• dün
02:24Mr. Harriet, hoşgeldiniz.
02:26Mr. Crabtree, köyünüz harika görünüyor.
02:28Evet, yavaş yavaş yuvarlanıyor.
02:30Geçmişiniz iyi oldu.
02:32Harika haberler.
02:34Yavaş, yavaş.
02:38Gördün mü, köpeği aldın.
02:42Yavaş yavaş.
02:44Yavaş yavaş.
02:46Yavaş yavaş.
02:48Gördün mü, köpeği aldın.
02:50Yavaş yavaş.
02:52Biraz eski olabilir ama
02:54uzun süre bırakmak istemedim.
02:58Yerden çıkarız.
03:04Oh, bu da son defa yiyen
03:06bir çantanın içindeki
03:08temiz tişörtlerinden.
03:10Evet, gördüm. Teşekkür ederim.
03:12Ayrıca, iki yatak
03:14birleşmiş olduğunu fark etmemiştim.
03:18Mr. Farnon,
03:20Mr. Carmody'nin kocasıyım.
03:28Yolun nasıl?
03:32Tebrik ederim, Mrs. Hall'a geri döndüm.
03:34How's Donkeyster treating you?
03:36Not too shabbily. Putting the new recruits through their paces.
03:38Tristan Farnon, Richard Carmody.
03:40The famous Tristan Farnon. How do you do?
03:44My replacement. We meet at last.
03:46Technically, I was James' replacement.
03:48Well, either way,
03:50congratulations on sticking it out with my brother.
03:52Many have tried, few survive.
03:54Can't see why that would be the case.
03:56Mr. Farnon's taught me a great deal.
03:58It's been extremely stimulating.
04:00Richard's just finished his finals in London.
04:02Ah, yes. Heard all about you Royal College chaps.
04:04I trust the celebrations
04:06are suitably debauched, eh?
04:08Not for me.
04:10Right, well, um...
04:12Well, we can remedy that later,
04:14I expect, in the drovers.
04:16It's all the same. I have things to attend to here.
04:18Such as?
04:20I managed to get my hands on the bacteria I told you about
04:22from the university lab.
04:24Did you?
04:26Perhaps we could culture them together.
04:28I'd be delighted.
04:34Omnia probate,
04:36quad bonum tenete.
04:38Prove all things,
04:40hold fast that which is good.
04:42Hey, you could have warned me.
04:44Secretes multiplied,
04:46spawned a mini killjoy.
04:48Oh, give over.
04:50Keep your mind open.
04:52He might take a bit of getting used to,
04:54but he's not a killjoy.
04:56He chose bacteria over booze.
04:58Honestly, why do I feel like
05:00I'm about to spend my precious time off in a library?
05:02It won't be that bad.
05:04Easy for you to say.
05:06You don't have to share a room with the man.
05:12I can rule out traumatic reticulitis.
05:14She isn't wired.
05:16Any changes to her diet recently?
05:18No. She had the same as always.
05:20She usually eats like a horse.
05:24a cow with an appetite, anyway.
05:26Well, that could be her answer.
05:28If her eyes are bigger than her belly,
05:30it could be indigestion from overfeeding.
05:32I don't think so.
05:34I don't think so.
05:36I don't think so.
05:38I don't think so.
05:40It could be indigestion from overfeeding.
05:46So not so serious?
05:48Well, nothing a dose of linseed oil won't clear up.
05:50Start her on a couple of ounces.
05:52She should be much brighter by the morning.
05:54Fingers crossed.
05:56Thank you, sir.
05:58When did Cribbage become all the rage?
06:00I had to find something he couldn't cheat at.
06:02A rot.
06:04You can play next. I'm about to thrash Richard.
06:06No thanks. All Greek to me.
06:08Why don't you fetch another game?
06:12Or, even better,
06:14we could venture across the square for a nightcap.
06:16Escape the clutches of the pipe and slippers.
06:18Well, I'm doing it.
06:20I'm doing it.
06:22I'm doing it.
06:24I'm doing it.
06:26Escape the clutches of the pipe and slippers.
06:28Well, I'm due on me rounds, I'm afraid.
06:32Early start.
06:34Jim, you'll be wanting his feed.
06:36Three for the run.
06:38Siegfried? Yes?
06:42What? To play Muggins rules, you must declare Muggins rules.
06:44Muggins rules are always in play with experienced opponents.
06:46It's just me, then.
06:48Enjoy yourself.
06:50I was distracted by Tristan.
06:52Which means they're mine.
06:54Muggins rules. I don't care.
07:02It's all right. It's all right.
07:04It's only me. Don't bark.
07:06Don't bark. Siegfried will have my guts regarded.
07:12Night, night. Sleep well.
07:18Put that there.
07:24Wrong bed!
07:26You psst!
07:28You're in the cupboard.
07:30Does it look like it?
07:32I couldn't see you in the dark.
07:34Why are we shouting in the middle of the night?
07:36He has commandeered my bed.
07:38It was mine before.
07:40It's in my room and in my house.
07:42Oh, for God's sake, why haven't you sorted this out before?
07:44He vanished off to the pub.
07:46I've been stuck in military bunks for a while.
07:48I've been stuck in military bunks for a while.
07:50I've been stuck in military bunks for a while.
07:52I've been stuck in military bunks for months.
07:54I've earned the sweet embrace of my own bed.
07:56No, it's logical I have it since I work here covering the night calls.
07:58No, it's logical I have it since I work here covering the night calls.
08:00How's that logical?
08:02If you'll be out at night, you'll be barely in it.
08:04Says the man rolling in at one in the morning.
08:10What do you suggest, Mr. Farnon?
08:12You're grown men.
08:14I suggest you
08:16resolve it amongst yourselves.
09:00Might Tristan be feeling a bit left out?
09:02Might Tristan be feeling a bit left out?
09:06No, no, that's not it.
09:10Anyway, I told them to sort it out themselves.
10:00Could you repeat that?
10:02And you're absolutely sure?
10:08Sorry about the racket last night, Mrs. H.
10:10Not to worry.
10:12I got back to sleep soon enough.
10:14I should apologise too.
10:16I'm sorry Tristan almost crushed me to death,
10:18thus causing the entire house to wake up.
10:20Richard, you ought to go up to the manor as fast as you can.
10:22Well, is it tricky?
10:24No, it's a snake.
10:26That's an exotic addition for Mrs. Bumfrey.
10:28It's been snored, apparently, by one of the soldiers.
10:30The house has been requisitioned.
10:32There's an armoured convalescent to him.
10:34What's wrong with the snake?
10:36Nothing. It's on the loose.
10:40Yes, it caused quite a stir up there.
10:42I can imagine.
10:44The matron didn't know who else to turn to.
10:46Well, I'm delighted she turned to us.
10:48I adore snakes.
10:50Ever seen one in the wild?
10:52Only the Odada. You?
10:54Yeah, Cairo's teeming with them.
10:56I'm afraid I have a full list in surgery.
10:58Let me know how you get on.
11:04It's a big house.
11:06Might be something of a snake in a haystack.
11:08Tristan will help.
11:10Will I?
11:12Well, it sounds like you're familiar with snakes.
11:14Only in a very loose, general sense.
11:16Also, he doesn't work here anymore.
11:18Yes, I don't work here anymore. There is that.
11:20I wouldn't call it work. More of a favour.
11:22Give you two the chance to get to know each other better, wouldn't it?
11:24I think we've got a good grasp of that already,
11:26thanks to the close quarters.
11:28I couldn't possibly impose.
11:30You wouldn't be, would you, Tristan?
11:36Not at all, Mrs. H.
11:38Happy to help.
11:54I'm sorry.
12:08Did you manage to get a good look at it?
12:10Thankfully not.
12:12I'm only going off what the lads have told me.
12:14Which is?
12:16That it slithers about the ward, under the beds and such.
12:18By the time anyone's dared to try and catch it,
12:20it's made itself scarce.
12:22Makes me come over all peculiar,
12:24even thinking about it.
12:26I don't suppose you've gleaned a description of its size or markings?
12:28I'm rushed off me feet, love.
12:30Snake size. It's the best I can do.
12:32Snakes come in a very wide variety
12:34of sizes and species.
12:36Leave it with us. We'll give the place a thorough sweep.
12:38It'll be out of your hair in no time.
12:42If that thing gets anywhere near my hair, you'll know about it.
12:50I propose we attempt to think like a snake.
12:52Oh, for goodness sake.
12:54Now, where would we choose to hide?
12:56Somewhere warm and secluded, no doubt.
12:58Best of luck with that.
13:00I'll see you later.
13:02You can't wriggle out of it now.
13:04We promised to find the snake.
13:06There isn't one.
13:08She's only got the lad's word for it,
13:10which means she's having her leg pulled.
13:14Where are you going?
13:16Somewhere warm and secluded.
13:18Have a nap.
13:20Enjoy the wild goose chase.
13:52Where are all the beds?
13:58Hello, Mrs. Pumphrey.
14:00Mr. Farnon.
14:02How wonderful to see you.
14:04You're quite well, I hope.
14:06Oh, fighting fit. Thank you.
14:08I'm relieved to hear it.
14:14Looking for something?
14:16I've lost a painting I'm very fond of.
14:18It's a landscape of the Moors,
14:20rendered in oils.
14:22They must have moved it.
14:24Don't they need to ask permission for that?
14:26Unfortunately not.
14:28Every time my backs turn,
14:30something's been moved or rearranged.
14:32Must be a challenge,
14:34sharing your house with strangers.
14:36It's a minor inconvenience
14:38in the grand scheme of things,
14:40but I did try to take up the matter
14:42with Matron yesterday.
14:44They paid me any heed at all.
14:46Preoccupied with the snake, I should imagine.
14:50The snake?
14:52There's a snake?
14:56Well, that's debatable.
15:32Hello there. Sorry to disturb.
15:34Are you looking for someone?
15:36Yes. Well, no, not a person exactly.
15:38Don't suppose you've seen a snake?
15:44I think I'd remember.
15:46It'd definitely liven the place up a bit.
15:50So you've paddled out with Tricky?
15:52As anyone's for food.
15:54He's good company, though.
15:58Dickens fan, are you?
16:00It's like wading through Treacle.
16:02I thought I was the only person
16:04who felt that way.
16:06Library's as old as this bleeding house.
16:08What would be more to your taste?
16:10Can't beat a good swashbuckler.
16:12How about you?
16:14Scientific periodicals, mostly.
16:18each to their own.
16:22Anyway, I should go.
16:24This snake you're after,
16:26could it be
16:28venomous or whatever?
16:30Depends on the species.
16:32Quite a few types, are there?
16:34Approximately 4,000 worldwide.
16:36And did you know they're the second
16:38largest group of reptiles after lizards?
16:40Oh, no.
16:42Mrs. Pomfrey, any luck finding that painting
16:44you're after?
16:46Not yet, no, but more worryingly,
16:48Mr. Farnham's just told me about our uninvited guest.
16:52Nothing to report
16:54as yet, but we're leaving no stone unturned.
16:56You didn't think I should know?
16:58I didn't know you were here.
17:00Well, I am.
17:02As is Tricky, who I imagine
17:04looks quite tasty to a
17:06reptile on the prowl.
17:08He could be in danger.
17:10We can't just have people coming and going willy-nilly.
17:12This is a hospital.
17:14It's Tricky's home.
17:16Not at the minute it isn't.
17:18Ah, now, I should just...
17:20And if you wouldn't mind
17:22looking for my painting, matron,
17:24I'd be extremely grateful.
17:26Mrs. Pomfrey,
17:28I'm trying to make the best of being overworked
17:30and understaffed.
17:32The painting will have to wait.
17:36I should really fetch Tricky,
17:38just to be on the safe side.
17:40We can split up, take a ward each.
17:44good thinking.
17:46You'd better start with the library.
17:48Unless you have
17:50any objection, matron.
17:52Not at all. Be my guest.
17:56Oh, you wee scamp!
17:58He never got you in again.
18:00Shame to admit it.
18:02Rose has improved, I hope.
18:04Well, I gave her that linseed oil, like you said,
18:06but she's not too clever still.
18:10Hello, Mr. Ugly.
18:12Mr. Harriet.
18:14It's a stoppage.
18:16You can tell a man,
18:18you can tell a woman,
18:20but you can't tell a man
18:22it's a stoppage.
18:24You can tell a mile off.
18:26Still thanking your lucky stars, I'll bet.
18:28Feeling any better?
18:30I'm grand, thank you.
18:32So that's the trouble then?
18:34A stoppage?
18:36There could be some kind of obstruction, yes.
18:38With digestive troubles,
18:40they're often notoriously difficult to diagnose.
18:42She just needs a right good gallop.
18:44My father swore by it.
18:46Best way with a stoppage.
18:48Well, don't let us hold you up.
18:58I'll try a lavage first.
19:00If there's something blocking her up,
19:02it'll get things moving along.
19:04So no galloping then?
19:06No galloping.
19:08He means well, but it's an old wives' tale.
19:10It's not veterinary advice.
19:12So my mate Ronald's
19:14inside the tank,
19:16minding his own business
19:18Rattling sound.
19:22Yeah. Damn thing's only got inside and made itself at home.
19:24A rattlesnake in a tank? Their venom's deadly.
19:26You should have seen them come jumping out.
19:28I've never known men move so fast.
19:32Sounds like you had quite the adventure over there.
19:34I never had a mind to travel before,
19:36but it certainly opened my eyes.
19:38What was the best part?
19:40I couldn't get enough of the heat.
19:42And the food.
19:44Some of the sights were just out of this world.
19:46But the best part
19:48was probably this.
19:52My ticket back here.
19:54To see my girlfriend and
19:56my family.
19:58Don't get me wrong, I accepted my lot.
20:00I did my duty, you have to.
20:02But the truth is
20:04everyone out there is just
20:06counting the days
20:08till it's time to come home.
21:36O büyük bir Dane değil.
22:06Merhaba James.
22:22İyi günler.
22:26Bence Kraliçe'de bir köy var.
22:28Yemekten sonra gitmeliyim.
22:30İçeride mi?
22:32Evet, zamanı geldi.
22:34Köylerine dikkat et.
22:36Biliyorum ama Sid başka bir hayvanı kaybedemeyecek.
22:38Doğruya gitmek istiyorum.
22:40Ne yaptığını düşünüyorsun?
22:44Gallop'u vermeliyim dedi.
22:46Mr. Oakley? Evet.
22:48Ne yapacağını düşünüyor.
22:50Biliyorum ama Sid çok endişeliydi.
22:52Gerçekleşmemesini istemiyorum.
22:54O zaman köye Gallop'u ver.
22:58İstediği ne olursa olsun.
23:02Oakley'i yanlış yapmak için
23:04mutlu olabilirdi.
23:06Özellikle fark etmediğinde.
23:08İki kuş bir taş.
23:10İki kuş bir taş.
23:24Hayır, iyi değil.
23:28Kapıdan çıkmaya çalışıyor.
23:32Bir keyi bile yok.
23:40Umarım birisi gelirse.
23:44Bu bir kusursuz davranış değil.
23:46Mrs. Pumphrey çok zorlanıyor.
23:48Onu bulmak için sabırsızlanıyor.
24:58Mr. Bosworth, much more comfy.
25:02Any sign of James?
25:03Not since before, why?
25:06He's been struggling with the Crabtree's cow.
25:08He seemed a bit out of sorts about it.
25:11Well, I don't mind having Jimmy, if you want to go up.
25:14No, I can't give you another job.
25:16Jimmy's not a job.
25:19He's my favourite.
25:21I insist.
25:23Well, let me give you a hand shifting this upstairs first.
25:26No, don't you worry.
25:27I won't be shifting it.
25:29Poptown Mr. Fine had made himself useful.
25:35Isn't he?
25:40What a magnificent specimen.
25:47Led us on quite the merry dance, haven't you Mr. Python?
25:51We'll be safe and warm in here, that's it.
25:55Make sure he can't get out.
26:06I'm beginning to understand why you didn't want to look for him.
26:09I put it down to laziness, but it was something else entirely.
26:13Makes perfect sense now.
26:14The last thing I am, Carmody, is lazy.
26:17You're a paedophobic.
26:19Petrified of snakes.
26:20I'm not petrified of anything.
26:25I just avoid them at all costs.
26:28How does one manage that in Egypt?
26:29With great difficulty.
26:32Anyway, don't tell me you're an expert, are you?
26:34Nothing of the kind.
26:36This is the first python I've seen in the flesh.
26:38Read lots about them though.
26:45Catching it, that was...
26:47That was brave.
26:54I don't know.
27:00She's no better, but she's no worse either, and that's a good sign.
27:05But what now then?
27:07Well, the lavage is still making its way through her system.
27:10Let's wait a little longer before we do anything else.
27:14She'll come, right?
27:15You'll see.
27:16I'm glad she's in your hands, Mr. Wright.
27:20I've been wondering...
27:23Might not be my place to ask though.
27:25Go on.
27:27I hope it wasn't anything too serious.
27:29Whatever it was that got you sent home.
27:32Oh, erm...
27:34It was brucellosis, actually.
27:37Not from here?
27:38Could have been.
27:40I'm sorry, I...
27:41I didn't know.
27:43Well, it's not your fault.
27:46It was just a fever every now and then, nothing of any consequence really.
27:49Unless you happen to be flying planes, of course.
27:52Anything doing?
27:54Not yet.
27:56Well, I've finished my round.
27:58I'm ready and willing to gallop her for you.
28:01No charge.
28:05It's up to you.
28:07She's your co-miss to clutching.
28:12Alright, yeah. Go on. Let's give it a go.
28:21Mrs. Pumphrey's taking her time.
28:25She'll find us.
28:27As long as she hasn't been speaking to the matron again.
28:29Got herself thrown out.
28:30Why would she do that?
28:33She hasn't been making herself very popular.
28:36Not happy sharing the place.
28:44And she might not be the only one who's been territorial.
28:50Am I about to find out I've done something wrong again?
28:55I meant me.
28:58Perhaps I overreacted very slightly about the room.
29:04I apologize.
29:10And I apologize for taking your bed without asking.
29:13Harry told me a little about how eager he was to return home.
29:18I must admit, I'd only considered the logic of the matter before.
29:21Not the feelings you might have about it.
29:22As I said, slight overreaction.
29:26I'm in your way. I'll find somewhere else.
29:29I did intend to offer, but I confess I've grown rather fond of the place.
29:35Skeldale tends to have that effect on people.
29:38It does.
29:44My parents...
29:47...spent most of the year abroad.
29:49So I grew up in boarding school.
29:52It's been novel to put roots down somewhere.
30:00Then you'll stay.
30:02And we'll share.
30:05Only if you're sure.
30:07I'm sure.
30:12That's if we ever manage to escape, of course.
30:15Yes, I've had an idea about that.
30:17Oh, really?
30:19An ingenious plan. Come on then, let's hear it.
30:44That'll do it. Mark my words.
30:46Reckon we'll let James be the judge of that.
30:48Well, have a look.
30:50I'm not wrong.
31:05No, can't be. Has it made it worse?
31:08No, no.
31:10It actually sounds surprisingly good.
31:13There now.
31:15What did I tell you?
31:20I promise you it was the timing, not Mr. Oakley.
31:23He must have galloped towards us at the precise moment the lavage took effect.
31:26You're all right, Mr. Elliott.
31:28I know you put the effort in.
31:30She's on the mend anyway, and that's what matters.
31:32Thank you.
31:34I reckon things turned out for the best, don't you?
31:36The galloping?
31:40We're both lucky in a way.
31:43Glad some good came of it.
31:45See you next time, Mr. Crabtree.
31:47See you next time.
31:50Don't. Get away with you.
31:56God, you frightened the life out of me. I'm sorry.
32:00Are you all right?
32:02The ship.
32:04Left the pounce on people.
32:06I should have expected it.
32:08It's silly, really.
32:10I didn't mean to scare him.
32:12Where's Jimmy, anyway?
32:13Is he with his Auntie Jenny?
32:15With his ole.
32:17So you could tell me where he is.
32:18O zaman beni yola götürebilirsin eğer istiyorsan.
32:21Olabilir miyim?
32:23Bir nefes alabilir misin?
32:27Jimmy'nin, Tristan'ın ve laundry'nin yemeği var.
32:30O yüzden bir su içeyim.
32:39Yardım edin!
32:40Yardım edin!
32:41Bizi yardım edin!
32:43Pumphrey hanım.
32:45Oh, Tricky.
32:47Seni yukarıda duyabiliyordum.
32:50Kim öldürüldü?
32:55Kapağı kırıldı.
32:56Tricky yurttan gitmek istemiyordu.
32:57O yüzden buradayken kaçtı.
32:59Aman tanrım.
33:00Çok ciddi bir şekilde işlerini alıyor.
33:02Belki o korkunç kuşu duymayabilir
33:04ve seni ne kadar uzaklaştırırsa bile.
33:09Aslında aynısı.
33:12Gerçek mi?
33:13Kesinlikle gerçek.
33:15Oh, Tricky.
33:17Çok üzgünüm.
33:20Onu tanıtmak ister misin?
33:25Gördün mü?
33:26Belki korkunç görünür.
33:28Ama harmlessin.
33:29Sadece evden uzaklaştırılmış.
33:31Bir yerde sıcak bir yerde kalmak zorunda.
33:33Bence çok yanlış anladın.
33:35Bunu böyle anlatırsan,
33:37o çok korkunç görünmüyor.
33:41Anlamaya çalışıyor,
33:43ne kadar uzaklaştırılmış.
33:44Zavallı çocuk.
33:46İyi misin, Mr. Farnon?
33:49Kapıyı geri koy.
33:52O odada kalmanın sonunda
33:55çok yoruldun.
33:57Masha'yı bana bırak.
33:58Ona iyi haberleri vereceğim.
34:00Seni rahatsız etmeme izin vermiyoruz.
34:03Çok korkunç görünme.
34:04Korkunç olacağım.
34:07Çok zeki.
34:08Kendine iyi bak, Tricky.
34:11Kapının üzerinde kalın, Mr. Carmody.
34:16Güle güle çocuklar.
34:21Hadi bakalım, Mr. Python.
34:23Sürgüye geri dönelim.
34:27Bekleyin, ne?
34:28Burada mı kalıyor?
34:32Başka bir şey mi oldu?
34:36Mr. Crabtree'ye iyi bir iş yapmak istiyordum.
34:40Ama sonunda geldik.
34:43Birbirimizi kapatmayız, James.
34:50Tamam, bir şey vardı.
34:52Farklı bir şey.
34:56O ve Oakley.
34:58İkisi de şanslıydım.
35:00Gruzolosa'yı aldığımı söylediler.
35:02Evet, sanırım.
35:05Gerçekten mi?
35:07O bir ziyaret her şeyi değiştirebilirdi.
35:12Değil mi?
35:15Dürüst olmak gerekirse emin değilim.
35:18Eğitimini bitirmeden önce evine gönderdin.
35:21Bu bir şans.
35:23Eğitim gerçek bir şeyden çok tehlikeli.
35:27Kruyumu öldürdüğümde böyle hissettim.
35:30Bir şey söyledin mi?
35:33Seni korkutmak istemedim.
35:35Yeniden uçtum.
35:38Her şey yolunda.
35:51Şimdi bana bunu söylediğine yardımcı olur mu?
36:05Bununla bir anlaşma yaptım.
36:12Çok üzgünüm, James.
36:21Kato'yu önce götürmek istiyorum.
36:30Mrs. Pomfrey.
36:32Bir bilgisayar kutusuna koydular.
36:34Gördüğünüz gibi, güvenli bir yere koydular.
36:38Söyleme, yanlış mı?
36:42Teşekkür ederim.
36:44Yardımcı buldu, ben değil.
36:47İkimizde çok deneyimli durumlarda bulunduk, değil mi?
36:52Planlamadığımız kadar değil, ama en iyisini yapabildik.
36:56Bu adamlar için mükemmel bir iş yapıyorsun.
36:59Zavallı olduğum için üzgünüm.
37:04Önce çok hızlı olabilirdim.
37:07Ama ben o kuşunla ilgili korkunç değilim.
37:09Beni yakınlaştırıyor.
37:10Duyduğunu duymak için mutlu olursun.
37:12Ve temizledi.
37:15Akşama uyanabilirim, o zaman.
37:19Geçmişte size haber vereceğim.
37:21Yalancı olmak istemedim.
37:24Mrs. Pomfrey.
37:26Bu adamlar dünyayı zorlaştırıyorlar.
37:29Ve tabi ki onlara çok dikkat ediyorsun.
37:31Evet, çok.
37:34Onlar için bu ev her zaman bir yer olmalıydı.
37:37Anlayamadım ki.
37:39Bir parçası olarak çıkmalıyım.
37:44Bu, babamın işleriydi.
37:47Ben büyüdüğüm evden bir görüntü.
37:51Burada büyüdün değil mi?
37:53Aman Tanrım, hayır.
37:55İlk geldiğimde çok ışıklıydım.
37:58Ama bu fotoğraf her zaman bir yer olmalıydı.
38:02Kocamla geri dönebilirim.
38:07Umarım daha temizlenmesine yardımcı olur.
38:09Teşekkür ederim.
38:10Umarım olur.
38:13Hadi aşkım.
38:26İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler.
38:40Üzgünüm, korktum.
38:45Hadi be!
38:46Bak, James'in sana aldığını gör.
38:49Lezzetli ve lezzetli.
38:50Üzgünüm, çocuk.
38:54Sanırım ruhunu kırdım.
39:12Sanırım ruhu iyi çalışıyor.
39:14Görüşmek üzere.
39:52Neye gülüyorsun?
39:55Ayağını çekiyordum.
40:00Eğlenceli için.
40:02Buralarda yaşayamazsın.
40:04Bu delice olurdu.
40:05Eğer öyleyse odanın hakkında ne söylediğimi geri alabilirdim.
40:07Şuna bir bak.
40:10Bu, kalınca başlangıç olabilir mi?
40:14Topik olarak davranmalıyız.
40:16Kalınca başlangıcı olmalıyız.
40:19Mrs. Hall, buradayız.
40:21Görmekten mutlu olacaksın.
40:22Peki, bir şey çözüldü gibi görünüyor.
40:26Bu güzel bir haber.
40:27Değil mi?
40:29Sadece bir sorum var.
40:30Nasıl birlikte evlendin?
40:33Mrs. Hall, Tristan'a yardım etti.
40:36Öyle mi?
40:39Her şey yolunda, bu da yolunda.
40:45Bence bu sefer de yukarıya gitmeliyim.
40:47Bu sefer de bir şey çıkmaz.
40:50Bize yardım ettin mi?
41:10Hala, Mrs. Hall, yatak odasını aldı.
41:13Şimdi yatak odasında uyuyacak.
41:17Bir sorun yaşayamazdı.
41:18Hayır, ben söyledim.
41:21...çok yumuşak bir noktası var, görüyor musun?
41:30Bir yıl boşalttım.
41:33Senin odan.
41:37Bilmek istiyordum.
41:44Bir noktadan beri...
41:45...onu koltuğa koyduğunu sanmıştım.
41:47Onun yüzü pahalıydı.
41:50Nasıl saldırıcılar geldi?
41:52Şanssızlıkla saldırıcıları görmediler.
41:53Ama Harry'i gördükleri zaman, Tricky'e saldırıcı verdi.
41:55Harry kim?
41:575. tank ordusunda.
41:59Norafrika'da canlandı.
42:03Onun yolculuğu ve deneyleriyle ilgili bir şey duyuyorum.
42:06Bu yüzden...
42:08...onu gördüğü zaman...
42:10...onu gördüğü zaman...
42:11...onu gördüğü zaman...
42:12...sadece bilmem ne.
42:13Hatırlamadığım yaşlandığı sonu,
42:15...bütün bu onları görmüştü.
42:19Nasıl görmüştü?
42:37Nasıl görmüştü?
42:39Nasıl görmüştü?
42:40Bu benim arkadaşım.
42:41Kusura bakma.
42:54Senin için bir uyumlu akşam geldi.
42:58Hayır, çok şey yapmadım.
43:01Sadece suyu temizledim.
43:03Arkadaşlığa itaat ettim.
43:05Büyük bir çay bardağından kafamı çektim.
43:08Sana teşekkür ederim.
43:18Evin dolu ve mutlu olduğunda sevindim.
43:21Ben de.
43:26Nereyi tutuyoruz?
43:31Garmadi bize yardım edecek bir zühtü bulacak.
43:41Mrs. Hall bir melek.
43:43Bu yatak çok mutlu.
43:45İyi bir deney ama çalışmayacak.
43:50Güneşin daha yeşil olduğunu düşünmeye çalışıyorsun.
43:52Fakat biz de başarılı olduk.
43:54Kesinlikle başarılıydı ve bunu biliyorsun.
43:58Eğer merak etme.
43:59Gerçekten uyumaya ihtiyacım var.
44:01Gerçekten uyumaya ihtiyacım var.
44:07Her şeyden dolayı...
44:09...kurtuluşumuzu çok keyif aldım.
44:13Evet, ben de.
44:17Bana büyüttüğünü söyleyebilirsin.
44:20Bakteri gibi.
44:23Bakteri gibi.
44:27İyi geceler Tristan.
44:29İyi geceler Richard.
44:31İyi geceler.
44:37Yerimi geri almak için bir yol bulacağım.
44:43Hiçbir şey beklemezdim.
44:47En iyi adamın kazanmasına izin ver.
44:48İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler.