Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 16

  • 2 days ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 16
00:01Our world is in peril.
00:03Gaia, the spirit of the earth,
00:05can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet.
00:09She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:13Kwak, from Africa, with the power of earth.
00:17From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:21From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:30From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:40And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:44When the five powers combine,
00:47they summon earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:51Go, Planet!
00:56The power is yours!
01:12This city is so crowded.
01:17And all this car exhaust.
01:22How can so many people live here?
01:24Hey, I grew up in a big city. It's not so bad.
01:27Most of the people of the world live in big cities.
01:30Well, I, for one, can't wait to get back to Hope Island.
01:33This place is so noisy.
01:35And dirty.
01:44That building is breaking!
01:52Quick, it's time for teamwork!
01:54Let our powers combine!
02:09Your powers combine. I am Captain Planet!
02:13Go, Planet!
02:16Uh-oh, that building has fallout problems.
02:20Looks like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.
02:24Now to put this piece back in the puzzle.
02:29A perfect fit.
02:34And here's my seal of approval.
02:36That ought to hold it until a repair crew comes along.
02:41This city is growing too fast.
02:43It's just not safe.
02:45The people have to live somewhere.
02:47Maybe there are just too many people in one place.
02:50If the number of people on our planet keeps growing the way it is,
02:53soon there will be too many people everywhere.
02:56The power is yours.
03:03Captain Planet is right.
03:05Earth cannot support many more people.
03:08I think everyone should have fewer children.
03:11In some countries, the government recommends that a couple only have two children.
03:15Yeah? Well, no one is going to tell me how many kids I can have.
03:30Wheeler, there's a big storm coming.
03:33I can take care of myself, okay?
03:36Be careful. Don't stay out long.
03:39I'll stay out as long as I want.
03:42They call this a storm?
03:49Surf's up. Radical.
03:57Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.
04:00What a jerk I am.
04:03Land ahoy. Gotta go for it.
04:06See if you can contact Wheeler Matee.
04:21Matee, what is it?
04:23Wheeler, he is hurt.
04:25Oh, shimmy. Wheeler.
04:30You're a wind surfer.
04:32It's melting.
04:34The water must be packed with pollution.
04:36Where am I?
04:40It's a city, but it's tiny.
04:42And it sure is dirty.
04:47Yuck. It stinks, too.
04:50Talk about smog.
04:56I don't think that's a welcoming committee.
04:58Hey, what's that?
04:59I don't know, but it looks like food.
05:01Hey, I give up. Peace.
05:04Let's zap it.
05:15Where am I?
05:18I can't move.
05:20Maybe I can use my ring to escape.
05:23Fire! It won't work.
05:26It must be the pollution.
05:29I'm cleaning the runaway food processor.
05:32No! Stop this thing!
05:34I'm no dead fish!
05:39It talks.
05:42Well, what are you, then?
05:44My name is Wheeler, and I'm a person.
05:46A human being.
05:48What? Who are you?
05:50Call me Piebald.
05:52I'm a grade six food technician.
05:54But I used to be a scientist.
05:56What's the problem here?
05:58Why is the food processor stopped?
06:00We have hungry citizens waiting for food.
06:03Now get back to work.
06:05Captain Grosetail, sir,
06:07the strange creature we took from the sea is alive.
06:10It talks.
06:14Ouch! Cut it out!
06:18General Claw must hear of this immediately.
06:20Do nothing until I return, Piebald, or else.
06:24General Claw.
06:26He is the dictator.
06:28He rules Myceland with an iron fist.
06:31Everyone hates him.
06:33I don't care who he is as long as he gets me out of here.
06:36Say, how come you could talk?
06:38I could ask you the same thing.
06:41After they tested the big bomb nearby
06:43and the strange rain came to our island,
06:45we changed from ordinary mice to what you see now.
06:49What is this place?
06:51We call it Myceland, and it was once a beautiful paradise.
06:56Our people lived simply.
06:58There was enough food for all.
07:02So our numbers grew and grew.
07:07We built cities to house our growing population,
07:10and we began consuming more and more.
07:13Soon there were no trees left.
07:16Our beautiful island was one big city,
07:19and our beautiful blue sky turned brown and dirty.
07:23All the animals that used to live here are gone.
07:26Most we ate.
07:28The others we drove into the sea.
07:30We have only memories of them in our museums.
07:33Then we turned to the oceans to feed our ever-growing population,
07:37but at the same time we used the oceans as a dumping ground
07:40for our sewage and our garbage.
07:45Now there are fewer and fewer fish
07:48and more and more mouths to feed.
07:51In spite of everything, our population keeps growing.
07:56Can't you stop it somehow?
07:58No. Everyone wants a big family. It's tradition.
08:02Yeah, I know what you mean.
08:04How did you get in trouble?
08:06As a scientist, I felt I had to speak out to tell the truth.
08:10My friends, we cannot go on having babies like there is no tomorrow.
08:15We cannot feed or house the ones we have.
08:18We must slow down.
08:24Some agreed with me,
08:26but there were powers that did not want my message to get out.
08:32I miss my wife and child.
08:34I wish I could meet them.
08:36This is when my baby was very young.
08:39I'll never see her grow up.
08:41I'll probably work in this fish factory till the day I die.
08:45Because that's where you belong, you worthless rattlemonger.
08:51So this is the talking food unit.
08:54Make it speak, Captain Grosetail.
08:58If it was talking before...
09:01Wait till my friends get here, you overgrown furball.
09:05Friends? There are more creatures like you? Where?
09:09I'll never tell.
09:11It came from the north. Look how big it is.
09:14The land where it lives must be rich.
09:17A perfect land to conquer.
09:20Alert the air force. We're going hunting.
09:23Grosetail, you guard the hairless one until I return.
09:27I can't let him get to Hope Island.
09:29If only I could get through to the planet tears to warn them.
09:33No sign of Wheeler anywhere.
09:36We'll have to turn back soon.
09:38The ecocopter's batteries are running low.
09:40We cannot give up now.
09:42Please do something, Mati.
09:44I have tried and tried.
09:46It is as though there is a wall between us.
09:48Don't worry, Linka.
09:50We'll keep searching after we recharge our batteries.
09:59A strange airship.
10:01It must belong to the giant creatures.
10:03We will follow it back to its base.
10:13Anyone for lunch while the copter's recharging?
10:16Good idea. Come on, Linka.
10:18I am not hungry.
10:20How can you eat when Wheeler is lost and hurt?
10:23I just want to take a walk.
10:25Gosh, I didn't realize she was so upset.
10:28We're doing all we can.
10:30I will talk to her. Save us some sandwiches, okay?
10:37Look, two hairless giants alone.
10:41Prepare the net.
10:44Gi is just as worried about Wheeler as you are, Linka.
10:47She just shows it differently.
10:50I know you are right, but I cannot help being upset.
10:56Maybe some food would help. Let us go.
11:03Activate stun rays.
11:11Take the new slaves back to Meisman.
11:13I will return with a mighty army and lay blaze to this new land.
11:17We will use all these creatures to feed our growing population.
11:36Wheeler, I cannot let you become a slave like I am.
11:39I must free you. You must escape from this place.
11:43Then how about I help you escape too?
11:45You can see your family again.
11:47Oh, that would be good.
11:49I wish my child had more to look forward to,
11:52but I am afraid her life will be one of hunger and fear.
11:58Hey, things could change.
12:00With every passing day, we have more and more people to make it worse.
12:04Hands up, slaves!
12:06So, traitor, you would release the hairless giant.
12:10Take him away, guard.
12:12Wait! I talked him into it. Don't punish him.
12:15Who asked you, slave?
12:17Mr. Slave to you, fuzz face.
12:20Now let Piebald go, or I might be tempted to squeeze...
12:25Ow! Ow!
12:27Let him go.
12:28Thank you, Wheeler, but it is useless.
12:31There are too many of them.
12:38You will pay for your insolence, hairless one.
12:41Come with us, now, or Piebald will suffer.
12:46Where could Bonnie and Nika have gone?
12:48They must be unconscious, or I would be able to make contact with them.
12:52Keep cruising, G. They have to turn up.
12:59Where are we?
13:03Who are you, and why have you brought us here?
13:06Silence, hairless giant. A slave must learn to obey.
13:11Slaves? Us?
13:13You and all your kind, hairless one.
13:19Attention, citizens of Mycelin.
13:22Our beloved General Claw has discovered an unlimited supply of food, land, and slaves.
13:30Behold, the hairless giant.
13:36That's my cue. If I don't cooperate, Piebald's in trouble.
13:41Thanks to our glorious General Claw, two more slaves just like this one are on their way.
13:48Two more slaves just like me?
13:50There must be planeteers. I have to do something.
13:53Observe the new land.
13:56Our armies will conquer the giant hairless ones and seize this paradise for our own.
14:02It's time to get help. Come on, Piebald. Let's split.
14:07Hang on, friend. We're outta here.
14:12You fools! After him!
14:27General Claw, the citizens are running wild in the streets.
14:31They want food.
14:33And the first hairless slave has escaped.
14:36Claw to Grosetail. I will use the new slaves to stop the rioting.
14:40Be prepared.
14:43Thank you, Rita. Thank you.
14:46My pleasure. I gotta go, but I'll be back to see you before I leave.
14:53I hope I don't make a monster of myself.
14:56No, you won't.
14:58I'm sure you won't.
15:00I'm sure you won't.
15:02I'm sure you won't.
15:04I'm sure you won't.
15:06I'm sure you won't.
15:08I'm sure you won't.
15:10I hope I don't make a monkey of myself.
15:13Look what happened to King Kong.
15:15The two new slaves are proceeding to the main square, Grosetail.
15:19Linka! Kwami!
15:23Guards! Help me!
15:28My tea buddy, I hope you can hear me.
15:33My ring!
15:35Maybe it's Kwami and Linka.
15:37Let us find out. Heart!
15:40Wheeler, where are you?
15:42We're on our way.
15:44He's on this weird island run by mice.
15:47Wheeler says they've got Kwami and Linka.
15:49Lead on, my tea.
15:53General Claw, the rioters are out of control.
15:56And a huge airship is approaching.
15:59Mobilize the air force. Attack the giant aircraft.
16:02Shoot it down at once.
16:05What about the rioters?
16:07The two hairless slaves will take care of them.
16:15I think we're in trouble, my tea.
16:20If only I could contact the others.
16:25My ring will not work.
16:27Nor will mine. It must be the smog.
16:33Wheeler to the rescue.
16:47There is Wheeler!
16:50Quick, reach for the sky.
16:53It is working.
16:55Let our powers combine.
17:20My war powers combine.
17:22I am Captain Planet.
17:25Rule the planet!
17:27Talk about getting caught up in the rat race.
17:30What is that?
17:33Time to take these characters for a little spin.
17:48Prepare the sonic cannon.
17:50But General Claw, it's never been tested.
17:53It could be too dangerous.
17:55We have nothing to lose. Do it!
18:01Uh-oh. Those guys may be small, but their stun rays pack a wallop.
18:13You shouldn't play with those things.
18:15They might stun your growth.
18:17Thank you, Captain Planet.
18:19No problem, planeteers.
18:21Now to get you back to the Eco-copter.
18:23Take Kwame and Linka first, Cap.
18:25I gotta say goodbye to a friend.
18:27Okay, but make it short and sweet.
18:30The hairless ones are all getting away, General Claw.
18:35Prepare to fire.
18:47Now take care of those rioters.
18:49I'll teach them to disobey my orders.
18:53No! You can't fire on our own people.
18:56You can't fire on our own people.
18:58Oh, yes, I can. Fire!
19:05It's an earthquake! You've started an earthquake!
19:08No! Get me out of here!
19:16Not having a great day, are you, Wheeler?
19:23Look! It's sinking! The whole island is sinking!
19:26I have to save Piebald!
19:48Piebald! Get your family! I'll save you!
19:52My people and I are doomed.
19:54But yours can still be saved.
19:56Don't let this happen to you.
19:58Don't let there be more people than your world can hold.
20:07Piebald! Piebald!
20:24Huh? Piebald!
20:26Where's Piebald?
20:28Who is this Piebald?
20:30He's my friend. He saved my life.
20:33He helped save yours.
20:35Didn't you see him?
20:37What are you talking about, Wheeler?
20:39That bump must have given you hallucinations.
20:41You had a dream.
20:43I had a nightmare.
20:45What's happened in this nightmare?
20:49They were like us.
20:51All these talking mice.
20:53Exactly like us.
20:55The population just kept growing.
20:57Piebald was right.
21:02My people and I are doomed.
21:04But yours can still be saved.
21:06Don't let this happen to you.
21:08Don't let there be more people than your world can hold.
21:14Go, planet!
21:17Did you know the population of the world is now more than 5 billion?
21:21Wow, that is a lot of people.
21:23And it's increasing by 90 million people each year.
21:27But the Earth is not getting any bigger.
21:30So when it is your turn to have a family...
21:33Keep it small.
21:35The more people there are, the more pressure we put on our planet.
21:39So take it easy on our Earth and conserve what you can.
21:42The power is yours.
21:49Go, planet!
21:51By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
21:54Captain Planet, he's our hero
21:58Gonna take pollution down to zero
22:01He's our powers emasified
22:04And he's fighting on the planet's side
22:08Captain Planet, he's our hero
22:12Gonna take pollution down to zero
22:15Gonna help him put asunder
22:18Bad guys who like to loot and plunder
22:23You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:26We're the Planeteers!
22:28You can be one too!
22:30Because saving our planet is the thing to do
22:33Looting and polluting is not the way
22:37Hear what Captain Planet has to say!
22:41The power is yours!
