• yesterday
X年後の関係者たち 2024年10月14日
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00On Sunday, Tuesday night, at 9 o'clock.
00:0228 years ago,
00:04a new type of snack was born,
00:06which was easy to carry around
00:08and easy to eat.
00:12Kappa Ebisen,
00:14Potato Chips,
00:18Kalbi, which has been around for a long time,
00:20released a new type of snack.
00:22The target was
00:24a high school girl
00:26who was the source of the popular snack at that time.
00:28It is convenient to carry around
00:30and can be eaten easily outside.
00:32The name of this snack is
00:42Once you've seen it,
00:44you won't forget it,
00:46and it's also an effective commercial,
00:48which was well-received.
00:50Soon after,
00:52it became a stand-in for the regular snack.
00:54This unique type of snack
00:56What is the origin of Japanese sweets?
00:59There is an unknown failure, hard work, and the obsession to surpass it.
01:05Tonight's event is the Jyagariko welcome party.
01:09Now, the door to space and time will open.
01:18The backstage of the movement revealed by the people involved.
01:25The first is Hiroaki Yamasaki, the father of the sea.
01:38The third is Hidemasa Yanai, in charge of Jyagariko.
01:42Mai Nagayoshi, in charge of Jyagariko.
01:48Today, we will talk about the development of Jyagariko and the backstage of the movement.
01:55How much is Jyagariko selling now?
01:58In Japan, it is about 4.5 billion yen.
02:024.5 billion yen?
02:04That means it's selling, right?
02:06Yes, it is.
02:074.5 billion yen.
02:09I can't imagine anything, but it's a big number.
02:13There are about 100 million people in Japan, so it's about 4 per person.
02:17Are you eating that much?
02:18Maybe more.
02:20Oh, it's selling that much.
02:22Jyagariko has become popular among the people.
02:25It was released in 1995.
02:28What kind of company was Kalbi before that?
02:32In 1955, Kappa Arale, the predecessor of Kappa Ibuse, was released.
02:38Was the name Kappa Arale?
02:40Yes, it was.
02:41From there, it evolved into Kappa Ibuse.
02:43After that, Sapporo Potato and Potato Chips were released.
02:48Fukurogashi was the main company.
02:51Has Kappa Ibuse changed since Kappa Arale?
02:54Kappa Ibuse was born by kneading shrimp.
02:57That's how it became Ibuse?
02:59Then, what is Kappa?
03:01At that time, Kappa Tengoku was popular.
03:07The creator of Kappa Tengoku wrote the character of Kappa Tengoku.
03:12Kappa Tengoku was in Fukurogashi as a character.
03:15It was in Fukurogashi at first.
03:17Then, Kappa Tengoku disappeared.
03:19It became Ebi Sen no Ebi.
03:21That's right.
03:22I see.
03:23Kalbi was good at Fukuro-type snacks such as Kappa Ebi Sen, Sapporo Potato, and Potato Chips.
03:31In that field, he was the absolute king.
03:36However, he had a lot of worries.
03:40Fukuro-type snacks were sold at a high price.
03:49However, even if a new product was released, it was sold at the same place.
03:54It was a competition between us.
03:57Even if a new product was released, it was sold at the same place.
04:04That's right.
04:05So, you couldn't think of a new product in Fukuro-type snacks?
04:10Of course, Fukuro-type snacks were sold at the same place.
04:13However, convenience stores were expanding.
04:18So, we decided to develop snacks that were not in Fukuro-type snacks.
04:23Kalbi was in the Fukurogashi market.
04:27However, even if a new product was released, it was sold at the same place.
04:36So, we decided to develop products that were not in Fukuro-type snacks.
04:47Now, people eat potato chips while watching TV at home.
04:55However, high school girls put potato chips in their bags and carry them around.
05:00High school girls eat potato chips in places other than their homes.
05:05In fact, high school boys eat Kalbi the most.
05:13At that time, high school girls made a boom with loose socks.
05:18There was a high school girl boom, wasn't there?
05:20Yes, there was.
05:22It was around the time of Kogyaru.
05:25That's right.
05:26We targeted high school girls.
05:28As a result, the number of high school girls in their 20s increased.
05:34At that time, high school girls bought everything.
05:39Is that true?
05:41Yes, it's true.
05:43That's amazing.
05:44That's how big it was.
05:46In the 1990s, there was a sudden boom in high school girls.
05:51Their statements and fashion were leading the world.
05:55We focused on two concepts.
05:59First, we focused on high school girls.
06:03Second, we focused on making Kalbi into an outdoor product type.
06:10And this time, we used the original concept sheet.
06:15Potato sticks.
06:17Did you already have a concept for potato sticks?
06:20At that time, we wanted to strengthen marketing.
06:23We did a survey on what high school girls wanted for snacks.
06:30The keywords that came out of the survey were...
06:32easy to eat, easy to get your hands dirty.
06:38Based on that, we came up with a concept sheet called potato sticks.
06:41It's a box-type that's easy to pick up.
06:44It's a box-type, isn't it?
06:46Yes, it is.
06:47Now it's a cup-type.
06:49At that time, box-type snacks were also popular.
06:54What kind of snack is a box-type?
06:57It's a long one.
06:59Oh, I see.
07:01It's still popular.
07:03I see.
07:05I see.
07:07I've heard that before.
07:09When you make a snack, you can put it in a place where it's not a bag.
07:14And I wanted to put it next to the snack that was selling.
07:17That was the first concept.
07:19You wanted to open up a new market.
07:22At that time, it was already said that there would be fewer children.
07:28I wanted to put the product in a different place.
07:32The picture on your hand is black and white.
07:35If you paint the package red, it looks like that.
07:38It's very similar to the concept.
07:41By the way, it was a yellowish color.
07:43Oh, it's yellow.
07:45It's not green.
07:47It was yellow.
07:49And the biggest feature of Jagariko is the texture.
07:54It seems that there was a lot of trouble getting to this exquisite hardness.
07:59I was particular about making it from raw potatoes.
08:04There are dried potatoes like potato flakes.
08:08I didn't want to make it from raw potatoes.
08:11I wanted to reduce the hardness from raw materials.
08:15You wanted to make it more like a potato.
08:17You wanted to sell the goodness of the material.
08:20That's right.
08:21Doesn't raw potatoes get harder?
08:24It gets harder.
08:25Did it get harder?
08:26Actually, it was harder.
08:29Did you soften it to make it harder?
08:31What kind of process did you go through to get to this hardness?
08:36The project team tested it every day.
08:39We added these ingredients to make it softer.
08:42In that sense, we tried things like biscuits and crackers.
08:47We tried various materials in the world.
08:50We gradually softened it to get closer to the texture we have now.
08:53How hard is it?
08:54Do you get feedback from people who eat it?
09:00In the end, we decided it ourselves.
09:03To be honest, I was told that it was still hard because it was based on kappa shrimp.
09:09Kappa shrimp is so soft that you don't need teeth.
09:13That's a good thing, isn't it?
09:14That's right.
09:15From the point of view of Calbee, the company that sold it,
09:18what do you mean by hardness?
09:21At that time, there were quite a lot of opposition.
09:23I feel like I'm going to be told who eats this hardness.
09:26Speaking of Calbee, it is a company with a strong love for potatoes that has contracted farmers all over the country.
09:33The management at the time also had a strong obsession with raw potatoes as a raw material.
09:40Yamasaki's team was also trying to make raw potatoes as a raw material,
09:45but there was a problem with using raw potatoes in addition to hardness.
09:50At first, it was the first technology in the world.
09:55Depending on the day, you can make good potatoes,
09:58but depending on the day, you can make bad potatoes all day long.
10:04What's the difference?
10:06Well, there are oily potatoes and harder potatoes than expected.
10:12Does that mean that the potatoes are different in the first place?
10:16That's right.
10:17At that time, I didn't know that.
10:20It was a repetition of what to do depending on the day.
10:24What made you realize that the potatoes themselves were the raw material?
10:29Well, we're technicians, so it's observation.
10:33If you observe every day, you'll see the data you've analyzed,
10:38and you'll see that it went well on this day, but it didn't go well on this day.
10:42You'll see that it doesn't go well with potatoes with little solid ingredients.
10:46You'll see that it doesn't go well with potatoes with a lot of water.
10:49You'll see that it doesn't go well with salad flavors, but it goes well with cheese flavors.
10:53That's the difference.
10:54That's right.
10:55I got a hint from that and improved it little by little.
10:58Do you know that there's a lot of water in the potatoes when you put them in?
11:05I've been measuring it since I was making potato chips.
11:10I see.
11:11He couldn't cope with the individual differences by using raw potatoes.
11:16At first, he couldn't make a stable production.
11:20In the first place, Calbee's signature product, potato chips, is also made with raw potatoes.
11:26Why does the difficulty change so much?
11:30I asked Kenichi Oh, who was in charge of potato chips at the time.
11:36Potato chips are made into the final product in less than two minutes by processing sliced potatoes in a fryer.
11:45In the case of potato chips, it takes about two hours to start with raw potatoes.
11:50There are three or four processes that affect the quality.
11:56The final quality is determined by the balance around it.
12:00I remember that it didn't go well with the application of my experience so far.
12:07Potato chips were gradually shaped by fine-tuning.
12:12The recipe was top secret.
12:16There are a lot of secrets in the recipe.
12:19Is it more strict than it was at that time?
12:21Only a limited number of people can enter the factory.
12:26Only a small number of people know the manufacturing process.
12:31Is there a secret that is so important?
12:36Maybe so.
12:38If it's a big company, it's probably made in this way.
12:43But if you can't imitate it, there must be a secret.
12:47Maybe so.
12:50If there is no secret, other manufacturers will imitate it.
12:54Three years after the development started, the prototype of Jagariko, Jaga-Stick, was finally completed.
13:00It was even tested for sale.
13:03What is the reaction of the market?
13:06It's Jaga-Stick.
13:08It's Jaga-Stick from Potato-Stick.
13:10It's a little different.
13:12Yes, I was particular about potatoes.
13:15There is a carrot in front of Jaga-Stick.
13:18There is a carrot in front of Jaga-Stick.
13:20Yes, there is a carrot parsley in front of Jaga-Stick.
13:22It's all the same.
13:24How did it sell?
13:26It was stable without advertising.
13:30At that time, I got the data from Minen-san.
13:34It was stable and sold.
13:36Did everyone buy it without advertising?
13:40It's a great product.
13:42I think there was a new one, but the number was stable.
13:47I found that there were many people who repeated it.
13:51This concept has a chance to sell.
13:55It's a win-win situation.
13:58It's a win-win situation.
14:00Yes, I'm getting more and more confident.
14:02At first, I was told that Jaga-Stick was hard and tasteless even in the car.
14:09When I was told that Jaga-Stick was hard in the car, I thought I had seen it before.
14:13That's why I was told to make Jaga-Stick as soft as Ebi-Sen.
14:17But as the result grew, the person who said that said,
14:20Jaga-Stick was hard in the car.
14:23Was there such a person?
14:25I think there was such a person at that time.
14:27I think so, too.
14:29I think so, too.
14:31I think such a person will be great.
14:34If the sales were stable,
14:36Jaga-Stick could be distributed all over the country.
14:40But Jaga-Stick changed.
14:43Why did it change?
14:44When I asked the customers' opinions,
14:46they said they wanted to eat Jaga-Stick more easily.
14:49So I took out the bag and opened the lid.
14:54Then I could eat Jaga-Stick right away.
14:57At first, Jaga-Stick was in a double-layered state,
15:00which was wrapped in a bag to prevent moisture when opening the box.
15:04In order to solve this problem,
15:06Jaga-Stick was made to improve the container.
15:09However, the manager made an extra order.
15:13At that time, Jaga-Stick was sponsored by F1.
15:16So Jaga-Stick could be put in the drink holder of the car.
15:20That's why Jaga-Stick was popular.
15:22I see.
15:23Jaga-Stick could be eaten in the car?
15:26I see.
15:27Was it because Jaga-Stick was sponsored by F1?
15:31Or was there a need to eat Jaga-Stick in the car?
15:34At that time, Jaga-Stick was included in F1.
15:37So Jaga-Stick could be put in the drink holder of the car.
15:40Also, Jaga-Stick could be put in the drink holder of the car.
15:43I see.
15:44Jaga-Stick was also shortened in length.
15:47I don't know if this is the right word.
15:49It's a little shorter than Pocky.
15:51I see.
15:52It's a little shorter than Pocky or Toppo.
15:56Why did you shorten it?
15:58I cut it in half to eat it in one bite.
16:02I see.
16:03What do you mean by one bite?
16:06Jaga-Stick used to be a square.
16:09Jaga-Stick had a strange angle.
16:12I cut it in half to eat it in one bite.
16:14I cut it in half to eat it in one bite.
16:17Is that the difference in taste?
16:22I call it a comfortable texture.
16:25Jaga-Stick seems to be a square.
16:28Jaga-Stick is round.
16:29Jaga-Stick is round and uniform.
16:31Jaga-Stick is round and uniform.
16:34I see.
16:35Jaga-Stick is a cup type of Jaga-Stick.
16:40He continues to improve it from a regular type to a cup type.
16:44However, there was a reason why he had to improve from Jaga-Stick at the manufacturing site.
16:51Jaga-Stick was 120 mm long.
16:55Jaga-Stick was 120 mm long.
16:57It was often broken.
16:58Jaga-Stick was often broken.
16:59There were many problems with the bend.
17:01At first, I tried to sell it in the form of putting it in a bag and putting it in a box.
17:06However, if the bend is too much, it will not fit in the bag.
17:11Even if it fits in the bag, it will break inside.
17:14There were various problems.
17:15I thought that the bag was a little tough.
17:18After that, I thought that it would be better to put it in a cup and sell it easily.
17:24So, I asked him to shorten the length.
17:29Of course, when it was shortened, it was no longer called a stick.
17:33So, I changed the name to Jaga-Stick.
17:37I shortened it to Jaga-Stick.
17:39I solved the problem I mentioned earlier.
17:41I mass-produced it and sold it.
17:47He overcame all the manufacturing challenges of the number of users.
17:52His name was also changed to Jaga-Stick.
17:55The symbol of Jaga-Stick is a giraffe.
17:59It is a catchphrase that there is no giraffe when you eat it.
18:03In addition to this, there is a joke in the package.
18:08Why is there a joke?
18:11It continues to sell well.
18:13There are mountains and valleys, so it continues to sell well.
18:16Is there a valley?
18:18At that time, there was a valley.
18:23From Otsuka Seiyaku to Sakura, the only beauty salon in Japan.
18:29Japanese culture enjoys the change of seasons.
18:32It is a delicate and beautiful sensibility to enjoy the petals of cherry blossoms, the color of momiji, and the change of seasons.
18:42However, I have been so busy every day that I cannot enjoy the change of seasons.
18:48Before I knew it, my skin was tattered.
18:51Skin changes with the change of seasons, just like nature.
18:57Can't I enjoy the changing skin and the age that overlaps to enjoy the changing seasons?
19:04With that in mind, I was born to Sakura, the beauty salon of Otsuka Seiyaku.
19:12Until now, the anti-staining solution was only one of the two.
19:20Sakura is the only anti-staining solution in Japan that can be used for both anti-staining and anti-degradation.
19:28It is the anti-staining solution of Otsuka Seiyaku, which has a delicate scent of cherry blossoms and makes both the skin and the heart tingle.
19:37I was a little aggressive.
19:39However, when I started using Sakura, I became cheerful and happy.
19:46I wanted to try various things and meet more people.
19:55Sakura is the only anti-staining solution in Japan.
20:01This time, we will introduce a special price.
20:04Now, you can get a 14-time trial set and a 12-time trial set for 980 yen.
20:12Applications are 0120-107-226.
20:17Sakura, the anti-staining solution of Otsuka Seiyaku.
20:22What will happen to Hiroshi Sekiguchi in the future? Sunday at 12 noon.
20:28Jagariko has evolved from Jagastic, overcoming all user needs and manufacturing challenges.
20:36The symbol of this is the giraffe character and the catchphrase,
20:40If you eat it, there is no giraffe.
20:44Why is the giraffe a joke?
20:47At that time, I wanted to make it a brand, so I thought there would be a character to make it a brand.
20:53There is a character called Sir Endos in the anime.
20:58We imitated him and decided to make a character.
21:03I thought about it a lot, but there wasn't a good one.
21:06There is a giraffe in the story.
21:09The catchphrase, I can't stop until I can stop Kappa Ebisen.
21:13It's a great phrase.
21:15Jagariko is, If you eat it, there is no giraffe.
21:18It's a story about whether to put a giraffe on it or not.
21:21If it was a different character, would it be different?
21:28I don't know what kind of character it is.
21:31It's like, It was delicious and I was a bear.
21:34That's a good one.
21:37There is a possibility of becoming a bear.
21:40There are a lot of jokes in the package.
21:45If you eat it, there is no giraffe.
21:48That's all I thought about.
21:51There are a lot of jokes in the new products.
21:55This is the product I made.
21:58Please show me.
22:00What is Chinese?
22:01Jagariko is Chinese?
22:03Is it a joke?
22:05What is Chinese?
22:07Jagariko is Chinese?
22:08I designed the package based on that.
22:12Did you make the Chinese taste Chinese?
22:14The taste was like this.
22:17I thought it was Chinese.
22:19I thought it was Chinese.
22:22I made a Chinese-like package.
22:25It's like a development meeting.
22:28What is the taste of mentaiko cheese monja?
22:34I see.
22:35I understand.
22:37I understand, but what is it?
22:40Is it a potato?
22:42Yes, it's a potato.
22:45I understand.
22:47I understand very well.
22:49It's a strong garlic, so it's Nakano olive salt.
22:52It's like this.
22:54It's like this.
22:56It's a joke.
22:58What is Chinese?
22:59Did you say Chinese after that?
23:01It's not funny if you're impressed.
23:04I see.
23:05It's not funny if you do it like NEZUCHI.
23:08It's not something to think about.
23:11The concept of the taste is decided.
23:13There is a meeting to challenge the taste.
23:19After deciding the taste concept, do you make a joke?
23:22Sometimes I make a joke right away.
23:25After making the package, I make a joke.
23:30I make a joke at the right time.
23:32If you don't make a joke, you can't sell it?
23:35I can't sell it.
23:36I see.
23:39Sometimes I can't make a joke.
23:42You don't have to compete with the taste.
23:45The taste has nothing to do with making a joke.
23:50It's my identity.
23:53I see.
23:54Do you make a lot of jokes?
24:00We have a meeting once every two weeks.
24:04I have to make a joke at the beginning.
24:07I have to make a joke no matter how dark the company is.
24:10It's hard.
24:12It's hard to make a joke.
24:18I make a joke the night before and think about it.
24:24It's like Dave Spector at home.
24:30Four years have passed since the development.
24:32Improvements have been made.
24:34Finally, the release of JAGARICO has begun.
24:38Did the market react well?
24:41Yes, thanks to you.
24:43The test version was good and improved.
24:45You have to improve it.
24:47First, I sold the test version at a convenience store.
24:49It was stable and sold well.
24:51Next time, I will make a commercial and promote it.
24:55The test version will be sold in Niigata.
25:03Why Niigata?
25:04Ice cream is often sold in Kanazawa.
25:08I heard that Shizuoka sells drinks.
25:13Shizuoka is the population of Japan.
25:15The ratio is easy to understand.
25:18Why Niigata?
25:19I couldn't make a lot.
25:21When I was asked if I could make a commercial, I chose Niigata.
25:30I chose Niigata for various reasons.
25:33JAGARICO was not in production at the time of release.
25:38Niigata was chosen as a place suitable for production ability.
25:46Here is the commercial at that time.
26:11JAGARICO was on sale at the time of release!
26:14The correct answer is sweet potato.
26:16J.Y. Park
26:19This is a masterpiece, isn't it?
26:22It's very impactful, and it's very easy to understand, isn't it?
26:25You didn't explain anything, but you could understand everything about potato starch.
26:30At the end, you said it was the right potato.
26:32What does that mean?
26:35That's right. I was often told that at the time.
26:38I was the one who was particular about potatoes, and I had the image that it was a correct potato snack.
26:49It's a very sharp commercial for a correct version.
26:52You didn't explain anything about it.
26:54I'm lucky to be able to say that I was lucky.
26:59The director of the commercial liked it very much.
27:03He said, this is a texture, and this is a name.
27:07He liked it very much, and when he left it to me, I was able to make this kind of commercial.
27:12Did you know how to sell potato starch in an instant?
27:17Did you know that if you ate this kind of texture, you would be addicted to it?
27:21Did you know that if you ate it, you wouldn't be interested in it?
27:25He's a genius planner.
27:28That's amazing.
27:29How was the response?
27:3170% to 80% of people in Niigata saw the commercial and ate it.
27:40I want to eat it.
27:43That's why you remember it as a commercial.
27:47Has it been selling well since then?
27:50Yes, it has been selling well.
27:54Is there a time when potato starch became weak?
27:59There was a time when potato starch became weak.
28:02Potato starch decided to start slipping smoothly.
28:05However, she was still troubled by the problem that she couldn't overcome from the beginning.
28:13Kagome, Kagome
28:15Kagome Machikado Quiz
28:18What is the essential organ that controls our health?
28:28Liver is an important organ that controls our life activities.
28:34What is ALT, an important keyword for liver?
28:40I don't know the details.
28:43ALT is a indicator that measures the health of the liver, also known as a liver function marker.
28:49It is important to take care of the liver as soon as possible if it is judged to be high in a health diagnosis.
28:54Kagome Sulforaphane
28:58Sulforaphane glucosinolate supports the decrease of ALT in the middle and upper reaches of the middle and upper ages.
29:08Sulforaphane glucosinolate is extracted from selected domestic broccoli sprouts.
29:16Sulforaphane is processed in GMP, a health food factory, based on proper manufacturing management and quality management.
29:25Sulforaphane is used in capsules from plants.
29:29Sulforaphane is easy to continue every day.
29:33I was diagnosed with high ALT in a health diagnosis.
29:38Kagome Sulforaphane
29:42The price is 4,628 yen for a month.
29:4978% off!
29:52980 yen!
29:54980 yen for a month!
29:57Free shipping!
30:00Free dial 0120-831-470
30:05Vegetable 470
30:08We are waiting for you to increase the number of operators for 30 minutes from now!
30:13Tengu no Daidokoro Season 2
30:15Starts at 9 p.m. on October 22.
30:18Jagariko has become a popular product.
30:25However, he is still struggling with the problem of not being able to overcome it from the beginning.
30:33How is the sales?
30:39Sales were good, but the initial investment was large.
30:44The cost of fire extinguisher and TV commercial expenses were directly transferred to the brand.
30:54At first, it was a big loss.
30:57It's a product that hasn't been around for a long time, so it's a big investment.
31:02However, if the sales continue, you can return it.
31:06You can extinguish it at all.
31:09That's right.
31:11However, the number of defective products was also large in the first four or five years.
31:18How many times did you fail?
31:22At that time, the number of defective products was 5 to 7 times higher than usual.
31:31So it's a waste of money.
31:35How is it so difficult compared to other products?
31:39Jagariko is a agricultural product, so it uses a lot of raw ingredients.
31:46It varies slightly depending on the day.
31:49If you make it from a certain amount of uniform ingredients such as metal powder and wheat flour,
31:55the number of defects is small.
31:58However, even if it is a raw ingredient, the number of defects is large.
32:02Jagariko, which had a lot of defective products even after its release,
32:06had a lot of problems in terms of sales and profits.
32:10How did you improve it?
32:13I received some products from the factory.
32:19I compared them every week and gave feedback to each factory.
32:24This week is a good day.
32:26It's bad. This is bad.
32:28The development department told the factory everything.
32:31You have no choice but to eat.
32:33I kept eating.
32:35Then I went to the factory to teach.
32:38I made it together.
32:40In the worst case, I got a call from the factory in the evening.
32:43Mr. Yanai, the product is not good now, but please come.
32:47I went to Ayabe Factory for 5 hours.
32:50I went to Ayabe Factory for 5 hours.
32:55You couldn't go home until you were called to the site and found out the cause.
33:00I couldn't go home.
33:01I was at the factory for a day.
33:04In that case, you ate it and thought it was strange.
33:08Mr. Yamashita said I didn't have to come back until a good product came out.
33:12He said I didn't have to come back.
33:15There was a time.
33:17How long did it take to clear it?
33:19How long did it take to get a uniform quality?
33:22It took a few years to get a stable product.
33:25I think it took 4 to 5 years.
33:27After that, the development department studied it.
33:30We call it the so-called golden standard.
33:34We have been studying the perfect standard system.
33:37We are still working on it.
33:40It's not yet complete.
33:42We are still working on it.
33:44Don't come back until you have a good product.
33:46Don't come back.
33:48It's a company that can be changed now.
33:51Times have changed.
33:54It's a great company.
33:56Jagariko has been able to produce a stable product.
34:01From there, we will develop various flavor substitutes.
34:06How many types have you released so far?
34:10I haven't been able to count them properly.
34:13There are more than 200 types of Jagariko.
34:16When did you start releasing these various types?
34:19Since 2002, we have been releasing the Jagariko kitchen series.
34:24We are also challenging flavor substitutes.
34:27Since then, we have been spreading souvenirs all over the country.
34:31Where did you get the first souvenir?
34:36The first souvenir I got was Maizuru.
34:40It's a meat potato.
34:42I see.
34:44It's a meat potato from the Navy.
34:46I heard that His Majesty bought it for me.
34:50Many people buy meat potatoes from Maizuru.
34:54Did you write a letter to His Majesty?
34:57No, I didn't.
34:59That's amazing.
35:01His Majesty eats Jagariko.
35:03I don't know if His Majesty ate Jagariko, but I saw it in a newspaper article.
35:07That's amazing.
35:08We asked the studio to show us the current product lineup.
35:14What does beef tongue taste like?
35:17It tastes like beef tongue.
35:18Does it taste like beef tongue?
35:20There is no crispy part of beef tongue.
35:23What does beef tongue taste like?
35:27It tastes like beef tendon.
35:29That's amazing.
35:32You don't use tongue anymore.
35:35It tastes like beef tendon.
35:37What does beef tongue taste like?
35:40It tastes like beef tendon.
35:48I see.
35:49It's beef tongue.
35:51I got it.
35:54It's savory.
35:55It's grilled meat.
36:01It's grilled meat now.
36:03It's strange.
36:05While I was eating it, it tasted like Jagariko.
36:08Where is beef tongue?
36:10Where is beef tongue?
36:14There is no beef tongue at all.
36:17It's a coincidence.
36:20There is beef tongue.
36:22Why do cows have a hard time?
36:26I'm curious about the color.
36:30I'll eat this.
36:32Many people like soy sauce the most.
36:40I see.
36:42This is good.
36:44This is good.
36:46It's easy to understand.
36:49It's good.
36:52Is it okay to put it in the standard menu?
36:54It's not a standard menu in Kyushu.
36:57This is good.
37:00I want beef tongue.
37:06It's a coincidence.
37:09It's really good.
37:11How do you decide the taste of new products?
37:13We have a meeting once a year to decide what kind of new products we will release next year.
37:18We decide the taste that is popular now and the taste that was popular in the past.
37:25We used to run a fan site in Jagariko.
37:29I made it with the fans of the fan site.
37:33Is this a fan site?
37:35This is a fan site called Jagariko.
37:38Is this a school?
37:40This is a school motif.
37:42How do you get in?
37:44Can anyone get in?
37:46When I first started, I wrote a letter to the back of the cup.
37:54I wrote a letter to the back of the cup and asked for a letter.
37:58I took an entrance exam.
38:01I wrote a letter to Jagariko.
38:05I wrote a letter to Jagariko.
38:07We all read the letter and entered the school.
38:11Is it a proper exam?
38:13It's a written exam.
38:15Does that mean you didn't pass the exam?
38:17Of course.
38:19Some people didn't write anything.
38:23I didn't want them to get in.
38:25Why do you squeeze the fans into the fan site?
38:29You should open the door to everyone.
38:31I wanted to make it a hot group.
38:33I wanted to make it a gathering of people with hot feelings.
38:37At that time, the number of homepages was increasing.
38:42It was called ROM.
38:44It was a group of people who just read.
38:47I didn't want people who just read to come.
38:52I wanted people who made Jagariko together to come.
38:56I took the entrance exam.
38:58I wanted people with hot feelings to come.
39:00I asked people on the site what kind of taste they wanted to eat.
39:06I asked people what kind of taste they wanted to eat.
39:08I asked people what kind of joke they wanted to hear.
39:12I asked people to send me a handwritten character of Jagariko.
39:17I decided everything by voting.
39:20I made a student council.
39:22You're very particular about it.
39:25If you're so particular about it, why don't you make it more popular?
39:30I wanted to make it a hot site because it was a gathering of people who liked Jagariko.
39:38I also held a real student council.
39:40I invited the president of the student council to my company.
39:44Did you hold a meeting like an office meeting?
39:46Yes, I held a meeting like an office meeting.
39:48It's a very particular event.
39:51You can't get in easily, can you?
39:53I couldn't get in, and I had to graduate for three years.
39:58Will you be gone?
40:00If you don't have a fever, you can leave it alone.
40:04I thought it would be better to have a new location.
40:08I thought it would be better to have a new location.
40:12That's amazing.
40:13I'm convinced now.
40:15I think the weak point of the community is that if you only gather people who like Jagariko, the number of people who don't like Jagariko will increase.
40:21The number of people who don't like Jagariko will increase, but the number of people who don't like Jagariko will decrease.
40:26Yes, that's right.
40:28You said you had Jagariko.
40:30Don't you have Jagariko now?
40:32Has it been abandoned?
40:33It's been abandoned.
40:35It's because you're going to graduate.
40:37You should have left it.
40:39I have another website where you can participate in a new app.
40:46Don't you have an exam?
40:48I have an exam.
40:50You must have an exam.
40:51I have an exam.
40:52I see.
40:53Fever is important.
40:55It's been almost 29 years since it was released.
40:58It is now regarded as a real thing to win first place in the number of snacks sold.
41:05What is Jagariko's new attempt?
41:10Everyone in front of the TV.
41:12I want to move well.
41:15But I'm worried about my knee joints.
41:17But I don't know what to do.
41:20I want you to pay attention.
41:23This is an important point.
41:25Collagen, the savior of knee joints.
41:29That's right.
41:31The joint cartilage in the knee joint is important for daily movements such as standing and sitting.
41:38More than half of the joint cartilage that acts as a cushion on the knee is collagen.
41:45However, collagen in the body is reduced, so the movement of the knee is uncomfortable.
41:52This is a functional product of MORINAGA.
41:56This is a delicious collagen drink.
41:59This contains 10,000 mg of collagen peptide, which is easy to absorb.
42:07This is delicious.
42:08This is a peach flavor.
42:09That's right.
42:11This is a delicious juice.
42:14Some people say it smells bad.
42:17But this is delicious.
42:19This is a delicious collagen drink.
42:2112 bottles are available for 3460 yen including shipping and tax.
42:27What is it?
42:28If you receive a call within 30 minutes.
42:32This is 1,000 yen.
42:36This is for up to 500 people.
42:3912 delicious collagen drinks.
42:426 more.
42:4418 in total.
42:46The price is 1,000 yen.
42:48Moreover, the shipping cost is doubled by MORINAGA.
42:51Shipping is free.
42:53The total cost is 1,000 yen including tax.
42:58The product is 0120-088-513.
43:04Please come to 088-513.
43:11It has been 29 years since its release.
43:14It has won first place in the number of sales of snack sweets.
43:20What is this new product?
43:24In September 2023, we released a product called JAGARIKO HOSOYATSU.
43:33You don't use the word DAJARI at all.
43:40You don't use the word DAJARI at all.
43:43Why didn't you use it?
43:45I think it's possible to use the word HOSO.
43:49I wanted to convey the word HOSOYATSU the most.
43:53And I wanted JAG NENSO to buy the target product.
43:57So I named it JAG NENSO.
44:00I named it HOSOYATSU.
44:06Does it contain 55 pieces?
44:08It contains about 55 pieces.
44:11It took about four years to develop this product.
44:16What was so difficult about this product?
44:25It took about four years to develop this product.
44:31I'll try it.
44:35It's very delicious.
44:43I see.
44:45It's delicious.
44:49It's delicious.
44:54There are two HOSOYATSU in Japan.
44:57You are the type of person who explains a lot.
45:01There are many things.
45:03Is the Kirin of the package thin?
45:05It's thin.
45:07It's true.
45:08It's a little thin.
45:09It's a little thin.
45:11It's a little thin.
45:12If you look at the silhouette, you can see that it's very thin.
45:15It's thin.
45:17Are all the silhouettes different?
45:19The Kirin is different depending on the product.
45:23I didn't know that.
45:25The name is also different.
45:27Is the name different?
45:29Is there a name?
45:32What is it called?
45:33The salad is called JAGAO.
45:36The cheese is called RIKAKO.
45:37It's the name of my father and mother.
45:39I see.
45:40The butter is called JAGASAKU.
45:45The butter is called TARAKO.
45:49I see.
45:50It's a version with JAGA and a version without JAGA.
45:53What is the name of the thin one?
45:55The thin one is...
45:58I can't remember the name.
46:01The thin one is not loved at all.
46:04Give the thin one a pun.
46:07Maybe it wasn't there.
46:09Maybe it wasn't there.
46:10It's a thin one.
46:11Yes, it's a thin one.
46:12It's a thin one.
46:13Then it's definitely not connected.
46:17Why did you make a thin JAGARIKO?
46:20Originally, there was a KALPI research base in Utsunomiya.
46:27There was a candy contest for elementary school students.
46:32I had an idea that it would be fun if there was a thin JAGARIKO or a different shape of JAGARIKO from an elementary school student.
46:39So I started developing thin JAGARIKO.
46:46At that time, the woman in charge of the project wanted a JAGARIKO that could be eaten without thinking about anything.
46:55I thought there was a chance to make it thinner.
46:58But it's still related to the four-year development, isn't it?
47:01That's right.
47:02If you take what the child said in front of you, it's about that.
47:05The child says anything freely.
47:08When did you decide to release it?
47:10It took me two years to release it.
47:14Before it was released, it was tested twice.
47:18The first time, I released it under the temporary name of a thin JAGARIKO.
47:24I asked the customer what kind of name would be good.
47:28The thin JAGARIKO was good.
47:30The simple JAGARIKO was good.
47:32When it was released for the second time, I asked if I could really release it.
47:41It's not for the seller to ask, is it?
47:47I asked the customer if I could really release it.
47:51I originally aimed for 10,000 votes.
47:54It was released with 170,000 votes.
47:58I asked if I could really release it with 170,000 votes.
48:01I don't know what you're talking about.
48:03I wanted you to tell me as soon as possible.
48:05At the end, he talked about his thoughts on the future.
48:10When I was there, I also did it.
48:13I wanted people from overseas to eat it.
48:18When I did it, it didn't go well.
48:21I couldn't go abroad so easily.
48:24It didn't go well.
48:26I didn't have a solid overseas organization.
48:30The members of the current organization are doing their best to get people from overseas to eat it.
48:38I don't know if it will take 5 or 10 years.
48:42I want people from overseas to enjoy it, not just in Japan.
48:47I've been working with JAGARIKO for a long time.
48:50I want you to continue to grow as a footprint of your own.
48:57I want you to grow into a product that reminds you of what you used to do when you get older.
49:05I also want people from overseas to eat it.
49:09JAGARIKO has become a brand and an IP.
49:14We sell a lot of goods like this.
49:17I want more people to enjoy JAGARIKO.
49:22I want more people to like JAGARIKO.
49:27We can't talk about it, but it's time.
49:33Thank you for your time today.
49:35Thank you very much.
49:42You took a picture of the award.
49:44I got an award.
49:46Why did you get an award?
49:47This is the seed for the future that KAZURAZER marks at the end.
50:16One coin is introduced for 500 yen.
50:21What kind of sleep is good quality sleep?
50:25I will explain it to MIHASHI, who is familiar with sleep.
50:28This is a graph of good quality sleep and bad quality sleep.
50:35Good quality sleep leads to deep sleep at the beginning of sleep.
50:40This is the point.
50:42I see.
50:43The beginning of sleep determines the quality of sleep.
50:48The beginning of sleep is important.
50:51I didn't know that.
50:53This is a sleep support supplement.
50:57This is GURINA.
51:01This is the secret of GURINA's greatness.
51:04This is the main ingredient.
51:06This is GURISIN.
51:09GURISIN contains 3000mg of GURISIN.
51:14This is twice the speed of sleep.
51:19This is amazing.
51:23There are many people who love this GURINA.
51:32I have been using GURINA for 4 years.
51:37I haven't heard that.
51:41I have been using GURINA for 5 years.
51:44Is that a lie?
51:45That's true.
51:47I can sleep well.
51:50This person also uses GURINA.
51:52Sleep can change your life.
51:54I will continue to use GURINA for good sleep.
51:57This is a sleep support supplement.
51:59This is the best-selling product for 11 years in a row.
52:02This is GURINA.
52:06This is a 6-minute trial product for 1110 people.
52:10This is 500 yen.
52:13If you try this product before the renewal, you can try it again.
52:18This is less than half the price.
52:20I will buy this.
52:22You can apply by calling 0120-118844.
52:28You can apply until 118844.
52:31I feel like I slept well.
52:35I can move well during the day.
52:37This is my important partner.
52:41Please call now to sleep well with ONE COIN.
52:54I received an e-mail.
52:57I received an e-mail.
52:59I haven't heard what you said yet.
53:01I said that I slept well at the first award.
53:06But I slept well.
53:09You have the courage to say that.
53:13Is that so?
53:15You also sleep well.
53:17Is that so?
53:19If you say that, I can't say it.
53:23I usually say that.
53:31Thank you very much.
