• yesterday
00:00Who needs to win more this weekend? Andy, the Patriots or the Jaguars?
00:03Jaguars. I think Doug Peterson is on the ropes. You know, we talk about the emotion and energy
00:09today. I think this is a game where that could matter. Like there's certain weeks,
00:13going to San Francisco, whatever, you can be in a great mood, you can have great energy, vibes,
00:17and I think you're going to get squashed because you're not nearly good enough to beat the 49ers.
00:22This game, the team that actually plays with some energy, plays with some fire and some vibe,
00:27might have a chance to win this game. And you've got Doug Peterson bitching about the culture in
00:30his organization, which I'm pretty sure, correct me if I'm wrong, we generally tie to the head
00:35coach. You set the culture, coach. So if the culture sucks, you suck. I think Doug Peterson
00:40might be on the ropes for the Jaguars. We've seen London and foreign games cost people their jobs,
00:46either immediately or shortly thereafter. Bill Belichick, I would say, may have lost his job
00:52across the pond. The Patriots, this is a long build. We know what they are. They're right at
00:57the beginning stages. Their quarterback's in week two, their coach is in week seven,
01:01or whatever the hell it is. I mean, could they use it? Maybe, to feel better, feel good, feel right.
01:07But I think Doug Peterson and company, they're a sinking ship and he may be kicked off the ship.
01:11Yeah, I think there's much more at stake there for that team, which is a team that
01:15is further along in their cycle, which we heard Gerard Mayo talk about cycles on Wednesday,
01:20and I totally missed this when he said it. We'll get into it. That was basically his excuse for why
01:24they didn't have any sort of stake in Devontae Adams or Amari Cooper, or how they're not really
01:29in the business of going out and trading for a wide receiver. Because those teams are in a
01:33different cycle than the Patriots are in. And I don't buy that in terms of trading for a wide
01:37receiver. But I do think that there are different cycles that teams are in. The Jaguars right now
01:42have already extended their young quarterback. They have a coach who two years ago, it seemed
01:48was on pace to turn this team into a contender. Two years ago, this team won a playoff game.
01:52This team only lost by, I think, a touchdown to the Chiefs. They were a team that it seemed
01:57like was on the cusp of becoming something significant in the AFC. And then last year
02:02happened, and now this year they're off to a terrible start, and it seems like it's all just
02:06collapsed inward. And that really just goes to show a lot of cautionary stuff about young
02:12quarterbacks, about new coaches, about trying to do a little too much. They got rid of their
02:17defensive coordinator, brought in that guy from the Falcons. They've had some real issues,
02:22and those issues have manifested themselves into a 1-5 season so far. And perhaps one bad loss to
02:28the Patriots, and I think any loss to the Patriots is considered a bad loss, away from another
02:33restructuring of some kind. You can't do anything about Lawrence, as you said. I mean, that's
02:37locked in. But in terms of everything else, I agree. I think there's a lot at stake here for
02:41them. There were expectations. There were some people that thought, not only is it a playoff
02:45team, could it win a playoff game type team, and the solidifying of the structure of the team
02:51with the Lawrence extension and everything there. And then you go out and you're a one-win team,
02:56and you're going to go lose to another one-win team, which basically is admitting every time
03:00they talk that they're in a multi-year rebuild. Whatever the messaging, the words they use,
03:04they're basically telling you they're not trying to win. They're in a multi-year phase project here,
03:11and you can't beat them when you didn't travel. All the circumstantial factors should favor the
03:18Jags here. And maybe that's why they're the favorite by five and a half points or whatever
03:22it is at this point. But yeah, I think they should be a desperate team. Now, I'm not overly familiar
03:28with how Shad Khan runs his operation, but I can imagine with their part-time status as a part-time
03:37London team, that's their second home. They got embarrassed last week. Are they going to get
03:42embarrassed again two weeks in a row and just take it and not care and move along like nothing
03:46happened? I feel like, and this gets into Bill Watch, because I still feel like Bill hovering
03:50over everything. If Bill's a legitimate option for them, which I don't love the option, I don't love
03:55the story, do it quick. Get it done. I still think that could push somebody to do something
04:01sooner rather than later. Yeah, it could happen. I mean, the Jets obviously made a move here,
04:05so it's not like they're waiting around too long. I think that with this Jaguar team, you've got to
04:11do something. I mean, there has to be something. And maybe this season's sort of out the window,
04:14but you have a lot of pieces locked in place that you can't really do much with. And tearing it all
04:19down and building it back up around Trevor Lawrence just seems like a tough thing to do,
04:24considering you were in the second round of the postseason just two years ago. 617-779-7937 is
04:29your phone number. We got room for you here online, as it's a Patriots Friday. Getting ready
04:34for an England showdown with the Jacksonville Jaguars. Back to Drake May and his knee for a
04:40second. Yeah. Why the secrecy? Why are they being so weird about it? Could it be something like what
04:45you were talking about the other day? They don't like the fact that May asked for the MRI. They're
04:50trying to be very secretive about his medical stuff. I mean, they've talked about other players
04:54getting MRIs, so I don't think it's that. What do you think this is all about? I think he asked for
04:59it. I gotta be honest. The vibe, and I don't really know what exactly the way they said things
05:04today, but watching May, watching Mayo, I got the vibe that maybe he asked for it. And we don't
05:12really talk about injuries or whatever around here. And I was like, wait, I think we do now.
05:18They didn't used to, but I think the new coach does. And you're right. We've had Sunday nights
05:23and Monday mornings, Greg Hill, Zooms, whatever, where Mayo has said, oh, he's actually getting
05:27imaging right now or getting an MRI right now. We'll know a little bit more later.
05:32So why would you be hesitant? Is it just because the quarterback is different, which I understand
05:36the quarterback is different, right? Like if Mike on Wenu is getting an MRI, no one really cares.
05:42They just want to know, is he going to play or not? If Drake May is getting an MRI,
05:46that's a story. And in part, they know what was said. They've even changed their tune on it. In
05:51August, Alex Van Pelt said the offensive line and protecting May had nothing to do with it.
05:55This week, Gerard Mayo said, oh, the offensive line and protecting Drake May definitely had
05:59something to do with the delay. Well, if he goes out and he gets hurt, it's not just talk radio
06:03callers and snarky people on Twitter that are going to be dealing in the conversation of,
06:07oh, nice, you broke him just like we knew you'd break him. You put him out there behind a bad
06:10line. So I think there's a lot of potential reasons why they might treat it differently.
06:16But the vibe I got was he didn't feel quite right and he wanted an MRI. And I don't know if I love
06:21that. Yeah, I mean, that's a little. Listen, there's nothing inherently wrong with saying,
06:26hey, there's I hurt myself. But you do have a team of doctors. You do have a team of trainers.
06:31You have physicians. You have all these people there on staff who could take a look at it,
06:34who could sort of suggest these things or suggest. And listen, they all have a stake
06:39in Drake May being healthy. They all have a stake in making sure that he doesn't really mess his knee
06:44up long term. I mean, this is a guy that they invested a third overall pick. And this is a
06:48guy they want to have be the quarterback of the future. Right. I mean, we all agree with that.
06:52And we know that this whole organization is in lockstep when it comes to that.
06:56What they do disagree on is when and how often maybe he should be playing. And I think that
07:00that's part of it. And I also wonder and we did talk about this a little bit yesterday and some
07:05texters and various people were sort of chiming in on it, too, about what if it was one of those
07:10people who ordered the code red? What if it was Elliott Wolfe? What if it was Alex Van Pelt? What
07:15if it was someone who believed that putting Drake May out there or this early in the season was a
07:20bad idea? Because I think at this point, it's pretty safe to say that this was not a unanimous
07:24decision. They didn't know there were dissenters. There were dissenting pages like the Supreme
07:27Court. There were people who wrote their dissents. And we don't know exactly who it is,
07:31but we have a pretty good idea based on the comments of Van Pelt, based on the comments
07:35of Gerard Mayo, what side of this topic they were both on. And I wonder if maybe, oh, look at that.
07:41See that hit he took? Oh, you see him get up a little awkwardly there, a little tender limping
07:45around a little bit during practice, which, by the way, another part of this, we don't know if
07:48this happened during the game or during practice. They didn't give us any more information on that
07:52either, which I also find annoying. Can you at least say when he when it started to bother him,
07:56can we get a little data there? They don't want to tell us anything about anything.
08:00That's suspicious. That makes me more suspicious than I would have been if they were like, yeah,
08:04there was an MRI, nothing, nothing's there. And it started hurting him on Wednesday. It's like,
08:08OK, fine. No big deal. But now that they're being all weird about it now, I think there's
08:11something going on, especially because of, again, expectation. They set an expectation where they
08:17do kind of talk about injuries. They are kind of open and now they're not. And in the old days,
08:23again, we assume they were closed and shady about everything. They wouldn't tell us about
08:27any injury with any player, anybody. But now that they're doing this with Drake May, it does.
08:32Yeah. You could you could wonder, did he get hit in practice? Are they dumb enough to let
08:36Drake May take a hit or did somebody do something stupid? Did Keone White like stumble into him or
08:41something in some pass rush drill? Mayo has said they're doing a lot of ones versus ones, right?
08:46They're starting practice ones versus ones trying to start faster. Those are tempo drills. There's
08:51no doubt that that's a possibility because they haven't pulled it. It isn't a possibility.
08:57Andy, we're losing you a little bit here, so I'll take it. I'll take it from here,
09:00but I agree. I think that there is definitely now that it's shrouded in this mystery.
09:06There's reason to start questioning this. If it was just, you know, hey,
09:10ankle or whatever, his knee hurt him. He got landed on it funny, got hit. Someone landed on
09:15him. Anything. I mean, any any explanation of it would be satisfactory, I think, to most people,
09:21even the people who are like, oh, you should have kept him in bubble wrap like they probably want
09:24to know what happened to and when it started to bother him. And this is the type of information
09:28that you generally get or you see in a game. We didn't really see him limping around in the game.
09:33We didn't see any knee stuff. We saw him get hit. We saw the thing with his shoulder when
09:38Daniel Hunter came off the edge or Anderson, whoever it was, and and suplexed him, kind of
09:42piledrove him into the ground there. But we didn't see anything with the knee. So I tend to lean that
09:46it's something that happened in practice this week. It didn't really rise to the occasion of,
09:51OK, we got to limit him in practice anymore in the week unless they were lying, which I don't
09:55think they were. There was probably an MRI. No one denied it. If there wasn't, I'd say it'd be
10:00an easy denial and they didn't deny it. So, yeah, here's what I think happened. Someone hit him in
10:04practice or he landed funny in practice. There was an MRI. It didn't show anything. He's good to go.
10:09They had to put him on the injury report because of the MRI. They couldn't just completely ignore
10:13that. And there was maybe a little bit of pain or discomfort. And it's not bad enough to keep
10:17him out. And it's as simple as that. I think that's it. If you had just said that, I don't
10:20think there'd be all this weird sort of mystery around it. But when you act shady about it,
10:26then that's going to naturally raise people's antennas. Andrew, do we have you back?
10:29I think so. Yes. Yes, I am. I am not concerned about this, but I am intrigued because they're
10:39making me intrigued. You just said it. It's there's no shame in a quarterback having a knee
10:44MRI. There's no shame in a quarterback being dinged up. Hell, I think Jacoby
10:48Rousset was dinged up most weeks when he came in to see us at Gillette Stadium on Mondays.
10:52But the reality is they want to be an open book until they stop being an open book. They've done
10:58it multiple times now. The Judon situation. Oh, we want players to talk. We like to keep things
11:03in-house. You just said you wanted players to talk. Now you want to keep them in-house.
11:06You've been telling us about injuries and guys going to get imaging and MRIs.
11:10Gerard Mayo has been just flat out saying it in press conferences. And now we're not going to
11:14talk about imaging and MRIs. You're making us wonder if there's something shady going on here
11:19when normally just put them on the injury report and full participation. Don't you kind of usually
11:25just ignore full participation? Like that, you know, that means the guy has a little boo-boo,
11:30but he took all his reps and, but then the report from Ben Volan and good on him, good on him
11:35getting it and good on him getting it right. And good on him sort of bleep Ewing the rest of the
11:39world that may have doubted him. Um, but there's definitely something to keep an eye on here.
11:44Cause I'm more concerned, not with the injury, but with whatever's going on the sniff test,
11:49something smells a little funky that they're treating this in a weird way. I will also say
11:53though, the people that might want to take a victory lap and say, I told you he was going to
11:58get hurt. Well, I'm going to take a victory lap and say, I told you he could play in an NFL game.
12:02That was the worst situation you could have put them in. And he went out there and he balled out.
12:07He absolutely balled out. Don't tell me he didn't. We have the PFF guys telling me it was the best
12:12first start for any of the rookies this year. It was a middle of the pack grade for just this week
12:17and middle of the pack for a guy making his first start against one of the best defenses
12:22in the NFL with pressure. And also they scored a bunch of points. So he's chasing.
12:27That's more valuable to me. That's not just an 18th ranked grade. Like that's a really
12:31impressive performance. So yeah, if you want to take a victory lap and tell me he got hurt and
12:35you were right, sure you do it. And then when you're done with your victory lap, I'm going to
12:38take mine and say, he looked like an NFL quarterback who lifted the entire offense. And I would say the
12:43energy and the vibe of this football team has gone nothing but up in the last week.
12:47Anybody taking a victory lap over him being a full participant in practice and getting an MRI
12:51is ridiculous. That doesn't mean that if he got really hurt, what did you, what did we always
12:55hear? Oh, you can't put him back there. He's going to get killed. Did he get killed? No. Or
12:59did his knee hurt a little bit? Maybe not even in the, from the game, but from the practice later
13:03in the week and he got an MRI and then didn't miss a single rep and practice their whole entire rest
13:07of the week. What kind of victory do you even consider that to be? That's not a victory for you.
13:11That if anything, you're right, Andy proves the opposite that he's tough and that he can go out
13:15there. And even if he does get dinged up a little bit, he can shake it off. He 22, he can shake it
13:19off, get back to practice, go back out there and be ready for the next game across the country,
13:24across the pond. I should say in another country with a long plane ride, which I'm sure wasn't
13:28super comfortable for a big, tall guy like him with a banged up knee, having to sit in a plane
13:32all that time. You know, like that's, that's all of that. That's all part of it. And it shows that
13:36he's tough enough to be able to do it. So yeah, that'd be a very, very misguided victory lap.
13:41But in fairness, I haven't heard a lot of people doing that.
13:43No, but some smells, right? There is something weird. There is some weird here. There there's
13:48something that's off with this team that proclaims to be transparent and proclaims to tell us the
13:54information they want us to know. And they'll be open with certain topics they have treated
13:59this week, weirdly. And quite honestly, if we didn't have Ben Bolin, it would be different
14:03already, right? Like he found out otherwise we would have just had that. He's a full participant
14:08with a knee injury and maybe the Dr. Chow thing. I don't know if he would have picked up on
14:13anything or analyzed anything without the Ben Bolin MRI report, because Dr. Chow is the one that
14:19said he saw the practice field footage and thought he saw swelling and a limp from Drake.
14:25Well, he's a professional Eagle, right? You go, you go to medical school, you see certain things,
14:30you learn certain things. But, um, I don't know if we would have even had that. We would have just
14:33been going about our business. Like it's nothing the real injury of the week that I think we need
14:38to talk about. And we will moving forward is Ramondre Stevenson being there and proclaiming
14:42he's going to play. I think that's huge. Says he's going to play and I changed my pick Mayo
14:46comes out and says he's going to be a game time decision. So we'll see if that actually happens
14:49or not. Uh, that I think would put a big wrench into everybody's expectations for this game.
14:55Cause coming into it, I assumed he wasn't going to play in practice all week. So I assume that
14:58meant he's out of the game plan. And that maybe was more of a bill thing. Like if you don't
15:02practice during the week, I can't play you. This is different. This is a different situation with
15:06Stevenson. They saw what that run game looked like without him. And it was, it was heinous.
15:11I mean, that was watching them try and run the ball against that Texans team, which is a good
15:15defense. As you said, uh, was no fun and really forced May into having to throw and third and long
15:21pretty much every time they tried to run it. And so if he's playing, and this is not a good defense,
15:26by the way, this Jaguars defense, we'll get into it when we get to the, when we get to the scouting
15:30report, really, really bad, about as bad as the Patriots offense has been, uh, through the first
15:35five, six weeks before May got there. That's how bad Jacksonville's defense has been all season
15:39long, even in the game that they won. So you've, you've got a real opportunity here to take
15:43advantage of a reeling defense. And I think that would be a lot easier to do if you have your
15:49main runner, your main running back and the guy who the offense frankly was built around this year,
15:53Ron Ramondre Stevenson. So him playing, I agree. Uh, even if it's, even if it's sort of limited
15:58like decoy type stuff, like I think that will make a big, big difference here, uh, in this game,
16:03in this offense and in the game plan for what they expect may to do and how much they want
16:07them to throw. You want them to throw no matter what, right? Like, yes, even that's my instance
16:10there. That's my, I'm a little torn on this. My little fear is, is AVP gets Stevenson back.
16:15It's like, Oh, okay. Forget about it. I know I said, we were going to throw more. Nope. We got
16:19it. We got him back. We're going to run. But you said he's a better decoy if they do like I want
16:24to do and get him in the backfield and run play action. At least theoretically, there should be
16:28more fear in the Jags defense of Stevenson, especially those wide zones do the boot,
16:32the whole thing, get, get a Drake May rolling. So as long as this doesn't mean they suddenly
16:37start running more running is fine. Cause I think Stevenson is good. We've, we've seen all year.
16:42He breaks tackles when he doesn't fumble. He's a good running back, good, productive player for
16:45this offense, but I still want them to lean a little bit more aggressive toward the passing
16:49game. Yeah. I would like to see that as well. Drake may probably wants to see that too. I'd
16:53imagine he wants to go out there overseas and air it out.
