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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00I didn't have the grades to graduate, was accused of vandalism, saved someone from drowning,
00:09and got arrested.
00:10All in the same week.
00:11Oh, but before I get ahead of myself...
00:13Hi, I'm Maya from California.
00:15Please like and subscribe.
00:16Ever since I can remember, swimming was my happy place.
00:19When I was three, my love of all things aquatic got a little awkward from my parents, who
00:24had to keep pulling me out of mall fountains, bird paths, and koi ponds.
00:28Excuse me, adults.
00:29If you put those signs up and I'm too young to read them, do you see where I'm going with this?
00:34By the age of 13, the only job I ever dreamed about was becoming a lifeguard.
00:39Being around water, saving people, and hot guys in swimsuits.
00:42What's not to love?
00:43But on dry land, that's a whole different story.
00:46You see, I was not the greatest student, and my mortal enemy was math.
00:51Then my dad got a promotion, and we moved into an apartment in the city.
00:55And I had to start my senior year at a brand new school.
00:59Seriously, Dad, I had just spent the last year sucking up to all my teachers so they
01:04would grade me on a generous curve.
01:06Where's the respect for all my hard work?
01:08Life wasn't any different there.
01:10But like divine intervention, I looked up and saw my favorite four-letter word.
01:14Okay, seriously, you guys, I know at least half of you just thought of a word that would
01:18get you grounded if you said it out loud.
01:20I only planned to swim for a few minutes.
01:23But I was startled by a gorgeous boy.
01:25I said, what are you doing in my pool?
01:29Oh, I'm sorry.
01:30I thought this was the school pool.
01:32School pool.
01:33That's funny.
01:34Get it?
01:35Because it rhymes.
01:36I get it.
01:37It's just not funny.
01:38And it's my pool, because my family paid for it.
01:41He pointed to the plaque on the wall with his family name, and under it a sign.
01:45I'm Sebastian Monroe III, and if I catch you in here again, I'll have you arrested.
01:52Well, that's a bit dramatic.
01:53Did you think I was going to pee in the pool or something?
01:56I'm Maya, by the way.
01:58I realized I was talking to myself because he had already left.
02:01He had the manners of a goat, and that's an insult to goats.
02:05I don't get it.
02:06Even if his family paid for the pool, it's still the school pool.
02:10I have to be on the swim team and prove to him that I'm better than him.
02:14I made the team, of course, and beating Sebastian's top scorer was just the icing on the cake.
02:20So I dominated any competition I was in.
02:23I figured Sebastian must have told one of his goon buddies to try to scare me for tearing it up on the swim team
02:29because I noticed this nerdy-looking guy lurking outside the school.
02:33I tried to approach him, but he was a tricky little thing and got away.
02:36Was Sebastian trying to have me stopped?
02:39Or disappeared?
02:40Okay, now I'm being dramatic.
02:42You guys ever feel like your mind plays tricks on you because you've watched too many crime movies?
02:47I walked back into school and saw something I did not expect.
02:50Sebastian was leaning against my locker, looking so handsome, but I kept my cool.
02:56Your team wins again.
02:58If I had known you were part mermaid, I might not have given you such a hard time.
03:02Oh, thank goodness.
03:03I was wondering how I would go on living without your approval.
03:07Now, excuse me, I need to get to my locker.
03:09I'll only move if you agree to go out with me.
03:12It figures.
03:13The only way you could get a date is with blackmail.
03:16Okay, I deserved that.
03:18But I am trying to make up for being such a jerk to you.
03:21I really like you.
03:23And I was listening when you introduced yourself.
03:27He leaned in close to me, put his head on my shoulder, and looked up at me.
03:31Look, I'm trying to be cute and vulnerable.
03:34You guys ever fall for that guy who makes you think,
03:37sure, he's a bad boy, but he'll change for me?
03:40I guess even you deserve a second chance.
03:44Where do you want to go?
03:45Hmm, I have this sudden craving for ice cream.
03:48He took me to an upscale dessert place and ordered one of everything.
03:52He was charming.
03:54And I was falling for him like an apple off an Isaac Newton's tree.
03:58Oh, hey, I guess I did learn something in class.
04:01I thought things are starting to look up.
04:03But what do they say about looking up?
04:06That's when you trip and faceplant.
04:08Yep, I failed my second test.
04:10One more and I would get kicked off the swim team.
04:13I went to sweet talk the coach, but unfortunately, he was allergic to my charm.
04:18Thankfully, my parents hired an amazing tutor, Lucy,
04:21who knew how to keep me awake,
04:23unlike others who snored or were more interested in snacking.
04:27And before I knew it, I was doing better on my tests and even got a B+.
04:32And by the way, this Lucy is awesome.
04:35But unfortunately, the story isn't about her.
04:37But please know she's amazing.
04:39Maybe I should tell her story one day.
04:41Don't you agree, guys?
04:42Also to review, I was dating the hottest guy in school
04:46and crushing classes and the swim team.
04:48That nerdy guy was still popping up at school.
04:51And now that Sebastian and I were dating,
04:53I knew he wasn't behind it, so I asked him.
04:56Oh, he's probably smitten with you.
04:59Too bad you're taken.
05:00But I can't stop thinking about it.
05:02You just need a distraction.
05:04I'm serious, Sebastian.
05:05What if he's...
05:06He interrupted my rant with a kiss.
05:08If he's what?
05:09I was so charmed by his kiss that I forgot what I was saying.
05:13Uh, he who?
05:15Well played, Sebastian III.
05:17Well played.
05:18After school that day, I came home,
05:20and there was a package at my front door.
05:22No return address, just my name on it.
05:24I was so excited.
05:26It must have been Sebastian surprising me with something wonderful.
05:29But when I opened it, the worst smell filled the room.
05:33It was a bag of poop.
05:35My parents called the police,
05:37but they said nothing could be done
05:39because there was no one to trace it back to.
05:41I made a list of people I thought it could be.
05:43Like, like Amy,
05:45whom I told her boyfriend she had kissed someone else.
05:48And Tony, who I totally exposed his crush on our teacher.
05:51But that creepy nerdy guy was the number one suspect.
05:54I showed it to Sebastian the next day at school.
05:57Babe, I'm telling you,
05:58it's some girl at school that's jealous of you
06:01because you're dating me.
06:04Did the school give you an extra locker for that ego?
06:07It's not an ego if it's the truth.
06:09Don't worry, I'll protect you.
06:11Besides, I have a romantic date planned for us
06:14that will take your mind off of all this.
06:17I'll pick you up at your house at 7.
06:19I decided to focus on our date
06:21and get creepy nerd guy off my brain.
06:23I jumped in my closet for some great chimichus
06:26to go with my dress
06:27and started to wonder where Sebastian would take me.
06:29But he never showed.
06:31I called and texted.
06:33I was really worried and rushed over to his house.
06:35When I showed up, there were police cars everywhere.
06:38And my heart sank like the Titanic
06:40thinking something had happened to Sebastian.
06:43Until I saw him standing next to his car.
06:46Oh, thank God you're okay.
06:48Then I noticed his car.
06:50Someone had spray-painted
06:51Sebastian is a loser, he can't swim.
06:55My parents think you did this.
06:57All that misspelling?
06:58Well, that's just insulting.
06:59I'm bad at math, not English.
07:01If you're gonna try to frame someone,
07:03do your homework.
07:04Just as I was about to defend myself,
07:06his mom rushed toward me.
07:08Is this the monster who did this to my baby?
07:11Well, you're lucky there isn't enough evidence to arrest you
07:14or you would spend the rest of your life in jail.
07:16Oh, Sebastian, why do you insist on living that low lifestyle?
07:21I mean, does it even know about personal hygiene?
07:24She walked off in a huff
07:26and I was stunned and hurt.
07:28I went to Sebastian for comfort
07:30but instead he yelled loud enough for his parents to hear.
07:33I don't care how cute you think it was.
07:36We're over.
07:37You know I would never do this.
07:39It must be that creepy guy.
07:41But he just walked away.
07:43What just happened?
07:44How could he not believe me?
07:46I ran away with tears in my eyes
07:48and spent the whole night eating half of the world's junk food.
07:51The next day at school,
07:52Sebastian met me with a big hug and a romantic kiss.
07:55Like everything was normal.
07:57How many personalities am I dating?
07:59Sorry about the show last night, babe.
08:01It was just to get my parents off my back.
08:04You know how parents are.
08:05We'll just have to keep our love a secret for a while
08:08and then I will fix everything.
08:10Trust me.
08:11But you were so mean to me
08:12and you let everyone believe I would do that.
08:15Well, yeah, of course.
08:17And I did it all for you.
08:19I didn't want my mom to get you kicked off the swim team.
08:22I was relieved.
08:23He really did care about me.
08:25I wasn't thrilled about the way he did it
08:27but, you know, boys aren't that bright
08:29and he probably did the best he could.
08:31Besides, what do you care about what my parents think?
08:34You have me.
08:35And that's all that matters.
08:37Let's just focus on the senior beach bash tonight
08:40and forget them.
08:41Well, I have been looking forward to this all year.
08:43So I'll meet you there.
08:44Once I arrived, I could hear music blasting
08:47and see a huge campfire.
08:49Sebastian was waiting at the gate for me
08:51but I noticed there was a padlock at the entrance.
08:53Come this way.
08:54We have to go through the tear in the fence.
08:56I'm a little nervous about this.
08:58Are you sure we're not breaking the law?
09:00What's the big deal?
09:01Everyone else is already there.
09:03Besides, do you see any signs telling us to stay out?
09:06Well, against my better judgment, I agreed.
09:09We had fun and he danced around
09:11like a reject from America's Got Talent.
09:14But he was cute.
09:15Halfway through the night, Sebastian disappeared.
09:17I asked if anyone had seen him
09:19and someone said he went to get some pizzas.
09:21I was thinking how weird it was that he didn't tell me.
09:24Like my boyfriend had ghosted me.
09:26I just wanted to go home.
09:28Suddenly a guy screamed that some girl
09:30had fallen into the water and was sinking.
09:32I knew I could swim faster than I could run.
09:35Acting quickly, I tore off the bottom of my dress
09:37so it wouldn't weigh me down and dove in.
09:40It was cold.
09:41But all I kept thinking was that I had to save her.
09:43I reached her in minutes and swam her to shore.
09:46Her boyfriend thanked me a thousand times
09:48and I could feel their love for each other
09:50as her boyfriend embraced her in turn.
09:52I was so tired that I laid down on the sand.
09:55My teeth were chattering when someone wrapped
09:57the jacket around my shoulders from behind.
09:59Are you okay?
10:00That was some pretty heroic stuff.
10:02It was the creepy nerdy guy.
10:05Why are you following me?
10:07Did you send me that poop?
10:08What are you even doing here?
10:10My interrogation was rudely interrupted
10:13by the police showing up
10:15and arresting everyone for trespassing.
10:17I knew sneaking through a hole in a fence was shady.
10:20When we were at the police station waiting for our parents,
10:22I saw that guy again.
10:24I ran up to confront him.
10:26I don't know what your weird fascination is with me,
10:28but I'm only going to warn you once.
10:30Stay away.
10:32I understand you might think that,
10:33but I wasn't following you.
10:35I've been following your boyfriend, Sebastian.
10:38Uh, you have a crush on Sebastian?
10:41No, but I was, in a way, stalking him.
10:44Did you notice that your boyfriend managed
10:46to disappear before the police came?
10:48I really wanted to argue with him, but he was right.
10:51Where the heck was Sebastian?
10:53I was released, but my parents were so disappointed.
10:56And worst of all, Sebastian was nowhere to be found.
10:59I even went to his house when I knew his parents were out,
11:02but he wasn't there either.
11:04But I saw that creepy guy again.
11:06Where is he?
11:07And what's the drama?
11:08Start explaining.
11:09Actually, I found out he's in hiding
11:11because he was the one who called the police.
11:14Then he showed me pictures on his phone of Sebastian
11:16making a call at the beach.
11:18Well, that doesn't prove anything,
11:19and you still haven't said why you were stalking him.
11:22I do freelance work for a tabloid magazine,
11:24and they pay big bucks for any dirt on millionaire playboys.
11:28Well, listen here, stalkerazzi.
11:31Fine, Albert.
11:32When Sebastian shows up,
11:33he will have an explanation for all of this.
11:36And what will his explanation be
11:37for taking down the no trespassing signs at the beach,
11:40sending you a box of poop,
11:41or vandalizing his own car just to get a new car
11:45by making you feel bad?
11:46And did you know he also switched your test
11:48so you would fail?
11:49What are you talking about?
11:51He showed me everything.
11:53I was crushed.
11:54How could I have fallen for such an evil mastermind?
11:57I have all the photos saved to this USB
12:00to give to my editor tonight.
12:01Then, out of nowhere,
12:02Sebastian ripped the USB out of Albert's hand
12:06and swallowed it.
12:07And now it's my word against yours.
12:09I thought the next time I saw him,
12:11I would run to his arms,
12:13but instead I slapped him.
12:15I pinned him against the wall,
12:17but Albert held me back
12:18before I could slap him again.
12:20You might be rich,
12:21but you could be outsmarted by a box of hair.
12:24You do know they are still on the cloud, right?
12:26I think I'm gonna be sick.
12:28Well, that's not how I wanted to get my USB back.
12:32You know, you've got some pretty strong arms
12:34under that nerdy exterior.
12:36Albert showed the pictures to the police
12:38and Sebastian went to jail.
12:40It turns out Sebastian was just a spoiled brat
12:42who wanted to get even with me
12:44for bruising his ego.
12:46Apparently his friends laughed at him
12:48when I kicked his butt on the swim team.
12:50Get a life, dude.
12:52I'm sorry if I creeped you out
12:53with all the sneaking around.
12:54It was kinda weird,
12:56but I'm sorry I was quick to judge you.
12:58Thank you for coming to my rescue.
13:00He may not have been as good looking as Sebastian,
13:03but as I stared into his eyes,
13:05I could see he was so thoughtful and kind.
13:07And that was way more attractive.
13:09Yep, I think I'm gonna date this guy.
13:11But I have to end the story for now.
13:13Sorry, guys.
13:14Be careful who you call your boyfriends.
13:16That's my advice.
13:17See ya!