Bad Girls-1999-S01-Ep-03

  • 2 days ago
Rachel is besotted with Fenner and asks him if they will still be able to see each other when she is released from prison. She gives him a love letter but he destroys it.


01:30Any sign of the post yet?
01:33The post?
01:34I'm expecting a letter from my solicitor.
01:37Sound right?
01:39Yeah, my tits were here.
01:41Look, do you think I'd shove all jellies down my neck if I didn't have to?
01:46You're going to kill yourself.
01:50Is it here?
01:54Looks like somebody loves the two of you today.
01:58You've read them.
02:00Why don't you just tell us the juicy bits?
02:03You can read them for yourself when you get back to Earth.
02:09Something on your mind?
02:12No, miss.
02:15What are we going to do today?
02:18I don't know, Hal.
02:20I've got plenty of work to keep me busy.
02:22Come on, Sean, I hardly ever get a Friday off. I want to do something.
02:26I'll get it.
02:30I'll tell you what I want to do.
02:34Keep you prisoner in here.
02:36Show you how the other half lives.
02:42Anytime. My pleasure.
02:44No, I mean for being here.
02:46Well, it's your flat. I should be thanking you.
02:49It's our flat.
02:51And if you weren't here, I'd end up sending off to the fridge about Jim Finn and the rest of them.
02:56You're going to have to face Al. The guy does your head in, but you're stuck with him.
03:00Just as he's stuck with you.
03:02So what am I supposed to do? Grin and bear it?
03:05You can handle him.
03:07Yeah, I can.
03:12It's the weekend.
03:14Three whole days off.
03:16And no Jim Finner.
03:18Only me.
03:29Rachel, you got a minute?
03:33You get around, don't you?
03:35Yeah, Jim, of course.
03:37I'll see you at the cycle.
03:43Listen to me, you interfering dyke.
03:45Just keep that snout of yours where it belongs,
03:47or you're going to end up shagging the end of my boot.
03:52You really know how to talk to a woman, don't you, Finner?
03:59I'll be out in less than a year.
04:01We'll still see each other, won't we, when I get out?
04:03Of course.
04:05I'm going to miss you, Jim.
04:07I'll miss you.
04:09I'll miss you too.
04:11I'll miss you too.
04:15I'm going to miss you.
04:17I'm going to miss you.
04:19I'm going to miss you.
04:21I'm going to miss you.
04:23I'm going to miss you.
04:26Do you know what it's meant to me, having you to take care of me?
04:30Well, right now, you could take care of this for me.
04:38Oi! Watch where you're putting your feet!
04:40Can you keep it moving, please, ladies?
04:42I love it when you say please, sir.
04:45Don't you love it when he says please, Jim?
04:47Oh, do anything for a man who said please.
04:49We could do anything.
04:51At all.
04:52Well, can you just keep it moving for now, thank you.
04:58Oh, what's up? You got a Johnny letter?
05:00No, of course not.
05:01Robin's not much of a letter writer, though.
05:03Bet he'll visit, though, won't he?
05:05He's in the past few weeks. Probably shitfaced.
05:07Oh, drop him, love. Obviously don't give a stuff.
05:10No way. We love each other. We're getting married next month.
05:13Well, we're supposed to be, but I'm in this bog hole for the next bloody year, aren't I?
05:17Well, if that's the case, why don't you ask Stuart about getting married in here?
05:23Pull the other one up for us, Elvis.
05:25Oh, straight up, you can. You just got to ask Stuart.
05:27What are you talking about? She doesn't get itched inside.
05:30Bloody well do. Inside or out, what's the difference?
05:32Do you think Stuart would go for it?
05:36Right, I'd better be on my way.
05:40You look after yourself, OK?
05:48Take this with you.
05:50What is it?
05:53I get stuck for words sometimes when I want to tell people how I feel,
05:57so I wrote it all down for you.
06:05Do you need your head looking at, Rachel?
06:07What's the matter?
06:09I told you, we've got to be careful.
06:11What if somebody had seen that, eh?
06:13What do you think would happen?
06:15I'll tell you. They'd transfer you.
06:17Move you somewhere I wouldn't be able to look after you.
06:20Now, is that what you want?
06:22No, of course not.
06:24Well, you'd better be careful, then.
06:26I will. I'll be careful.
06:47Are you OK, Monica?
06:49What? Oh, yes, thank you.
06:53Well, it's just...
06:55I had a letter from Spencer yesterday.
06:57When you stop getting letters from your kids, you've got someone to worry about.
07:00All the nuns are bringing him to see me again.
07:02Well, that's someone to look forward to.
07:04After last time.
07:07Spencer was terrified.
07:10He doesn't understand, you see, not me in here, none of it.
07:15It's not good for him to be exposed to all this...
07:22Listen, you've got to try and be positive, love.
07:25You want to get your appeals sorted, don't you?
07:27So make sure that happens. Don't let it slip like I did.
07:31Try and get back to Spencer.
07:33Going for something a bit more upmarket, are you, Wade?
07:35Get lost, Dockley.
07:36What's she got the other girls, eh?
07:38Mink instead of beaver?
07:40Any more of that and I'll wipe that filthy glob of yours right across your face.
07:43And any more of that off you, Wade,
07:46and you'll be on report.
07:48See you around, Wade.
07:52You want to watch it, Mr Fenner?
07:54One of these days that one will bite it off.
08:14Pick up the phone. What's all the frigging deal?
08:17Hey, what you playing at?
08:19What, you trying to get free for concert tickets?
08:22Forget it, placket. They ain't going to let you go.
08:25What's going on?
08:30Well, he's too bloody slow, ain't he?
08:32He's slow.
08:33Well, do you want to make me?
08:38Look, Dan,
08:40have you got any gear?
08:42I need something of them and something real bad.
08:45You're asking me?
08:47Don't feel so good.
08:49What you got?
08:52Like they say, that'll do nicely.
08:55But you're going to have to wait.
08:59Where's my phone?
09:02Shit, you're a wimp.
09:04Why do people keep moving things all the time?
09:10What do you need a mobile for anyway? You work in a prison, for God's sake.
09:13No one likes a smart-arse.
09:15Except for you.
09:18I've got to go.
09:20If you had a decent job like mine,
09:23you could stick around for some fun and frolic.
09:26Well, maybe when I'm the big chief.
09:28When's that going to be, next week?
09:30Stay tuned.
09:41Everything all right, is it, Jim?
09:43Clockwork, just the way I like it.
09:45Good break, was it, Helen?
09:47Yeah, thank you.
09:49I'm going to ask her now.
09:50No, hang about, Zola. Maybe you should wait.
09:52I should wait.
09:53Miss Stewart, I've got a request.
09:55Well, Zandra, any application should go through your personal officer first.
09:58Look, miss, this is something special, and I ain't got time for all the effing blue tape.
10:02I want to get married.
10:03Married? In prison?
10:05Well, I don't suppose you'd be up to letting me out, would you?
10:08Maybe we should talk about it. I'll set you up an appointment, OK?
10:11Can't you just go and give us the green light?
10:13No. I'll let you know when you can see me.
10:17It's just a wedding, for Christ's sake.
10:30Have you had your walk-up?
10:33It suits you.
10:36Shit, come in.
10:38Where have you been? I'd be going out of my head without you.
10:42It doesn't matter. You're here now. Come here.
10:46Hey, hey, knock it off! This isn't a party.
10:50So no postman's knock or pass the parcel.
10:55Why didn't you pray or anything?
10:57I just didn't, all right?
10:58No. It ain't no bastard, right?
11:00What do you think it's like in here without any gear?
11:02Listen, don't go off on one, OK?
11:04Don't go off on one?
11:05Whose fault is it that I'm here in the first place?
11:07Zandra, please, I'm sorry. I know it's hard on you.
11:09Bloody right it's hard.
11:13You know I love you.
11:16Of course.
11:17Miss you, Robin.
11:19I miss you so much.
11:25I've got some news for you.
11:28I've seen the governor.
11:29About us getting married.
11:32What do you mean?
11:34Us. Getting married. In here.
11:41All right, Rachel.
11:47I thought I warned you about Fenner.
11:49Look, I don't want to talk about it.
11:51Listen, the man's a pig. He's got a wife, you know, and children.
11:55It's none of your business.
11:57I don't care what he's told you, but once your time's up in here, that'll be it.
12:01He'll get sick of you sooner.
12:03Look, Mr Fenner's done a lot for me.
12:06He talks to me like a human being, for a start.
12:09Like most people in here.
12:11Face it, Rachel, all you are is his bit on the inside.
12:14He's in here. He can control you and do what he wants.
12:17As long as you play ball, there's no comebacks.
12:19Yeah, whatever.
12:21Christ, Rachel, you know you're not the only one in here.
12:27Shit, it's your life.
12:32And that ain't gonna be no fairytale wedding, exactly.
12:35They've got a chapel here. They've even got a frigging choir.
12:38How many of your mates ever get spliced in there, Kate?
12:41It's one to break the ice at parties, isn't it?
12:43For God's sake, Sandra, Mum and Dad have gone nuclear.
12:46Tell us about what you snubby-arse folks thought.
12:49Since my mother had a nervous breakdown.
12:52I went into rehab for her.
12:57She was in such a state, I said I'd do anything if it would just help.
13:01Listen, Sandra, I've been clean for nearly three weeks.
13:06It's been hell. Honest, I thought I was dying.
13:10But now I'm really glad I did it.
13:13I feel like I've got my life back.
13:16So that's why you didn't bring me last gag?
13:20That's great. I'm really pleased for you, I bet.
13:23Hey, look, if I can do it, then I know you can, too.
13:26Give up? In here?
13:29Yeah, when the Pope buys French tibblers from Tesco's.
13:32Well, isn't there a detox unit in the room or something?
13:35That's your lot.
13:38This is too much.
13:40I've got to go.
13:51Have you been using that stuff again, Sandra?
13:53No, I haven't.
13:55Are you all right?
13:57For Christ's sake, leave the bitch in peace.
14:00Robin's off the smack.
14:02Oh, that's excellent news. Aren't you pleased?
14:08Bloody hell, knock it off.
14:11What's wrong with her?
14:13Pet cockroach got trodden.
14:15Boyfriend trouble.
14:17I see.
14:19Anyway, Monica, could you get your stuff together, please?
14:25It's mischievous instructions.
14:33You have some privacy in here.
14:35A room of my own. Like being a child again.
14:39Curtains, too.
14:41I must have been such a good girl.
14:45I'll leave you to set, then.
15:03Is anyone chips?
15:09Don't want to spoil your figure, do you?
15:13I think I can manage a bit more, I'd say.
15:17Afternoon. Checking on the troops?
15:19I'm sure you're doing a great job.
15:21It's always nice to be appreciated.
15:23Just give her some hot water.
15:25God, what the hell's that got to do with you?
15:27Just give her some hot water, all right?
15:35It's all right.
15:37It's all right.
15:39It's all right.
15:41It's all right.
15:43It's all right.
15:46No, my fault.
15:48Oh, you finished middle much?
15:50Something you want, miss?
15:52No, I don't think so.
15:54Then if you don't mind, I'm hungry.
15:58Oi! Let's have some respect.
16:00That's no way to speak to your governor.
16:04Respect doesn't have the meaning of the word.
16:06Right hard case, if you ask me.
16:08A hard case?
16:10Well, you know, just difficult for difficult's sake.
16:13Jim, I don't need a bodyguard.
16:15I can handle the prisoners myself, thank you.
16:29Oh, this is too much.
16:31You've been howling down there for days.
16:36Look, have some stuff. It's on me.
16:39Anything to stop you stinking us out of puke for another night.
16:46Man, you must be really sick.
16:59What is the point of getting married in summer?
17:01She's right, you know. You're not going to get any honeymoon, are you?
17:04Or a shag.
17:06What's it going to say on your wedding certificate, eh?
17:08Her Majesty's Brisolarchal.
17:10That's going to be just blinding, innit?
17:12And what about your mum and dad?
17:14Are they going to want to see you getting married at Her Majesty's pleasure?
17:16Ain't got a mum and dad to be bothered about it.
17:18Anyway, it was your bloody idea in the first place.
17:20Yeah, well, no-one can make a mistake, can't they, June?
17:23We just don't want you making this one, that's all.
17:25It isn't a mistake.
17:26So you're telling me that you're marrying him for the right reasons?
17:29Of course I am.
17:31She means what you've got is a bad case of my man.
17:36You'd do anything for him, wouldn't you?
17:38Only at the same time, you're frightened of what he might be getting up to out there
17:41while you're stuck in here.
17:42So you decide you're marrying him.
17:44Only trouble is, love, it's only a bit of paper.
17:46It means so dull to a bloke.
17:48Oh, piss off, the pair of you.
17:50I'm getting clean, and me and Robin are getting married.
17:57Come in.
17:59Take a seat, Sandra.
18:00Thanks for seeing me, Miss Stewart.
18:02Sorry it's taken so long. I've been busy.
18:04I suppose there's a lot to do.
18:06But this is really important to me, getting married to Robin.
18:09Yeah, I'm sure it is.
18:11The thing is, Sandra, it's up to the governing governor,
18:13not me, to give the OK for a wedding in G-Wing.
18:15But he'd listen to you, wouldn't he, if he was up for it?
18:18The trouble is, I'm not.
18:20What? You've got no reason not to.
18:22I've got every reason. I need Sandra.
18:25You used them in here.
18:26It's common knowledge that you walked into G-Wing with a stash inside of you.
18:29It's the biggest problem that we've got at Lark Hall, and you're part of it.
18:33So do you honestly think that I owe you any favours?
18:37Maybe that's right.
18:39I haven't touched your stuff in days.
18:41Four bleeding days.
18:43Look at me, will you?
18:59What's wrong?
19:03Have you ever, you know, been close like we are with anybody else in here?
19:07What are you talking about?
19:08Just answer me. Are you shagging anybody else in here?
19:10Course not.
19:11Who'd ever put that idea into your head?
19:13Nikki Wade.
19:14Just listen to her talk. Anyone would think you were famous for it.
19:17Yeah, well, it's crap.
19:18What else did she say?
19:20Horrible things.
19:21That you'd be done with me when I got out of here.
19:24Well, I'd watch out if I was you.
19:26What do you mean?
19:27Well, that's obvious, isn't it?
19:29She's got the hots for you.
19:31And she's jealous of me.
19:38Robin's gone into rehab.
19:40He's been clean for weeks.
19:41Reckons he's got his life back. That's what I want.
19:44If you've gone four days without any help,
19:47then I'm very impressed. I know I can't have been easy.
19:50Zandra, you have got to be kidding me.
19:53You've got to be kidding me.
19:55You've got to be kidding me.
19:57You've got to be kidding me.
19:59You've got to be kidding me.
20:01You've got to be kidding me.
20:03You have got every reason to beat it.
20:06I hear you used to want to be a model.
20:08Well, maybe you can make it when you get out of here.
20:11January 2000.
20:13If I buy my cards right.
20:15I think we can aim a little bit higher than that.
20:18Look, if it's detox that you want, then I'm happy to agree to it.
20:21And if that works out OK,
20:22then I'll think about talking to the number one governor about your wedding.
20:27I'm offering you a chance to prove yourself, Zandra.
20:31Don't let either of us down.
20:34She says she's thinking about OK-ing the wedding.
20:36Fucker keep up the stuff.
20:39I ain't going to mess it up, Robin.
20:41Believe me, I ain't.
20:42I'm kicking the shit and we're going to get married.
20:44We are?
20:46Babe, I love you.
20:49Spent my childhood being passed from one foster home to another,
20:52that bloody cold.
20:57I got on to it when I was about 15.
21:01Pretty much got worse from then on.
21:04But at least shooting up helped me get through it.
21:06Didn't say I was going to manage it in here without any.
21:10But I haven't touched the stuff in 12 days.
21:12So you've been using heroin for what?
21:15Five years?
21:17Zandra, do you want to tell everyone why you decided to join the detox unit?
21:22I'm getting married.
21:24To my boyfriend, Robin.
21:26He was a user too.
21:28But he's in rehab on the outside.
21:31We both want to be clean for our wedding day.
21:33Start again.
21:35What about Robin's parents?
21:37How do they feel about him marrying another user?
21:41Robin's folks are dead posh.
21:43And they eat my guts.
21:45Not just because I'm a user.
21:47Because I am who I am.
21:50That's what families are like.
21:51I'm glad I never had one.
21:54I don't give a shit what they think.
21:56I hate them and all.
22:02Come on in.
22:08You're in detox, Zandra.
22:10Good stuff.
22:12We drop dead gorgeous in no time.
22:16You're going to hide into nothing with that one, I can tell you.
22:19Oh, it's June.
22:22Her and her do-gooder ways.
22:24Should have been a missionary.
22:26Would have kept her out of our way.
22:28There's about as much chance of Plackett coming off the nasty
22:31as of Cliff Richard inviting me up to his hotel room for the cream cakes and sex.
22:36You can dream, Sylvia.
22:38About Zandra Plackett, I'm not.
22:40Well, it's obvious, isn't it?
22:42She's working Stuart like sooty to get her wedding.
22:46Think of the fun that's going to be.
22:50You're probably right, Sylvia.
22:52She's got a lot to learn as our Miss Stuart.
22:55Well, you don't learn if you don't listen.
22:57That's what my mother used to say.
22:59And that one isn't listening to us, that's for sure.
23:02Hey, dear.
23:04I'll see you later.
23:06I'll be around.
23:13What's going on with you and the Hicks gal?
23:15What are you talking about?
23:16You're always looking after her.
23:18It's part of my job.
23:20No, you're only supposed to be looking after me.
23:23I am only looking after you.
23:28And me.
23:38Thanks, Robin. Tells me I'm getting on.
23:40I should think so, too.
23:42Come on, girls, be happy for me.
23:43We are.
23:44You're kicking the habit. It's great stuff.
23:46It is.
23:47You see, well, the wedding's coming up,
23:49and I was wondering what I was going to do about a wedding dress.
23:53I think I've seen more meat on a veggie burger.
23:56And that cleavage.
23:57Well, that is going to need some major support.
24:01Still, we love a challenge.
24:04Don't we?
24:05Miss Stuart.
24:13I thought you should know
24:15that I've hired that awful solicitor who represented me at the trial,
24:18and I've hired a new one.
24:19He's already applied for a date at the Court of Appeal.
24:22Good. I'm glad you're staying positive.
24:24Well, I've been talking to some of the other women.
24:28It's helped a lot.
24:34Come on, come on, keep up.
24:36I told you.
24:38Come on.
24:40I don't want any of your gay hair.
24:46All right.
24:47Now, that's enough.
24:48You'll be on report.
24:52You've got a new roommate, Denny.
24:54This is Crystal.
24:56I'm sure you'll get on like a house on fire.
24:59This one's yours.
25:07I'll leave you to get to know each other.
25:09Just be careful the way you look at her.
25:12Anybody better be careful how they look at me or I'll take their eye out.
25:17Just as long as you clean up the mess afterwards.
25:22Gizmo, that's for the Lord's music.
25:24Shut up.
25:25Touch it again and you better want to meet him real soon.
25:28Well, well, well.
25:31What's this, then?
25:32You babe on the block?
25:35I reckon she thinks she's hard.
25:39You don't need any of that bollocks in here.
25:41I'm Chell, by the way.
25:43We're all mates, ain't we, Denny?
25:44Been mates.
25:46So what are you in for?
25:48It's my business.
25:49I wasn't even asking.
25:50How long are you in for?
25:52Twelve months.
25:54Seven years.
25:59Bring any gear in with you?
26:00No, don't use it and I don't need it.
26:03These cells are pretty cramped and the nights can go on forever.
26:07You've got to have something to pass the time.
26:09I've got the Lord.
26:10Oh, shit.
26:12No, that's good.
26:15The rest of us have to make do with each other.
26:28Enjoy that, did you, Crystal?
26:31Will you two be so hot for each other when you're burning in hell?
26:34You should ask God to forgive you.
26:36Jesus bollocks.
26:38In here.
26:39I'm God.
26:41Remember it.
26:48Right, that's that all done.
26:55There's a woman arriving in the wing this morning, Crystal Gordon, shoplifter.
26:59I'm sure we'll make her welcome.
27:02I'm sure.
27:03Right, if that's everything.
27:09You, um, get on well with Michelle Dopley, don't you?
27:13I like to think I get on well with most of the girls in here.
27:16Women, Jim. It's not Swiss finishing school.
27:18No, so I'd noticed.
27:20Is there a problem, Helen?
27:22Not that I'm aware of.
27:24But your relationship with the woman is pretty relaxed, isn't it?
27:27Well, I've been in the job some 14 years.
27:30I've found it's the best way to work.
27:32Encourages trust, not resentment.
27:35If, of course, based on your experience,
27:37you prefer me to stiffen up, get heavier,
27:40say the word.
27:42You are the boss.
27:44That's right, I am.
27:48I know you don't like it,
27:50but it's a fact of life.
27:52What I like or don't isn't important.
27:55But if the Home Office decides it wants university graduates
27:58with virtually no experience running its prisons,
28:00that's their lookout.
28:02I see.
28:04Well, if that's all.
28:20Look at her with her snooty rag.
28:23Thinks cos she talks like she's got plums in her gob.
28:26She's a cut above the rest of them. And us.
28:29I don't care where she used to buy her knickers.
28:31She's a flaming lag now.
28:33Cos it looks like some people.
28:35It means she ought to get special treatment.
28:39Probably went to the same school or something, didn't they?
28:45How was detox, then? OK?
28:47Well, if you get bored of it,
28:50you want to go and see Crystal.
28:52Why? Did she bring some good shit in?
28:57All you've got to do is ask her.
29:10You got a problem, then?
29:24Now, I reckon if we gather in the waste here,
29:27make Zonda's figure look like... she's got a figure.
29:32Don't matter how you cut it, the girl needs another two stone on her back.
29:35Hi, Trish.
29:36Hi, this is Trish. Leave a message and I'll get back to you. Thanks.
29:45Hi, this is Trish. Leave a message and I'll get back to you. Thanks.
29:49Sorry, I've missed you again.
29:52You should let me know what you're doing.
29:55Who knows?
29:57Maybe then I'll catch you later.
30:01Love you, Trisha.
30:19Sandra, you look awful.
30:21I said it was hard work, didn't you?
30:23Doesn't matter how I look, Robin. I'm beating it.
30:27Well, that's brilliant.
30:29See, I knew you could do it.
30:31How do you feel?
30:33How do you think I feel?
30:35You'll get through it. You're tough.
30:37You see how good it makes you feel?
30:40It's like, I don't know, getting reborn.
30:44You're starting to sound like this Bible bash I've got sharing with me now.
30:48Getting clean, it makes you feel good about yourself again.
30:52Do you know what I feel good about?
30:56Getting married.
30:57Getting married. To you.
31:08More George Elliot.
31:11It's good to see the women using the library.
31:14People in here aren't stupid, you know.
31:16They're a lot brighter than your screws, anyway.
31:18My officers are trained professionals.
31:20Well, if Fenner's anything to go by, you'd be better off training chimpanzees.
31:24He reckons you're a tough nut.
31:26Difficult for difficult's sake, he says.
31:30Well, I'm not in his fan club, am I?
31:32What's that supposed to mean?
31:34You work it out for yourself.
31:36If Mr Fenner's conduct is less than professional, you'd better tell me, Nicky.
31:40Look, I'm nobody's narc.
31:43Especially not yours.
31:51I tell you, Sammy, this is going to be better than the real thing.
31:54Hmm. Maybe that's what we ought to do when we get out of here.
31:57Become fashion designers.
31:59Yeah. The Too Julies label.
32:06When I get out, me and Robert are never going back on smack.
32:08Now you're talking, girl.
32:10You're doing really well, Zandra.
32:12That's too bloody much to go through it for nothing.
32:14It's all going to be different, then.
32:16Me and Robert will get a second job.
32:18It'll be different, then.
32:20Me and Robert will get a stall on Camden Market.
32:22Yeah, you can flog our knock-off wedding dresses.
32:24No, jewellery.
32:26I can make it, Robert can sell it.
32:28He'll be good at that. He's got a posh voice,
32:30and people trust a bloke with a posh voice, don't they?
32:32What's all this, then?
32:34It's their wedding dress. What do you think?
32:36I think it's madness. The girls will be mad to get married.
32:38Excuse me? Some of us happen to like men.
32:40Yeah, but would you marry another one?
32:42Well, it's not us that's getting married.
32:44So tell me,
32:46who makes you want to be cuffed to him for the rest of your life?
32:48He's good-looking. He's kind.
32:50Never hit me once.
32:52And I love him.
32:54And he loves me so much, he's chucking up his parents
32:56and all their money to be with me.
32:58Well, I hope you'll be happy.
33:00You don't mind, do you, Al?
33:02Of course not.
33:04I always wanted a garden.
33:06Just hadn't planned on having it in the living room, that's all.
33:08It won't happen again, I promise.
33:10Only I need these potted by tomorrow, and...
33:12Don't worry about it.
33:14Don't worry about it.
33:16It's quite relaxing, actually.
33:18I can see why a lot of the women work in the prison garden.
33:22Have you checked the potting shed for tunnels?
33:26You should come and give a lecture sometime.
33:30Shut up with all those sex-starved women?
33:32They're not all that sex-starved.
33:34Go on, shatter my dreams.
33:36Maybe that's the way in.
33:38Come again?
33:40There's this woman in the wing.
33:42She'd be a great ally amongst the inmates
33:44if I could get her on my side.
33:46Trouble is, I've tried everything.
33:48She's not interested.
33:50But she's into gardening.
33:52Let me guess. Nicky Wade?
33:56I know the prisons are important to you, Helen,
33:58but that one's becoming an obsession.
34:02Anyway, didn't you say she was a lesbian?
34:04Yeah, she is.
34:06Well, maybe that's your problem.
34:08You're the right species, just the wrong variety.
34:12You like your gardeners to wear Y-fronts, don't you?
34:20So, how have your first couple of weeks
34:22in that cold been, Crystal?
34:24What am I supposed to say?
34:26That they've been great?
34:30It's your first time in prison, isn't it?
34:32Although you've previously been fined
34:34and given a suspended sentence,
34:36both time for shoplifting.
34:42My mother died.
34:44And that's what started your thieving?
34:48I lived in London,
34:50but when my mother died in Jamaica,
34:52I went home for the funeral.
34:54I get back,
34:56my job's gone,
34:58my home's gone.
35:00I used to work in a shop,
35:02so I know shops.
35:04So I started stealing from them.
35:06That's logical.
35:08Only the big ones, they can afford it, they expect it.
35:10Very considerate.
35:12I know I've done wrong.
35:14Thou shalt not steal, that's the Lord's eighth commandment,
35:16and I should be punished for it.
35:18But I know white girls
35:20don't get 12 months for what I've done.
35:24the important thing is for you to make the most
35:26of your time here at Lark Hall.
35:28Make the most of my time using drugs, you mean?
35:32I meant taking steps to improve your
35:34chances of going straight once you leave here.
35:36There's lots of classes you can do,
35:38lots of things you can learn.
35:40I know.
35:42How to break into cars,
35:44pick pockets, tart,
35:46how to mix drugs with sugar.
35:48That's not what I meant.
35:50How come you've got so many drugs in here?
35:52Is this a prison or ain't it?
35:54Look, believe me, Crystal,
35:56I don't want drugs in here any more than you do.
35:58But the fact is,
36:00the users are very determined,
36:02and my hands are tied by regulations.
36:04There's some places the woman just can't be searched.
36:08So the regulations mean
36:10you can't do your job?
36:12We were
36:14talking about you.
36:16I was right.
36:18This ain't a prison. It's a circus.
36:20And you and your guards
36:22are the clans.
36:24I'm sorry you see it like that.
36:26You might find the shows not as much fun
36:28as you thought.
36:34Helen, do you want one?
36:36I don't have time, but while you're having yours,
36:38if you can focus your thoughts on a report for me
36:40and Crystal Gordon. I want to know
36:42if she's settling in, with special reference
36:44to her concerns about the presence of drugs on the wing.
36:46That's a new one.
36:48I'd also like to know if she's relating
36:50to the other prisoners, whether she's joined up
36:52for any classes, if so, which ones.
36:54And I'd like a report from a personal officer.
36:56I'd also like it before the end of the week, please.
36:58Before the end of the week?
37:00I'd rather not have to ask twice.
37:02I think I'm capable of getting a report in on time.
37:04I'm just not used to being told what exactly
37:06to put in it.
37:0814 years experience, right?
37:10Something like that, yeah.
37:12Well, I'm sure it'll be a top draw report, Jim.
37:18I swear,
37:20I'm going to swing for that cow someday.
37:22You'll get in line like the rest of us.
37:26Just think, four weeks today
37:28and I'll be zoned for Dunstan.
37:30The two duties are doing a fab job
37:32on the dress.
37:34If you ask me, it's stupid letting people get married in prison.
37:36Well, no one did ask you.
37:38It's a corruption of God's law.
37:40I was getting married anyway.
37:42Do you think I'd rather do it in here
37:44than in a church?
37:46We're in here cos we done wrong.
37:48What do we get?
37:50Karaoke, TV, cookery,
37:52drugs and weddings.
37:54That ain't what I call punishment.
37:56No wonder people come back for more.
37:58Jesus, sister.
38:00If I ever met who wanted to be in here,
38:02I wanted it worse.
38:06You look stunning, Zon.
38:08Wait till Robin sees me.
38:10He's going to be such a lucky bloke.
38:14You're doing me proud, Julies.
38:16Thanks. Thanks a lot.
38:18That's all right.
38:20You just make sure we get an invite to the do.
38:22As you're on the right coming, Julies,
38:24I was wondering
38:26whether you'd be my bridesmaid.
38:34Oh, we'd love to.
38:36Oh, bridesmaids' dresses!
38:40Oh, Miss Stuart.
38:44I'm sorry to bother you,
38:46but I think you should take a look at this.
38:48What is it?
38:52Oh, God.
38:54What about that one, G? You look a peach in there.
38:56Peach Melbourne, more like.
38:58This is going to be the best wedding anyone ever had.
39:00Well, of course it is. We're in charge.
39:02Wedding consultants.
39:04That's what we ought to be.
39:06In America, you know, they pay a fortune for them.
39:08Would you reck, Jo?
39:10Yeah. I wonder if I'll ever be there for when me kids get married.
39:12Of course you will.
39:14We'll find them, all three.
39:16As soon as we get out of here, I've told you.
39:20Miss Stuart, what do you think?
39:22Great, isn't it?
39:26Oh, but, Miss, we've still got work to do,
39:28and we can't use the same room again till Friday.
39:30Sandra, it won't wait.
39:38You look like you've got something on your mind.
39:40Me? No, no.
39:42Just, um, thinking about my lawyer's correspondence.
39:44Glad you're getting a move on, Monica.
39:46But look forward.
39:48Hard not to look back, though, isn't it?
39:50What do you reckon it is with Wade and the hooray, Denny?
39:52She's not exactly a looker, is she?
39:54You're all worked up about my love life, Doctor.
39:56It seems to me you'd be better off keeping an eye on your own.
39:58Oh, yeah?
40:00From what I've seen, I'd say your friend Fenner's trading you in for a younger model.
40:02What's that supposed to mean?
40:04Ah, for Rachel.
40:10Look, if someone's been saying I'll be doing drugs again,
40:12they're lying. I'm clean.
40:14Who is it? Denny Blood?
40:16No-one says you've been doing drugs. Just calm down, please, Sandra.
40:18So what is it?
40:20Your boyfriend's name is Robin Dunstan, isn't it?
40:22Yeah. Why?
40:24Do you know someone called Chloe Fleming?
40:26No. So?
40:28I think you should look at this.
41:02Some sort of mistake or joke.
41:04Robin wouldn't have...
41:06The dress is Richmond.
41:08That's where his mum and dad live.
41:10But Robin couldn't...
41:14Who is this Fleming cow?
41:16Look, it's some sort of mix-up.
41:18We're getting married. It's all sorted.
41:22I think the best thing for you to do is talk to Robin.
41:24I can phone him and ask him to come in if you like.
41:26You can...
41:28meet here in my office to discuss things,
41:30if that's what you want.
41:38Hi, Yicks.
41:40You're wanted.
41:44In the exercise yard.
41:58Well, don't you look pretty.
42:00Anyone would think you got yourself a hot date.
42:02Come on, let me get past.
42:04Or what?
42:06Uncle Jim's gonna appear out of nowhere, is he?
42:08I don't know what you mean.
42:10Come on, Rachel.
42:12Don't be shy.
42:14You're opening, aren't you?
42:16No, I'm not.
42:18I know what's going on.
42:20Look, what is it you want here?
42:24Take this.
42:26I can get more if you'll keep quiet about it.
42:34Thanks very much.
42:42You get something to look at,
42:44don't you, Hicks?
42:46Well, listen to me, bitch.
42:48You're gonna be looking over your shoulder
42:50every day goes by in here.
42:54And you know what?
42:56I'm gonna be right there behind you.
42:58And one day,
43:00I'm gonna have a blade in my hand
43:02to cut that cocksucking mouth right out of your face.
43:06What are you up to?
43:08Girl talk.
43:12Don't worry.
43:14Everything you're interested in is still in working order.
43:22Oh, my God!
43:24Let me...
43:28Just straighten yourself out before someone sees you.
43:30You mad psycho bitch.
43:32What do you think you're doing?
43:34You've been screwing her!
43:36For Christ's sake!
43:40What do you think I'd see in her?
43:42She's a kid.
43:44That's not how she told it.
43:46How many others in here have been screwing?
43:50Look, Shell, she did come on to me,
43:52but I didn't touch her.
43:54Listen to me.
43:56There's nothing going on.
43:58Yeah, sure.
44:00For God's sake, I risk enough just being with you.
44:02I'd have to be out of me mind.
44:06What would I want with a kid like her
44:08when I've got a woman like you?
44:14All right, then.
44:16I'll see some proof.
44:28Come on.
44:42It's... What are you doing?
44:44Mr McAllister?
44:46I think we should see a doctor down at medical.
44:48Can you stand up?
44:52Are you all right, love?
44:54What happened, Rachel?
44:56She seemed in quite a bit of pain.
44:58I think I should take her to the medical wing.
45:00All right, go on.
45:02Don't worry, Rachel.
45:04I'll come and visit you.
45:16Mr Dunstan.
45:18Sorry to have kept you waiting.
45:20I'm glad you could get over to see us.
45:24Look, Miss Stewart...
45:28I don't know what to say.
45:30This isn't very easy for me.
45:32I hope it's not, Mr Dunstan.
45:34Can you send Sandra in, please?
45:40Just tell me it ain't true, Robin.
45:42Listen, Sandra.
45:44You've got to understand the position I was in.
45:46My mother's really unwell.
45:48I've known Chloe for years.
45:50Our families are old friends.
45:52Shit, Robin.
45:54Just tell me.
45:56Are you marrying her?
46:04What about me, Robin?
46:06Were you going to tell me?
46:08Or didn't it matter because I was locked up?
46:10Listen, Sandra.
46:12It just happened, OK? I'm really sorry.
46:14She's good-looking, do you?
46:16Sandra, I...
46:18Do you?
46:20Stop it!
46:22You bastard!
46:24Stop it!
46:26You bastard!
46:28Come on, Robin.
46:30Get her out of here.
46:32I'll kill you.
46:36I'll kill you.
46:38I'll kill you.
46:40See, that's why I won't have nothing to do with men.
46:42They're shit. Just shit.
46:44Shut your noise.
46:46Screw you, sister.
46:48All I want over is a market stall.
46:52Just because your man turns out bad,
46:54it don't mean you have to dump your dreams.
46:56You don't need him for them.
47:02You've got to pray for strength.
47:04He'll be all right.
47:06Just forget him.
47:08I can't.
47:10Of course you can.
47:14I'm having his baby.
47:18Forget him, Sandra!
47:20It's his lot, not yours, love.
47:24Who needs men when you can have IVF?
47:30Denny, hear about little Lixie?
47:32Has an accident and she's in hospital.
47:34I'm really looking forward to when she comes out.
47:48I love you.
47:50I love you.
47:52I love you.
47:54I love you.
47:56I love you.
47:58I love you.
48:00I love you.
48:02I love you.
48:04I love you.
48:06I love you.
48:08I love you.
48:10I love you.
48:12I love you.
48:14I love you.
48:16I love you.
48:18I love you.
48:20I love you.
48:22I love you.