• 4 days ago
Seerat Un Nabi (S.A.W.W)

Host: Dr. Mehmood Ghaznavi

Islamic Scholar: Shujauddin Sheikh

#DrMehmoodGhaznavi #ShujauddinSheikh #SeeratUnNabiPBUH #ARYQtv

The words of Allah Ta'ala, the standard of his character and personality is far above that of any other creation. He possessed the best and noblest qualities of the perfect man and was like a jewel illuminating the dark environment with his radiant personality, ideal example and glorious message. Now based on these facts which we wholly and solely believe we are presenting this program for our Muslim as well as non-Muslim viewers to enlighten their lives with the light of the Seerah of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH.

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00:00Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen, wasalatu wasalamu ala khatibun
00:26Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
00:30We are joined by Dr. Mehmood Ghaznavi and our favorite scholar, Mr. Shujauddin Shaikh
00:40We were discussing about Seerat in the previous program
00:44and the point was that we should have an Islamic orientation
00:48First of all, it should be mine because the person who is discussing should know what he is doing and what he is saying
00:57Since we don't have an Islamic orientation in our educational institutions
01:01Our professionalism is such that we have made those who provide education professionals
01:11A teacher is not a teacher but an instructor and a student is not a student but a client
01:22Keeping the client happy means maximizing the profit
01:29Education has become a profit oriented profession
01:34So where profit is involved in the profession, there are ethics, culture
01:41and we have even seen in educational institutions, may Allah forgive me, I am a witness of it
01:47A student comes to the class wearing shorts and we ask him in which position he has come
01:55He answers that this is not your matter, you have to teach, you teach, what I have worn and what I have not worn, this is not your problem
02:04So when this is not a teacher's problem, then whatever is happening in the society will not be anyone's problem
02:11So our training should be on these lines, we were talking about it, so I would like to take a recap of the previous program from Mr. Shuja
02:19Then Inshallah we will move forward, Assalamu Alaikum
02:22Walaikum Assalam
02:25Alhamdulillah, you are from Khadija?
02:27Alhamdulillah, thank Allah, you tell me
02:29These educational institutions, and the educational institutions in our private sector, forgive me, I am saying a lot of things, many people may have objections
02:37But since I am an eyewitness of it, and I have experience, and I have come out of that process, so I am talking to you openly
02:47Our private educational institutions are receiving very big fees, and the environment they are providing is a luxury hotel environment, a 5 star hotel environment
02:58The best AC classrooms will be there, the best projectors, the best this and that
03:04And the student who is coming after paying so much fees, considers the teacher only as an employee, he does not give any value more than this
03:13And the discipline of the class, the maintenance of that discipline is not possible in this culture
03:19Doctor Sahib, Jazakallah Khairan
03:22Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Allahumma salli wa sallim ala nabiyyina Muhammad, rabbishro ahli sadri wa yassirili amri, wa ahlulukhatatim min lisani yafqahum qawli, wa ja'ali wazeeran min ahli, ameen ya rabbal alameen
03:34Sayyidina Ali R.A, I will present some of his sayings to you later, Inshallah, regarding the balance of knowledge and wealth
03:43Now we will talk about the last program, we have been talking that Allah has given the knowledge of guidance in the form of revelation, and the knowledge of names, the knowledge of things
03:55Both of these knowledges have been given to us by Allah since the time of Adam
03:59Surah Al Baqarah verse 31, Allah has taught Adam the name of everything
04:07Surah Al Baqarah verse 38, Allah has taught Adam the name of everything
04:17Allah has taught Adam the name of everything
04:24Both of these knowledges have been given to us by Allah since the time of Adam
04:27In the last two programs, we have presented the reference of the first verse of the first revelation, read in the name of your Lord
04:35Both of these things are connected, from the first Prophet to the last Prophet, this message is being conveyed that there is no harm in reading
04:44Learn the knowledge of names, there is no harm in that, learn the arts, there is no harm in that, explore the universe, there is no harm in that
04:50Explore the resources and use them, there is no problem, but in the name of the Lord, with guidance
04:57In the last program, we talked about educational institutions, professional bodies, professionals, doctors, engineers, officials, etc.
05:17With regards to all these things, we have given the recommendation that there should be an arrangement for training
05:22Today, I would like to add one more thing that you mentioned, we are also convinced that the leaders of the mosques, the teachers of the madrasas, they also need training
05:34There is training, especially in terms of the subject, the matter of command on the subject, the matter of teaching the subject, communication is your field, Mashallah
05:42What is the role of the teacher, what is the classroom management, this is one thing, and the other is the matter of training, the matter of moral training, and we are talking about Muslims
05:55The matter of connecting people with Allah, the matter of creating the thought of the hereafter, so this orientation, which we called Islamic orientation, or in the last program we called it training, which we called moral training
06:05We talked about all this in the last program, that wherever there is talk of professional development, there is talk of technical training related to their specific subject or field, there should also be moral training
06:22Today we are all crying about corruption, we talked about it in the last program, at every stage there is corruption in the house, in business, in commerce, in state institutions, we are all stuck, so we will have to think about it
06:35The number of books published is increasing, the number of educational institutions is increasing, the number of qualified people is increasing, the number of degree holders is increasing, the bulk of information is increasing
06:45On the basis of the internet, 24 hours of data is available, information is available, this is increasing, where is the problem? The moral of the society has been destroyed, the moral of the society has been destroyed, the character of the society is deteriorating, it is going towards poverty
07:00Regarding this, which you said last time, that we have declared an educational emergency, a social emergency should be declared, a moral training emergency should be declared
07:12There is a need for an emergency, that's it
07:15So we said that we should focus on moral training, we believe in Allah, we are not infidels, we are not atheists, we are not secular, we believe in Allah, we believe in the Messenger of Allah, whom Allah has sent to perfect morals, whose morals Allah has declared as the best morals
07:30The hadith that was presented at the end of the last program, that the person who performs good morals, he attains the status of the person who always offers nawafil at night and fasts during the day
07:43So today we all need moral training, one thing was left in the last program, I will tell you today, an old man said that if you want to become an Allama, then go to that institution and become one
07:56And he said, if you want to become a human, if you want moral training, then come to us, we have done a lot of that, now we have to train people, it is a very harsh sentence, I said it in a very low tone
08:09If you want to become an Allama, go there, if you want to become a human, go there, what is that knowledge that does not make a person a human, what is that knowledge that does not train a person, what is that knowledge that does not give moral development and promotion to a person, so today this is the problem
08:21If you want to become a human, what is that knowledge that does not make a person a human, what is that knowledge that does not train a person, what is that knowledge that does not give moral development and promotion to a person, so today this is the problem
08:32If you want to become a human, what is that knowledge that does not make a person a human, what is that knowledge that does not train a person, what is that knowledge that does not give moral development and promotion to a person, so today this is the problem
08:42If you do not have good and bad manners in the race of emotions, then what is the benefit of education, so we do not need a degree, we do not need a certificate, we need a character, today we are crying for characters, I repeat, the bulk of knowledge, the number of degree holders, the number of certificates is increasing, now certificates have become easy, you can sit at home and buy certificates,
09:10So, it does not mean that society needs characters, people who are well-trained, and the prophets and messengers came to work hard on humans, today all the hard work is on materialism, properties, fame, degree, position, but not on humans, for whom Allah created the universe,
09:35And the man whom Allah sent for his servitude, the hard work of the prophets and messengers was on humans, today our hard work is on everything else, but often the hard work is not on making a person a human, this is the missing link today, this is why we are the victims of corruption, we are stuck, this is why there is no focus on training,
09:57So, in the last program, different forums, including us, you, me, all of us, all of us need permanent training, so in different fields, we talk about technical education, technical training, professional development, Islamic orientation, moral training, character training, this is also necessary at every level.
10:22This is very important, in fact, when these matters are over with the educational institutions, then the people who pass out, I say that until then, the probation period is yours, that is, it is called a trial period, it is of three months in some places, in some places it is of one year, in some places it is of two years in government institutions,
10:42this probation period is a trial period, after which it is decided whether you are qualified or not, whether you should be kept on this job or not, in this probation period, the most important thing that should be done is that Islamic orientation should be in every field of life, whether he is going in any profession, before that, Islamic orientation should be there, then for the results of that orientation, there should be a test,
11:09and then for that, there should be a system that is observing that whatever Islamic orientation he is teaching, whether he is applying it in his professional life or not, that is, if a teacher is having Islamic orientation, then his class should also be evaluated whether he is going to the class or not, and whether he is teaching in the class or not.
11:30See, there are some fundamental human ethics, like you said that the class is being held on time, so the time restriction is a fundamental issue, what does Salah teach you, it teaches you the time restriction, fundamental human ethics, there is a time restriction, there is truth, you have to fulfill the promise, you have to respect the trust, you have to take care of modesty, you have to give respect to others, you have to not play with the self-respect of others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others
12:00you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others
12:30you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others, you have to respect others
13:00then we say, we do not bury the wounds of the tongue, we bury the wounds of the sword
13:07we bury the wounds of the sword, viewer, let us take a break and then we will come and talk on this topic, inshaAllah
13:13dear viewers welcome back, the program Seeratun Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is your best and foremost
13:18the discussion that was going on that we should take care of self respect
13:24we should take care of one another's dignity, we should take care of the benefits of that
13:30Islam teaches us all these things and this is a part of our upbringing, but today the situation has become that
13:36and since this social media has come, on which there is Facebook and our forums have come, Facebook is a square
13:42and whoever stands on this square, whoever wants, his honor is removed and whoever wants.
13:47May Allah protect us all, otherwise life, wealth, honor.
13:53Allah's Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said that these are Haram.
13:56Like today, respected one, what does Haram mean?
13:59Its etiquette is necessary and it is Haram to disrespect it.
14:04Similarly, to play with each other's life, wealth, honor is Haram.
14:09So I was saying that the matter of a few basic ethics.
14:13There is a time restriction, you have to speak the truth, you have to fulfill the promise,
14:18you have to take care of the trust.
14:20If I get my salary at the end of a month, then what time do I have to get my salary?
14:26It is a trust.
14:28Whether I am in the private sector or in the government sector, I am sitting on a seat,
14:32I have been given some facilities to do some work,
14:36so I have to do that work for the benefit of the public if I am in the government institution,
14:39not to use it for my personal work.
14:41This is also a trust I have.
14:43Have you got a government car?
14:45Have you got a government car?
14:47Have you brought a home deal?
14:49Have you dropped the kids to school?
14:51Have you got your wife to go shopping?
14:53Which is not allowed.
14:55If it is allowed, then it is a different matter.
14:57Because the law is made.
14:59And if it is not allowed, then how is it being used for personal use?
15:01In any case, to fulfill the promise in the same way,
15:03to take care of the trust,
15:05not to play with life, honor, wealth, honor,
15:07these are basic ethics.
15:09Our being is the cause of profit for others.
15:11The one who is good among people is the one
15:13who is going to bring more profit to people.
15:15Who is a Muslim?
15:17The one whose tongue and hands the other Muslims are protected.
15:19Who is a believer?
15:21The one who likes for himself, he will like for others.
15:23Half of our quarrels end on this issue,
15:25if we agree.
15:27Whatever standard I like for myself,
15:29I will like for you too, the issue will end.
15:31And this is not possible.
15:33Because my standard is different for me,
15:35and different for you.
15:37That is why the quarrels.
15:39The quarrels will end on this one hadith.
15:41More than 25% Muslims are those
15:43whose tongue and hands the other Muslims are protected.
15:47the issue will end
15:49if the basic definition
15:51of a Muslim and a believer is told
15:53by the Prophet.
15:55The repetition of these things,
15:57the memorization of these things,
15:59the orientation of these things,
16:01the training through these things,
16:03the hammering through these things,
16:05the continuous hammering,
16:07the training of professional bodies,
16:09the sessions,
16:11the print media, the electronic media,
16:13the educational institutions,
16:15the homes,
16:17the meetings of our elders,
16:19then get 5 minutes of explanation.
16:21There are meetings of 2, 3, 4 hours,
16:2310 minutes, shorten it.
16:25The recitation of a few verses of the Quran
16:27and their translation, a brief explanation.
16:29A statement of Allah's Messenger,
16:31a brief explanation of it.
16:33Where we spend in worldly matters,
16:35call a scholar and get it done.
16:37Take it on board.
16:39There are continuous meetings
16:41in an institution.
16:43You have kept this person, that person,
16:45that person, that person.
16:47Engage someone, he will lead your prayer,
16:49he will lead the Friday prayer,
16:51he will come to the meeting and speak.
16:53Consider this as your need.
16:55If you want to avoid corruption,
16:57then consider it a need to create fear of God,
16:59to create the thought of the hereafter,
17:01to share the book of Allah,
17:03we are not talking about making everyone scholars,
17:05we are not talking about making everyone
17:07Muftis, but we are talking about
17:09making them Muslims by action,
17:11by character.
17:13Actually, some targets can also be given.
17:15For example, in our country,
17:17our big multinational companies
17:19or big institutions,
17:21they send their people out of the country
17:23for training,
17:25for their professional training.
17:27And sometimes it also happens that
17:29nothing happens,
17:31but the people of the companies
17:33and other people do this,
17:35that they take all the people
17:37of their sales department
17:39for 3-4 days,
17:41they take them on outing,
17:43they take them to Bhurban,
17:45and on Bhurban,
17:47they tell them to enjoy,
17:49to relax.
17:51We can give these facilities.
17:53It is also possible that
17:55when we go to Bhurban,
17:57we will talk about such things
17:59The most important thing is
18:01character building.
18:03We can also give tasks.
18:05The task of this month is that
18:07all the government officials
18:09will demonstrate morality
18:11and will take care that
18:13no work is done by them
18:15that will harm the other person.
18:17And on this basis,
18:19there should be promotion
18:21and on this basis,
18:23there should be increment.
18:25An evaluation report is made,
18:27that also becomes ACRO and Bijali.
18:29So this part should also come
18:31in the evaluation.
18:33For example, I had quoted here,
18:35it was a coincidence that
18:37I went to Hong Kong a few years ago,
18:39there were programs in mosques,
18:41there was a school of Muslims,
18:43we went there too,
18:45the principal there was a Chinese woman
18:47who became a Muslim.
18:49First she was in the work of Dawah,
18:51then she became the principal of the school.
18:53Where there was a gym for children to play,
18:55there was a program in English,
18:57our obligations to the Quran,
18:59we spent 3-4 hours there,
19:01it was time for Zuhr prayer,
19:03there the prayer was arranged.
19:05The children were in the back,
19:07the children were in the front,
19:09and each child marked his attendance
19:11with a thumb impression.
19:13And the school has decided
19:15that as the marks of Maths,
19:17Science and English will be counted,
19:19as a result, the attendance of their prayer
19:21will also be marked.
19:23Everything is possible.
19:25So put marks in the evaluation.
19:27The 100% of your evaluation,
19:2920% of it will be based on this.
19:31There is punctuality of time,
19:33there is a time restriction,
19:35you have to fulfill the promise,
19:37you have to fulfill the responsibility
19:39you have been given,
19:41it is a matter of trust,
19:43it is a matter of people's work,
19:45it is a matter of doing your job
19:47properly, etc.
19:49If you do the evaluation,
19:51I would like to add that
19:53because our viewers
19:55are more acquainted with English,
19:57sometimes we have to use
19:59a few words of English.
20:01But the character building
20:03is the word of English.
20:05Character building.
20:09And a very beautiful word
20:11of the Holy Quran is Tazkiyah.
20:13The Prophet of Allah,
20:15says Tazkiyah.
20:17So we adopt the word Tazkiyah.
20:19As an example, what is Tazkiyah?
20:21Let's take the example of a plant.
20:23It is said that in Arabic,
20:25what do we have to give to a plant?
20:27It is necessary to have manure for it,
20:29it is necessary to have water for it.
20:31So whatever helps in the development
20:33of a thing,
20:35give it to it.
20:37And whatever becomes an obstacle
20:39in its development,
20:41remove it.
20:43Some thorns come out,
20:45some yellow leaves come out,
20:47whatever helps in the development
20:49of a thing,
20:51give it to it.
20:53And whatever becomes an obstacle
20:55in its development, remove it.
20:57What is my Tazkiyah of you?
20:59Whatever brings you and me
21:01closer to Allah,
21:03give it to it.
21:05And whatever brings you and me
21:07away from Allah,
21:09remove it.
21:11When I am closer to Allah,
21:13I will treat His creatures
21:15in the same way.
21:17When I am closer to Allah,
21:19I will not do anything wrong.
21:21So if we use the word Tazkiyah,
21:23it is very beautiful.
21:25The Holy Quran says in Surah Tauha,
21:27Ayat 76,
21:29وَذَٰلِكَ جَزَاءُ مَن تَزَّكَّى
21:31جَنَّتْ بَدْلَهَا
21:33جَنَّتْ بَدْلَهَا
21:35جَنَّتْ بَدْلَهَا
21:37How great is Tazkiyah!
21:39We read and listen to Surah Al-A'la,
21:41قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن تَزَّكَّى
21:43It is certain that the one who
21:45has performed Tazkiyah is successful.
21:47We read in Surah Al-Shams,
21:49قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن تَزَّكَّى
21:51It is certain that the one who
21:53has performed Tazkiyah is successful.
21:55So we should promote this Quranic term.
21:57And when we promote it in the name of Allah,
21:59then the matter will be elevated.
22:03This was the duty of the Prophet.
22:05We will mention the Prophet and then
22:07we will explain it.
22:09The matter will be elevated,
22:11This is the duty of the teachers.
22:13It is the duty of the Ulema.
22:15There are two categories
22:17who have a lot of responsibilities.
22:19Although every person has a lot of responsibilities
22:21in his field,
22:23but the responsibilities of two individuals
22:25are very high.
22:27And if I include the third category,
22:29then I think there is no harm.
22:31One is the teacher who trains the students,
22:33the Ulema,
22:35who are able to perform Tazkiyah.
22:37And the third category,
22:39the society runs on justice,
22:41on justice,
22:43on laws.
22:45So the third important category
22:47is that of Judiciary and Law.
22:49That is,
22:51if all these people are
22:53those who perform Tazkiyah,
22:55and the whole system of justice
22:57runs in a better way,
22:59and the system of education
23:01runs in a better way,
23:03and the system of Tazkiyah,
23:05which we attribute to the Ulema,
23:07runs in a better way.
23:09And if we take it from a very ground level,
23:11then if we include the role of the parents,
23:13then the parents are people
23:15associated with the system of teachers,
23:17members, and the system of justice.
23:19And who is above all this?
23:21They are the rulers.
23:23The Tazkiyah of the rulers is also important.
23:25The Prophet of Allah said,
23:27The people are on the religion of their kings.
23:29The people are on the religion of their kings.
23:31If the kings go straight,
23:33then their reflection
23:35will continue to come down.
23:37They are making the same policies
23:39for the system of education.
23:41They are making the same policies for everything.
23:43They are doing the same administrative work
23:45for the courts that run the system of justice.
23:47With the system of education,
23:49with the system of justice,
23:51they are coming up with decisions
23:53to run other matters of the country.
23:55So, the parents, teachers,
23:57members, those who run the system of justice,
23:59and those who run the system of the country,
24:01those who run the government,
24:03and those who run the system of justice,
24:05all these people need to be
24:07given the Tazkiyah.
24:09That is why I said in the last program,
24:11that the people who are coming to the assembly,
24:13to the province, to the national assembly,
24:15to the senate,
24:17there should be an orientation program
24:19for these people.
24:21There should be training courses.
24:23So that when they sit down
24:25and discuss the issues of the country,
24:27it feels like a Muslim nation
24:29is sitting down and discussing the country.
24:31They are sitting down to discuss
24:33the issues of millions of people.
24:35So, they should feel their responsibility.
24:37We have to answer to God.
24:39We are the Ummah of the Messenger of Allah.
24:41We are sitting down to discuss
24:43the issues of millions of Muslims.
24:45So, their orientation is also important
24:47so that the mindset is
24:49one of Wahi, not of secularism.
24:51It should not be Godless.
24:53Those who are discussing the issues
24:55of Muslims,
24:57with the Islamic orientation,
24:59with the light of guidance,
25:01with the teaching of Wahi,
25:03they should decide,
25:05consult and make decisions.
25:07Why? The Messenger of Allah said,
25:09All of you are helpers,
25:11and all of you are responsible for their care.
25:13All of you are helpers,
25:15and all of you are responsible for their care.
25:17If there is a father,
25:19he will ask about the children.
25:21If there is a husband,
25:23he will ask about the wife.
25:25If there is a master,
25:27he will ask about the children.
25:29This is the need to create awareness
25:31even among the rulers.
25:33Dear viewers,
25:35Assalamu Alaikum,
25:37Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
25:39Welcome back dear viewers,
25:41Waqf-e-Iqbaat Programme,
25:43Seeratun Nabiyeen,
25:45Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
25:47I am at your service.
25:49We were discussing that
25:51everyone should be trained,
25:55those people who have been created
25:57the owners of power.
25:59I am not saying that there are
26:01the owners of power,
26:03the owners of power are only
26:05Allah's existence in this universe.
26:07Only those are the owners of power,
26:09the rest are powerless.
26:11So the powerless people who have
26:13been created the owners of power
26:15by the command of Allah,
26:17i.e. those who have been given
26:19the authority, their training is necessary
26:21because it is through them that
26:23the people who have been created
26:25the owners of power,
26:27like Shoaib sahib said that
26:29he has been created the owner
26:31of power of his family,
26:33some have been created
26:35of an educational institution,
26:37some have been created
26:39of an economic institution,
26:41some have been created
26:43of running the affairs of the
26:45whole country,
26:47those people who have been
26:49created the owners of power
26:51There is a principle in political science
26:53that authority tends to corrupt.
26:55Where there is power,
26:57there is corruption.
26:59And absolute authority
27:01corrupts absolutely.
27:03And where someone has complete power,
27:05there is total destruction.
27:07Like Mutlaq-ul-Anaan.
27:09Yes, Mutlaq-ul-Anaan is said,
27:11and this is the government.
27:13So they also need to be understood
27:15and explained.
27:17Like you said a very good thing,
27:19The authority of authority
27:21is of Allah.
27:23There are three levels in the Holy Quran.
27:25There are words in Surah Yusuf,
27:27verse number 40.
27:29The authority of authority
27:31is only for Allah.
27:33So a believer believes that
27:35I am a human being.
27:37Allah is creator,
27:39I am a creature.
27:41Allah is the owner,
27:43I am the trustee.
27:45Whatever I have is not mine,
27:47I have children, they are mine.
27:49I am the head of the house,
27:51so this house,
27:53all this wealth is mine.
27:55Tomorrow my Lord will ask,
27:57where did you earn from?
27:59Where did you spend?
28:01So Allah will also ask the rulers,
28:03you had authority,
28:05what did you do with it?
28:07You have to live your life
28:09with this awareness.
28:11So first of all,
28:13we have to make it clear
28:15My style,
28:17whatever I want to do,
28:19it is up to you.
28:21We are human beings.
28:23I am not talking about any atheist
28:25who denies the Creator.
28:27The debate will be different
28:29with the one who denies the Creator.
28:31We are Muslims.
28:33We are presenting the program
28:35of Seerat-ul-Nabi.
28:37We are talking about the people
28:39we are a part of.
28:41We are all followers of Allah.
28:43We are talking about them.
28:45We have to get rid of this
28:47thought that my style,
28:49my will,
28:51whatever I want to do,
28:53it is up to Allah.
28:57Allah does whatever He wants.
28:59It is up to Allah.
29:03Allah does whatever He wants.
29:07He forgives whoever He wants,
29:09He punishes whoever He wants.
29:11Allah has power over everything.
29:13It is not up to people,
29:15it is up to Allah.
29:19Whatever Allah does,
29:21it cannot be questioned by Allah.
29:23It will be questioned by people.
29:25So first of all,
29:27we have to make it clear
29:29that we are people.
29:33if we are people,
29:35we have to answer to our Lord.
29:37I have the authority
29:39to answer to my Lord.
29:41You have the authority
29:43to answer to your Lord.
29:45You have the authority
29:47to answer to millions of people.
29:49It is a serious matter.
29:51We have to keep this in mind
29:53when we are handling our affairs.
29:55We have also heard the hadiths
29:57that seven people will be in the shadow
29:59of Allah's throne
30:01when there will be no one
30:03but Allah's throne.
30:05Who will be the first?
30:07You will be the first.
30:09You will be the first.
30:11You will be the first.
30:13You will be the first.
30:15You will be the first.
30:17You will be the first.
30:19You will be the first.
30:21You will be the first.
30:23You will be the first.
30:25You will be the first.
30:27You will be the first.
30:29You will be the first.
30:31You will be the first.
30:33You will be the first.
30:35You will be the first.
30:37You will be the first.
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30:41You will be the first.
30:43You will be the first.
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30:47You will be the first.
30:49You will be the first.
30:51You will be the first.
30:53You will be the first.
30:55You will be the first.
30:57You will be the first.
30:59You will be the first.
31:01You will be the first.
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32:59You will be the first.
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33:31You will be the first.
33:33You will be the first.
33:35You will be the first.
33:37You will be the first.
33:39You will be the first.
33:41You will be the first.
33:43You will be the first.
33:45You will be the first.
33:47You will be the first.
33:49You will be the first.
33:51You will be the first.
34:21The one who follows the life of Prophet Muhammad
34:25according to his life,
34:27he becomes a human being.
34:29The one who follows the perfect human being,
34:33he becomes a human being.
34:35Otherwise, no matter how much knowledge is gained,
34:37the one who gains a lot of knowledge
34:39remains ignorant.
34:41Why are we emphasizing the word human being?
34:43What is the subject of the Quran Hakeem
34:45in one word?
34:47Human being.
34:49For whom has Allah come?
34:51For human beings.
34:53Why has Allah come?
34:55To make human beings human beings.
34:57Otherwise, human beings also become beasts.
34:59Allah says,
35:01We have created man in the best of forms,
35:03and then returned him to the lowest of forms.
35:05Allah says,
35:07We have created man in the best of forms,
35:09and then returned him to the lowest of forms.
35:11So, there is a fundamental difference
35:13between humans and animals.
35:15Allah has breathed into humans from the soul.
35:17He has created the mosque of angels.
35:19He has given the teachings of his revelation
35:21to humans.
35:23There is a difference between humans and animals.
35:25The earth is different from the sky.
35:27Then he has given a purpose and sent it to the earth.
35:29But, the person who forgets the revelation,
35:31you mentioned Abu Jahl,
35:33the one who stands against the revelation,
35:35denies the revelation,
35:37he becomes worse than the animals.
35:39And today, we see on the earth,
35:41walking around,
35:43we see worse beasts in the form of humans.
35:45Man is the one who forgets the revelation.
35:47Not only the one who forgets the revelation,
35:49but also the one who stands against
35:51the revelation.
35:53Allah has been protecting the revelation.
35:55The one who stands against the revelation.
35:57The one who objects against it.
35:59What Allah has commanded in the Holy Quran,
36:01it is the obligation of Allah.
36:03We speak against it.
36:05It's a matter of interest.
36:07Allah has been encouraging marriage,
36:09some people reject marriage.
36:11You have given a perfect reason,
36:13And after that, if our affairs deteriorate, then this deterioration is neither a test, nor is it a test from Allah, it is the result of our actions.
36:28Surah Al-Shuraa verse number 30
36:37The calamities that come upon you are due to your own actions. Allah forgives many of your sins.
36:43Allah is saying, it is the result of your actions. It is the result of our actions.
36:49Allah is saying, what will you do by punishing yourself? If you are thankful and you have faith.
36:58If you have faith in your heart, then you will do good deeds.
37:01How is it possible that you have faith in your heart and you do good deeds?
37:03How is it possible that you have faith in your heart and you do good deeds?
37:06How is it possible that you have faith in your heart and you do good deeds?
37:11How is it possible that you have faith in your heart and you are a non-Muslim?
37:15How is it possible that you have faith in your heart and you are a non-Muslim?
37:18How is it possible that you have faith in your heart and you are a non-Muslim?
37:20How is it possible? Impossible.
37:22If you are thankful and you have faith in your heart, then Allah will punish you.
37:28But these small punishments, warnings, all these things come because of our actions.
37:34Allah does not punish anyone. He is very Merciful, very Generous, and He accepts repentance.
37:40The essence of this discussion is that wherever we are standing,
37:44we should try to change ourselves by assessing our situation and environment.
37:50And because Allah is Forgiving and Merciful,
37:52therefore wherever we are standing, we should repent and return.
37:57And we should turn towards our reality.
37:59Then Allah will bless our affairs, our lives, our economy, our politics,
38:03and everything else.
38:05And we will get out of these tests. Inshallah.
38:08Since we are running out of time for today's program,
38:11I would like to request Shuja Sahab to present today's Hadith and then we will leave.
38:15The Beloved Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
38:20Your Lord calls you in the morning.
38:23If you have sinned in the night, repent and Allah will forgive you.
38:27Your Lord calls you in the night.
38:29If you have sinned in the day, repent and Allah will forgive you.
38:33Hadith Sharif is complete.
38:35Today we are in trouble because of our actions.
38:38Repenting from sins and collective repentance,
38:41and following the command of Allah and His Messenger,
38:44this is our salvation. May Allah grant us the ability to act.
38:47Respected viewers, with this Hadith, our time for today's program has come to an end.
38:51Mr. Shujauddin Sheikh and his guest, Dr. Mahmood Ghaznavi,
38:54may I take your leave for the next program.
38:56May Allah be with you.
38:58And peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
39:03Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
39:33May Allah be with you.
