Nineties Eastenders (5th February 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (5th February 1998)
00:34You on bed patrol this morning?
00:36Oh, we stayed with us for the night.
00:38I'm on my way to give Royce some breakfast.
00:40Do you know how he sneaked out with only a bite of toast to last till lunchtime?
00:43Some people never learn.
00:45What's going on with Mum? Did she have a big night on last night?
00:47Oh, er, something like that, yeah.
00:49See you, love. See you.
01:02Er, I'm just making some coffee.
01:07I'll bring you some up and go back to bed.
01:10Look, I'll talk to you later, Alex, all right?
01:12Kath, hang on.
01:14The kettle has boiled and I'm sorry, I really have to go.
01:18Yeah, can I have a word with Adam, please?
01:20Is he up?
01:22Yeah, I'll hold.
01:24What's this?
01:27What's this?
01:30Oh, that's breakfast.
01:31Bite of toast, swirled down with lukewarm coffee.
01:33Inked breakfast.
01:34I wasn't hungry.
01:35I'll tell you, it's not good for you.
01:37Yeah, well, I'm getting a bit browned off with this yoghurt and muesli.
01:41Prefer after-tack food, do you?
01:43Nice greasy fry-up?
01:45Adam, yeah, I know it's early, mate,
01:47but I've got a couple of very sweet deals for you.
01:51You've had one hell of a scare already.
01:53We don't need another, OK?
01:54OK, OK.
02:04Adam, I'm sorry, mate.
02:07Yeah, we must have got cut off.
02:16Businessman is too dignified a term for this sort of character.
02:19A pig in a trough springs more readily than mine.
02:22Yeah, what's so funny? What do I do with a laugh?
02:24Be my guest.
02:28What the hell?
02:31Ian's in the local rag. Hold.
02:33Yeah, the vicar's had a letter printed and it's all about me.
02:35What, they actually mention your name?
02:37No, he doesn't need to. It's obvious who he's talking about.
02:40You can't get away with something like that.
02:42And the paper shouldn't have printed it. This is liable.
02:44Matt certainly doesn't believe in doing us any favours, does he?
02:47So much for your bright idea about the food column.
02:50Well, think about it.
02:51Max must have had this letter when I went round to see him.
02:53He must have known he was going to print it.
02:55He was just stringing me along, telling me to think about this idea of ours.
02:58In that case, I'd better organise a little gentle pressure, hadn't I?
03:04Hey, Sanj, can you watch the stall for five minutes, please, mate?
03:11Take my advice, mate, go on a bender instead.
03:14Well, same result I grant you, you end up skint and feeling lousy,
03:17but at least you've enjoyed yourself along the way.
03:20I'd have kicked Red down this morning if I was you, Vicar.
03:23World War III's just about to start.
03:28Yeah, so when's the family conference?
03:31Well, can't you all get together before then?
03:34Oh, so should I be there?
03:36Yeah, I want them to understand what a good deal this is for them, Rosa.
03:39No, we won't interfere.
03:41Yes, it'll be your business to run as you think fit.
03:44Well, there's nothing to worry about, Peggy.
03:47She doesn't see there's any sort of threat to the Vic.
03:49Er, look, I'll catch you later, Rosa, OK?
03:52Yeah, ciao.
03:56Well, Dad, as you're obviously in the mood for questions,
03:59maybe you'd like to answer a couple of mine.
04:03Excuse me.
04:04It's OK, let's talk.
04:05It's a bit difficult right now.
04:06Bacon and fried egg sarnie, Terry, yeah?
04:08Heavy on the ketchup.
04:09Yeah, choose whatever you like.
04:11I didn't mean that, ma'am, later.
04:12Two minutes, love, just watch your eggs.
04:14What about a souvenir?
04:15I'm a bit busy this evening.
04:16Kath, another cup of tea over here when you've got a minute, love.
04:18Right, just coming.
04:19In fact, I'm a bit busy all the way round.
04:21Kath, this isn't do-by-way, would you say?
04:23Mary, I would have thought last night proved that.
04:26Let's make it tomorrow, Alex, eh?
04:29So, why weren't you straight with me right from the start?
04:31Yeah, all right, maybe I should have been.
04:33And what was all that yesterday
04:34about just wanting the Demarcus' advice?
04:36I didn't think there was any point in me saying anything
04:38until I'd sussed him out.
04:39We're business partners, Dad.
04:40I'd have liked the chance to suss him out myself.
04:42We'd be very lucky to get the money, believe me.
04:44Rosa Demarcus is an astute businesswoman
04:46and a very capable restauranteur.
04:47And her eldest son is in the police.
04:50So, don't you think it might get a tiny bit tricky
04:52when we start using a policeman's restaurant
04:54to wash dirty money?
04:55We won't be.
04:57This restaurant's going to be strictly legit.
04:59Well, well.
05:00You have been making a lot of decisions
05:02in the last few days, haven't you?
05:03We're not putting any dirty money through those tills.
05:05What am I going to do with the takings from the casino?
05:07We're making money, and I've a fist in there at the moment.
05:09Well, we're going to have to do something.
05:11I've a fist in there at the moment.
05:12Well, that's your problem, Annie.
05:13I'm sure you can come up with a solution.
05:15This is going to be a reputable, honest-to-goodness restaurant,
05:17and that's why I want the Demarcos to run it for us.
05:21So why is their own restaurant heading for the skids
05:23if they're as capable as you say they are?
05:25Because their business is in so-oh,
05:27because the rates are sky-high,
05:28because there's a lot of poncy competition around.
05:30I mean, all sorts of reasons.
05:31But on a level playing field like Walford,
05:34she and her family do really well,
05:35which means we'd do well, too.
05:37It's a long way for them to travel every day, isn't it?
05:39We've been into that, too.
05:41They can use the house on George Street.
05:43Your house?
05:44For a fair rent.
05:45Then if they accept, I get reliable tenants for the house
05:47and for the restaurant at one fell swoop.
05:49Just a minute.
05:50You're providing jobs for them all and a roof over their heads, yes?
05:53It's a business proposition, Annie.
05:55Don't sound like it to me.
05:57I've had to work hard for my rewards,
05:59and you're giving them a house and a living on a plate.
06:01It's not like that.
06:03Is it some kind of payback?
06:05A thank you for what Giuseppe did for you.
06:07And if that is part of it?
06:09Dad, that was years ago.
06:12You've paid him back, and some.
06:14Has one of them got something on you?
06:17If there's pressure being applied here, I'd really like to know about it.
06:20Well, there isn't.
06:21I mean, really.
06:25Sounds like Jessie had a whale of a time.
06:27She did, yeah.
06:28So many guests threw up their sausage rolls.
06:30I don't call it a proper party
06:31unless at least five have christened the carpet.
06:33Well, we managed to avoid too many accidents.
06:35Actually, Rob, we called you over to talk about Nicole.
06:37Not about how many kids were sick on the carpet.
06:40Should she have done that?
06:41Just turned up out of the blue?
06:44No, she should have contacted you first.
06:46Look, Nicole is Jessie's mother, Mark.
06:48She does have a right to see her own daughter on her birthday.
06:50Yeah, OK, Ruth, I understand that,
06:51but what about what she came to tell us?
06:53How she was going to take Jessie off us,
06:54how she was going to take her back with her to some lousy bed sit?
06:56She can't do any of that, Mark.
06:58There's an interim care order in place, remember?
07:00Yeah, I do.
07:01And even if she could,
07:02I mean, I'm a bit concerned it's upsetting you so much.
07:04Do you remember all the training before you embarked on this?
07:06All those warnings not to get too involved?
07:09Yeah, I do.
07:10It just comes as a bit of a shock, that's all.
07:13I mean, do we really need to worry about this, Rob?
07:15I mean, is there anything she can do?
07:17Nicole can't do what you just said, no.
07:19Not without convincing the local authority
07:20that she's a fit and proper parent anyway.
07:22Yeah, but she isn't, is she?
07:23I mean, she's just been released from prison, for heaven's sake.
07:25At the moment, her chance is not good, I agree.
07:27At the moment?
07:28Well, aren't you missing something here?
07:30The whole point of fostering
07:31is to give the parents time to sort themselves out.
07:34Yeah, I know that.
07:35So obviously, at some stage,
07:36the issue of Jessie being returned to her mother is going to come up.
07:39Yeah, but she can't look after her, can she?
07:41Well, that's your only problem with all this, is it?
07:43Well, it's a pretty big problem, don't you think?
07:45So if Nicole did prove herself to be a fit and proper parent,
07:47then you'd have no difficulties in seeing Jessie and Nicole reunited?
07:51Look, I'm not unsympathetic towards how you're feeling, Mark.
07:54I mean, I know attachments are going to form,
07:56no matter how much training anyone might have.
07:58But you have to keep telling yourself that it's only fostering,
08:01that it's temporary, that anything might happen.
08:03And has something happened to do with Nicole?
08:06This may all lead nowhere. What?
08:08Nicole actually turning up yesterday, yeah?
08:10She's got herself a solicitor.
08:13They got in contact with the office yesterday,
08:15asking for all the papers connected with Jessie's case.
08:17Which means Nicole is really serious.
08:20She does want her back.
08:22Yeah, it certainly looks that way.
08:24He certainly puts himself around her, Vicar.
08:26A proper little busy bee. Is that so?
08:28I can't imagine what his bishop would say.
08:30What about?
08:31Oh, the general wants it. Sign on, that's it.
08:34Yeah, well, they'd have 50p if they knew what he got up to.
08:37Dot, what are you talking about?
08:40Don't matter.
08:41No, it does.
08:42I mean, what you don't know can't hurt you.
08:44I mean, are you trying to tell me something?
08:46I've got to go.
08:48You ain't up to Sarah as well, have you?
08:51Dot, talk to me.
08:52I can't, Ian, really.
08:54If you've got something on this bloke, if you know something about him,
08:57something we can use to discredit him, then it'd be really useful.
09:00Well, it's difficult, you see.
09:02So you do know something about him?
09:05Oh, he's not as pure as the driven snow after all.
09:07I should think not.
09:08Oh, sounds promising.
09:09So what's he been doing, fiddling the collection?
09:12He's been seeing someone.
09:14Not someone he shouldn't.
09:16Oh, this gets better and better.
09:17What, is it someone local?
09:19Come on, Dot, tell me who.
09:21This is awkward.
09:23And it's embarrassing.
09:24For the church, for starters.
09:26That's why I didn't say nothing.
09:28I mean, I don't want the good name of all saints
09:30dragged through the mud on account of one black sheep.
09:33And it's embarrassing personally.
09:38For you.
09:39Well, why on earth would it be...
09:41Are you talking about my mum?
09:44Are you saying that mum and the vicar?
09:47I don't believe it, never.
09:49Thanks a lot.
09:50Come on, out with it.
09:51You've hardly said a thing about last night.
09:53Well, be fair, I'd had a chance of a little, but...
09:55It's quiet down there.
09:57So give us the juicy details.
09:59There's not much to say, really.
10:00Nathalie, don't go all coy on me now.
10:02Living with Roy is like living with a robot right now.
10:04So it'd be nice to hear about a bit of human emotion.
10:08Didn't it work out?
10:09I'm sorry.
10:10No, no, it didn't work out.
10:13To tell you the truth, I didn't even go and see him.
10:16I thought about it.
10:17I was on the verge of calling in on him,
10:19but then I just decided it was better to leave things be.
10:22I just had a quiet night in instead.
10:24I hope you don't mind.
10:25I know I could have come and collected Ben from you,
10:27but I just needed a bit of time on my own.
10:29No, no, it's fine.
10:30And I didn't want to disturb him if he was settled for the night.
10:32No problem, Kate.
10:33It probably did you good, love.
10:35A night alone, a chance to sit down quietly
10:38and sort out how you really feel.
10:44Quite the local celebrity, aren't we?
10:46Just leave it, OK?
10:47Oh, you've really upset him, haven't you?
10:49Can we get on with this?
10:51Getting attacked by a vicar in print?
10:53It's not going to look very good to the welfare officer, you know.
10:56What you can do for an uncle? Run over a nun?
10:58It's far worse than upsetting some weirdo vicar.
11:01Like getting away with child abduction.
11:03Oh, yeah? Well, that was history.
11:05This is news, and everyone's talking about it.
11:08Anyway, six o'clock, all right?
11:10Well, Friday, me and Nick's first weekend with the kids.
11:12Yeah, I suppose so.
11:14Oh, and, er, don't bother to pack anything.
11:16Nick's taking them up west, getting kitted out for some new gear.
11:19Oh, yeah?
11:20Oh, me, Nick and the children. Two whole days. I can't wait.
11:23There's no point trying to wind me up, Cindy, so stop it, all right?
11:26Why would I want to do that,
11:27when there's so many other people round here that do it so much better than me, anyway?
11:33Rob sounded like he was taking her side in all of this.
11:36I think Rob's point to this is there are no sides.
11:39Just Jessie and what's best for her.
11:42Are you really as calm about this as you're making out?
11:45Well, I'm not exactly over the moon, if that's what you mean.
11:49But why fight the inevitable when it's going to happen anyway?
11:52Inevitable? Nicole's only just got out of prison.
11:55She hasn't even got a proper roof over her head.
11:58And even if she does get herself sorted out,
12:00who's to say she won't go back to her bad old ways the minute she gets Jessie back?
12:03And she might not.
12:04Oh, come on.
12:05Look, I keep putting myself in Nicole's place.
12:07Well, we are, aren't we? In her place.
12:09But where's she supposed to be, anyway?
12:10We're the ones looking after her child.
12:12I can sympathise how she feels.
12:14I can imagine how I'd feel if I didn't have Jessie myself.
12:17And that's the real problem here, isn't it, Mark?
12:20I mean, Rob hit the nail on the head as well.
12:23What you're really frightened of is not Nicole getting Jessie back.
12:27It's us losing her.
12:30Have you seen this?
12:31Is it? No, not yet.
12:33Well, you must be the only person around here who hasn't.
12:35You haven't been stirring it again, have you?
12:41Is that all you can say? Oh.
12:43Look, I know this is unpleasant.
12:44That's one word for it.
12:45Well, you did start it.
12:46Yeah, now he's paying me back with interest.
12:48Well, what do you expect?
12:49You have a pop of someone, they're supposed to just take it lying down.
12:51Almost sounds like you're defending him.
12:53Of course I'm not.
12:55It's funny, you know.
12:56I would have thought you'd be going ballistic by now,
12:58someone having a pop at your son like that.
12:59And what's that supposed to mean?
13:01What's the problem?
13:02A case of split loyalties, is it?
13:06It's true, isn't it?
13:07You and Alex, Dot was right.
13:10Dot saw me this morning.
13:11I might have known that one wouldn't miss a thing.
13:13Dot saw you last week in church, actually.
13:15I put two and two together myself about last night.
13:17I mean, I can't believe this, Mum.
13:18I can't believe you're actually involved with that bloke.
13:20And why shouldn't I be involved with him?
13:21He hasn't got two heads, has he?
13:23And what's it got to do with you anyway?
13:24What right have you got to barge in here,
13:25shattering the odds about anything I do?
13:27Well, for starters, he's a Berk.
13:28You don't know him, Ian.
13:29You're not even divorced from Phil yet.
13:31Now, hang on a minute.
13:32Alex and I started seeing each other long after me and Phil split up.
13:34I bet he still wouldn't like it, though.
13:36And since when have you been so concerned at Phil Phil's?
13:39Well, at least he understands about family loyalty,
13:42I mean, I thought you were on my side, the custody case and all that.
13:44Of course I'm on your side.
13:45What's this got to do with the power of good, isn't it?
13:47I mean, Dot's found out.
13:48It's only a matter of time before the rest of the world does.
13:50I mean, the Gazette's going to have a field day.
13:52I can just see the headline now,
13:55That's not news, that's just gossip.
13:56The Gazette won't print anything like that.
13:58Well, they were quick enough to print a letter attacking me.
14:00I mean, why not a juicy bit of scandal like that?
14:01You're overreacting.
14:03One lousy letter has already put a big grin on Cindy's face.
14:05I mean, she can't wait for the next instalment.
14:07Maybe you should think about that.
14:09Maybe you both should when you're having your next bit of pillar talk.
14:13You're quite nice.
14:15Excuse me, lads, all right?
14:17Oh, all right, mate.
14:18See you later.
14:21Is this a social call or am I double-parking?
14:23Very funny.
14:24I want a word with you.
14:25Nothing to do with double-parking.
14:27Let me guess, it's about this place.
14:29I had all this yesterday from Gianni.
14:30Yeah, well, he's worried.
14:31I told him there's nothing to get worried about.
14:33Well, he can't work out what's going on.
14:34That's because there's nothing to work out.
14:36Yeah, but I think I might have.
14:39A drink?
14:40No, let me finish off here first.
14:41I've only just got the builders down.
14:42Don't want them sloping off.
14:44Well, I'll come back this evening.
14:45Half nine?
14:46Maybe while I'm here I'll take a look at this house
14:48you're so kindly providing for us.
14:50Oh, it's over there.
14:51Number 89, George Street.
14:55Even naming the streets after you these days, are they?
15:00So have you decided yet?
15:02Have I decided what?
15:04Ian Beale's restaurant column.
15:05Are we running it or not?
15:07I have no choice, Polly.
15:09Of course you've got a choice.
15:10You pick up the phone and you say,
15:11Ian, that idea of yours stinks,
15:13so go and stick it where the sun don't shine.
15:15Actually, the phone's been ringing quite a lot today.
15:17What do you mean?
15:18Quite a few local businesses seem to have heard of this idea.
15:21Have they?
15:22And they've been ringing in to say how much they like it.
15:24I'll bet they do.
15:25Mr. Beale handing out his very own Michelin stars
15:27to all his mates.
15:28It's bound to get the thumbs up.
15:29Oh, quite a few of them have been telling me
15:31how much they'd like to take out extra advertising space
15:34the weeks they're featured.
15:35Double what they normally take, in fact.
15:37In other words, motor mouth's already been canvassing.
15:40Looks like it.
15:41Which is even more reason to say no in my book.
15:43It's a surefire way to go under in mine.
15:45Not printing epoxy restaurant columns
15:47not going to send us under.
15:48Upsetting the people who pay our wages
15:50week in, week out might, though.
15:52This is sheer, blatant politicking.
15:54No, it's a legitimate idea.
15:56It covers a gap in the paper and it's of local interest.
15:58All right, then, I'll do it myself.
16:00I fancy a bit of free nosh.
16:01What do you know about restaurants?
16:02Well, Ian Beale's hardly Gary Rhodes, either.
16:04You really can't stand him, can you?
16:06No, I don't like to see this paper being used.
16:09You're letting your personal prejudices
16:11interfere with your professional judgement.
16:13And what?
16:14You wouldn't give a monkey's if this wasn't Ian Beale and Annie Palmer.
16:16How do you expect to move up to the Nationals
16:18if you let something like this throw you so badly?
16:24All right.
16:25On your own?
16:26Mark's going out with Sanji.
16:27I thought you were going out with Meanie.
16:29Oh, she's got better things to do.
16:30Younger, more attractive company.
16:32You know what I mean.
16:33Has she got no one else to go out with?
16:35I don't know anyone, really, apart from Phil.
16:37And I think he sees enough of me at work.
16:39Strange place, this city, isn't it?
16:41Millions of people all around you
16:43and most of the time you don't get to talk to another soul.
16:46I could have babysat for a year.
16:48You could have gone out with Mark and Sanji yourself.
16:50I don't mind, really.
16:52What is it?
16:53You want to spend as much time as possible with her right now?
16:56Something like that.
16:58Because you may not get much of a chance later.
17:00If Nicole can convince the local authorities
17:02that her problems are behind her, then...
17:06Listen, do you fancy a drink in instead?
17:09I think both of us could do with cheering up.
17:11Shall I nip over to the office, get something in, yeah?
17:13No, no, no.
17:15Why don't we open this?
17:17I thought you were waiting for a special occasion.
17:19What, cheering both of us up doesn't count as special.
17:22Fair enough.
17:24I'll get it.
17:32What happened to you last night?
17:34I'm sorry, I should have called.
17:36Yeah, I know. That's why I called you.
17:38I couldn't get any reply all evening.
17:40Well, something cropped up, you see.
17:42Do me a favour, will you?
17:44Next time, at least have the decency to let me know, yeah?
17:51How dare you?
17:55How dare you go around spreading rumours about me and Alex?
17:57I haven't been going around spreading rumours.
17:59Ian badgered me.
18:01Anyway, I only told him what I saw.
18:03Which was?
18:05You and the vicar, in the church.
18:07Doing what exactly?
18:09I saw you, Gaff.
18:11Do I have to spell it out for you?
18:13You've got hold of the wrong end of the stick.
18:15I was upset. You just gave me a hug.
18:17Looked as if you was quite enjoying yourself to me.
18:19I'm telling you, you've got it all wrong.
18:21So, there ain't nothing going on between you?
18:23What's it got to do with you anyway?
18:25He is our vicar.
18:27I'm one of his parishioners.
18:29That makes it everything to do with me and the rest of us.
18:31I don't have to listen to this.
18:33You get involved with someone like that,
18:35you don't just take on the man, you know.
18:41So, how is she?
18:43Well, she's a lot better than I ever expected her to be.
18:47Well, tough people, us girls.
18:49I really thought she would go down after Dad died.
18:53But she's handled everything.
18:55She's decided to prove to herself and all of us
18:57that she can cope and she has.
18:59And then I come home and what do I find?
19:03That Mark hasn't exactly been pining away in my absence.
19:07I mean, look at this place. It's like a new pin.
19:09So, you'd have preferred to have walked back
19:11into a mound of dirty dishes in the sink?
19:15Sweaty socks piled floor to ceiling?
19:17Of course not.
19:19It'd just be nice to feel a wee bit needed every now and then.
19:21Oh, just ignore me.
19:23This must be starting to talk already.
19:27I'll go and check on Jasie.
19:33So, what are you having?
19:35Don't sulk, Polly.
19:37This is supposed to be a peace offering.
19:39I'm not sulking. I'm furious.
19:41And for your information, my objection isn't personal.
19:43It's the principle.
19:45Well, that'd be really ironic if it were true.
19:49You, banging on about principles.
19:51You've never displayed too many yourself
19:53when chasing up a story.
19:55I'm just not happy about working for a paper that supports Ian Beale.
19:57So, what does that mean?
19:59You want to leave?
20:01No. Of course not.
20:03It won't do him much good anyway.
20:05He's got no chance of winning that election
20:07no matter how many glowing testimonials he hands out.
20:09I hope you're right.
20:11Because if he ever does get elected
20:13and we've done anything to help him,
20:15then maybe it really is time for me to think about leaving
20:17and for you to close down.
20:19What can I get you?
20:21Are you looking for weigh-in, George?
20:23A weigh-in? To what?
20:25To the Met.
20:27I'm a bit old to start thinking about becoming a copper.
20:29Never too old to acquire a pet one, then.
20:31Things are better than they used to be.
20:33But there's still a fair few coppers doing deals on the side
20:35if you get my drift.
20:37I do. And I'm not looking for anything like that.
20:43So this offer to my family isn't a way of making me feel obliged to return the favour.
20:45Every time a problem crops up with one of your...
20:47What shall I call them?
20:51I'm not involved in those sort of businesses anymore.
20:53I know what you're involved in, George. I've done some checking up.
20:55I won't lie to you.
20:57I've not exactly been Snow White over the years.
20:59But all that's behind me now.
21:03Yeah. This offer is because me and your family go back a long way.
21:05And with your father...
21:07Look, let's just say I want to help...
21:09How many times have I heard it? I'm going straight, Gav.
21:11Ask the people I used to be involved with.
21:13Ask them when I've been up to this last year or so.
21:15Nothing to make your lot so much as give me a second glance.
21:17Turn me over.
21:19Go through all my businesses with a nit-comb, if you like.
21:21You won't find anything.
21:23I just might do that, George.
21:29So what's going on?
21:31That's what I've come to find out.
21:33Look, I understand you're provoked, Alex.
21:35But why in the hell didn't you tell me about this?
21:37I believe in that hostile caffeine.
21:39Yes, I know that.
21:41But I've taken steps to defend it from attack.
21:43This isn't just about defending the hostile.
21:45This is my son you're having a pop at.
21:47That's between me and Ian. It's got nothing to do with me and you.
21:49I'm Ian's mum.
21:51He's a big boy, Kathy. He don't need you to fight his battles.
21:53And like you said before, this is a battle I didn't start.
21:55I'm still in the middle, though.
21:57And it's still my son being slanked off by a bloke I'm...
21:59By a bloke you what?
22:01You like, you're involved with? What exactly?
22:03Ian knows.
22:05Ian knows what?
22:07About us. Dot.
22:09I've told him. I've tried to tell her she's got it all wrong.
22:11But she's not buying it.
22:13I thought I'd better tell you.
22:15In which case, we really have better talk about me and you.
22:17And not some stupid letter in the Gazette.
22:19We have.
22:21Oh, we've spent a lot of time going on about how impossible it all is.
22:23How stupid it'd be.
22:25We've never actually spent any time talking about how we really feel for each other.
22:27And where we go from here.
22:35So, what's that?
22:37The third time this evening you've looked in on her.
22:39Well, I like looking in on her.
22:45I thought that was meant to be cheering you up.
22:47And what was all that earlier?
22:49About how it's nice to feel needed every now and then.
22:51What was that all about?
22:53Well, look at the kids in the nursery.
22:55I look after them all day.
22:57Then the bell goes, end of session,
22:59and off they go.
23:01So you want to keep them all evening as well?
23:03No, to the people that really need them.
23:05Their mums.
23:07Who does Jessie need at the end of the day?
23:11You should have seen the way she ran into Nicole
23:13when she came in yesterday.
23:15You've got a big kid of your own.
23:17Two, if you count your lodger.
23:21It's funny because it's true.
23:25When I married Matt, I really thought he needed me.
23:29But now he's a different person.
23:31I mean, he's even taken Sanjay out for a drink
23:33to sort out his problems.
23:35As if all of a sudden
23:37he doesn't have problems of his own.
23:41I don't know why I'm going on about this, Conor.
23:43I really don't.
23:45Is that why you married Mark in the first place?
23:47Because he made you feel needed?
23:49No, no, no.
23:51I married Mark because I loved him.
23:53Love him.
23:55There's always so many other people
23:57in the frame with you, aren't there?
23:59What do you mean?
24:01Just listen to you.
24:03The kids in the nursery, Mark, Jessie,
24:05and it's always what they want.
24:07That's all you talk about.
24:09You've got to fit in with other people.
24:11You've also got to sing your own song.
24:13So, come on.
24:15Wes Ruth's song.
24:17What do you want yourself out of your life?
24:19No one else's.
24:21Right now.
24:25Is that the time you're ready?
24:27Sanjay was a bit skint,
24:29so we called it a night.
24:31We've been having a wee drink ourselves.
24:33So I can see.
24:37Well, I'll say goodnight, OK?
24:41Goodnight, Conor.
24:43See you in the morning, Mark.
24:45Yeah, goodnight.
24:51I thought we were saving this.
24:53What for?
24:55A special occasion.
24:57I seem to spend most of my life
24:59waiting for one of those.
25:19This is simple, Kathy.
25:21At least it is
25:23so far as I'm concerned.
25:25I'm bowled over.
25:27Head over heels. The full works.
25:29I'm in love with you.
25:31So how do you feel about me?
25:33It's complicated.
25:35That's not what I asked.
25:37This can't go anywhere.
25:39You still haven't answered my question.
25:41It's a dead end.
25:43We said that last night. Look what happened.
25:45What happened last night was a mistake.
25:47Well, it didn't feel like a mistake to me.
25:49Well, it did to me this morning.
25:51It did to me too.
25:53We're not going to throw something special out
25:55just because a nosy parker might gossip.
25:57How special is it, anyway?
25:59That's what I'm asking.
26:01That letter you wrote.
26:03Forget about the letter.
26:05Talk about me and you instead.
26:07But I am. Can't you see?
26:09I've been thinking about it all the way over.
26:11Trying to work out why it upset me so much.
26:13And it's cos you didn't tell me about it.
26:15I explained why.
26:17Not exactly a new experience for me.
26:19I know it's different. I know it's not Phil and his drinking.
26:21But it was the same feeling.
26:23Here I go again, finding out things I shouldn't already.
26:25That was a mistake.
26:27In the future, I'll tell you everything.
26:29That's just part of it.
26:31Look at the rest. Ian, Dot, the church.
26:33Think of the trouble you'd get in
26:35if all this came out now.
26:37It's just too complicated, Alex.
26:39It's complicated for me too, Kath.
26:41If we're really going to be honest about things,
26:43it scares the hell out of me.
26:45But it's worth it.
26:47Kathy, I want you.
26:49But I don't want you.
26:51The last thing I need right now, Alex,
26:53is this.
26:55Or you.
27:01I'd better get back.
27:03So what happened last night, we should just forget about it.
27:05So long, thanks for the memory.
27:07That's it.
27:09Yes, Alex. That's it.
27:17That's it.
27:19That's it.
27:21That's it.
27:23That's it.
27:25That's it.
27:27That's it.
27:29That's it.
27:31That's it.
27:33That's it.
27:35That's it.
27:37That's it.
27:39That's it.
27:41That's it.
27:43That's it.
27:45That's it.
27:47That's it.
27:49That's it.
27:51That's it.
27:53That's it.
27:55That's it.
27:57That's it.
27:59That's it.
28:01That's it.
28:03That's it.
28:05That's it.
28:07That's it.
28:09That's it.
28:11That's it.