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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00My six-year-old sister opened the classroom door during my exam and started crying.
00:04Mommy said I'd find you here.
00:06You promised to buy me donkey milk for my skin and not ostrich milk.
00:11What am I supposed to do with it?
00:15The teacher ran to calm her down, and while she was hugging her,
00:18my sister handed me a paper that had my essay written on it.
00:21Okay, I feel better now. I hope you feel better.
00:25Writing an essay about whether manufacturers should be responsible for the effects of the chemicals used in their products was harder than giving birth, I swear!
00:32Five minutes later, I submitted the essay, and when the teacher left, my classmate said,
00:36Who is that girl? You don't even have a sister, or even a mom. You're an orphan.
00:41And smart. She's someone I hired.
00:43Ask Brain, too, wrote me the essay.
00:45And how are you so sure that's a good essay?
00:47Oh, it's a good essay.
00:49And smart. She's someone I hired.
00:51Ask Brain, too, wrote me the essay.
00:53And how are you so sure that's a good essay?
00:55Oh, it's not the first time, and I always get an A+.
00:58In a matter of hours, I was the most popular girl in school,
01:01and kids started asking me for all types of advice on which apps could help give them an edge.
01:06Is there an app to get someone to fall in love with me?
01:08What about an app that could make me a million bucks?
01:11That's when I got a brilliant idea. I could start making my own apps.
01:15How much are you willing to pay?
01:17Oh, by the way, my name's Paige, and I live with a family of gangsters.
01:21Before I continue my success story, please like and subscribe.
01:24Technically, we're not really a family.
01:26That six-year-old girl I hired? Her name is Spot.
01:29Yeah, weird, I know.
01:30Me, Spot, and my best friend Felix met in an orphanage.
01:33I'm the smart one.
01:34Like Einstein smart, but when I was younger, I was really small for my age,
01:38so the other kids used to pick on me.
01:40Hey, shrimp McNugget, get out of my way!
01:43They'd push me down in the playground and take all my toys.
01:46I quickly figured out that I needed some muscle.
01:48That's when I found Felix. Felix was dumb as dirt, but strong as an ox.
01:53So we made an arrangement.
01:54I taught him everything I knew, and he took care of the bullies.
01:58A few years later, some stupid family wanted to adopt me,
02:01but they refused to take Felix.
02:03There was no way we were going to let them separate us,
02:05so I came up with a plan.
02:07I found this really old couple online.
02:09I mean, like, dinosaur old.
02:11They lived in this huge house and had a bunch of money.
02:13They would have been the perfect parents, except...
02:16What's that you say, honey? You want a mop?
02:19No, I want you to adopt us!
02:22How is the crop?
02:23Oh, it's doing well, dear, thanks for asking.
02:26Have a good day!
02:27It was so frustrating.
02:29That night, me and Felix snuck into a science lab, and Spot was our lookout.
02:33I borrowed a few things to make a supersonic hearing aid
02:36and added a couple more features, like super hearing and super strength,
02:40that I knew those old people would like.
02:42Hey, try this!
02:43Wow, I can hear!
02:45What was that?
02:46That's a bird.
02:47What's that smell?
02:49I farted, sorry.
02:51Look, honey, I can walk and run and jump!
02:54I can pick up this car!
02:56I told the old couple they could keep my gadget
02:58if they adopted me, Felix, and Spot, and they agreed.
03:01The next day, we moved into this huge house.
03:04We had our own rooms, and I had my own science lab in the basement.
03:08And the best thing was that the old people let us do whatever we wanted.
03:11I spent all day in my lab making gadgets and apps.
03:14I made a robot that brushed Spot's teeth and washed her hair.
03:19Anything but the shampoo!
03:21Please, don't!
03:23Felix liked to cook, but he always burned the food.
03:26I made him an assistant chef to help him out.
03:28This is unacceptable!
03:30This chicken tastes like poo!
03:32It flipped over a couple of tables and sent Felix crying to his room a few times,
03:36but the food was delicious.
03:38My new parents invested a ton of money into my gadgets.
03:41Come to find out, they weren't just a sweet old couple.
03:44They were leaders of a notorious underground gang that...
03:47Hold on, editor.
03:48Cut that out of the video, please.
03:50I'm not supposed to talk about that.
03:52You won't tell anyone, right?
03:53If you do, you'll end up sleeping with the fishes.
03:57Okay, they get it.
03:58Don't scare them, guys.
04:00We're watching you.
04:02And listening, too.
04:04Anyway, moving along.
04:06After a while, I got bored and enrolled in a fancy high school.
04:09Felix and Spud weren't interested in school.
04:11They liked to sleep in all day, go on shopping sprees,
04:14and run other errands for our parents.
04:17My first day of school was pretty lame.
04:19I was smarter than the teachers, and the kids didn't like me much.
04:22They even made fun of my green hair.
04:24What? Green's my favorite color.
04:26Then I caught this boy named Lucas checking me out.
04:28He was popular, captain of the football team, super smart,
04:32class president two years in a row,
04:34and even volunteered in a food kitchen on the weekends.
04:37That is, when he wasn't doing a photo shoot.
04:39Did I tell you he was a teen model?
04:41Yuck, I could barf.
04:43Did he walk out of an MSA video or something?
04:45Lucas was so not my type.
04:47But he didn't get the hint.
04:49During lunch, he sat beside me.
04:51I mean, seriously, there were a dozen open seats.
04:54Hey, Paige, is this seat taken?
04:56Yeah, I was saving it for Nanya.
04:58Who's Nanya?
04:59None of your business.
05:00He eventually cornered me in science class.
05:02Somehow, he convinced the teacher to pair us up for a project.
05:05Lucas and I started spending time together.
05:07He was almost as smart as me.
05:09His sparkling brown eyes, his perfect hair, and handsome face were nice to look at.
05:13But there was one thing that really annoyed me.
05:16He was such a goody two-shoes.
05:18I'd never met anyone so honest.
05:20One time we went to a coffee shop, and the barista gave him change.
05:23We were all the way across town when he realized that she'd given him an extra penny.
05:28So he insisted that we walk all the way back to return it.
05:31It's a penny. It's no big deal.
05:33Plus, I'm tired and my feet hurt.
05:35But he couldn't rest until he returned it.
05:38On my birthday, Lucas bought me a shirt, but it was the wrong size.
05:41So we went to the store to return it.
05:43And we ran into this woman who had on a hideous dress, and she caught us staring.
05:47Young man, what do you think?
05:49Does this dress look good on me?
05:51You look wonderful.
05:53The moment we left the store, Lucas started freaking out.
05:56I shouldn't have lied to that poor woman.
05:58That was wrong.
05:59I should go back and tell her the truth.
06:01And Lucas, being Lucas, found the woman and told her the truth.
06:04I'm sorry, ma'am. That dress is horrible.
06:06It makes you look like a cow.
06:08The woman punched Lucas in the face and stormed off.
06:11Later, when I put a cold bag of peas on Lucas' eye,
06:14I asked him why he was so obsessed with being honest.
06:17I just think it's the right thing to do.
06:19Speaking of honesty, I really like you, Paige.
06:22And I was wondering, maybe you liked me too?
06:24By then, Lucas had grown on me.
06:27He was less annoying than all the other kids in school, and he made me laugh.
06:31You're cool, I guess.
06:33Cool enough to be your boyfriend?
06:35Out of nowhere, Lucas held my hand.
06:37He took the peas off his face and stepped close to me.
06:40I mean, our faces were inches apart.
06:42And then, I don't know how, but suddenly we were kissing.
06:45And to my surprise, I liked it.
06:48After that, we were officially dating, and life was pretty good.
06:51But then everything turned upside down.
06:53Felix, Spot, and my parents came home from one of their vacations.
06:57Paige, it's terrible. We lost all of our money.
07:01I was in shock.
07:02Just a week earlier, we had at least two million dollars in the bank.
07:05My parents explained that they spent all of our money investing in my gadgets.
07:09They stored my gadgets in a bunch of warehouses downtown.
07:12But someone burned them all down, and we lost everything.
07:16All of the warehouses caught fire?
07:18How is that possible?
07:19What about the insurance? Did you report it to the police?
07:22There's no insurance, and the police, well...
07:27Just one second.
07:28Hey, editor, we'll need a bit of privacy.
07:31It's about the family business.
07:33No problem.
07:34I guess they can hear the rest.
07:36So we're gonna lose the house? And the cars?
07:39And a bunch of bad guys are after us.
07:41We kind of owe them, too.
07:43Always so much excitement.
07:45I forgot how much fun it is being a gangsta.
07:48A gangsta? Oh, um, businesswoman.
07:51What am I supposed to do about it?
07:53You're the brains of this operation. Save us!
07:56And that's when I decided to make a new app called P-Mind Soup Juice.
08:00Yeah, that's not the real name, and the app doesn't exist anymore.
08:03But it was awesome.
08:04I cleverly designed a game where kids had to keep paying money to play the higher levels.
08:09And when they reached level seven, they got a ticket for the million-dollar national lottery.
08:13Of course, no one ever wins that thing, right?
08:16But the kids were hooked.
08:18They were using up all their pocket money and even stealing their parents' credit cards to keep paying and playing.
08:24And I was getting richer by the day.
08:26Wow, Paige.
08:28This is awesome.
08:29This is almost enough to pay off our debts.
08:32You're my hero.
08:34You're the best.
08:35But things got a little complicated with Lucas.
08:38One day after school, he showed up at my house.
08:40You have to shut down P-Mind Soup Juice.
08:43It's unethical.
08:44No, it's not.
08:45Yes, it is.
08:46Don't be such a goody-two-shoes.
08:48Paige, everyone's getting addicted, and it's driving all the kids crazy.
08:52I need my P-Mind Soup Juice.
08:54You can't take it away from me!
08:55It's just an app.
08:57It's not my fault they're too dumb to turn it off.
08:59You have the highest IQ, and you could use it for good.
09:02But you're using it to ruin people's lives.
09:05Plus, if the principal finds out you're making money off of these kids, you'll get expelled.
09:09Everyone loves P-Mind Soup Juice.
09:12No one's gonna tell.
09:13The principal doesn't ever have to know.
09:15I know.
09:16What's that supposed to mean?
09:18I love you, Paige, but what you're doing is just wrong.
09:21If you don't shut it down tonight, I'll have to tell the principal.
09:23I tried to convince Lucas to change his mind, but he just stormed off.
09:27And to make matters worse, I caught Felix and Spot listening from the upstairs window.
09:32And that's when the war between Lucas and my family began.
09:35We can take care of him for you.
09:37I can punch him in the nose.
09:39I can hit him with a rock.
09:40He'll never remember a thing.
09:42Or I can bake him a special pie.
09:46No, you're not doing any of that.
09:48Lucas is my boyfriend, and I think I love him.
09:51Love? Yuck.
09:53He's not even your type.
09:54Oh, honey, that boy doesn't love you.
09:57He wants to rat you out.
09:59You'll get suspended, and he won't stop there.
10:01He'll try to bring this whole family down.
10:04Believe me, we know.
10:06I told my family I'd take care of it.
10:08The last thing I wanted was Lucas hurt.
10:10I went over to Lucas' house, and his parents' car wasn't in the driveway, so he was all alone.
10:15I tapped on the window to wake him up and accidentally broke the glass.
10:19Help! Help! Intruder!
10:21He was so scared.
10:23It could have been because I had a mask covering my face, but it was really cold outside.
10:27And what else are you supposed to wear when you're climbing into someone's window at night?
10:30I mean, duh, it's practically a uniform.
10:34Lucas grabbed a flyswatter and started waving it around.
10:37Lucas, it's me.
10:39What the heck are you doing climbing through my window at midnight?
10:42I needed to talk.
10:43Please don't tell the principal about pea-mine soup juice.
10:46I've made my decision, Paige.
10:48My family needs it to pay our bills.
10:50Can't your parents borrow the money from their friends?
10:52What about their savings?
10:54That's easy for you to say.
10:55Your family's rich with dozens of rich friends.
10:58Then the craziest thing happened.
11:00I spotted Felix's robot chef in Lucas's driveway and it started pounding on the door.
11:05What is that?
11:06I got a FaceTime call from my family.
11:08What's going on?
11:10We all discussed it and we decided that Robo-Chef, that's what we're calling him now,
11:14can take care of our little Lucas problem.
11:17What do you mean take care of?
11:19Then Robo-Chef broke down the front door.
11:21Ooh, that's loud.
11:23What's that noise, honey?
11:25It's Robo-Chef.
11:27Oh my, get out of there.
11:29The phone lost its signal and then Robo-Chef smashed through a couple of walls
11:33then charged up the stairs.
11:35We have to go, now.
11:37I grabbed Lucas.
11:38We climbed out of the window and hopped on my bike.
11:40I rode as fast as I could.
11:42Robo-Chef was on our tail.
11:43What is that thing?
11:44It's a robot I made.
11:45Can you turn it off?
11:47Robo-Chef, shut down.
11:49Robo-Chef, slice and dice.
11:55It's gone crazy.
11:56What do we do?
11:57I had to think fast and then I remembered.
11:59I had an emergency remote in my bedroom drawer that could shut Robo-Chef down.
12:04Hold on.
12:05Lucas held tight as I turned a corner.
12:07My heart pounded and my legs throbbed as I rode faster and faster.
12:11Then the worst thing happened.
12:13My front tire hit a rock and Lucas and I flipped over.
12:16I sprained my ankle and Lucas scraped his knee really bad.
12:20Lucas held me in his arms as the crazy robot drew closer.
12:24This is it.
12:25He's going to turn us into Lucas and Paige Puree.
12:28A Luke Cage or a Pegas.
12:30What are you talking about?
12:32It's our names combined, like a couple's name.
12:34We never got to choose one.
12:35You know, like Bennifer, Kimye, and Brangelina.
12:38Shut up.
12:40I've got a better idea.
12:41Lucas pulled me close and kissed me.
12:43Then he climbed to his feet and glared at the robot.
12:46Come on, you stupid robot.
12:48Let me introduce you to my little friends.
12:50Lucas showed the robot his fists and the robot couldn't stop laughing as it marched towards us.
12:55I knew we were going to be goners, but out of nowhere, my family appeared.
12:59Get away from my sister, you crazy bot.
13:02Spot threw a rock at the robot's head.
13:04Felix body slammed it and then gave it the people's elbow.
13:07My mom smashed a pie in its face and my dad picked it up and threw it so far
13:12that it landed in a trash heap a couple of miles away.
13:15My dad still had his super strength, by the way.
13:17My family was impressed that Lucas had risked his life to save me.
13:21And Lucas was so thankful that my family saved both of us
13:24that he decided not to tell the principal about pea mine soup juice.
13:28I won't tell, but you still have to shut it down.
13:31But what about my family?
13:32They still need money.
13:34I have an idea.
13:35My family met with Lucas's dad, and after he saw the footage of them kicking that robot's butt,
13:40he hired my family to run security for his company.
13:43After a couple of years, my family made so much money
13:46that they started their own security business
13:48and started traveling the world protecting celebrities and famous politicians.
13:53As for me and Lucas, I agreed to shut down pea mine soup juice and live an honest life.