Bad Girls 1999-S03-Ep-07

  • 2 days ago
Helen is still reeling from her sexual assault. A reality TV crew arrives at Larkhall to document life on G Wing. Fenner concocts an escape plan for Shell


00:28I nearly got lucky.
00:30Two fat ladies and I'd have had Jimmy's jackpot.
00:33Ah, well, there's always next week.
00:35Story of my life.
01:06Oh, there it is.
01:11I should forget her head if it wasn't screwed on.
01:13Yeah, well, you don't want to make a habit of running run after, do you?
01:33Don't you talk to me.
01:35What, not even to apologise? Look, I'm sorry.
01:37I shouldn't have blown up like that.
01:39You assaulted me.
01:41Oh, cut the textbook politics, will you?
01:43Well, what would you call it, Jim?
01:45A friendly grope between colleagues?
01:47Apology accepted, then.
01:49You're a shitfenner.
01:51And if I thought I had an iot of a chance
01:53of anyone believing what happened,
01:55I'd get you sacked in a second.
01:59Yeah. I am for now.
02:02Look, things have been a little tough for me lately.
02:04Why had you forgotten?
02:06Just get out of my way.
02:08I wake up dripping with sweat every night.
02:10Oh, my heart bleeds.
02:12I have panic attacks every time I walk through those gates.
02:14It's nothing you didn't bring on yourself.
02:16Ah, but, you see, I blame you, Helen.
02:18Cos every time I walk in here, I have to face the evil cow
02:20who came that far away from killing me.
02:22Well, let's hope the next time she's that much luckier.
02:26The company's called Kickin' Productions,
02:28and they're coming in to shoot a fly-on-the-wall documentary
02:30here in Larkhall.
02:33It says they hope to present
02:35a compassionate portrayal of life inside a women's prison.
02:39Other than that, all I know is they arrive next week
02:42and the show's called Lady Lags.
02:46As if this lot didn't think they were celebrities already.
02:49I don't know.
02:51This could be a big break, so...
02:53Look at what's-her-name in that driving programme.
02:55Give over.
02:57Yeah, well, I don't like the idea of people I don't know watching me.
03:00Yeah, well, nobody gets filmed unless they give their consent.
03:03And I'll be making that clear to all officers and inmates alike.
03:06Like we haven't got enough to do without entertaining the nation to boot.
03:10Yeah, well, I think Simon sees this as a chance
03:12for us to do some serious public relations work.
03:15So, it looks like we're stuck with it.
03:17Let's try and do our best, eh?
03:19Can I have a word?
03:21Er, yeah, I'm almost finished here.
03:23No, no.
03:25Please, it's a private matter.
03:42So, how are you and Jim getting on?
03:45I assumed this was about you.
03:47I take it you're still seeing him.
03:51Yes, although I don't see what it's got to do with you.
03:56Is it serious?
03:58It's going very well.
04:01So well we're thinking of moving in together.
04:15Hey, missed you.
04:18You don't write, you don't phone.
04:25It's nothing.
04:30Don't look like nothing.
04:32I'll sort it out myself.
04:34Might have known I couldn't be of any use.
04:46Nicky, if I tell you, you've got to promise me it'll go no further.
04:50I mean it.
04:52Hand on heart, what's happened?
04:56It is Jim Fenner.
04:58Might have guessed.
05:02The other night, I was in the office
05:05and he was having a go, as usual.
05:09I really didn't expect what happened after that.
05:13Like what?
05:19He assaulted me.
05:28Between my legs.
05:30He said that he knew what I needed.
05:33Between my legs.
05:36He said that he knew what I needed to sort me out.
05:39I'll kill him.
05:42I really don't think that's going to help right now.
05:45He sexually assaulted you.
05:47Calm down.
05:52I don't know what to do.
05:55I'm Helen Lock and I'm going to sell Michelle Dockley.
05:59Have you told Stubberfield?
06:01No, I can't.
06:02Why not?
06:04Get the bastard to satisfy him. Someone did.
06:13What's that, miss?
06:15Can't you read?
06:16Not big words, miss.
06:18They're coming in to do a documentary about us.
06:20Like the ones they make about airports and hotels.
06:25What if our kids see what it's really like in here, Jo?
06:28It'd be terrible.
06:30They never think, do they?
06:32Best keep out of the way, eh?
06:38I hope this excitement isn't going to get out of hand.
06:43What's up with you?
06:45Missing your toy boy already?
06:51I've seen the way you grope him with your eyes.
06:54I think you'll find it's the other way around.
06:57Oh, yeah?
06:59Yeah, he's always following me around.
07:01He seems dead keen.
07:03What are you waiting for, then?
07:05Believe me, there's plenty in here will break him in if you won't.
07:18You ready for Simon's meeting?
07:20Yeah, just let me finish this chap.
07:24You know, Helen Stewart was a bit odd this morning.
07:29Hmm. Very odd.
07:31What does she want now?
07:33Day trips to Alton Towers for all lifers, eh?
07:36Actually, she was more interested in you and me.
07:41Practically demanded to know how our relationship was going.
07:44Well, maybe she disapproves.
07:46Well, I don't think she has the right.
07:48How would she feel if I started demanding things of her?
07:51How would she feel if I started demanding details about her personal life?
07:56She just doesn't know where to draw the line sometimes.
07:59Ah, well...
08:03I drew it for her.
08:07I told her we were getting on very well.
08:10Did you now?
08:12So well that we're thinking of moving in together.
08:16We are, aren't we?
08:18I haven't jumped the gun, have I?
08:25Come on. Our Lord and Master awaits.
08:37I understand you all have reservations,
08:39but this kind of publicity could really do Larkhall a lot of good.
08:43I think the general feeling is we could all have done with a bit more warning.
08:47Yes, yes, but these people do have very tight schedules to keep.
08:50And we don't.
08:52How do we know it's not going to be a stitch-up? These things usually are.
08:55Because I've negotiated which inmates they want to interview
08:58and all subjects they want to discuss have to be cleared in advance.
09:02We effectively have editorial control.
09:05How long are they going to be here? Can we know that much at least?
09:08Ten weeks from start to finish, starting next week on G-Wing.
09:13Thought I'd send them to the prettiest governor first.
09:16Win them over for us, eh, Miss Betts?
09:30Hey, they're on a strip search, me or something.
09:32Only if it turns you on, darling. And remember, I'll have better from the left.
09:36I've had a harder time getting through a supermarket checkout.
09:41Well, as long as my staff get a fair hearing.
09:44These girls aren't here for pinching apples, you know.
09:46That's what good documentary-making's all about, Mr Stubberfield, balance.
09:50My point exactly.
09:52Now, your researcher mentioned you wanted an interview.
09:54What kind of questions would you be asking? I've prepared some areas you might...
09:58Er, can we get back to you on that one, after we've got our bearings on G-Wing, wasn't it?
10:02You know, my wife watches all these docu-soaps, can't get enough of them.
10:06They certainly have a way of catching the public's imagination.
10:09As long as you realise prisons can be pretty routine-led, unexciting places.
10:14Can't promise you a jailbreak or a riot.
10:17Don't you worry, Mr Stubberfield. I'm sure we'll find something of interest.
10:22Now, what about a shot of me on the wing, saying hello to the girls?
10:40Can I have your attention, please?
10:45As you can see, this is the documentary team who'll be with us for the next few weeks.
10:49Do you want to hear my choking chicken impression, miss?
10:52Thank you, Chas, but this isn't cabaret. It's a serious programme.
10:56Which I want to make clear, nobody is being forced to participate in.
11:00Think very carefully before discussing your individual crimes on camera.
11:04Now, remember, the actual programme won't be televised for another six months or so.
11:09So what might seem like a laugh now might not be so funny
11:12when it's being broadcast to four million viewers.
11:15I'm hoping for slightly higher figures than that.
11:17This is Fiona, the director and producer.
11:20So, unless there are any questions, over to you.
11:25OK, guys, first thing I want you to do is just pretend we're not here.
11:29I don't care what Ben says. I'm going to tell him exactly what goes on around here.
11:39Excuse me.
11:45Right, this should only take a couple of minutes.
11:49Ready, Mr Stubberfield?
11:54Oh, careful, naughty!
12:02Morning, ladies.
12:04Who's that?
12:06Stubby Summer. Dunno.
12:10This time, when Mr Stubberfield says,
12:13''Good morning, ladies,'' could you all reply,
12:16''Good morning, Mr Stubberfield?''
12:19Right, can we go again, please?
12:29Can you tell me how you ended up here in Lough?
12:32It's a mistake, innit?
12:34It's not a mistake.
12:36It's not a mistake.
12:38It's not a mistake.
12:40It's not a mistake.
12:42It's not a mistake.
12:44It's not a mistake.
12:46It's not a mistake.
12:48Can you tell me how you ended up here in Lough?
12:50It's a mistake, innit?
12:52You mean you're innocent?
12:54Yeah, only they had to set an example, see?
12:56What would it have been in the papers?
12:59There was this girl, got herself tortured to death.
13:02But it weren't me, it were them other slags.
13:04You didn't actually hurt her?
13:06No. I tried to help.
13:08But they cut her up bad.
13:10Said they were going to do it to me and all.
13:12So I had to watch, didn't I?
13:14She was pretty, too.
13:16Lovely long red hair.
13:18Didn't look so pretty when they set a match to it.
13:20Must have been awful for you.
13:22It was. Smelt rotten.
13:25Never been able to curl me eyelashes since.
13:28And all the time, she's screaming at me.
13:30Begging me.
13:32For what could I have done?
13:34Then what happened?
13:36Well, she died, didn't she?
13:38Just as well.
13:39No man would ever have looked at her after that.
13:41And you took all the blame?
13:43I had to.
13:45The girls was nasty.
13:47Nastier than the girls in here?
13:49In here?
13:51It's not the girls you've got to worry about in here.
13:56Well, we're all locked up, aren't we?
13:58Poor defenceless women.
14:00It's the screws that get away with it all.
14:02What do you mean by it all?
14:06Banging women up for a living.
14:08It says it all, doesn't it?
14:11They can get into our cells any time of the day or night.
14:15Ask Jim Fenner.
14:18Right, that's it. Interview over.
14:20I'll take it that's a card.
14:22Excuse me, we were still filming.
14:24Sorry, love. Only doing my job.
14:26Mr Fenner likes being on the job, don't you, Mr Fenner?
14:29Don't point that thing at me.
14:31Jim Fenner?
14:33Cheryl suggested we speak to you.
14:35I said I didn't give my permission, OK?
14:40You can run, Mr Fenner.
14:42But you can't hide.
14:49That's the trouble with them screws, Chris.
14:51No sense of humour.
14:56This is what we call free flow,
14:58where the prisoners move between their place of work or education
15:02and the wing, under alert escort.
15:06If you don't like this interview, Tom, you'll go and report.
15:09Cameras or no cameras.
15:11Oh, I hope we can use that.
15:13What do you think of the activities on offer here at Larkhall?
15:18Cover yourself up, you old lady.
15:20Tip to us, that's all we're after.
15:22Coming in here goldfishing? Fancy a bit, do you, love?
15:25I'll give you something to look at if you want. I'll show you.
15:28Got a fag?
15:30Pissing you off as well, are they?
15:32Especially that Fiona.
15:34I can't do upbringing and education.
15:36I could twirl myself.
15:49So is it what you expected, then?
15:51Oh, I'd say there's been one or two surprises.
15:54Like what?
15:55Like I didn't think they'd be locking up such good-looking women.
15:58It's criminal.
16:01I try to keep myself nice.
16:04Very nice.
16:06Of course, it's the little luxuries you miss.
16:09Extra shade of lipstick, a tiny dab of perfume.
16:12Where's the harm in perfume?
16:14It's the glass, innit?
16:16There's some right nuts in it, innit?
16:19Of course, those with fellas get it brung in all the time.
16:22Those of us without...
16:24we manage best we can.
16:27Have a seat.
16:51Can I have a word, Mr Fenner?
16:53What do you want, boys?
16:57An R&C form.
17:00I want to complain about the TV crew.
17:03Don't waste my time.
17:05Know what you are, Fenner?
17:09A first-class bastard.
17:13Well, women like that sort of thing. Real women, anyway.
17:16Dockley didn't.
17:18Did she?
17:20Not in the end.
17:27She had a way with a bottle.
17:33Just like me.
17:38Get out of here, White.
17:40And here's me.
17:42All I want's one little form.
17:46It's enough to really piss me off.
17:50I said that's enough. Back off.
17:52You know, if I wasn't getting out of here...
17:57it'd almost be worth it.
18:03All I've got to do is shout.
18:05I could replace that sneer of yours with a lovely big smile.
18:13What is going on?
18:16Thanks for listening, Mr Fenner.
18:20I feel much better now.
18:27Are you out of your stupid mind?
18:31There's your appeal out the window.
18:33I've been working my arse off to get you out of here.
18:35Or hadn't you noticed?
18:37All I ask is for you to keep your head down, your nose clean.
18:40You didn't really expect me to say nothing.
18:42I have gut feelings, you know.
18:44Yeah, but what kind, Nicky?
18:46Anger, jealousy, violence?
18:48I don't know.
18:50I don't know.
18:52I don't know.
18:54Anger, jealousy, violence.
18:56Those aren't the qualities that I generally look for in a person.
18:59Just remember what got you in here in the first place.
19:01I didn't touch him.
19:03No, but you wanted to.
19:05And you don't.
19:07I am not the one in here serving life
19:10for sticking a bottle in the policeman's neck.
19:20I like to think of the girls as friends, really.
19:23I see myself as an older sister offering help and advice.
19:27Do the inmates respond to that approach?
19:29Some do.
19:31But they can still turn very nasty.
19:33But as my Bobby says,
19:35a kind word costs no more than a cruel one.
19:38You only hope someone, someday, will appreciate it.
19:44Hold that.
19:54All right, all right, get out of the way.
19:56She's cut up, miss.
19:58Couldn't you wait a bit, Nicky? I'm going out tonight.
20:00Is she going to die, miss?
20:02She'll be wishing she had by the time I've finished with her.
20:04Stop gawping and get back in your cells.
20:06Get the police. Come on, doctor.
20:08Get that bloody camera out of here.
20:23Come on.
20:48Inside. I want to talk to you.
20:54I don't want you round here any more, Sian.
20:56Well, that's a shame, cos I ain't going nowhere.
20:59Yeah? Well, that's where you could be wrong.
21:02You and that Chris seem to be getting nice and friendly.
21:07So I could get you his van keys.
21:09You could be out of luck all for good.
21:11Yeah, and shanghaied all the way to bloody Durham when they catch me.
21:15Nice try, Mr Fenner.
21:17If I could have had you transferred, don't you think I'd have done it by now?
21:20So why haven't you, then?
21:22Cos bloody Stuart runs the show round here these days, that's why.
21:27I'm serious.
21:29I could spring you.
21:32Go on, then. How are you going to do it?
21:34I swear, one word, and this is finished before it started.
21:38I ain't going to tell no-one. Not if this is real.
21:45I hear Stuart's got all the life as keeping daily diary, is that right?
21:49Not me. I ain't writing down me privates.
21:51Well, star. Only backdate it to six weeks ago.
21:54I want every meeting written up, dated, described.
21:59Only lay it on.
22:01Say how friendly it all is. Relaxed.
22:04In fact, sometimes you're surprised just how relaxed Miss Stuart is with you.
22:10You planning to dump her in it?
22:12Yeah. With any luck.
22:25You were right.
22:29There are ways of going about things other than violence, Nicky.
22:32Yeah? You just haven't thought of one yet.
22:40Look, I understand how you feel.
22:43But this is my battle.
22:45Concentrate and fight on your own.
22:53Now, then, what's this nonsense all about, Bookie?
22:56Just attention-seeking, isn't it?
22:58Piss off.
23:00Come now, you're not a child.
23:02Look at yourself. Not very pretty, is it?
23:04I like the way it looks.
23:06You like hurting yourself?
23:10Cos I'm bad inside.
23:12Or under the core.
23:14Nobody's bad unless they choose to be bad.
23:17I am.
23:19That's why I do it, innit?
23:21All them bad things inside me, they build up, see?
23:26Strangling me.
23:28Killing me.
23:31But when I bleed, they can't hurt me cos I can see them.
23:35And when the pain's outside, I...
23:38I don't want to die no more.
23:42But it doesn't make an awful lot of sense, does it?
23:45Because you're not listening.
23:48It's like this storm, this rage, this...
23:53I've got to get it out somehow.
23:55I've got to.
23:58Why are you angry?
24:03I really want to know.
24:06I'm keeping you down here on Rule 43
24:09until you promise either myself or one of the other officers
24:12that you're going to stop all this.
24:15First time I got shafted, I was five years old.
24:19All right, that's enough.
24:21By my care worker.
24:23Come on, out.
24:25Some bloody care that was.
24:27That's enough now, Bookie.
24:29The doctor will be down to see you shortly.
24:31I trust you won't be using any of this?
24:33I trust you won't be using any of this?
24:35Then he brung his friends, didn't he?
24:38Twice a week.
24:40Every week.
24:43I remember everything about it.
24:46Furniture, wallpaper.
24:54I remember everything.
24:56Want me to tell you the details, do you?
24:59Dirty old pervert.
25:20You'd think they'd clear up after themselves.
25:24Seem to think they've got the run of the place.
25:28Ask me after reception then. See you later.
25:58Oh, my God.
26:29Hello, my darling.
26:32Look at you. You get more handsome every time you visit.
26:35You been working out?
26:37Rowing club.
26:38Rowing club.
26:40Who'd have thought it?
26:46They're making you famous, are they?
26:48What, them?
26:50I weren't allowed a visit unless I signed up a claimer.
27:02Doesn't bother me.
27:04No? Well, it bothers me.
27:06I worked hard to get you in that school.
27:08I know.
27:09And I don't want it ruined by people seeing you in here.
27:11With me.
27:13I've got nothing to be ashamed of.
27:16Yeah, you have.
27:18You've got chances, David.
27:22And you don't want that ruined by everybody knowing that your mum's a...
27:27You know.
27:31Do you remember what you said to me on my first day at that school?
27:35Don't you call the other boys Spens?
27:39No. You said, go and do your best.
27:47Listen, I've got something to tell you.
27:52A while back...
27:54I met up with your dad.
27:57He was there.
27:59At that school play of yours.
28:01He meant to say hello, but things got a bit, well...
28:06He's seen me?
28:08Yeah. And he's ever so proud.
28:11And he's ever so nice.
28:13He's a real charmer.
28:15He's just like you.
28:17Are you gonna see him again?
28:19I hope so.
28:23I find myself filling up at times like these.
28:26Just the thought of being separated from my mum.
28:29Be glad to be rid of mine.
28:31A spike of bloody tea's made myself one of these days.
28:33Oi! No touching!
28:39The den. Over here.
28:41It's OK. Shaz's cool.
28:43It's private, then.
28:45And big.
28:47All big.
28:49We're not bothered.
28:56Well, we tell each other everything, anyway.
28:58Well, you ain't telling me this.
29:00I'm going over the wall, aren't I?
29:02Yeah, right.
29:04Straight up. Any day now.
29:07Are you serious, Mum?
29:09I've got it all planned out, haven't I?
29:11Only, I was wondering...
29:14Do you want to come with me?
29:16How are you gonna do it?
29:18Best if I don't tell you that.
29:20That way, if the screws get wind, they can't drag nothing out of you.
29:24So, are you up for it, then?
29:35I don't know, Mum.
29:37It's not like you're gonna get another chance, is it?
29:44Excuse me?
29:46Yeah, um...
29:48I thought I'd cheer you up, make things a bit easier for you, you know?
29:51You've just brightened my day up now, then, Christopher.
29:55See you later.
30:09I'm sorry, but you can't film here.
30:11This is the lifers' group, isn't it?
30:13Yeah, but it's a closed session.
30:15Oh, he hasn't told you, has he?
30:18Mr Stubberfield.
30:20He particularly wants us to film what goes on here.
30:22Thinks the lifers' group shows Larkhall at its most progressive.
30:26Well, Mr Stubberfield doesn't run this group. I do.
30:29And I don't want you here.
30:32Uh, you don't seem to understand.
30:35We've negotiated an access-all-areas policy throughout the whole prison.
30:40Not with me, you haven't.
30:42So you can just pack up your things and leave.
30:48I am only doing my job.
30:51Not historically a great excuse, is it, Fiona?
31:01Right. If everyone could just pull the chairs round, please.
31:48You don't have to tell me.
31:50I promise, Cheryl.
31:52I know where it is, anyway.
31:56Sounds dead kosher, Chas.
31:58She's got this escape plan all worked out and everything.
32:01I just thought she fancied that Chris.
32:07She wants me to go with her.
32:10Are you?
32:12I had to say yes.
32:14Are you?
32:16I had to say yes.
32:18But I don't really want to.
32:20Why not?
32:22There's crap in here.
32:24I don't care where I am as long as I'm with you.
32:29I don't want to be in here with you.
32:34Not when we could both be outside.
32:37You what?
32:38I'll come with you. We'll get a squat.
32:41With all these crusties, it'll sort us out. It'll be brilliant.
32:44What about Cheryl?
32:45I'll tell her I guessed what we're up and I wanted a piece.
32:48What's she gonna do, tell Mr Fenner?
33:00It's on tomorrow.
33:02You got the diary?
33:04Done a real good job, too.
33:06I think I'll be the judge of that.
33:08Because if you don't turn it down, I'll have you on toilet duty, that's why.
33:22I've done what you said.
33:26If it does the job, this is how it goes.
33:29Tomorrow, you'll go to Chapel.
33:31Sit in the back row, right-hand side, aisle seat.
33:34Gate and door key taped under the seat.
33:36Soon as you find them, crash them.
33:38I'm getting keys.
33:40If this is good enough.
33:42After the service, Tannoy announces movement. That's when you slip away.
33:46What, in front of all them people?
33:48They're your cover, aren't they?
33:50Unlock the gate, go along the Chapel corridor to the exterior door.
33:54The film crew's van's parked in the yard.
33:57I'll leave the van key and 100 quid in an envelope behind the front wheel.
34:01What about the main gate?
34:03Put your hair up in a scarf. You've seen the way Fiona does it.
34:06Now, they haven't searched the van once yet.
34:09If you play it cool, you'll be able to drive straight out.
34:14Chris bring you that little gift, did he?
34:16Yeah, a nice little bottle of perfume.
34:18Good. Leave it in the cell where it can be found.
34:21When do I get my diary back?
34:24I think I'll hold on to this for now.
34:27Don't want any extra little details finding their way in, do we?
34:31And you've told no-one.
34:40Hey, cuties. You up for a few hallelujahs, then?
34:44What's the matter, Cheryl? You ain't seen the area of your ways, have you?
34:47Sod you, then. You're only going to miss the biggest show there's been round here in a while.
34:51Well, what's she up to?
34:53You hate that film lot, don't you? Fishbowling us all the time.
34:57So, I've got something planned that's going to turn the tables right around.
35:02Oh, yeah?
35:04Maybe I'll do feel a few Hail Marys coming on after all.
35:08Only I need some help, right? A diversion.
35:11So when I say, make some noise in that.
35:14Think we can manage that, eh, Jo?
35:17But till then, you've got to keep your big trap shut. Got it?
35:26Come on.
36:01Good turnout today.
36:03I wonder why.
36:05Maybe the Lord's been doing a little overtime.
36:11That's my seat, dickhead.
36:26How nice it is to see so many of you here today.
36:56This afternoon, I'd like us to think about the subject of prayer.
37:20Prayer isn't just about asking God to change our lives.
37:24It's about asking him to show us how we can change our own lives for the better.
37:30Neither do we have to be in church on a Sunday for God to hear our prayers.
37:34He can hear us just as well as we work or at night before we go to sleep.
37:43Duckley, sit down this minute.
37:46It isn't actually time for communing yet, Cheryl.
37:49Oh. Sorry.
37:52I thought I heard this voice calling me.
37:57Well, it wasn't mine.
38:01I'll tell you when.
38:03Thank you, sir.
38:05I've got to go.
38:08Well, it wasn't mine.
38:12I'll tell you when.
38:14Thank you, sir.
38:20If you'd all like to bow your heads.
38:22Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
38:27Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
38:34Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,
38:39as we forgive those who trespass against us.
38:43And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
38:51Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising.
38:55Give me joy in my heart, I pray.
39:00Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising.
39:05Keep me praising till the end of days.
39:09Oi, mate! Which way are you putting it?
39:16Do you hear me?
39:23Order! Order!
39:26Sit down!
39:31We need a team of girls now! Order!
39:37Do you have any idea how much that equipment cost us?
39:43Order! Order! Order!
39:57What the friggin' hell's she doing here?
39:59She guessed, Jo. The longer you hang about, the more likely it is they'll catch us.
40:02I'll do this my way, right?
40:14I just thought you'd like to know that it's all quiet back here.
40:18And, um...
40:20And that I, um...
40:22Well, I miss you.
40:25Jim Fenner, you old softy.
40:28I've been thinking about what you said.
40:31About us moving in together.
40:33I think we should talk about it.
40:36Why don't we think about taking a holiday? God knows you deserve one.
40:42Hmm. Maybe you're right.
40:45Getting away from this place could be just what I need.
40:48Hello, Bravo? Are you receiving? Zulu, over.
40:51Hang on. Sounds like trouble.
40:54Listen, I've got to go.
40:58I love you.
41:03Go ahead, Zulu.
41:12Come on, Shell.
41:14Yeah, I'm bloody trying, ain't I?
41:52What are you doing?
41:56It's heavy, then.
41:58Hey, look at this.
42:05Get in.
42:11Get in.
42:17Here, you can drive, can't you, Shell?
42:42Your handbrake's on.
43:01And now...
43:04Stay down.
43:11Stay down.
43:34Hey, girls. We've only bloody done it.
43:37We're bloody free!
43:39Oh, my God!
43:46Everybody back in their places!
43:48On your arms! In your seats!
43:53Have you all been out your doors for a week?
43:59What set all this off?
44:01Oh, how should I know? They just went wild like a load of banshees.
44:05One minute it's sing-hose out, the next all hell's broken loose.
44:09Oh, sorry, a chopper.
44:11Anyone missing?
44:14I don't know.
44:16We'll go and check the names. Then we'll get this lot back in their cells.
44:19Go on.
44:21I want to make a complaint.
44:23What for? I'd have thought this was right up your street.
44:25Well, I can't use pictures without sound, can I?
44:29Told you it worked, didn't I, Den?
44:31Like a dream, Shell.
44:32And I made it all up myself. Clever or what?
44:34I'd give anything to see Bodybag's face now.
44:36Yeah, well, I reckon we all, and be a little busy, for old time's sake.
44:43They're not all here.
44:45Are you sure?
44:46I've checked twice. There's three of them gone.
44:49Three? Oh, for Christ's sake.
44:52Shell Duckley, Denny Blood and Shaggy.
44:56Duckley, Denny Blood and Shaggy.
44:59Well, they can't have got far. They must be hiding somewhere.
45:02Shall I call security?
45:03No, I'll do it. Get this prison search from top to bottom.
45:06Right, come on, everybody! Back in your cells! Now, come on! Move!
45:10All right, so what's next then, Shell? Can we go and get pissed?
45:13I told you, girls. It's all planned out. We've got to go to King's Cross first.
45:16Yeah, get some gear.
45:21Just buzz up!
45:23Oi, Grandad, we're on the run here.
45:25Right, let's see how he lights it up his jet-suit.
45:41Well, what do we do now?
45:43Run like hell.
45:49Agh! Bastard!
45:56We've searched all the cells. They're nowhere to be seen.
45:59I want the whole place turned upside down.
46:01Cupboards, slot buckets, bins everywhere.
46:03Then when you've finished, do it again.
46:05Come on, I'll give you a piggyback. Don't! It hurts!
46:07We've got to go, Den. We've got to leg it now.
46:09Look, I ain't leaving without her. Taxi!
46:11Go on. I'll be all right.
46:13It's a frigging taxi.
46:15You earn her.
46:17This is your chance, Den. Go for it.
46:19I'll come back for her. I can sort it. You know I can.
46:26Go on. Run.
46:29Have a pint for me.
46:31I'll come back for you. I promise you.
46:36Love you, Den.
46:38I love you, Chas.
46:40Oi, you! Hit her!
46:45Keys, cross, please. Quick as you can, doll.
47:15THE END