• 2 days ago
The Peckham Boot Gang begin their plan to take over G Wing, starting with Shaz. Nikki tries to help new inmate Femi who is unable to speak english. A peaceful protest quickly gets out of hand


00:30I thought you'd have tried to swing another week.
00:45Doctor's orders and a half, finished Danielle Steel says I should.
00:49Bobby thinks I'm a fool.
00:51But I call it a sense of duty.
00:54No Stewart's been made new number one, then?
00:57Amazing where a few clever words whispered in their right ear get you.
01:01Sylvia, you feeling better?
01:04As can be expected, ma'am.
01:06Enough to be acting principal officer when Jim's away.
01:10Oh, well, that's very good of you, ma'am.
01:13Good. You'll have your work cut out.
01:17Well, with Jim and Miss Betts away and now Di Barker's on compassionate leave...
01:21What's up with Di?
01:22Her mother's in hospital. She took a nasty fall at home.
01:25We were just very understaffed.
01:27What's new?
01:28Don't worry, ma'am. I'll be running a tight ship.
01:46Any animal fat?
01:47Egg? Yeah.
01:49Just egg.
01:54You want some toast? Yeah?
01:56Here you go.
01:58They're gonna cut you some grub you can eat tonight, love.
02:01Yeah, and they've got no yams.
02:03So they're gonna use smash instead.
02:08Why don't they give her some sodding English classes?
02:11She hasn't got a clue what's happening to her.
02:13Oh, no, poor love.
02:14We hear her crying every night, don't we, Jew?
02:16Is it right she's got six kids?
02:18So we heard.
02:20It's good to know there's another dangerous criminal off the streets, eh?
02:31Hurry up, then. Move it.
02:33There he comes.
02:34You like that?
02:36Come on, hurry up.
02:37Right, get off.
02:40All right, you lot.
02:41All right.
02:42You're not on a council estate now.
02:44Ashcroft, this way.
02:46Oi, Bervis.
02:48I want a word with you.
02:50There's a watch gone missing from the dormitory.
02:52And why are you pecking on us, eh?
02:54I've only been in this shithole five minutes.
02:57I'm asking everyone who was in there.
02:59There was loads of them in there.
03:01Yeah, like thieving little slags, too.
03:03One of them nicked my cherry when I was in there looking.
03:07You're very quiet.
03:09In me nature, innit?
03:11Know anything about this watch, then?
03:13You heard the girls.
03:15Wipe your arse as well, do they?
03:19I ain't no thief.
03:21I thought steaming was one of your offences.
03:23Yeah, well, mistaking identity, miss.
03:25Happens all the time.
03:27And I'm Britney bloody Spears.
03:30I'll be keeping an eye on you.
03:33Likewise, miss.
03:36Bervis's sister's in here.
03:37Mackenzie, you'll have to wait to have her bed ready.
03:39You're having me on.
03:43Come on, hurry up, move it.
03:48You're not YOs now.
03:50You're adults, God help us.
03:52And in here, you're required to behave as such.
04:04And if I see you chewing like a prize Frisian again,
04:07I'll have you down the block.
04:16Unlocks at 7.45 precisely.
04:18You'll be expected to be up.
04:20One of you got a watch, have you?
04:24Something you wanted to share with me, Bervis?
04:27Yeah, I'm on the rag, miss.
04:28Can you get me something?
04:31One of these days, I'll get someone through that gate
04:33who's actually sorry for what they've done.
04:39Any of you got a watch?
04:48What do you need that for?
04:50Cheap bollocks, innit?
04:57I don't know.
05:02Good news, Charlotte.
05:04You're being moved out today.
05:06Where to?
05:07Small Dean Lodge Open.
05:10Strangely enough, very close to where your parents stay.
05:14I'd say someone's been pulling a few strings.
05:17That ain't fair.
05:18Why can't I go to an open prison?
05:21Because you're a mass murderer, stupid.
05:25Get your things together.
05:26Someone will come down and collect you.
05:30Gonna miss us in?
05:32Like a very bad smell.
05:34Well, I'll miss you.
05:35Made a change having a decent, intelligent person about the place.
05:39Even if you are a junkie.
05:42Thank you, Crystal.
05:44I'll never forget what you've done for me, you know.
05:50Miss Stewart.
05:52Hiya, Nicky.
05:53No more news, I'm afraid.
05:54No, it's not about me.
05:56It's the new Nigerian woman, Femi.
05:59I'm really worried about her.
06:01Why, what's the problem?
06:02The problem is she doesn't understand a bloody word anyone says to her.
06:07Look, some of us are trying, but we're just not getting through.
06:13If she's got a specific problem, she has got access to the language line.
06:16How does she know that?
06:17She needs a translator on hand, at least till she gets her routine sorted.
06:22Come on, Ellen, I thought you meant to be all powerful these days.
06:25I'll look into it.
06:28Is it right she got eight years?
06:33The judge said he wanted to set an example.
06:36So some bastard drugs trafficker pays her a pittance to swallow smack
06:39and she gets hung out to dry.
06:41Don't make the bloody law, Nicky.
06:53You're pissing me about out there.
06:55Good and proper.
06:58Do they want me to hire somebody or what?
07:00Now I want to share with you again, Al.
07:02Shut it, T.
07:03If we're going to clean up in here, we've got to stick together, right?
07:08First we've got to suss things out.
07:10See who causes shots in this dump.
07:13Find the top lag and then we smack her, right?
07:16We watch her first.
07:17We see how she operates, who's close to her.
07:20Then we work our way in.
07:21Wait till she least expects it.
07:23There, Miss Marker.
07:27Ah, Helen.
07:29Don't tell me.
07:30Your off's too small.
07:31You're on Friday afternoon off
07:33and you're not happy with your annual leave.
07:35No, but I was wondering if you'd heard about the Audley House conference.
07:38Drug abuse and the links with mental illness.
07:40Oh, God.
07:42You're the dry academics that haven't worked in the field for decades.
07:45No, thanks.
07:46Actually, I'm giving a paper.
07:49Yeah, it could be a real chance to shake things out a bit.
07:51You've been awake half the night thinking about it.
07:54Hey, listen, it's a great place.
07:55Swimming pool, lake bar,
07:57and the conference lounge.
07:58It's pretty good too.
07:59I think you should come.
08:00I'll think about it.
08:02I've got 101 other things to think about right now.
08:07A foreign drugs courier in G-Wing.
08:09Her name's Femi.
08:11First offence, first time out in Nigeria.
08:15Speak any English?
08:16No, but it's not just the language.
08:18She's got dietary issues, religious issues.
08:21Well, my Yoruba may be a bit rusty,
08:23but there's a couple of things I could try.
08:25Oh, you would be doing me such a favour.
08:27Which you could always return.
08:29Like going to the conference.
08:31Oh, I'll walk straight into that one.
08:34Now, piss off out of them gates and don't look back again.
08:43Where's that fancy ring of yours gone?
08:46I lost it.
08:48You lost it?
08:51I don't know where it's gone.
08:53I don't know where it's gone.
08:55I don't know where it's gone.
08:57I don't know where it's gone.
08:59I don't know where it's gone.
09:01I lost it.
09:03Worth it, was it?
09:08What do you think?
09:23This hits on me.
09:26Listen, Yvonne...
09:28It's OK.
09:31I know.
09:35Well, it's certainly been an education.
09:40Take care of yourself.
09:45You and I.
10:04Right, on your feet, Mackenzie.
10:08You can have Lady Muck's bed.
10:10Might rub some rough edges off.
10:13They'll not expect miracles.
10:15In there.
10:21What's your problem?
10:23When you barge into someone like that, it's usual to apologise.
10:28Must have been my mistake.
10:32Very nearly was, cock.
10:41Well, erm...
10:42This is, erm...
10:44This is me.
10:50And this is Thomas's family.
10:55That's my sister, my father, my brother.
10:58My family.
11:04Yeah, that's right.
11:16Yes, I was quite a chubby child, wasn't I?
11:22Now it's your turn.
11:24I want you to, er...
11:27to tell me about your family.
11:30You draw for me?
11:33Femi's family?
11:51Hey, look.
11:52New roommate.
11:53You all right?
11:54I'm Crystal.
11:55This is Shaz.
11:57Look like Givershack, do I?
12:00Where have they shipped you in from, then?
12:02You're treating me pissed, eh?
12:05Think the way I talk's funny, do you?
12:07I'm just having a laugh.
12:09Do you know what happened to the last wee shite who had a laugh at me?
12:12Do you?
12:14And she cannae tell you neither.
12:16Cos I sliced her tongue in two with a razor blade.
12:28Give her a Blue Peter badge!
12:30Shut up, bookie.
12:40I want Mummy.
12:55Must be her kids.
12:58Can't you phone them, Femi?
13:04Well, what's she supposed to phone me with? Fresh air?
13:07We'll have to have a whip round, then.
13:09Won't we?
13:11Come on, don't be shy.
13:20We going telephone?
13:31Are you sure you're all right?
13:35What thieving little tits been helping themselves in?
13:38What are you on about?
13:39My ring. Some bastard nicked it.
13:41This bastard?
13:43That a problem?
13:46Saving it, weren't I?
13:48But it wasn't yours to save.
13:50Don't worry, it's back with its rightful owner.
13:52Yeah, well, some tit must have told her where to look.
13:55They didn't have to.
13:57I thought, now where would an half-wit like Bookie stash her gear?
14:01And bingo, there it was.
14:03Well, any more of my gear goes missing and someone is going to pay big time.
14:07Piss off, Bookie. We're busy.
14:14There. That's the spiky-haired wee gobshite.
14:18Yeah, I'm right.
14:20Go on, Maxie, let me give her something to think about.
14:23I just said yeah, didn't I, fake-eye?
14:25She looks like a good starting point.
14:34No, no, what's the deal?
14:36My, no, my, my she-ra-ra.
14:38My she-ra-ra shooting gun. Shooting gun.
14:41What's that?
15:05What is it? What's happened?
15:18I'm sorry, darling, I don't understand.
15:25All right, what's going on here?
15:27I don't know. Look at the state she's in.
15:29She must have had some bad news from home.
15:32Jungle telegraph, was it? I didn't hear any drumming.
15:35Oh, piss off, Olympe. Watch your mouth, Wade.
15:38And as for her, she understands far more than she's letting on.
15:42Now get to work before I put you both on report.
15:49Come on, hurry up!
15:51Move it! Hurry up!
15:56You can't rush it, Crystal.
15:58This is art, this is.
16:00I'll see you down, Nadine.
16:14As for taking the piss...
16:19..that's cos you're an annoying wee gobshite.
16:24And that, that's just cos I felt like it.
16:27Think yourself lucky.
16:29Last girl I attacked with one of these.
16:31Thinks you couldnae have babies.
16:33Make myself clear, do I?
16:36I cannae hear you, Chas.
16:54She didn't eat a thing tonight.
16:57She's not your problem, Nicky.
16:59She's a human being, isn't she?
17:01No, a mum who's missing her kids.
17:03Like most of the women in here.
17:05I'm just sick of sitting back and watching all the shit that goes on in here.
17:11That's what goes on in here, Nicky.
17:20They're no good.
17:24Used up.
17:27Give it here.
18:11I keep dreaming about Monica's house, you know.
18:13About us getting jobs in some fancy department store.
18:17Or one of them old-fashioned caf's.
18:19Be a whole new life, Jew.
18:21You and me against the world.
18:30No, I couldn't bear another eight years in this town.
18:36Don't cry, love.
18:39It'll be all right.
18:41We're all here for you.
18:43And it gets easier with time.
18:48She don't understand.
18:52Maybe it's just as well.
18:55Cos it don't get any easier, do it?
19:04Now we know where they got their name from.
19:06And she threatened all sorts.
19:08What, and you swear you didn't wind her up?
19:10She's dead hard, Yvonne.
19:12Oh, yeah?
19:13She's only picking on me cos I'm little.
19:16You give some of it back. You know the score in here.
19:19How can I when there's three of them?
19:22Now I'm two shits scared to go back to my cell.
19:24You can't let her see that she's got to you.
19:26She'll never get off your back.
19:28I wish Daniel were here.
19:30She'd look after me.
19:35Chas, what are you doing in here?
19:37We're just having a chat, Mr Mitchell.
19:40What happened to your face?
19:45You're going to get me shot, you. Come on.
19:55You going to tell me how you got this cut, then?
19:57I fell over.
19:59Clumsy, aren't I?
20:01Yeah? Well, I'd better keep an eye on you, then.
20:11No inmates in here. Can't you read the sign?
20:15If you've got something to say, speak to your personal officer.
20:20I've got no clue what you're on about.
20:23You give that to me, madam!
20:28Give it here!
20:31Give it here!
20:33Help! Help!
20:40She attacked me!
20:42Oi! Leave her alone, you bastard!
20:48She's scared enough as it is!
20:50Leave her alone!
20:53Stop it!
20:57I don't know what you're doing!
21:00I can't understand what you're saying!
21:04You bastards!
21:07You're hurting her, you bastards!
21:13Get it! Get it!
21:27What have you done, love? Femi, where is she?
21:30Down the block, where she bloody belongs.
21:32She should have been in the hospital when the battering she got last night.
21:35Yeah, well, that's what happens when you manhandle officers.
21:38She's in some troublemaker doing it for attention.
21:40You know, she's frightened.
21:41The poor woman's going through hell in here
21:43and all you lot do is kick the shit out of her.
21:45You going to shut it, Wade, or what?
21:47I want to see her.
21:49And I want Ricky Martin in my shower every morning.
21:52But life's a bitch like that, isn't it?
22:10You got any breakfast yet?
22:39I don't want anything, Mum.
22:43How did she get those bruises?
22:45She was out of control. That's a restrainer.
22:48What with? Size nines?
22:55I'm Helen Stewart. I'm the governor.
22:58I just want to talk to you.
23:01It's OK. I'm not going to hurt you.
23:04No-one is going to hurt you, I promise.
23:10It's not that I like violent chats, because I don't,
23:13but I've got to get my point across.
23:15Now, did I get my point across?
23:17I suppose.
23:20Because it'd be a whole lot easier if we was all friends.
23:23Don't you think?
23:26So what do you say?
23:27You want to join us?
23:29You want to be part of the Peckham boot gang?
23:39No, I don't.
23:41No offence, but I just like being on my own, really.
23:46She's for it now.
23:48What do you want me to do?
23:51Take her out.
23:54A pimp has taken Femi's eldest daughters to work for him
23:57because, he says, Femi owes him money.
24:01Femi's very worried she won't see her daughters again.
24:05Who's going to look after Femi's younger children?
24:09Oga Stuart, Femi's eldest daughter.
24:12I don't want to be her eldest daughter.
24:15Femi says there's no-one to look after her children.
24:21I need you to ask Femi
24:23if she's suffered any violence or bad treatment
24:26while she's been here at Lark Hall.
24:29Oga Stuart, Femi's eldest daughter.
24:33Femi says she doesn't want any trouble,
24:35she just wants to see her children again.
24:42See, I tell you who's got the gear.
24:45Your girls nick it,
24:47then I sell it back to them for twice the price.
24:49It's easy.
24:50Oh, yeah.
24:51Then we divide the spoils, I don't know, say half and half.
24:56I suspect them girls are going to be running this place.
25:00I suspect them girls are going to be running this place soon, Bootgear.
25:03Very soon.
25:04And you want to be on side, I like that.
25:06But there's a few of them in here who still need a bit more...
25:10Persuading? Aye.
25:12So you help me out with a little problem I got,
25:14then we'll talk business.
25:16How about that for a deal?
25:17Yeah, OK.
25:19You reckon you can get your mate Shaz into the laundry room
25:22just before lock-up?
25:23Yeah, why? Are you going to do her?
25:25Are you?
25:27Watch it.
25:30Get it, oi!
25:31See her face?
25:32Classic, weren't it, Yvonne?
25:34What? Yeah, you did all right.
25:36Who's this?
25:38Alsatian. Get it?
25:40Should have put her on a lead, you know?
25:42Yeah, well, don't go getting too cocky.
25:44Just stay out of her way.
25:45Smile and be nice.
25:46I don't care.
25:47They won't do nothing to me now.
25:49Stood up to them, didn't I?
25:50Miss Stewart?
25:52Hey, Nicky.
25:53What the hell's happening to Femi?
25:54Neither of you tell me anything.
25:55It's been dealt with.
25:56Yeah, like it was dealt with last night.
25:58She wants to make a complaint about my officers.
26:00Your officers kicked the shit out of her.
26:03Now, I want to know exactly how badly hurt she is,
26:05what, if any, treatment she is getting
26:07and when she's getting off the block.
26:09It may come as a huge surprise to you,
26:11but I'm the one running this prison, not you.
26:13Look, I'm worried about that woman.
26:15I've a right to know how she is, haven't I?
26:17Actually, Nicky, no, you haven't.
26:40Party in the laundry room tonight, just before lock-up.
26:43You what?
26:44Shh. I'm not supposed to tell no-one.
26:46Some girl's got a bottle of vodka in.
26:48Who told you that, then?
26:50She's all right, her.
26:51When you get to know her.
26:53See you there.
26:58See you there.
27:19Mate, you're the gobshite.
27:26Surprise, surprise.
27:29Well, I'm not too early, am I?
27:31I'm not very good at party etiquette.
27:33Isn't your feet aching?
27:34No, but I feel like a workout.
27:37I get it.
27:38Shaz is with sugar mummy, are you?
27:41I just think it's about time you picked on someone your own size.
27:44So what's it going to be, Al?
27:45The easy way or the hard way?
27:48Suck my...
27:55Hard way it is, then.
28:11See, it's one thing, right,
28:12being separated from your kids by that bloody wall.
28:14Never mind our bloody ocean.
28:16For all we know, one of her children could have died.
28:19Oh, don't, Babs.
28:21It makes me suicidal just thinking about it.
28:24And to top it all,
28:25beat the living daylights out of her and throw her down the block.
28:28I think we should do a protest or something,
28:30make them tell us what's happening.
28:32Like your anger strike?
28:33Yeah, well, it worked for me, didn't it?
28:35What do you think?
28:37I think we've all got too much to lose.
28:39The screws know that.
28:41I'm certain, and I think it's an outrage.
28:44Me too.
28:46How about you, Nicky?
28:52Just say when, darling.
28:55Because whatever you can take,
28:57more of it to give.
28:59Come on.
29:00Come on, Brady.
29:03Enough, Brady.
29:11You were slow.
29:13But you got there in the end, didn't you?
29:20I've got Al here.
29:22She's got something she wants to say to you.
29:24Haven't you, Al?
29:26I'm sorry for picking on you.
29:30I won't do it again.
29:36Good girl.
29:39Now piss off back to your cell!
29:42And take the messenger with you.
29:54I won't forget this, Yvonne.
29:56Yeah, yeah, yeah, just go.
30:25Poisoned off, did that to you?
30:27I got set up, didn't I?
30:29Drigging Atkins.
30:31What? The old lady?
30:33There's no pushover, Maxie, I swear to you.
30:39Maybe it's time I had a little chat with Atkins.
30:52Listen up, everyone!
30:54Shut up!
30:55Enough of your attention, please!
31:01We all know Femi has been put down the block.
31:04Yeah, yes.
31:06That's right, another woman gets solitary
31:08because she's depressed and lonely
31:09and makes herself heard the only way she can.
31:11That's enough politicising, Wedge.
31:14Meanwhile, Charlotte middle-class Middleton
31:16got transferred to an open yesterday.
31:21We all know why that is, don't we?
31:23Yeah, cos it's one rule for them
31:25and another for the rest of us.
31:27I saw them give Femi a bloody good kicking yesterday.
31:31And I want reassurance, here and now, that she's all right.
31:37Reassurance, my eye.
31:40All you'll be getting from me are additional days,
31:43the lot of you.
31:49Then I suggest we all sit out till we hear different.
31:56Stop this nonsense now!
31:59Get on!
32:00We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:02Stop this!
32:03We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:07Come on, girls, I'll get off in half an hour.
32:10We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:13We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:15Zulu to Bravo. Zulu to Bravo.
32:17We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:19We've got his situation.
32:22Yeah, they're sitting out their cells over something.
32:25Right, girls, better show a bit of solidarity then.
32:31We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:34We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:38We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:42We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:44What's going on?
32:45It's Femi, we've got to do something about it!
32:47We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:49We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:52We shall not, we shall not be moved!
32:56We shall not, we shall not be moved!
33:09They're just trying to psych us out.
33:12Keep still and they've no reason to attack.
33:15So much for keeping our noses clean, Jew.
33:18Yeah, well, what they're doing to Femi's plain wrong.
33:21So we're protected by the sword of Jesus, innit?
33:24Now, I suggest you all move before there's some real trouble.
33:33She's right. Stay here and we're going to get stamped on.
33:37Well, I say we take the threes.
33:39We get above them and we take the advantage.
33:41It's up to you, ladies. You either stay here or you come with me.
33:51Sit down, you stupid girls.
34:03Keep your positions.
34:05Just give me an example.
34:08Keep your positions. Just give me an excuse.
34:16Keep your positions.
34:37Keep your positions.
34:51Keep your positions.
34:53Come on, back, back, back.
35:05Come on, back.
35:34What's going on here?
35:36It was Nicky Wade who started it all, Mum.
35:43Can somebody please explain to me what the problem is?
35:50This is a peaceful protest!
35:55All we want to know is what is happening to Femi,
35:59what state is she in,
36:01and is someone prepared to review her case?
36:07I understand your concern.
36:10But as acting prison governor,
36:12it is not in my power to either move Femi
36:15or to influence how the court has treated her.
36:18What about the way she's been treated in here, then?
36:21Surely you've got some influence over that.
36:24I talked to Femi myself this morning.
36:27I can assure you she's perfectly fine.
36:36I asked her if she'd experienced any kind of violence here in Lack Hall.
36:41And specifically if she wanted to make any kind of complaint,
36:44she declined.
36:45That's not good enough!
36:47We want the officers who assaulted her disciplined!
36:52You wanted reassurance about Femi,
36:54and I have given you that reassurance!
36:57Now, I am not prepared to discuss matters further
37:00until you are all back in your cells!
37:10This is a governor's order!
37:12Get back to your cells now!
37:22All right, back up.
37:42Pack it in!
37:51Pack it in!
38:22Come on!
38:27G-Way access to the library.
38:29Everyone else to the gym. Move it!
38:35Who's coming down the servery, then?
38:38You're ruining it!
38:39We've got to help with Femi! Can't you see that?
38:42Never mind, Wayne!
38:44You can keep that company when they put you down the block!
38:49Oh, my God, what have we started?
38:51There is no hope in hell, listen to us now.
38:53You might as well just sit back and enjoy the ride, girls.
38:56It's about time those bloody screws had a good scare.
38:59And that prat Stuart and all.
39:19One, two, three!
40:17Hey, Shag, what's happening over there?
40:19It's mental! We've taken the whole wing!
40:25Dunno. I think they've all gone home.
40:29Hey, Ang, do you want to come and join the party?
40:36We're not going in.
40:44OK, everyone.
40:49Our main focus is to contain the prisoners on G-Wing.
40:52Make sure the trouble doesn't spread to any other parts of the prison.
40:55What? Just give them the run of the place?
40:58For now, yes.
41:00They'll soon give up when they're hungry.
41:02Well, if you don't mind my saying so, ma'am,
41:05it's not much of a strategy, is it?
41:07It is important that we don't overreact too soon.
41:10Which doesn't mean to say that I intend to give in to any of their demands.
41:14I hope not.
41:16We certainly don't expect a cavalier attitude from anyone.
41:20We are professionals doing a professional job.
41:23And while this incident continues, I'll thank you all to remember that.
41:33Grip the handle over. Not under. Like that.
41:36Then if a screw comes out...
41:38You've got to help me stop this. Now.
41:40Not me, Nicky.
41:42Someone's going to get stabbed at this rate, Yvonne.
41:45It'd be a screw and I ain't going to lose any sleep over that.
41:47What about Femi? How the hell is this supposed to help her?
41:49Look, she didn't deserve what she got, but I ain't taking a beating for no-one.
41:53So you're just going to walk away?
41:56It's like I said, Nicky.
42:06You're not thinking of tackling them on your own, are you?
42:11Listen, you stupid bitches.
42:13Why don't you stop messing about before someone gets killed?
42:17Watch out, everyone. It's their bloody prefect.
42:21We started this because we wanted Femi off the block.
42:25Which means, like it or not, we've got to negotiate with the screws.
42:29They're not going to listen to us if we're tooled up to the eyeballs.
42:32Yeah, well, this ain't about her no more. This is about us.
42:37Any of you used a knife before?
42:39I just showed them, didn't I?
42:57First rule of self-defence.
42:59Never use a weapon an assailant can turn back on you.
43:03Then, of course, one of you does stick a screw.
43:06You think it's worth the extra stretch?
43:09And be sure of a long stay in solitary.
43:12Where no-one can hear you scream.
43:19Just telling you how it is, girls.
43:29Yeah, all right, she's got a point.
43:31Dump the knives.
43:34Where the hell did she come from?
43:38My main priority is to avoid a violent confrontation.
43:41But that's exactly what we need.
43:43Go in hard, show them who's boss.
43:45We sit tight. Norther goes near that wing until I say.
43:48But, Mum, surely that'll be sending out all the wrong messages.
43:51They're having a ball with no officers around.
43:54I've been in touch with the area management.
43:56They agree it's the best policy.
43:58I've been in touch with the police.
44:00I've been in touch with the area management.
44:02They agree it's the best policy.
44:04At what cost? It'll just put the smell of victory up their noses.
44:07We pull back and we identify the ringleaders.
44:10That is from the top, Sylvia.
44:13We know who the ringleader is.
44:15Nicky Wade.
44:31Self-defence your thing, is it?
44:33Never stuck it.
44:35I've only got the one move.
44:37Don't tell anyone, will you?
44:39Your secret's safe.
44:41You got me out of a tight spot there.
44:45It's my pleasure.
44:50I'm sorry.
44:52It's all right.
44:54It's all right.
44:56It's all right.
44:59Have you been on G-Wing long?
45:01A couple of weeks.
45:03I've not noticed you before.
45:07Have you?
45:08I've definitely noticed you.
45:23Brilliant night, Max, do you reckon?
45:28Told you we'd have a good time in here, didn't I, girls?
45:30We got the run of this place in no time.
45:32Passed easy.
45:34You're top dog now, Max. No mistake.
45:37You're not quite. There's still one small problem he's dealing with.
45:41What's that?
45:43Yvonne Bleeden-Atkins.
45:45Think she's rock-hard, her, don't she?
45:47We're going to have to teach her different, aren't we?
45:50Why? What are we going to do?
45:54We're going to waste her.
45:57We're going to waste her.