• 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (24th March 1998)
00:00Oh, there you are.
00:29I can't stop long. I'm on my way to Willow Court.
00:31Oh, there is so much to do.
00:34I've got Nellie helping me. I say help.
00:37I don't suppose you could do one or two things for me?
00:39You are joking, aren't you?
00:41Oh, no, do you? You still aren't angry with me, are you?
00:43I wouldn't want us to fall out.
00:45You should have thought about that before you told everyone about my private life.
00:48Well, I didn't say very much. I just mentioned it to Pauline.
00:51It just all slipped out. I didn't think.
00:53Yeah, that's your trouble. You never do think.
00:55Yes. You're right.
00:58Won't happen again.
01:02That don't look too good, do it?
01:08Morning. Oh, hello.
01:09How are you? Very well, thanks.
01:11I hear you're moving. That's right.
01:13If there's anything I can do to help.
01:14I ain't going far, so I think I can manage, thank you.
01:17Yeah, you forgot this.
01:19Oh, thanks. Look, I can't carry on like this.
01:22No. We need to talk, don't you think?
01:25Yeah. Well, when?
01:26Look, later. I've got a customer.
01:30Yes, mate. Oh, morning.
01:35There you go. Thanks.
01:37Well, I'd better get these round to Pat before she complains about them being cold.
01:39How is she? Not the best of patients.
01:41Think she could do with some company. Yeah, I know.
01:43I'll get round there soon as I can. Give him my love, wouldn't you?
01:45How much do I owe you? Go on, they're on me.
01:47Oh, cheers. But I'll get you finished now, all right?
01:49Giving stuff away for free, eh? No wonder you rushed off your feet.
01:51Yeah, I thought it might break the bank.
01:53I'm sorry about Sunday.
01:54Don't forget it, will you? We all had our off days.
01:57You look like you haven't slept. I haven't slept properly in ages.
02:00I hit the brainy last night. Oh, Ian.
02:03I know I deserved the hangover, but it got me thinking.
02:06I can't go on like this. I've got three kids to look after.
02:08I mean, why am I doing it? Well, the easy answer's Cindy.
02:10I mean, all the stress, all the sleepless nights she's caused me.
02:13Well, it stops now.
02:14I've spoken to my solicitor and I'm not gonna take any more from her.
02:17I'm going to see him this afternoon. I didn't mean to push you, love.
02:19It's what I needed. Maybe.
02:22I ain't charged for wanking by?
02:23Yeah, of course. You're on the queue like everyone else.
02:27Ian, I'm pulling your leg.
02:29All right.
02:33Anything interesting in there? Not really.
02:35Then put it down and give me a hand.
02:37Oh, sorry, my love. I think so, too.
02:39I see you've got him well-trained.
02:41He's not perfect, but we're getting there. I resent that.
02:43Ooh, so sensitive.
02:44Him? You must be joking. I'll see you later.
02:48Oh, Clara. Someone sent you love letters.
02:51Yeah, it's from Dad. First a phone call, now a letter.
02:53Yeah, well, he has to write because you don't cross on messages when he reads.
02:56What does he want? He wants me to go out to South Africa.
02:58Well, I suppose they're the worst places to go on holiday.
03:00Are you kidding? I'd love to go.
03:01You don't want to go out there. Well, why not?
03:03I mean, he's doing really well. He's safe now.
03:05That makes a change. Mum!
03:07Oh, sorry. But what's the attraction?
03:09Blue skies, beautiful scenery, wild animals. Need I go on?
03:12When does he want you to go? Whenever I want.
03:15Well, if she goes out there, she might not want to come back.
03:18She's not going anywhere.
03:21I need her here.
03:24There you are, Nigel. Oh, thanks. Thanks very much.
03:32I know what you're thinking.
03:34I'm being ridiculous.
03:35So you think it's a message from Debbie telling you to stop seeing Julie?
03:39No, I don't know.
03:41But you could think it's some kind of omen, though, couldn't you?
03:43But, Nigel, I'm sure if Debbie is watching,
03:45not that I believe in any of that stuff, but if she is,
03:48then I'm sure she'd just want you to be happy.
03:50Yeah, but it's strange, though, isn't it?
03:51I mean, the day after I sleep with Julie, the rosebush looks like that.
03:54Nigel, you're just nervous.
03:55I mean, this is a big thing for you, a new relationship and everything.
03:57That's true.
03:58Look, how did you get on with Julie?
04:00Oh, great. Great.
04:01Well, that's all that matters.
04:03Yeah, I suppose so.
04:04Look, it's a difficult time for you, Nigel.
04:05You're moving on in your life. It's bound to feel a bit weird.
04:07But, you know, you've just got to relax, mate.
04:10Chill out. Enjoy yourself.
04:13Yeah. Yeah, thanks, Grant.
04:15So why don't you ring up Julie and take her out for dinner tonight, eh?
04:18Yeah, I'll do that.
04:20Come on. I thought we were going home.
04:22In a minute.
04:23Listen, darling, I've been thinking.
04:25Me and Terry, we don't have to go abroad to get married.
04:28Well, we don't. We could just as easily get married over here.
04:30What, you're going to get married in Walthamstow?
04:31Steady on.
04:33Well, why not?
04:34Look, Alex could perform the service. I'm sure he'd love to.
04:36Well, I'm not sure he's...
04:36Well, he's the best.
04:37And he'd make the day so special for you both. I know he would.
04:40Why don't you talk to him?
04:41We want to get married somewhere exotic.
04:43We're going to Antigua.
04:44We'd like to keep our options open about the venue.
04:47Please? It's for me.
04:48By the sounds of it, you're not even going to be here.
04:50Don't be like that.
04:51Oh, all right. We'll talk to him, see what he says.
04:56What did you say that for?
04:57Oh, what could I say?
04:58You can't stand Alex.
04:59I know, but I don't want to go into South Africa.
05:01It's only a holiday.
05:02You don't know what Ted's like.
05:04You buy her off bribe her to stay.
05:06Now he's earning a few quid.
05:09Well, I'm not having it.
05:10Here you go.
05:11Thanks, Kathy. I've been looking forward to this for ages.
05:14What's this?
05:15Late breakfast.
05:16Well, is Ruth not feeding you anymore?
05:17I'd rather stay out of the way.
05:19Things still no better. Poor Mark and Ruth.
05:21Yeah. Well, none of my business.
05:23See you.
05:27Oh, I'm sorry. What can I get you?
05:28Just some toast and a cup of coffee, please.
05:30Right. Oh, can you hang on a minute?
05:31Yeah, sure.
05:34Oh, great. That's all I need.
05:35Do you want me to run after Connor? I'm sure he'll be able to fix it.
05:37No, it's all right. I'm sure I can manage.
05:39Not having a good day?
05:40Something like that.
05:41I'm sorry, Mr. Milko.
05:43There you go, Pat.
05:45What are you doing in that? That's mine.
05:47I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd mind.
05:48Well, I do. Get your own.
05:50Oh, this tea's cold.
05:51I'm trying to do a million and one things.
05:53I hope you're not complaining.
05:54No, I'm not, but I can't get you hanging at the washing machine
05:55and having to wash stuff by hand.
05:57Take it up to the laundry. I'm sure Pauline won't mind helping out.
05:59Yeah, good idea.
06:00And while you're out, go to the shops and get some stuff in for our tea.
06:02Like what?
06:03Do I have to think of everything, Barry?
06:04I thought you might like a takeaway tonight.
06:06Because it'll cut down on the amount of dishes you've got to wash up.
06:08The thought never entered my head.
06:09Oh, really?
06:13What do you think you're doing?
06:15Unlocking the door.
06:16Come away from there or I'll call the police.
06:18I'm staying here.
06:19Oh, give me that.
06:20What do you think this is?
06:22Kathy gave it me.
06:23I'm her guest. She asked me to stay.
06:25You liar.
06:26Have it your own way.
06:33What are you doing?
06:34Sorry, mate.
06:35You dug up the rosebush?
06:36Yeah. It was in a right old state.
06:38But I was just about to try and help it. I bought some fertiliser.
06:41You need more than fertiliser.
06:43Such a wind rock here, mate.
06:44It's a bonfire for this thing.
06:46But you can't. I planted it. It belongs to me.
06:48If you'd looked after it a bit better, it might have stood a chance.
06:54What's that lawner doing at Kathy's?
06:56What are you talking about?
06:57I just saw a lawner in the square looking like a punch bag.
07:00And she said she's staying with Kathy.
07:02Well, I didn't imagine it.
07:03Well, she's lying then.
07:04You sure it was Lawner?
07:06She can't be staying at Kath's.
07:08I've told you she is.
07:09Are you telling me you don't know about this?
07:10Of course I don't.
07:11Well, she can't stay there.
07:12Yeah, all right.
07:14I'll fill up the place.
07:14Bushcat, how's Pat?
07:17I'm sorry to hear that.
07:19No, no, no. Terrible for me.
07:20She's driving me mad. I'm the one that's got to look after her.
07:22Oh, Peggy, could I have a word?
07:23Yes, dear.
07:24I was thinking, if you wanted to take some more time off,
07:26I don't mind doing the extra hours,
07:27and it doesn't matter if it's short notice or anything.
07:29Well, that's very kind of you to offer. Thank you, dear.
07:31It would make it so much easier if I was living above the pub.
07:34How do you mean?
07:35Oh, I thought I heard somebody say
07:36that you had a spare room that you let out to bar staff.
07:38Well, we used to.
07:39Well, would you consider letting it out to me?
07:41I thought you were happy with Pauline, Fowler.
07:43I am. Pauline's been very good to me, looked after me and stuff.
07:45Well, there you are, darling. You stay there.
07:49Never mind, eh?
07:52It's a bit on the small side, isn't it?
07:54There's only going to be me here.
07:56Anyway, it'll be lovely when I'm settled.
07:58I can imagine it now.
08:00I'm going to have a chair in the corner, near the window,
08:03so as I can look out on the world.
08:04Oh, yes, of course.
08:05Some people call it being nosy,
08:07but I think it's very important to see what's going on
08:10on your own doorstep.
08:11Quiet, and then I shall have a sofa over here,
08:13and I shall have a table here in the corner.
08:16Everything is going to be just right.
08:18You don't have to do that, Dot.
08:20I want it to be right.
08:22After all this time, I've finally got a place I can call home.
08:25I want it to be clean and fresh and pleasant.
08:27It's never bothered you before, has it?
08:29I've always kept it tidy, yes, thank you very much.
08:31Oh, yes.
08:32Mind you, I've never had nowhere so modern.
08:37How are you with a pot of paint?
08:40I mean, it's lovely,
08:41but it could do with a lick here and a brush there.
08:43I'm sorry, Dot.
08:45Not with my back.
08:46And me blood pressure being what it is,
08:48I could never mount a stepladder.
08:50It'd finish me off.
08:51Right, I'll get the picture.
08:53Couldn't Nigel help?
08:55I don't think so.
08:57He's gone off me.
08:58I can't think why.
09:02I'd like to say sit down and make yourself at home,
09:04but as it's your place, then...
09:07Why didn't you tell me you were staying here?
09:09You never asked.
09:10And I knew you wouldn't be too happy about it.
09:12Well, you got that one right.
09:13I don't want to argue with you, Phil.
09:14Good. Then pack your gear and get out.
09:17Please don't be like this.
09:18Now, you can either leave voluntarily or I chuck you out, it's up to you.
09:21I'm trying to get my life back together again, Phil.
09:23Right at the moment, I don't have anywhere else to stay.
09:25Look, if you're looking for sympathy, you ain't gonna get any from me.
09:27I can't believe you've come back here.
09:28It wasn't too long ago you were interested.
09:30Yeah, well, that was a mistake.
09:31Was it? I'm not so sure.
09:32Yeah, well, I am. It was a mistake.
09:35I haven't had a drink for ages, Phil.
09:36Things are gonna be different now.
09:38I want my kids back.
09:39And I can get them back if I stay off the booze.
09:42But I don't think I can do it on my own.
09:44Help me.
09:46You're more than capable of looking after yourself.
09:47I can try.
09:49But I really need someone to be there.
09:51Kathy's been there, but it's not the same.
09:53What are you talking about?
09:54And she told you.
09:56You want my idea to come back.
09:57Oh, yeah.
09:58It's true. Kathy made me.
10:00Do me a favour.
10:01Kathy came to the hospital to get me.
10:03She brought me here.
10:05It was her idea. Why do you think I'm in her house?
10:07If you don't believe me, ask her.
10:13Are you in a rush? If you are, never mind.
10:14I'll catch some other time.
10:15I'm in no great hurry, Mrs Hills.
10:17Oh, Irene.
10:18What can I do for you?
10:19I thought we could have a little chat about Sarah.
10:21What's wrong?
10:22Oh, nothing, nothing.
10:23She just doesn't know what she's up to, that's all.
10:25She's doing very well, Mrs Hills.
10:26Good, good.
10:28Actually, there was something else I wanted to discuss with you.
10:31I'm getting married.
10:34Who's the lucky man?
10:35My fiancée, Terry, of course.
10:36We haven't booked a church yet,
10:37and Sarah thought you might be able to help us.
10:39You'd like to be married in all sense?
10:41I'm beginning to think along those lines, yeah.
10:43Did you have a date in mind?
10:44Middle of May.
10:46Have you got my diary here?
10:47Shall we grab a cup of coffee and talk about it?
10:49Oh, come on, what a treat.
10:53Look, I really don't want to make things difficult for you.
10:55It's a bit late for that, isn't it?
10:56I told you, it wasn't my idea to come here.
10:59So what did she say?
11:00We've talked.
11:01Can't say we'll ever be the best of mates, but I like her.
11:04I do.
11:05I can't listen to this.
11:06Why are you being like this, Phil?
11:07It wasn't so long ago, we were looking out for each other.
11:08Oh, is that what you call it?
11:09We could do it again.
11:11I'm never going back to the way things were, never.
11:14This is my new start, I deserve it.
11:16We both do.
11:17We could really help each other, Phil, I'm serious.
11:19You expect me to believe that?
11:20You've got to.
11:22Oh, yeah.
11:23You'll change your mind when you're desperate for that drink.
11:25When you need an understanding face to talk to, you need me.
11:29What are you playing at?
11:30Is he giving you our time?
11:32What's she doing here?
11:33She needed somewhere to stay.
11:34So you moved her in here?
11:35Since when have you two been the best of mates, eh?
11:36Look, I'm sorry.
11:38I don't want to cause any trouble.
11:39You should have thought about that before she...
11:40You stay where you are.
11:41I invited you, it's got nothing to do with him.
11:42But it's my house.
11:44Our house? And she stays?
11:45She's trouble.
11:46I'll be the judge of that.
11:48Where do you get off telling me what to do, eh?
11:49After everything you've put me through?
11:51Go on, just go, get out.
11:52I don't want her around my kid.
11:54I don't think you're in a position to tell me what to do.
11:56Not after the way you've behaved in the past.
11:58Just get out, Phil.
12:04You OK?
12:05Yeah, maybe I should go.
12:07No, you just stay here, all right?
12:09I'm sorry, I've got to get back to the cab.
12:11Is everything all right?
12:13Everything's just fine.
12:17I want a counter, Sue.
12:18Er, no, that's the last thing we should do.
12:20Then tell me what I have to do.
12:21That's what I'm paying you for.
12:23All the years I believed in British justice,
12:25the best legal system in the world.
12:26It's all rubbish.
12:27Come on, Ian, that attitude isn't going to get you anywhere.
12:30I mean, look what happened last time.
12:31You ended up in jail.
12:33I'm the injured party.
12:35All right, all right, I won't contest it.
12:37Good, Matt.
12:38On one condition, the final settlement, right?
12:39I will not pay her a penny more than I have to.
12:41And one last thing, I'm not giving her access to the kids anymore.
12:45So, May's out?
12:46Yes, unfortunately.
12:48What have you got in June?
12:49Not much, it's the most popular month.
12:52There's a late afternoon free at the beginning of September.
12:54It's free for 3.45.
12:56Oh, that's ages away. Sarah might not be here.
12:58Why? Where's she going?
12:59My father wants to go to South Africa.
13:01Nice one.
13:03She can't go, she has to stay here.
13:06You don't know what Ted's like. He wanted to stay out there.
13:09You've seen what a mess he's made of all our lives.
13:11You think he's suddenly turned over a new leaf?
13:14Come on, son.
13:15It's OK.
13:16You've got to help me.
13:18All I want is to provide her with a steady home life.
13:20I'd really like to help.
13:21If there's a cancellation, I could let you know.
13:23Oh, thank you.
13:24You won't tell Sarah anything, will you?
13:26Promise? I promise.
13:28You look like you lost a pound and found a penny.
13:31Is it that bad?
13:32No, not really.
13:33Anything I can do?
13:35No, it's OK.
13:36This isn't helping.
13:37It rarely does.
13:39If you need anything...
13:41Thanks, but it's all right. I'll sort it out.
13:44What did he say to you?
13:46It's not like him to be so down. He's got so much to look forward to.
13:49I'm sure he'll be all right.
13:50That's what I like about you. You always look on the bright side.
13:53Well, I let you into Little Secret. I'm just as miserable as the rest of them.
13:56Why do you really want that room upstairs?
13:58Living with Paulie and getting you down?
13:59A bit. I just need my own space.
14:01Well, it's no use to anyone empty. It's yours if you want it.
14:03Oh, that's great. Thanks. When can I move in?
14:05Well, I'll have to get rid of the rubbish and give it an airing.
14:07A couple of days, but only if it's OK with Pauline, of course.
14:10Oh, fine.
14:15Mark, do you want to bring some veg home with you tonight?
14:18Whatever you fancy for your tea.
14:20Look, you just cook for yourself and Connor. I might be a bit late.
14:23I'll probably pop into the vet for a drink.
14:25Well, how long are you going to be?
14:26I don't know.
14:27I'm doing my best here to carry on and make things work.
14:30But you, you don't seem to care.
14:32I care.
14:33Well, why are you taking it out on me?
14:35I'm not.
14:36Well, I think you are.
14:37I just don't know what to say to you anymore.
14:39You just don't listen to me, do you?
14:40So it's all my fault, is it?
14:46There you are, Mark. I've been looking for you.
14:48Oh, yeah?
14:49I thought...
14:51Oh, I don't know who to ask.
14:53It's my new flat, you see. Willacourt.
14:55Willacourt? Oh, very nice.
14:57Yeah, it is. It's beautiful. I feel ever so lucky.
15:00But I shall be needing a pair of strong hands or two when I move in.
15:06Well, not for a few weeks. I would ask Nigel,
15:08but I think he said he was going to be busy.
15:11No worries. I'll help you. And if there's anything else I can do?
15:14Well, if you're operating, there's a bit of decorating.
15:16Oh, I don't know about that.
15:17I'm not exactly the world's best decorator.
15:19He's right there, Tom.
15:20Oh, maybe I could help.
15:21What would you want to help me for?
15:23I know we haven't exactly seen eye to eye.
15:26I'd like to think we could put an end to any disagreement we've had.
15:28Well, that's very good of you, but I think...
15:30Don't be so proud, Dot.
15:31Oh, all right, then. Thank you very much.
15:34I'll send the lads round tomorrow.
15:35What lads?
15:36Two lads living at Bridge House. They're good with their hands.
15:38Oh, I bet they are.
15:39Two lads from Bridge House?
15:41They're doing community service.
15:43They're good boys and they use the hard work.
15:45Community service?
15:46They won't give you any problems.
15:48I'm sure Dot will keep them in order.
15:49Oh, yes, of course. Thank you very much.
15:53Look, I can only advise you.
15:56I have to act as instructed by my clients,
15:58but this is madness.
16:00Do you know what effect these lies are having on me?
16:02Have you got any idea?
16:04She can't say I'm a bad father, that I'm selfish, I'm immature.
16:08When you see it in print, it's all lies,
16:10but you look at it and it sounds so believable.
16:12Of course. It's deliberate.
16:14They want you to feel like this. It's a game.
16:17You don't know my wife like I do.
16:18She walked all over me when we were married.
16:20She made a fool out of me.
16:22Well, no more.
16:23Ian, you mustn't let your frustrations get the better of you.
16:25I mean, you're playing right into her hands.
16:29Look, whatever happens, the divorce is going to go through,
16:32and whether you like it or not,
16:33compromises are going to have to be made.
16:35You can't have it all your own way.
16:38I am tired of listening to advice people telling me what to do.
16:43Just me.
16:44Oh, hello, love. How did work go?
16:45Er, not bad.
16:46Mrs Mitchell seems to think I'm doing OK. She said so anyway.
16:49Well, good for you. Sit down and I'll put the kettle on.
16:51Actually, Pauline, I've got to tell you something.
16:54What is it?
16:55I've been offered a new place to live.
16:56Aren't you happy here?
16:59Then why move?
17:00I just feel the need to have a place of my own.
17:03Is this anything to do with that Matthew?
17:04Matthew? No, really.
17:06Because if you're thinking of setting up some little love nest...
17:08Oh, no. Pauline, it's not about Matthew Rose.
17:11I won't be seeing him again.
17:12I just need my own space. Honest, that's all.
17:15Well, I can understand that.
17:16And it's not about you either.
17:18Well, I'm glad to hear it.
17:20Well, where is this place? What is it, a flat?
17:22Um, it's the Vic.
17:23The Vic?
17:25I'm sorry. I thought you just said you wanted your own place.
17:27Well, yes.
17:28But you can't go and live at the Vic.
17:30The Mitchells are living on top of each other, as it is.
17:32But they're not family. I can be independent.
17:34Well, you can be independent here.
17:36Well, I can't. Not really.
17:40I promised your gran I'd look after you.
17:42Well, you still can. I'd only be across the road.
17:46Is that what you really want?
17:48You've obviously made up your mind.
17:51Yeah, I have.
17:54He said they'd decorate for you.
17:56Oh, no. No.
17:57No. They're criminals.
17:59Sending people like that to old ladies' houses.
18:02How that man can call himself a vicar, I do not know. He must be mad.
18:06Well, that's the modern church for you.
18:08I mean, I'm all for forgiving and forgetting.
18:10I mean, I'm as charitable as the next.
18:11But I don't want thugs and ne'er-do-wells in my house.
18:14You've had enough of that with your lift.
18:16I mean, I wanted to say no, but how could I?
18:19With all them people listening, I couldn't turn him down.
18:22It wouldn't have looked Christian.
18:24I mean, how many crimes have they committed that we don't know about
18:27and I'm going to be alone with them?
18:28They're on community service, Dot, not life sentences.
18:32I mean, I ain't moved in yet
18:33and already I don't feel safe in me own home.
18:35Look, I'm shaking.
18:37Oh, you're always shaking. It's your age.
18:40Thanks. Oh, cheers, Ruth.
18:42Have fun.
18:43No, I thought I'd pop up the high street and get a couple.
18:45Lucky you. I'm stuck in here.
18:47I could give you a hand if you want.
18:48Oh, no, it's all right. It's nearly knock-off time anyway.
18:50No, I don't mind. Are you sure?
18:52No, I'll be fine. Go on.
18:55Ruth, what is it?
18:56It's a terrible thing when you can't face going home, isn't it?
18:59Things can't be that bad.
19:01There's no one I can talk to here. I don't have anyone.
19:05Well, have you tried talking to Mark?
19:06I can't. I'd be frightened what I might say.
19:08Two teas, please.
19:12Oh, lovely. Just what I need.
19:14I got a letter from Dad this morning, Kath. Has he written to you?
19:16Yeah. What did he say?
19:18Well, I haven't had a chance to read it yet.
19:20Probably bragging about his fabulous lifestyle again.
19:22Well, I'm just pleased he's doing so well.
19:25There's some bad news, I'm afraid.
19:28I talked to Alex about getting married in the church.
19:31It's fully booked, I'm afraid.
19:33There must be a day you can do it.
19:34We've tried to work it out, believe me.
19:36Well, there must be a way.
19:37Well, not to worry. There are other churches.
19:39I really want Alex to do it.
19:40Is it so important to you?
19:43Look, I know you miss your dad.
19:46It's a long way to go.
19:48Spending time with Dad would be nice.
19:50Mum, I'm really glad you've decided to get married here.
19:54Good. Glad you approve.
19:56All right, Nigel. So, where are you taking Julie tonight?
20:00I thought you were going to ring her.
20:01I did. That was this morning.
20:03Are you going to tell me what's going on?
20:05Gardner from the council dug up Debbie's rosebush.
20:07It was too far gone.
20:09I'm sorry, mate.
20:10It was my fault. I should have looked after it properly.
20:12Come on, Nigel. This isn't about a dead plant.
20:14This is about you making a new commitment.
20:15No, it's not.
20:17Oh, I had a word with Pauline,
20:19and she's okay about me moving into the spare room.
20:21Is she? Well, there's a surprise.
20:22So, you're moving upstairs?
20:23You bet.
20:25So, when's the housewarming, then?
20:26I'll let you know.
20:27Oh, did you hear that? She hasn't even moved in yet,
20:28and she's already organised a pie.
20:29Oh, she better not be.
20:31I wouldn't dream of it.
20:45You want your kids to do this?
20:47Oh, it's sweet.
20:50I'm going to get them back.
20:51I don't know if I'll be able to, but I can try.
20:54I've got nothing to lose, ever.
20:55Are you sure about this? Living above a pub?
20:57It'll be great.
20:59Can't say I'm happy about that.
21:00That's tough.
21:01Anyway, whatever I've got to worry about,
21:03she'll be in here every night.
21:05Look, we'll give her five more minutes.
21:06She said that 15 minutes ago.
21:08Maybe Lola went straight to the community centre.
21:10Yeah, she could have.
21:11Yeah, but she knew we were meeting here.
21:13All right.
21:14Let's go.
21:16Session love, vocalist, great.
21:18Leave it, Lenny. She'll be there, okay?
21:22Can I get you another?
21:24No, no, thanks. I've got a rehearsal.
21:25Better keep my head clear.
21:27You're seeing Julie tonight?
21:28Look, if you're just going to make rude suggestions
21:30about my private life...
21:31No, I wasn't, honestly.
21:33Seriously, mate, I'm... I'm really pleased for you.
21:37Best of luck to you.
21:39Are you missing Jessie?
21:41If only you knew.
21:43Me and Ruth aren't really getting on well at the moment.
21:44So talk to her. Work things out.
21:46I can't.
21:50You know, one of the most hurtful things after Debbie died
21:52was I couldn't tell her all the things I wanted to say.
21:55You put things off.
21:58There's always tomorrow. You argue so you don't say things.
22:00And then one day, it's... it's too late.
22:05Well, it was for me and Debs.
22:07She was gone.
22:08I wish I could turn back the clock, but you can't.
22:11Don't make the same mistake I made, Mark.
22:16Did you see the garden around the square earlier?
22:18Yeah. What were they doing? Clearing out the deadwood?
22:20Yeah, something like that.
22:25Do you want to buy me a drink?
22:27We haven't got time, have we?
22:28There's plenty of time.
22:29No, we'd better get going or we'll be late.
22:30We know what a slave driver you can be.
22:33Think about it, Mark.
22:35How do you wear it?
22:38I've given up on you.
22:40Oh, no. No, I'm sorry. I've been really busy.
22:42I've been sitting here all day, slowly going round the twist.
22:45Well, I couldn't leave the cafe, could I?
22:46And where's Barry and Roy?
22:48Oh, Roy's taking him over to rehearsals to get him out of my way.
22:51There's nothing on the television. There's nothing to read.
22:52I mean, I thought you might have come round here earlier.
22:54Oh, Pat, please, don't you start getting at me.
22:56I'm sorry.
22:58What's the matter?
23:00I've heard a letter from Ted.
23:01Well, he's all right, isn't he?
23:02Yeah. Yeah, he's doing very well for himself.
23:04Yeah, well, I'm glad somebody is.
23:07He wants me to go to South Africa.
23:09Oh, lovely, take me with you. I could do with a holiday.
23:12Well, it's not just for a holiday.
23:14If I like it and Ted can swing it,
23:16he says I don't have to come back.
23:19I wrote to him a few weeks ago.
23:21Told him about the divorce and how I was feeling,
23:23and he wrote back to me.
23:24You don't want to live in South Africa.
23:26This is your home, Walford.
23:28Happy, sunny, fun-filled Walford.
23:31I must be mad to want to leave.
23:36Can you tell her?
23:37What do you think?
23:38Did you try the Vic?
23:39Yeah, not that I expected her to be there.
23:41Look, Mick, she can't keep doing this to us.
23:43Something happened or she'd be here.
23:45If she's unreliable now,
23:46what's it going to be like when things really take off?
23:48Look, Lola stays. I ain't going to argue about it.
23:50Yeah, but I think she's really good.
23:51And what's the point of being good if she can't be dedicated?
23:55We'll start with that.
23:57I'm really sorry, guys.
24:00I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
24:03What happened?
24:04My babysitter was late. It won't happen again, I promise.
24:08Are they really angry?
24:09No, they're all right. They understand.
24:11You sure?
24:13If you two have quite finished, some of us would like to make a start.
24:16You should have seen the day out today.
24:18The cooker broke. The cafe was packed.
24:20I should have been there.
24:21Oh, don't be daft.
24:23It was just hectic.
24:24It's like that most days.
24:26Yeah, and it's never going to change.
24:29There's always someone wanting a part of me.
24:30I don't have any time to myself.
24:32Ian's got his problems.
24:33Well, it's about time he stopped relying on you to pick up the pieces.
24:36Oh, it's not just Ian.
24:38Oh, you ain't still got that lawner with you.
24:40Does Phil know yet?
24:41Well, he does now.
24:43Do you know, I even had Ruth crying on my shoulder this morning.
24:45I can't handle it anymore.
24:46Yeah, I know, love.
24:48I look at Doc Cotton and I wonder to myself,
24:50is that what I've got to look forward to?
24:52Scraping by, always talking about the past.
24:54Don't be daft. Doc was born that way.
24:56I'm fed up.
24:58Come on, love. You'll get over it.
25:00Yeah, I'll bounce back like I always do, smiling.
25:04Till the next time.
25:07I don't want there to be a next time.
25:09I want out.
25:10It's about time you put yourself first.
25:12Of course you've got to go on this holiday.
25:13The break will do you good, but to live out there?
25:16But why not?
25:17What have I got to lose?
25:18Look, love, who's Ted doing this for?
25:21You or himself. I think I know the answer to that one.
25:23What do you mean?
25:24Well, let's face it.
25:25He's your brother, but he's never been there for you.
25:27What would he come through now?
25:29Cos he ain't married and he needs looking after.
25:31I bet after a couple of days out there,
25:33you'll be running round after him.
25:34No, he's got a great life.
25:36Money, nice house, swimming pool.
25:38And anyway, even if you're right, it's not about what he wants, Pat.
25:42It's about what I want.
25:44Nigel! Nigel!
25:47Why did you wave for me? I was on it.
25:48Then Bianca put a few costumers away.
25:51I thought we were supposed to go out for something to eat.
25:53I'm sorry, I can't.
25:55Oh, why not?
25:56I've got to go.
25:58I've got to get back.
26:00I missed you.
26:06I don't think we should do this.
26:09I'm sorry.
26:13Oh, calf, don't go yet.
26:14I must.
26:15I have to put Ben to bed and I've got to get up and open the calf early.
26:18No rest for the wicked, eh?
26:19Look, love, if you want to go to South Africa, go on holiday.
26:22Don't let Ted persuade you to make a decision
26:24and don't let anybody back here influence you either.
26:26You do what you feel is right.
26:28So you want to get rid of me, do you?
26:31I hope you hate the place and can't wait to get back, but that's me, innit?
26:34Selfish, always thinking about meself.
26:36I don't want to lose me best mate.
26:38All I know, Pat, is that I'm 47.
26:42And I've lived here all my life.
26:44What have I got to show for it?
26:46Two failed marriages and a greasy old calf.
26:49There's nothing left for me and Ben in Walford.
26:52Not any more.
26:54Well, if that's how you really feel, what are you waiting for?