• 2 days ago
'Cisjordania: La tierra’ es el primer capítulo de la serie ‘El otro frente’. En medio de la guerra en Gaza, Cisjordania es otro de los focos de tensión. Está sufriendo la escalada más violenta en décadas. Los colonos, con la ayuda del Estado israelí, están aprovechando la ofensiva para expandir su control y expulsar a los palestinos de sus tierras.


00:00A group of colonists accompanied by soldiers has arrived.
00:27They have just asked us for our passports, they have taken them from us and they are not giving them back to us.
00:46Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel. We have come this far to be able to travel to Cisjordania.
00:51We want to know what has happened since October 7 in the occupied Palestinian territories and talk to the people who live on the other side.
01:21Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel.
01:28In 1967, Israel won the war against its Arab neighbors, taking over Gaza, East Jerusalem and Cisjordania.
01:36Since then, these territories have been under military occupation.
01:4026 years later, the Oslo Accords were signed.
01:42This pact created a Palestinian government for the first time, but at the same time it divided Cisjordania into three sectors, A, B and C.
01:52In areas A and B, the Palestinian Authority has some control over security and administration.
01:58On the other hand, area C is totally controlled by Israel.
02:02In this area, half a million Jewish settlers live in 365 settlements.
02:07They are illegal according to international law.
02:10Also, according to the Court of Justice of the Hague, which has demanded that Israel end the occupation and evacuate all its citizens.
02:23We are heading to Masafet Yata, a region to the south of Ebron.
02:27It is a group of villages where about 1,000 Palestinians live.
02:31We have met with Mohammad Hureini, a young man from the town of Al-Touani.
02:35He and his family live in the first line under the pressure of the army and the settlers to leave their lands.
03:05If you don't stand for your right, who will stand for it?
03:08And the settlers that you say are attacking you, where do they come from?
03:11They come from the outposts and settlements that you can see from here.
03:14And also you are talking about the settlers who are doing a group called the Topioth Hill.
03:19They are spreading over the West Bank.
03:24And if they see you in the land, they will just come and threaten you.
03:28If you don't go out, they will shoot you.
03:29And he brings his sheep, the settlers, and he grazes in your field, destroying your flocks, destroying your properties and your plants.
03:38So this is the kind of policy they started to use five or six years ago, just to ethnically cleanse the land and to intimidate the Palestinians from living underground.
03:50And I mean, the settlers have been protected by the Israeli military.
03:53And if you try anything, even to defend yourself from the settlers, you will be arrested and you will be, I don't know, in jail, how much time you will be.
04:03You live here surrounded by Israeli settlements. Could you show us where they are?
04:09Yeah. As you see, it's in our view that you can see the settlement of Ma'an that have been established since the 80s.
04:15And after then, the illegal outpost of Ma'an.
04:19They are a tool for the occupation to raise the Palestinians and steal them, to attack them, to let them loose, to lose the hope of living in the land and to flee from the land.
04:29So they can steal more Palestinian lands.
04:32The growing attacks of radical settlers come from such settlements.
04:37In a year of war, the United Nations has documented an average of four diaries, more than 1,400 in total, 12 Palestinians killed and more than a hundred injured.
04:48Mohamed's cousin is one of the victims of this violence.
05:02We want to go home!
05:05We want to go home!
05:20Zakaria, do you remember what happened the day you were shot?
05:25It was the 13th of October.
05:28The war was going on for seven days.
05:32It was a Friday. We were praying on Friday in the mosque.
05:35We were praying on Friday, and we saw that the mosque was full of people.
05:40We heard people screaming, saying, there's a settler, there's a settler.
05:44So we went out to see where the settler was.
05:46When I got out of the mosque, the first house was up there.
05:50The settler came down here with two of his soldiers.
05:54They came down this way.
05:57I told him, I'll go back, you go this way.
06:00He said, you go back.
06:02He said, you go to your village, I'll go back, you go back.
06:05So he handed me a gun.
06:08He shot me from here, and I went back.
06:11I was shot in this area.
06:13And where did the bullet hit you?
06:16I can show you.
06:30This is the bullet.
06:33It was a 9-inch bullet.
06:37And what happened to the person who shot you?
06:40Did they arrest him? Was there any consequence?
06:44So far, the settlers have been released.
06:47They haven't been taken to prison.
06:50But the lawyers complained that they were not allowed to come here for 180 days.
06:55Not only were they not able to arrest the aggressor,
06:58Zakaria says that when he went to the Israeli police to file a complaint,
07:02he was interrogated and had to pay a bribe,
07:05supposedly for throwing stones.
07:07Of course, he's not a settler.
07:10A settler is someone who is beaten, beaten, and beaten.
07:15I'm filing a complaint, and I'm the one to blame, not the settler.
07:19The settlers are the poor people.
07:22In this settler camp, the settlers wear the army uniform.
07:25They work in the army as guards.
07:29They bring them here.
07:31They work with us, the people who live in the trees.
07:35They do all the work.
07:37It's not easy.
07:45Hours later, this is what happened.
07:55We are trying to interview Mohamed in this land that belongs to him.
08:00It belongs to his family.
08:02Five minutes ago, a group of settlers came with Israeli soldiers.
08:08They are behind us.
08:10We don't know if it's a form of intimidation,
08:12because we are still in Palestine.
08:32We are trying to move it by a legal way, fighting the occupation.
08:36But I mean, when you go to the courts,
08:38you are going to face a judge who is a settler living in one of the outposts.
08:41And you are going to face an executioner,
08:43so we never expect that it will be justice.
08:56And who is them?
09:02Give me passport, please.
09:16Don't get closer to me with your gun.
09:25Take him, take him from my land.
09:28I will give you my ID.
09:31No, no.
09:34We were in the middle of an interview with the Al-Jureini family,
09:38and suddenly a group of settlers came with soldiers.
09:42They are asking for the passport, the ID card, to the Palestinians.
09:48And they don't want to give it to them.
09:50They have asked them to please get the settlers out of this land,
09:53because this is their property.
10:02Where is the ID?
10:05Go back, go back.
10:07Go back.
10:09Give me the ID.
10:11Give me the ID.
10:13Give me the ID.
10:15Give me the ID.
10:17Go back.
10:19Go back.
10:25They have just asked for the passports, they have taken them from us,
10:28and they won't give them back to us.
10:30What's the problem?
10:32There is no problem, they are doing a problem.
10:35But what's the problem?
10:37We are journalists from Spain, from the Spanish television.
10:40We were having an interview with them next to their house.
10:47This man is a settler living in the outpost of Batma'un.
10:51And you see his settlers are with him, giving him orders.
10:55Yes, but the ones in the green uniform are settlers also?
10:59This one was treating us with a gun, he is a settler.
11:11At some point, just let us feel that we are unsafe,
11:15there is no power in our hands, just to leave.
11:18So their mentality is just for a colonial project,
11:22to steal and try to intimidate us, to kick us from here.
11:26But where do we want to go?
11:29This is our land, there is no way to let them take this land.
11:53Days later, we return to Tuwani.
11:56They have released Sami, Mohammed's brother, who was detained.
11:59We don't know what happened after his arrest,
12:02but for him, this is nothing new.
12:05For participating in a demonstration against the occupation in 2021,
12:09Sami was found guilty of attacking a soldier by an Israeli military court.
12:14In the trial, no physical evidence was presented to prove it.
12:18We saw how you were detained just 50 meters from your house,
12:22how those soldiers took you, but what happened after that?
12:47Then the police gave a plastic bag to one of the soldiers,
12:55and then these soldiers, or settler soldiers,
12:59they brought this bag and put it on my head.
13:05He, in one moment, just put my head back
13:10and removed the plastic bag and started with black tape,
13:15black scotch, white scotch.
13:18It was black and he started closing my eyes and then my nose
13:23and then going back up to my head.
13:26It was very scary because it's a new thing for me
13:30and this is not something of regular things,
13:34I think something even more bad than what I think will happen.
13:39I don't know, burning me or taking me to an outpost now
13:43to do what, I don't know, cut me to pieces.
13:47Everything started to come to mind in that moment
13:50because I am literally not seeing anything
13:54and this is weird stuff.
13:57I literally just get very, very, very scared.
14:03After hours in detention, Sami was finally released without charges.
14:08How do you see the future for you and the rest of the Palestinians?
14:11Facing this whole aggression, we are facing settlers with guns,
14:17army with guns, police, everyone together by our existence,
14:23presence in the land with all the arrests, with all the beating,
14:27with all the attack, destruction, everything.
14:29We still, next morning, six in the morning, we are in the land.
14:33There is a great story of resistance every day we do.
14:37When we go with our sheep, when we go with all what we have,
14:41to plant, to do, to work, everything is an act of resistance,
14:45defending and protecting the land.
14:48In Altouani they resist, but other villages have had a worse fate.
14:56A few kilometers from the border between Israel and Cisjordania,
15:00the village of Januta is one of the 19 communities displaced by the force.
15:05Its 250 inhabitants fled after receiving an ultimatum from the settlers
15:09or they would leave in 24 hours or they would be killed.
15:16The Supreme Court of Israel ordered the army and the police to allow their return
15:21and to protect them if they tried to attack them again.
15:24The return was bitter.
15:26While the village was empty, an excavator destroyed everything.
15:32I mean, we are in a bad situation from the beginning.
15:35How are we going to get out of this situation?
15:37How are we going to get out of this situation?
15:40I mean, from the end.
15:42I mean, from the end.
15:44It is very, very sad.
15:46According to the Israeli law, all the mountains are called state lands.
15:50So we, in terms of the Israeli law, our cows are not in them, they are not in our land.
15:59This is the farm of Metarim, what is called Metarim Farm.
16:03Metarim is the one that does all kinds of violence.
16:06It is the one that displaced us on October 7th.
16:08And it is the one that causes us problems.
16:10Even now, it causes us problems.
16:12Yinon Levi is responsible for this settlement.
16:15As well as some of the settlers who attack people in the area of Zanota.
16:24Yinon Levi is one of the Israelis that the United States and the European Union
16:28have sanctioned for violent acts against their Arab neighbors.
16:34Levi also directs a position of advance or outpost.
16:37These are settlements built without authorization from Israel.
16:41But also a way to increase the territory under their control.
16:45That is why they receive government support and protection from the military.
16:50In fact, this type of colony has not stopped growing.
16:54Of the 365 settlements in Cisjordania, 218 are positions of advance.
17:00Meanwhile, the Israeli administration denies 99%
17:04of the Palestinian construction requests in Area C,
17:08which accounts for 60% of this occupied territory.
17:17People in Zanota face this problem.
17:20Their houses, the clinic and even the village school lack permits.
17:24They are illegal for Israel.
17:26And therefore, they are forbidden to rebuild them.
17:29So this was the school of the village?
17:32And how many children were studying here?
17:37And what happened with those children?
17:40They are all over the area schools.
18:00We made a decision and we respected it.
18:03Unfortunately, they don't respect their decision,
18:06they don't respect themselves and they don't respect any law in the world.
18:13You can see in this village how they had to leave suddenly
18:17because even the notebooks of the students,
18:20the books, the games on the walls,
18:23are still the same.
18:26Even the folders of the teachers,
18:29the ones they used with their students,
18:32are still here, among the remains of this school.
18:35Although the order of the Israeli court
18:38was supposed to protect them,
18:40these Palestinians live without a roof over their heads,
18:43under the constant surveillance of drones
18:46launched from the settlements and the entrances of the Israeli army.
18:50A group of Israeli soldiers has just arrived in the village.
18:52We don't know what they are looking for,
18:55if they want to see if the villagers have rebuilt a house
18:59and come to demolish it again.
19:03Why did you come to the village?
19:06What are you looking for?
19:10And why did you just come here?
19:18They let us build absolutely nothing in this village.
19:22If you want to build a house here,
19:25you have to come here.
19:28What are you going to do?
19:30Are you going to stay here
19:32even if they don't let you rebuild the village?
19:35Are you going to try to rebuild it
19:37even if they come later and demolish it again?
19:40No, we are not going to leave.
19:42We will stay here.
19:44We will stay under the rain.
19:47There is nowhere to go.
19:49We have nowhere else to go.
19:51We have nowhere else to go.
19:53We have nowhere else to go.
19:55Why is this land so important to you?
19:58Because all our lives,
20:00our fathers, our grandfathers,
20:02our great-great-grandfathers,
20:04a thousand years ago,
20:06all our land, all our life,
20:08all our livelihood,
20:10those who are 70 or 80 years old,
20:12their mother brought them here.
20:14Where can they go?
20:16They can't leave.
20:17They can't leave.
20:19This is in our blood,
20:21this land is in our blood.
20:23We can't leave it.
20:25They can humiliate us,
20:27they can humiliate us,
20:29they can kill us,
20:31but we can't leave this land.
20:33If we leave for a while,
20:35we will come back.
20:37What is happening in Zanuta
20:39is part of a much larger movement,
20:41known as the Battle for Area C,
20:43a strategy of some pro-colonial groups
20:44that seek to extend Jewish control
20:46in the occupied territories.
20:49One of these organizations is Regavim.
20:52We have been in contact with Naomi Kahn,
20:54her international spokeswoman, for months.
20:56Finally, she has agreed to take us
20:58to several settlements
21:00and show us her vision of Cisjordania.
21:03Regavim is fieldwork based,
21:05but it is a legal activism non-profit.
21:10So what we do is collect facts,
21:14and analyze them
21:16in a very specific area of interest,
21:19and that is land use policy
21:22and public policy in general
21:24as an expression of Israeli sovereignty.
21:27We divide the country up,
21:29we send out field coordinators
21:31to see what's actually happening on the ground
21:34in terms of the use of Israel's national resources.
21:38And do you think it's being done properly right now?
21:41In a lot of ways, absolutely.
21:44That's why we exist.
21:47In Regavim, they consider that Area C belongs to Israel
21:51and that its Palestinian inhabitants
21:53are illegal occupants.
21:55That's why they campaign in the courts
21:57to demolish Arab properties.
21:59All of this, this entire compound,
22:01we're actually in court against this compound here.
22:03There are weddings and events here every single night.
22:06It's all illegal,
22:08and it's a means of the Palestinian Authority
22:11establishing a foothold in areas
22:14where there was never any Arab presence before.
22:16This is Area C, right?
22:18Yes, absolutely.
22:23What you see here
22:25is a classic example
22:28of how the Palestinian Authority
22:30creates a village out of nothing.
22:33What you see in front of you,
22:35that giant structure there,
22:37and that one over there,
22:39and that one behind it over there,
22:41all of those are schools.
22:42The schools were here before the houses were here.
22:44And this is a tactic that's used
22:46all through Judea and Samaria.
22:48They build a school that creates community.
22:50Then they start bussing kids in,
22:52and they give people parcels of land.
22:54Everything that you see here is illegal,
22:57and the civil administration sees it.
22:59It's not as if it's, you know,
23:01they're not hiding this.
23:03And Israel is completely within its rights
23:05to enforce the law here
23:07and not allow this to continue,
23:09but because of international pressure,
23:10it's not allowed.
23:18If you look at Israeli communities,
23:20you'll see two things generally.
23:22Number one, you'll see fences and security.
23:25And the Arab ones,
23:27there's none and there's no need for any.
23:30And number two,
23:32the Israeli communities are green,
23:34and the Arab communities
23:37are not generally at all.
23:40And why is that?
23:42They don't have environmental consciousness.
24:05It was an accident,
24:07and I had never been here,
24:08and I didn't even know what it meant.
24:11When you say West Bank,
24:13I didn't really know what that meant,
24:15but I did know we will never live there.
24:17And like I said, I fell asleep,
24:19I opened my eyes,
24:21I saw this little village,
24:23and I liked what I saw.
24:25Green, trees, houses, red roofs, families.
24:27I saw mothers eating ice cream
24:29on the grass with their children.
24:31And I thought, okay,
24:33this is a nice little village, let's stay here.
24:35I didn't know where it was.
24:36But I really liked it, and I wasn't afraid.
24:38Once you're here, you're not afraid.
24:42The scary part is on the road,
24:44and the enemies around us.
24:48And you have to be strong,
24:50and you have to say a prayer.
24:52I say a prayer every time I get in the car.
24:54And I drive with a lot of purpose,
24:57and I've been okay so far.
25:00Most of us are okay.
25:02You tell us you're surrounded by enemies,
25:03that these Arab peoples are enemies.
25:05In what way are they threatening you?
25:34These are not peaceful people.
25:37We don't know what they're talking about
25:39when they go home at night.
25:41We don't know which one of their relatives
25:43is in Hamas, active.
25:45They're not our friends.
25:47There's no real peace.
25:49It's a cold peace, if anything.
25:51The international community
25:53and human rights organizations
25:55say there has been an increase
25:57in the violence against Palestinians.
25:59What is your opinion?
26:01It's a lie. It's ridiculous.
26:03There's no violence against Israelis.
26:06If there is Israeli violence the other way,
26:09they're angry.
26:11They're angry.
26:13There's just a very small amount
26:15of that happening.
26:17Very small.
26:19And it's just not much.
26:24That's funny that they're looking at that.
26:27They don't like strong Jews.
26:29A Jew fights back because they're having
26:31a problem with it.
26:33They don't like it.
26:35That's all.
26:37They don't like it.
26:39And there's not enough of it, honestly.
26:41Regabim wants communities
26:43like Nathalie's to grow
26:45at the expense of the displacement of others.
26:47Her intention goes beyond the courts
26:49and reaches the state.
26:51Her co-founder is the ultra-rightist
26:53Bezalel Smotrich,
26:55current Minister of Finance
26:57and leader of Religious Zionism,
26:59a party Netanyahu depends on to govern.
27:01Smotrich is also the man
27:03responsible for the Palestinian state.
27:05For every state that is unilaterally
27:07recognized as a Palestinian state,
27:09we will establish a new settlement
27:11and in doing so,
27:13we will bring about the realization
27:15of this idea of establishing a Palestinian state
27:17that will jeopardize the existence
27:19of a state of Israel.
27:33Religious narratives
27:35simply invented villages
27:38inside areas under Israeli control.
27:41In the South Hebron area,
27:43it's even more ridiculous
27:45because most of these
27:47quote-unquote villages of Masafariyat
27:49they didn't exist.
27:51They still don't really exist.
27:53They are bases of operations
27:55for creating confrontations
27:57in areas that are
27:59IDF training grounds,
28:01live fire training grounds.
28:03There are no villages in this area.
28:05That is why the state of Israel
28:07in 1980,
28:09after a complete survey
28:11and registration of the land,
28:13declared them to be
28:15military training grounds
28:17because no one lived there
28:19and no one ever lived there
28:21and we're going back hundreds of years.
28:23But those families
28:25have been living there for decades
28:27and for generations.
28:29That's completely false.
28:31Completely false.
28:33There's nothing there.
28:56They have the weapon,
28:58they have the power,
29:00they have the big support
29:01from the occupation state,
29:03the government, everything.
29:05But we have the right
29:09and always the owner of the right
29:12always will win.
29:14Yes, we suffer.
29:16We pay a very high price.
29:19We got arrested.
29:21We got beaten up.
29:23But at the end,
29:25we will never give up.
29:27We will never give them
29:29our own land.
29:31Even by non-violent means,
29:33as you see today.
29:51We wait for justice
29:53and we hope that
29:55the international community
29:57can just open eyes
29:59and hear about
30:01what's going on here in Palestine.
30:04Because we are the only nation
30:07still under the occupation
30:09since decades.
30:11And we have the right
30:13to feel the freedom
30:15and to be just
30:19part of this world
30:21without any occupation
30:23and without any injustice.
30:28I'm quite sure all the Palestinians,
30:31they want to feel
30:36and to live the real freedom.
30:40So we hope that we will
30:43end the Israeli occupation
30:46and we will live in freedom
30:50and peace and dignity
30:52like the other people
30:54in the whole world.
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