A Story Of An Angel Living With A Devil

  • 2 days ago
#animatedstories #lifeexperiences #personaldrama #emotionalanimation #inspirationaltales #teenstruggles #familyconflicts #relationshipissues #comingofage #highschooldrama #friendshipstories #lifelessons #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #uniquestories #animatedlife #reallifeevents #motivationalstories #lovestories #betrayaltales #overcomingchallenges #animatedconfessions #familydynamics #socialissues #mentalhealth #identitycrisis #animatednarratives #dramafilledstories #relatablecontent #animatedvlogs #viewersubmissions

MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Tally.
00:01I grew up on the edge of a small town in the Midwest.
00:03Before I continue, please hit like and subscribe.
00:06Flowers have surrounded me for as long as I can remember.
00:09My dad had the most wonderful flower shop,
00:12and he used to make these glorious crowns with daisies.
00:15And I'd feel just like a princess in a fairy tale.
00:18I also loved to help him in the garden,
00:20either at home or at our store.
00:21But sometimes, Mom seemed frustrated when I was
00:24the one having fun with Dad.
00:25Oh, Tally, here you are again, covered in mud
00:28and leaving a trail of dirt everywhere.
00:30I just finished mopping, for goodness sake.
00:33Look at your pretty sister.
00:34Why can't you be more like her?
00:36I knew that Mom adored my older sister, Sophie,
00:38for being more interested in clothes, shoes, or makeup,
00:41like she was.
00:42And they loved giggling over their favorite TV shows.
00:45Sophie never liked working with plants
00:47or putting her hands in dirt.
00:49By the time I turned 12, Sophie had become popular at school.
00:52She always looked fierce and fabulous with outfits
00:55that rivaled pop stars.
00:57I could see that boys already liked her.
00:59Even Par, a boy in her grade who lived down the street,
01:02used to help her get off the school bus
01:03if she was wearing a dress.
01:05Yeah, you guessed it.
01:06I had a silent crush on him.
01:08He looked like a real prince, especially that time
01:11when someone made fun of me.
01:13She's so lame, she trips up the stairs.
01:15What's wrong, Tally?
01:16Lost your tally-ho?
01:18Par reached over, took his sports kit,
01:20and threw it out the window.
01:22There's a reason to get off the bus.
01:23Or we can make fun of you for losing your kit.
01:26From then on, everyone was quiet,
01:28and I only looked at him.
01:30By the time I was 15, my dad's health
01:32had started keeping him home more.
01:33And a year later, our flower shop was barely bringing
01:36in enough money for bills.
01:38Also, I dreamed of traveling to Paris, college,
01:41and everything else that cost money.
01:44I wanted to find a way, so I took my grandmother's recipe
01:47for making perfume.
01:48We could sell them at the shop.
01:50Excellent idea.
01:51These could do well.
01:52But just then, Sophie picked up the vials
01:55I put so much work into and throws them in the trash
01:58hard enough to shatter.
01:59We were all taken aback.
02:01Why are you humoring her?
02:02Nobody wants Granny's scents.
02:04This will not bring even a penny.
02:06You're an idiot, Tally.
02:07Don't pay attention to her.
02:09You're doing great.
02:10I think Sophie is also right.
02:12Maybe we should give up the flower shop altogether,
02:15and I could try something more sensible.
02:17Like always, Mom changed sides.
02:19But I couldn't bear Dad's miserable face at the thought
02:22of dissolving his dream.
02:24The tears I saw in his eyes before he turned away
02:26gutted me.
02:27Only the next week at school, I almost
02:29dropped my books when I saw the flyer
02:31everyone was looking at.
02:32There was a school-wide science competition.
02:35The grand prize was a trip to Paris.
02:38Oh, Paris is my dream.
02:40I have to win this.
02:41Maybe you could grow a unique type of flower.
02:44Wait, what?
02:45Did I say that out loud?
02:46Parr was standing there talking to me.
02:48Now my stomach flipped.
02:50It felt like being 12 years old all over again.
02:53Your family owns the flower shop, right?
02:54Then out of nowhere, Sophie stepped in.
02:57That's right, we do.
02:59Let's do a project together, Parr.
03:01You have such good ideas.
03:02She put her arm around his and walked off
03:05while I stood there steaming.
03:07The one guy I've always liked she has to steal away?
03:10Doesn't she ever think about anyone but herself?
03:13Later, while I was working at the shop,
03:14Glenn, a boy from school, came in.
03:16His family was the richest in town.
03:19They owned hotels, theaters, and even a country club.
03:22I was reminded of the time when my dad and I delivered
03:24flowers to their house, and so they
03:26needed some very special flowers for an upcoming event.
03:29You're Sophie's sister, aren't you?
03:31Yeah, well, there's nothing I can do about that.
03:33You're a lot cuter up close.
03:35I'd always heard that you were a gnome.
03:37You must have heard it from Sophie.
03:38And I guess you still believe in fairies, too.
03:41They're definitely real.
03:42Turn around.
03:43Let me see your wings.
03:44OK, funny guy.
03:46I didn't think much more of the exchange.
03:48I was ecstatic about that big order.
03:50It would solve almost all our problems.
03:52And later, I could get more orders
03:54for dad's experimental treatment.
03:56But the next day at school, Glenn magically
03:58appeared at my locker.
03:59Huh, you again.
04:00Too soon?
04:01For what exactly?
04:03To get to know you better, walk you to class.
04:05An intoxicating feeling began seeping into me.
04:08I was thinking that maybe we could even work on a project
04:11together for the contest.
04:12No, I've got a project of my own.
04:14I'd like to win with that.
04:16And just then, Par walked by on the other side of the hall
04:18and looked at me standing there with Glenn.
04:21I didn't think.
04:21I just reacted quickly.
04:23I put my hand flat on Glenn's chest
04:25and spoke super quietly and sweetly so Par wouldn't hear
04:29but might notice.
04:30But maybe I could help you come up with something, too.
04:33I glanced over at Par and caught him still looking right at me
04:36and then quickly looking away.
04:38Boom, score one for Tally.
04:40But Glenn, of course, saw the whole thing.
04:42If you help me, maybe I can help with the other thing
04:45it looks like you want.
04:46I rushed to the class so I could ignore him.
04:49Later when I sat down for lunch, there was Glenn again.
04:51And my friends moved down to give us some space.
04:54What's going on?
04:55I bought them all lunch for a week
04:57so we could continue negotiating.
05:00Sure, you want Mr. Tall, dark hair,
05:02and fairly good looking.
05:03That's obvious.
05:04Look, I'm sorry.
05:06I guess I got carried away this morning.
05:08It's just-
05:08Your sis?
05:09Glenn was talking to me.
05:11But he was looking at Sophie sitting very close to Par,
05:13all smiles and talking away.
05:16Look, I need the extra credit for doing the competition.
05:18Paris, I go when I want.
05:20My family has an apartment there.
05:21You could have the trip.
05:23The winner's grades get the biggest bump.
05:24I need this to graduate.
05:26Just please help me and it could help you.
05:29I sat there pondering and unwrapped my simple cheese
05:31sandwich while he bit into his double-double burger
05:34and offered me a sip of his milkshake.
05:36If you act like you're into me, it might reel him in.
05:39He's not even looking at her.
05:40I'm not trying to reel him in.
05:43Who are you trying to kid?
05:44You're very cute when you try to lie.
05:46Glenn was handsome and I could smell his Chanel de bleu.
05:50For a moment, having his face so close to mine
05:52made me forget all about Par.
05:54I'll text you after school so we can make a plan.
05:56Glenn stood up and the whole lunchroom saw
05:58him lean in and kiss my cheek.
06:00I mean, it could work.
06:02I could actually help him graduate, win my own project,
06:05and spark Par's jealousy to get him to admit his feelings
06:08all at once, right?
06:09The next day after dinner, Mom drove Sophie and me
06:11to the library to work with Par and Glenn.
06:14When we got there, Par opened the door
06:15and helped Sophie and me out of the car like an expert.
06:18When he took my hand, I tried to look him in the eyes,
06:21but just then, Glenn strode up.
06:23How's it going, man?
06:24Good evening, ladies.
06:26Sophie looked taken in by Glenn.
06:28Don't call me Par-y.
06:29OK, sorry, man.
06:31I heard some guests call you that.
06:32Did you girls know he works for my parents
06:34as a bellboy in the summer?
06:35Yeah, I'm not lazy or spoiled.
06:38Whoa, whoa, whoa.
06:39Jealousy's not a good look on anyone.
06:41Are you so sure that I hid the golf cart keys
06:43last year when you were supposed to caddy?
06:45It was just a prank for laughs.
06:46It wasn't personal.
06:48Just then, Glenn tripped and landed with his shin
06:50slamming into the sidewalk.
06:52Oh, that's got to hurt.
06:54Sophie sounded actually concerned.
06:56I started wondering if she was into Glenn now,
06:59because he was way more her type.
07:01What if my helping Glenn wouldn't just
07:03make Par jealous, but also push her into Glenn's arms?
07:06Wait, was that Glenn's plan all along?
07:10I had to stay focused on my plan.
07:11The library has that world of plants garden.
07:14Let's borrow a little aloe vera and put it on your shin
07:16right away.
07:17Have I told you you're a genius?
07:19I let Glenn lean on me.
07:21And as we walked off, I could see Par's expression change.
07:24Later that night, Sophie came into my room
07:26before I went to sleep.
07:27Hey, sorry for being kind of snippy earlier.
07:30And you're so sweet you're even helping Glenn.
07:33He seems nice.
07:34Wait, are you about to ask me to help you get to know Glenn?
07:38I mean, only if you're not into him.
07:40You're not, right?
07:42I mean, I grabbed Par from my partner because you are.
07:45You want all the boys for yourself.
07:48No, Par and I have been friends since we were kids.
07:51I'm not interested in him.
07:52I just wanted to work on the project with him.
07:55Tully, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was taking him away
07:57from you that day.
07:58You don't need his brain to help yours.
08:00I do.
08:01I almost couldn't believe my ears,
08:03but Sophie was weirdly trying to be sisterly.
08:06And we started getting along better after that,
08:08which I liked.
08:09But the next week, I had another problem.
08:11The flowers that were shipped in for Glenn's order
08:13were short on lilies.
08:14Thankfully, I knew where some grew.
08:16And ironically, it was behind Par's house.
08:19Do you mind if I pick the lilies?
08:21It's for an order.
08:22It's so muddy back there.
08:23I'll help you.
08:25We practically skated, the mud was so slippery.
08:27We grabbed each other so we didn't fall.
08:29And I melted standing there with Par's warm hands holding me.
08:34Being tall has advantages.
08:35On the way back to the front of his house,
08:37we laughed and laughed until we got back on dry ground.
08:41Please, I hope you don't mind, but I've
08:43known Glenn for a long time.
08:45You should steer clear of him.
08:46He's bad news.
08:48Gosh, my plan worked.
08:49OK, next, tell me what I'm waiting for.
08:52And I know clearly that our project is
08:56going to blow the judges away.
08:58Oh, trying to scare me off to bump up your chances?
09:01My phone started buzzing, and I had
09:03to get the flowers back ASAP.
09:05The moment was lost, but Par looked so sweet
09:08as I rushed away, like maybe he didn't want me to go.
09:11With work and the extra science project,
09:13the contest judging day came around super fast.
09:16We each set our ideas out to be seen by everyone.
09:18I displayed my super scents, crafted colognes
09:21with painted booklets describing each scent.
09:23I felt so proud seeing Glenn's display.
09:25It looked excellent, too.
09:27After the first period, I noticed some kids giggling
09:30and even pointing in my direction.
09:31Tally, you must have put all your efforts
09:34into Glenn's project.
09:35It looks fantastic.
09:36Yours, well, what do you mean?
09:39I thought the bottles looked nice.
09:40I ordered them from Amazon and the booklets,
09:42and there are no bottles, just one little paper.
09:45I ran back to see that my project, all of my work,
09:48was gone.
09:50I ran down the hall and found Sophie
09:51with her group of friends, and I didn't
09:53care that I was butting in.
09:54Where are they?
09:55This isn't funny.
09:57I was just starting to trust you.
09:58Only when I told her, she seemed completely sincere
10:01that she hadn't touched anything.
10:03And her attitude was in line with how
10:05we'd been closer lately.
10:07You can trust me.
10:08Come on, I'll help.
10:09We can make an announcement or something.
10:11Tally, honestly, I'm really sorry someone did this to you.
10:15I think I know.
10:16Sophie and I followed Par to the lockers.
10:18Glenn walked up to his but took his hands off the latch
10:21to hold mine.
10:22Can't wait to see you all at the judging.
10:24Tally's my girl, and we'll be celebrating tonight.
10:26Par pulled on his locker, but it was stuck.
10:29He reached up and hit the top really hard.
10:31His locker opened, and all the perfume bottles and booklets
10:34started falling out.
10:37Wow, talk about show and smell.
10:38Very kindergarten of you, Glenn.
10:41I can't believe you would do this to me.
10:43I slapped Glenn in front of everyone,
10:45and I quickly gathered my project pieces out
10:47of his locker.
10:48Tally, I didn't do this.
10:50I care about you, honestly.
10:51Sophie told everything to the hall monitor,
10:54and Glenn was taken to the principal's office.
10:56I arranged everything back and won first place,
10:59just as I was beginning to feel happy with people
11:01congratulating me, two school guards came to take Par away.
11:05Wait, what's going on now?
11:07They have security camera footage.
11:08It was Par who tried to sabotage your project, not Glenn.
11:13It turned out that Par did it all because he
11:15was jealous of Glenn.
11:16I was mortified.
11:18I had always looked up to Par, but he
11:19wasn't worthy of anything.
11:21I felt confused and really wanted
11:23to clear things up with Glenn.
11:25Where's Glenn?
11:26I looked everywhere, but Glenn went home.
11:28I tried texting, but I got no replies.
11:30He didn't show up for school for the next few days,
11:32so I asked at one of the hotels.
11:35Mr. Glenn left town.
11:37I couldn't stop thinking about him.
11:38I wanted to apologize to him.
11:40I wanted to tell him so much, but when I tried calling,
11:43it went straight to voicemail.
11:44After a month, Sophie got busy with another boyfriend.
11:47And since dad was still ill and the prize was only for two,
11:50mom made me take her to Paris so as not to waste the tickets
11:54and flaunt our signature scent at a few of the hot spots
11:56to snag some big orders.
11:58It seemed that I got what I wanted,
12:00but I kept feeling like something was missing.
12:02And then one day at the cafe, I couldn't believe my eyes
12:06when Glenn came over.
12:07He introduced himself to mom, then with one finger
12:10closed my open mouth.
12:12I threw my arms around him.
12:14You're here.
12:15It's fate.
12:16Tally told me about you.
12:17How did you find me?
12:19It was just a phone call to your house.
12:20Once I finally put the SIM card of the phone
12:22I smashed into a new phone, I got your messages.
12:25You told your dad you loved this cafe near your hotel.
12:28I'm so sorry for everything.
12:30I shouldn't have believed par.
12:31And your project didn't win, and-
12:33Winning was just an excuse to be a little closer to you.
12:36Mom got up to go back to the hotel.
12:39I was happy she was giving us space, but Glenn stopped her.
12:42There's a note waiting for you at the hotel.
12:44I hope you'll be pleased.
12:45Mom looked elated with the mystery as she walked away.
12:48I looked quizzically at Glenn, and he took my hands in his.
12:52My dad's partner has a famous perfume gallery here.
12:55And they want to meet you, since they want the best scents.
12:58That is so incredible.
13:00I don't know what to say.
13:01I can get dad's experimental treatment with this order.
13:03Hey, what were you thinking about me before par
13:06broke into my locker and all?
13:07I want to know.
13:08OK, I thought maybe you were into Sophie all along
13:11and worked with me to make her jealous,
13:14since she's more your type.
13:15No, I always liked you the way you are.
13:18Simple, pure, cute, caring, and smart.
13:21And I was just waiting for us to make scents.
13:23Ha, I make scents.
13:25Yes, you do.
13:26Winning scents at that.