Bad Girls-1999-S01-Ep-09

  • 2 days ago
Shell manipulates Crystal into helping her get revenge on Lorna.


00:45Takes the body 36 hours.
00:47To do what?
00:48Get rid of the alcohol from the glass of wine.
00:51How long does it take to get rid of the shit from a day in my job?
00:54Well, depends who you've got to help you unwind.
01:04I thought they would have got back by now.
01:06The registry office?
01:08I don't know, do you?
01:10I'm getting married.
01:15Have you told your dad yet?
01:18Well, you can't put it off forever.
01:20Not that you're ashamed of me, are you?
01:22He's never approved of anything I've done in my life.
01:25I can't see this being any different.
01:27If he could watch, he'd be really happy.
01:30My dad doesn't know the meaning of the word.
01:32Oh, you don't now, are you?
01:34Well, I suppose congratulations are in order.
01:37But isn't it time you put all that behind you?
01:41Nice idea.
01:42Doesn't actually work like that, though, does it?
01:57Oh, thank you.
02:18I've got a surprise for you, Julie.
02:20Oh, yeah?
02:21Oh, yeah.
02:22Straight up. Hold your hands up.
02:24Watch it, you.
02:27Watch it, you.
02:32Open them.
02:33Oh, it's an apple! You twat! You said it was a surprise!
02:37I want to see one of them as long as I live.
02:40That wine tastes a bit like scrumpy when you shut your eyes.
02:43If you shut your brain, it was.
02:45I thought it was disgusting.
02:47So what? You got us pissed?
02:49Not the taste, stupid. Making it in the first place.
02:51There's enough drugs in it already.
02:53You was drinking it in awe, bitch.
02:55It was a wake. I was doing it out of respect.
02:58Oh, take the cook out of your arse, will you, Crystal?
03:01If the papers knew what went on in here, there'd be a scandal.
03:04Yeah, I bloody well agree.
03:06That's a good idea, Crystal.
03:08Flash our boobs, the news of the world.
03:10Out the cell window, fame at last, love.
03:20Lorna Rose is back today, isn't she?
03:23About time I know. Pissing off on bleeding holiday.
03:26She better have something for us.
03:28You gonna go and see her?
03:30I think we should leave her alone now.
03:32You heard.
03:41Morning, everyone.
03:42Morning, Ma.
03:43Nice sea bite, Lorna. Good holiday?
03:45Lovely, thanks.
03:46Raring to go, I hope?
03:48Raring to go back, eh, Lorna?
03:50Firstly, a word about Monica Lindsay.
03:52She's still very low, I'm afraid, so I'm keeping her on bed watch.
03:55I'd like everyone to make a special effort with her, please.
03:58Get her talking.
03:59Try and make her feel as if she's got something to live for.
04:02When's her appeal?
04:03It's very soon, so obviously that's a big thing in her life.
04:06If we can get her to focus on that,
04:08what with that and the antidepressants she's agreed to take,
04:10let's hope for an improvement.
04:21You make me nervous when you're quiet.
04:24What's going on?
04:26I'm thinking of changing my ways, if you want to know.
04:29Oh, yeah?
04:33Stay off the sweeties, be nice to people.
04:36Might even start going to chapel.
04:38Don't overdo it, eh?
04:40They're not stupid.
04:42I'm serious, Jim.
04:44I've seen a lot of girls find comfort in religion.
04:49Nearest to religion, you'll get, is the missionary position.
04:54So you're going to do some brown-nosing, eh?
04:56Get yourself back on Enhance?
04:58No. I want more than that.
05:01I've seen how drugs can screw you up.
05:03I've only got five years left to do it.
05:05I don't want to waste them sitting around in a cell doped up to the eyeballs.
05:08It's like when my kids come sometimes.
05:10And that's not right, is it?
05:12I could be improving myself, getting an education or something.
05:15I want my life to have some meaning.
05:18So, er...
05:22..these legs are going to be firmly crossed in future, are they?
05:34What are you up to?
05:36I've told you, I want a change.
05:40I'm not your old shell any more.
05:51How are you feeling?
05:54Still pretty low.
05:59Look, I got you this from the paper.
06:02I thought it might help.
06:07Is this for me or you?
06:11Not the cutting, the bedside chat.
06:16I just want to help.
06:18Then leave me alone.
06:20I don't think that's doing you any good.
06:22You need to mix with people.
06:24When I want the advice of a boy, I'll ask.
06:26Now go, will you?
06:28And take your tabloid guide to bereavement with you.
06:56Nice holiday, miss.
06:58Yeah, not bad. Bring us anything back?
07:00Like what?
07:01Like a stick of Blackpool twatting rock.
07:03What do you think I mean?
07:04I couldn't get any more if I tried.
07:06I told Cheryl my mum's not got no more.
07:08Cheryl told you to go to the doctor's yourself?
07:11Now, unless you want Stuart to know, then I really think...
07:14I need something, and are they?
07:16I got here first, Cheryl. Leave us alone.
07:18Why don't you take a walk, Sandra?
07:20You don't run this prison, you know.
07:22Before I start getting angry.
07:24I mean it, girl. Now go on, piss off.
07:26You're going to get it one day, you twat.
07:29Sorry about that, miss.
07:31She gets above herself. Won't happen again.
07:34You're looking well after your holiday.
07:37I'm feeling better myself as it happens.
07:39I've been doing a lot of thinking since I've been on the ones,
07:42but I keep messing up and that.
07:44So I'm trying to change.
07:46I've come off the gear.
07:47Is that right?
07:49Yeah. It did me a favour, really, getting that knock back.
07:52Made me look at what I was doing to myself.
07:54I could feel the difference already.
07:56It's like getting poison out of your system.
07:59You think I'm bullshitting, don't you?
08:01Chris, what is it about this place?
08:03Can't anyone change?
08:05I'm serious, miss.
08:07You watch.
08:21You look a bit pasty, Helen.
08:23Have you night?
08:25I'm looking for Monica.
08:26I've not seen her all day.
08:29What's wrong?
08:31Is it cos I've called you Helen?
08:33I thought you didn't want us to be formal.
08:35No, I don't.
08:36So what's the problem?
08:37You want to be informal but you don't want to be called Helen?
08:41You can't have it both ways.
08:44This is difficult for me.
08:46Cos I think you know.
08:48So what do you want?
08:54Am I making you feel uncomfortable?
08:56If you see Monica, tell her that I'm looking for her.
09:14Come on, you twatting twat!
09:18I said come on!
09:20Calm down.
09:22These bloody windows are all spastics!
09:31What is it?
09:33I won't bother you.
09:36In fact, you'll be glad.
09:40Chelle telling me to get clean.
09:42Says she's going to stop dealing now.
09:44Biggest pusher in the place.
09:46Well, there'd be a reason.
09:47She wants people desperate and then she starts putting her price up, innit?
09:50Something like that.
09:51That's what I thought, but...
09:53Yeah, but why?
09:54I don't know.
09:58Maybe she believes all that religious crap.
10:01It's not crap, Zandra!
10:03I don't care what it is!
10:05I used to get my gear off, Chelle.
10:07Where am I going to get it now?
10:31Well then, first of all, you done?
10:35Do you mean all what you said to Zandra?
10:38Silly cow's going to kill herself.
10:40Whether or not she'll listen.
10:42And you really come off the drugs?
10:45I'm trying.
10:47It's all you can do, innit?
10:49If you came off it, maybe some of the other girls would.
10:52It'd help if you couldn't get hold of them so easy.
10:54They're all over the place in here.
10:55This is what I keep saying, but nobody listens, though, innit?
10:58Only you could get in the papers. They'd have to do something about it then.
11:01Not much chance of that.
11:04Unless you wrote to her.
11:06What, me?
11:07Murray Hindley gets her letters printed, why shouldn't you?
11:11It's damp!
11:13Bloody useless, these dryers, ain't they?
11:19More hot air up Hollenby's arse.
11:22Why don't you write if you're so concerned?
11:25With my record, Stuart'd just write back saying I'm a known user.
11:29No-one'd take any notice.
11:31If someone like you did it, she wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
11:35Anyway, it's just an idea.
11:37Stupid, I suppose, but... yeah.
11:41I'm sorry, I don't care how far down the road we are.
11:47Yes, I realise that.
11:51Look, can you not hear what I'm saying? I don't wish to continue, all right?
11:57Continue with what?
12:01That was a private phone call.
12:03Aren't we allowed any privacy in here?
12:05You're not dropping your appeal, are you?
12:07Oh, Monica, it's my affair.
12:10You could be out for you within weeks.
12:14To do what?
12:16Anything you like.
12:18There's nothing for me out there any more.
12:20I want to forget the life I've had.
12:23Being in here helps me do that.
12:25Numbs the brain.
12:27That's the pills you're taking. You won't feel like that forever.
12:30In a year or two, you'll be over the worst of this.
12:32You'll have to get used to it.
12:34Whatever. In a year or two, you'll be over the worst of this.
12:37You'll have a life again. Monica, I can't let you do this.
12:40There's no law says I have to appeal.
12:43I've suffered enough from the law.
12:51What's that?
12:53Don't give me that shit.
12:55What's wrong with you?
12:56Hey, what's going on?
12:58She's got some gear.
12:59Don't be stupid. She just hid it when I came in.
13:05It's a bleeding letter.
13:11You think so?
13:13Yeah, you know what would make it even better?
13:16No, it's your letter. You say what you want.
13:18No, go on.
13:19Well, if you was to make it more particular,
13:22like mention G-Wing or Stuart's name,
13:24cause more of a stir, you'd be more likely to print it.
13:27Is this going to the papers?
13:29You keep your mouth shut, all right?
13:31Yeah, yeah, I swear.
13:32Right, wicked. What's it about, then?
13:34We've got to get rid of these drugs
13:36that are screwing up people's lives, haven't we?
13:39What, like, so we stop taking them?
13:41Well, look what it's done to your bloody brain.
13:46Yeah, right.
13:50You've got a lot of power around here, sister.
13:52Yeah, well, I'll try and use it for good.
13:55Well, if you can turn a hopeless case like Denny...
13:58You can't do it on your own, though, not if you're serious.
14:03You're going to need the help of the Lord.
14:15Nicky, can I have a word?
14:20You again?
14:22I need to ask a favour.
14:24It's about Monica.
14:25I know I shouldn't be telling you this,
14:27but I've run out of ideas.
14:29She's refusing to go through with her appeal.
14:32She said that she doesn't care anymore now that Spence is dead.
14:36Have you talked to her?
14:38Me, the solicitor, a couple of officers.
14:40She just doesn't want to know.
14:42And you want me to have a go?
14:44Could you? I know that she respects you.
14:46I'll try.
14:48And I haven't said anything, OK?
14:51Sure, Anna.
14:53It's OK.
15:31Lord, we are sorry for all our sins and wickedness.
15:56We ask you, through the blood of your Son, Jesus Christ,
15:59to keep us clean, help us turn away from evil and choose the good.
16:04Through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
16:06we will choose the path of true redemption
16:09and in his everlasting forgiveness we will find true salvation.
16:16In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
16:46Just wondered how you were.
16:47I'm fine.
16:49Well, um, you know.
16:52Not seen you down the library much lately.
16:54No, I haven't felt like reading much.
16:59It takes time.
17:03All look different once you're out here, though.
17:06I'm not going through with the appeal.
17:09I just don't see the point.
17:10Monica, you can't give in now.
17:12Nothing seems to matter since I lost Spencer.
17:15OK, but backing down on this appeal,
17:17do you think that's what Spencer would want?
17:19For you to waste away in here?
17:21Spencer isn't here.
17:23In case you hadn't noticed.
17:30The bastards will have got you as well if you give in now.
17:33It's this shithole, it does that to people.
17:35Monica, get that appeal back in place.
17:37It'll give you something to aim for.
17:39Like my degree course, it helps me get through things, you know?
17:43Gives me some hope.
17:48Go and get some water.
17:50Perhaps I have got things out of perspective.
17:52Yeah, that's more like it.
17:54But it's this place, you're right.
17:57Maybe I'll think again.
17:59You'd better.
18:00Girls in here will never forgive you if you don't.
18:03Gives us a lift when someone walks free.
18:05Oh, yes.
18:06Wouldn't want to upset them.
18:09You can come and see me any time you like, all right?
18:12You know where I am.
18:13Thanks, Nicky.
18:15Means a lot.
18:28In the God squad?
18:30She's up to something.
18:32Is she for real?
18:34That's between Chelle and the Lord.
18:36If she's pretending, he's sure going to be one angry messiah.
18:39I suppose you've found salvation as well, have you, Danny?
18:42I don't do everything Chelle tells me, all right?
18:45If Chelle asked her to live in a barrel of shit, she'd do it.
18:50It's a touch.
18:52Oh, very Christian.
18:54All right, you two, that's enough.
18:56Break that and you clean this, all right?
19:03What did she do that for?
19:04Shut up.
19:08You heard about Chelle's latest stunt?
19:11I reckon she's found religion.
19:13Who's to say she hasn't?
19:15Chelle Dockley.
19:16Come off it.
19:17She wants to get back on your hearts.
19:18It's just a con.
19:20Anything that might help her.
19:21You should be encouraging it.
19:23Religion's done a lot for women, innit?
19:25What is it?
19:52I'll get it.
19:59Is Helen there?
20:00Hang on.
20:01It's for you.
20:03Some woman.
20:12Hung up?
20:14Dial 1471.
20:16Can't be bothered.
20:18It's important they ring back.
20:21We've had some complaints!
20:25I said, we've had some complaints!
20:29About the noise.
20:31From who?
20:33Just keep it down, OK?
20:35The only person that don't like my singing is you.
20:37I don't like you.
20:39I don't like you.
20:41I don't like you.
20:43I don't like you.
20:45I don't like you.
20:47I don't like you.
20:49The only person that don't like my singing is you.
20:52Cos you don't know the Lord Jesus, innit?
20:56I'm sure Cheryl's loving every minute of it.
20:59I wasn't doing it actually, miss.
21:01You're not digging a tunnel under that bed, are you?
21:04Using this racket to cover up the noise?
21:06I danced in the evening when the sky turned black.
21:10It's hard to dance with the devil at your back!
21:18Judge not Denny that ye be not judged.
21:23So how's the letter coming on, Crystal?
21:25The letter is gone to the Guardian newspaper.
21:30Nice one.
21:31So, from the top, innit?
21:34♪ Dance, dance, wherever you may be
21:37♪ I am the lord of the dancing
21:45See you.
21:46Are we inviting Geoff and Sarah to the wedding?
21:49I don't know. Are we?
21:50They'll be pissed off if we don't.
21:52If we're inviting Ted and Alice and Mark and Sue...
21:54We've got to, really.
21:56So what are you asking me for, then?
21:58Because, bizarrely enough, you'll be there that day
22:00and you might want to have a say in the matter.
22:04I did offer you the choice of getting out.
22:07You should stay if you don't want to go through with it.
22:09I do. I've just got a lot more mind in the morning.
22:12Look, if you make up a list, we'll go through it tonight.
22:14Good call. See you.
22:21Drugs are available on G-Wing like it was Piccadilly Circus
22:24and the temptation is too much.
22:26Even if you don't touch the stuff, you get no reward.
22:29You still have strip searches and the rest, like the junkies.
22:33Governor Helen Stewart doesn't seem able to do much about it.
22:36If I were you, I'd be a bit more careful.
22:39She doesn't seem able to do much about it.
22:41If I've told her once,
22:43the only way to keep drugs out is closed visits.
22:47Will she listen?
22:48It's not just her problem, though, is it?
22:50It's every prison in the country.
22:52It is her problem now.
22:54Keep them in their kennels all day, that's what I say.
23:02Can I have a word, Alan?
23:03Oh, no, Mickey, I'm sorry, but I'm late as it is.
23:09But the whole system's wrong.
23:11I mean, there's no deterrent.
23:13You get two years for possessing cocaine on the outside.
23:16In here, you get 28 days' loss of remission.
23:18It's ludicrous, don't you think?
23:22Well, it's difficult.
23:24I know.
23:26Who'd have thought it, eh? In the papers.
23:29Wait till I tell my Bobby.
23:33I, er...
23:35think you ought to read this, Mum.
23:41Yes, there she is.
23:46Mum, Mr Stubberford wants to see you in his office now.
24:05In deep shit, you're Miss Stewart.
24:08Piss off, duckling.
24:12Smart girl, Crystal.
24:14Yeah, very clever.
24:16Well, you have to speak up for what you believe in, innit?
24:19All your own work, was it?
24:21Sure was.
24:23For what?
24:25For when they put us on closed visits, you slack divvy.
24:28Yeah, you slack divvy.
24:30And no gear coming in.
24:32You might get your bleeding jollies from singing to the Lord, but what about us, eh?
24:36You can thank me one day.
24:37And you might get your reward in heaven sooner than you think.
24:47Well, if it sparks a debate about drugs in prison, perhaps it's been for the good.
24:51Is that all you can say?
24:53I'm sorry if it sounds glib.
24:55Sounds cavalier, if you ask me.
24:57I'm doing all I can to stop drugs getting into Lark Hall.
25:00I might as well stand in the beach and tell the tide to stop coming in.
25:04Every prison in the country is awash with drugs, and you know it.
25:08That is hardly the point.
25:10This is a PR disaster for Lark Hall, if you hadn't realised.
25:14This Crystal...
25:18Gordon says she complained to you about drugs on G-Wing. Did she?
25:22What do you want me to do?
25:24Order closed visits and risk having a right in her hands?
25:27Prisons only work when inmates cooperate.
25:30Did she complain?
25:32Yes, and I spoke to her.
25:34Didn't make much impact, did you?
25:36I tried to reassure her, but...
25:38Well, she's a little on the eccentric side, unfortunately.
25:41The Guardian takes her seriously enough.
25:44I'll talk to her again.
25:46Yes, you will.
25:48And while you're doing that, I'll spend the rest of the week
25:51getting the Home Office off our back
25:53and sorting out this bloody mess you got us into.
26:01Is it OK to talk now?
26:03Better than any other time.
26:06I'm sorry about the letter.
26:08You're doing the rounds, is it?
26:10Not what I wanted to be expected.
26:14I phoned you last night.
26:17I thought it might be you. How did you get my number?
26:20Director inquiries. Out of order, I know. I'm sorry.
26:23I just wanted to tell you the good news.
26:26What good news?
26:28I think I've got Monica to reconsider.
26:31God, something's gone right today. Well done.
26:33I thought I'd cheer you up.
26:37Don't worry about the letter.
26:40You've got lots of other things to look forward to.
26:43Like a wedding to plan.
26:45That's right.
26:47Anyway, well done about Monica.
26:50I'll see you, Nicky.
26:52See you, Helen.
26:57I told you, if you had any evidence at all...
26:59But you never do nothing.
27:01How can I when no-one tells me anything?
27:03You waste time searching people like me or my visitors.
27:06The way around this is for us to help one another,
27:08not go behind each other's back like you did with this letter.
27:11There's no law against writing letters.
27:13That's not the point.
27:14There should be separate prisons for the junkies.
27:16Let them destroy themselves. Then they don't harm no-one else.
27:19Crystal, I don't make the laws in this country.
27:21I just have to work within them best I can.
27:23All your letter's done is turn up the heat in this particular prison.
27:26Then that's good.
27:28Well, it's not gonna solve anything.
27:30Life will get harder for a couple of days till it blows over.
27:33Then it'll just go back to normal.
27:35With the law not protecting the ordinary person.
27:37So the ordinary person gotta do what they gotta do.
27:40Which is why I wrote the letter, innit?
27:55All right, miss?
27:58Great, innit? This fresh air.
28:00That's another thing about coming off drugs.
28:02You can taste things better. Like when you stop smoking.
28:05Are you really clean, Jo?
28:06Clean's a whistle, miss. I'm going back now.
28:08Well, that's good, then.
28:10I'm just sorry I got heavy with you then a few times.
28:12That's all in the past now.
28:14So we can forget it ever happened?
28:18And, er, what about Zandra? Is she clean as well?
28:21I'm trying to help her. Some people don't want to know.
28:24Well, just do what you can, eh?
28:26Look, there was just one other thing.
28:28My mum got this perfume from the jews.
28:30Lots of other girls got it. It's gloss. It's banned.
28:33Please, miss. It's not gonna hurt anyone.
28:36Where's the almond little bottle of perfume?
28:38If I got caught, I'd be in deep shit.
28:40Don't be like that, miss. It's not like I'm asking to bring drugs in or anything.
28:43It's just a little dab of scent.
28:45Keep them smelling sweet for that little blond guy that comes in to do the windows.
28:48Have you seen him?
28:50Cute, innit? Them tight jeans he wears.
28:54Just a little favour, this once.
28:57This is the last time, Chell.
28:59Thanks, miss. I won't ask for anything else.
29:01I mean it. I'd pack the job in first. It's just not worth the risk.
29:04Don't worry. It's the last time for me and all. I swear.
29:21Morning, girl.
29:25Yeah, fine.
29:28Nicky said that she had a word with you.
29:30That's right.
29:32Any more thoughts?
29:34Well, I think she talked some sense into me, actually.
29:36I've decided to go ahead with the appeal.
29:38I don't know what came over me.
29:40Well... I do.
29:43You've been very depressed.
29:45I understood you wanting to drop it, strangely enough.
29:50Well, when it's uphill all the time, there doesn't seem much point.
29:54No, but I've been in the prison service for two years.
29:57I've seen some women go through hell.
30:00Sometimes you've just got to get a grip of yourself.
30:05Anyway, your solicitor seems very confident about your chances.
30:09Downhill all the way.
30:25Thanks. Cheers.
31:24You know, it's not only in church that you pray, Cheryl.
31:29You pray alone, as well.
31:31You tell God how you're feeling.
31:33You thank him for all he's done for you.
31:35You ask him for things.
31:37What kind of things?
31:39Whatever you need to make you a better person, innit?
31:42Like he brought you off drugs, didn't he?
31:46Well, I'm trying, Crystal.
31:49There's so much tension in my head.
31:52There's so much temptation about.
31:54Which is why you need the help of the Lord.
31:57And there's officers bringing the gear and all.
32:00Officers? Like who?
32:04Oh, I can't say.
32:06I don't know be a blade.
32:08Cheryl, if you're sure, you've got to say.
32:10This ain't like you're grassing up a friend.
32:15She might get into trouble.
32:17I hope so. She deserves to burn in hellfire if she's dealing in drugs.
32:21But you've got to tell the Governor.
32:23That's the only way we're going to get rid of it. She told me herself.
32:27Look, don't tell me if you don't want to,
32:29but tell the Governor, Cheryl. You've got to.
32:33I don't know. It's a bit scary.
32:37Will you come with me if I do?
32:42But then you'd better tell me who it is.
32:51Did my mum remember to post that perfume to you?
32:54I'll bring it to your cellar lock-up.
33:14Cheryl's got something to tell you about the drug problem.
33:18How does she know?
33:20We said to tell you if we knew anything.
33:22All right, go on.
33:25Well, Cheryl knows someone that's bringing the stuff in.
33:28And it's a prison officer.
33:32But before I say who, Miss, I want you to know I'm sticking my neck out here.
33:36A lot of the girls are going to be mad if this supply gets cut off.
33:39Cheryl, you'd better not be wasting my time.
33:42This is a very serious allegation.
33:44She can prove it, Miss.
33:46She's got to have to.
33:47I know you're suspicious, Miss, and I don't blame you.
33:50But I want to make up for what I'd done.
33:52All the mess I caused, dealing in drugs and everything.
33:55I was well out of order.
33:58And I've found God now.
34:03I have.
34:05It's only God can bring people off drugs for goods.
34:08And if you don't mind my saying,
34:10it's only God can sort the mess you got yourself into.
34:13Yes, yes, OK.
34:15So who is it?
34:17I'm trying to help you as well, Miss.
34:19I know you're in trouble after Crystal's letter.
34:21Look, will you save me the false concern and just tell me who it is?
34:25Yeah, but I want you to know why I'm doing this.
34:36She's been putting pressure on me to buy them.
34:38Who has? Miss Rose!
34:41It's Lorna Rose who's been doing it.
34:46And you can prove it?
34:51You better.
35:16Come on.
35:18Piss off. Stuart's watching me.
35:23I've told you before about that letter of yours.
35:25Just watch it, OK?
35:46Have you got it?
35:48Hand it over, then.
35:50I think I'd better take that, don't you?
36:16I told you there'd be nothing. It's just perfume.
36:19That's still an offence!
36:21Why did you do it?
36:40Well, well, what have we here?
36:42Well, well, what have we here?
36:53That's a lucky bag, all right.
36:55I had no idea, I swear!
36:57For Christ's sake, Lorna!
37:12I'll need your ID as well.
37:33Do you set me up?
37:35It happens.
37:37I'm not going to let you get away with it.
37:40It happens.
37:42Let's wait for the investigation, shall we?
38:41I knew Shell was up to something with that religious carry-on.
38:45I said it was all eyewash.
38:47Well, Jim was all for it.
38:49I said I'd give her the benefit of the doubt, that's all.
38:52And now?
39:06So what's going on? Can any of you tell me?
39:09We think one of the prisoners was blackmailing Miss Rose, sir.
39:13Over what?
39:15We're not quite sure what happened yet, sir.
39:17There's a lot of rumours flying around.
39:19She must have done something wrong if it was blackmail.
39:23The wing's having problems generally at the moment, sir.
39:26I haven't seen anything like it before.
39:28No, nor me.
39:30And I've been in the service for a long time.
39:33Does anyone here know where Miss Stewart is?
39:47I think you've done brilliant, Shell.
39:50Yeah, cutting the supplier off just like that.
39:53Yeah, that's why she did it, innit?
39:55She could have picked on somebody else, though, couldn't she?
39:58Like Olimby.
39:59Olimby, yeah.
40:00Miss Rose wasn't that bad, really.
40:02She was a screw, wasn't she?
40:04If I turned her into one of us, that can only be good.
40:17Can I have a word?
40:18Yes, of course.
40:20I'll come back in about five minutes.
40:24Glad to see you're getting on top of things after our little chat.
40:27I had no idea that was going to happen.
40:30But while you acclimatise, there are going to be a few changes here.
40:33I've ordered closed visits for staff.
40:35I really don't think that's a good idea.
40:37Punishing everyone for an officer's indiscretion.
40:39Then what do you suggest?
40:41My staff are stretched as it is.
40:43They're making a botched job of it, if that's what you mean.
40:46Perhaps this will brighten their ideas up.
40:59Well, there's one bit of good news.
41:01We've got the date we want at the registry office.
41:04Old shuffle-button can't override you on that.
41:07It's Debra Field.
41:15I don't know that I can take another day in that place.
41:18You can't give up now.
41:22What, and let Jim Fenner get your job?
41:27What, and let Jim Fenner get your job?
41:30You hang in there.
41:41What's this, then?
41:43It's closed visits. Miss Stewart's orders.
41:45The cow!
41:46It's not her bringing the drugs in, is it?
41:48How do we know? One of her officers did.
41:50Yeah, that's right.
41:51If I can't hold my little David's hand when he visits...
41:54Yeah, it's all she's going to look forward to.
41:56You can have a riot on your hands if you're not careful.
41:58This won't have been her decision, will it?
42:00We're the governing governors.
42:02How do you know?
42:03If anyone's to blame, it's Dockley for setting up Lorna Rose.
42:06That's what's done this.
42:07That's bollocks.
42:08Is it?
42:10I'd say it's spot on myself.
42:22Best thing I've heard in ages.
42:2490 women on a short fuse.
42:26Dead cushy.
42:28Yes, well, any trouble, you just bang them up.
42:31Happiness is door-shaped, as far as I'm concerned.
42:34She should have done this months ago, like I said.
42:37What's the atmosphere going to be like?
42:39Oh, I've no time for atmospheres.
42:41I go by the rules, me.
42:43You know where you are that way.
42:50Could be worse.
42:52Could it?
42:53Showing Simon you're on the case, nabbing Lorna like that.
42:56You'll be putting Cheryl back on enhanced after that, will you?
42:59After what? Setting up one of your fellow officers?
43:03I don't think so.
43:08She can't keep me on basic.
43:10You couldn't have made a worse cock-up if you'd tried.
43:12I've got the bitch off the hook.
43:13You set up an officer.
43:14I shafted a screw who was bringing drugs in here.
43:16I've told you, Jim, I've changed. We've got to get rid of this shit.
43:19Will you listen? Nobody believes that crap.
43:22It just makes you look an even bigger liar.
43:24Serves you right for not involving me.
43:27That's what really bugs you, innit?
43:30If you'd let me find her stuff instead of her,
43:32I could have taken it straight to Stubberfield
43:34and she'd have been out on her arse.
43:36Instead of which, you just saved it and made yourself even more unpopular.
43:40You're gonna have to be bloody smart to get out of this one.
43:52Are you gonna miss all this?
43:54Yes. How will I cope?
43:58To think I'll soon leave it all behind.
44:03You're confident all of a sudden?
44:05No, no. I was just thinking positive, like you said.
44:12I thought there was something you weren't telling me for a minute.
44:15I've read about you in the papers.
44:17I've read about you in the papers? What, about this place?
44:21Seems that I've come at a really interesting time.
44:23Yes, well, just so you know, you might be famous on the outside,
44:27but you won't be in here.
44:29Wanna bet?
44:36I've got to go.
44:38You won't be in here.
44:40Wanna bet?
44:47Are these my new neighbours?
44:49Any objection?
44:51They're not all sweetheart.
44:53Name's Yvonne. Hope you like your good party girls.
44:57Who's that?
44:58Passive, Ron Atkins.
45:00It's Charlie Atkins' wife, innit?
45:02Someone tried to muscle in on him. She got a hitman to bump him off.
45:05Hitman grasped.
45:07What did she get?
45:08Four years.
45:09She can bump me off any day.
45:26Don't let the buggers get you down.
45:39What are you reading?
45:40Little Dora. It's a story about a terrible prison.
45:43Thank goodness we got rid of all of those.
45:45You're doing your bit, Ellen.
45:47Most of the girls in here know that deep down.
45:50Yeah, but for how much longer?
45:52Hey, come here.
45:56I'm just getting it from all sides, Nicky.
45:59You know?
46:01From above and below.
46:04It just would be so much easier just to give in to it.
46:08You mustn't think like that.
46:19No, I'm sorry. I'll...
46:24I shouldn't have done that.
46:26No, you shouldn't.
46:33You shouldn't.
46:55You there, Monica Loud?
46:57Not much longer now and you'll be free!
47:04Brian, any more letters, Crystal?
47:08Send one to Yvonne's hitman.
47:10Ask him to take you out.
47:14She can do that herself, can't she?
47:16She works in the kitchen.
47:18She can get a knife and slit her own bleeding throat.
47:20Yeah, and jog as well, she's at it.