Bad Girls 1999 -S03-Ep-02

  • 2 days ago


00:00Oh, my God! Oh, no, no!
00:29Three-sixty. Three-sixty. Charging.
00:33Stand back.
00:38Still no pulse.
00:39Still nothing.
00:40Keep trying!
00:43Right, the other way.
00:45Charging. Three-sixty.
00:50I've got a pulse.
00:52Oh, yes!
00:54I've got output.
00:59How's he doing?
01:01Heart rate's settling at about 70. BP is 70 over 50.
01:07Is that good? Is that good?
01:09It's fine. It's fine.
01:10Right, phone the hospital. Let's shift him out of here.
01:14You're going to be all right, Jim. You're going to be all right, darling.
01:28You've gone too far this time, Dockley.
01:31You'd better pray to high heaven that Jim Fenner's all right.
01:35I hope he bleeds to death.
01:38If that man doesn't pull through, you'll end up wishing you were dead.
01:43Get down.
01:45And if she gives you any lip, smack her again.
01:48Good and hard.
01:50Get down!
01:52Get down!
01:54Get down!
01:55Smack her again. Good and hard.
02:05What's going on? This is your bedroom.
02:07If you think you're going to get me...
02:08Relax, relax, will you?
02:10I'm going to move all my stuff into the spare room.
02:13You know, it'll be, er, cosy.
02:17I don't want to put you out or nothing.
02:20You ain't.
02:22I just wish it wasn't such a dump.
02:25It's like a palace compared to Larkhall, isn't it?
02:28Yeah, well, when I get a job, I get a better place, yeah?
02:33The trouble is, no-one's interested if you ain't got no certificates.
02:36And I ain't even done an apprenticeship.
02:38I just sort of picked it up as I went along.
02:41I'm sorry.
02:42And I ain't even done an apprenticeship.
02:44I just sort of picked it up as I went along.
02:46You'll get something.
02:48Yeah, well, I got a room for both of us now, innit?
02:51At least, I hope I have.
02:54You are going to stay, ain't you?
02:56I mean, there is two bedrooms, you know?
03:01I'd love to.
03:05One condition, though.
03:08You wear this.
03:16Come on, let's do it properly, still.
03:21Crystal Gordon.
03:24Will you marry me?
03:55It was different in my Bobby's day, I can tell you.
03:57It wouldn't have been tolerated.
04:04Morning, everyone.
04:07Ah, then, I know you're all wondering how Jim's going on.
04:10As you know, he was moved to the local hospital some days ago,
04:14and apparently he's responding well to treatment.
04:19A large bouquet of flowers has been sent from all his friends on G-Wing.
04:23I'm sure he'll be delighted.
04:27What we want to know is what's going to happen to Duckley.
04:30A couple of weeks on the block and then back into the system.
04:33He might as well stick targets on our backs.
04:36He's on vacations looking for a place for her,
04:38Ashmore being one possibility.
04:40Shell Duckley would have to be sectioned for a special hospital to even consider her.
04:44Anyway, any decision to move her is up to the lifers' unit.
04:47Of course. I'm just making inquiries.
04:50What do you mean, any decision to move her?
04:52You mean you might not?
04:54We don't have all the facts, Sylvia.
04:56It's a fact that Jim nearly died because of her.
04:59It's a fact that he might never work again.
05:02Look, I know that feelings are running high, Sylvia.
05:05I'm as upset as you are about Jim.
05:07But as head of the lifers' unit...
05:08Come off it. You've never given that man any support.
05:10When I think of the times...
05:12That's enough, Sylvia.
05:16If we could move on.
05:18The police have charged Duckley with attempted murder
05:22and are investigating the case.
05:24But there'll also be an internal inquiry into what happened that night.
05:28And who's going to head that?
05:33I am.
05:36I am.
05:47You been doing a bit of shopping?
05:49Yeah. Didn't see nothing, though.
05:51Do you have any luck at a job centre?
05:54Maybe I'll find something.
05:56It's quite a bit of shop work,
05:58but I ain't sure they'd be too keen on employing a shoplifter.
06:01An ex-shoplifter.
06:03Ain't he?
06:19Er, Mr Fenner not on duty today, miss?
06:23Did you hear that?
06:25Jim could have died and he's still treated us as a joke.
06:27We're nothing to them, you know.
06:29Just scum, and the governors think the same.
06:33What's all the racket?
06:37It's a bit of screw-baiting, I'm afraid.
06:40Well, as long as someone's having some fun.
06:45It's no good dwelling on it, Nicky.
06:47Yeah, maybe not.
06:49But there's sod all else to do, innit?
06:53Christ, I could have been swallowing my own San Francisco right now.
06:56You've still got your studies.
06:58What's the point?
07:00I'm never going to get out of this shit hole now, am I?
07:02But when your solicitor takes your case to the review commission...
07:05Look, it's all pie-in-the-sky stuff.
07:07There won't be an appeal.
07:09Anyway, I might as well stay in here now she's dumped me.
07:33Anyway, I've got reports to be getting on with.
07:52I wanted to ask a little favour.
08:03So why don't you tell me in your own words, Shell?
08:07Like I said...
08:10Fenner came into my room.
08:13Said something about fancying a bit.
08:16Part of it got him in the mood.
08:19So he pushes me down on the bed, gets on top of me.
08:23So I grab the bottle and...
08:28Well, you know the rest.
08:32And all this took you completely by surprise?
08:35He didn't come on to you at the party at all?
08:39Too public, innit?
08:41He ain't that daft.
08:43So if you weren't prepared for it,
08:46how come you had the broken bottle handy?
08:52Cos I was going to slash my wrists.
08:55Cos I knew Fenner would never give up and I'd had enough.
09:03You know, Shell,
09:05I want to make sure that you're treated fairly in this inquiry.
09:09Thanks, Miss.
09:11Just as I want to make sure Mr Fenner is.
09:14So when you want to start telling me the truth,
09:17instead of a load of bullshit, we'll talk again.
09:21You all right?
09:23Thanks, love. I'm all right.
09:27Come on, you know what the doctors said.
09:29They'll take it easy.
09:31Yeah, well, you know me, Marilyn, eh?
09:33Yeah, I do. You think you're Superman.
09:38I'll come in and see you every day, all right?
09:43I'll come in and see you every day.
09:45I'll come in and see you every day.
09:47I'll come in and see you every day.
09:49You got the kids to manage?
09:51I'm a little pal.
09:53Well, that's good of you.
09:59You know, I can't quite believe I'm here.
10:03I thought I was going to die, Marilyn.
10:05You nearly did.
10:07One minute I'm locking her in a cell...
10:11..the next...
10:13Well, come on. It's over now.
10:16I told you she was a psycho, didn't I?
10:18I told you she was out to get me.
10:20Yeah, you did.
10:22And I didn't believe you.
10:24I'm so sorry.
10:26Come here.
10:47Shift yourself.
10:51The powers that be have decided you to have a change of scenery.
10:59I ain't been shipped out, am I?
11:01Oh, no. We wouldn't want to lose you yet.
11:08I get her! I get her!
11:10I get her!
11:23You ain't going to put me on the Muppet wing.
11:25I hate bleeding loonies!
11:30Now, then, Pam...'ll feel better once you've had your medicine.
11:43They're all bleeding nutters in here.
11:45That's a terrible thing to say.
11:49I want to see Miss Stewart!
11:52Get down here, now!
11:54Your patron saint isn't going to save you this time, duckling!
13:16Nicky, you've got to keep trying.
13:18Come on, for us.
13:22There isn't any us.
13:24There is if you get out of here.
13:26There's a future that we've got to think about.
13:28You don't get it, do you?
13:30You think you do, but you don't.
13:32The only future you have in here is your release date.
13:35That's what you fix your eyes on. That's what gets you through.
13:38I don't have one.
13:40Listen, you didn't have one before and you got through it.
13:43I heard you before.
13:48Do you know, I could get through a whole week
13:50just waiting for one look from you?
13:54And when I got that,
13:56that gave me through another week.
14:00See, you're making me remember, I just want to forget.
14:03Well, I'm not going to let you forget.
14:05Because there is still a future.
14:07A future that could be 12, 15 years away.
14:13Look, your solicitor isn't going to make it in this week.
14:16You warned her off, didn't you?
14:18Oh, shut up and listen.
14:20Claire's promised me she's going to get in as soon as she can.
14:24She wants to go through your case for the review.
14:27I thought...
14:29You thought that was just going to leave you in here to rot?
14:32Look, we're going to do everything to get you out of here.
14:35Whether you like it or not.
14:40Mrs Hollanby,
14:42I'm really sorry for mouthing off.
14:44I deserve that slap in the face.
14:46You don't say.
14:47If you just let me out of here, I won't give you no more bother. Honest.
14:50I'm not going in there! I'm not going in there!
14:52Let go of me now, you bitches!
15:06If Mr Fenner was off duty,
15:08why was he locking those prisoners up?
15:10I don't know.
15:11Surely that should have been the job of the night staff.
15:14Yes, so things may have slipped a little.
15:17What with the party and everything.
15:19Everyone knew what they were meant to be doing.
15:21What they were meant to be doing, yeah.
15:23Of course, prisoners weren't meant to be smuggling out bits of broken bottle, were they?
15:29You know, Michelle Dockley's claiming it was self-defense.
15:32She reckons he tried to rape her.
15:35Yes, I'm aware of that.
15:37And what's your opinion of it?
15:39Obviously it's a possibility.
15:41But just like it's a possibility, she's lying.
15:44Wasn't Mr Fenner suspended a while back
15:46for having a sexual relationship with Michelle Dockley
15:49and for physically assaulting her?
15:51He was suspended while those allegations were investigated.
15:55But Michelle Dockley then confessed she made it all up.
15:59But Michelle Dockley then confessed she made it all up
16:02and the charges were dropped.
16:04And what did you think at the time?
16:08At the time, I believed Michelle Dockley.
16:16We've met before, haven't we?
16:20No, I don't think so.
16:22Which wing are you from?
16:24And I can find out anywhere, so don't try pissing me about.
16:32I remember.
16:35You came into my cell and introduced yourself, didn't you?
16:39Told me you was governor of the wing.
16:42Thought you was a real tough bitch.
16:45I don't remember.
16:50That jogging memory.
16:54Now clean that up!
17:00That's a good girl.
17:02See? This time I'll teach you some manners.
17:05Look, I don't want any trouble amongst the staff
17:08and I definitely don't want any of this leaking out to the press.
17:11I trust I've got your cooperation on that.
17:13Not for a cover-up, you don't.
17:15I'm talking about being discreet, that's all.
17:21Anyway, I must get on.
17:23Good luck with your inquiry.
17:25I just wanted to let you know the police have been to see me,
17:28asking me about Jim's suspension.
17:31Did you tell them that you had your own suspicions at the time?
17:34Well, of course I did.
17:36I'm sorry.
17:38You're not the only one with standards, you know, Helen.
17:41This whole thing is beginning to get to me.
17:45Listen, if Jim was up to anything that night,
17:48I want to know about it.
17:50And I have no intention of telling anyone.
17:52Look, to tell the truth, I don't think there's been anything to cover up.
17:56Cheryl's obviously lying through her teeth.
17:58She brought that bottle from the party to use on Jim.
18:00He was going to get it no matter what.
18:02She just made the whole rape thing up to protect herself.
18:05That's how it seemed to me.
18:08I'm beginning to think that we've... we've got the man wrong.
18:23I heard you chewed a screw's ear off in Newby.
18:31Do you know why they moved me here?
18:34Cos I slashed a screw, didn't I?
18:37Got him right in the belly.
18:42So you and me have got a lot in common, really, haven't we?
18:48Only you're much better at that sort of thing than me.
18:51I mean, chewing an ear off, that's got style, hasn't it?
18:57Anyway, I mean, we can be mates, can't we?
19:10I knew this girl once who wanted to be mates.
19:14So I says to her,
19:16''You that keen on being close?
19:19''Come on.
19:21''We can be blood sisters.
19:26''Little Nick here.
19:30''Little Nick there.
19:32''And bingo.
19:37''Welcome to the club.
19:40''Welcome to the club.''
19:56Sleep tight.
20:10I thought you might have visited before.
20:13Oh, well, it's been busy,
20:15what with the inquiry and the police and everything.
20:18Yeah, they've been to see me and all.
20:20Do you fancy a cup of coffee?
20:22No, I can't stay long.
20:24Well, at least sit down.
20:35Listen, I wanted to thank you for getting me out of that cell.
20:39Much longer and I wouldn't be here now.
20:41Yeah, well, you helped me out once, remember? So now we're even.
20:48What were you doing in the cell, exactly?
20:51Well, like I told the police,
20:53I was doing the lock-up when she called me in.
20:55Suddenly she turned on me and the next thing I know she's stabbed me.
20:58And I thought, ''Oh, my God.
21:01Maybe I wasn't being as careful as I should.
21:03I have to admit, I'd had a drink.
21:07Why do you think she attacked you?
21:10Well, I don't know, do I?
21:12I didn't do anything to provoke her, if that's what you mean.
21:15Look, I know what she's claiming.
21:17The police told me.
21:19It's rubbish. I never touched her.
21:25I don't know.
21:28God, Karen, you don't believe her, do you?
21:31No. Neither does anybody else.
21:34Not even Helen Stewart.
21:37I had to ask, that's all.
21:39I'm as accountable for that night as you are.
21:47How are you, really?
21:50I'm not brilliant.
21:53I haven't been able to sleep properly since.
21:56I keep having these nightmares.
21:58To tell you the truth, there's a bit of me that's scared about going back.
22:02You're bound to feel like that.
22:04But you'll come through it.
22:06You should see a counsellor.
22:08No, I'll be all right. Just talking to you helps.
22:14I know you can't stay now, but maybe you could come back tonight?
22:20Look, Jim, I'm not sure that you and I have a...
22:24a future.
22:26What do you mean?
22:28There's Marilyn, for a start.
22:31What about her?
22:35I saw how upset she was that night.
22:38I think she's still in love with you.
22:40No. You've got it all wrong.
22:43She just feels guilty about the way things were between us.
22:47Look, the one good thing that's come out of this
22:50is that we're talking again and I can see the kids.
22:53I just wanted to make sure.
23:02You missed a bit.
23:10That's better.
23:12What have you got down here, then?
23:16What have you got down here, then?
23:23I like puzzle books.
23:26You can have them if you want.
23:34I like chocolate.
23:36I'm trying to lose weight anyway.
23:39My Deborah's always on a diet.
23:43She had a lovely full figure.
23:46Top heavy.
23:50I like them like that.
23:55Got any fags?
23:57No, sorry.
24:00You wouldn't be trying to put one over on me, would you, Cheryl?
24:05If I had any, I'd give them to you, wouldn't I?
24:08I mean, I like you.
24:20My Deb's had blonde hair.
24:23I used to brush it for her every day.
24:28Till it was all nice and shiny.
24:31I could brush yours, if you like.
24:33I've already done it.
24:35Not how I like it, you haven't.
24:47Come on, then.
24:50Hundred times, I used to brush it.
24:55Just like my mum did with me.
24:59-"Sit still, Tessa," she'd say.
25:04I used to brush it every day.
25:08I used to brush it every day.
25:12I used to brush it every day.
25:16I used to brush it every day.
25:19And if I moved an inch, she'd whack me on the back of the head with it hard.
25:27She was good to me, my mum.
25:33I told you it'd fit you.
25:39I used to love my Debs in this.
25:44It's the only bit of her I've got left now.
25:46I wouldn't let just anyone wear it.
25:49Do you know any hymns?
25:53Like what I used to sing in Sunday school.
26:01All things bright and beautiful
26:09All creatures great and small
26:13That's it.
26:14All things wise and wonderful
26:19The Lord God made them all
26:25Each little flower that opens...
26:33You're in a good mood for a Monday.
26:36And a nice weekend.
26:38Thinking about Cheryl Dockley on the Muppet wing.
26:41Thinking about Cheryl Dockley on the Muppet wing.
26:45Didn't know she'd been transferred there.
26:48Sylvie, never.
26:50It was Dr Nicholson's recommendation.
26:52But she'll never cope on there.
26:54No, probably not.
26:56Especially with mad Tessa as her cellmate.
27:01Oh, well, I'm sorry, Sylvie, but I think that's right out of order.
27:05What happened to Jim could happen to any one of us.
27:08And if the bosses won't lay the law down, someone has to.
27:11Yeah, but you can't just go around meeting out your own punishment.
27:14Besides, it's hardly going to help Cheryl to change,
27:17is it, sticking her in with somebody like Tessa Spall?
27:19Cheryl Dockley change?
27:21There's as much chance of that as keeping her legs crossed.
27:24It's not right, Sylvia.
27:27Do you know, I was like you once.
27:29Full of good intentions, thinking I could make a difference.
27:33When I first started in this job,
27:35I had the stupid idea that if you treated them with respect,
27:38they'd learn to respect themselves.
27:41They just thought I was a soft touch.
27:43Yeah, well, I'm sure that's not true.
27:46You soon realise that by the time they get here, they're beyond changing.
27:50Wish you hadn't told me about Cheryl now.
27:53Why? Put you in a compromising position, have I?
27:56In this job, you stick together, because no-one's going to help you.
28:00Not the bosses, and not Joe Public.
28:03Oh, it would have been headline news if they thought we'd beaten up a prisoner.
28:07But what's happened to Jim doesn't even get a mention.
28:11Your fellow officers are all you've got.
28:14Just remember that.
28:22All things wise and wonderful
28:26The Lord God made them all
28:32Good. That was good.
28:35Erm, I don't have to do it again, do I?
28:39Only that's eight times now.
28:41No! Again! Now!
28:44I do impressions.
28:46Who of?
28:48See if you can guess this one.
28:52Hello, campers. Hi-de-hi.
28:57Oh, maybe you didn't watch it.
28:59You'll know this one.
29:04I like your hair. It's gorgeous.
29:07Are you taking a piss?
29:08Surprise, surprise!
29:10I'll give you a bleeding surprise.
29:12Oh, wait. I can tap dance. You'll like that.
29:16I'm starting to get bored.
29:21All things bright and beautiful
29:24All creatures great and small
29:28All things bright and wonderful
29:31The Lord God made them all
29:47You was really good.
29:53I haven't done that since I was a little kid.
29:56Mum and Dad used to put us in for talent contests
29:58when we went on our holidays to Eilean Island.
30:01My mum never did nothing like that with me.
30:04Yeah, well, they did a lot of things I didn't like and all.
30:13I got some biscuits.
30:17Do you want one?
30:21Yeah, that'd be nice.
30:42You're all right, Cheryl.
30:57Thanks, Betty.
31:02Hi, Mish. Do you want a bicky?
31:21Oh, crumbs. Is that the time? I'd better get going.
31:24Yeah. Thanks for coming, love.
31:27Jim, about us...
31:29I was really gutted when I found out about you and that prisoner.
31:33I just wanted to get my own back.
31:35Can't say I blame you.
31:37Yeah, but when I saw you lying there in that state,
31:40when I saw what she'd done to you,
31:42it made me think
31:44we're just playing right into her hands,
31:46letting her wreck our marriage like that.
31:50But I suppose what I'm saying is
31:53well, I'm willing to give it another go if you are.
31:56Look, I don't think we should rush into anything, do you?
32:02We've got the kids to consider.
32:04We should be really sure before we go uprooting them again.
32:08I think we should just leave things as they are for now.
32:12Take it a day at a time, eh?
32:14Yeah, I suppose you're right.
32:17I really miss you, though.
32:19Same here, love. Same here.
32:21But who knows?
32:23If we work really hard at it...
32:32I'll see you tomorrow.
32:59Pam's playing up tonight.
33:01I'll give her a lithium if you want.
33:03Suits me.
33:38No! No!
33:40Shut up!
33:55I've been lying here for hours watching you sleep.
33:59And no-one ever gonna hurt you.
34:02Not now you're with me.
34:08You'd never do the dirty on me like Debs, would you?
34:15I knew you wouldn't let me down.
34:18I'll go and run the basin for you.
34:22Let's lie here for a bit.
34:26The screws won't be round for ages yet.
34:38Get in my medicine!
34:40Now, then, Pam, calm down.
34:42That new girl, Shell Dockley, stole it.
34:47Shell Dockley, blonde-haired girl.
34:50She's got your medicine and she won't give it back.
34:53Roduline bastard!
34:55You have got to be a good girl and come and have your shower first.
35:00No! Shower!
35:02Then you might get your medicine back.
35:17Can't you lot frigging knock before you come in?
35:20Come on, Shell. Time for your shower.
35:27I want a shower and all.
35:29Have to wait.
35:31Miss, you've got to get me out of here. You've just got to.
35:35I'll be good from now on. I promise I will.
35:38Well, maybe you've learned your lesson.
35:40Oh, I have, Miss. Really, I have.
35:42I'll see what I can do.
35:44Thanks, Miss. You're the best.
35:48Go on, then.
35:54And don't be all day in here.
35:56She'll be all right.
35:58And don't be all day in here, Shell Dockley.
36:53Oh, well. Better get back to G-Wing.
36:56What's going on?
36:59Come here!
37:01Fight! There's more in this lock.
37:03OK, leave it to me.
37:21Get her up!
37:30It's all right, Shell.
37:32Come on. Let's get you to the doctor.
37:36She's not my dream!
37:40What's going on?
37:49Shell! Shell!
37:51What's happened?
37:54What's that bitch done to you?
38:00In my opinion, I haven't got one.
38:02You heard nothing.
38:04I heard someone shouting Fenner's name.
38:06The garb, I think.
38:08And Northsounder Shell crying out, being assaulted.
38:11Fenner deserved all he got.
38:13You think he was trying to rape her, then?
38:16Well, let's put it this way.
38:18He wouldn't be the first screw to live up to his name now, would he?
38:21Cut the crap, Yvonne.
38:23Look, I don't know whether he tried it on with her or not,
38:26but I wouldn't put it past him.
38:28He's nothing but a two-timing bastard
38:30that obviously doesn't give a shit about his marriage.
38:33What makes you say that?
38:35Oh, come on, you lot must have noticed.
38:37Him and the governor. It's obvious.
38:42Shell looked like that when I told her.
38:44Told her what?
38:46That Fenner and Betts were shagging.
38:48And when did you tell her this?
38:50Olympies do.
38:56I do hope I didn't push Dockley over the edge.
38:59I couldn't live with myself
39:01if I thought I had anything to do with Mr Fenner's unfortunate accident.
39:05That'll be all.
39:19There you go.
39:21Hey, when's Mr McCallister coming back, miss?
39:24We miss him? We miss him, yeah.
39:26He's back on Monday. First thing Monday morning.
39:34Oh, he's from our David's.
39:36Yeah, what's he say, then?
39:57Miss Stewart, thank Christ you've come.
39:59You've got to get me out of here. They're all psychos.
40:02Calm down, Shell.
40:04That mad Tessa, she's got the odds for me.
40:06Don't bring her back in here.
40:08And don't set me down on the block, neither. I'll cut up, I swear I will.
40:11OK, OK, calm down.
40:13Now, I'm going to help you.
40:15But I want you to start helping me as well.
40:17I want you to tell me what really happened that night.
40:20I told you. Mr Fenner tried to rape me.
40:24No. You heard something, didn't you?
40:27About him and Miss Betts.
40:39What's the matter?
40:41She got a letter from David.
40:43She got a letter from David.
40:45It's his 16th birthday, all right?
40:48And he's in a school play.
40:50It's just a start apart, you know?
40:52And he wants us both to come.
40:54Oh, I see.
40:55He's got his heart set on it.
40:57He won't fail. And I've missed everything.
41:00His sports day, his parents' evening.
41:03And now this.
41:04All the other mum and dads would be there.
41:06I'm stuck here.
41:08His bleeding dad done a runner before he was born.
41:11Oh, poor David.
41:13He ain't going to have no-one to celebrate his birthday with.
41:16You're both serving less than four years, aren't you?
41:21Then why stop at a visit? Why not get out altogether?
41:23Oh, yeah, right. You give us a spade and we'll start digging the tunnel.
41:27But don't you realise you can apply for electronic tagging?
41:30They'd let you out, then all you have to do is keep a curfew.
41:35Already tried, haven't we?
41:37Yeah, ages ago.
41:38Got turned down.
41:39You've got to have an address, see.
41:41We ain't got one.
41:43No, but Monica Lindsay has.
41:48She turned her place into a halfway house.
41:52Somewhere for women to go when they come out.
41:55I bet she'd let you stay.
41:57Then you'd have your address.
42:00It's a bit strong, isn't it, Jane?
42:03Beats sitting around in here feeling sorry for yourself.
42:07Miss Betts.
42:10She's the only one who ever gave a shit about me.
42:13So when Yvonne said that...
42:15It was only her opinion, Shell.
42:19She was right.
42:21Mr Fenner told me, didn't he?
42:23He said she'd invited him back to her place after the party.
42:26He was gloating about it.
42:29I tried to warn her.
42:32I told her again how he dipped me.
42:35I don't know what he dipped me.
42:40I just didn't want to see the same thing happen to her, that's all.
42:44You're telling me that you tried to kill Mr Fenner just to save Miss Betts.
42:50I told her stuff, hadn't I?
42:54Private stuff.
42:56Stuff what happened to me when I was a kid.
42:59I didn't want him finding out about it.
43:01And he would have done. He's a slimy bastard.
43:03I should have had a good laugh and spread it around the wing.
43:06I couldn't have that.
43:09I couldn't have everyone knowing what I'd done.
43:12I'd rather kill myself.
43:16Or him.
43:22Miss Stewart!
43:24You're not going to leave me here, are you?
43:26I don't know what you said. I told you the truth.
43:29I'll see you in the morning, Shell.
43:33Knock, knock, knock.
43:50Morning. Couldn't keep you away from the place, then?
43:53Yeah. Yeah, I'm bad as one of the cons, aren't I?
44:04Oh, Babs, we was wondering if you'd do us a favour.
44:07It's our application.
44:09Wondering if you'd have a look through it, see if it was OK?
44:12Of course. I'd be delighted.
44:14Oh, cheers.
44:19Dear Mr Stubberfield,
44:21me and Julie-J want to apply for evidence of a murder.
44:24I'm sorry, but I can't.
44:26I've got to go.
44:29Dear Mr Stubberfield,
44:31me and Julie-J want to apply for electronic tagging.
44:34I know we've applied for it before,
44:36but it's my son David's play,
44:39and this time we've got an address.
44:41It might be worth mentioning that it's a halfway house.
44:44It could help your case. Good idea.
44:46Yeah, yeah.
44:47You've always been a wonderful governor to us,
44:50and all us girls here think you are the best.
44:53Er, it might be better to leave that bit out.
44:56You don't think?
44:57It is a touch obsequious.
45:01I think you might see through it.
45:03Oh, right.
45:05Other than that, I think it's fine.
45:07Oh, great. Thanks.
45:09Right, let's copy it out. We'll get it in the application box 4A.
45:17I talked to Shel Dockley again last night.
45:20My turn now, is it?
45:22It won't take long. In fact, I've only got one question.
45:26Are you having a sexual relationship with Jim Fenner?
45:36Well, look who it is!
45:46Well, just don't throw me down!
45:48Well done!
45:51Good on you, girl!
45:59Right, that's it.
46:02If they think they can let that smug little bitch back on here
46:05as if nothing's happened, they've got another thing coming.
46:11We'll see how they like having to guard their backs for a few days.
46:14I'll be back.
46:17We'll see how they like having to guard their backs for a change.
46:24We're all out on strike.
46:46We're all out on strike.