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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Ashlyn from Argentina.
00:02And before I continue, please like and subscribe.
00:04My brother Carter is my twin.
00:06We don't look anything alike, but we've always
00:08been competitive.
00:09On the day we were born, we even fought
00:11to be the one to come out first.
00:13My dad was a professional soccer player,
00:15and my mom was a really successful business executive.
00:17They were both super competitive and encouraged
00:20us to be the same.
00:21Everything was a competition.
00:23My brother and I competed to see who could crawl the fastest,
00:26who could walk first, hold their breath the longest,
00:28and draw the best picture.
00:30The winner always got a reward.
00:32At the time, it was friendly and fun.
00:34We just loved to try and outdo each other.
00:36Sometimes, the boy next door, Nico,
00:38would come over and be the judge.
00:39He had a cool camera and loved to take photos,
00:42mostly of me making weird faces.
00:44Carter thought he could make even weirder faces.
00:46So of course, it became a competition.
00:49And Carter wins again.
00:51Come on, Nico.
00:52Why are you always siding with Carter?
00:54That wasn't even close, and you know it.
00:56You heard what Nico said.
00:58I won.
00:58We always play fair, sis.
01:01Carter and Nico became best friends
01:03and loved teaming up against me, which was so annoying.
01:07Still, I loved my brother.
01:08He meant the world to me, so I was always a gracious loser.
01:12But Carter, not so much.
01:14You cheated.
01:15I did not.
01:15I beat you fair and square.
01:17It only got worse as we got older.
01:19My parents pushed us to compete with each other even more.
01:22Winning is everything.
01:24If I don't win, my team loses.
01:26And if I don't win, my company will fail,
01:28and I'll be out of a job.
01:30But does that mean that everything
01:31has to be a competition?
01:33Of course it does, dummy.
01:35I just wanted to have a normal relationship with my brother,
01:38where we didn't always have to prove that we
01:40were better than each other.
01:41But whatever I did, he had to do it better.
01:44I even let him win just so he wouldn't hate me.
01:46Not again.
01:47I guess you're just better than me.
01:49What can I say?
01:50Then one day, he crossed a line, and everything changed.
01:54When we were in the 10th grade, I
01:55was getting straight A's, I was captain of the girls' soccer
01:58team, and got the lead in the school play.
02:01Carter got B's, didn't even make the boys' soccer team,
02:04and only got a tiny part in the play with no lines.
02:07He hated that I was doing better than him.
02:09He stopped speaking to me in school
02:11unless it was to say something mean in front of his friends.
02:14Hi, Carter.
02:14You want to eat lunch together?
02:16Wow, you guys smell something.
02:18Someone really needs to take a bath.
02:20I could tell that Nico didn't like it,
02:22but he never stood up for me.
02:23When I announced that I was running for class president,
02:26Carter ran against me.
02:27Vote for me if you want longer lunch periods.
02:30Vote for Ashlyn if you want twice the homework.
02:32And then he humiliated me in front of the entire school.
02:36You can't be class president if you have secrets,
02:38and my sister has a huge one.
02:41What are you talking about, Carter?
02:42I don't have any secrets.
02:44That's not what your diary says.
02:46My body froze like an icicle.
02:48I did have one big secret, and in that diary,
02:51I must have drawn Nico's name 10,000 times
02:54in every color, shape, and size.
02:56Carter opened one of the pages and held it up
02:58so everyone could see.
02:59The entire school burst out laughing, and I just exploded.
03:04I attacked Carter with all the strength that I had,
03:06and it took five teachers to pull me off.
03:09We were both disqualified from running for president
03:11and suspended for a week.
03:13I was removed as captain of the soccer team,
03:15and they gave the lead in the school play to another girl.
03:18I was devastated.
03:20I couldn't get over how my own brother could betray me,
03:22and now so much of my hard work had gone down the drain.
03:26Even my parents were furious with us,
03:28but I knew that Carter was secretly happy.
03:30In his mind, we were equals again.
03:32My life was ruined, and my grades declined.
03:36It just wasn't fair.
03:37Then one day, I was crying by my locker
03:40when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
03:42You okay?
03:42I turned around to see Nico.
03:44My heart started pounding in my chest.
03:47I was so embarrassed I tried to run away,
03:49but I tripped over my shoelace and fell.
03:51But Nico caught me.
03:52For a moment, I just lay there in his arms,
03:54staring into his big blue eyes.
03:57Ashlyn, you okay?
03:58Yeah, I'm fine, thank you.
04:00Listen, don't be embarrassed about the diary.
04:03Carter was a jerk for doing that,
04:04but the truth is, I only started coming over to your house
04:07in the first place because I had a crush on you.
04:10Yeah, and when I would go home,
04:12I'd print out the photos I took of you
04:14and just stare at them.
04:15Kinda creepy, right?
04:17About as creepy as having your name
04:19written all over my diary.
04:21Over the next few weeks,
04:22Nico and I spent a lot of time together.
04:24And at first, Carter tried to ignore it,
04:26but I could tell that it was driving him crazy.
04:29I was happy again.
04:30My grades went back up,
04:32and the girl who took my role in the school play got sick,
04:34so I got it back.
04:36I even scored the winning goal
04:37in our soccer championship game
04:39and was awarded Most Valuable Player.
04:41Carter finally couldn't take it
04:43and confronted Nico and me in the hallway.
04:45Nico, you can either be my best friend
04:47or hang out with my loser sister,
04:49but you can't have it both ways.
04:51What's it gonna be?
04:52Everyone stopped to watch.
04:53I was too terrified to speak.
04:55I just stared at Nico,
04:57looked like a little boy lost in the woods.
04:59But then he made his decision and walked over to Carter.
05:02I rushed up to Nico and grabbed his hand.
05:04Nico, this is stupid.
05:06There's no reason you have to choose.
05:08But he does, and he did.
05:10Sorry, sis.
05:11Nico shoved me away,
05:12and my heart shattered into a million little pieces.
05:16What a jerk.
05:17That night, I burst into Carter's room and confronted him.
05:20What is wrong with you, Carter?
05:22Why do you always treat me like I'm your worst enemy?
05:25Because I have to, Ashlyn.
05:26What do you mean?
05:27It's mom and dad and the stupid competitions
05:30they make us do, isn't it?
05:31You're worried that you're gonna disappoint them.
05:33I never said that.
05:34I know that's what it was.
05:36Look, I forgive you for everything,
05:38but let's stop this right now
05:40before it completely destroys our relationship.
05:43For a moment, it looked like I was getting through to him.
05:46He seemed so vulnerable.
05:48I swear, I thought I saw a tear in his eye.
05:51It's just, it's just what?
05:53But then his body tensed back up
05:55like he was suddenly possessed by a demon.
05:57It's just that you're a loser and I will always beat you.
06:00Now get out.
06:01The play was coming up in a couple of weeks,
06:03so I made a point of staying away from Carter.
06:06I knew he would try to sabotage it for me.
06:08Then one day, as I was rehearsing my lines,
06:11Nico walked over.
06:12Hey, Ashlyn.
06:13What do you want?
06:14I wanna apologize for my behavior.
06:16Carter is my friend,
06:17but he has no right to control who I talk to.
06:20I went with him that day
06:21because I wanted to help him see
06:23that what he was doing was wrong,
06:25but I was a real jerk
06:26and if you never wanna talk to me again, I deserve it.
06:30At that moment, I realized how much I truly loved Nico,
06:34so I let my anger go.
06:36And from that point on, Nico and I were inseparable.
06:39On the night of the play,
06:41I heard that there was gonna be
06:42a huge talent agent in the audience.
06:44This was my big chance,
06:45but when I got up on stage, I completely forgot my lines.
06:49I, um, I had been so lost in my thoughts about Nico
06:53that I lost focus on the play.
06:55The theater was silent,
06:56but I could see Carter sitting all the way in the back
06:58next to Nico and he was laughing.
07:01Then it hit me.
07:02This was his plan the whole time.
07:04He sent Nico to distract me.
07:06I was furious, but I wasn't about to let Carter win,
07:10so I gathered myself, took a deep breath,
07:12and suddenly, I remembered my lines.
07:15I poured all of my anger into the performance
07:18and when the play ended, I got a standing ovation.
07:21I couldn't believe it.
07:22As I was leaving, the talent agent ran up to me.
07:25You were fabulous up there.
07:27I think you could be a star.
07:29Me, really?
07:31Yes, you, Ashlyn.
07:33As she handed me her card, I looked for Carter,
07:35not because I wanted to rub it in his face,
07:37but because I wanted to share it with him
07:40For just a moment,
07:41I thought maybe he would be happy for me, but he was gone.
07:44I felt like such an idiot for even thinking that.
07:46Then Nico came up to me.
07:48You were amazing up there.
07:50No thanks to you and Carter, you tricked me.
07:53I didn't know about his plan until tonight, I swear.
07:55When he told me I should spend time with you,
07:57I thought he had changed,
07:58but it was just a plan to distract you.
08:01I'm done being his friend.
08:02Why should I believe you, Nico?
08:04Because I love you, Ashlyn.
08:06And then he kissed me.
08:08I nearly melted right there in the middle of the theater.
08:11But then I caught a glimpse of Carter in the doorway.
08:14He looked sad.
08:15Over the next few months, I started going out on auditions
08:18and right after graduation, I booked my first movie.
08:21Overnight, I became a huge action star.
08:24Nico was there for me every step of the way.
08:27Every time I booked a new role,
08:28Nico would come and visit me on set,
08:30but I barely ever saw Carter.
08:32He started staying out late at night and skipping school
08:35so he didn't graduate.
08:36After that, Carter moved to another city.
08:39But I hated not having Carter around.
08:41I worked so hard to get where I am, Nico.
08:44And while I should be happy with my success,
08:47still, I can't stop thinking about Carter.
08:49He's an adult, Ashlyn.
08:51He chose to act the way that he did.
08:53Instead of trying to make himself better,
08:54he tried to tear you down and it didn't work.
08:57I know, but I don't think it's all his fault.
08:59My parents turned us against each other
09:01from the day we were born.
09:03They taught us to be this way.
09:05A couple years later, Nico asked me to marry him.
09:07I wanted to invite Carter to the wedding,
09:09but no one had heard from him or knew where he was.
09:12I had an old number for him and I often left him messages,
09:15but he never returned my calls.
09:17Then I got nominated for a prestigious acting award
09:20for one of my action movies.
09:21I was gonna be on TV in front of millions of people
09:24at the award show.
09:25So every designer wanted me to wear their fancy dresses
09:29and their really expensive jewelry.
09:31I chose a stunning yellow diamond necklace
09:33that was worth millions of dollars.
09:35I left a message for Carter
09:37telling him about the great news.
09:38I wasn't sure if he would ever receive it,
09:40but it felt good to hear his voice.
09:42The night of the award show, something crazy happened.
09:45Nico and I stopped at my parents' house
09:47so my mom could help me get ready before the show.
09:49As Nico and I were walking to our limo,
09:51a robber wearing a mask jumped out in front of us.
09:53He shoved Nico to the ground
09:55and snatched the yellow diamond necklace.
09:57I sprang into action and used the kung fu moves
09:59I'd learned from my movies.
10:01I punched the robber in the face,
10:02kicked him in the stomach,
10:04grabbed the necklace and then pinned him to the ground.
10:06Ouch, that hurts.
10:07I recognized the robber's voice.
10:09I snatched off his mask.
10:11It was Carter.
10:12My parents heard the commotion and ran outside.
10:14Carter, what are you doing?
10:16I'm so sorry, Ashlyn.
10:18I should have listened to you,
10:19but I was so obsessed with winning
10:21that I ended up losing everything.
10:23And now look at me.
10:24I haven't eaten in days.
10:26So when I heard your message
10:27about the award show and the necklace,
10:29I decided to steal it.
10:30It was a dumb idea.
10:31It's okay, Carter.
10:33No, it's not.
10:34I was a horrible brother and a worse friend.
10:36I hope that one day you can forgive me.
10:38This is all our fault.
10:39We were wrong to always push you two
10:42to compete against each other.
10:43We didn't realize the damage that we were doing.
10:45We are so sorry.
10:47We've always been so incredibly proud of both of you.
10:51I forgave Carter and my parents.
10:53Carter and Nico held my hand as the host took the stage.
10:56Then the host called my name.
10:58Get up there, Ashlyn.
10:59You won.
11:00I walked onto the stage to accept my award.
11:03When I looked out and saw Carter, Nico,
11:05and my parents smiling up at me,
11:07I couldn't help but cry.
11:08It was a dream come true.
