• 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (3rd March 1998)
00:25Connor! Connor!
00:30Jessie, you're going to wake him up.
00:32But look, I want to show him this. It's empty.
00:35Well, show him it later.
00:36But it's important.
00:39Connor told her that the fairies would drink a saucer of milk if you put it outside.
00:44As if she hadn't been told enough lies in her life.
00:47Did you hear him come in last night?
00:48No. Why?
00:50I just wondered.
00:52Maybe he's got himself a girlfriend.
00:54That'd be good, wouldn't it?
00:57What are you doing here so early?
00:59I do some work here, don't I?
01:05Oh, what a waste.
01:07Yeah, well, at least I won't die of a heart attack.
01:09Excuse me?
01:10Well, all that fried stuff, I'm surprised you've survived as long as you have, but that's all you've eaten.
01:13Now, you listen to me, young lady.
01:15Not so long ago, people round here would have been more than grateful to have any sort of food on their table.
01:19Yeah, but that was back in the dark ages.
01:21Yeah, but Mum was your age.
01:22Is enough of that from you?
01:24Is enough of that from you?
01:25Don't know why I've got that now.
01:27Neither do I.
01:31I think they fancied you.
01:33Oh, yeah.
01:34Yeah, when I was your age, I was really shy.
01:36I didn't think anyone would fancy me.
01:38Imagine my surprise when, years later, I discovered all the girls who had but were too shy to let me know.
01:44I've been through the same stuff as you, you know.
01:46Wrong. You are nothing like me.
01:48And besides, I've got Sandra.
01:50Oh, yes. Sandra.
01:52What shall I do about Cindy?
01:53Oh, what's she up to now?
01:55No, Lucy's not very well. She keeps asking for her mum.
01:57Oh, well, who's looking after her now, then?
02:00Why don't you wait a while and see how Lucy's later on?
02:02Yeah, before you start dragging that Cindy in.
02:04You all right, Pop? You look tired.
02:06Oh, it's Mary. She's getting on my nerves.
02:08What's she done now?
02:09Well, it's her attitude.
02:11Keeps telling me my breakfast are gonna give her a heart attack
02:13after me being up early, slaving away, making it for her.
02:16What, she's her age?
02:18Yeah. Michael's never spoke to me like that.
02:22What? Your kids were every bit as bad.
02:25I think you're getting old, Auntie Paulie.
02:28So, you'll be wanting me again tonight, I presume?
02:34At the rate we discussed yesterday?
02:37What was it you said about pushing your luck?
02:39You'll have to call in them boys from last night again, then, won't you?
02:42Well, I'd rather take someone I trusted.
02:45Oh, yeah. And you really trusted my judgment last night, didn't you?
02:48Do you know what I think?
02:50I think you're getting a bit above yourself.
02:53I remember you when you first came here, you had nothing,
02:55but I helped you out, didn't I? Gave you a job.
02:57And I'm to be eternally grateful. I see.
02:59OK, so don't do me any favours.
03:01You sod off back to the dole queue, if that's your attitude.
03:03OK, if that's what you want.
03:08So, what's on the agenda today, then?
03:10Good question.
03:12Aren't you going to work? Might be better than doing nothing.
03:14Yeah, but then I've got to be friendly to everyone that comes by,
03:17answer everyone's questions.
03:19Any luck finding them yet? What are you going to do now?
03:21Well, maybe you'd better if you stay handed. Rest up.
03:23I can't. That flat's like a prison. Everywhere I look, I'm reminded.
03:26Don't they give you breakfast over at the Vic?
03:28Not always.
03:29What you done there?
03:31OK, so I had a few drinks last night.
03:33And nothing.
03:34Just a bunch of miseries.
03:38Oh, mind if I join you?
03:40One humdinger of a headache today, and it's all your fault.
03:45My Donegal sweetheart.
03:47More like my Donegal liver transplant.
03:50It's not his fault that you've got no self-control.
03:53How do you do it?
03:54Really? I mean, I know you said it was assignments.
03:56Come on, I lose as well.
03:57Rubbish. You're always up at that payout window. I've seen you.
04:00Not so. I lose more than I win.
04:02OK, so you don't want to tell me your system. I don't blame you. I wouldn't either.
04:06I shall look out my own system.
04:08I'll tell you what, I could kill my dad.
04:10You just don't need the asshole, do you?
04:12No, I know. I really went into one.
04:13I'm not surprised.
04:14Three o'clock in the morning, all we could hear was Peggy screaming.
04:16Do you know what my dad said?
04:17He'd forgotten where he was. He thought he was getting into his own bed.
04:21It ain't so funny when you've got to live with it, is it?
04:24Can't you send him back to irate?
04:25Oh, I wish.
04:26Right, there you go, Pat.
04:27Oh, Tala, I've got to rush. I can't leave Robert and Lucy too long or he'll go mad.
04:31Hey, Pauline, I need you to come round later for your final fitting.
04:34Oh, that was quick.
04:35Yeah, I sat up all night doing it.
04:36Oh, I'm really looking forward to it.
04:38It's a long time since I did anything that was just, well, you know, fun.
04:41Trouble is, I don't know if I'll be any good at it.
04:43Oh, don't be silly. You'll be trippy.
04:46Lucy wants to see her mum, doesn't she?
04:49Well, give Cindy a call. Probably civilise about these things.
04:51Especially now you're a public figure.
04:53You reckon?
04:54Trust me, I'm a spin doctor.
04:56Maybe you're right.
04:57Do it for Lucy.
04:58Oh, I'll keep you posted about the minibus.
05:00All right, I'll see you later.
05:02All right?
05:03Yeah, you?
05:05Is everything under control?
05:06Yeah, just going to go for a coffee, then I'm going to finalise things with Conor.
05:10There's no problems?
05:11No, not at all.
05:14You've hardly been here.
05:16I've been the one looking after Jesse while you were up in Scotland.
05:19You make it sound like a holiday.
05:21Well, listen...
05:22I know it wasn't a holiday.
05:23Look, when your father died, I was there for you.
05:25I was with you 100%.
05:27And you know what?
05:29I've had more understanding for people I hardly know than I've had from you.
05:33I was talking about Jesse.
05:35No, he doesn't look like he'll be finished today.
05:37Well, how long's it going to take to clean up?
05:39Mum, I've got to go.
05:41Well, how long's it going to take to clean up?
05:43Mum, I don't even want to think about it.
05:45Well, tell Pat to stay with Lucy as long as you want her to.
05:47I can cope, you know.
05:48Do you want something?
05:50Have you seen Conor?
05:52No, I haven't.
05:53No, don't know.
05:54So try and get back a bit sharp, it's fair.
05:57Cheer up, it might never happen.
05:59Yeah, that's the trouble.
06:00The charge away's a dump, isn't it?
06:01You can do something with it, can't you?
06:03Well, I seriously doubt it.
06:04So what are you going to do?
06:05Well, get out the white emulsion and make the best of it.
06:07Unless you've got any better suggestions.
06:08Leave her with me, I'll have a think.
06:11I'm thinking of something better to do with it.
06:12Oh, what now, do you think?
06:13You'll probably want to buy the Churchill and turn it into another chippy.
06:18Cheers, mate.
06:19You're barred.
06:20You can't bar him, he lives here.
06:22That's right, I live here.
06:23I don't work here.
06:24Yeah, but don't you think you've outstayed your welcome?
06:26I said I was sorry about last night.
06:27What do you want, blood?
06:29You know something?
06:30I might consider that.
06:32Yes, mate.
06:34He's right, you know, Dad.
06:35Don't you think it's time you went home?
06:37I haven't got a home.
06:38Look, go and make out with Irene.
06:39You know you want to.
06:40I do not.
06:41Yes, you do.
06:42Just go and see her.
06:43After the way she treated me, let her come crawling.
06:44And then I don't guarantee I'll forgive her.
06:46I'm a mean old cow.
06:47Yeah, but it's really not working out, is it?
06:49You staying here.
06:50I mean, look at last night.
06:51Last night I was drunk.
06:52I can't be held responsible.
06:53You're always drunk.
06:54I am not.
06:55I've got all kinds of other interests.
06:56Oh, yes, such as?
06:58So you've got no answers, have you?
07:00Oh, I'm going to run away now, are you?
07:02No, if you must know, I'm off to the library.
07:05You're going to go and read a book?
07:08What's your problem?
07:16Look, I'm in.
07:18I suppose I can't stop you.
07:20Have you got a bet on?
07:23Yeah, that one could do it.
07:24The jockey with the green cars.
07:27Is that so?
07:31It looks like you were wrong.
07:32Getting to be a bit of a nabbit with me these days.
07:35Is that supposed to be an apology?
07:40Yeah, I was out of order.
07:42This morning or last night?
07:50No luck?
07:51No, I can't understand it.
07:52Still, maybe we'll just all make a difference, eh?
07:55Beat the bookie every time?
07:57You reckon I'll do it?
07:58Well, look at the way some people win all the time.
08:00There's got to be some sort of logic in it.
08:01Well, if you say so.
08:05Well, why not?
08:07I have this theory.
08:08You only have so much luck in this life.
08:10And I've used up a fair bit of mine.
08:11Well, we ain't even started on it yet.
08:14Unless there's something else you haven't been telling me.
08:18I don't know. Is there something?
08:19I've just taken quite a few risks in my time.
08:21So have I.
08:22They're what makes life worth living, aren't they?
08:24But they can be what makes life a living hell.
08:26Annie, what am I doing in all this in the first place?
08:28This is yours and Annie's.
08:29I'm not needed.
08:30You are.
08:31I need you.
08:32Look, all Annie does is she sits in the market cellar,
08:34you know, hatching schemes and making phone calls.
08:36We're the ones that go out and do the real thing.
08:38That's my problem, Frank.
08:39All right, last night might have been a bit of a fiasco,
08:41but other times it's been good, innit?
08:42We've had a laugh, haven't we?
08:45Look, you're like me.
08:46You get off on that kind of thing, you know, that buzz
08:48that you can't describe to anyone else.
08:50Well, you want to feel that again, don't you?
08:52Well, I don't want to feel that again.
08:54Well, you want to feel that again, don't you?
08:59You've got to spend money to make money.
09:01You don't have money to spend.
09:05No, son, this can't go on.
09:06The bottom line is it's my business,
09:08and I'm telling you to ring up and cancel those cars.
09:10Now, do you understand?
09:12Isn't that father of mine?
09:14Didn't eat this apple for more money, did you?
09:16Tried the cafe, tried the arches.
09:17Annie was out gallivanting till all hours of the night.
09:19Was he?
09:20What is this, some sort of midlife crisis?
09:22Well, we thought he might have found a girlfriend.
09:24Have you tried the house?
09:26Well, why don't you go and take a look?
09:27I've just got something there.
09:29Do you want me to come with you?
09:30Come on.
09:31Let's go and see what he's up to.
09:33Look, I'm going to need an answer soon,
09:34because if you really don't want to do it well,
09:36I'm going to have to find someone else a bit sharpish.
09:38Now, can you really afford to turn down the money?
09:40You know I can't, but there's more to it than money.
09:42Well, money's the bottom line, isn't it?
09:44I mean, that's why we're doing this.
09:45And how else are you going to make dough?
09:48Good question.
09:49I mean, where are you going to be in ten years from now, eh?
09:51Still working as a car mechanic,
09:52still dossing in someone else's house
09:54with nothing but the clothes you're standing up in.
09:57Look at the state of him.
09:59Parked in front of daytime TV,
10:00supping beer out of a bottle.
10:02What are you doing here?
10:03I live here.
10:04What are you doing here?
10:05Any chance of asking an old no-hoper like you for another fiver?
10:10Takes two of you to ask for a fiver, does it?
10:12He's here to hold me hand.
10:13Where were you last night?
10:15I was with him.
10:16Doing what?
10:17We were down at the club.
10:18You feel me?
10:19Yeah, right.
10:20Chasing women.
10:21How sad.
10:22So what kind of club was it?
10:23Some sad old people's disco?
10:25Nothing sad about that, eh, Connor?
10:27No, far from it.
10:29So did you get off with anyone?
10:30Mind your own business.
10:31Yeah, he did.
10:33Just a few dances at his own.
10:34A few drinks.
10:36A bit of this, a bit of that.
10:37And a bit of the other.
10:39Yeah, well, I think you're pathetic.
10:40You coming, Mark?
10:43Don't know anything I wouldn't.
10:46What's going on there, eh?
10:48It's probably a perfectly innocent explanation.
10:52And I don't know how to help her, am I?
10:54Well, you could see why she might think so.
10:57Look, I'm offering you a chance here.
10:59You know, get some money together.
11:01Now, you grab this offer with both hands,
11:02and Mary'll never talk to you like that again.
11:09Living little, eh?
11:10Making a complete fool of himself, if you ask me.
11:14What are you up to?
11:15Oh, I'm taking the day off.
11:16Well, it's all right for some, isn't it?
11:17Well, how did you look after Mum?
11:18I'll, er, catch you later, Mary.
11:21What do you mean, look after Mum?
11:22Well, you know, carry over your shopping,
11:23shift furniture, stuff like that.
11:25Well, listen, if you've got some free time later on
11:27and you just want to chill out, come round for a bit.
11:30Well, once I've taken this home, I'll come round.
11:38You certainly took your time.
11:39Yeah, I came as soon as I could.
11:41Is she all right?
11:42She's not too bad. She's in bed.
11:48Fancy her, do you?
11:51No, she looks a good brass to me.
11:53Really? Why?
11:54Because she's in here on her own?
11:57Yeah, well, maybe.
12:03Are you still here?
12:04You don't seem to want me around.
12:08Don't be like that.
12:09So what are you up to?
12:11I'm getting myself organised.
12:12Oh, I see.
12:14So what are you up to?
12:15I'm getting myself organised.
12:17Checking out all my old contacts.
12:19Put a bit of pressure on them
12:20to provide me with some half-decent stock.
12:22Just say the word and I'll come with you.
12:24No, actually, this is something I'd rather do on my own.
12:29Yeah, what can I get you?
12:31I'm looking for an Italian restaurant.
12:33It's one that's just opened recently.
12:35Do you know where that might be?
12:37Sorry, no idea.
12:38So, can I get you a drink or anything?
12:44Well, what did she want?
12:46She wanted to know where the new Italian restaurant was
12:48and I said I didn't know.
12:51Well, why should I do that Beppo,
12:52whatever his name is, any favours?
12:55I can't believe you sometimes.
12:56How perfectly small-minded can a person be?
12:59I don't like it.
13:01So it's no skin off your nose, is it?
13:03Sometimes I'm surprised we've got any customers left
13:04the way that you carry on.
13:08Do you do this sort of thing with Sandra?
13:11Why not?
13:12She's not allowed to drink.
13:13Her religion forbids it.
13:14She's obviously not Catholic, then.
13:17Then what is she?
13:20Jewish people drink.
13:22They're ultra-Orthodox.
13:23So don't they object to you?
13:25Well, unfortunately, yes, they do.
13:27We only meet in secret.
13:28That's so romantic.
13:30Yeah, but it won't last.
13:31Why not?
13:32Her family.
13:33Well, you're not going to let them push you around, are you?
13:36We've got no choice.
13:37I know.
13:38I mean, if I met somebody wonderful tomorrow
13:40and he loved me and I loved him
13:42his folks would make a problem.
13:43That's what I'd do.
13:44Yeah, well, it's not that simple, is it?
13:45Why not?
13:46It just isn't.
13:47Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.
13:49That's all right.
13:50I don't know.
13:52But you ain't Jewish.
13:54It's not Nigel the bar mitzvah ground.
13:55Yes, I do appreciate that.
13:57It's like a celebration, right?
13:59So you invite your friends.
14:01I mean, didn't you have non-believers at Courtney's christening?
14:04Yeah, no, you couldn't have mentioned it.
14:05Practically everybody except the vicar.
14:08Look at this.
14:09I think he's a bit better now, don't you?
14:12I think that's because you're...
14:15Yeah, well, sometimes everyone needs their mum, don't they?
14:18Here's your coffee and I've put some biscuits out as well.
14:21You didn't get them a special one for me, did you?
14:23No, of course not.
14:24We happen to like them too.
14:27Sometimes your daddy can be nice, can't he?
14:30You'll have to introduce me to her sometime.
14:32That could be difficult.
14:33I bet.
14:34I mean, with parents like hers.
14:35Poor girl.
14:37Yeah, well, she's the least of my worries at the moment.
14:41Living with my old man again, Mum.
14:43Don't you get on with her?
14:44She's not well.
14:45What's wrong with her?
14:47That's awful.
14:49Yeah, I know.
14:51That was good, I have to admit.
14:53Pauline's not going to say it.
14:55Certainly not.
14:56Away with that.
14:57We were just talking about you.
14:58Don't like the sound of that.
15:00Just saying how good you'd been in your part and what a shame you dropped out.
15:03Really? You thought I was good?
15:04Yeah, excellent.
15:05However, it's all worked out fine because Pauline's brilliant, right Julie?
15:10So, what's the plan?
15:12We go in there with him, we get the money,
15:14and we warn them off trying to pull another stroke like that.
15:16Aren't you forgetting something?
15:18They're not necessarily going to be there, so how are we going to find them?
15:22Have you got any suggestions?
15:24Yeah, I have.
15:26But I'll have to come with you.
15:29How'd it happen?
15:30Search me.
15:31Plumbing's Antigua, of course.
15:32Did you stand to lose a lot of it being close for so long?
15:35But it's worked out for the best.
15:36It's allowed me to be with Lucy.
15:39Well, soon you'll have lots of time to spend with all of them, won't you?
15:41Whatever happens, you'll always be their mum.
15:44Lucy was out for the count when I went in there.
15:46Yeah, when she sleeps, she really sleeps.
15:47Does she?
15:50Pat won't be much longer with the boys.
15:53Why don't you stay and have some tea with us?
15:56What happens if Dad gets fed up playing a saint all the time?
15:59That is going to totally do Mum's head in.
16:00It might not happen like that. Don't worry about it.
16:03I have to. I've had to for years.
16:05I've looked after Mum, I've looked after myself.
16:07I don't think I've done a particularly bad job.
16:10And then he turns up after years, and she lets him take over.
16:14They're all bloody hypocrites, if you ask me.
16:16I mean, take my old man, for instance.
16:18The only time he was ever there for me was for my conception.
16:21At least you sort of know him.
16:23Me, I just...
16:25What is going on in here?
16:27How dare you just burst into my room without knocking?
16:29Your room? This is my house, and I'm not having it turned into a brothel.
16:33I don't believe this. You, out.
16:35I beg your pardon?
16:36I said, out.
16:41You can let her talk to me like that.
16:42Just go, Matthew. Can't you see you'll only make things worse?
16:46This is outrageous.
16:47Now, you listen to me, young lady.
16:49This is my house, and while you're living here, you will abide by my rules, all right?
16:53Excuse me.
16:54Look, come back here and tidy up this mess.
16:59Any minute now.
17:01Creature of habit, eh?
17:03Learn by that.
17:05Learn what?
17:06People who are fixed in their habits are easily picked off.
17:09Here he comes.
17:18Get in.
17:22Hello, Steve.
17:24Who the hell are you?
17:25Tell me something about her.
17:27Who the hell are you?
17:28Tell me something about her.
17:32She's nosy and suspicious. I've no privacy at all.
17:34What are you talking about? You've got your own room.
17:36Oh, much good. That did me today.
17:39This is really about Matthew, is it?
17:41Not necessarily.
17:42But say I did have a boyfriend. I mean, where would I take him?
17:45Well, you could always go back to his place.
17:46And what if he doesn't, didn't have a place of his own?
17:50Well, I suppose we could come to some sort of arrangement if the situation arose.
17:56Does anyone ever tell you you're a lovely man, Mark?
18:07All right?
18:08This place will never be straight to be on me. It's a nightmare.
18:11I'll be fine. Don't worry.
18:12Yeah? Easy for you to say.
18:15This place will never be OK. I hate it.
18:17You don't, do you?
18:18Well, you're just tired. That's why you're feeling like this.
18:20Oh, shut up.
18:21Who the hell are you to tell me what I'm feeling?
18:24I hate this place.
18:25I've been stuck here alone all day and I hate it.
18:28Where's Matthew?
18:29Oh, I don't know. He disappeared hours ago.
18:31Maybe he's gone out with his girlfriend Sandra, eh?
18:36Look, sit down, all right?
18:38Leave this. Matthew and I'll sort it out, yeah?
18:41You're right. I am tired.
18:43Maybe we could go out for a drink later, yeah?
18:47We'll leave Matthew to sort this out while we're down the pub.
18:49You'll be lucky.
18:56Get out.
18:57I said, get out!
18:58I think we're doing very nicely.
19:03Right, first question.
19:04Why haven't you been paying us?
19:06I can't pay everyone.
19:07So who else are you paying, eh?
19:08I'm stuck in the middle of all of you.
19:09You and the others both coming down heavy on me, demanding...
19:11I can't do it. I'm just a bloke trying to earn a living.
19:13So who are they?
19:14Same as you.
19:15People who come in and say they'll burn me up, but I pay them.
19:18Oh, in exchange for protection?
19:19Right, yeah.
19:20They're doing a very good job tonight, are they?
19:23What are you laughing at?
19:24What are you laughing at, eh?
19:26No, you don't pay them.
19:27You pay us. You've got to.
19:31But in that case, what am I paying you for?
19:33If you can't get them off my back, where's your protection?
19:36He has a point.
19:37OK, you give us their address and we'll go and sort it all out for you.
19:42Who are they and where do we find them?
19:45I don't know.
20:00We really aren't asking much.
20:02If I tell you they are,
20:03they're going to be around first thing tomorrow to break both my legs.
20:06You don't tell us tonight, you're going to get both your legs broke tonight.
20:10It's up to you.
20:12What's Phil up to these days? Don't seem to see him around as much.
20:15No, he's a little run with himself lately.
20:17I was thinking maybe I was a bit hasty,
20:19so if it's all the same with you, I'd like my part back.
20:21You ain't seriously considering letting Rabbit back, are you?
20:24I don't know what it's like to be you when you have to tell Pop all, eh?
20:27Nice one, Julie.
20:28You can't go mucking people about like this, you know.
20:30And another thing, I ain't altering that costume again for you or anyone else.
20:35That's a bit rude.
20:36Yeah, well, I say what I think.
20:38It is a bit late in the day, Pat.
20:40But if you really want to get involved, there'll be plenty to do backstage.
20:43Oh, right.
20:45Fair enough.
20:46Fair enough.
20:48In there.
20:49People you want are Jonah Tyler and Alfie Kane.
20:54Can I go now?
20:56Not whilst you still owe us four weeks' money, mate.
20:58Then you're gonna sit here nicely with my friend,
21:00and then we're gonna take a little trip back to your place so you can settle up.
21:04And by the way, you'd better be telling the truth.
21:07Or else.
21:08OK, Phil.
21:16See you later.
21:47Where can we find Jonah Tyler and Alfie Kane?
21:51Who are you?
21:52What's the problem, Jonah?
21:54What's this about?
21:55Good old-fashioned turf dispute.
21:58You and us.
22:00Anywhere private we can talk.
22:09You can have this, but on one condition.
22:12Are you propositioning me?
22:15What I'd like is for you to make up with Tiffany's old man.
22:18You want rid of him, don't you?
22:20To be frank, yes.
22:21Not only is he a lush, but he's now developed gambling mania.
22:24He's even been down to the library to get a book on how to win on the horses.
22:26Well, now you know what I had to put up with.
22:28You haven't paid for that.
22:29I thought you said it was on the house.
22:31Only if you played ball.
22:35Here, I've got some crisps.
22:37Supposed to be on a low-fat diet.
22:39It is you. I didn't believe it.
22:42What's up with you?
22:43You, you sneaky old cow, that's what.
22:46Have you any idea what it's like on the social
22:48when your money's been stopped by some snotty cow like you, have you?
22:50Oi, leave her alone, will you?
22:52Glad to.
22:55That kind of thing happen often, does it?
22:57You get used to it.
22:59It would serve her right if she was never allowed to set eyes on Jessie again.
23:02You are so self-righteous, aren't you?
23:05Take a look at yourself, eh?
23:07You get into drugs as well.
23:09You went to jail.
23:10You contracted HIV somewhere along the line.
23:13Now, there's a lot of people out there, Mark,
23:14might just say somebody like you
23:16should never have been allowed to foster a kid in the first place.
23:23We pay good money for that, Patch.
23:25And we reckon you're well out of order for trying to muscle in.
23:32Well, from where I'm sitting,
23:34you're the ones who are doing the muscling in, mate.
23:36We've been collecting from Baileys for years.
23:39Who sold you the list?
23:40Johnny Price.
23:43What's he like, Jonah?
23:45What is he like?
23:46Evil old git about sums him up.
23:48Yeah, I'll be getting to see the picture.
23:50Well, I don't.
23:51Johnny never owned that territory.
23:53Though I did hear a whisper
23:55he was scamming some poor mug.
23:57So you bought it, eh?
23:59No, my father did.
24:01Hear that, Alfie?
24:03Johnny Price stooped to robbing poor pensioners now.
24:05Hardly how most people would describe my father.
24:08Maybe you've come across him.
24:10George Palmer.
24:12He pulled a scam like that on Georgie Palmer?
24:15That puts a slightly different complexion on the matter, doesn't it?
24:21Well, thanks, Ian. It's been nice.
24:23Oh, I'd better go. That's Nick.
24:25Well, till next time.
24:27Till next time.
24:28See you.
24:29See you.
24:39I kept you.
24:41Sorry. I didn't want to leave the kids.
24:47So what happens now?
24:49Jonah, Tyler and the other one, his boyfriend...
24:51I'm afraid you're being banged up with him.
24:53..go to their bosses and explain the confusion.
24:55And then someone whacks Johnny Price?
24:57What a lovely idea.
24:59But, no, that wasn't what I was going to say.
25:01Well, then?
25:02We come to a mutually satisfying arrangement.
25:06Actually, we carve out the territory.
25:08Unless their lords and masters say no.
25:10To the Palmer family, I think not.
25:12But have you ever wondered what happens
25:14when the family name doesn't work its magic?
25:16No. Why should I?
25:18I am the family name now.
25:20Right, I'm off.
25:21I've had enough excitement for one day.
25:24Ah, thanks.
25:26For everything.
25:31How many's going to lose lot of money with a chip shop being closed like that?
25:34Yep, that was the general idea.
25:38Have you forgotten what's going on here?
25:41The welfare officer is recommending that he gets custody of your children.
25:45Yes, I know, but...
25:46We've got to try to screw him up as much as we can before the hearing.
25:51I don't know, I just think it's going a bit too far.
25:54Don't you want your children back?
25:55Yes, of course I do.
25:57Then we do everything we can to get them back.
26:00By any means necessary.
26:03Do you fancy a game of poker?
26:05No, I ain't got the patience.
26:07I've noticed.
26:11Now, that's what I like to see.
26:15Well, we'll have to see about that.
26:33Soft 18.
26:35Double or draw.
26:36Not superstitious, eh?
26:38Yeah, I am, but if it's bad for everyone else, it's got to be good for me, innit?
26:4121. Player beats...
26:42You've stepped over the line.
26:44You're in control now.
26:50Tell me.
26:52Tell me if you feel good.
26:57Yeah, I feel good.
27:02I feel good.
27:32I feel good.