• 2 days ago
Shaz can't take much more bullying, and Dr Waugh offers her some help. Virginia is not all she appears to be. Helen makes an accusation against Fenner. Mark tries to win Gina back


01:20Get a move on, teen.
01:22You don't want to be a fat arse all your life, do you?
01:32Oi, shags!
01:34Hope you're hungry.
01:36Al's got your breakfast here.
01:59Get lost.
02:03Get lost.
02:04Look, I'd had a skinful. You know I'm a prat when I've had a few.
02:07You're a prat when you haven't.
02:09She practically forced herself on me.
02:11Please, spare me.
02:13It's not like I enjoyed it or anything.
02:15You're frigging priceless, you are. Do you know that?
02:17Oh, come on, Gina, what do you want me to say?
02:19Look, I'm not going to lose you over some sad shag like Di Barker.
02:22The only thing that you regret, Mark, is getting found out.
02:25Now get your face out of mine before I smack it into the middle of next week.
02:28Come on, out you get. Hurry up.
02:30Come on, move it!
02:37Shift yourselves, Wylie. I haven't got all day.
02:39I don't feel well, miss.
02:41Oh, save me the am-dram. I'm not in the mood.
02:43I feel sick. I think I'm coming down with something.
02:46Yes, and I know what.
02:47Bone-eyed lighters like the rest of them in here.
02:49Honest. My head's banging.
02:51It'll be banging if I come over there and drag you out by your ears.
02:54It'll be banging if I come over there and drag you out by your ears.
02:58Is everything all right?
03:00On your way, Atkins.
03:02Only I swear I heard Officer Hollaby issue a personal threat.
03:05I don't need no favours from you.
03:09Suit yourself.
03:11And you, Sylvia, should pick on someone your own size.
03:16If you can find anyone.
03:38I was really drunk.
03:42And I've been under a lot of pressure recently, what with my mum and that.
03:48Just look at it as two mates who got carried away.
03:52I'm really, really sorry.
03:57I mean, it's not as if I knew you were pregnant.
04:01If I'd known that, I would never have dreamt of...
04:03Shagging me boyfriend?
04:06I'm trying to apologise.
04:09Ah, sod it.
04:11Maybe he did me a favour.
04:13Did I?
04:15Well, I'm carrying one bastard.
04:17Why do I want to get stuck with another?
04:22You're not thinking of getting rid of it, are you?
04:26Look, if you don't mind me saying...
04:28Actually, I do, cos it's got sod all to do with you.
04:31And for your information, Mark's not your mate.
04:33He thinks you're a slag.
04:35So just piss off out of my life!
04:40Is everything all right?
04:42Doesn't matter.
04:45I think I've introduced myself to most of them.
04:49I have to hand it to you.
04:52It's a nice little set-up you've got.
04:55What about Servingham Street?
04:57Up, running and doing very good business.
04:59Had to take on a couple of extras.
05:01Estonians, I think.
05:03Very popular, apparently.
05:05And the money?
05:07Deposited, as requested.
05:09I don't know what you're talking about.
05:11Deposited, as requested.
05:13I take it I don't need to arrange to pay you your share.
05:18I prefer to deduct things at source.
05:20Keeps things nice and tidy.
05:23So long as I get mine.
05:28Oh, there's just one other thing.
05:30This cell.
05:32I really can't be expected to go on sharing it like this.
05:36Pushing it, aren't you?
05:39You scratched my back.
05:42Don't worry. I've taken a copy.
05:55Who do they think I am?
05:57Charlie Flaming Dimmock?
05:59More flowers for Miss O'Kane?
06:01Not this time.
06:03Lover's tiff.
06:08At least he's making the effort.
06:10Funny. That's what he said about you.
06:20What, Bettina, sir?
06:22She'll do you for a Mars bar.
06:24Oh, bloody won't.
06:26Oh, she'll do you for a Mars bar.
06:28Oh, bloody won't.
06:30Oh, she'll do you for a Mars bar.
06:32Oh, bloody won't.
06:34Oh, she'll do you for a Mars bar.
06:36Oh, bloody won't.
06:38Oh, you too, then?
06:39Calm down, girls. We're not on Jerry Springer.
06:45Hard to believe you two are related.
06:47What, because I've got all the brains and the looks and all?
06:50Now you come to mention it.
06:53You got a bloke waiting for you on the outside, though?
06:56Why? Interested, are you?
06:58To know there are one or two real women in this place, yeah?
07:01No worries there.
07:03Yeah, I've got plenty waiting for me, thanks.
07:06Oh, like that, is there?
07:08Don't believe in tying yourself down,
07:10cos you never know when you'll get a better offer, do you, Mr Fenner?
07:18That's what he said, honest truth.
07:26Mike, can you take over here, please?
07:28Oh, yeah, sure.
07:32Something wrong, Hannah?
07:36Perhaps you can explain why you feel the need to manhandle the prisoners.
07:39I wasn't aware that I was.
07:41You know the rules.
07:43I will not tolerate over-familiarity with the prisoners.
07:48And that's an accusation, right?
07:51I was showing the girls back on the wing. If you think you saw something different...
07:54I know what I saw.
07:56Well, let's get a second opinion, then, shall we?
07:58Dr Waugh, did you see anything?
08:18Was two slices you wanted, wasn't it?
08:20Such an angel.
08:22Then you've all been so terribly good to me.
08:25I don't care what they say.
08:27The girls usually see each other right in here.
08:29And I shall see you right, too.
08:31There'll always be a space in one of my establishments for the two Trudies.
08:41Used to be South London ladies champion, me.
08:44I rate.
08:46Did, too.
08:47They wanted me to go to America.
08:49Do competitions in it.
08:51They were going to pay me loads and all.
08:53How come you never went, then?
08:55Don't like flying, do I?
08:59Dead glamorous, ain't she?
09:03Miss O'Kane.
09:05She's had new clobber on every day this week.
09:08Window dressing.
09:09Bet she's a right bag of bones underneath.
09:12And her hair's beautiful.
09:14And her make-up.
09:17Bet she don't bite her nails, either.
09:20You fancy her, do you?
09:23It's just...
09:24I always feel such a mess, somehow.
09:27Yeah, that's because you've got one of their meeting disorders.
09:30Have I?
09:31Yeah, only you forget to throw up after.
09:37You like it being up on the frieze, then?
09:39It's all right.
09:41Just all right?
09:44It's not all it's cracked up to be.
09:46On your own all the time.
09:48Too much time to think.
09:50She's got to be better than sharing a cell with that mad bitch, innit?
09:57Are them lot still picking on you?
09:59Do I walk round with kick me stamped on me head, or what?
10:02Look, take no notice.
10:04They're havens.
10:05Anyway, they'll be out of here any minute now.
10:07Two years?
10:09I can't hide in my cell all that time, can I?
10:17It was only after a fag.
10:19Tie, anyway.
10:22You shouldn't give in to them like that.
10:25Well, I don't fancy getting battered today, all right?
10:28Where you going?
10:33Aren't we supposed to be in workshop?
10:35Tell the screws they can stick it!
10:47I'm really sorry, Helen.
10:49Yeah, I didn't know what to say.
10:52You know I'd back you all the way if I could, I just didn't see anything.
10:57Well, maybe I didn't.
11:00I don't know.
11:01But you thought you did.
11:04God, you must think I'm some sort of mad woman.
11:08Just so happens they're a speciality of mine.
11:12I'd like to help, if you'll let me.
11:19I had a run-in with Jim Fenner.
11:22And that was more than that, a lot more.
11:31Maybe you can make up your own mind.
11:33What's this?
11:36I wrote it all down when it happened, so I wouldn't forget.
12:01Why did you have to leave me?!
12:21Just keep your eye on her for me, will you?
12:23Yes, Mum.
12:31There's something I ought to mention.
12:34I had a bit of an altercation with Helen earlier.
12:38What is it this time? Doesn't she like your aftershave?
12:41It's a bit more serious than that, I'm afraid.
12:44She accused me of molesting a prisoner.
12:48When was this?
12:49This morning.
12:51I swear, Karen, I was bringing in the girls from the yard like I've done a thousand times.
12:56I swear, Karen, I was bringing in the girls from the yard like I've done a thousand times.
13:00She actually accused you?
13:02Right in front of prisoners and other officers.
13:05It was very embarrassing.
13:07You have witnesses, then?
13:08Several. Not one saw a thing.
13:11I think Dr Ward was more shocked than I was.
13:13This is really getting out of hand.
13:15It's my problem, not yours.
13:19It's just another one to add to the list.
13:21Along with Virginia O'Kane.
13:27She's still demanding her own cell.
13:29Yeah, and I get the feeling she isn't going to give up until she gets it.
13:32I thought we had one free.
13:36That's not the issue.
13:38I put her on her own, it means extra work all round.
13:40That's what we're paid for, isn't it? To look after prisoners?
13:44I can't see your colleagues being so understanding.
13:46Well, it's just that I've got some sympathy, that's all.
13:49A mate of mine broke his back playing rugby.
13:51It can't be easy for her.
13:53Anyway, life's too short to be arguing over a few extra duties over sick women.
14:08You can't just sit on this.
14:11I don't intend to.
14:13I'm going to get Fenner out of Larkhall and away from working with women for good.
14:17Too bloody right.
14:19It's got to be done properly.
14:21He's very clever, Thomas. Manipulative.
14:24Don't make the mistake of underestimating him.
14:27So, where do we start?
14:30I don't expect you to get involved. It's my own personal crusade.
14:33Well, I am involved.
14:35What's the point of me trying to build a women's trust if Fenner goes around destroying it all?
14:41I was so worried that you wouldn't believe me.
14:44The only thing I can't believe is that you kept it to yourself so long.
14:48Yeah, well, now that you know, it's going to be a great help.
14:53Trouble is, sitting on the sidelines...
14:56not really my thing.
14:58If we're going to nail the bus, we need this to be as comprehensive and as detailed as possible.
15:05So, you'd better get your stuff together.
15:07You'll be moved this afternoon.
15:09Thank you, Mr Fenner.
15:11It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.
15:47Helen, you got a minute?
15:49I've just got to pop these in the mail.
15:51Wait in your office, then, shall I?
16:13Sharon Wiley! Open this door!
16:16Do you hear me?
16:18You needn't think we're having another performance like this morning.
16:29You wait till Miss Betts hears about this.
16:32Your feet won't touch the ground, young lady.
16:40Has someone been telling Tills?
16:42I've seen it for myself, Helen.
16:44You presume he's up to something before he's had a chance to explain?
16:47A chance to lie his way out of it, you mean?
16:49Jim Fenner is a bloody good officer, with only the women's best interests at heart.
16:53Jim Fenner's only got one set of interests at heart, his own.
16:58Maybe it's time you got whatever you want to say off your chest.
17:03All right.
17:05I don't think Officer Fenner should be working in a women's prison.
17:09In fact, I don't think he should be allowed near women at all.
17:13Any woman.
17:15Does that include me?
17:18Do you really think I'm so weak, so stupid,
17:21that I'd be living with the type of man you've just described?
17:25You're too close, Karen. You can't see it.
17:27Much as I appreciate your continued interest in my personal life,
17:31in future I'd thank you to keep your opinions to yourself.
17:35I don't want to fall out with you.
17:37This isn't about you.
17:39And if I get so much as a hint of you harassing Jim again,
17:43we'll make this official.
17:45And believe me, you will have one hell of a battle on your hands.
17:56Barbara, do be careful. That's genuine virgin cashmere.
18:00It's OK. Mr Fenner says I'm to help you move rooms.
18:04Oh, how very kind.
18:05You can take over the folding and Barbara can start on the toiletries.
18:16You're beautiful, miss.
18:19I do my best in the circumstances.
18:22Look after yourself dead well, don't you?
18:24Like, your make-up's always perfect in that.
18:27I don't know how you cope not being able to reach that mirror.
18:31When you've made up your face as many times as I have,
18:34you find you get to know your own contours.
18:37Right. Ready?
18:39Looks like this is it.
18:41You sure you're going to be all right?
18:43All the better for knowing that you're going to get a decent night's sleep.
18:47Well, wagons roll.
19:00You're not doing yourself any favours.
19:04Something must have triggered it off.
19:06If you asked me...
19:07I didn't. Thank you, Sylvia.
19:10Miss Stewart, can I say something?
19:13It's just this ain't like Chas.
19:15I agree. That's why I'm trying to give her a chance to explain.
19:18Well, I was just wondering if maybe she was ill or something.
19:21You know, maybe a bit depressed.
19:23Thank you, Josh.
19:25Perhaps I could talk to Chas alone for a moment.
19:34I can't make you talk to me, Chas.
19:37But I can't help you if you don't.
19:40I hate it in here.
19:42I wish I was dead.
19:51Fell over, didn't I?
19:53Fall over a lot, do you?
19:55It's them showers.
19:57They're dead.
19:59Well, I'd say someone's been kicking the crap out of you, Chas, on a regular basis.
20:05All right, so what will I book you in for next time?
20:07Cracked ribs? Punched lung?
20:11Don't kill me if I say anything.
20:13And if you don't?
20:15And what if I go too far one time?
20:19You're used to it, aren't I?
20:21Why is this sort of thing happening to me?
20:23I don't know.
20:25You're used to it, aren't I?
20:27Why has this sort of thing happened before?
20:31I always get picked on.
20:34It's like people see something in me and they've just got to have a go.
20:38Well, we can look at that.
20:40Talk? That's all you lot know how to do.
20:42Sometimes it can help.
20:44Listen, girls, if you just let me out of this headlock, maybe we can talk about this.
20:47Yeah, well, I meant you and me.
20:50Yeah, well, I don't want to talk.
20:52I just want some valleys to knock me out.
20:54Come in.
20:57I just wondered how things were going.
20:59Well, it's pretty obvious Chas is being bullied.
21:01That is much.
21:03But she doesn't feel safe enough to give us any names.
21:05You know I take a very strong line in bullying Chas.
21:08In this instance, I think she might be right.
21:10And I do have another suggestion.
21:13There's a new inmate, just come onto G-Wing.
21:15I've been treating her for a minor sports injury
21:17and I think she could be a good influence on Chas.
21:20With your permission, I'd like them to meet.
21:38What do you think?
21:41That you're a dirty lion cheating little shit.
21:45I meant about the flowers.
21:58Good job they didn't cost me an arm and a leg.
22:00Yeah, well, if you want cheap, try Di Barker.
22:04I hear she does anything for a fiver.
22:06Gina, I was joking.
22:08That's all this is to you, isn't it?
22:10Some huge bloody joke.
22:12Course not.
22:13You've got no idea.
22:15See this, Mark?
22:17This is my life.
22:19Coming here to this shitty place,
22:21taking all the crap and the abuse day in, day out.
22:25And I know it might not seem like much to some people,
22:28but I try to make the best of it, you know?
22:30I know you do.
22:34And I always thought that you and me had something.
22:36I don't know, something different, something special.
22:39We have.
22:41So why did you have to go and piss all over it?
22:46I'll do anything.
22:49I just want you back.
22:52You and the baby.
22:55There isn't going to be a baby.
22:59I'm getting rid of it. Problem solved.
23:18I don't do skipping.
23:20Trust me.
23:22Anchor holding up, then?
23:24Yeah, good as new, Doc.
23:26Chas, I want you to meet Dion.
23:32Dion, why don't you show Chas what you really do?
24:08I didn't get you into trouble this morning, did I, sir, with the number one?
24:11Miss Stewart?
24:15She just gets jealous easy.
24:35I don't wish to sound uncharitable,
24:37but I can't say I'm sorry she's finally got a cell of her own.
24:40You had to complain, did you?
24:42Actually, no, Mr Fenner organised it all.
24:45Much as I hate to admit it, for once I'm quite grateful to the man.
24:56So, you spin on your back leg, knee up,
24:59then snap the kick into the side of your opponent.
25:01Want to see it again? Yeah.
25:08So, what do you think?
25:10Didn't you really teach me to do that?
25:12It's up to Dion.
25:14Yeah, I'll teach you.
25:16But don't come easy.
25:18You've got to have focus and dedication.
25:21Yes, glasshopper.
25:25Are you happy with your life, Chas?
25:27No, it's shit.
25:29Well, here's where you start taking control.
25:32Think you can do that?
25:36Good. So no more messing, then.
25:41And teaching the prisoners to knock the hell out of each other
25:44would be complimentary therapy, right?
25:46Chas has got low self-esteem.
25:48This is a way she can build confidence.
25:50Well, it has to be better than putting her in segregation for a week.
25:54I might even owe you a drink.
25:56Sure, yeah, I'd love to.
25:58So, how are you fixed for tomorrow night?
26:00Ah, the thing is, I'm going to the dogs.
26:03Dog races.
26:05Well, if you're going to the dogs,
26:07dog races.
26:09Well, there'll be another time.
26:12I don't suppose...
26:14you wouldn't want to come with me, would you?
26:17Dog racing.
26:21Yeah, I need a favour.
26:25Virginia O'Kane.
26:32I want you to find out who's running her knocking shocks
26:35while she's inside.
26:37And Lauren, make it quick.
26:51Yeah, three o'clock's fine.
27:01I didn't hear you.
27:03Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to, you know.
27:08You all right?
27:10Yeah, yeah, fine.
27:12Just a doctor's appointment.
27:14It's only I haven't seen you and Mark together much lately.
27:17That's cos we've split up.
27:21Him and Dai Bach got it together the other night.
27:23In the club toilets.
27:25Tacky or what.
27:28Look, Gina, it's not his fault.
27:30Don't try and defend him.
27:32I mean, it's Dai's.
27:34She's kind of odd.
27:37Yeah, I thought he had better taste and all.
27:40No, I mean as in screwed up.
27:42She's weird.
27:44She tried splitting me and my girlfriend up once.
27:47We got wise to her, but it got like she was trying to stalk me or something.
27:51Has Mark put you up to this?
27:53Of course not.
27:54Cos he's wasting his time.
27:56You don't understand. Dai's clever.
27:59She's real clever. She twists things.
28:01It's all part of some sick game she's got going on in her head.
28:04You make it sound like she's got bodies under the floorboards.
28:08All I'm saying is, if you and Mark split up, that's exactly the reaction she's looking for.
28:13Do yourself a favour, Gina.
28:15Go and talk to him.
28:22John Farmer.
28:26Interesting choice of initials there.
28:30Thanks, love.
28:43Came this morning.
28:52It's my court case.
28:54I sit for next Monday.
28:56Well, that's good, innit? The sooner you get it over with...
28:58The sooner they bang me back in this hole...
29:00The sooner we can be together.
29:02Look, even my brief said there's no excuse for harbouring criminals.
29:06So you can stop dreaming, Josh.
29:08I'm staying down.
29:20I've been practising that roundhouse all night.
29:22I reckon I've got it well-sussed.
29:23You're not overdoing it, are you?
29:25No way. Dedication, right?
29:27That's right.
29:28I thought we'd start building you up a bit next.
29:30You look like you could do with it.
29:32So what do you say to pumping some iron with me and Jim?
29:34Yeah. Cool.
29:36Not hungry, Shaz?
29:38Never mind, eh? We'll take that out for you.
29:42Don't think she's finished that.
29:44Have you, Shaz?
29:46Get off me, you slag!
29:51You broke my frigging hand!
29:53Don't think so. You'd have had it snap.
29:57You've done it now.
29:59Is that right?
30:01Al here's only in for triple-axe murder, ain't it?
30:04Come on then, if you think you're frigging hard enough.
30:07Sorry. Never fight on a full stomach.
30:12Shat yourself more like.
30:14Don't worry, sweetheart.
30:16You'll keep.
30:17Yeah. You'll keep.
30:21Why didn't you just do her?
30:23Because it's what she wanted.
30:25A little kick to her head.
30:28Every time you fight someone like that, they take a piece of you.
30:32Sometimes the best way to win is just to walk away.
30:37I'll see you down at the gym.
30:55Come on.
30:56Come on.
30:57Come on.
31:25No way!
31:26You're going to tell them what a complete shitbag I am!
31:28I don't want to have a go!
31:30I just want to talk. Properly.
31:33About us.
31:36What, no punching?
31:44Do you love me, Mark?
31:47It's just I need to know.
31:50What do you think?
31:53Come here.
31:57Come here.
32:05Find it interesting, did you?
32:13You're making a very serious allegation against the Principal Officer, Yvonne.
32:18You take it from me, Jim Finner is one corrupt bastard.
32:22Unfortunately, I need a bit more than a personal opinion.
32:26Where shall I start?
32:28What about the time he was going to help me escape?
32:30Or when he took a bung from Charlie for fixing up the conjugal?
32:34No one is going to believe you over an officer.
32:39But what if I was to tell you that he was collecting money from brothels for a con?
32:43Under your nose, right there.
32:46Is that corrupt enough for you?
32:48I take it you've got proof.
32:52Not exactly.
32:54But I can get you a list of the brothels.
33:04All right, I haven't got all day.
33:08You're late, Gina.
33:09Sorry, Mum.
33:12Only, I've a bit of an announcement to make.
33:15Me and Mark wanted you all to know we're expecting a baby.
33:21I told him to tie a knot in it.
33:25And I've decided to make an honest man of him.
33:32Haven't had a staff wedding for ages, have we?
33:35I'm really happy for you.
33:37Really, really happy.
33:50Come on.
34:10Feeling better, then?
34:12OK, that's enough now. I'll catch you later, yeah?
34:17You think I was getting twatted?
34:19Well, at least six of them.
34:24About last week...
34:26You were right. I've got to sort things out for myself.
34:30A few years back, I wouldn't have thought twice.
34:32But that scrap with Al, it really took it out of me.
34:35Well, it weren't your fight.
34:37Yeah, but I've never walked away.
34:41You can still take anyone in this dump.
34:44Can I?
34:48I don't know.
34:49I've been thinking maybe that I'm losing it.
34:52Yvonne Atkins?
34:54No way.
34:56You didn't have to check in on me just now, did you?
34:59I suppose not.
35:01Could have been six of them in here, but you still came in.
35:05Anyway, I shouldn't have expected you to get involved.
35:08Sometimes the best way to win a fight is just to walk away, you know?
35:12It's just to walk away, you know?
35:25Can I make you a drink, Miss Barker?
35:29Miss Barker? Are you all right?
35:34Has something happened?
35:38Your mother hasn't taken a turn for the worse, has she?
35:43Man trouble.
35:46As usual.
35:51Do you want to talk about it?
35:54He's dumped me.
35:56Oh, I'm sorry.
35:58Gina Fleming Rossi.
36:01But I thought Gina already had a boyfriend.
36:03She has, Mark.
36:09We were having an affair.
36:13Oh, I see.
36:18We were just trying to find the right moment to break it to her when she found out.
36:22What, and now he's gone back to her?
36:24Yeah, not because he wants to.
36:26Cos she's been spreading a pack of vicious, blumming lies.
36:30Are you sure?
36:32I mean, Miss Rossi's never struck me as being a liar.
36:37You don't know her as well as I do.
36:39If there ever was a lying, two-faced, scheming, backstabbing...
36:46But I didn't think she'd stoop this low.
36:51How low is that?
36:56Faking a pregnancy.
36:59And then...
37:01And she told me this herself.
37:04When she'd split us up so there was no chance of us getting back.
37:09She's gonna dump him.
37:11Out of sheer spite.
37:27Did you get it?
37:29I can't guarantee they're 100% up to date, so you'll have to do your own research.
37:33Of course.
37:36What's in it for me?
37:39I don't do deals with prisoners of war. Come on, you should know that.
37:43And I don't make a habit of doing favours for governors.
37:45Then don't.
37:49I can make sure this gets finished sacked.
37:52Out of the prison service for good, without a penny of his pension to his name.
37:56Now, surely that's payback enough.
38:10She don't look right, does she?
38:13Maybe she's coming down with something.
38:15I can't catch him.
38:17She's just a bit upset, that's all.
38:21Oh, no. I was told in confidence.
38:24Both side you on, Babsie.
38:26It's all right.
38:31Only if you promise not to breathe a word.
38:40If you need someone to go in, you know, do a bit of undercover research.
38:44I think I can imagine what goes on inside, thank you.
38:48Could be a long haul.
38:50Yeah, but if I catch him red-handed, it'll be worth every second.
38:53You'll be needing some company.
39:00And that was for...?
39:02For believing in me.
39:04And for being a good man.
39:06I was beginning to think there weren't any left.
39:10And because I feel sorry for you.
39:14Oh, you're doing so well.
39:16I feel sorry for you because I'm going to whoop your ass at the dogs tonight.
39:20Oh, yeah?
39:22Yeah. In fact, I'm so confident, I'm prepared to put a bet on it.
39:27Oh, you are, are you? OK.
39:29How about loser buys all the post-race drinks?
39:35And you will be.
40:11What do you expect from a 20-to-1 outsider?
40:13There was an infringement at the line.
40:16Where's the referee?
40:19You sure you haven't had enough?
40:21Are you kidding?
40:26Next, I want a fiver on...
40:31Molly Leopard.
40:35And the reason for that informed decision would be...?
40:39Because I like the name.
40:50All right, ladies?
40:54What's that with you two?
40:56Someone shoved thistles up your arses?
40:59We just think it's wrong.
41:01Yeah, wrong.
41:02That's all.
41:04And what are you loony toons on about?
41:06Some of us in here are separate from our kiddies, you know.
41:09I don't remember being on the bench when they sent you down.
41:12So why the attitude?
41:14Well, we just think it's a bit sick.
41:16Even if Miss Bark has been having it off with your fella.
41:20Tell you that herself?
41:23No, not us.
41:25To a mate?
41:27Having a child's a precious thing, miss.
41:29You shouldn't go around lying about it.
41:32I know, did she?
41:57Two's the one, I tell you. Come on.
41:59Come on, Molly!
42:03Come on, Molly!
42:08Gosh, I was that close!
42:10She came last.
42:12I thought she did really well.
42:14Yeah, for a dog with a limb.
42:16She has not.
42:18Has she?
42:21You have a good time, then.
42:23So I suppose I've got to take you to a seedy pub now
42:26and pay for you to get blind, stinking drunk.
42:29Well, I'd love to, but I'm driving.
42:31But we could always stop at an offy and go back to my place.
42:44Hiya. Where are you going?
42:46To punch John's lights out.
42:48You are?
42:57That's just for starters.
42:59Gina, what are you doing?
43:01No, we can't get a real date. Die, hey!
43:04Gina, leave it! She's not worth it!
43:06Get off me!
43:15Oh, my God.
43:24Jab, jab, uppercut, right hook.
43:28And she's down!
43:30What a combination!
43:32Another first-round knockout for Shaz the Fist Wiley!
43:38Any of you slags fancy a rumble in the jungle?
43:42The fist's ready and waiting!
43:44You hear me?
43:47The Clash.
43:49Hey, that's a classic.
43:53You think you're such a rebel, Dr Waugh.
43:57I reckon I've got your number.
43:59Oh, you do, do you?
44:03Now, let's see.
44:05Nice, bright, middle-class boy, goes up to university,
44:09promptly forgets all his homework,
44:11Nice, bright, middle-class boy, goes up to university,
44:15promptly forgets his studies,
44:17joins a union, thinks he's going to change the world.
44:21He then spends the next few years protesting about anything.
44:26Poll tax, whopping, Ireland.
44:30You've been talking to me tonight.
44:32So you did take a walk in the wild side.
44:35Don't tell me you've never wanted to stray, Helen.
44:38Not even once.
44:42Why should I?
44:44Well, everyone wants to shake the world up a bit,
44:47even if it's just their own. I don't know.
44:50Do something out of character.
44:52Cross the line.
44:57You should have said...
44:59See, that's where crossing the line gets you.
45:02Think I'll stick to what I know.
45:11You're going to be all right.
45:13Everything's going to be all right.
45:29OK. What about marriage?
45:32Have you ever considered it?
45:34Mm. I did it.
45:39Her name was what it is, Catherine.
45:42We met at uni.
45:44What happened?
45:46She ran off with a dashing doctor to join Médecins Sans Frontières.
45:52My best mate, too.
45:56I'm sorry.
45:58No, don't be. It didn't last long.
46:00We got divorced three years ago.
46:03Life moves on.
46:06And has it?
46:09These last couple of months, more than I ever imagined it could.
46:13Helen, I really...
46:15Shall we have one for the road?
46:17Oh, right.
46:19I'm sorry. No, it's my fault.
46:25Don't you want to hear what I've got to say?
46:31Maybe a bit too much.
46:39I love you.
47:09I love you, too.