
06:28Right, so when are you meeting her?
06:29Next week.
06:30And she didn't ask you anything on the phone?
06:31She said we could do that when we met.
06:33What's she like?
06:34She's okay.
06:35A bit scatty, but don't let that fool you.
06:36She's really together when it matters.
06:38She asked me if I had a girlfriend.
06:39I said, you know, I should have said yes.
06:41I don't want her thinking I'm not normal or anything.
06:43Well, I'll put her straight if she asks, don't worry.
06:45And don't go on about how much I work, right, if she asks,
06:47because I don't want her thinking I'm overstretched.
06:48Anything else?
06:49Yeah, and don't make me out to be a saint either.
06:50Like I said, she's no fool.
06:51You're a saint?
06:52As if I would.
06:55All right.
06:56How does a breakfast do we?
06:58Bacon, nicely crisp.
06:59How about the ambience?
07:01Good atmosphere?
07:03I've had a little brain wave
07:04about getting your name before the voters.
07:08Come on, then, help with it.
07:10Mind showing up to be brain of Britain to work it out.
07:12It's to do with Phil and his divorce, isn't it?
07:15So, what's the problem?
07:16You've got exactly what you wanted.
07:18Or is it not what you want all of a sudden?
07:20It's not as simple as that.
07:22But, yeah, of course, part of me does wonder,
07:24especially after last night,
07:26whether we could just turn the clock back,
07:27whether that's how it could be all the time,
07:29if we just gave it a chance.
07:30Well, have you told Phil this?
07:31After all that's happened between the two of us,
07:33how could I?
07:34Besides, most of the time these days
07:35it just puts the shutters up,
07:36treats me like a stranger.
07:37That's probably some sort of defence mechanism.
07:39We're husband and wife, Pat.
07:40We've got a child.
07:42All right.
07:43Maybe we won't be husband and wife for much longer,
07:44but we've still got that child.
07:46We've got to have some sort of relationship,
07:47if only for Ben's sake.
07:49Just for Ben's sake?
07:51Oh, I don't know.
07:52I'll tell you the truth,
07:53I don't know what I'm saying.
07:54I really don't.
07:55Well, you'd better work it out, Kat,
07:57and sharpish, love.
07:58Because that solicitor of yours
07:59will be getting them divorce papers
08:00back from Phil this morning.
08:02Kat, why not go over there tonight
08:03and have a talking out with him?
08:05I've got Ben.
08:06Well, so?
08:07I'll have him.
08:08You can stay the night if needs be.
08:10What have you got to lose, love?
08:12If it don't work out,
08:14you'll be back in the same position, won't you?
08:16You do nothing,
08:17you might end up with the rest of your life regretting it.
08:23Sorry, George.
08:24You're not that late.
08:25Traffic cone convention on the high street.
08:28And Gianni insisted on looking in
08:30on a couple of possible new suppliers
08:32while we were in the area.
08:33Yes, all right, Mama.
08:34I said you could wait.
08:36You never listen.
08:37Hey, you're both here now.
08:38That's the main thing.
08:40So why, George?
08:41Why the summons?
08:43What, you dragged us halfway across London
08:45to look at our printers in a DIY shop?
08:47Not exactly, no.
08:48Well, I don't know anything about printing.
08:50And the last time I tried to put up a mirror,
08:52it fell down after five minutes.
08:53I'm having the two properties knocked through
08:55to make a restaurant.
08:56Well, if it's my advice you want,
08:57I'd say save your money, mate.
08:59Parking's going to be a problem.
09:00Deliveries will probably be a nightmare.
09:02I've already cleared parking and deliveries.
09:04We're planning.
09:05And it's going to be a restaurant, not a disco.
09:07Anyway, it's not your advice.
09:08Well, what is it, then?
09:09Well, I'd like you, well, the family,
09:11to run this restaurant for me.
09:17Everything going OK?
09:18Oh, I feel like I'm feeding the 5,000.
09:21You happy?
09:22Wouldn't have missed it for the world.
09:24It's just you sounded a bit sad earlier on.
09:26How do you mean?
09:27Well, when you were going on about your dad
09:29and Christmas and that.
09:31Well, I'm not feeling sad.
09:33But I was wondering if, well,
09:35whether all of this was upsetting you or not.
09:37How can giving a seven-year-old the time of your life
09:39be upsetting me?
09:40I was just talking about kids and presents.
09:43Yeah, I know that.
09:44I wasn't even thinking about my dad at all.
09:47You can talk about him if you want to.
09:49Look, I don't want to talk about him.
09:51I don't even want to think about him, OK?
09:54No wonder he dropped it off himself.
09:56This is hot enough to have burnt the postman's sack.
09:59He's sailing pretty close to the wind, libel-wise.
10:01There's no names mentioned.
10:03That's pretty obvious he's talking about E&B.
10:05And what's Ian going to do? Sue a vicar?
10:07This is just what we need right now.
10:09Whip up a local storm.
10:11Couldn't have come at a better time.
10:12What, is there a problem?
10:13Oh, there's a rumour doing the rounds
10:15about some free shoots starting up.
10:16I've heard that one before.
10:17In fact, someone tried it once, didn't they?
10:19Didn't last long.
10:20Well, there you go, then.
10:21Long enough to hit our advertising revenue, though.
10:27Talk of the devil.
10:28If he's heard about this letter,
10:30if he's come to try and spy...
10:31Then he's had a wasted journey.
10:33You get off and earn your keep, I'll deal with this.
10:36I'm working on space for about 50 covers.
10:38Even more in the summer with tables out here.
10:40The thing is, we've already got a restaurant.
10:42Now? Yes, Gianni, this time next year, maybe not.
10:45And maybe we will.
10:46The business is dying on its feet.
10:48Mum, I...
10:49I'm not stupid.
10:50I know why you went to see those two new suppliers this morning.
10:53It's cos the old one won't give us any more credit. Yes?
10:55It's just an idea at this stage, that's all.
10:57And whose idea was this, exactly?
10:59This place could be a little gold mine.
11:01It's completely impractical.
11:02We'd have to spend half our lives travelling from the West End.
11:05It's taken us nearly an hour to travel through the traffic today.
11:07George has thought of that, too.
11:09I've got another property.
11:10That house over there.
11:11You could rent it from me and live on the doorstep.
11:13There's even a basement flat for Beppy and little Joe.
11:16Is there anything you haven't thought of, George?
11:18Or discussed?
11:19Discussed? Come on.
11:20Let's go and have a drink.
11:22I've been working like a dog to keep that restaurant going.
11:25Papa's restaurant.
11:26And all this time...
11:27Let's talk this through properly, yeah?
11:31You not staying for the party?
11:33No. I've got a rush to jump on down the Arches today.
11:35You're a coward.
11:37Erm, listen, Connor, about last night...
11:40Thanks, OK?
11:42What did I do?
11:44You listened.
11:45You didn't treat me with kid gloves either
11:47and you didn't talk to me like I was some emotional cripple.
11:50Which is what Mark's doing right now, yeah?
11:52Well, he means well, I know,
11:54but he's so busy asking me if I'm OK every five minutes.
11:58Thanks again.
12:00There's no lemonade,
12:02so I've got orange and cherry instead. Is that OK?
12:05Everything all right?
12:07It's fine, Mark.
12:10She's on the emergency rehousing list,
12:12but who knows when anything will happen.
12:14So, in the meantime, she's two floors up?
12:16On a bad day, it might as well be 20.
12:18Would you like me to visit? No, I don't think so.
12:20There'd be no trouble.
12:21I could even try and get her on the day centre a couple of times a week.
12:23To tell you the truth, Alex, she'd bite your head off
12:25if you even so much as suggested it.
12:27All she's trying to do is to forget that she's even ill.
12:30Yeah, that's the fourth time today.
12:32Sanjay's shooting off.
12:34What's going on?
12:35Look at him. Who?
12:37Oh, him.
12:38While he talks to people,
12:39you'd think butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, wouldn't you?
12:41Yeah, a Grade A pain on the backside
12:43meddling in things that don't concern him.
12:45He'll do a lot of things he shouldn't if you ask me.
12:47What's that supposed to mean?
12:48Never you mind.
12:49What you don't know won't hurt her.
12:52Let's see his face when he reads my letter in the paper tomorrow.
12:55That'll wipe his smile off.
12:59Have you got a minute?
13:01Cos I've had a couple more thoughts about the play.
13:08Oh, what's this, then?
13:09Off a little holiday?
13:10More like a nightmare.
13:11If I'm not back within 24 hours,
13:13I'll tell the police to start dredging the rivers.
13:15No, I've got a counsellor war with Jane.
13:17Sort out the divorce.
13:19So you're going up to York, then?
13:21Just for the one night.
13:22And that'll be more than enough.
13:24If something tells me it's gonna get awfully messy.
13:28Look, try not to lose your head, all right?
13:30Oh, it's a bit difficult with your mother.
13:32Tell her I'll call her at the weekend and what I'm thinking about.
13:34I'll be thinking of you both.
13:36Yeah, yeah.
13:37All right, son. I'll see you.
13:38See you.
13:40Don't look too happy, does he?
13:42He's been telling me about it.
13:43I suppose he'd feel better once it's all finally sorted.
13:45They're both real.
13:46I never thought I'd hear a vicar say, roll on divorce.
13:48It's hardly an impulse thing.
13:49For 30 years they've stuck it out, not for the sake of the kids.
13:52What a mess, eh?
13:53Oh, come on, Alex.
13:54These things are always more complicated than that.
13:56Yeah, I suppose so.
13:58This is really getting to you, isn't it?
14:00I've been over it by now,
14:01wouldn't you worry about my parents?
14:03Well, if you want to talk any time, I am here, you know.
14:06It'll be nice to see you this evening.
14:08I'll be sitting up there all night
14:09thinking of them two locking horns hundreds of miles away.
14:12Have you got other plans?
14:14Maybe tomorrow, yeah?
14:15Yeah, sure.
14:25Right, Kath.
14:26That's all sorted.
14:27What is?
14:28Well, he's making up the bed now.
14:30Tell you the truth, this could be a godsend.
14:32Having Ben might take his mind off that car lot.
14:34It doesn't have to be tonight. It's not that urgent.
14:36Phil got something else on, has he?
14:38I don't know. I shouldn't think so.
14:39Have you?
14:40No. No, I suppose not.
14:42Well, why not give him a bell, then?
14:47Oh, this is a nice surprise.
14:49So what are you doing down this way, business or pleasure?
14:51A little bit of both, actually.
14:53We have got business to discuss,
14:54but before that, George said he'd treat us to lunch.
14:57Oh, sounds intriguing.
14:58Well, just hang on a minute and I'll get the menus
15:00and you can tell me what it's all about.
15:02I don't have to do this, you know, Gianni.
15:04You might listen to what I've got to say,
15:06with just a little bit more grace.
15:07Come off it. No-one does nothing for nothing.
15:09It's a straightforward business deal.
15:11As me and your family have got a lot of history,
15:13I'm offering it to you first.
15:14A business and a house.
15:16Makes sense.
15:17I get reliable tenants at the same time.
15:19You'll get into a lot of trouble, though, won't you?
15:21Just for old time's sake.
15:22So what are you saying? Stuff your offer? Forget it?
15:25You seem to have sold the idea to Mumma behind our backs.
15:28Now, hang on, Gianni.
15:29I don't want to get into any trouble.
15:31Come on, Gianni.
15:32I had to give her an idea why I wanted to see you.
15:34Even though it should really be down to me and my brother
15:36to look after the family now that Papa's...
15:38Everyone needs a helping hand now and again.
15:41You're insulting me.
15:43We don't need your charity.
15:44I certainly don't mean to.
15:46Of course you can manage on your own, I know that.
15:48But if you run this place, maybe you can manage even better.
15:52You will at least consider it.
15:55We'll discuss it, yes, as a family.
15:58But no promises, OK?
16:01Sounds like he couldn't have come at a better time.
16:03I don't know how much longer we can keep going up on Sower.
16:06Well, that's George for you.
16:08The knight in shining armour.
16:11He's a good friend to us.
16:13Always has been.
16:17Well, what?
16:18Been on tenterhooks since I left.
16:20Was it pressure?
16:21Or was slimeball Ian Beale trying to persuade you
16:23not to run the vicar's letter?
16:25No. Actually, he'd come with an idea.
16:27Oh, don't tell me.
16:28From now to the election,
16:29he wants a full-colour picture of himself in the papers, centre pages.
16:32Nope. He wants to write a regular restaurant column.
16:36He wants to do what?
16:38A weekly feature, local places to eat.
16:40As he said himself, he's in the catering business,
16:42so we're better to pen the little column.
16:44He runs a couple of grotty fish and chip shops
16:46and a glorified meals on wheels survey.
16:49I hope you told him where to go.
16:51The papers run restaurant reviews, why not the Gazette?
16:54This has nothing to do with trying to get Walford Wine Bars
16:57into the Good Food Guide, and you know it.
16:59This is politics.
17:00I made it clear he couldn't mention politics.
17:02Besides, we vet the copy, make sure he didn't.
17:04He wouldn't need to.
17:06Week in, week out, he gets in loads of plugs for local businesses
17:09and he gets his name in the paper at the same time.
17:11It's a legitimate proposal and I've got to take it seriously.
17:14You know who's behind this, don't you?
17:16It's the Palmers. This has got their stamp all over it.
17:19A lot of local restaurants place adverts with us.
17:23Ian Beale is not the only one who needs goodwill right now,
17:26so, like I said, I'll think about it.
17:38Here. How many more are you invited?
17:40Well, I was worried she'd be long.
17:42You'll be right after school, then.
17:51Excuse me, are you, um... are you Mark Fowler?
17:55Oh, well, not exactly what I was expecting.
17:57Mind you, neither is this.
17:58I thought it would be much more poncy, at least two cars on the drive.
18:01You won't even got a drive.
18:03I'm sorry, but who are you?
18:05Right, I'm going to light the candles and you've got to blow them out, OK?
18:08But at the same time, you've got to make a wish.
18:11Something that you really, really want.
18:14Not yet, Jessie.
18:25So, that's the big attraction, is it?
18:28What? I wonder where you've been sloping off to all day.
18:31So? I didn't leave the stall unattended, did I?
18:33Calm down, I'm not having a go.
18:35I just didn't realise you were back on this game, that's all.
18:37Well, it's just a bit of fun. Yeah, it looks like a riot.
18:40Oh, don't start. You'll be telling me it's throwing away money next.
18:42Look, I've done my fair share of this myself, remember?
18:44But I've certainly never seen a poor bookie.
18:46Just what Gita used to say.
18:48Still no news, I might take it?
18:50No, nothing.
18:51I don't know how you're getting through this, mate, I really don't.
18:54This thing with Susan is bad enough, but at least I know where she is.
18:57Well, it's not about her loss.
18:59But I tell you what, in there, watching that last race, I forgot all about it.
19:02Money well spent, I'd call that.
19:04Wouldn't you?
19:08Well, I just came round on the off chance, really, with it being her birthday.
19:11I never realised you'd be putting on a party.
19:14Funny, walking in on your own daughter's birthday party.
19:18Feels like it should have been me sorting it out.
19:21Does she, um, does she talk about me much?
19:24Says she's going to do your picture to send to you, that kind of thing.
19:27And I suppose you read my letters, do you?
19:30Well, we don't pry.
19:32No, of course not.
19:34Um, she's making really good progress with her reading.
19:40So, er, when did you, um...
19:43Get out?
19:44A couple of days ago.
19:46You live in Clowsborough?
19:47Bus ride away, other side of Walford.
19:49Got myself this bed set.
19:50Only temporary, till I get myself a job, find somewhere better.
19:54Really, look at all these presents.
19:58But Mum's here, ain't she, Jess?
19:59That's a present, innit?
20:03I'm going to get the matches, I think.
20:06Come on.
20:20Bit of a chock-a-roll, this, isn't it?
20:22Not for Jesse.
20:23Well, no.
20:24Well, it's Mother Day.
20:25Yeah, but...
20:26And that's what's important, isn't it, Mark?
20:32Another one?
20:33These prices.
20:34I'm going back to the Vic.
20:35Well, er, you won't get this sort of company over there.
20:38There's two good reasons to go back, then.
20:41I'll see you over in LA, yeah?
20:42You got some hot date?
20:44Cathy wants a word.
20:46Well, I can't think what.
20:48I've signed the divorce papers, I've agreed to everything she's asked for.
20:51Don't see what we've got left to say to each other.
20:56How'd the fudge roasts all go?
20:57Oh, um, we may just need one or two more.
21:00Not too well, then.
21:01Let's just say it's early days.
21:03But when we do get to the night, tell that pepper of yours to be kind to us.
21:06I think we're going to need other good reviews we can get.
21:08Don't you think that should be too much of a problem?
21:11My editor will do anything for anyone.
21:13You can give him a nice little helping hand up on the council.
21:19How is she?
21:20She went out that late.
21:21It's no surprise, isn't it?
21:23It's been quite a day for all of us.
21:25She was really serious, wasn't she?
21:28She wants to live with her daughter, Mark. You can understand it.
21:31She'll have a hard time fighting the care holder with her track record.
21:34Well, if they see her like we did today with Jessie,
21:37they might just change their minds.
21:39But then we lose her.
21:40But we always knew it wasn't going to be forever.
21:43And we agreed.
21:45We mustn't allow ourselves to become too emotionally involved.
21:50Quick drink, then we'll go over to the market cellar, yeah?
21:52Yeah, what exactly happens in this place?
21:53Well, it usually happens in a club.
21:54They have a drink, get chatting to people.
21:56Sounds exciting.
21:57Make contacts, forge alliances.
22:00You make it sound like the United Nations now.
22:02Lots of important people are members.
22:04And with you maybe joining another local club in the not-too-distant.
22:08I've always found it useful as a counsellor,
22:10keeping in with the people who matter.
22:12Yeah, I suppose so.
22:19You all right?
22:20Oh, yeah.
22:21Well, don't look it.
22:23I'm all right, really.
22:25Has someone done something? Do you need some help?
22:31Time machine would be handy if you got one, though.
22:35Jump in it.
22:37Go back a few years, change a few things.
22:40Yeah, we'd all like one of them.
22:45Trouble is, you can't, though, can you?
22:47Past is past, and that's that.
22:50Half an hour, I suppose.
23:05Seems nice enough.
23:06Apart from the bar staff.
23:08Oh, just what we need.
23:10What's he doing here?
23:11Dunno, but he looks like he's checking the police out.
23:13That's terrific. Face it, he's gonna be a member.
23:17Hello, Annie.
23:18What a surprise.
23:19Yeah, Brian's invited me along quite a few times now.
23:21Thought I'd come and see how the other half live.
23:23It's quite a night, too, eh, Annie?
23:24We do number quite a few local businessmen among our members.
23:27What'd I tell you, Ian? This is the place to be.
23:29That gentleman over there, for instance,
23:31is the director of the publishing company that owns the Gazette.
23:34That could be handy.
23:35So you approve?
23:36Yeah, seems OK so far.
23:38Still need a bit of convincing, though, yes?
23:40How do you mean?
23:41If you'll excuse us, Mr Mead,
23:43a little bit of business I need to discuss with Ian.
23:45Just bring him back in one piece.
23:48This way.
23:54I'm not stopping her. I just want a quick word, that's all.
23:56Well, I don't care how quick it is,
23:57we're both kind of free to be staying out here.
23:59Yeah, right.
24:06I wasn't very sympathetic earlier on, was I?
24:09Jeff and all that. I'm sorry.
24:11It's not your problem.
24:12Well, you've listened to enough of mine over the last few months.
24:15It's funny, you know, I spent all my teens trying to cut him out of my life.
24:18Here I am, 30, we're living together,
24:20and I'm thinking about him all the time.
24:22I suppose some relationships won't take no for an answer.
24:27I'm going over to see Phil.
24:29Pat's got Ben for the night.
24:32He came round last night and...
24:35Well, he was almost human.
24:37Things are OK again, at least for a bit.
24:40And you'd like him to be like that all the time?
24:43I'd like us to talk at least, to communicate.
24:46It's not much to ask after having a child together and living together, is it?
24:51But it does make this a bit puzzling.
24:54You being here when you're going over to see Phil.
24:57Do you ever think that maybe it's us you should be doing the communicating, the talking?
25:01What about?
25:02About me and you.
25:03There isn't a me and you.
25:05You're here, Kathy.
25:06You're here when you should be on the other side of the square seeing Phil.
25:10Doesn't that tell you something?
25:13It's just a place for online, that's all.
25:16Is that what you call this?
25:18It will rest and recreation after a busy day.
25:21What is your problem, Ian?
25:23The problem is, I didn't know you were involved in something like this.
25:26Involved in something like what, for heaven's sake?
25:29Annie, this is illegal.
25:30I'm in the eyes of the law.
25:33I mean, should I even be here?
25:34I mean, what if it gets out that Walford is prospective counsellors
25:37and a habit of frequenting gambling joints?
25:39Lighten up, will you? They're all consenting adults.
25:41No-one's forcing them to be here.
25:42The only person that's getting any sort of grief out of this is a taxman.
25:45Don't tell me you've never practised a bit of creative accounting yourself.
25:48Well, yeah.
25:49Then we're in exactly the same position, aren't we?
25:51It's not quite the same.
25:53Listen, why don't you chance your arm on the house?
25:56Really, it's just a few people having a bit of fun, that's all.
25:59If you don't mind, I'll spend the rest of the evening out there.
26:02It's more my idea of fun.
26:03It's a free country. That's always been my motto, anyway.
26:09What are you doing here?
26:10Oh, Kathy never showed.
26:12I'll have a tonic water, please, ma'am.
26:13Yep, coming up, love.
26:15I just don't get her these days. I really don't.
26:17I mean, I don't do what she wants, she gets young.
26:19I do what she wants, and she says we have to talk about it.
26:21So I say, OK, and she don't even show.
26:24That was quick.
26:26Just get me a drink, Brian. I need it.
26:29I envy you, Ian. Do you know that?
26:31With a woman like Annie behind you, you're made, mate.
26:35It's just impossible, Alex.
26:37Is it?
26:38You can't have an affair with a married woman.
26:40I thought you were going through a divorce.
26:42Well, it still takes ages.
26:44And if you're seen with me any time in the next year...
26:46I'm not just a vicar, Kathy.
26:47No, and I like what you are.
26:50Apart from being a vicar, I mean.
26:52I like it a lot.
26:53And that's why you're here. That's why we're having this conversation.
26:56Because you're not just a married woman, and I'm not just a walking dog collar.
26:59It's because of how we feel.
27:00There's too many complications.
27:03I'm sorry, Alex, but there just are.
27:06If it wasn't for all the problems, then maybe something could have happened.
27:09You come with too much baggage.
27:11So do I.
27:14Bye, Alex.
27:20Alex, please.