Bad Girls-1999-S01-Ep-08

  • 2 days ago
Shell has nobody to turn to when she is removed from enhanced. Monica's world falls apart when she gets tragic news about Spencer. Helen struggles to cope and falls into the arms of Nikki


00:00Morning! Good morning. Hi. How are you today? I'm all right. John, you? I can manage. I'm
00:27all right. Shit! She always manages to be a couple of minutes late. Have you noticed?
00:58You enjoying life back on basic, Dudley? Looks like it. I'm going to be back on the
01:04three sooner than any of you wankers think. Well, us wankers won't bother holding our
01:09breath, will we? I'm only down here to play bitch-lord alone. Thanks, Tina. Three and
01:25a half weeks. I hoped it would be sooner. I know. I'm sorry, Monica. Well, at least
01:31I've got a definite date. Something to look forward to. As long as I know I'm going to
01:35be able to spend some time with Spencer, that's what matters. Well, look, if I can speed the
01:39process up, I will. But I'm afraid it's unlikely. Well, it'll give me a bit longer to finish
01:46his jumper.
02:00This arsehole's all one word.
02:01How should I know?
02:04Just asking.
02:05What's it like being a stick of pig shit, Denny?
02:08Shut it, so. I'm thinking.
02:12What'd you do that for?
02:15Dunno. Just happened.
02:33Oi, posh bitch. This arsehole's one word.
02:36No, it's hyphenated. As in arse licker.
02:46Anyway, Mum, hope you have a blinder of a birthday with lots and lots of love, David.
02:54I love that little boy to bits, I do, do you?
02:58Isn't he a bit previous? I mean, it ain't your birthday till next month, is it?
03:03Yeah, well, of course. I mean, I know that and you know that. Kids sometimes are so eager
03:09to please, aren't they? They rush you ahead of their little selves.
03:12Well, what's he gonna forget about you next while you're stuck in this bloody rubbish place, eh?
03:15Hey, now, come on. Don't you upset yourself.
03:18Well, I can't help it.
03:21He is clever, though, isn't he? I mean, I don't remember doing nothing about fermentation
03:26in biology when I was at school.
03:27I don't remember doing nothing about biology.
03:35Hey, hang on a minute, June. Who does that bit again? Bit about fermentation?
03:40Which bit?
03:41Here, let me see.
03:45Yeah, this bit, yeah.
03:46All you need, yeast, sugar, some fruit, blah, blah, blah.
03:52Fermentation takes approximately four weeks.
03:57The little love, the little darling.
04:01This is present to me, don't you see? He knows when me birthday is, all right.
04:06Four weeks!
04:11Come on.
04:27I've missed you.
04:28Yeah, well, you should have thought about that when you let that shit parcel put me back on basic.
04:32That was your fault, darling. There's no point blaming me.
04:36You've got to get me back on enhanced. Fast.
04:40You'll be lucky to get a sniff of enhanced at the start of Christmas.
04:43You want me to thank you and get shit down?
04:46Oh, yeah. You came this close.
04:51Yeah, well, it's still your problem, Mush.
04:53Cos I ain't up for any more of this until I'm back on the threes.
05:05If that's what you want, it's fine by me.
05:08I mean, obviously I'm disappointed, Cheryl, but that's the way it is.
05:14It's so unfair! Them jellies were Lord of Roses!
05:17I've warned you, Cheryl. I don't want to hear that crap.
05:20And the gym. You don't know how upset I get.
05:23That bitch Wade queening about on my landing and I'm stuck down here with these shits!
05:35The only person that can help you get back on the threes right now is you.
05:39Behave on yourself.
05:41Keep your nose clean.
05:43Be a good little girl guide.
05:45But it ain't gonna happen overnight.
05:47And you know it. OK?
05:51Aw, that's nice, David.
05:53Try not to burn no holes in your trousers, though, eh?
05:56Oh, he's not lighting his farts again, is he?
05:58Yeah, ask him about the other.
06:00Yeah, listen, Tiddler.
06:02Yeah, tell me some more about that, what you wrote in the cards.
06:05Yeah, about the fermentation.
06:26Three and a half weeks.
06:29Oh, Spencer can write that in his diary, can't you, Spencer?
06:36You thought it might be sooner.
06:39I'm knitting a certain someone a jumper.
06:42Looks as if he needs it. He's still got that coat.
06:45Yes. Have you found the page?
06:52Don't have heard.
06:55It's hideous, the wine.
06:57It'll be hard then.
07:00You never know.
07:08I don't think we're even warm.
07:11Well, Monica, are we warm?
07:16Books on.
07:18Well, and we can't see nothing.
07:22Well, I think you'll be lucky.
07:24Can't imagine it's the sort of thing the prison authorities would give the thumbs up to, can you?
07:30What is it you wanted to know exactly?
07:34Oh, nothing.
07:39Well, the thing is...
07:40It's my little boy.
07:43Yeah, he's learning all about fermentation in biology at school and, well...
07:47He's got to start with his own work.
07:50So we thought that we'd try and find out a bit about it for him in here, you see.
07:54Yeah, and pass it on.
07:58I can't help you with that. Sorry.
08:02It's a shame, really, because when you said wine-making,
08:06well, I could have been some use to you there.
08:10I used to make quite a bit of wine at one stage.
08:14Some of it was really rather good.
08:17You know, you can make wine from anything, really.
08:20Um, rice, potatoes.
08:23Doesn't have to be fruit.
08:25Although that's ideal, because it probably breaks down quicker.
08:30So maybe four pounds of apples, say?
08:35Six pints of water.
08:37Two and a half pounds of sugar.
08:41Fresh, if you've got it, although you can use tablets, crushed.
08:45And then the juice and zest of two lemons and an orange.
08:52That it?
08:54Hmm, I think so.
08:56Oh, then, of course, you need a demijohn and an airlock.
08:59A demi-what?
09:01Which should be sterilised.
09:03Oh, and heat. That's very important.
09:06I mean, ideally, you should put it in an airing cupboard for the fermentation process.
09:14You weren't actually thinking of trying to make some in here, were you?
09:20I've been wondering if there's a way forward.
09:23I mean, it wouldn't exactly be your Appalachian controle,
09:26but if you could get hold of the ingredients,
09:29then, in theory, the rest is possible.
09:36I'm afraid I can't.
09:38I'm afraid I can't.
09:40I'm afraid I can't.
09:42I'm afraid I can't.
09:44I'm afraid I can't.
09:49Apple, Monica.
09:52Oh! Very nice.
10:00Apple, Denny.
10:02You're soft, man. Can't stand them. They rot your teeth.
10:05Oh. All the better.
10:09You're mad. Why me?
10:11Well, it's just an idea.
10:13You're cleaners. Why can't you use the kitchens?
10:15No, well, we did think of that.
10:16It's warm. It's clean.
10:17Yeah, but it's too obvious. They'd find it.
10:19Right, all I can offer you is filthy and freezing.
10:21It'd be perfect.
10:22They'd never think of looking here.
10:24Ia, do you ever use that watering can?
10:26Yeah, thanks. I do.
10:28Oh, it's only for full weeks, Nicky.
10:32Go on.
10:33It is for us.
10:34It is for us.
10:36Go on.
10:37It is for us.
10:38You know you love us.
10:40How are you going to keep it at the right temperature?
10:42Well, what we thought was we could take it in turns to come out and hug it.
10:48Bodier, you know, thought we'd take it in turns.
10:50You can count me out.
10:51What about a night? It doesn't have to be kept warm permanently.
10:53Does it?
10:54Oh, shit.
10:57Hang on.
11:00There might be a way.
11:03Yeah, I'll tell you later.
11:07What do you want me to do with this watering can?
11:09Sterilise it.
11:11What with?
11:12Sterilising tablets.
11:17All right?
11:18Everything's got to be sterilised.
11:22Where did you get those from?
11:23Mother and baby unit.
11:24They chucked them out the window at us.
11:26Yeah, they got loads of them.
11:27Yeah, we thought it was snowing.
11:31Are you girls gainfully employed?
11:33Yes, thanks, miss.
11:35All right.
11:36Nice. Mind how you go.
11:38See you later.
11:40See you later.
11:59I know something you don't.
12:01So what?
12:03The Mad Twins are bringing up some jungle juice.
12:05And I got a share in it, cos I gave them an apple.
12:15All right, Julie?
12:16Sugar's love.
12:30Sugar stain?
12:32Going in. Twist my arm.
12:44Got any yeast?
12:47Do you want some?
12:49You got some?
12:50Might have.
12:51If we're getting him back to the party.
12:54Well, we was going to invite you, Cheryl.
12:57You're the cabaret.
12:59First thing, can we have it?
13:23And now is the time to get away from the daily grind
13:26and spend some of that money on travelling.
13:28Perhaps the US or the Far East.
13:31Spread your wings and go wherever your fancy takes you.
13:34You've earned it.
13:36Yeah, right.
13:40Say I'm clever?
13:42You're very, very clever.
13:50Are you sure this is going to work?
13:59Oh, sorry.
14:12Where did you get that from?
14:14Oh, she got it off the dock for us.
14:16Said she got a heartburn and could she have some yeast tablet?
14:25Hurry up.
14:31What's going on here, then?
14:32Nothing, miss.
14:33You must think I was born last week, girl.
14:35No, really, miss.
14:36Get out of my way.
14:39What are you doing?
14:44I knew you were up to something yesterday.
14:46Oh, please, miss, you're not going to report us, are you?
14:48We were only having a quick feel.
14:50You two shouldn't even be here.
14:52Oh, no, I'm sorry, miss.
14:54Turns my stomach, your sort.
14:56Come on, get out.
14:58You're lucky I don't put you on report, the lot of you.
15:15Miss Stewart wants to see you in her office now.
15:17Oh, is it about my home visit?
15:20I don't know, she didn't say.
15:27Come in, Monica.
15:29Is it about my home visit to Spencer?
15:32No, I'm afraid not.
15:46I should have been with him.
15:48Why wasn't I with him?
15:50Why didn't I know?
15:52Why didn't somebody tell me?
15:55I think it was very sudden.
15:57In his sleep.
15:59I'm sure he knew nothing about it.
16:04I should have been there.
16:13None of this should be happening.
16:15I know.
16:17You know?
16:20What do you know?
16:22What do you know?
16:24You know nothing.
16:26You know nothing about me,
16:28you know nothing about my life,
16:30none of you.
16:34You know nothing.
16:48It's amazing, this is what I was going to say.
16:50I'm telling you.
16:51I've got peace of mind.
16:53I can't wait.
16:54Just send more dates anywhere.
16:56Best birthday ever.
16:57They're having a shit hour.
16:59All thanks to Monica.
17:05What's the matter, June?
17:07What's the matter?
17:22Monica, what did you say to her?
17:30I want you to try and get some rest, Monica.
17:33Try and sleep.
17:36How can I sleep?
17:40When the nurse has given you all help.
17:43I want to sleep.
17:46I want to sleep.
17:48I need to talk to people.
17:51People need to be told.
17:56There's plenty of time for that later once you've rested.
17:58I can't rest.
18:15I can't rest.
18:40Monica Lindsay's son Spencer died of a heart attack
18:43a short time before 9 o'clock this morning.
18:46Needless to say, it was entirely unexpected.
18:49Monica's in a state of shock.
18:51She's been sedated.
18:53Now, I want everyone to treat her with the utmost respect.
18:56Is that clear?
18:58Any reasonable requests that she makes,
19:00like using the phone, for instance,
19:02I want you to make sure that they're granted.
19:05Can we keep an eye on her every 15 minutes?
19:08Okay, that's all. Thank you.
19:14Do you think she's a suicide risk?
19:17I'm not taking any chances.
19:22Utmost respect.
19:24Just cos she's posh.
19:26To me, a con is a con is a con,
19:29and they don't get any special mollycoddling.
19:32It's times like this makes them realise
19:34they shouldn't have done whatever it was
19:36that brought them in here in the first place.
19:44They'd never been apart.
19:46Not once in 30 years.
19:49I know. I know.
19:51I know everything that you're going to say.
19:53And I agree.
19:55You're going to tell me that Spencer was serving a sentence too
19:57and now he's dead because of it. I know that. I do know.
20:00How can you do it?
20:02How can you go home at night knowing that that woman is banged up
20:05in a little brick box, miles from her son's body?
20:07I mean, what the shit do you think you're doing?
20:10I know what she's going through. That's why I've come to see you.
20:13To ask you to be a good friend to her because she needs one just now.
20:16All right?
20:18You amaze me.
20:20No, I didn't come here for a debate.
20:26You're full of shit!
20:28Like all the others, you pretend you know where you are!
20:40You're full of shit!
21:41Now, I know what Dad'll say.
21:43He'll say, long pause,
21:46''Oh, marriage. Wow.
21:49''Very good.''
21:51And then he'll ask Mum what we're having for tea.
21:54And Mum, well, she'll probably pounce on you
21:57and start talking about cakes and dresses and God knows what.
22:01And we're going to tell her to get stuffed.
22:10I can't come.
22:13On Saturday, to your parents, I can't make it.
22:15I've got to accompany a prisoner to a funeral.
22:18Well, can't someone else go?
22:20I want to go. It's someone that let down really badly.
22:23Oh, but you don't mind letting me down?
22:26I'm sorry, Sean.
22:29Look, just say that I'm useless, I'm badly organised
22:32and I've got shit for brains.
22:35Well, I'd better go and get my ring.
22:55What's up with you lot?
22:57Upset about Monica Spencer.
23:00Oh, yeah.
23:02I had a dog once that died.
23:04Cut me up bad, that did.
23:06Well, it weren't my dog, it was a friend's.
23:08I love that dog.
23:09What happened to it?
23:11Well, she'd never have stuck a firework up its arse.
23:16Leave it out, Cheryl.
23:18I'm only joking.
23:20Just trying to cheer you miserable bleeders up.
23:22Yeah, well, maybe some of us still want cheering up, all right?
23:26I can't start to imagine what you're going through, Monica.
23:32You can't.
23:36No, I know.
23:40But you've got to give in to it and let yourself cry.
23:44It doesn't do you any good just bottling things up.
23:47I know.
23:49I know.
23:52It doesn't do you any good just bottling things up.
24:01I'm going to get you some flowers from the garden, all right?
24:08How is she?
24:10She'll be fine.
24:11I can't stop. I'm supposed to be busy.
24:15I just brought you some zins.
24:19These are from me and Julie.
24:21The tendenia look with a sheen.
24:24Well, you want to look your best, don't you?
24:29Anyway, Monica,
24:31we decided we're going to have a little wake for Spencer
24:36tomorrow tea time when you come back from...
24:41..from the place.
24:42And me and Julie, we decided
24:45we're going to crack open the Shadow Largo,
24:49especially in honour of Spencer,
24:53and seeing as you helped us make it.
24:58And cos...
25:01..we all love you, Monica,
25:04and we want you to know that we care.
25:15I've got to go.
25:35You ask him.
25:36No, you ask him.
25:38Oh, Mr Fenner.
25:40You know, this evening...
25:42After tea?
25:43When Monica comes back from the funeral.
25:45We was hoping to have a little wake.
25:47For Spencer.
25:48In our cell.
25:49Just tea and biscuits,
25:52a few hymns and prayers, that kind of thing.
25:55How many of you?
25:56Oh, just us two and Monica.
25:58And Nicky.
25:59And Shell and Denny, Marie.
26:05Oh, ain't for us.
26:07It's for Monica.
26:12All right, then. Dominic's on late.
26:15I'll tell him you've got half an hour.
26:17But Julie's, no funny business.
26:19Or there'll be consequences.
26:29How is she?
26:30Still not speaking.
26:34Sorry about the other day, the way I spoke to you.
26:38Taking her some flowers.
26:40That's nice.
26:41Well, if I'm allowed to.
26:42What do you mean?
26:45Usually they're bound for themselves, aren't they?
26:55Where do you think you're going with those?
26:57I've got permission.
26:58From the governor.
26:59So you know what you can do, don't you?
27:12Guess what.
27:14They're opening the hooch today.
27:15This afternoon.
27:16When Monica gets back from the funeral.
27:19That's nice.
27:20Come on, Denny, move it.
27:40Come on.
28:10Come on.
28:38I'm sorry.
28:40I'm sorry.
29:10I'm sorry.
29:47I'm Monica's sister.
29:50For God's sake, is that necessary?
29:53Look at her.
29:58Come on, Monica.
30:10Come on.
30:30It's still warm.
30:31It's only been brewing three weeks.
30:33It smells gorgeous.
30:35Hey, you ain't gonna let us down, are you, Nick?
30:37It's for Monica.
30:39I don't believe this.
30:40Why can't you fetch it yourself?
30:42You get that as much as I do.
30:43Because you look suspicious as hanging around your shed.
30:47Have you got a plan?
30:49Oh, yeah.
30:50You do a roulette, backwards and forwards,
30:52filling up your flask,
30:53till everyone on the wing's got some.
30:54Got some.
30:55Piss off.
30:57That's the biggest pile of bollocks I've ever heard.
31:02What do you think is happening, then?
31:04Why should I? It's your stuff.
31:05You've got to help her.
31:07Oh, please.
31:12Jesus said,
31:15I am the resurrection and I am the life.
31:20He who believes in me, though he die,
31:24yet shall he live.
31:27And whoever lives
31:30and believes in me
31:32shall never die.
31:35We brought nothing into the world
31:38and we take nothing out.
31:41The Lord gives
31:44and the Lord takes away.
31:47Blessed be the name of the Lord.
31:49What do you want?
31:50I want to see the Governor.
31:52She's not here.
31:53She's gone with Monica to the funeral.
31:55I want to see whoever's in charge, then.
31:58Oh, far away.
31:59I don't know whether I should,
32:01seeing as you don't believe a single word I say.
32:03Try me.
32:06I want to see the Governor.
32:08I don't want to see the Governor.
32:10I don't want to see the Governor.
32:12I want to see the Governor.
32:14I want to see the Governor.
32:16I want to see the Governor.
32:18This better not be about Lorna Rose, cos if it is, I don't want to hear it.
32:21It's not about her. It's about someone else, one of the cons.
32:24And if I was to bring it to your attention, would that help me get back on the threes?
32:29Well, it certainly wouldn't do you any harm.
32:36Nicky Wade is making alcohol.
32:39And I know where she's got it stashed.
32:49I know that my Redeemer liveth,
32:52and he shall stand at the last day upon the earth.
32:56We have entrusted our brother Spencer
32:59into God's merciful keeping.
33:02Now we commit his body to the ground,
33:05earth to earth,
33:08ashes to ashes,
33:13dust to dust,
33:17dust to dust.
33:30Right, Nicky, there's two ways we can do this.
33:33Either you tell me where it is, or I pull the place apart.
33:36Do I know what you're talking about?
33:39There's nothing I don't get to hear about. You should know that by now.
33:42Sorry, still not with you.
33:44Little Bird told me you'd gone into the brewing business.
33:47I said to myself, nah, Nicky, wouldn't be so stupid.
33:50Not now she's got herself on in the hands.
33:52And what little bird would that be, eh?
33:56Have you got anything in here you shouldn't have?
33:58About what?
34:00Just while you're here.
34:02That'll be my guest.
34:04To the only wise God, our Saviour,
34:07be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
34:10both now and ever.
34:12May God, in his infinite love and mercy,
34:15bring the whole church living
34:18and departed in the Lord Jesus
34:21to a joyful resurrection
34:24and the fulfilment of his eternal kingdom.
35:00I wanted to play with it.
35:10I'll stay with you, Spencer.
35:13Somebody help her! Somebody do something!
35:19I'll stay with you now.
35:25I shan't leave you, Victor.
35:30I shan't go away.
35:34Where the hell is she?
35:39I've been thinking of sorting the old shit all out myself.
35:46Oh, God!
35:50That it, then? You finished?
35:53Thanks very much. Much obliged.
35:56Where is it?
35:59Seems to me your little bird's been taking the piss out.
36:02Tidy that lot up, will you, sweetheart?
36:27Monica, it's time to go.
36:31I'm sorry.
36:57I'm going to have to fill in a report about you.
37:00I'm going to have to answer questions.
37:03Because I took another officer in with me.
37:07I'm going to look like a fool and you'll just look like a liar.
37:10This is the second time you've made me look stupid, you mad cow.
37:13Yeah, well, you should have done yourself a favour and looked properly, shouldn't you?
37:16You ever thought that Wade might be winding you up?
37:19It's there, I'm telling you.
37:22Anyway, it ain't just Wade, it's all of them, it's the Julies.
37:25They're going to drink it tonight at this weight they've got planned.
37:28You think I'm going to make a prat of myself twice in one day
37:31all because of some vendetta you've got with Wade?
37:36Do you want a shag?
37:38Oh, do me a favour.
37:43You want to know when you're getting back on Enhanced? You're not. Ever.
37:48Now get out!
37:59Julies! Bad bleedin' time!
38:29Oh, shitty, shitty, shit!
38:33Oh, bollocks!
38:35Hang on.
38:43What are you doing?
38:44Well, we're going to fill the sink, aren't we? Relays.
38:46Now come on.
38:54What's it look like?
38:59What's it taste like?
39:21It's party time.
39:23Yeah, well, I think I might just give this stupid, stinking party a miss.
39:26What for?
39:31Guess what?
39:33I had a visit from Fenner earlier.
39:35Some bastard knew and told her shit-bad way to look.
39:41No, she wouldn't do that.
39:43No, she got us the yeast.
39:45You never? Did you?
39:46Shut up. Of course I never.
39:51You're losing your grip, Dockley.
39:53I don't know what you're talking about.
39:55You'll want to get your facts straight next time.
40:00Hey, Nicky!
40:05You're coming to the wake, ain't you?
40:07No, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll give it a miss.
40:09Oh, Nicky, you can't do that.
40:17So anyway, I said they could have half an hour. We'll keep an eye on them.
40:20Yeah, no problem.
40:23Oh, dear.
40:33Where's Monica, then?
40:34Must have got held up in the traffic.
40:36We can't start without her.
40:38Well, we'll have to. We've only got half an hour. There you go.
40:42Bottoms up.
40:45I meant Spencer.
40:54That is dis-bloody-disgusting.
40:57We found it.
40:58It helps.
40:59If you hold your nose like so, when you swallow...
41:09Go on.
41:14Crank your fags. Crank your fags. It'll clean up the smell of the vino.
41:17Are you going to sing a song, then, Cheryl?
41:19Something nice. Something sad.
41:48Doesn't sound much like a wake to me.
43:16You've been very brave.
43:17Doesn't look like I've got any choice, is it?
43:21You've still got your appeal.
43:24Not much point now.
43:26Might as well stay here and rot.
43:29Monica... will feel differently.
43:35Just give it time.
43:40I'll see you tomorrow.
43:43Oh, yes.
43:46I'll be here.
43:48Come on, hurry up! Watch it, Jones!
43:51Johnson, Saunders, you get out!
43:53Come on!
43:54Come on, Dante! Blood, move it!
43:57Come on, come on, come on!
44:00Just keep it done!
44:02Yes, like...
44:03Get out!
44:04Squeal and dance!
44:06Wake, indeed!
44:09Wake, my backside!
44:16Nicky, I think she needs some time on her own.
44:19What, in here?
44:21She'd be lucky.
44:24I think I do as well.
44:27You've got Sean to go home to.
44:33Good night, Nicky.
44:35Night, Helen.
44:46Night, Sylvia.
44:48Night, Mum.
44:57Fucking hell!
45:04Good night.
45:05Good night.
45:06Morning, Helen.
45:07Morning, Nicky.
45:08Morning, Helen.
45:10Morning, Nicky.
45:11Morning, Helen.
45:12Morning, Nicky.
45:13Morning, Helen.
45:14Go to sleep, my baby.
45:32Close your pretty eyes.
45:39Angels up above you, watching from the skies.
46:02Take care of you, Monica.
46:07Yeah! Love you, Monica!