Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 17

  • 2 days ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 17
00:00Our world is in peril.
00:04Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,
00:06can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet.
00:10She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:15From Africa, with the power of earth.
00:18From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:22From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:32From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:41And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:46When the five powers combine,
00:48they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:52Go, Planet!
00:57The power is yours!
01:13You know, Jerry, if you packed a lunch and used the lunch box,
01:17you wouldn't make so much trash.
01:20Ah, so what, Katie? Someone will clean it up.
01:24Huh? What's that?
01:34Stop! Ah!
01:44Ew! Trash!
01:46Jerry? Jerry, where are you?
01:49Jerry! Oh, Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
02:05I couldn't breathe in there.
02:11What is that?
02:13Let's get out of here, Jerry!
02:15Wait! My glasses!
02:28Who's doing this to us?
02:33Oh, for shame! It is raining garbage!
02:37Kaya, who could do such a thing?
02:40People are creating too much trash.
02:42Landfills are full.
02:44No one wants a new one in their backyard.
02:46Look at that thing.
02:48It is dumping trash on that poor little town.
02:51We must make people put a stop to this.
02:54Come on, Planeteers.
02:57I hope you won't be disappointed, Kwame.
03:00The hardest thing to change are people's minds.
03:09Let's see if we can pick up any info off the satellite system.
03:13Yo, what's Sly Sludge doing on TV?
03:18If the trash is overflowing from your can,
03:21I will dump it for a fee,
03:23cause I'm the man who flies the big sky scowl.
03:26Gonna find the dump somehow.
03:29I'm Sly Sludge!
03:32I'm Sly Sludge!
03:34I'm Sly Sludge!
03:38Now he's polluting the airwaves.
03:41I see one of those flying trash buckets down there.
03:44And there's Sludge's assistant, Ooze.
03:59Do not give him your trash!
04:01We don't want to deal with this mess.
04:07He will not take it to a dump.
04:10He will drop it on some helpless little town.
04:14As long as he doesn't dump it in my backyard, it's his.
04:17Now let him have it.
04:23Back in my element.
04:25So long, eagle twerps!
04:39It does not matter to you where he dumps your trash?
04:43It's not our problem.
04:46I cannot believe these people.
04:49Believe it, kid.
04:51Sly Sludge.
04:53I bought myself a new toy cause this scam's making me millions.
04:58We will put you out of business, Sludge.
05:00Wise up, kid.
05:02I don't make the trash, people do.
05:04The secret of my success is that no one cares if I bury the earth in garbage.
05:09Well, we care what happens and we will stop you.
05:14Ha! First you gotta catch me.
05:20He's getting away!
05:22See you around, suckers!
05:31Look at all that open space going to waste.
05:34Our waste.
05:39It's those planeteers!
05:44Them punks think they can outsmart me?
05:47Dump the load!
05:49Right, boss.
05:56Did no one ever tell Sludge about updrafts?
06:16Lose, you loser! I said dump the trash!
06:20I thought I did.
06:22All Skyscows, dump your trash now!
06:31Looks like Sludge is heading for a fall.
06:34Me too.
06:46I'll incinerate that trash. Fire!
06:54Wasn't such a smart idea.
06:56That smoke is too thick. I can't see where I'm going.
07:00Gee, try to fly below it.
07:02I have a feeling we're heading right into trouble.
07:18We've lost power! We're going down!
07:21Brace yourselves!
07:30Is everybody all right?
07:32Yes. Thank you.
07:34I will check the engine.
07:36I'm Katie. Who are you?
07:38My name is Kwami.
07:40Are you the ones dumping all the trash?
07:42No! We came to stop it.
07:45Thanks, Kwami. But what can you do?
07:48There's garbage everywhere now.
07:50It's hard to believe, but our town used to be beautiful.
08:01Hey! Stop that!
08:14This is terrible! How could the townspeople do this to themselves?
08:19They think the problem is too big, so they've just given up.
08:25It is worse than I feared. I wonder if we can solve this problem.
08:30Of course we can. The solar battery just had a loose wire.
08:33We can start it up now.
08:42That's my neighbor, Mr. Murray.
08:44Mr. Murray, wait! Don't do it! It will jam the cooling vent!
08:53Oh, no! Now we're really grounded!
08:57Look what you have done!
08:59We were trying to help you, but you will not even help yourselves!
09:05Oh, no!
09:09I was wrong, and Sludge was right. People just do not care.
09:14You must not say that! Captain Planet will deal with Sludge!
09:19Very well, Mati. Then let our powers combine. Earth!
09:30Kwami, what's wrong?
09:32I tell you what is wrong! This problem is too big for even Captain Planet! It is hopeless!
09:39Kwami, you must not give up hope. That is the source of your ring's power.
09:45Then it is too late, Gaia.
09:47How can I believe in people when they turn their own world into a trash dump?
09:52You must give this to someone else. It does not work for me anymore.
10:00Kwami, no!
10:01Do not say that, Kwami!
10:02Do not be discouraged, my friend.
10:04Hang in there, man!
10:06Kwami, come back!
10:08This is a terrible time for Kwami to leave. What is...
10:14Now I got you, Planet. Right where I wanted you.
10:19Help me!
10:30No good! I can't even move!
10:36Nothing like a scoop of Sludge Ripple Ice Cream!
10:41Scoop? Good idea, Wu's. This opportunity is too good to throw away.
10:48I'll get you, boss!
11:05To the high school stadium, Wu's.
11:08We have to get out of here!
11:11No! I don't care how strong you are, Mr. Sludge. I'll... I'll find a way to fight you.
11:22My next con is the best one yet. The ultimate trash compactor.
11:26I call it the Humongopactor.
11:29It squeezes a thousand ton big hunk of trash into a thousand ton little hunk of trash.
11:36Compacted trash is even worse. Water and sunlight can't break it down.
11:40That's the beauty of the scam. People will think I'm reducing the problem.
11:44But I'm really making it worse!
11:48If only we had Kwami here.
11:56The problem is too big, and people will never change.
12:05I have failed.
12:06Hello, Kwami.
12:08Hello, Gaia. How did you find me?
12:11I knew you would go to a forest when you needed to think.
12:14I think this forest will soon be buried in garbage.
12:18I know things look bad, but you see the scar on this old tree?
12:22It almost died in a fire years ago. It did not give up. It kept on growing.
12:28Look around. The forest is full of reasons for hope.
12:32When I look at that town, all I see is...
12:35Wait a minute. Whose house is that? An hour ago?
12:42Why don't you find out?
12:49It was fun while it lasted, kids. But now the ride is over. I'm dumping you.
12:55Ooze, stop feeding your face. We got scams to run.
12:59Gotcha, Mr. Sludge.
13:10We are still stuck.
13:12We're trapped in Sludge's trash compactor.
13:15What else can happen to us?
13:30Katie, you did all this?
13:33Yeah, it took me a while. I put cans here, glass here, and papers here.
13:41Who told you to recycle these things?
13:44My teacher talked about it. She said we shouldn't fill up dumps with stuff that can be used again.
13:49You make me ashamed of myself for doubting there are people who care.
13:53I just wish everyone would follow your example.
13:57Maybe they will. If a kid like me can do it, anyone can.
14:03You are quite right, Katie. First, we must show this to the other planeteers.
14:08They aren't here, Kwami. That bad Mr. Sludge took them away.
14:12Took them? Show me. Where?
14:18Always a tight bunch, but this is ridiculous.
14:28I must stop that compactor before it crushes them.
14:32Planeteers, hang on! I will save you!
14:36Oh, no! Sly Sludge is there!
14:41Hey, you! Stop right there!
14:43Maybe I can tangle up the machinery long enough to rescue my friends.
14:52Oh, no! Caught in my own trap.
14:58Hold on, planeteers!
15:00No, Kwami! You'll be crushed, too!
15:03Says who?
15:09Get something to cut the ladder!
15:18Don't worry about me! Help my team!
15:21Get a move on!
15:30You pinhead! Get something else!
15:36Kwami! Hurry!
15:39I cannot reach! Save yourself, Kwami!
15:42Do not give up!
15:52Kwami! No!
15:55Kwami! No!
16:02I hate to use anything that doesn't waste energy.
16:06Just cut it!
16:15Oh, no!
16:26Where did my ring come from?
16:29You hung in there, even though you knew you might fail.
16:33That's hope. And that's why you have your ring back.
16:37Thank you, Gaia.
16:50Katie! We are okay!
16:53Go get him, Kwami!
16:56Now for Sly Sludge!
16:59Attention, all Sky Scouts! Get those planet-tunks!
17:13Uh-oh! We won't have to go far to find Sludge. He's coming to get us!
17:18Then let our powers combine!
17:22Fire! Wind! Water!
17:28By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
17:33Go, Planet!
17:35Hey, Sly! Let's see if these flying garbage cans of yours can turn on a dime!
17:41All right! Let's take a first spin!
17:44Good traction!
17:47Let's really rev! Whoa! Lots of RPMs!
17:59Whoa! I don't feel so good!
18:02There must be something I...
18:06Don't talk about food!
18:16You can't touch me. I'm providing a public service.
18:21You're pretty sly, Sludge.
18:24But I'm not going to touch you, because you're going into recycling.
18:29Moi? Recycle? Don't make me laugh.
18:34I promise, you won't.
18:40Oh, no! My skyscales!
18:48Hey! He's trashing my skyscales!
18:53Ah, chill out, Sly.
18:57My skyscales!
19:00I'm turning them into something useful.
19:04Like recycling bins.
19:08I'm going to recycle them!
19:11I'm going to recycle them!
19:14I'm going to recycle them!
19:17I'm going to recycle them!
19:20I'm going to recycle them!
19:24Like recycling bins.
19:29Oh! He's turned my precious skyscales into junk!
19:40Bye, Captain Planet!
19:43Let's see if I can put some heart into the heart of the city!
19:59It's a miracle!
20:01Nah, just a strong hint. You'd better recycle your trash.
20:06The power is yours!
20:10I just wish we could recycle all of this stuff.
20:14We can recycle some of it, Katie.
20:56It's beautiful! Maybe it'll remind people to recycle.
21:00It will remind me that sometimes hope needs recycling, too.
21:06We can stop trashing our planet!
21:10The power is yours!
21:13Go, Planet!
21:16Most everything we buy will someday be thrown away.
21:20So try to buy things that can be reused or recycled.
21:23Lots of packaging material may make something look better on the store shelf, but doesn't make a better product.
21:30More packaging only means more garbage in overflowing landfills.
21:35Paper or plastic?
21:37Sid, we brought our own.
21:40The power is yours!
21:50Go, Planet!
21:51By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
21:54Captain Planet, he's our hero
21:58Gonna take pollution down to zero
22:01He's our powers emasified
22:04And he's fighting on the planet's side
22:08Captain Planet, he's our hero
22:12Gonna take pollution down to zero
22:15Gonna help him put asunder
22:18Bad guys who like to loot and plunder
22:23You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:26We're the Planeteers!
22:28You can be one, too!
22:30Saving our planet is the thing to do
22:33Looting and polluting is not the way
22:37Hear what Captain Planet has to say!
22:41The power is yours!
