Colonel Bleep Season 1 Episode 17 Earth from Outer Space Noah Tyler

  • avant-hier
00:00Et maintenant, à l'entrée, pour l'aventure !
00:27Dans l'excitante histoire de...
00:31L'Terre de l'étranger !
00:38Colonel Bleach, Squeak et Scratch sont sur leur voyage vers l'étranger pour une vue de la lune de notre planète, l'Terre !
00:49Ici, à des centaines de milliers de milles de plus qu'en haut de la Terre, ils voient notre planète comme un énorme ballon rond, qui vit lentement à travers l'espace, dans son orbite sans fin autour du Soleil.
00:59La Terre complète un cercle plein autour du Soleil chaque 364 et un quart de jour, ce qui est exactement un an par notre calendrier.
01:07Et en bougeant, elle passe aussi complètement autour du Soleil chaque 24 heures, un jour plein d'heures.
01:14This means only half of the Earth faces the brilliance of the Sun at a time.
01:19That side being aglow with daylight.
01:22But as that side turns from the Sun, the daylight fades into the darkness we call night.
01:30Billions of years ago, the Earth was probably blazing hot, like the Sun.
01:35But through the ages, its surface has gradually cooled to form the rock, soil, and salty oceans
01:43we know and live upon today.
01:45But if Bleep and his friends were to remove a slice from our Earth, like a piece of melon,
01:50inside they would discover a center of fiery, molten rock.
01:56Yes, no matter how you look at it, from the ground or...
02:00from deep in outer space, this Earth of ours is an exciting place for Bleep,
02:09and Scratch to investigate.
02:14But it can be even more exciting close up.
02:17So now the spaceman dives Earthward for a closer look at one of the cities
02:21in which the people of this planet work, live, and play.
02:25As Colonel Bleep,
02:30and Scratch
02:31peek down through the clouds, they found the city of New Orleans, Louisiana,
02:35cradled within the wide sweeping curves of the mighty Mississippi River.
02:38Today, the romantic river boats of yesteryear have been replaced by modern barges
02:42and swift ocean-going freighters, which have made New Orleans the second largest United States port.
02:47Colonel Bleep admired the towering buildings in the business district,
02:51and Scratch was fascinated by the colorful flags of the International Trademark Building.
02:55Meanwhile, Squeak had spotted Canal Street, the widest street in the nation,
02:59and it seemed the whole city was aglow with excitement.
03:02This was the season of the Mardi Gras,
03:04that festive celebration that attracts thousands to New Orleans every spring.
03:12and Scratch
03:13landed atop one of the most beautiful floats in the parade,
03:16and the people cheered wildly,
03:18because Bleep and his friends looked just like three happy paraders,
03:22disguised in weird costumes of the past, present, and future.
03:26The parade took them through the quaint French Quarter,
03:29past colorful gardens,
03:31past colorful gardens,
03:33massive grilled gates,
03:35ornamental wrought iron balconies,
03:37antiquated street lamps,
03:39and Basin Street, birthplace of Dixieland jazz.
03:43But for Scratch, the best thing of all was sampling the chef's prized Creole cooking
03:47in the world-famous New Orleans restaurant.
03:50Yes, New Orleans is a picturesque and exciting city for Bleep,
03:57and Scratch.
