Bad Girls-1999-S01-Ep-06

  • 2 days ago
Dominic has his hands full with a new inmate, Jessie Devlin, a chronic alcoholic. After a period spent drying out, Jessie is moved to G-Wing where she is soon marked out as an easy target for a spot of bullying by Shell


00:00It's like we're getting some care off this lot.
00:23It's that bloody time!
00:49Anyone seen the Governor yet?
00:52She due back today?
00:53Got my fingers crossed she's gone for a career change.
00:56If only.
00:59Would you change your mind, Dom?
01:01If Stuart quit?
01:03Maybe it's for the best.
01:05If he feels he can't hack it.
01:06It's got bugger all to do with hacking it.
01:08If Rachel Hicks hadn't done it here,
01:10she'd have done it somewhere else.
01:12You know, when I took this job,
01:14I thought I'd at least give a toss about whether someone lived or died.
01:17Oh, like I don't? Is that what you mean?
01:19Well, if the cap fits.
01:20You cheeky...
01:21Come on, Dominic.
01:22What's that supposed to mean, Jim?
01:24What happened to Rachel wasn't anybody's fault.
01:26Not yours, not mine, not Sylvia's. You know that.
01:29So we're all happy, just as long as the money goes into the bank on time.
01:39Get Mr Conscience there.
01:46Hiya, Nicky.
01:48Miss Stuart.
01:49How are you?
01:52How was your holiday?
01:53Oh, I don't know that I would call it holiday exactly.
01:56Three weeks struggling with instructions to flat-pipe furniture.
02:00No man around to help you?
02:02Call yourself a feminist?
02:04Sean's up to his eyes in work at the moment.
02:07The longer we're together, the less time we seem to spend with each other.
02:10Mind you, I did catch up with a bit of reading.
02:12Have you read Sophie's World?
02:14No. No, I haven't.
02:16Well, I've got a copy at home. I'll bring it in.
02:18Isn't that against regulations?
02:21I won't tell if you won't.
02:23See you around.
02:24See ya.
02:28Morning, Miss Jet.
02:29Morning, Gemma.
02:33Mind you, if Stuart does show her face, I might walk out there with Gates with him.
02:38Ah, come on, Sylvia. You'll be buried here.
02:41Good morning.
02:44Morning, Mum.
02:46So, how did you cope without me? Was everything all right?
02:49Everything's running very smoothly.
02:51Not one single incident to report.
03:00Can I help you, Mum?
03:02Well, someone better had.
03:04I'm looking for Nicky Wade's file.
03:06Any particular reason?
03:07I want to review her sentence plan.
03:09When was the last time anyone had a look at it?
03:12It's not worth looking at.
03:16Listen, I'd like to see all the reports for the last three weeks.
03:19Even if there's nothing to report?
03:23I'll get them to you by Friday.
03:25Today will be fine.
03:31See what you've done. See what you've done.
03:35That's the one.
03:36Jessie Devlin.
03:41Hello, Jessie.
03:43I'm Officer McAllister.
03:46Do you know where you are?
03:50No, no, no, there's no need to be.
03:52Listen, we're going to go into the next room with this officer here.
03:56She's going to get you some clean clothes, OK?
04:00It's all right. No-one's going to hurt you.
04:05Not just me.
04:06No, no, no, you won't be alone.
04:12Looks like she's just been dug up.
04:14Bit of luck they'll keep her on skid row.
04:16Yeah, and I'll win the lottery.
04:18Make sure she gets a complete medical, not just a once-over.
04:21And the governor wants a full report.
04:23Since when?
04:24Since she decided to make our lives just a little more difficult.
04:46Not me.
04:48Not me home.
04:50You'll be all right.
04:55I don't feel too good.
04:57The nurse isn't far away.
04:58I can't.
04:59I need a drink.
05:00I need a drink.
05:01Not without a drink.
05:02You said not on my own.
05:04I need a drink.
05:05I need a drink.
05:06I need a drink.
05:07I need a drink.
05:08I need a drink.
05:09I need a drink.
05:10I need a drink.
05:11I need a drink.
05:12I need a drink.
05:13Not on my own.
05:14It's just going to be better.
05:16Get off!
05:17Get off!
05:18Get off!
05:19Get off!
05:20Get off!
05:21Get off!
05:22Get off!
05:23Get off!
05:24Get off!
05:25Get off!
05:26Get off!
05:27Press the bell!
05:28Press the bell!
05:31Leave it.
05:32Leave it.
05:38On the bed, yeah?
05:41Come on.
05:42Come on.
05:43That's it, there.
05:44That's it.
05:47Jessie, you know, this is the best place for...
06:05Miss, can I...?
06:06I need to talk to you.
06:08What is it, Zan?
06:09It's Robin.
06:10I've written him loads of letters and he's not written back.
06:13Look, my love, if he's the kind of bloke that dumps you in the state you're in,
06:16you're better off without him.
06:17He doesn't know the state I'm in.
06:19He doesn't know.
06:20He's got responsibilities.
06:21If only I could just talk to him.
06:23Well, ring him, then.
06:24I can't.
06:25His parents are at his directory.
06:26If only someone would just...
06:27Put him out of your mind, Zandra.
06:36Dominic, wait a minute.
06:42So, how's things?
06:47Yeah, I know.
06:49Jessie Devlin, new inmate.
06:51Well, she's been sick.
06:52Yeah, for the last 12 years.
06:54She's got a history of alcoholism and manic depression.
06:57She shouldn't be here.
06:58Well, she's only here for a couple of weeks, at least she's safe.
07:01Is she?
07:02Well, she's an out here, yeah.
07:04Doesn't add up to much, though, does it?
07:06Well, it's something.
07:07No, it's nothing.
07:09Look, you might be helping.
07:12All I'm doing is mopping up the mess.
07:16Look, we're gonna have to do this another time, OK?
07:19Yeah, sure.
07:23How about the pub sometime?
07:25I'm free on Friday. We can do it then.
07:27What are you gonna do, ply me with alcohol, get me to change my mind?
07:31I'd add your mark down for that cheap.
07:35Yeah, all right.
08:01It's all right.
08:02Everyone's gonna be OK.
08:09Jessie, you're finished!
08:11Stop it!
08:18You used to run your own business.
08:21What did that entail?
08:22Hiring, firing.
08:24And what do you do to keep busy now?
08:26Gym, gardening, usual stuff, you know.
08:30You're not interested in the education classes?
08:33Well, there are only so many macrame plant hangers you need in my lifetime.
08:37I'm talking about the Open University.
08:39Look, in ten years' time,
08:41I'll be a 43-year-old ex-con with a general studies degree.
08:46Companies will be crying out for them, won't they?
08:49I'd like you to think about it.
08:53As a favour to me?
08:58For you.
09:30Hello, Jessie.
09:34You look a lot better than you did last week.
09:37Come on.
09:39You're moving up to GB.
09:44That's it.
09:45Come on.
09:58All right, get yourself fed.
10:01Shell, when you're ready, yeah?
10:07Right then, what do you want?
10:15Oi, you!
10:16I asked you a question.
10:18Are you a frigging nutcase?
10:24I said, what do you want?
10:28Fish and chips.
10:30And what's the magic word?
10:33Now stop pissing her about or I'll have you up on a charge, yeah?
10:36Just having a little laugh with the new girl, Mrs McAllister.
10:45Put a little bit extra on there for you, darling.
10:53You all right, Den?
10:54I'm starving.
10:55Well, we can't have that, can we, Den?
10:58Is she taking the piss or what?
11:01The bag lady over there.
11:07She didn't touch a thing on her plate.
11:10Look at her.
11:11Off as bad as I can't even find her mouth.
11:26I'm sorry.
11:27I'm sorry.
11:28I'm sorry.
11:29I'm sorry.
11:30I'm sorry.
11:31I'm sorry.
11:32I'm sorry.
11:33I'm sorry.
11:34I'm sorry.
11:37Pick it up.
11:38Like a good girl.
11:47Look, Den.
11:48Up you get. Come on.
11:53What's the joke?
11:55Come, give me a hand.
11:57Top her up.
11:58What, with my bag?
11:59Look, if your bag's that bad, you shouldn't be here.
12:01It won't be easy, does it?
12:03There we go.
12:05Mrs Hollenby.
12:06Can you get Mrs Devlin a cup of tea?
12:09Tea, please.
12:18We're nothing but skivvies as far as she's concerned.
12:26Where are you off to, Zan?
12:28Getting up on this top bunk's killing me.
12:30You mean a woman in my condition?
12:32You don't know.
12:33You could have Zandra's bunk.
12:35Get you away from the singing nun.
12:37Do you know what?
12:39I could really handle a fistful of jellies.
12:42That slag Devlin looks as high as a bleeding kite.
12:45Let's pay her a visit.
12:46She's got any spare?
12:47The woman's a frigging nutcase, man, not a junkie.
12:50Just leave her alone, all right?
12:54Who slapped her tits?
13:03There we go.
13:10What is a pint of tea?
13:16Hershey's weird, eh?
13:19I don't know. Having a drink with the boss.
13:22Dominic, what must you think of me?
13:26Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you the other day.
13:29It's just, nah, that place sometimes...
13:34Tell me, what made you become a PO?
13:38I don't know. The uniform?
13:42Nah, erm...
13:44The money's good. Security.
13:46Really? Is that it?
13:51No, I thought I could help people, you know?
13:54Make a difference.
13:55Well, see, you can.
13:57You can learn.
13:58You've just got to give it some time.
14:00Nah, I've had enough of her.
14:04Rachel's suicide's really got to you, hasn't it?
14:07No, it's not just Rachel.
14:09There's other things too.
14:11What other things?
14:17Dominic, you get on well with the women.
14:20They really like you.
14:21Yeah, take the piss more like.
14:24No, we need an officer like you.
14:26You show the women respect.
14:28You've got integrity.
14:29Unlike some I could mention.
14:33Don't forget I said that.
14:46For Christ's sake, look what you've done!
14:48I'm sorry.
14:50You drunken old cow.
14:52You're gonna pay for this.
14:54I ain't got no money, yeah?
14:57Well, you better get someone out there to buy me another top.
15:02I don't have anyone.
15:04Well, there's a surprise.
15:05Right, you're gonna get a good old slapping.
15:09Cheryl, just leave it, yeah?
15:11Look what she's done to my top.
15:13Wash it. Come on, let's go.
15:16She's just an old hag, he's smelling the place out.
15:19Oh, come on.
15:32All I'm saying is you've still got time to change your mind.
15:36Yeah, so you keep saying.
15:38See you on Monday.
15:40I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna rip up your resignation.
15:42Then that'll be an end to it.
15:44Look, it's very flattering all this attention you're giving me, Eb.
15:49I just want you to think about it, yeah?
15:52All right, if...
15:54If I decide to change my mind,
15:56there's something I've got to clear up with you first.
15:58Yeah, what's that?
16:00Listen, before you start,
16:02you fancy one for the road?
16:06Good man.
16:13Can't believe it's that time already.
16:17Right, back to my flat.
16:20You sure?
16:22It'll keep me company.
16:24Sean's out somewhere showing off his collie optiles.
16:28His what?
16:29Don't ask.
16:30You ready?
16:35Let's go.
17:06You're not asleep, Zoe?
17:10I'm scared.
17:14I don't know what's gonna happen to me
17:16when this is born.
17:18I can't sleep either.
17:21What's up with you?
17:24Just thinking about things.
17:28What a shit life I've had.
17:49Here we are.
17:54So, you were about to tell me something in the pub.
17:59Yeah. Yeah.
18:01Well, go on.
18:03Can't be that bad.
18:07This is really difficult.
18:10I should have told you a long time ago.
18:13When we took Zandra to the abortion clinic,
18:15remember, me and Lorna?
18:18She did a runner.
18:20She got away from us and went to see her boyfriend.
18:22Shit, Dominic.
18:23I know.
18:24We looked everywhere for her, but...
18:28just before we phoned for back-up, she wolfed back in.
18:34Lorna wanted to report her, but it was my fault,
18:36so I suggested we keep Stump.
18:38How could you have been such an arse?
18:40You know you can be sacked on the spot for not reporting an escape.
18:43Why do you think I decided to quit?
18:47I didn't want to keep on lying.
18:49Especially to you.
18:57Well, at least you told me now.
18:59You know I'm going to have to put a report into the number one.
19:03So you don't want me to withdraw my resignation?
19:05Of course not.
19:07So you don't want me to withdraw my resignation?
19:09Of course I want you to withdraw it.
19:11I told you, I want you to stay.
19:14And if you do stay, I promise I'll put in a good word for you,
19:17for you and Lorna.
19:19Thanks, Helen. Really, that's...
19:21that's a big weight off.
19:23Yeah, well, don't be too relieved.
19:25I have work still to be done.
19:30I have been known for my persuasive powers.
19:39Look what I've won.
19:41Hiya, B.
19:42Oh, hello.
19:44Sean, this is Dominic.
19:47Hi, Dom.
19:59before the jungle drums start banging,
20:01I thought I'd best tell you.
20:03I've had a think over the weekend and I've decided to stay.
20:06Hey! Excellent. Well done, Dom.
20:09So I'm going to have to send your present back,
20:11after all the trouble I've gone to.
20:13I hope it's a cash refund.
20:15I'm sure we can sort something out, Soph.
20:17What are you saying that, Jim? Sometimes you only get a credit slip.
20:20What made you change your mind?
20:22Couldn't bear to leave old body bag, eh?
20:24Come on, everybody, back to work.
20:26Come on, chop-chop.
20:30So it did change your mind, eh?
20:32Well, I had a drink on Friday night with Helen
20:35and she talked me round.
20:37Ah, very nice and cosy.
20:39Helen, eh?
20:46Morning, Miss Stuart.
20:50you haven't changed your mind?
20:53No, I've just told all the guys I'm staying.
21:00Are you going to speak to the boss?
21:02I'll talk to him at the next catch-up.
21:05So we won't know we're for the chop till then?
21:08Trust me,
21:10it's best that I don't ask for a special appointment.
21:12The bigger I make it, the bigger Simon will make it.
21:16Helen, um, could I ask you a favour?
21:21Could you keep my confession quiet from Lorna?
21:24At least until you speak to the boss.
21:26It'll just freak her out.
21:29And then I'm going to call you both in for the biggest bollocking of your lives.
21:35You're Jessie, aren't you?
21:37That's right.
21:38I'm Denny.
21:40Come on, this way.
21:44You'll be all right here.
21:45Oh, thank you.
21:48So you done bed before?
21:51Well, we'll keep your wits about you.
21:53Slag's up to all sorts, innit?
22:03Still haven't heard from him. Can't believe it.
22:05Well, no-one can say you didn't try him, my love.
22:07He's at rehab today. Just down the road.
22:09Don't even think about it. I've written down all you need to know.
22:12Bloody hell, I'll be chucked out.
22:14Go on, miss, please.
22:15I've kept my mouth shut, haven't I?
22:17Least you can do is take Sid a letter, yeah?
22:20I can't send it to his folks, I'll just rip it up.
22:22No way.
22:23Oh, go on, miss, please. Just this once.
22:25Everything all right?
22:26Mr Post. Just give it to Miss Rose to take to the post room.
22:29What's wrong? Your leg's packed in.
22:31No, I'm not feeling too well, you know, with the baby and all.
22:34Go on, then. Give it here.
22:38Well, that's not going anywhere.
22:40Forgotten the address?
22:42Must be my hormones.
22:45That's the address.
22:47He'll be there at four. You'll be there to meet him.
22:50If not, I'm off to see the governor.
22:56Come on.
23:17I'm sorry, I don't think I...
23:19Larkhawk G-Wing.
23:22Look, Sandra's worried. She wanted me to give you this.
23:26She's sent you loads before.
23:28I think she just wants to talk.
23:31Yeah, well, I don't. Tell her that, OK?
23:35Look, I'm sorting my life out for the first time in years.
23:38I'm doing it on my own, all right?
23:40No Sandra, no smack, just me.
23:43She's pregnant.
23:44Yeah, well, she had an abortion.
23:47She didn't go through with it.
23:56I don't know.
24:23Oh, yeah.
24:24So, how's it going?
24:27I'm counting the days. 13 to go.
24:30I've got thousands to do before I get out.
24:33Don't even know if I want to get out. I ain't got nowhere to go.
24:38So where you from, then?
24:40Bethnal Green.
24:41You always lived there?
24:43All over.
24:45You were a copper, yeah?
24:48That's what they told me, I don't remember. I was well out of it.
24:51So you're drying out.
24:53They make me dry out. Bastards.
24:58It's tough on your family, I bet. You being in here.
25:04No kids?
25:06Never had any, thank Christ.
25:07Won't believe I'm dropping their worth.
25:12See you later.
25:21Will you trust me on this?
25:22No, I'm going to go me own way on this one.
25:34Miss, did you see him yesterday?
25:36Yes, I did.
25:38And he doesn't have to know.
25:40But did you tell him I'm keeping the baby?
25:43Look, I told you it'd be a waste of time.
25:45Do yourself a favour, my love, and put him out of your mind, yeah?
25:53Aren't you coming up to see your best friend then?
25:57They're going to think you fancied her.
25:58Yeah, funny.
26:00Or maybe she fancies you.
26:06I'll show her what I think of her.
26:18Come on, Dan, get your foot in.
26:21Take a good look at this.
26:24Don't you look familiar?
26:30Come on.
26:32Oh, come on.
26:34You all right, Jessie?
26:36Good job, you're in deep shit.
26:37Yeah, big deal.
26:38Nah, enough of the odd cheek, come on.
26:45I'll ask you again, why did you attack her?
26:49I felt like it.
26:50That's your explanation?
26:55Have you any idea why this happened, Jessie?
26:58I smiled over her and she come at me.
27:00With a knife.
27:01I should have cut your face off.
27:02You're up on a very serious charge, Daniella.
27:04And one I kept away from me.
27:07You think I'd come anywhere near you after what you did to me?
27:09I never done nothing to you.
27:11You bloody did!
27:13What have I done?
27:14What have I done?
27:18Is there something that you're not telling us?
27:22She's my bleeding mother!
27:27All right!
27:33Yeah, we'll sort it tomorrow, all right?
27:39Alexandra, how far gone are you?
27:42Six months, why?
27:44Keep it.
27:45What were you on about?
27:46Who knows, might get in the way.
27:49Piss off, will you?
27:51My kids went to my mum when I got put in here.
27:54Because I trust her, you know what I mean?
27:56Imagine having a mother who couldn't give a shit about you.
27:59Like Denny here.
28:02Denny's mum put her daughter over to the social.
28:04Because she couldn't put the bottle down, isn't that right, Den?
28:07Rather have a vodka any time.
28:11What age were you when your foster father started raping you, Den?
28:1411, was it?
28:16Leave it, shall we?
28:18Had to have an abortion at 13.
28:21Only place Denny liked was her last children's home.
28:24Then they told her they were shipping her out.
28:28Is there any bleeding wonder she torched it and ended up in Durham?
28:33What kind of a mother does that to her kid?
28:40Hear that, Jessie?
28:41Hear what they're calling you.
28:45Because that's what you are.
28:50You piece of shit!
29:03Come on!
29:05Go, go, go, go!
29:12Move it!
29:14Move it!
29:29Are you all right?
29:36You want to talk to someone?
29:41I can go find a screw.
29:44I thought she'd stand a better chance.
29:47I really did.
29:51What can I offer her?
29:54Have you told her that?
29:57She don't want to know.
29:59I would if it was me.
30:02She finished me off for good.
30:04No one blame her.
30:07She needs you to tell her why you left her.
30:12I can't face it.
30:16I just can't.
30:20Have you tried writing it down?
31:12Are you running away again, are you?
31:17I'll put some things down.
31:20I might fill in a few gaps.
31:24You reckon you can put down all I need to know on a bit of paper?
31:30Well, I've got to go.
31:42Was I a bad kid?
31:45Did you really hate me?
31:56Try and read this.
32:23You don't get it, do you?
32:25I can't bloody read!
32:28Good morning.
32:29Good morning.
32:31Hi, Miss Stuart.
32:36I brought you that prospectus.
32:38You don't give up easily, do you?
32:40There's an English course in there you might be interested in.
32:45You really think I can do this?
32:47Of course.
32:48What's stopping you?
32:50I've got to go.
32:52I've got to go.
32:54I've got to go.
32:55You really think I can do this?
32:56Of course.
32:57What's stopping you?
32:59I'm scared.
33:01Well, I never thought I'd hear you say that.
33:04But you can only do your best.
33:06Give it a read.
33:14You thought I'd forget, didn't you?
33:16I hope this letter will try to explain what happened.
33:20Why I could never be a good mum.
33:23I didn't know how.
33:25Mine was no good, and my dad...
33:28Well, he did things to me no dad should have done.
33:36Mum turned a blind eye.
33:39Maybe she was scared.
33:41I don't know.
33:42She turned a blind eye.
33:44Maybe she was scared.
33:46As soon as I could, I started to drink to block it all out.
33:51I woke up one morning, Tuesday.
33:54It was two hours before I'd realised you'd gone.
33:59They'd taken you the night before when I was in the pub.
34:04They encouraged me to give you up.
34:06Told me you'd be better off looked after properly.
34:09By those bastards.
34:11After that, I got married three times.
34:15Not one of them any good.
34:18When the last one died,
34:21I opened a bottle at his funeral and didn't put it down
34:26till I came in here.
34:29I know you must hate me. You have every right to.
34:34They should have a bigger word for it.
34:37And I'm sorry.
35:04All right, Sam?
35:06I feel terrible.
35:07Not all this again, Zandra.
35:09Haven't you ever loved anyone?
35:11Do you know what it's like?
35:13I know it must be hard for you.
35:15You ain't got a bleeding clue.
35:17I can't sleep. I can't eat.
35:19You're a girl. I have trouble sleeping.
35:21My mum.
35:23Valuable something.
35:25Wouldn't miss her for you, would she?
35:27Nothing illegal.
35:29Something she can get off the doctor.
35:31Don't walk away from me.
35:34If you think I'm going to bring any kind of drug in here,
35:36legal or otherwise, you're out of your mind.
35:38I'd be up on a charge before I knew it.
35:40Yeah? Well,
35:42that's what'll happen if you don't.
36:04Come on, you.
36:35I'll be leaving Monday.
36:40You'll be glad to see the back of me.
36:43Weren't much of a family reunion.
36:52I don't know if you'd like, but
36:54maybe I could stay in touch.
36:57Visit sometimes.
37:00Do you want me to?
37:05I ain't never had a visitor.
37:25Are you all right, Sam?
37:27This little thing was kicking the shit out of me.
37:37Have a jelly.
37:40For me.
37:42What, for nothing?
37:44Thanks, Denny.
37:54When I was a kid,
37:56one of the girls in the home,
37:58her dad turned up one day
38:00and took her back with him.
38:01I remember looking out the window,
38:03them driving off.
38:05For years, I thought that was how it happened.
38:09Bit of a shock to meet my mum in here,
38:11looking like a burst bag of shite.
38:15I'm sorry.
38:16You know, for spitting it out.
38:18Don't matter.
38:21She said she was going to visit.
38:24Yeah, well,
38:27don't count on it.
38:29That's all I can say.
38:32Night, Den.
38:34Night, Sam.
38:42You must be getting excited about getting out.
38:45Living in an hostel,
38:47it's not much better than here.
38:49I get lonely.
38:52Did you mean it
38:54when you said you was going to visit me?
38:56Course I did.
38:58As long as you still want me to.
38:59See, I think it might be our fear,
39:01tricking across London to see me.
39:03You might forget or you might not have the money.
39:05I'll try, Jenny. Honest, I will.
39:07You don't need to.
39:09Because I know a way we can be together.
39:13I'm coming with you.
39:24From me own Juliet.
39:26I'm impressed.
39:27Juliet and Juliet would be more my cup of tea.
39:39Have you never been interested in men?
39:42Not my flavour, no.
39:44But I thought...
39:50I just hadn't met the right one.
39:52No, they do nothing for me.
39:54How can you be sure?
39:55The same way as you are.
39:57If you are.
40:00I'm not interested in women.
40:03Not in that way.
40:07You should give it a go sometime.
40:09Don't know what you're missing.
40:21The two Julies are going to sew two of those things
40:23the same way.
40:25And they're going to put the screw wearer
40:27onto their shoulders, onto my shirt.
40:29Denny, and look at this.
40:31Hang on a minute.
40:35It's brilliant, isn't it?
40:37It's stupid.
40:39It's not stupid.
40:41Julius knew someone who did it in Croesall.
40:43Croesall's an open prison.
40:45Can't be that much harder in here.
40:47Course it's harder.
40:49You'll have your exit papers
40:51and I'll be escorting you out the gates.
40:52If it's so easy, how come everyone doesn't do it?
40:54Because they haven't thought of it.
40:56It's the only way we can be together.
40:58Denny, we hardly know each other.
41:00How are we going to get to know each other,
41:02with me stuck in here?
41:04I told you, I'll visit.
41:06I don't believe you.
41:09Are you saying you don't want me to come with you?
41:11I'm saying I don't want you doing any more time
41:13than you have to.
41:15I won't get caught.
41:17Tomorrow I'm walking out with you.
41:18Oh, and don't say nothing to Shell, yeah?
41:48Come on!
41:50Come on!
41:52Move it, move it!
41:54Come along!
41:56Hurry up there!
41:58Come on!
42:02Give me ten minutes exactly, then leave.
42:04Listen, Den, you know what to do.
42:08Don't give up now.
42:10Fifteen minutes and we'll be getting a cab into Soho.
42:18Come on.
42:48I thought you was going to let me down.
43:01Come on, let's go.
43:07It's not going to work, Den.
43:11You're risking everything.
43:13All I can think about is where the nearest pub is.
43:15I can help you get off the booze.
43:16I can only do that for myself.
43:20So that's it?
43:26You cow.
43:31Bye, Den.
43:47How'd it go?
43:49Well, I can't say he was too pleased.
43:51In fact, he was bloody furious.
43:53I knew it.
43:55All I can say is you can thank government funding
43:57that we're so short-staffed.
44:01He doesn't want to lose two good officers
44:03over a stupid mistake.
44:05Oh, thanks, Anne. Thanks a lot.
44:07So I'll see you both tomorrow to read the Right Act.
44:11I'll see you tomorrow.
44:14I'll see you both tomorrow to read the Right Act.
44:18Well, haven't you got work to do?
44:20Yeah, of course.
44:44I love you.
45:15Come on, let's go.
45:23Come on, let's go.
45:44Come on, let's go.
46:15Hi, Mum.
46:17Hi, Mum.
46:19Good weekend.
46:23Listen, I've got a confession to make.
46:28The other night when Helen took me out for a drink...
46:32I told her about Zandra's escape.
46:34You did what?
46:36No, listen, it's all right.
46:38I told her it was all down to me, yeah?
46:40And Helen's spoken to the boss.
46:42We're going to get a bollock in,
46:44but we're in the clear.
46:50Got anything for me?
46:54Carb for you, though.
47:06two days and not a drop.
47:08So far, so good.
47:10Send me a visitor's order.
47:12And from your mum, Jessie.
47:23Oi, Denny!
47:25If Jessie's your mum,
47:27there comes your Helen and she's mine, eh?
47:30You dirty cow!
47:33At least I've got me a mum.
47:35Even if she isn't Helen.