How to hear Anhad, the soundless sound? || Acharya Prashant, on Nitnem Sahib (2019)

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Video Information: Shabdyog session, 15.05.2019, Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida, India

~ What is Anhad?
~ How to hear Anhad?
~ What is aural sensation.
~ Anhad the soundless sound.
~ How to hear the soundless sound?

बिनवंति नानकु गुर चरण लागे
वाजे अनहद तूरे ॥४०॥१॥

Prays Nanak, touching the Guru's Feet,
the unstruck sound current of the celestial bugles vibrates and resounds. ||40||1||
~Anand Sahib, Nitnem Sahib.

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Acharya ji pranam. Pranam. And the excerpt is from Anand sahib, from the Nithyanand sahib.
00:17Binvant Nanak gur charan lage, vajay anhad tu raye. Says Guru Nanak. By taking the shelter
00:34of the Guru, surrendering to him and reciting his name, and him here refers to the God absolute,
00:45by taking shelter of the Guru, surrendering to him and reciting his name, godly celestial music,
00:56anhad is being referred to, a sound without cause is heard. Acharya ji please tell me what is the
01:06meaning of this anhad celestial sound? How can we hear it? With gratitude and for your guidance.
01:13Anuradha, when you will be able to touch nothing, then you will be able to hear the anhad as well.
01:23When you will be able to think nothing, then you will hear anhad as well. When you will,
01:35be able to see the shapeless one, then you will hear anhad as well. When you will be able to be
01:47nothing, then you will hear anhad as well. Hearing the anhad is exactly the same as touching nothing,
02:00seeing a shapeless formless one, thinking nothing and being nothing. The sense of hearing has been
02:23used to exemplify a far bigger principle. Anhad therefore has nothing to do with sound. I repeat,
02:39anhad is the same as watching a formless object. Someone says I heard the anhad and someone says
02:57I watched the non-existent one. They both are saying the same thing. Therefore, it is not
03:04about eyes or ears. It is about something else. Hearing the anhad and watching the shapeless one
03:16are both the same as touching nothing or touching the one who does not exist. If you can touch
03:29nothing, then you can also hear anhad. You want me to say more? The day you will be able to be
03:41nowhere will be the day you will hear anhad as well. Hearing the anhad is exactly the same as
03:48being nowhere. We are always somewhere. Just as we always see something, similarly we are always
04:01somewhere. So, the day you will be able to be nowhere will be the day you will hear anhad as
04:09well. They both are same, exactly the same. Being nowhere and hearing the anhad. Similarly, when you
04:16will be able to not know anything will be the day when you will hear the anhad. Similarly, the day
04:35when you will be a nobody will be the day when the anhad would be loudly in your being. But you are
04:44nobody. In whose being is the anhad beating? Who knows? Anhad has been very erroneously interpreted
05:09by many. The saints, the gurus have so delightfully, so fondly talked of anhad. But unfortunately the
05:24ignorant ones keep talking of anhad as something related to some peculiar sound, as something that
05:32has a connection with the ears. Anhad is one's purest state of being. It has nothing to do with
05:42any oral sensations. Anhad is the formless form. Anhad is a soundless sound. Anhad is the touchless
05:54touch. Anhad is the thoughtless thought. Anhad is the personless person. Anhad is the name of the
06:14Indian teacher who taught koans to the Japanese. Anhad is the great-grandfather of all koans.
06:25The koans go only so much ahead. They say you should be able to hear the sound of one hand
06:55clapping. The saints were much more prolific. They said anhad and then they went to the other
07:18extreme as well. They said why must you have one hand clapping? You must also be able to hear the
07:26sound of no hand clapping. Why be so profligate as to expend even one hand? It is a wastage. Not
07:43even one hand is needed. Sound without hands. Anhad. In Japan they require at least one hand.
07:54Here absolutely nothing. Shunne shikhar pe anhad baje. Or as it is said one hand is beating up
08:09the anhad dhol. No. Shunne shikhar. Nothing at all and yet there is anhad. The koans have something
08:19still to learn. Wasting one hand unnecessarily. And you know what? If you are still tied to one
08:31hand the other one can't be far behind. Basic law of duality. You cannot have one side of the coin
08:38and get rid of the other one. You have to get rid of both. So anhad means no hand. And then
08:48there are those in bhakti. They say how about a million hands? That too is fine. Either it should
08:55be no hands or it should be a million hands. A celestial choir. A total chorus. All the hands of
09:18existence are coming together to produce a giant clap. How about that? That too is anhad.
09:24Anhad is a very sacred word. It has been consecrated by the touch of the gurus,
09:53the saints. Let's please not abuse this word. We have people today, so-called teachers,
09:59who record the sounds of insects. Crickets in particular. Jhingur, you know. And then
10:15gullible audiences are made to hear those sounds and they say this is anhad. Or some vibrations
10:27that border on the ultrasonic range. That too has been tried. If they are on the border of
10:37the ultrasonic range then you will only half hear them. You would feel as if there is something but
10:45you would not be able to properly hear. And then the grand guru walks in and says this is anhad.
10:52But the thing is that the doggy hears everything. His capacity to hear the entire spectrum of oral
11:14frequencies is much larger. What kind of anhad is this? That is anhad only for someone who is
11:24a little impaired in the oral sense. I repeat therefore, Anradha, anhad has nothing to do
11:40with any sound or ears. It is the purest state of your being, free of concepts, attachments,
11:51identities. And there is a great delight in that state. That delight is denoted by the musicality
12:07associated with anhad. So you sometimes say anhad baja, sometimes you say anhad rag,
12:17sometimes you even say the anhad dhol. Because it is delightful, it is musical. Musical to whom?
12:30To nobody. So forget about sights and sounds. Focus on life. See how life is vexed with
12:55attachments, identities, all kinds of nonsense. When that nonsense is cleared away from life,
13:07then whatever you hear is heard against the backdrop of anhad. Clean up. That's what anhad is.
13:37And no, anhad is not some cosmic vibration coming from some star 74 light years away.
13:50That too has been reported in spiritual circles. Please refrain. There are people who have
14:04conjectured that all the time everything in the universe is vibrating. So the entire
14:13brahmand is sending these vibrations towards the one holy planet called earth. And because
14:23the liberated ones are just like Brahm, so they can hear everything in brahmand. So they are able
14:32to catch all these cosmic rays and they hear everything that is happening in all the galaxies
14:40and everywhere, even within the black holes. And they say that is anhad. But Guruji, how do you
14:56know that those sounds exist? Because I hear them. Guruji, why don't we hear those sounds?
15:05Because beta, only I hear them. I am the guru. I am the only proof of whatever I say. So do not
15:16demand a proof. Just believe in what I say. Guruji, who told all this to you? Some flying
15:27snakes came to me and whispered in my ears. Guruji, how do we know? Because I am saying that.
15:37I am the guru. Guruji, how will we know all those things? Surrender. Guruji, what does that mean?
15:54Sir, andar. All else is alright. Sir is not alright. Spirituality, Anuradha, is not foolishness.
16:10Please. Spirituality is beyond the intellect. Spirituality is not science, the intellect. In
16:23fact, you require a deep and sharp intellect to be spiritual in the first place. Only after you
16:29have utilized what intellect could give you, do you transcend the intellect. Even to transcend
16:39the intellect, first of all, you have to utilize the intellect. So do not fall to ideas, beliefs
16:50or propaganda that makes no sense. That is andar. Anar means let the two not hurt each other. Let
17:15the two not hit each other. But as long as there are two, they would hurt and hit each other. Anhad
17:22is to reside in Advait. Anhad is to be cautious of the traps of duality. Yes.
17:45Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
17:48No part of this recording may be reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
