• avant-hier
00:00Hey guys, I'm Dion from Dion Video Productions and in this video, I'm going to be showing you how to make animated like and subscribe button video overlays in Final Cut Pro X.
00:09Now what you're seeing right now are examples of how you can use this animation in your video.
00:13As you can see, this is a great way to subtly yet effectively call attention to your channel, asking people to like and subscribe while also showing your channel name and a brief description of what you do.
00:23But of course, before we get started, be sure to leave a like down below and subscribe for more content like this.
00:28All right, let's get to the tutorial.
00:30All right, so this is quite an in-depth tutorial.
00:32So I've broken this down into smaller sections as seen below and we'll start off with a brief overview of what we're going to do.
00:37First, you need a screen recording of the appropriate elements.
00:40Then we will resize the recording, shrinking it down to only the parts that we need.
00:44Once this is done, through multiple layers, we're going to key out the individual items that we'll be using.
00:49So this includes the channel name, the like button and of course the subscribe icon.
00:53And what this will allow us to do is rearrange the elements.
00:56To bring all these elements together, we're going to be adding a new background using the same tone of white to make it look like one single unit.
01:02And we're then going to be replacing the text with our own.
01:04So we're going to have the channel name and instead of subscriber count, we're going to have a brief description of what the channel does.
01:09Finally, we're going to finish this off with some sliding in and out animations.
01:12So without further ado, let's get started.
01:15The first thing you're going to want to do is get a screen recording of the like and subscribe buttons being pressed.
01:20Now you also want to make sure to include your channel name, icon and subscriber count in the video as well as these are all elements that we'll be using later on.
01:27Now to record your screen, you can use ScreenFlow like I'm doing or you can use a free alternative QuickTime Player.
01:32Now that we have the screen recording, let's import it to Final Cut Pro X.
01:35And once you've done that, we're going to go ahead and drag this into the project line.
01:40From here, we're going to go ahead and expand the project.
01:42We can do this by pressing Shift Z.
01:44And let's go ahead and trim off the parts that we don't need.
01:47Now in this case, we want the recording to start just before the mouse hits the like button.
01:52And we're going to want it to end just as it sits on the bell icon.
01:55There we go. So we've now shortened the clip to around 9 seconds.
01:58We are going to shorten this further, but this will be later on in the video.
02:01Now going back to what I said earlier, the next thing we're going to do is crop out the parts of the clip that we don't need.
02:06Now to do this, we're going to be using the crop tool and affect the top, bottom, right and left axes,
02:11all to bring them in closer as to remove all the parts that we don't need and just be left with those elements that we do need.
02:17Now one thing that's important to note is that some of the elements do change size slightly.
02:21For example, looking at the bell icon here, you can see that this not only shows up,
02:25but is also larger towards the end of the clip.
02:27So you want to make sure your preview is at that point as to not crop out any part of the animation.
02:32Particularly in this case, it's better to oversize slightly with thicker margins than smaller.
02:36We're going to make it more detailed later.
02:38Alright, so as you can see, we have now cropped out the major parts of the screen recording that are not necessary here.
02:43The next thing we're going to do is create multiple layers in the timeline.
02:47So for this, I suggest you shrink the size of the thumbnails to make it a little bit easier to see the different layers.
02:52And what we're going to do is copy that first clip and paste it three times.
02:56So we'll be left with four identical clips and we're just going to drag them on top of each other.
03:00Now in this case, there's no particular order.
03:02Just drag them on top of each other and make sure they align perfectly so that they all play back at the same time.
03:08Now as you can see, we have four separate layers.
03:10Now each of these layers is going to represent a different element of the recording here.
03:14Now a better way to keep track of this is by pressing the index menu and we're actually going to rename some of these.
03:19So the bottom clip will represent our background.
03:23The one above that will be for the channel name and subscriber count and icon.
03:27So we'll just call this name.
03:29And next we have the like button.
03:31And finally, subscribe.
03:32Alright, so this will make it a little bit easier to keep track of which layer is what.
03:36And then we can go ahead and close the icon or the index here.
03:39The next step is going to be the longest step and that is individually keying out each of these items.
03:45So we're going to do this one by one starting off with the channel name, icon and the subscriber count.
03:50And what we're going to do is we're just going to select this layer, drag it over just to make sure there's no confusion or interference.
03:55And especially when dealing with a white on black background, it makes it very easy, of course, to see what is cropped and what is not.
04:02Even more so, we're going to zoom into 400% and make this even more visible.
04:06And then making sure that the right layer is selected, we're going to use the same parameters that we used before.
04:11In this case, we're just going to be cropping it even further as to focus on only the specific icons that we want.
04:17Now with this, you do want to be relatively precise and you want to make sure that the margins are as thin as possible
04:22as this will give you as much flexibility later on in the project when it comes to moving these individual elements around.
04:28But something like this looks quite good.
04:30So what we can do now is go in and press done and let's look at the holistic view of the project here.
04:35And as you can see, we have perfectly keyed out this specific element.
04:38And from here, we're going to go on to the next one.
04:40In this case, let's move on to the like button.
04:42So as you can see, I'm just doing the exact same thing here.
04:44Now notice that I've left the playhead marker in the project line right where the button is at its largest,
04:49which in this case, it will include this blue layover square.
04:53Now we want to make sure that that is incorporated into the crop as well as, of course, the thumbs down button
04:58and the blue bar down below.
05:00So just bear this in mind when you're cropping as you don't want to cut out any parts that would otherwise be there.
05:05All right, so I'm pretty happy with the way this looks.
05:07As you can see, I've kept the margins very slim just like in the previous crop
05:11and I've tried to make them identical on both the left and right sides.
05:14Let's go ahead and zoom out and move this next to our other element.
05:18So as you can see, we've now got the channel name completed, the like button,
05:22and this now just leaves the subscribe and the notification bell icon.
05:27Again, so just like before, we're going to make sure this plays through
05:29and gets to the point where the notification or the animation is at its largest,
05:33which in this case is right as the bells press.
05:35We're going to make sure we want to include that blue icon as we're cropping in from the right and the bottom.
05:41I think that looks pretty good.
05:42Let's go ahead and zoom out here.
05:44And as you can see, we now have all three elements in their own separate little box.
05:49So the last layer that we have left is the background layer.
05:51Now, the only purpose that this really serves is to, well, serve as the background.
05:55So in this case, what we want is we want to make sure that we get the exact same shade of white
05:59that the other elements have as to blend them in perfectly when we start rearranging them.
06:04Now, to give us some more room to work with, I'm just going to zoom in the scale here.
06:07Again, this will not matter because we're just dealing with a plain color.
06:10So scaling will not affect the visual quality.
06:12Now, as you can see, we do have this line and we're going to want to make sure we work around that
06:16as we don't want this incorporated.
06:17So I'm just going to lower the crop a little bit and then get the line out of the way.
06:21All right, so this gives us just the general shape for the background.
06:24It's a little bit large.
06:25We will make more adjustments as we go.
06:27For now, let's bring in some overlays to allow us to roughly center these icons.
06:32Now, for your own projects, I do, of course, recommend that you center them either using the coordinates
06:36or using tools to get it perfectly.
06:38But just for the sake of this video here, I'm just going to drag them in and eyeball it
06:41just to give you an idea of how this is going to look.
06:44Now, the next thing we're going to do is zoom in a little bit
06:46and actually change the scale of the channel name because it's relatively small.
06:49In this case, we're just going to bring this up slightly.
06:52Now, I'm going to go ahead and increase this to 120%.
06:56Now, bear in mind that we will lose a little bit of quality here, particularly in the text,
06:59but this is something that we will address as we move on.
07:02I think the channel name looks a little bit better when it's a little bit larger.
07:05Now, let's go ahead and bring the other elements slightly closer into frame here.
07:09As you can see, I've just hidden the background by selecting the layer and pressing V.
07:13This is an easy way to make sure that the two or that the different elements do not overlap.
07:17You want to bring them as close as possible, of course, while not overlapping.
07:20This right here is why working with as thin as possible margins is best
07:24because it will allow you to bring the items as close as possible.
07:27Now, of course, we're going to adjust the background here.
07:29We're going to want to make sure that this matches the size of the other three elements that we have.
07:34As you can see, I've now also cropped the background layer to more closely represent
07:38and match that of the other three icons.
07:40As you can see, as we play this back, this works pretty well
07:42and already is starting to look like something that the final product will represent.
07:46The next thing you're going to want to do is address the text.
07:49Now, in this case, we're just going to copy and paste the background layer
07:52as this, of course, has the perfect color already.
07:55We're just going to go ahead and bring this into the front
07:57and then put it on top of our layer here.
08:00Now, this is important because we want to overlay other elements in the timeline.
08:04Now, we're going to go ahead and affect the scale.
08:05We're going to bring this down as, of course, it doesn't need to be this large
08:08as it is only covering the text.
08:10Again, we're just going to scale it down and then reposition it accordingly.
08:13As you can see, we now have a white box that perfectly covers the text.
08:17We can go ahead and confirm this by pressing V to hide or show the layer.
08:20Now, of course, what we're going to do is replace the current text with new text.
08:24We're going to add a custom layer here of custom text
08:27and we'll just go ahead and drag this over.
08:29As you can see, we have now typed out the text.
08:31Currently, it is, of course, far too large and in the wrong place.
08:35Let's go ahead and shrink this down and then we're just going to drag this down
08:38along the Y-axis to bring it onto the other elements.
08:42Now, let's go under the face settings here and, first of all,
08:45change the color to black to match, of course, the text that is currently there.
08:48Now, the next thing we're going to want to do is change the font.
08:50Now, in this case, YouTube uses a font called Roboto,
08:53which can be downloaded for free online if it's not already installed on your machine.
08:57Now, we're just simply going to do a little bit of trial and error
09:00to bring this as close to the real text as possible in terms of its size
09:04and, of course, the alignment here.
09:06I've hidden the white box currently as to show both the old text and the new text
09:11to make it as easy as possible to get this to overlay.
09:14All right, so if we go ahead and overlay the two text elements here,
09:17as you can see, this almost looks identical to that of the original text.
09:20It's just perfect.
09:21Now, the next thing we're going to do is simply copy and paste this layer
09:25and duplicate it by simply pressing Alt, click and shift.
09:28This will create the second text that we're going to be adding
09:31and that is the subscriber count.
09:33Now, currently, of course, we have the subscriber count
09:35as you normally see under the channel name,
09:37but for large channels like mine, this changes all the time.
09:40No, I'm just kidding, but I'd rather show a brief description of my channel
09:43giving the viewer an idea of what kind of content I make.
09:46So, for my channel, I copy over a three-word description
09:49just sort of highlighting the type of content that I upload
09:52and I think this would be a very good place to show this.
09:55So, as you can see, here we have it, Film, Tech and Tutorials.
09:58Now, let's go ahead and match the colors.
10:00So, we'll just simply use the eyedrop here
10:02and then we can match it to the other existing text.
10:04We have this sort of very dark gray.
10:06There we go, that looks pretty good to me.
10:09And we're going to do the same thing.
10:11So, we're just going to go ahead and layer this over
10:13or drag this over and then resize it accordingly
10:16to get it as close as possible to the original.
10:18Alright, so as you can see, we have now completed the text
10:20and I have matched the colors, fonts and the size
10:23to the original as close as possible.
10:25So, as you can see, if we go ahead and bring in the background layer,
10:28this almost looks perfect.
10:30In fact, I'm very happy with the way this turned out.
10:32Now, one additional thing you can do is replace your channel icon
10:35with a more high-quality image.
10:37In this particular example, I'm going to leave it as it currently is,
10:39but that is something that you can do to again make it even sharper.
10:42Okay, now let's go ahead and play this through
10:44and see what we currently have here.
10:46So, as you can see, this looks much better.
10:48The box now perfectly matches the rest of the elements.
10:51The text looks good and the icons are all clearly visible.
10:54Now that we're done working with these individual layers,
10:57let's go ahead and group them together as one compound clip.
10:59This will make future editing much more easy.
11:02So, we're just going to go ahead and right-click
11:04and select the compound clip option.
11:06And as you can see, these layers are now one layer.
11:08So, next, we're going to go ahead and drag this element
11:11that we've created here towards the bottom of the screen.
11:14And you can either have this in the lower left or lower right,
11:16or really anywhere.
11:17But in my case, I'll have it in the lower left
11:19as I usually have a watermark in the lower right here.
11:22So, using the safe zones here,
11:24I'll just sort of guide this along the X-axis
11:28and then bring it down on the Y-axis
11:30all the way to the bottom of the frame.
11:32At this point, I actually decided to change the scale slightly again.
11:35Now, of course, the higher we make the scale,
11:37the more quality you'll technically lose.
11:39But at this size, we're not actually going to notice much,
11:41especially considering the fact that we've added the new text
11:44and that the icons are quite clear already.
11:46So, we're just going to go ahead and change this to 120%
11:49and adjust it again along the Y-axis
11:51to make sure everything stays in frame.
11:53So, now it's time to sort of polish the timing of the clip
11:56as currently we have, again, a 9-second clip,
11:58which is too long for what this is, I believe.
12:00So, what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead
12:02and zoom in on the timeline here,
12:04make the icons a little bit bigger,
12:06because we're only dealing with one layer.
12:08And let's go ahead and scrub through and see how we want this to play out.
12:11Now, in this case, I do think the pause on the Like button
12:13is a little bit too long,
12:15so we can go ahead and just cut out this middle part.
12:17And now, the next thing I want to do is I don't want there to be a gap
12:20between the mouse disappearing from screen and then reappearing again.
12:23I want that to be as quick and seamless as possible.
12:25And, of course, we can also cut it out a little bit quicker at the end.
12:28And as you can see, we're now left with a 7-second clip,
12:31which is already significantly shorter.
12:33And, in fact, we're going to go ahead and shorten this a little bit more.
12:35And, of course, you can really play around with this,
12:37as, of course, this will depend on what you've done in your specific screen recording.
12:40My suggestion is to make this relatively quick.
12:42You don't want it to be too quick that it's not noticeable.
12:44But, again, you don't want it to be too distracting from your content.
12:47You just want it to show and then hide again.
12:49So, at this point, the clip is 7 seconds long.
12:51Let's go ahead and save that as a new compound clip.
12:54And now, we're going to work on the animation.
12:56So, we're going to right-click on it and select Show Video Animations.
12:59And, as you can see, this expanded view will show up.
13:02Now, we're going to be using keyframes to simply have this appear
13:05and disappear off-screen sliding along the Y-axis.
13:08So, the first thing we're going to do is drag this off-screen,
13:10add a keyframe by pressing the diamond here,
13:13and you'll see this appear overlay on the clip.
13:15And then, several frames later, we're going to bring this back
13:18to the previous position on the Y-axis,
13:20and it will automatically create a new keyframe.
13:22And, as you can see, the animation is added.
13:24It is just that simple.
13:26Now, for the way out, we're going to do the exact same thing.
13:28We're going to add another keyframe.
13:30And, once we're done, we'll just drag it right off-screen.
13:32Now, the next thing we can do is, of course, retime this animation,
13:35as, of course, we want this to also be just at the right speed.
13:38So, we can actually move these little diamonds across the project here,
13:42of course, bringing them further out to expand or to lengthen the transition
13:46and bringing them closer together to shorten it.
13:49And, as you can see, in this case, I just want the pace to be a little bit faster
13:52than that of the intro animation.
13:55And, we'll go ahead and remove the last bit.
13:57So, as you can see, we have now shortened the clip even further
13:59to now be only six seconds.
14:01Let's go ahead and hide the animations and let's see what we've got.
14:04Here it is playing back. I think this looks really nice.
14:06This is a good pace, not too fast, not too slow.
14:08Now, let's go ahead and test this by dragging it over a different clip.
14:12So, what we're going to do is copy it.
14:14And, as you can see here in my timeline, I have a different project.
14:17And, we're just going to paste it.
14:18And, now, let's go ahead and play this back and give you an idea here.
14:20So, we've got the title sequence.
14:22Then, we've got the screenshot of the playlist.
14:25And, there we go. Boom.
14:26Here it is, the new animation that we just created
14:28with the like and subscribe buttons.
14:30And, I think this looks really, really nice.
14:32Again, it strikes a good balance between being subtle
14:35while not taking too much attention from the content
14:37and still, well, calling attention towards what you want.
14:41In this case, your channel and, of course, the interactive buttons
14:43that go along with that.
14:45And, that's it.
14:46All right, guys. Thank you very much for watching this video.
14:47If you enjoyed it, be sure to leave a like down below
14:49and subscribe for more content like this.
14:51Thank you very much for watching.
