Bad Girls-1999-S01-Ep-10

  • 2 days ago
Helen battles with her emotions and leaves Sean. Monica attempts suicide the day before her appeal. Shell attempts to blackmail Fenner and sends a letter to his wife. New inmate, Yvonne Atkins, gains a strong following from the women


00:00Breakfast time.
00:26Are you decent in there?
00:47You're supposed to be up and dressed by now.
00:50Hang about. Sorry, what was that, love?
00:52Up. Dressed. Out. Now.
00:56Yes, sir. I've been here almost a fortnight.
00:59Where have you been hiding yourself?
01:01I've been on holiday.
01:03Oh, really? Anywhere nice?
01:06Oh. You certainly know how to live, don't you?
01:10Come on, out now. I mean it.
01:13So do I, gorgeous. I mean...
01:16Yes, sir.
01:38Oh, I love you. I love you.
01:52I meant to tell you, I got a call from Simon yesterday.
01:55Well, not your boss. Simon and Claire.
01:58He asked if they could use the flat for a few days when we're on our honeymoon.
02:01What did you say?
02:02Well, I said fine.
02:04It's not a problem, is it?
02:06Whatever you say.
02:07Well, hang on.
02:08I'm late.
02:22It's all right for you, isn't it, Monica?
02:25Soon be eating out in posh restaurants again, won't you?
02:28Well, I don't really dare look too far forward yet.
02:31I mean, it's not cut and dry.
02:33You'll win it easy.
02:35Well, not necessarily.
02:36I mean, if these appeal judges are anything like the one I had at my trial...
02:39Yeah, yeah.
02:41Here. Sign this, Sandra.
02:43What is it?
02:44It's a petition to Miss Stewart saying we want our open visits back.
02:47Like bloody right.
02:50And you.
02:51You'd just better stay out of my way,
02:53cos I could smack your face for what you said to that newspaper.
02:55Drugs is evil. I was doing God's work.
02:58So like God don't want mums to cover their own kids?
03:01Well, I didn't mean that, did I?
03:03Yeah, well, you should have stopped to think, shouldn't you?
03:05Stupid cow.
03:11Got a good load of gnomes on this, haven't you?
03:13Yeah. Nicky's gonna take it up to her.
03:15You think she's really on our side, don't you, Nick?
03:17I wouldn't count on it.
03:19I don't think Helen Stewart's on anyone's side except her own.
03:22I thought you really liked her.
03:24Yeah? Well, think again.
03:26But what about the petition?
03:28I mean, me and Jude was counting on you to get her to take it to the top.
03:31Well, coming from me, all she'd do with it is rip it up.
04:16Suddenly there's a rotten smell around here, Jude.
04:18Psh. I'm not kidding.
04:20Come on.
04:21I'm sick of this.
04:23I should be getting cheers off this lot for what I've done to that screw,
04:25not blamed for everything else.
04:27Well, maybe you just picked on the wrong screw shop.
04:30You should have gone for Old Buddy, babe.
04:32It's not that cow Stewart's fault.
04:34I should be back on her hands now for helping her clean this place up.
04:37Yeah, but she planted the stuff in the first place.
04:41They lock up loads of girls in here for getting drugs planted on them, don't they?
04:46You wanna come and pray with me after breakfast, yeah?
04:48No, I don't, nutter.
04:51I'm giving up all your stupid God bollocks, Crystal,
04:53cos they don't change nothing.
04:55Gonna change where you go when you die, you two-faced bitch.
04:59I'm really gonna miss an heaven full of Bible bashers, ain't I?
05:11I'm going back to my room.
05:26It's nothing, Wade. Stewart wants to see you.
05:28What? What for?
05:29Get along and you'll find out, won't you?
05:40Cheers, Yvonne.
05:41It's nice to be signing something you want to for a change.
05:44I just wish a few of the screws had signed it, though.
05:46Yvonne, you couldn't lend us one of these, could you?
05:48Help yourself, there's plenty there.
05:50Can I have a couple, then?
05:52Here, go on.
05:53Cheers, Yvonne.
05:55How about you, Denny, love?
05:57You want a few for later?
05:59What, for real?
06:01Yeah, they're there for the taking.
06:03Does that go for a soul, then?
06:04Help yourselves, girls.
06:09Thank you, Glenn.
06:14Take a seat.
06:16It's about your exam.
06:17Now I'll arrange for an invigilator to come in.
06:19I thought you'd given up taking an interest in me, miss.
06:21Oh, look.
06:22Have you been avoiding me, then?
06:24You know what I'm avoiding.
06:26Why don't you tell me?
06:27Oh, for goodness sake, Nicky.
06:29All I've been trying to do is to help you to do yourself some good,
06:31because I don't want you to waste your potential.
06:38You had no right taking advantage of me.
06:43Well, put me down the block, then, go on.
06:45Rule 47, subsection 16,
06:47being disrespectful to the wing governor...
06:51by kissing her.
06:53Would you expect me to apologise?
06:58Nicky, stop.
07:04Honestly, I'm telling you,
07:06if you carry on like this, one of us is going to have to leave Blackhall.
07:10I mean it.
07:23Are you giving out cigarettes?
07:25Cigarettes, miss?
07:26Don't come all clever with me, Atkins.
07:28You know it's against the rules to give away your property.
07:30Oh, and is it against the rules to show some Christian charity, miss?
07:34I'm warning you.
07:35If I catch you again, you're going straight on report.
07:38So think twice.
07:39I'll do that, miss.
07:42How do you say that for chapel?
07:44What? I'm not breaking any rules, am I?
07:47Look, dear,
07:48when God was handing out the singing voices to your people,
07:51you must have been somewhere else.
07:53Nobody wants to hear you.
07:55But we all like a nice, happy, clappy tune, Sylvia.
07:59Don't we, girls?
08:00Yes, we do.
08:01And we all want to hear it.
08:03And we all want to hear it.
08:05And we all want to hear it.
08:07And we all want to hear it.
08:09And we all want to hear it.
08:11Don't we, girls?
08:13Well, it cheers us up, doesn't it, miss?
08:15Yeah. Look who's miss.
08:17See, it's good for us, miss.
08:19It helps us cope with being on closed visits.
08:22You'd better learn something, Atkins.
08:24While I'm on duty, I tell you what's good for you.
08:27Now get to your own rooms.
08:30Move it!
08:37What did I tell you?
08:39Get to your cells now!
08:41Hurry up! Come on, move it!
08:46That Atkins woman!
08:48I knew she was trouble as soon as I saw her.
08:50How's that?
08:51Too much money.
08:52Too much having life her own sweet way.
08:55Well, she certainly likes her early morning lions.
08:58I tell you, where she was on remand...
09:00Did you know this?
09:0222 pairs of shoes they found in her cell.
09:05That's what we're up against.
09:0722 pairs of shoes and a shelf-load of Chanel, according to her file.
09:11Anyway, I was going to say, can you book her in to see me today?
09:14I haven't had time to do her induction yet.
09:17And I'll need to allocate her a personal officer.
09:22Oh, no.
09:37Julie, listen, how do you fancy being in the Larkhall Tabernacle Gospel Choir?
09:43Well, it's like I was saying to the other girls.
09:45If we can't have our open visits,
09:47then we get let attention at somewhere, haven't we?
09:50And if the schools don't like it,
09:53they'll have to sign our petition, won't they?
09:56Oh, yeah.
09:59Clever, ain't she?
10:03Bathroom's free.
10:05All right.
10:07You OK, Nicky?
10:09You're so lucky knowing you're going to get out of this shell.
10:13San Francisco, that's where I'd be headed.
10:16Just start a whole new life.
10:18Then why don't you put your mind to it, Nicky?
10:21You could appeal.
10:23But I mean, surely someone would take your case.
10:26What, lesbian cop killer?
10:28Yeah, very tabloid-friendly, that.
10:38every prisoner serving over 12 months is allocated a personal officer.
10:44What? You mean like I'll get one for meself?
10:47Well, the idea is that you have a particular officer looking out for your interests
10:51and to help you make the best use of your time in custody.
10:54Oh, really?
10:56Oh, well, can I have that Mr McAllister, then, please?
10:59Strangely enough, you don't get to choose.
11:03Well, on the basis of availability,
11:05I've allocated you Senior Officer Hollanby.
11:10Is that a problem?
11:12Well, it's lucky I get all the help I need from my husband and kids.
11:15Well, I'm glad that you've got supportive family, Yvonne.
11:18Oh, I've got the best love.
11:20Don't worry about me.
11:22Well, as long as you don't think they can help you by being rich.
11:25You're starting here in the same basic regime as every other new inmate.
11:29£2.50 a week, private cash.
11:31And that's your limit.
11:39Are you lot just gonna wait till I kill myself?
11:43I've got bog all to live for on basic, haven't I?
11:46It's a pity you lost your canary then, isn't it?
11:50Look, I wanna know when I'm gonna get put back on enhanced.
11:54I mean, where's the justice?
11:56I help you lot stop dangerous drugs getting brung in and what do I get for it?
12:00You're very lucky you didn't get additional days.
12:03They were your drugs, Michelle.
12:05That screw is still sacked.
12:07That proves she was bent and I caught her fear.
12:10You're wasting my time.
12:12I wanna know what I've gotta do to get my privileges back.
12:14I'm busy.
12:16Oh, please, sir.
12:18You've gotta give me some hope.
12:20I know I've been stupid, but I've learnt my lesson now.
12:25I hate it on basic.
12:27I just wanna know what I've gotta do to get back off it.
12:31You could put a good word in for me, couldn't you, sir?
12:37I've only got one word for you.
12:40You just got it in for me cos I stitched your mate up, ain't ya?
12:43Well, you wanna watch I don't tell how you just felt me up in this office.
12:48Get out.
12:54I also want you to be clear that we're very strict about property here.
12:58So if you can have a very careful look at you
13:00and possession of property lives at the back of your hand, I...
13:02Oh, I know that off by heart.
13:04Then make sure that you understand there are no exceptions allowed.
13:07Well, I kinda gathered that by the three exclamation marks you got put there.
13:10So there's nothing that you need clarifying?
13:13Well, they still don't make a load of sense.
13:16I mean, like this bit here.
13:18I mean, does this really mean that every prisoner can have a guitar?
13:23It means exactly what it says.
13:29Alan Stewart?
13:30It's me.
13:32What were you trying to tell me about this morning?
13:34Can I phone you back, please?
13:35No, you can't.
13:36I don't care what you're doing. I wanna know where you're coming from.
13:39Just a minute.
13:41Yvonne, do you mind waiting outside the door?
13:43There'll be an officer come along and take you back to the wing.
13:45OK, love.
13:47Whatever you say.
13:57Sean, do you mind not doing this to me at work?
14:00Well, if you talked to me at home, I wouldn't have to.
14:03Oi. What are you doing in here?
14:06Me, sir?
14:08I'm listening to the wing governor having a row with her boyfriend.
14:13Are you gonna tell on me, sir?
14:15Has Miss Stewart finished with you?
14:18Looks like it.
14:20Right. Then back on the wing, now. Move.
14:23Listen, sweetheart, you only have to ask for what you want from me.
14:27Cut the crap and start walking, or I'll put you on report.
14:30Mm. You really are an hard man, aren't you?
14:37Well, you're coming, love, or aren't you?
14:56AC 0047.
15:02What do you want?
15:04Um, I'll have a bottle of bolly
15:08and a ten-inch vibrator, please, miss.
15:17Do you want to lose your turn, Atkins?
15:20Oh, I'm sorry, miss, you mean what do I want from you?
15:23Well, I'll have £2.50 for fags, then, please.
15:28Everybody who signed up for the Larkhall Tappernackle Gospel Choir
15:31check the obbisball for details of our first practice.
15:35You'll have to come along and listen to us, miss.
15:45AC 0039.
15:47Lindsay, AC 0039.
15:51You've got £12.25.
15:54I'll have £12 in phone cards and a packet of strong mints, please.
16:12Morning, laddie.
16:15What you got for a cent?
16:25Twelve what?
16:27One dozen guitars for the Larkhall Tappernackle Gospel Choir.
16:31Care of the chaplain?
16:33This is a list of the names I was giving off the choir members.
16:37But you weren't told anything about these?
16:41Well, who actually gave you this list? I mean, who's organising it?
16:44One of your new girls, Yvonne Atkins.
16:47Oh, no.
16:48She seems very enthusiastic.
16:52Where are they?
16:54Courtesy of Yvonne Atkins.
16:59Over my dead body.
17:03Daniella Blood.
17:10Thanks, Yvonne.
17:11I know you'll be a natural, love.
17:15Zandra Plackett.
17:21Julie Johnson.
17:24Thanks, Rev.
17:29Julie Saunders.
17:31Cheers, darling.
18:14Come on.
18:44Come on.
19:14Can we buy off?
19:16Well, everyone will know that, won't they?
19:18Yeah, but we wanted to learn something from Easy Rider.
19:21Then we could play it to Biker Boy.
19:23Cos it's your birthday tomorrow, innit, sir?
19:26How do you know that?
19:27Oh, we know everything about you, sex pop.
19:31Yeah, sexy.
19:32Typical cancer, see?
19:35Hard shell.
19:36Soft inside.
19:37Why do you call him Biker Boy?
19:39Haven't you seen him in his leathers?
19:41Easy Rider what, agent?
19:43Ooh, easy.
19:49Er, what are you doing?
19:51Putting chairs out for guitar practice.
19:54It's only a bit of fun, Shell.
19:56Do you fancy her or something?
19:59Anything the matter, Denny?
20:01She's too busy for this bollocks.
20:03Bloody hell, the kid can talk for herself, can't she?
20:06Tell her, Denny, my darling.
20:08Leave it at it, Shell.
20:12You want to be scared of me, Atkins?
20:17I don't do scared.
20:25Er, Mr Finner, excuse me, I need to see you, please.
20:29What do you want?
20:30I've got a problem I've got to talk to you about.
20:32It's urgent.
20:35Why am I so popular, eh?
20:38He's too soft, that's what.
20:41Sling it, darling, you can finish that later.
20:46What are you up to?
20:48I told you to never, ever do that.
20:50You've been ignoring me.
20:52You're bloody lucky I've been ignoring you.
20:54I could beat you black and blue the way you piss me about.
20:56What have I done to you?
20:58Only made me look a total arsehole.
21:00Is that everyone's ganging up on me?
21:03Even Denny's being horrible to me now.
21:05What do you want me to do, go and top myself?
21:07I'm past giving you good advice, darling.
21:11Jim, don't be like that.
21:14I'll miss you.
21:17Don't you miss me too?
21:20I bet you do.
21:26See, you still like me really, don't you?
21:32I told you a long time ago, you ever cross me, that's it.
21:36Why are you saying that?
21:38Because you better bloody believe it.
21:43You really think you could dump me?
21:50Well, you better think again, Mr Fenner.
21:52Because I fixed Lorna Rose and I can fix you and all.
22:08Just think what would happen if I didn't protect you.
22:24Someone could take a razor to your face
22:26and there wouldn't be an officer anywhere near.
22:41Oh, hello, Nicky.
22:56All packed up for tomorrow, then?
23:02You really are, aren't you?
23:04Even your toothbrush.
23:07Nice and normal.
23:13What about your suit?
23:16You're not going to court like that, are you?
23:19No, no, I was going to, um...
23:21Monica, you are going through with this appeal, aren't you?
23:24Why are you asking me that? Of course I am.
23:28You're lying.
23:30Why do I know you're lying to me, Monica?
23:33I'm not lying.
23:38Then why's your suit in the bottom of that bag?
23:41You're not planning on wearing it at all, are you?
23:44So what are you planning on tomorrow? Tell me.
23:49You're too late, Nicky.
24:04You're going to sing yourself a smoothie, bitch.
24:06You're going to drink the smoothie, then you're going to wake up and start walking.
24:23Look at that old body bag over there.
24:25Got a face like a busted arsehole.
24:31What court do you think that is, then?
24:33Cord Zed.
24:34There ain't no Cord Zeds.
24:36Sounds like there are loads to me.
24:38OK, girls, we ready to give it a shot?
24:40Ready as we're ever going to be.
24:42Crystal, can you lead us in?
24:44Let's just see what happens, shall we?
24:46And listen, girls, I don't want you to be shy, OK?
24:49I want you to give it all you've got.
24:51If it sounds bloody terrible, we'll just keep at it till we get it right.
24:56One, two, three, four.
25:01One, two, three, four.
25:06Surely she should have been sick after two glasses.
25:09We need to get help, Nicky.
25:11Are we going to lose her?
25:13Put two sachets of coffee in that. We'll make it bloody soon.
25:16Sit down, Nicky.
25:19OK, Monica.
25:21Down the hatch.
25:22Why won't you let me die?
25:24Because we love you, you stupid can. Have a chrysake drink.
25:27Oh, come on.
25:36Now walk.
25:38You know what to do.
25:39Sure, Cheryl?
25:43You all right, Cheryl?
25:44What do you want?
25:46I wish you'd come and sing with us, Cheryl.
25:48We're all cracked.
25:50All tough tits.
25:52Sod off.
25:54What happened to your face?
25:56Nothing's happened to my face I can't fix, all right?
26:01Go on.
26:02Piss off back to your new girlfriend.
26:10Oh, this isn't good.
26:12I'm really worried now, Nick.
26:19Hold her.
26:20Come on, girl.
26:22Oh, get her some toilet!
26:24Come on.
26:25Don't freak out, go on.
26:27That's it, that's it.
26:28Oh, what a fantastic sound.
26:51Hurry up with that tea, Dawn, will you?
27:07Fair enough.
27:09Yeah, all right, coming up now.
27:13Keep that tea warm, will you, Dawn?
27:20Right! That's it!
27:22Stop it!
27:24Right, now!
27:26Put these chairs away and get to your rooms.
27:28We've still got a quarter of an hour yet.
27:30Not tonight you haven't.
27:32And don't even contemplate arguing with me, Atkins.
27:35I'll argue with you then.
27:37I will, cos I can't stand listening to you neither.
27:40We want to be put back on open visits again, miss.
27:43So if you want some peace,
27:44why don't you back our petition and shut them all up?
27:48Lock-ups in five minutes!
27:50Put these away, now!
27:52Move it, now!
27:54Flaming bar!
27:56Remember, girls,
27:58guitars come under the heading Incel Hobbies.
28:01So keep practising till light's out.
28:09Sorry, Monica.
28:11Julie's going to make you some more coffee.
28:13Oh, no.
28:14Oh, don't be hot this time.
28:16I just want to sleep.
28:18But we've got to make sure you're properly woke up before you can sleep,
28:21cos there'll be some stuff left in your system.
28:24Listen, Monica,
28:26there's going to be lock-up soon.
28:29You're not going to try anything else.
28:31I haven't got anything left.
28:33You crossed with us, Monica.
28:35I made my choice.
28:38I wanted to be with Spencer.
28:44Mrs Jewel's outside. She's just locking up.
28:47Quick, Monica, get this down your ear.
28:53Hello, Miss Jewel.
28:56What's going on in here?
28:58Monica, she's been a bit unwell.
29:00Yeah, I think it's just a bit of pre-trial nerves.
29:02Yeah, pre-trial nerves. I think she'll be fine now, won't you, Monica?
29:05Monica, you look terrible.
29:07Oh, she looks a lot better than she did.
29:09Oh, she does.
29:10Now she's been sick.
29:18The two jewelers tell me you're into motorbikes.
29:21Do they?
29:23What sort do you ride, sir?
29:26Do you know anything about bikes?
29:28Well, I know what I like the look of.
29:30Well, I know what I can afford, so...
29:58Did Monica take an overdose?
30:01I want a straight answer, Nicky.
30:04She could have died and you took that risk with her.
30:07I don't understand you. How could you have been so irresponsible?
30:10Oh, Jesus.
30:11Look, what the hell were you thinking of?
30:15To protect you.
30:35OK, where's that petition?
30:41Keep your coat on. We're going out.
30:43Where are we?
30:45Jamie and Luce called to see if we're on for a cheap and cheerful.
30:48Is that OK?
30:52You should talk to Luce about your head night.
30:56I don't want a head night.
30:58Well, I'm having a stag night.
31:00And I'm buying a suit.
31:02A suit?
31:06I thought seeing as you're going to court tomorrow,
31:09we could meet up and you could help me choose it.
31:12All right.
31:15So, did you beat anyone up today?
31:17Just the one.
31:19Who, Fanna?
31:23Nicky Wade.
31:25What? Your golden girl?
31:28I think she thinks she's in love with me.
31:32I think she thinks she's in love with me.
31:37Why was I so surprised?
31:39What happened?
31:41She tried to drag me into her cell and kiss me.
31:45You mean she actually grabbed hold of you?
31:49Well, that's assault.
31:51Did anybody else see?
31:53Well, what are you going to do about it?
31:55Avoid being alone with her.
31:58Can't you get her transferred to another prison?
32:00She won't try it again.
32:04Come on, then, good boy.
32:24Hello, Nicky.
32:27How are you feeling?
32:29I'm sorry to have put you and the duelists to so much trouble.
32:34Why didn't you do it after lock-up if you didn't mean to be saved?
32:38I started worrying they might do a last-minute cell search
32:42or if I didn't get on with it, I'd lose my nerve.
32:50I don't know what to say.
32:53I don't know what to say.
32:55Well, how about starting with I feel bloody ashamed of myself?
33:01Look around you, Monica.
33:03Look at all these women stuck in here.
33:05They'd give anything to be in your shoes today.
33:09Look at the Julies.
33:11Julie J.
33:13She's lost her three kids to that bastard husband.
33:19You've seen what else she's been through.
33:21Beaten up, dumped by her fiancé.
33:24What a great start for a baby.
33:30She's had her whole life wasted.
33:33She'll be in and out of here forever.
33:37And me, Monica.
33:40Do you know what it feels like having to face another ten years of this?
33:44We all struggle along, trying to make the best of things.
33:47And when someone like you says you'd rather be dead than free...
33:51I'm sorry.
33:53Everyone who gets out of here gets out for all of us.
34:02The girls wanted to give you this good-luck card.
34:10Shut up, you spoiled face.
34:17Monica, are you ready?
34:28Stay safe, Monica.
34:37Look, don't think that I condone what you did last night.
34:41But I am grateful.
34:42Oh, don't bother.
34:48Take care, Monica, babe.
34:49Be lucky, eh? Good luck, Monica.
34:51Miss you.
34:52Good luck, Monica.
34:53Go on, squash a bitch. Good luck, mate.
34:55See ya.
35:07No, it's not guitars this time, darling.
35:10It's much bigger.
35:12And I need it today.
35:40Still want to be my main runner, Denny?
35:55Of course I do, Cheryl.
35:57You just say when. Anything.
36:00I need you to lean on your friend Tiffany for me.
36:04She's going out Friday, isn't she?
36:07I want you to get her to crotch a letter out and post it for me.
36:10Can you do that, Den?
36:29Come on, Rose. Make it look good.
36:32Bye, Zandra.
36:34Yeah, bye, Monica.
36:45I've come to say I'm sorry.
36:47Will you let me?
36:49You'd better be bloody sorry for what you threatened me.
37:02I only said it cos of what you threatened me.
37:04You don't think I meant it, do you?
37:07You'd better not have, Cheryl.
37:09Cos there's only one way we're going to get along.
37:11That's my way. You got it?
37:14Can I show you I'm really, really sorry?
37:17I think you know how.
37:20Julie's! Everyone, this is it!
37:24In the court of appeal today,
37:26Monica Lindsay, the former financial advisor to fugitive Jennifer,
37:29and recently the former financial advisor to fugitive businessman John Law,
37:33was freed from prison.
37:39She'd served seven months of a five-year sentence,
37:41imposed for laundering stolen funds on Law's instructions.
37:45Look, it's our Monica!
37:47I'd like to make a brief statement.
37:53Before I went to prison,
37:56I never imagined that criminal women were monsters or lunatics.
38:04I was wrong.
38:06Most of the women I met,
38:09and without whom I could not have survived,
38:14are warm, intelligent, funny.
38:19Many will have been separated from their children.
38:23Some, like me, will lose them forever.
38:30Many are drug addicts who need rehabilitation.
38:35Many women are the victims of abusive men.
38:38They need love and support,
38:41not strip-searching and bullying.
38:46In my opinion, prison as punishment
38:51only makes bad situations worse.
39:22There she is.
39:24Just in time for the verdict.
39:29What do you think?
39:31You've never seen me in a suit before, have you?
39:34You don't think I need a tie, do you?
39:36Look, can we leave this and go and get a drink?
39:38Well, I'll just buy the suit if you like it.
39:40No, I need a drink.
39:42I'm sorry.
39:43I'm sorry.
39:44I'm sorry.
39:45I'm sorry.
39:46I'm sorry.
39:47I'm sorry.
39:48I'll just buy the suit if you like it.
39:50No, I need to talk to you.
39:52Can we just go?
39:54What is the matter?
39:55Will you change?
39:58I like the suit.
39:59Why don't you like it?
40:00Please, Sean.
40:01I said tell me, what is the matter?
40:03Come on.
40:06I said tell me, Helen.
40:09I can't marry you.
40:14I'm really sorry.
40:18What are you talking about?
40:19Look, can we get out of here?
40:22What do you mean you can't marry me?
40:24Why not?
40:25Because I don't love you.
40:35I'm sorry.
40:59Well, hip, hip, hooray.
41:01Come on, Sylvia.
41:02You've got to be glad for her.
41:04You'd better get down the front gate.
41:05They've just phoned.
41:06Something's arrived for you.
41:42Sorry, there's no one here at the moment.
41:44But if you want to leave a message for Helen or Sean,
41:46please do so after the beep.
42:01It came with this.
42:04Come on.
42:17I'm going back in.
42:28Hi there.
42:29Mr Greenfingers, isn't it?
42:32What are you doing now?
42:33I'll call her and let her know you're here, sir.
43:33Gate here, ma'am.
43:34Mr Parr's just arrived.
43:36He's gone straight through to the gardens.
43:47What do you think they're playing at?
43:49Sorry, sir?
43:50The Harley outside.
43:52It's from you, isn't it?
43:54I don't know what you're talking about, sir.
43:57Anyway, did you like it?
44:01Birthday boy.
44:07Oh, look at this.
44:10Isn't that Mrs Jones' fiancé?
44:13What's he doing?
44:14Yeah, what's going on?
44:31What are you doing?
44:50Oh, dear.
44:51Oh, dear.
44:52Oh, dear.
44:53Oh, dear.
44:54Oh, dear.
44:55Oh, dear.
44:56Oh, dear.
44:57Oh, dear.
44:58Oh, dear.
44:59Oh, dear.
45:00Oh, dear.
45:01Oh, dear.
45:02Oh, dear.
45:03Oh, dear.
45:04Oh, dear.
45:05Oh, dear.
45:06Oh, dear.
45:07Oh, dear.
45:08Oh, dear.
45:09Oh, dear.
45:10Oh, dear.
45:11Oh, dear.
45:12Oh, dear.
45:13Oh, dear.
45:14Oh, dear.
45:15Oh, dear.
45:16Oh, dear.
45:17Oh, dear.
45:18Oh, dear.
45:19Oh, dear.
45:20Oh, dear.
45:21Oh, dear.
45:22Oh, dear.
45:23Oh, dear.
45:24Oh, dear.
45:25Oh, dear.
45:26Oh, dear.
45:27Oh, dear.
45:28Oh, dear.
45:29Oh, dear.
45:30Oh, dear.
45:31Oh, dear.
45:32Oh, dear.
45:33Oh, dear.
45:34Oh, dear.
45:35Oh, dear.
45:36Oh, dear.
45:37Oh, dear.
45:38Oh, dear.
45:39Oh, dear.
45:40Oh, dear.
45:41Oh, dear.
45:42Oh, dear.
45:43Oh, dear.
45:44Oh, dear.
45:45Oh, dear.
45:46Oh, dear.
45:47Oh, dear.
45:48Oh, dear.
45:49Oh, dear.
45:50Oh, dear.
45:51Oh, dear.
45:52Oh, dear.
45:53Oh, dear.
45:54Oh, dear.
45:55Oh, dear.
45:56Oh, dear.
45:57Oh, dear.
45:58Oh, dear.
45:59Oh, dear.
46:00Oh, dear.
46:01Oh, dear.
46:02Oh, dear.
46:03Oh, dear.
46:04Oh, dear.
46:05Oh, dear.
46:06Oh, dear.
46:07Oh, dear.
46:08Oh, dear.
46:09Oh, dear.
46:10Oh, dear.
46:11Oh, dear.
46:12Oh, dear.
46:13Oh, dear.
46:14Oh, dear.
46:15Oh, dear.
46:16Oh, dear.
46:17Oh, dear.
46:18Oh, dear.
46:19Oh, dear.
46:20Oh, dear.
46:21Look, look, look, look, look.
46:49Oi, Dooleys!
46:51You're only good for busting out with your boyfriend's son.
46:55You kidding?
46:56You mean it.
46:57We know it.
46:58We've lived it.
47:00Yeah, but do you know the codes?