Sociopreneur ala Platform Social Crowdfunding Berbasis Kesehatan

  • 2 days ago merupakan situs web yang dibangun khusus untuk mengumpulkan dana bagi pasien dan masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan finansial terbatas serta tinggal di wilayah sulit dijangkau. menghubungkan para calon donatur dan para pasien serta masyarakat membutuhkan sehingga mereka dapat memperoleh pengobatan dan fasilitas pendukung lainnya.

Bagaimana dapat menyeimbangkan fungsinya sebagai platform sociopreneur?


00:00Thank you for joining us, and we are in the CreateUp segment with Rosalind Siew.
00:06In this segment, we will discuss CreateUp about Socialpreneur, a health-based crowdfunding platform.
00:14Let's talk through Line Zoom with Gigi Septiano, who is the Founder and Executive Director of
00:22How are you, Gigi?
00:24I'm fine.
00:26Good morning. How are you?
00:28I'm good.
00:30Thank you for joining us in CreateUp.
00:32Let's talk about the story behind the start of
00:37What inspired the creation of Socialpreneur based on health or crowdfunding, Gigi?
00:45Looking back, it's a long story.
00:51Looking back, it's a long story.
00:55When I was young, I lived in a village.
00:59My parents built a small clinic in the area,
01:02and I saw that a small clinic like that had a big impact on people who were sick in the villages.
01:10When I grew up, it still happened.
01:17For example, in NTT, we see a lot of people who don't have adequate financial access to go to hospitals.
01:28Helping people like this to get adequate health care for their medical needs is still very much needed.
01:40So, it's not just BPJS.
01:42Supporting access, such as transportation, accommodation, and so on,
01:46is still very much needed for rural areas outside Java Island, East Indonesia, and so on.
01:54That's it.
01:56Gigi, if you look at WeCare's model, is it actually a full commercial business or a non-profit organization?
02:05It's a hybrid business.
02:09It's a social enterprise.
02:11We have an organization and a PT.
02:13Even though our mission is social, to help as many people as possible,
02:18we have to make sure that we are sustainable,
02:21continue to have good revenue,
02:24to run this platform professionally,
02:27and continue to grow.
02:28So, we can continue to improve and continue to develop.
02:32That's it.
02:33It's a hybrid.
02:34We have an organization and a PT.
02:37If we look at it, Indonesia has a lot of problems.
02:40It means that socially, we have to help a lot.
02:43But then, from the business side, as a business entity, also has to ensure its continuity.
02:50For a while, this has become a business model that is suitable for Indonesia.
02:57And actually, how does pay itself?
03:02Or maybe it can even get revenue?
03:10Yes, actually, it's very suitable.
03:13This is a social enterprise business model.
03:15If possible, this is not just a gimmick,
03:18but it's really embedded.
03:20Actually, all businesses,
03:22whether social or social enterprise,
03:25can all have social principles.
03:31Environmental friendly,
03:33on the part of the low-income community, and so on.
03:36If we look for a business model that fits,
03:39and products and services that are affordable,
03:41for a community that can't buy expensive things.
03:46Now, for itself,
03:48as a platform, as a service as usual,
03:51we actually serve the community,
03:54or social institutions, or communities,
03:57and even hospitals,
03:59to help raise funds.
04:01So, part of it, there's a platform fee.
04:03A 5% to 10% fee, for example.
04:06So, that's the service fee that we apply
04:10to make this platform more sustainable.
04:12Other than that, we also help corporate,
04:16and so on, in implementing or consulting social enterprise, CSR.
04:21So, because we have a lot of access in the field,
04:27in places that may be difficult to access,
04:30we can help corporate to do CSR projects
04:35in areas that are really in need.
04:37That's how it is, in general.
04:39Okay, Mr. Gigi, if we talk about the crowdfunding itself,
04:42is the scheme full of donations,
04:44or is there a scheme to get funds from others,
04:47and after getting the funds,
04:49how is the fund management done by WeCare,
04:51until it is distributed to each area,
04:54or maybe the targets that are targeted?
04:58Yes, that's right.
04:59So far, it's still full of donations.
05:02So, it's straightforward.
05:05There's no lending or peer-to-peer investment.
05:08Actually, there's none.
05:09So, it's pure donations.
05:10People donate to us.
05:11We will distribute it to the campaigners.
05:13The campaigners can do a lot of things.
05:15There are individuals.
05:16We go through the review and assessment process
05:20as closely as possible.
05:22So, for individuals,
05:23we check what the illness is,
05:27whether there is a letter from the hospital,
05:29where is it treated, what are the needs,
05:31we do the review and assessment as closely as possible.
05:34Then, for institutions,
05:36it's actually more closely,
05:40because we also ask for good legality.
05:46There are rights, good management, and so on.
05:49So that the community also feels safe
05:52to distribute the funds through
05:56and we distribute it to institutions
05:58or people who have verified.
06:00That's it, sir.
06:02So that it's safe and also feel trusted, right?
06:05That's right.
06:06So far, how much funds have been managed
06:11Per year, it's usually between 15 to 30 billion,
06:16for the management of funds,
06:19on average, from the public and also from institutions.
06:23That's actually it, sir.
06:24Okay, thank you.
06:25We will continue our efforts in the next agenda.
06:28Yes, sir.
06:30Stay with us, we'll be right back.
06:32We are still discussing an interesting topic this time
06:34about Sociopreneur a la Platform Social Crowdfunding
06:38on a health-based basis,
06:39discussing through LINE ZOOM
06:41with Mr. Gigi Septiano,
06:43who is the Founder and Executive Director of
06:46Okay, Mr. Gigi, we want to ask more about
06:50the priority of determining access or assistance
06:54that needs to be obtained by the community.
06:56Is there a definition or category of disease
07:00or are there certain medical conditions?
07:04Actually, for priority,
07:06we want to make the platform as fair as possible.
07:09But there are certain severities that we prioritize.
07:16For example, there must be an action
07:21within a period of two weeks or four weeks, etc.
07:24If there is such a justification,
07:26and we also get recommendations
07:29from medical personnel,
07:31both from doctors and hospitals,
07:33we will consider it
07:34so that we can display it on the homepage.
07:36So, we prioritize the campaign the most,
07:38we also help with optimization through Facebook Ads
07:40or other exposure ads like that.
07:43So, it's really by demand,
07:46for the severity or priority.
07:52It depends on when the action is,
07:55and then the recommendation from the medical personnel.
08:03Does this mean that for those who want to get
08:08or want to be included in the list
08:10that will be streamed,
08:12how can they do it?
08:15Can they register
08:18or just wait for it to be curated by WICARE.ID?
08:22Or what?
08:23That's from their side.
08:26But what about those who donate?
08:29Do they open the website
08:31or can they directly donate to a specific account?
08:34Or what?
08:36So, for the submission of patients
08:39or campaigners who want to be helped,
08:42it can be done in two ways.
08:44The first is to submit it yourself.
08:46So, if the medical documents are complete
08:49and feel urgent,
08:52you can submit it yourself.
08:54It can be helped by parents or family members
08:57to be able to submit it to our website.
08:59Later, we will help review and assess
09:01the needs of patients who still need it.
09:04It can be submitted to WICARE.ID.
09:06It can also be submitted to the funders.
09:08Or later, it can also be helped
09:10from WICARE.ID's medical personnel.
09:12It can be from hospitals.
09:13Maybe some of the major hospitals in Jakarta
09:16already know WICARE.ID.
09:18So, there are medical personnel there,
09:20administrative staff,
09:21who can also help submit
09:24or submit the fundraising profile
09:26on the WICARE.ID website.
09:28So, it can be done through the doctor,
09:30through the nurse,
09:31or through the hospital.
09:32Or through an institution or foundation.
09:34A foundation that becomes a kind of
09:37medical partner.
09:39Or also like a kind of companion.
09:41Usually there are volunteers
09:43who help these patients.
09:46So, it can also be done through
09:48an organization like that.
09:50That's about it.
09:51For donors,
09:52you can directly donate through our website
09:54or our mobile app.
09:57Alright, Gigi.
09:58In order to increase people's trust
10:00towards a crowdfunding platform
10:02like this,
10:03how do you distribute the funds
10:05or donations that have been collected?
10:07So that it is really effective
10:09and received by beneficiaries.
10:13So, in our case,
10:14we believe in low cost,
10:17but high impact.
10:18So, indeed,
10:19if for example there is a patient
10:21who makes a lot of money,
10:23even if it is collected,
10:25we will not directly distribute
10:27that much.
10:28So, we distribute it by batch.
10:30Later, we will see
10:31how good the transparency
10:33or report from these patients
10:35or these companies
10:36to be able to liquidate the funds again.
10:38Like that.
10:39So, we are very careful.
10:41We try to mitigate the risk
10:43as minimal as possible.
10:45So, reports from patients,
10:47even if they don't
10:49distribute the report
10:51or report
10:53the use of funds to us,
10:55maybe we can withstand
10:57the use of funds.
10:58Then we will transfer it to other patients
11:00who are more reliable.
11:03Like that.
11:05What is the form of reporting
11:07to donors who have donated?
11:10That's right.
11:11Usually, in general,
11:12it will go through the website directly.
11:14So, later, the campaigners or patients
11:16will be helped by us too.
11:17They will submit
11:18the use of funds reports.
11:19After that,
11:20the donors will automatically get an email
11:22from the summary report,
11:24from the submission report
11:26of the campaign.
11:27That's it.
11:29To continue to add management funds
11:30in this crowdfunding,
11:31what is the strategy?
11:33And what is the strategy
11:35of in the long term?
11:40Of course, still.
11:42So, if we look at the potential of zakat,
11:45in Indonesia,
11:46giving or
11:48the habit of giving
11:50is the biggest in zakat.
11:52The potential is still very big.
11:53There are hundreds of trillions.
11:54Only those who can tap
11:56may still be around 10% or 20%
11:58by institutions.
12:00What's the name?
12:01Kargaman or zakat institutions
12:03or other branches.
12:04So, the potential of giving in Indonesia
12:06is still very big.
12:07And that's what we will continue to grow.
12:11Through various types of publications, exposure,
12:14then maybe integration with other platforms
12:16so that more and more are exposed
12:18with platform.
12:20In addition, we are also diligently approaching
12:22maybe through the zakat model,
12:24through other types of donations,
12:27grants, donations, and so on,
12:29to be able to direct
12:31to the financing of these patients
12:34or help BPJS
12:36from the people of Kantan.
12:38So, what is it called?
12:40Managing financing,
12:42maybe not only from the public,
12:44but also from institutions.
12:45Like that, sir.
12:46Okay, hopefully the funds
12:48managed by crowdfunding WeCare
12:50can continue to increase
12:52and also more people
12:54who can feel the benefits
12:56and the trust of the donors themselves
12:59continue to increase.
13:00Mr. Gigi, thank you for connecting with us.
13:02Good luck to you. See you.
13:03Thank you, Mr. Gigi.
13:04Thank you very much.
13:05See you. Thank you.
13:06Okay, we will update again
13:08the IHSG movement.
13:09As you can see
13:11on the Levisi screen for IHSG,
13:13it is at the level
13:21moving, strengthening 0.1,
13:23we mean weakening 0.15%
13:25and also sectors
13:27that allow movement from IHSG,
13:29including the cycling sector,
13:31infrastructure, then also industry
13:33and also the financial sector.
13:37Meanwhile, the top gainers
13:39come from WTON,
13:42then WIKA, Visi, Fern,
13:44TMPO, TIN, Suri, and also SPRS.
13:47Meanwhile, the top losers
13:49come from Buka, AMMN,
13:51SMEL, Medco, then BRMS,
13:54Meja PDPP, SSEA,
13:56Unique, Siri, SSMS.
13:59That's all for Power Breakfast today.
14:01I hope this discussion can be a source of reference
14:04and also information for you.
14:06For more information,
14:07search for IJX Channel
14:08on TWRT and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
14:10Don't forget to watch the Market Review program
14:12which will air at 10 p.m.
14:14in West Indonesia.
14:15And because of future affairs,
14:16we must move forward.
14:17I am Investor Saham.
14:18I am Wiki Adrian.
14:19And I am Rosalind Jopo Mirsa.
14:20Thank you and see you.
14:28Investor Saham.
14:29Investor Jopo Mirsa.
14:30Investor Jopo Mirsa.
14:31Investor Jopo Mirsa.
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