• 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (30th March 1998)
00:33It's a bit late.
00:34It's my breakfast.
00:35Oh, come on, Ricky, I'm starving.
00:36You're a bit late in setting up, weren't you?
00:38Yeah, but I had a couple of operations to do to some costumes last night.
00:40Yeah, well, Michael won't like that much if you're always late.
00:42It's only this morning.
00:44Are you going to keep this up?
00:46Well, up all hour sign away.
00:47Have you any idea how noisy that machine is?
00:49Ricky, it didn't stop you from sleeping, though, did it?
00:51It's not me I'm worried about, it's you.
00:52You're knackering yourself.
00:53I mean, what time did you pack it in last night?
00:55I've been five months up and into costumes and dresses.
00:57Yeah, but you've got to get some rest.
00:59Fast. The dress rehearsal's in two weeks. I'm on top of it.
01:03Right, Tiff.
01:05If I ever talk to her about this work she's doing for the play, she don't listen to me.
01:07Actually, I've been meaning to.
01:08See? It's not just me.
01:09Yeah, I can't make that fitting tonight. Sorry.
01:11It's not quite what I meant.
01:13Can you make it another time?
01:14Yeah, about now.
01:16Yeah, why not?
01:17What about the stall?
01:18It's all right. Ricky can look after that, can't you?
01:20Me? I've got to go to work.
01:21Yeah, but you're in charge.
01:22I'm sure no one's going to mind if you're a few minutes late.
01:24Come on, let's go.
01:25Oh, Bianca!
01:26Me tea!
01:33Why didn't you wake me?
01:36Sorry, I thought you'd gone.
01:38Well, I hadn't.
01:39Yeah, obviously.
01:41So tomorrow, I'll need the alarm clock if that's OK with you.
01:45And what am I going to do?
01:46I don't know yet. I'll have to work something out.
01:48Since when did you find it hard getting up?
01:50Since I began sleeping in that bed.
01:52I must have been awake till at least four.
01:54Your decision.
01:55All I'm saying is, I didn't get much sleep.
01:58So you thought you'd take it out on me, is that it?
02:00I wasn't.
02:01What is your problem?
02:02It's simple. You let me oversleep.
02:04Well, there's an easy answer to that.
02:06Get your own damn alarm clock.
02:12He's been in that bath for over half an hour.
02:14Well, what do you want me to do about it?
02:16Hurry him up. Late enough as it is.
02:18Well, I thought Cathy told you to come in a bit later.
02:20Not this late. Any longer and Marks will not bother.
02:23I want my opinion. You shouldn't be working at all.
02:25My ankle's fine.
02:27You're going to be on your feet all day.
02:29I can handle it. At last.
02:31What do you reckon?
02:32That I'm going to be 45 minutes late.
02:34Very smart.
02:36In case you haven't noticed, Barry,
02:38there's three of us sharing one bathroom.
02:40Or did you think me and Roy had another one tucked away somewhere?
02:42All right, all right.
02:43No, Dad, no, no. No, Pat's right.
02:45Look, this has been a difficult time for me, for all of us.
02:47And it's important that I get myself a job.
02:49Now, we all know about first impressions
02:51and I'm keen to create a very good one,
02:53which is why I took a little extra care this morning.
02:55Not just for me, Pat, but for you.
02:57Me? Yeah, and Dad.
02:59You see, in a way, you two are the reason why I'm doing this.
03:01I want to show you how much you mean to me.
03:03So if I spend a few extra minutes
03:05making myself look resentful in the morning,
03:07well, it's sorted down to you. I see.
03:09And I'm not going to let you down, either of you.
03:11We know you're not.
03:13Right, then. Off to the salt mines.
03:15See you later.
03:17Typical. He hogs the bathroom and it's my fault.
03:19Well, it's free now, isn't it?
03:25She hardly said a word to me.
03:27All morning, come to think of it,
03:29she's hardly said a word all weekend.
03:31Well, Clare's got a lot on her mind just at the moment.
03:33It was almost as if she was angry with me.
03:35I haven't done nothing to upset her.
03:37She's not angry with you, Mrs C. She's angry with me.
03:41I told Julie we shouldn't see each other anymore,
03:43so that's put the dampers on Clare and Josh.
03:45Nigel, I thought you and Julie...
03:47Well, I wouldn't be right, you know,
03:49not with her moving away and everything.
03:51Oh, Nigel, I'm so sorry.
03:53It's fine, really.
03:55I mean, we talked about it and we're fine.
03:57You know, it's...
03:59It's not like we're kids or anything.
04:01We're adults. We can handle just being friends.
04:03It's for the best, honest.
04:05Once people see my designs,
04:07if they like them, I mean, they can really take off.
04:09What, you mean like your own label?
04:11Yeah, why not?
04:13Yeah, you're right, guys. I'm into it.
04:15Annie, Zarchy, butcher.
04:17You all right?
04:19So how's Mary getting on, then?
04:21You're all right, I suppose. Why?
04:23No reason. She should know what it's like with married men.
04:25About time and all.
04:27Sorry we're a bit late.
04:29A bit? I mean, how long does it take to stick a pin in a bit of cotton?
04:31All right, I'll do it this evening, then, shall I?
04:33And then I'll be more tired. You should be pleased I've done it now.
04:35Oh, yeah, I'm overjoyed. See you later.
04:37Ooh, something in.
04:41Oh, hi. Are you OK?
04:45I'm late for a meeting, but I need to talk to you.
04:47Yeah? About my play.
04:49Right. I'll see you later, then.
04:53See, everything's completely fine.
04:55Yes, dear.
04:57He can't have just disappeared.
04:59Well, wherever he is, Valkia isn't paying his council tax,
05:01and he's not voting.
05:03Family? None that I could find.
05:05Friends? Same thing.
05:07Did you ask Phil?
05:09Yeah, he said he'd think about it.
05:11How do we know he could be dead?
05:15I'm wasting my time.
05:17Actually, it's my time.
05:19Which I pay you for. They're my kids. I could lose.
05:21I mean, what do you know?
05:23I'm sorry.
05:25Listen to me.
05:27I'm gonna find Valkia, not cos you're paying me
05:29and not because of the children.
05:31They're your reasons, they're not mine.
05:33I'm doing this partly because what Cindy did was wrong,
05:35but mostly cos she did it to you.
05:39It's terrible, and I want her to answer for it.
05:41I'm gonna find Valkia.
05:43This isn't over yet.
05:45Trust me.
05:47Where's he go?
05:49No question.
05:51I've been to Dr Legg.
05:53Done all the tests, everything.
05:55Sounds awful, Dot.
05:57It's a cross I have to bear.
05:59The truth is, I've changed my last lightbulb.
06:01Certainly sounds like it.
06:03That's why my curtains are causing me such distress.
06:05They're my new curtains.
06:07I used to hang them myself, but...
06:09they're my condition.
06:11That bad, is it?
06:13I can get queasy just stepping off the curve-pulling.
06:15Would you like me to hang them for you?
06:17Oh, would you?
06:19Well, if you like.
06:21If you don't, no trouble.
06:23No, no, I could pop over later in the week.
06:25Oh, I was thinking more like tonight.
06:29If you ain't doing nothing.
06:31No, no.
06:33No, no time like the present, that's what I always say.
06:35What do you mean, she's still there?
06:37Kathy hasn't asked long about the moment she's staying.
06:39Well, how long for?
06:41Who knows?
06:43Well, you're OK about that?
06:45Why, she might be.
06:47Kathy, I mean, aren't you a bit worried?
06:51Well, I don't think I'd like it very much if my wife
06:53was someone who ended up living under the same roof.
06:55I'd be thinking, you know, what they were saying to each other.
06:57What, like Tiffany and Lorraine?
06:59I couldn't care less.
07:01Me and Kathy are finished.
07:03As far as Norma goes, well, there's nothing to start with.
07:05Boys aren't necessarily welcome to each other.
07:07If you say so.
07:09Kathy's always had a thing about lost causes,
07:11you know, that charity stuff, the Samaritans and that.
07:13She can't help trying to do a bit of good.
07:15Well, if you ask me, it's all a bit pathetic.
07:17Norma's just the latest in her long line.
07:21So have you spoken to Kathy?
07:23About this?
07:25No, like I said, I don't care.
07:27And she hasn't talked to you about anything else?
07:29There's nothing to say.
07:31They can tell each other what they like.
07:33I'll finish with both of them.
07:35Look, I just wanted to say that Joe called last night.
07:37Oh, yeah, that's nice.
07:39Yeah, he says to say hi.
07:41How is he? Yeah, he's fine.
07:43And Lorraine? Tends to love.
07:45Right. They seem really happy.
07:47Good. Nigel, is everything OK?
07:49Yeah, of course. Why?
07:51Well, you just seem a bit down, that's all.
07:53No, I'm not. Well, has something happened?
07:55I told you, everything's fine.
07:57Look, Sarah, if you don't want to rent a video,
07:59I've got a lot of work to do, OK?
08:01All right, I just thought that...
08:03Sarah, thanks for your concern, but nothing's happened.
08:05I'm OK, and I do have to work.
08:11No, I've just been talking to Nigel.
08:13Is he all right? Why should I know?
08:15Well, has he said anything to you?
08:17Well, why?
08:19Oh, well, I just wondered, that's all.
08:21I thought he might have something to do with the play.
08:23Sarah, I've got no idea what's wrong with Nigel.
08:25And if he wants on the bus, I'm sure he'll ask for it, OK?
08:27OK. Well, I'll see you later, then, shall I?
08:29I don't expect so.
08:34Could you be any less helpful?
08:36Give it a rest, will you?
08:38Something wrong, love?
08:41I'm staying.
08:43What? I'm not going to Cape Town.
08:45You're not?
08:47But I thought... I mean, we talked about it.
08:50You're not going? I don't think I can.
08:52Not right now. It's not a good time.
08:54Well, it's never going to be a good time, Kath.
08:56There'll always be something.
08:58I know. I've been going backwards and forwards all weekend.
09:00Ian came in this morning.
09:02I worry about him, you know.
09:04Well, that's understandable.
09:06But he's tough, you know that.
09:08He's been through a lot, but he's tougher than he looks.
09:10Not this time. It's too much.
09:12It's taken too much. I don't think he can get through this.
09:14Oh, Kath.
09:16I can't leave him, Pat. Not now.
09:18Do you understand? Yeah, of course.
09:20How could I think of leaving him?
09:22He wouldn't see it like that.
09:24He'd understand better than most.
09:26New life, new opportunities.
09:28Yeah, I know, I know.
09:30I have to stay. I do.
09:32Well, if you're sure.
09:34Yeah. It's the right thing to do.
09:36Isn't it?
09:40Two teas, please, Kath.
09:42Something to eat? What, now?
09:44I'm hungry. You've just had breakfast.
09:46Oh, please yourself. And a donut, Kathy, please.
09:48Just one. All I meant was,
09:50you were a bit nicer to Sarah, that's all.
09:52I was fine. Oh, of course you were.
09:54I don't need you telling me what to do.
09:56I'm not a kid, you know. That's right. You're just acting like one.
09:58Two teas.
10:00Enjoy your bun.
10:04Has he been like that all day? Oh, pretty much.
10:06What's the matter?
10:08He won't say, but I've got a good idea.
10:10Oh? It's Father McKinnery's birthday this week.
10:12You've lost me.
10:14He was a friend of Alex's up in Liverpool.
10:16Oh, he died, didn't he? Yeah.
10:18I mean, I never knew him, but Alex, well...
10:20I suppose this bloke was more of a father to him than me.
10:22Oh, I doubt that.
10:24It's true. Oh, it's OK.
10:28It's just that he won't talk about it.
10:30He just bottles everything up, as usual.
10:32And everything I do these days is wrong.
10:34Do you want me to talk to him?
10:36You could try.
10:38He needs to talk to someone, know what I mean?
10:40I mean, he's no good to anybody at the moment.
10:42Well, I thought you already had a clock.
10:44We do.
10:46So why do you want another?
10:48It's busted.
10:50Oh. Was Ruth late as well, then?
10:54Well, why didn't she wake you up?
10:56Oh, there you are.
10:58I hear your alarm clock's broken.
11:00No, it isn't.
11:02Oh, but he just said it was.
11:04Oh, the batteries have gone, that's all.
11:06Yeah, that's right. The batteries.
11:08So has Mark been telling you about this morning?
11:10Oh, just that he overslept.
11:12I'm surprised you didn't wake him up.
11:14Yeah, I know I should have, but he looked so peaceful,
11:16I thought I'd give him a lie-in.
11:18There you are, you see? You're well looked after.
11:22Look, um, I should get back.
11:24Don't forget your batteries.
11:26Oh, no.
11:32What for?
11:34Well, for covering for me. It was all getting a bit close for comfort.
11:36Look, I didn't do it for you.
11:38The last thing I want is your mother sticking her oar into my affairs.
11:40All right, babe?
11:42I had a bit of trouble in the air, so I thought I'd take her out.
11:44Where was that?
11:46Grant's got Mary cleaning the pipes.
11:48Oh, don't you mind.
11:50Are you kidding? Trashing about in stale beer and cleaning fluid,
11:52and I could be out here having a bit of fresh air.
11:54So Mary's knee-deep in it instead.
11:56Yeah, you're right.
11:58With Grant.
12:00It's not what you think.
12:02No, I'm sure you're right.
12:04She wouldn't.
12:06No, definitely not.
12:08My mum.
12:10Oh, sorry, love. You first missed her.
12:12She's gone to the cash and carry.
12:14Pauline's covered me at the laundrette, so I'm here all afternoon.
12:18Anything I can do?
12:20No, it's OK. Mum was gonna come round later to do some babysitting,
12:22but my meeting's been cancelled, so there's no need to.
12:24Could you tell her?
12:26Yeah, of course.
12:28At least you won't have to worry about that any more.
12:30What's that?
12:32Getting your mum to babysit. Now she won't go to Cape Town.
12:34Cape Town? Yeah, right. She won't even go to Camden Town.
12:36What's keeping you on?
12:38I'm sorry, Ian, I thought you knew.
12:40Knew what?
12:42Ted asked that guy to Cape Town.
12:44To visit? To live.
12:46When? Last week.
12:48She didn't say anything.
12:50Well, I expect she was waiting to see what she decided to do.
12:52There was no mention at all.
12:54No, I'm not just saying that.
12:56Hello? Sorry, mate, I'm on the M1.
12:58So I thought maybe we could meet up or something.
13:00Oh, you would? Well, that's great, yeah.
13:02As a partner?
13:04Well, no, I was thinking more along the lines of a job.
13:12Do you need any help?
13:14No, I'm just looking for things.
13:16I don't see you around this stall much.
13:18Mate, it's always the first time.
13:20It's quite a wide selection, you see.
13:22Plus, I've just got some new stuff in.
13:24Well, I'm impressed.
13:26Yeah, pop, dance, R&B, swing, bop, funk, jazz, techno.
13:28You name it, I'm getting it.
13:32Yeah, the secret is contacts.
13:34If you build up a network, there's nothing I can't find.
13:36Well, that's good.
13:38If I don't make it anymore, I can get it second hand.
13:40If I don't make it second hand, I can get it a bootleg.
13:42If I can't get it a bootleg...
13:44All right, all right, yeah, I get the picture.
13:48Actually, there is something I'm looking for.
13:50Even better. What's it called?
13:52Well, I don't know. It was a single, though.
13:54The band.
13:56Alternate? Well, something like that.
13:58I don't know the title. It's sort of disco, but new.
14:04Well, it's a start, isn't it?
14:06I think I'll forget about it until you won't be able to find it.
14:08What have I just told you? I can get it.
14:10Yeah, well, if you did, I'd be really grateful.
14:12Leave it to me. Thanks.
14:16Right, that's the lot. Oh, great.
14:18Busy while I was out.
14:20Old usual. Oh, yeah.
14:22Ian came in.
14:24Was he all right?
14:26He went down this morning.
14:28I told him, Kath.
14:30Well, that was out. It's all right. I'll pop back later.
14:32No. I told him.
14:34I'm sorry. I thought he knew.
14:38Well, how was I to know? Oh, damn.
14:42What did you do? Just blow it out?
14:44I thought you might have told your son.
14:46Was he OK?
14:50Keep an eye on things, will you?
14:52I'll have to go and find him. I'm sorry, Kath. I didn't mean to...
14:54I know.
15:08You all right? Have you seen Ian?
15:10No. I've been looking all over for him.
15:12Shop, home, everywhere. What's the matter?
15:14Only everything.
15:16You want to tell me about it? No, I should keep looking, really.
15:18Look, I'm sure he'll turn up.
15:20What's the problem?
15:24It is all right, this place, really.
15:26For a pub, maybe, but even so...
15:28Well, you've seen what it looks like with a few balloons
15:30and a banner across the bar. It'll be OK.
15:32OK? I don't want it to be OK.
15:34I want better than OK.
15:36I was only saying. Well, then don't.
15:38Ever since Sarah came back with his airbrain scheme,
15:40he's been banging on and on about it.
15:42It's worth considering, isn't it? Of course it isn't.
15:44I don't want my reception held in some armpit of a place
15:46that smells like a 20-year-old ashtray.
15:48That is a 20-year-old ashtray.
15:50Oh, come on, love. Be reasonable. You know, last time I looked,
15:52it was Dad who's going to be paying for it all. So?
15:54So maybe he's the one that gets to choose, since he's paying.
15:56I'd pay if I could. Of course you would, love.
15:58Besides, this isn't just about the money.
16:00Yeah, that's what people usually say when they ain't paying.
16:02Simon. This is about our special day.
16:04Yeah, but you want him to spend a fortune on it.
16:06I'm not going to sit here and be lectured, thank you very much.
16:08Who's lecturing? He is.
16:10You think I'm sponging, don't you? I never said that.
16:12You think it, though, don't you? No-one does.
16:14Don't you?
16:16Well, yeah.
16:18Right. I'm off.
16:20Don't need this. Irene, love.
16:22I'll see you later.
16:24That's for my drink.
16:26Can't have him saying I don't pay my way.
16:28That's my Simon.
16:32What can I get you?
16:34A pint of Churchill's, please, love.
16:38Ian, there you are.
16:40What's going on? Trying to find you.
16:42Didn't get very far, did you?
16:44We need to talk.
16:46Yeah. I think we do.
16:50Mick was telling me this morning.
16:52So he's going to move you to Michael's old place?
16:54Yeah, well, that's the plan.
16:56I mean, he's still got to talk to the landlord and all that.
16:58I wonder if he wants a flat, mate. That squat's getting a bit crowded.
17:00What, me? Love's the other thing.
17:02I doubt it, mate. Besides, if there's a choice between you and Lola,
17:04I wouldn't go packing my bags just yet.
17:06Ah, but I've got hidden talents.
17:08I mean, can she down ten lagers and put them under my father's?
17:10I think not. Stop it, mate.
17:12It's scaring me. Hello.
17:14I'm completely on top of it.
17:16Sorry? Your CD.
17:18That's a promise.
17:20All right, it's not really for me. It isn't?
17:22Well, no, it's for a friend of mine, Joe.
17:24Yeah, he lives in Bolton, so...
17:28Yeah, well, we used to be...
17:30Well, he used to be my boyfriend, but we're just friends now.
17:32Oh, right.
17:34So, you're going to surprise me, are you?
17:36Well, that's the plan, yeah.
17:38All right, well, give us a shout, then, will you?
17:40Oi, Sarah! You seen your mum?
17:42Sorry, no.
17:44Well, she got the hump about having a reception at the Vic.
17:46Oh, I'm sorry I mentioned it now.
17:48You're not the only one.
18:00Get out.
18:14Why didn't you tell me?
18:16I didn't think about it, Ian.
18:18I thought it were my problems, too.
18:20I think that's my shout, don't you?
18:26It's all go, isn't it?
18:28I thought we were one thing or another.
18:30Pat said you'd decided to stay.
18:32That's right.
18:36Oh, lots of reasons.
18:38It could be just what you need.
18:40I've got just what I need right here.
18:42Family, friends, and after next week, my grandchildren.
18:48who would look after the children if I was in South Africa?
18:50Yeah, it'd be hard for Ben, too.
18:52Away from Phil and everything.
18:54Yeah, that's what Grant said.
18:56Grant? What do you mean, that's what he said?
18:58Ian, I...
19:00You told him before me.
19:02You'd rather discuss it with some stranger than with me.
19:04It wasn't like that.
19:06Well, who else you talk to? Sanjay, Hugh and Lenny, the milkman?
19:08I mean, am I the only person you didn't talk to?
19:10Ian, please.
19:12Oh, Mum, just forget it, will you? Just forget it.
19:16Just forget it.
19:48What are you doing here?
19:52I'm just thinking about what's going on,
19:54about me mum.
19:56Your mum?
19:58My aunt was asking her to go and live in South Africa with him.
20:02And she didn't tell me.
20:08You haven't found him, have you?
20:10Ian, I...
20:12It's OK. It's not as if it's a surprise.
20:14I know.
20:16Do I look like someone who's holding his breath?
20:18Right, who's for another?
20:20Not me. I've got to go.
20:22When did you just get here?
20:24Yeah, well, I'm up to me ears in it, remember?
20:26Yeah, I'm not likely to forget, am I?
20:28What's the matter, a night out with three good-looking blokes not enough for you?
20:30Well, show me them and I'll tell you.
20:32Well, three lagers and a bowl of milk, then, is it?
20:34Some of us have got work to do.
20:36And some of us are already finished.
20:38Hardly vital, is it, making a few tapes?
20:40Yeah, but it will be if there's no music to sing to on the night.
20:42Is that your new community plate?
20:44No, there's a thought.
20:46Not a very nice one.
20:48When you finally decide to leave your little friends
20:50and climb out of the sewer, I'll see you at home, all right?
20:54So, you settling in OK?
20:56Oh, yeah.
20:58People treating you all right, then?
21:00No problem.
21:02Yeah, well, they're a good crowd you get in here.
21:04They're very nice.
21:06You get all sorts.
21:08Yeah, I bet you do.
21:12Yeah, some people really like them.
21:14Not me.
21:16You don't?
21:18More trouble than they're worth.
21:20I went out with a married man once.
21:22Did you?
21:24Yeah, they're like kids who don't know what they want.
21:26Shall I have ice cream or jelly?
21:28Can I have both?
21:30So, what happened?
21:32Oh, I ditched her as soon as I found out.
21:34Oh, good on you, girl.
21:36Yeah, who wants to be somebody's bit in the side?
21:38I shouldn't have run out like that.
21:40Yeah, well, I was wrong to keep it from you.
21:42Did you?
21:44You know earlier,
21:46when you said you thought I had enough on my plate?
21:48That's right.
21:50Did you think I couldn't cope?
21:52Course not.
21:56I was worried.
21:58So you told Pat and Grohl?
22:00That's all.
22:02He's been a very good friend to me, Ian.
22:04He has?
22:06Well, do we feel he was there?
22:08He was a help.
22:10I see.
22:12We all need someone now and then.
22:14I know.
22:18I wish I'd...
22:20I should have spoke to you more.
22:22I should have talked to someone.
22:24There's been times when...
22:28I know.
22:30I know.
22:32No, Mum, you don't.
22:34This isn't how my life was meant to be.
22:38All I do is fight.
22:40I fight the courts, I fight Cindy.
22:42All my time is spent in some sort of battle.
22:46I'm so tired.
22:48These are meant to be the good years, you know?
22:50I build a business,
22:52a family, a life,
22:54and instead I'm...
22:56What am I doing, Mum?
23:00I just want it to end.
23:02I've spent so long hating
23:04and I can't do that.
23:06It destroys everything.
23:08It rots you away from the inside.
23:12There's been times when I just wanted it to stop.
23:14Once and for all.
23:16Just so I could get some peace.
23:18Oh, Ian.
23:20It would have been so easy.
23:24I wouldn't do that.
23:26Not to the kids, not to you,
23:28but sometimes it made more sense than carrying on.
23:30I know.
23:32Mum, I know you're trying to help,
23:34but unless you've actually...
23:38How could you possibly know?
23:40How do you think?
23:56It would have been the easiest thing in the world
23:58to take those pills.
24:00Mum, I had no idea.
24:02A glass of whiskey,
24:04lie down, off to sleep,
24:06nice and simple.
24:08Why didn't you tell me?
24:10I couldn't talk to anyone.
24:12So you see, love, I know exactly how you felt.
24:14And now?
24:16I'm mad.
24:18It seems like a hundred years ago.
24:20It was a different time. I was a different person.
24:24And believe me, you'll feel exactly the same way.
24:26We'll get through this, just like I did.
24:28And if Cindy wins?
24:30Mum, I could bear just about anything, but if I lose the kids...
24:32Well, it hasn't happened yet.
24:34But if I lose the kids...
24:36Allow me, love.
24:38I'm not going anywhere.
24:40Come here.
24:44So I asked him about Nigel,
24:46and he was really off.
24:50Yeah. Made me feel a bit stupid, actually.
24:52Don't worry about it, though.
24:54It's all tapes.
24:56And where have you been?
24:58Sorting everything out.
25:00You what?
25:02The days of pub receptions are over.
25:04They are?
25:06And what is this, 20 questions?
25:08Just tell us what you're on about.
25:10We are going to have our reception at Giuseppe's.
25:12Oh, are you Italian?
25:14They're going to handle a whole lot. Food, wine, the lot.
25:16Now, does that meet with your approval?
25:18It's a bit better, I grant you.
25:20A bit?
25:22Now that's a lot better.
25:24So can I go and tell the Italians that's a yes, then?
25:26You better.
25:28Great, and Alex can do the wedding.
25:30Oh, yeah. I suppose he can.
25:32You're amazing.
25:34Just wait till you see me walk on water.
25:38I didn't want to know. None of them.
25:40I'm too old with not enough experience.
25:42I've got plenty of experience, but only in one place.
25:44I'm too ambitious.
25:46I'm obviously not ambitious enough.
25:48They've heard of me and don't want to touch me.
25:50They haven't heard of me and they want to know why.
25:52Who did you ask?
25:54Everyone. Everyone?
25:56Everyone round here.
25:58You don't want to let that stop you.
26:00This is only your first day. What did you expect?
26:02You thought they'd be queuing up, didn't you?
26:04Sorry, Barry, it don't work like that. Not anymore.
26:06You've got to hammer on them doors.
26:08And if the ones round here don't open,
26:10hammer on some more further away.
26:12You've got a lot to offer.
26:14Remember that.
26:16Don't let them grind you down.
26:18It's harder to do.
26:20Believe me, I know.
26:22But you've got to try.
26:24And you've got to be prepared for it to take longer than a day.
26:28So you found him. Valiant.
26:30He's in Wandsworth Prison. No wonder I couldn't dig him out.
26:34What's he inside for?
26:36Murder. He stabbed some guy after a fight they'd had in the pub.
26:38Apparently he didn't appreciate losing.
26:42A regular citizen.
26:44So what now?
26:46Yes, there is.
26:48What are we going to do? Threaten him?
26:50I mean, with what? He's already behind bars.
26:52Yeah, and one day he's going to be up for parole.
26:54I'll tell him I know a few people who could influence the outcome.
26:56If he gives evidence against Cindy now,
26:58when the time comes, it'll look good in his parole application.
27:00You can do that?
27:02If you're Valko, would you take the chance?
27:04I'll go and see him.
27:06See if I can't get him to roll over.
27:08I don't believe it.
27:10We've got her. We have finally got her.
27:16We've got her.
27:18We've got her.
27:20We've got her.
27:22We've got her.
27:24We've got her.
27:26We've got her.
27:28We've got her.
27:30We've got her.
27:32We've got her.
27:34We've got her.
27:36We've got her.
27:38We've got her.
27:40We've got her.
27:42We've got her.
27:44We've got her.