Inazuma Eleven Episode 113 "Garshield's Plot!" (Eng Dub) | Better Video Remastered

  • 2 days ago


00:00Come in.
00:15You summoned me over here, Coach Garshin.
00:19That's the-
00:20Oh, lovely to end, If you put your heart into words, your feelings will be conveyed.
00:45Just one love and one adventure, No one knows for sure what is it,
00:48You won't find an answer right away, You'll find the true meaning by fumbling around.
00:52I hope the light of our bond will always be there,
00:55It'll surely clear away the loneliness and turn it into a smile.
00:59If you put love into turning your heart into words, your feelings will be conveyed.
01:07If you put love into turning your heart into one, we can all become friends.
01:15Do you remember?
01:22We were born to find happiness and stay together and fight till the end.
01:29Isn't that right?
01:37There won't be a room for sadness.
01:40We were born to pursue happiness.
01:52Garshin, what?
01:55He wants to take over the world?
01:57Please explain what you mean.
01:59Yeah, Coach Hillman.
02:02It's the oil fields.
02:04Oil fields?
02:05You're talking about the place where they dig to extract oil, right?
02:10Oil fields, of course.
02:14See, Garshin plays many roles.
02:16Not only is he the chairman and organizer of FFI,
02:19but he's also the coach of Brazil's national team, the Kingdom.
02:23Not only that, but he's the head of a company that owns a large number of oil fields across the world.
02:28Oil is vital to the modern world.
02:31Energy is supplied to anything from planes to cars.
02:36Under his control, the oil sources allow Garshin the luxury of an enormous amount of influence in industries all over the world.
02:43But now, that oil is close to running dry.
02:47Huh? It's running dry?
02:49Look, this is a crude oil productivity chart,
02:53showing the amount of crude oil produced by his oil fields.
02:56It seems to be decreasing rapidly.
02:59That's what it means.
03:01It didn't even touch 25% during its peak.
03:04It's only a matter of time before all his oil fields run dry.
03:07Take a look at this.
03:11This business outline is of a weapons-producing military corporation he recently bought.
03:16Production of all the weapons you can think of has increased fivefold.
03:20What exactly does he plan to do with all these weapons he's making?
03:24Is he planning on starting a war or something?
03:27You got that right.
03:29It's quite obvious that Garshin was trying to start a war.
03:33A war for what?
03:35Oil is necessary to fuel a war.
03:37You see, if war were to break out now,
03:40countries across the world would be forced to steal the limited number of oil fields from each other,
03:45and their value would shoot through the roof.
03:47Even the meager supply that Garshin holds would generate quite a decent profit.
03:52Plus, if he's able to supply weapons on top of that,
03:55he'll be able to control the whole world!
04:04He created the FFI for one reason only.
04:07To make its participant countries go at each other's throats and provoke a war.
04:12The evidence is all here.
04:14No way! Who would have guessed that the FFI had a hidden motive like this?
04:19That's right! What was all that nonsense about promoting world peace through the soccer he loved so much?
04:24He's doing the opposite!
04:27I won't let him. I can't. He can't use soccer like this.
04:32Oh, poor Mark.
04:34This is actually good news, you guys!
04:37The data that incriminates Garshield is in our hands now.
04:40All we have to do now is take this to the police, and they'll arrest Garshield.
04:44No doubt about that!
04:46He's right! With this evidence against him, he's in the slammer for sure!
04:50With this evidence against him, he's in the slammer for sure!
04:55I'll take this evidence over to the police then.
05:02I'll get going now.
05:04Great! We're counting on you!
05:09Now Macrobingo and the others can play soccer to their heart's content
05:13without having to worry about their families!
05:16All right! I think we should go and give them the good news!
05:19What do you say, Mark?
05:24Move up!
05:40Karuta, you're lagging!
05:47That's the...
05:50R.H. Program.
05:56I'm disappointed in you.
06:00After all of the training I've been nice enough to give you,
06:03you still don't believe that you can beat that team of amateurs?
06:07Did you really believe you could hide that from us?
06:10We're aware of the fact that you went to Inazuma Japan
06:13and asked them to throw the game.
06:16To think that you, the King of Fantasista, would do this and humble yourself.
06:22However, there's no need to worry. I will handle this.
06:26I've decided to make you a true King of Fantasista, Robingo.
06:30Please, Coach Garfield!
06:35What do I do?
06:37If I activate the R.H. Program,
06:39if I activate the R.H. Program,
06:41the others will try to keep up with me.
06:49I shouldn't have stepped on a line.
06:58I'm sorry about that, Gato.
07:04Hey! Robingo!
07:07That's Mark Evans.
07:12You stole data from Garfield's mansion?
07:15That's right.
07:16We thought we could find some evidence of what Garfield was doing to you guys,
07:19so we broke in and stole what we could find.
07:21Did you do this because of what I told you?
07:25You what?
07:29You see, when I heard that you went to Inazuma Japan to ask them to lose,
07:33I just couldn't keep quiet anymore.
07:37Yeah, I understand.
07:39But there's no telling what he could have done to you guys if he had caught you,
07:42so what did you do it for?
07:44Do it for?
07:46I did it because I love soccer.
07:49That's right. Soccer.
07:51I really love the game.
07:53I just couldn't let Garfield get away with all this.
07:56Here's another reason.
07:58I wanted us to play real soccer with you and your team.
08:02Play a game where you give it all you've got,
08:04without having to worry about anything.
08:10So, there you have it.
08:12The imbecile had all this evidence stored on his computer.
08:15We've taken all of it to the police,
08:17and it's only a matter of time before Garfield is arrested for his crimes.
08:21So then, we can play the way we want to,
08:24and we don't have to listen to Coach Garfield anymore either.
08:29That's great.
08:30I can play how I want.
08:32We can finally play soccer our own way!
08:38The bingo.
08:39I know.
08:40The final match is coming up soon,
08:42and this time, we get to play the game our own way.
08:48Thank you, boy.
08:52Let's make sure both our teams go all out tomorrow,
08:55and make it the best game of soccer ever!
09:00Did you see that?
09:01The smiles on their faces.
09:03They were so happy.
09:06Sneaking into Garfield's mansion and escaping with the evidence
09:09was totally worth the danger.
09:10Don't you agree, Mark?
09:11For sure.
09:12Hey, Mark.
09:15What's wrong?
09:16Why are you in such a hurry?
09:17Coach Hillman.
09:18Something's happened to him.
09:28How did this happen?
09:30Anyone have an answer?
09:32He was going to the police to hand over the evidence
09:34when he was attacked by Garfield's men.
09:37Garfield's men?
09:40They began tailing him as soon as he left.
09:47The coach realized right away that those men were working for Garfield,
09:50and he tried to lose them.
09:54Hold it!
10:00You go check over there.
10:04Now how about a dead end there?
10:06How does that feel?
10:07This way.
10:10It worked.
10:11He managed to get rid of them, but...
10:15Don't underestimate Japanese housing.
10:20Don't underestimate Japanese housing.
10:27Then he suddenly got...
10:29pains in his chest area.
10:31What do you mean?
10:33Apparently he's...
10:34he's had a heart condition for a really long time now.
10:37What? A long time now?
10:40His doctor repeatedly recommended that he get a heart operation,
10:43but he refused, saying he wanted to wait till the tournament was done.
10:50Coach Hillman!
10:54So, how is he now?
10:56Right now, he's in a pretty bad way.
10:59We'll give him a routine checkup when he wakes,
11:01and if he can handle it, they'll operate on him then.
11:11Sir, the police are here and have asked to see someone.
11:15All right, I'll come.
11:16Follow me, please.
11:24Time to go.
11:29The data made it to the police.
11:31Our apologies, sir.
11:33But now, Master Kashi...
11:50Coach Hillman...
11:52I hope that he gets better soon.
12:07He saw that someone like me had talent.
12:10He introduced me to soccer.
12:16I can't believe this happened!
12:18What did Coach Hillman ever do to deserve this?
12:21It stinks!
12:34Out of the way, please.
12:49It's been a while.
12:51What's going on in there?
13:00Well, he's awake right now.
13:02And he's out of critical condition, at least for the moment.
13:08I see. So he's awake.
13:11Yes. The doctor says he's optimistic for now.
13:18That's good news. I think the both of you should come back home now.
13:22But... we also heard they're going to be examining him very soon, and...
13:26I thought it would be a good idea to stay here until...
13:28I'm sorry, I can't allow that.
13:30What? But, Coach, this is...
13:32Mark, have you forgotten that we have a game tomorrow?
13:36Look here. There's a good reason why the coach kept quiet about his condition.
13:40You should think carefully about that.
13:43Ask yourself, do you think Coach Hillman would want you to stay there?
13:49The World Tournament is just as much his dream as it is yours, Mark.
13:58I understand. We're on our way.
14:06Coach Hillman!
14:09Yes. Yes.
14:11Coach Hillman!
14:14Hi, Mark. I'm sorry this had to happen to me at a time like this.
14:19And it doesn't look like I'll be able to watch you play your game.
14:23No problem. No need to worry about us. Right, Archer?
14:27Oh, by the way, Coach Travis was able to give the evidence to the police.
14:31Garshield should be in their custody very soon.
14:38Listen, no matter how much it hurts to play, you must never give up fighting, all right?
14:45The Goddess of Victory seems to like guys who have a habit of not giving up.
14:50Uh-huh. It's time to go, sir.
14:54Here's another reason.
14:56I wanted us to play real soccer with you and your team.
14:59Play a game where you give all you've got without having to worry about anything.
15:05Look, boy, there's no way we'll lose tomorrow's match.
15:24Haven't they called yet?
15:33Okay, the hospital just called.
15:35They said that the coach's results are good and they've decided to go ahead with their plan to operate on him right now.
15:41That's good.
15:43He'll make it, right, Hurley?
15:45Of course he'll make it. There's no way he'd let this stop him from anything.
15:50Yeah, it doesn't matter how intense the surgery is.
15:53Coach Hillman is definitely going to pull himself through it, guys.
15:59Right, time to win. Let's go!
16:02We'll go win that match and give our victory to Coach Hillman as a present!
16:11Here we are, folks.
16:13At long last, we've reached the FFI's final tournaments.
16:17The first match in this final tournament is a very exciting one indeed.
16:21Brazil's national team, the Kingdom, faces a team that's overpowered the other champions.
16:27From Group A Japan's national team, Inazuma Japan!
16:31Who will win? Which team will get to play the final match of the tournament?
16:35We're about to find out!
16:36It remains to be seen whether Inazuma Japan can keep up with the Kingdom.
16:40That will be a major factor in the outcome.
16:43Inazuma Japan's going to win, aren't they, Dad?
16:45You bet, son.
16:47I'm going to be just like Axel Blaze.
16:49Oh, really?
16:50And then one day I'm going to play against him and take him down at the fireball screw, just like that!
16:55That sounds like a plan.
16:57Hey, Axel, you can do it! Inazuma Japan, win the game!
17:02A big fan of Axel.
17:04Who wants to take him down?
17:06By the way, it doesn't look like the Kingdom's coach has arrived yet.
17:10Has he run into some sort of trouble?
17:13All set, Mac. Let's show him how to play this game.
17:26What on earth was that? The entire stadium has just started shaking.
17:38Where did that come from?
17:41It's an airship! A giant airship has disappeared right above the stadium!
18:03It's Garfield!
18:06What's this? The doors have opened! And from inside emerges the Kingdom's coach, Garfield!
18:13What a spectacular entrance to make! This could only happen at the Football Frontier International!
18:19I don't understand. What's he doing here?
18:21How come he's not in the custody of the police right now?
18:35I understand.
18:37What's wrong, Coach?
18:39According to the police, they never received any kind of evidence at all.
18:43How's that possible, Coach?
18:45Garfield's even managed to pull strings with the authorities.
18:50Are you ready? You know you have to defeat this team.
18:55Are you deaf? Master Garfield asked if you're ready to defeat them!
18:59I suggest you give him an answer!
19:02Yes. We're ready, Coach Garfield.
19:05Glad to hear that. It's about time you showed the world your true abilities.
19:10Show them the Kingdom's true soccer!
19:14We can't escape, Garfield.
19:17We never will.
19:19What are we supposed to do now?
19:21Now that Garfield is here, we can't win this match without bringing harm to Robingo's and his teammates' families, can we?
19:27We can't let that happen to them.
19:35Listen. No matter how much it hurts to play, you must never give up fighting.
19:41Of course. Coach Omen knew. He knew that this would happen.
19:48Hey, guys! Let's win!
19:53Wait! If we win, their families will lose their freedom! Isn't that what we don't want to have happen?
19:58You're right. But we have to win and stop Garfield from having his way with those guys.
20:05This is a fight between us and Garfield. Between us and a coward who uses soccer as a tool to promote war.
20:15Mark is absolutely right. There's no way we can let him get away with this.
20:29Okay. We're gonna win this game no matter what, right?
20:35Are you ready?
20:40Great! Both teams are ready and in position. The match will begin very soon!
20:47Right! Bring it on!
20:50Coach Omen. It's better this way, isn't it?
20:54I'll protect everyone. I won't give in to the R.A.T. program.
21:14Okay! We've kicked off!
21:19Rubingo is over the ball!
21:26Now, boy. Get ready.
21:34That's right. Now you'll see the kingdom's true soccer.
21:39I'll show you what happens to anybody who goes against me.
21:54On the blackboard in the classroom
22:01All the words I wrote have disappeared
22:08But the youth we all drew together
22:15Will never disappear
22:21I'll never forget the day I met you
22:28Don't lose the dream you have in your heart
22:35Don't look down and keep smiling
22:42Goodbye, see you again
22:46Don't look down and keep smiling
22:53Goodbye, see you again
23:15Next, on Inazuma 11, Inazuma Japan vs. The Kingdom.
23:20This game is off the hook!
