Best Cartoon - Calvin and the Colonel- Wheeler Dealer #classiccartoons #kids

  • il y a 12 heures


00:00Un an plus tard...
00:13Now, get rid of the evidence.
00:20Holy cow, Colonel, we forgot the tow rope.
00:30Do something, it's gaining on us.
01:00Un an plus tard...
01:31The red and white toothpaste.
01:33With the most effective decay germ killer of them all.
01:37Stripe toothpaste.
01:44Here's a copy of a report submitted to Congress by recognized dental authorities.
01:49It says research has now, and I quote,
01:52clearly established a causal relationship between certain oral bacteria and dental caries. Unquote.
01:58In other words, tooth decay, like an infection, is caused by germs in the mouth.
02:03Now, Stripe contains the most effective germ killer ever put in a toothpaste.
02:08In fact, tests show Stripe reduces germs in the mouth 94%, immediately. 94%.
02:15What's more, Stripe's germ-fighting action stays in the mouth for hours.
02:20This makes it especially helpful to children, but with all the sweets of one kind or another they go through.
02:25Another thing, children brush more often every day, as dentists recommend,
02:30because Stripe looks good, and tastes good too.
02:33So, mother, remember, tooth decay is caused by germs.
02:37Get red and white germ-killing Stripe.
02:52There it is.
02:54Montgomery J. Clarkson's residence. Colonel Clarkson speaking.
02:57Telegram for Susan Culpepper.
02:59Oh, yeah. She's here too.
03:02Okay, bring it up, please.
03:06Thank you, son.
03:08That's from my sister-in-law.
03:09You're welcome, Colonel.
03:11Now, wait a minute. Here's a little something for your trouble.
03:14A dollar.
03:15Thank you.
03:24Montgomery, who's at the door?
03:27It's a telegram.
03:29Uh, for Sister Sue.
03:32Who's it from, Sister Sue?
03:34Why, it's from nephew Newton.
03:36He says he has wonderful accommodations in California.
03:40San Quentin or Alcatraz?
03:43Don't you go disparaging my family, Montgomery.
03:47What does dear Newton have to say, Sister dear?
03:50Montgomery, Newton wants you to ship his car to him in California.
03:56What car?
03:57You know very well what car.
03:59The car you agreed six months ago to store for him in the shed behind your real estate office.
04:05The one you said you'd jack up and never use.
04:09Oh, yes. That car.
04:11That's the one he wants me to send him.
04:15You must write down to the freight office and make arrangements to ship it to California.
04:20Do you hear me, Montgomery?
04:23Wait a minute, Montgomery.
04:26Has anything happened to that car?
04:29Now, what in the world would make you even suspicious that something's happened to that car?
04:34Because you are a low-down, sneaky, double-crossing chiseler.
04:42As long as you are not basing your statement on idle rumor, I won't take that as an insult.
05:00You know, Calvin, it doesn't seem possible that in six months I could have put 20,000 miles on this car.
05:07No one will know the difference when I get this speedometer set back.
05:11How's that, Colonel?
05:13Uh, move it up a little bit.
05:18That's it, that's it.
05:20Now we can take the car to the garage and get that free 1,000-mile check-up.
05:24Come on out, Calvin.
05:27You know, Colonel, I think you ought to get those tires retreaded.
05:31They're completely bald.
05:33And I think you ought to get those tires retreaded.
05:38They're completely bald.
05:40And this one's got a bunion.
05:42They're not too bad.
05:44Let me pop that bulge back in there.
05:54I think we'd better take this down and get some retreads on the retreads before we ship it to Newton in California.
06:00I wouldn't want him to get suspicious that we've been driving it.
06:08It's suffering a little more than usual today.
06:11It's not making contact.
06:25Where is this retreading shop, Colonel?
06:28Over in the next block.
06:30I'll turn left at the corner here.
06:32No, no, Calvin.
06:34Don't you remember, since we threw the front end out of alignment, you can't make a left turn.
06:39We can only turn right.
06:41Oh, yeah, that's right.
06:43We'll have to take the long way around.
06:51Nice going, Calvin.
06:53I say, Cal, I hate to mention it, but there's a lot of traffic up ahead at that red stoplight.
07:01These brakes aren't holding like they used to.
07:03They must be taking hold. I can smell them burning.
07:17If that cement truck hadn't been here, we might have gone right through the red light and got a ticket.
07:25Never mind that, you dummy.
07:27Let's get out of here before we get hardened of the arteries from the outside.
07:33And then I said to the truck driver,
07:35Just watch it, buster.
07:37You happen to be talking to Calvin Burnside of the Fightin' Burnside.
07:41Oh, my, Calvin.
07:43Is that what he hit you in the eye?
07:45No, he didn't do that until I called him a stupid, ignorant meathead.
07:51Why, that's just terrible.
07:54I'll tell you what.
07:56Oh, he didn't do that until I called him a stupid, ignorant meathead.
08:01Why, that's just terrible.
08:04Oh, I didn't let him get away with it.
08:06I called the policeman and had him order the man to get his fist out of my eyeball.
08:11Oh, you're so brave.
08:14Give me your other hand, Calvin.
08:18What's the colonel going to do?
08:20Well, Nephew Newton had the car insured.
08:23The colonel and I are going down to the insurance company this afternoon,
08:27collect the money, buy another car and ship it out to Newton.
08:30You certainly are smart, Calvin.
08:33Oh, yeah.
08:35Why, my IQ must be way up in the 60s or 70s.
08:41You know something, Gloria?
08:42Holding hands with you is really dynamite.
08:45Oh, Calvin.
08:48All of a sudden, I'm getting hot flashes in my head.
08:51Calvin, it's your cigar.
08:54I should have known, because I never had love singe my sideburns before.
09:04Oh, me.
09:09How come you're all broken up, colonel?
09:12I looked up Nephew Newton's insurance policy on his automobile.
09:16He kept the fire in theft, but he canceled the collision.
09:22It's too bad we didn't hit a gasoline truck instead.
09:26Then the survivors could have collected on the fire insurance.
09:29What are we going to do, colonel?
09:31Well, I'll just have to go home and tell Maggie Bell and her sister the truth.
09:36After all, accidents can happen and...
09:40Montgomery J. Claxton, real estate speaking.
09:43Montgomery, have you shipped Nephew Newton's car off to California yet?
09:48Well, I want to tell you something about that car, Maggie Bell, honey.
09:52There's nothing I want to hear from you except that it's on a boxcar headed west.
09:57Well, I... I...
09:59You what?
10:01You what?
10:04I was just going to say that your nephew's car is on the freight train now singing California, here I come.
10:10Well, it better be. That's all I have to say.
10:17Look at that.
10:18It happens every time she talks to me.
10:22That thing will beat like that till sundown.
10:25What are you going to do, colonel?
10:27I don't know, Calvin, but I got to do something.
10:30If I had sat there in that car and let that cement harden on me, I wouldn't be in a tighter spot than I am now.
