• 5 hours ago


00:00Hello and welcome to Big Brother, the live launch!
00:05Last time on Big Brother...
00:08Are you ready for your new housemates?
00:11It's Rosie!
00:13It's Emma!
00:15It's Shegan!
00:17It's Nathan!
00:18It's Daze!
00:21It's Callum!
00:23It's Lily!
00:25It's Ali!
00:27It's Thomas!
00:28It's Ryan!
00:29Give it up for Hannah!
00:31It's Izzat!
00:34It's Marcello!
00:38This is Big Brother.
00:40Hannah, by joining the red side,
00:42you now have the power to steal one member of the blue side.
00:46I can't lie, I want to steal you, Rosie.
00:53Tonight on Big Brother...
00:57With Lily... And?!
00:59..I find Lily sensory overload.
01:02Hi, I'm Sarah.
01:05I feel like I'm the only one that's overwhelmed.
01:08And I'm the only one that's struggling a bit.
01:37Lights, camera, action, that's it.
01:42Day one, 10.40pm.
01:45Lights, camera, action, that's it.
01:47Dean is the final housemate to enter the Big Brother house.
01:52Lights, camera, action, that's it.
02:00Oh, my God, you look so amazing!
02:03Hello, how have you been? Hello, hello.
02:05This is Big Brother.
02:07Dean, which side are you drawn to, red or blue?
02:11Which side am I going to choose?
02:15Come on, Dean. Come on, Dean!
02:21Nice to meet you, Dean. Nice to meet you.
02:25Hello, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
02:27Your French beret is so fit!
02:29My what is? Your beret. Oh, thank you, honey.
02:31How are you? Hello!
02:33Hello, how are you?
02:35Shaking like a leaf.
02:37So, every time I go post, I'll wear a French beret?
02:40Yeah, have you got one?
02:42Not with me. No, but I have a high-heeled Paris T-shirt.
02:44Do you like Paris? I've never been!
02:46I really want to talk French. I wish I could speak French.
02:49I can speak French!
02:51This is Big Brother.
02:53Welcome to the Big Brother house.
02:58Which, this year, has been divided.
03:03Each one of you had to choose which side you're on.
03:08Red or blue.
03:12In the Big Brother house, decisions have big consequences.
03:17Oh, no, Big Brother!
03:19And this is no exception.
03:23Come on, Reds.
03:27One side of the divide are housemates.
03:34Are you joking?
03:36And the other side are non-housemates.
03:41Non-housemates do not live in the Big Brother house.
03:47Instead, you will be sent to storage.
04:00Oh, no.
04:08OK, we'll do rock-paper-scissors, yeah?
04:12So, the big question is...
04:16..which side is which?
04:19Oh, come on, Big Brother.
04:21Let's find out.
04:25The height, the height.
04:31It's going to light up, I think.
04:44I told you. I told you.
04:46Who is it?
04:48Who is it?
04:52Congratulations, blue side.
04:55Good choice.
04:57You are housemates.
04:59We're housemates, yeah.
05:01I told you. Team.
05:03Bad choice, red side. You are non-housemates.
05:06You will be shelved in storage until further notice.
05:10Big Brother? Are we all going to fit in storage?
05:13That is not all.
05:17All non-housemates will face the first eviction.
05:34This is Big Brother.
05:36Non-housemates, you must now make your way to Big Brother's storage.
05:41Enjoy, guys. Yes.
05:43Non-housemates, you must not take your drinks.
05:45Oh, my God!
05:47We like to drink with Red Team cos Red Team is our mate!
05:51And when we drink with Red Team, we get it all night!
05:55All night!
05:59Bye, everyone. See you soon.
06:02Let's follow the crowd. See you, Rosie.
06:07Look at you running around!
06:09You know what? Let's just chill out.
06:11Yeah, let's just chill, man.
06:13I'm trying to hear where you guys are from.
06:15Do you want to sit here? Yeah, it seems like a vibe.
06:17Do you want to eat?
06:19I'm going to be Gordon Ramsay today, yeah?
06:21Yeah, I trust you, man.
06:23What's your heritage, man?
06:25I'm Welsh, I was born in Wales, Swansea,
06:27but heritage-wise, I'm Bengali.
06:29Bengali? Wow, man!
06:31Mum and Dad. That's a blend.
06:37Oh, my God, bags!
06:39That's all right. Where's the beds?
06:41Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
06:44We've got our suitcases!
06:46My God!
06:48No, Alison Hammond!
06:51My queen!
06:53I love... I can't even tell you how much I love Alison Hammond!
06:57She's on my top three people!
06:59I love you, baby!
07:01No, hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on.
07:03On a level, there's one bed.
07:05I beg your pardon? There's one bed.
07:07Which one? There.
07:09It's this or sleeping on the floor. Yeah, I hear it.
07:12So I'm happy with this, this is my bed.
07:14It might be a cardboard box shop for everyone else, like...
07:17Oh, my gosh!
07:19That's wild. That is wild.
07:22I've been looking for a hand for ages.
07:24Oh, my gosh, does it fit? Oh, my God, it actually does.
07:28I don't know if you can put a hand on it.
07:30Can we see how long it can go on like this for? Literally...
07:33I mean, I do technically have two right hands,
07:35but if I had one that, like...
07:37It's not that deep, literally.
07:39I've not even, like, looked up and...
07:41I can't believe it.
07:43I personally think that we're going to go to a very run-down bedroom
07:46that's, like, camping bed.
07:48There's a campsite on that, surely.
07:53Non-housemate Rosie has come to talk to Big Brother.
07:57Rosie, how are you feeling?
07:59I... Right, OK.
08:01Do you know what? Honestly, I'm actually...
08:03Even though I'm in the storage room, the warehouse,
08:06I am so grateful to be here.
08:08So, honestly, do what you want, I can't even believe I'm here.
08:11It's giving warehouse realness, that's fine.
08:14But I'm also grateful to be here.
08:16I can't even believe I'm here.
08:18It's giving warehouse realness, that's fine.
08:20That's fine. I'm literally... I don't know what...
08:22I think right now I'm, like, good,
08:24but I think, you know, ask me in ten minutes
08:26when I'm sleeping on the floor, I might change my tune.
08:29It's been 26 minutes since the non-housemates entered storage.
08:34What place in Italy are you from?
08:36My dad's from Florence. OK.
08:38And my dad's half Italian, half Iraqi.
08:40Really?! Yeah.
08:42Oh, my gosh, my grandma!
08:44Oh, my gosh, OK, what about mum's you?
08:46Mum's Greek Cypriot. Really?!
08:48So, what, do you speak the language?
08:50I can read it, write it, do all the numbers, the alphabet.
08:53That's like me and Somali. I can show off,
08:55but I don't know what the hell anyone's talking about.
08:57I like to learn Arabic, can't lie, Spanish.
08:59Spanish is sexy, yeah. Spanish.
09:01Spanish, for me, is the hardest language. Really?
09:03I know so little in Spanish. French and Serbo.
09:05I know all that.
09:11Satin, satin, satin, satin.
09:14Khaled and Shegan are getting to know each other.
09:17You have a routine, you go with the flow person?
09:19Every morning, I work out.
09:21Press-ups, sit-ups, bro, and then a cold shower.
09:24Then when it gets to 12, pray.
09:26Mm-hm. Just say, like, good heart, soul, mind, bro.
09:29Yeah, it's all about spirit, man. That's it, bro, that's it.
09:32What about you, my bro? I'm Christian.
09:35I know you guys are... I'm Christian.
09:37But I still respect... I respect, man.
09:39Bro, we could hardly find differences. Yeah.
09:41It's so twin. Yeah, that's it.
09:43Jesus is our prophet. He's one of our prophets.
09:45When I found out he was in your book, I said, rah!
09:47Yeah, bro, he's one of our prophets.
09:49There is a lot of commonalities, a lot of similarities, man,
09:52between Islam and Christianity.
09:54Born of the Virgin Mary. Right, right, right.
09:56We believe in a sinless life.
09:58So are you full practising as well?
10:00Or are you, like... I'm getting better, bro, like everyone is.
10:03OK, and your family has got strong traditional Islamic traits?
10:06More Arab traits, not as Islamic.
10:08Apologies, man, yeah. No, that's not an apology.
10:10We're going to get to know each other, bro.
10:12That's it, man.
10:20Non-housemates Diz and Martha are getting to know each other.
10:25I like to forage. I love nature.
10:27Do you? Yeah. Me too. I just love nature.
10:29I love being outside. I love being outside.
10:31I love animals. Me too.
10:33What's your favourite animal? Rabbits.
10:35I've got a rabbit! No, you haven't! No, you haven't!
10:38I've got an uggie and he's got his face on.
10:40Oh, my God!
10:42Gnome. Gnome!
10:44And he's all white and he's got big blue eyes.
10:46What's your... What one have you got?
10:48He's a little, little mini lop and he's brown.
10:50And I've got a photo of him. Oh, my God!
10:52Oh, my God, so am I. Oh, my God, get it out, get it out.
10:55Non-housemate Lily is in the diary room.
10:59Storage is hell on earth.
11:03I would actually love to be in the other house, like, please.
11:07Like, I would do anything.
11:09Lily, talk me through some of your non-housemates.
11:12So, first of all, I'm sorry, I don't like Sarah.
11:15Why don't you like Sarah?
11:17Just like, hi, I'm Sarah.
11:21I know that's offensive, I'm sorry.
11:24Tell me about some of the other non-housemates in storage.
11:31Thomas, like, I don't really go for fit boys,
11:35but when I seen him, I was like...
11:38Do you know what I mean?
11:40What is it about Tom that made you make that noise?
11:43So, like, normally I go for, like, an ugly boy,
11:46but, like, he's there and he's, like, fit, do you know what I mean?
11:49And, like, I go for, like, an ugly boy because it's, like,
11:52if I break up with him, then the ugly anyway.
11:54But cos there's no ugly boys, Thomas is just there
11:57and, like, he's, like, obviously an attractive boy,
12:00so it's just like...
12:02Do you know what I mean?
12:05Bless me.
12:16Ali is talking about her sexuality.
12:19There are people watching this who won't know that I'm gay
12:22and that I'm in a relationship with a woman.
12:24Yeah, I dated men for a very long time.
12:26I was married to a man at some point.
12:28Yeah, I grew up in, like, quite a small area.
12:31There was, like, no gay representation,
12:33no lesbian representation.
12:35There was no openly gay people at all when I was at school.
12:38And I think the idea that you can't be what you can't see
12:42is, like, really, really, really, really true.
12:44So I just assumed that I was straight
12:47and that maybe my crushes on women was not valid,
12:51but my life got infinitely better when I started dating women
12:55and my relationships with women
12:57have been far more fulfilling and beautiful
13:00and I feel more like myself than I've ever felt.
13:06In storage, Lily is telling Thomas about her job.
13:11When people order on the phone, do you judge them?
13:13Cos I would.
13:14Yeah, so, like, some people call up and they'll be like,
13:17and what do you want?
13:19And I'm like, you rehearse what you want before it?
13:24And I'm like, so what does Ange want?
13:26She's like, Ange! Ange!
13:29Do you need a Christmas ready chilli-peach sauce separate
13:31or do you want it all together?
13:32I feel like I'm bringing back trauma here
13:34because I feel like you know these bars line by line.
13:36You're like, I fucking remember this phone call.
13:39I am like a robot on the phone.
13:41I'm like, hello?
13:42Yes, it's for delivery and collection.
13:44Perfect, delivery.
13:45Yeah, so delivery time, just like, you know,
13:47we'll be looking up to 45 minutes.
13:48Perfect, what would you like?
13:49Yeah, so you would just like a noob-speaking sauce,
13:51a noob-speaking sauce, red Cantonese.
13:53Oh, yeah, salt-and-pepper chicken,
13:54a chicken fried rice, a curry sauce.
13:56Perfect, so all together you are going to come to £30.50
13:58and delivery time, as I said, will take up to 45 minutes.
14:01So would you like to pay card over the phone
14:02or cash at the door?
14:03Perfect, thank you.
14:05I feel like you're a robot at this point
14:06because you know that off by heart.
14:07Like six years of it, like, I am literally a robot.
14:11How are you finding this?
14:13I keep going a bit, like, wobbly and then I'm all right again
14:16and I'm, yeah.
14:17What do you mean wobbly?
14:18Like wobbly.
14:20Do you want?
14:22Sorry, hold on.
14:24Oh, God, no, God, sorry.
14:26Love, look.
14:32No, don't, do not, do not.
14:34What can I do?
14:37Is it because of this?
14:38This is really overwhelming.
14:40It is, it is.
14:41I don't want people to be like, you know, people are like,
14:43oh, you can't...
14:44No, no, no, it's, like, right,
14:46think about how many days you've had to think of this.
14:49Do not.
14:50Come here.
14:51No, don't.
14:52Do not.
14:53You're absolutely...
14:54That's a totally reasonable reaction.
14:57But I still, like...
14:58No, no, no, no.
14:59I'm just going to stop it.
15:00No, no, no, no.
15:01I had a cry yesterday.
15:02I love a cry.
15:03I have a cry sometimes when I just, like...
15:05I watched Babe the other day, I had a cry.
15:07There's no reason to fucking cry in Babe.
15:10But I just feel like everyone's, like, coping
15:12and I feel like I'm the only one who's, like, not coping.
15:14Can I just take you a bit, my babe?
15:17You look insanely gorgeous.
15:19Thank you, I got some tissue for the toilet.
15:21You got what?
15:22Tissue for the toilet.
15:23I love that, I should do that.
15:441 or 4am.
15:48This is Big Brother with all housemates
15:51and non-housemates gathering in the seating area.
15:54Oh, don't piss me off.
15:55Oh, shit.
15:56Here we go.
15:58My heart is beating.
16:01Non-housemates, you are all currently stuck in storage.
16:07You also face the first eviction.
16:10It's been fun while it lasted, thanks, Babe.
16:12Yeah, thank you.
16:13But all that can change.
16:17Oh, listen, sign me up now.
16:20I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared.
16:23Non-housemates, I'm going to give you chances
16:27to become a housemate and save yourself from the first eviction.
16:33Non-housemates, you must prove you're a better housemate
16:36than one of your housemate rivals.
16:39Oh, that's not cool, babe.
16:41You must challenge and then beat one housemate
16:44in a brutal head-to-head battle.
16:48Dirty little barter, aren't you?
16:50If you win, you'll enter the house as a better housemate
16:54and no longer face eviction.
16:57So we keep our spots, but they just come in.
16:59The losing housemate will take your place in storage.
17:04Oh, stop that. Oh, God.
17:06It's time for the first head-to-head battle.
17:09The first head-to-head is a game of strategy,
17:12deception and persuasion.
17:16Psychologist. I think you'd be sick.
17:18To be a great housemate, you must be a great game player.
17:24Non-housemates, you must now decide
17:27which one of you is the best game player
17:30to play the first head-to-head.
17:33Me. Can I do it? Yeah.
17:35Can I do it? Yeah, of course you can.
17:37Are you sure? Yeah.
17:39Everyone happy with that? Is that OK?
17:41I'm going to wipe up my arm straight up.
17:43Are you sure? I think I'm really good as well.
17:45Do you want to do it both? Do you want to put yourself in the ring?
17:48Hell, yeah. Yeah?
17:50I'm going to make Martha go,
17:52I think, first come, first served.
17:54Come sit. You can do the second one.
17:56You do the next one. You've got more energy than all of us.
17:59Yeah, babes, you're going to be just fine.
18:02Martha, you must now choose which housemate
18:05you think is the worst game player to be your opponent.
18:09Oh, big brother, baby.
18:11Shagun. Shagun.
18:13I think he's clever, though, cos he's...
18:15I think he's clever.
18:17Ali, she's a nervous wreck.
18:19Oh, God. Respectfully, though, she's very beautiful as well.
18:22Yeah, she's stunning. Absolutely stunning.
18:24My type. Probably going to ellipse it.
18:26Fucking hell.
18:29I think you should go for Ryan.
18:31You maybe not understand the game in terms of how...
18:34No, no, not like that. Let me finish.
18:36How important it is. Yeah, yeah.
18:38And then you might kind of get him off guard, catch him off guard.
18:42Maybe Ryan. Is that OK, yeah?
18:44Martha. Yes?
18:46Who are you choosing to go to your first head-to-head?
18:50I'm going to choose Ryan.
18:52I've not chatted to him much, so I can maybe kind of get the vibes
18:55and see if I can play a little game with him.
18:58The decision has been made.
19:00Thank you, gang.
19:02This is Big Brother.
19:05Non-housemate Martha will take on the housemate
19:09that she thinks is the worst game player.
19:13Oh, God.
19:15Martha has chosen...
19:19I take it as a compliment. Worst game player.
19:21You're going to smash this, bro.
19:23You're going to smash this, bro.
19:25Focus. I'll tell you what, Ryan...
19:27Cheers, Martha!
19:29On a real one, if you're calm, you're going to do well.
19:31Do not overthink or panic anything.
19:33This is Big Brother.
19:35The first head-to-head will now take place.
19:39Martha, Ryan, head to the battle room immediately.
19:44Come on, team!
19:47Storic, Storic, Storic, Storic, Storic, Storic, Storic, Storic!
19:53Remember, calm, calm in the heart, yeah?
19:55What do you manage to do, bro?
19:57Yeah, it's all for the game.
19:59Touch your soul.
20:01I'm losing a bit, boys and girls.
20:03Good luck!
20:07Oh, my God.
20:09Oh, Jesus.
20:11This is Big Brother.
20:13Do not touch my cake.
20:16Looks tasty.
20:18Do not touch my buttons.
20:24Welcome to my battle room.
20:29Martha, if you win, you'll become a housemate
20:34and no longer face eviction.
20:36Ryan will take your place in storage and face eviction.
20:41If you win, you can choose two non-housemates to join you in the house.
20:47Oh, my God. OK.
20:49Ryan, if you win, you will remain a housemate.
20:54No pressure.
21:14Fucking hell! Jesus!
21:17Don't give me that! I know!
21:19My goggles have gone!
21:21Ali has been chosen by her fellow housemates
21:24to be the best judge of character.
21:27Shortly, Ali will enter as judge
21:31to decide which one of you pressed the button and blew up my cake.
21:36To prove that you are the better game player,
21:39you must convince Ali that it was your opponent who pressed the button.
21:44Whoever Ali thinks pressed the button will lose and go to storage.
21:49Do not eat the cake.
21:57Have you seen it in here? What?
21:59I know. It's actually so bad. Like, legit.
22:04Oh, babes, you're going to get your feet all wet.
22:08It's really bad.
22:10Ali, Big Brother's delicious cake
22:12has been destroyed by one of the people in front of you.
22:17One of them pressed the button and blew it up.
22:22Ali, you must now work out who's telling the truth.
22:26Who pressed the button?
22:32I really wouldn't make this much mess. I'm literally in my pyjamas.
22:35Like, I'm in my pyjamas. I've got my slippers on.
22:37Like, legit, if I knew this was...
22:39Like, if I knew Ryan was going to press this,
22:41I would not have come like this, trust me,
22:43cos this is the only pair of pyjamas I've got, like, legit.
22:45Like, I would not have made...
22:47Like, I feel a bit stressed that this is what I've got sleeping in,
22:49cos I would not have made so much mess.
22:51Well, you didn't see that two minutes ago when you sat on the button.
22:54But I didn't... There's no way I would have pressed that button.
22:56Look at the way... I can't be inserious. Look at me. Covered.
22:59There's no way. You sat here and it's gone this way.
23:01There's... Honestly, Ali... The evidence is there anyway.
23:04Not in pyjamas. Like, I just wouldn't have done it.
23:06You believe what you want to believe, do you know what I mean?
23:08I swear on my rabbit's life, and I love my rabbit a lot,
23:11there's no way I pressed that button.
23:13But, yeah, I get it why she was doing it.
23:15She was trying to save herself for the house thing,
23:17so I get why she did it first, but...
23:19It is what it is. It's all part of the game, innit?
23:21I promise you, there is no way I would have pressed that button.
23:23I've already explained what's happened. She hit the board.
23:25I think you can even tell by the way the cake's come this way.
23:28Covered in the fucking shit.
23:30I accept I didn't do it, and you know I didn't do it.
23:32There's the problem. We'll have to agree to this.
23:34Why do you both sound like you're lying?
23:37Trust Ali, honestly. Trust me.
23:40I don't trust either of you.
23:43I can swear on anything. I did not touch that button.
23:46Either. 100%.
23:49I can swear on anything. OK.
23:51I'd die on the floor. That is true.
23:53Except that is not what happened, and you know that is not what happened.
23:56Are you saying I touched that button? Yes, of course.
23:58Yeah, you literally touched that button.
24:01I really don't know.
24:03Turns out psychologists are not mind-readers.
24:07It is a bad situation. Sorry.
24:09Ali, you have ten seconds to decide.
24:12Oh, God.
24:14I'm actually covered in cake. This is rough.
24:16OK, I think...
24:23Ryan's lying.
24:26Congratulations, Martha.
24:29You are a better housemate than Ryan.
24:32Oh, I'm not a better one.
24:35Big Brother can now reveal neither housemate pressed the button.
24:40They both were rubbish. I said that.
24:43Sorry, Ali.
24:45Ryan, Ali thought you pressed the button,
24:49which means you have lost the head-to-head battle.
24:54Congrats. So, I don't know.
24:56Are you sure? Yeah, it's good.
24:58Congratulations, Martha. Thank you.
25:00You're the best game player.
25:02Well, marginally better.
25:05We were both not that great.
25:07You are now a housemate.
25:09Well done. Thank you.
25:11Ryan, you are a non-housemate and must go immediately to storage.
25:17Where you will now face the first eviction.
25:20Can I hug you? Can we have a hug?
25:23No. No, you did well.
25:25And you saved more people in it. It's one of them.
25:27I really appreciate it. No, it's all good.
25:30Oh, my God!
25:32Oh, my God!
25:34Oh, my God!
25:36Oh, my God, he's covered in shit!
25:38Oh, my God!
25:40Oh, you'll be painted, sorry.
25:42Oh, my God!
25:46Your pyjamas... I am so jealous of you being in your pyjamas.
25:49I don't think I've got your bags yet.
25:51I don't think so, unless you're just completely blind.
25:53Oh, my... Holy shit!
25:55We lost Ryan!
25:57Oh, my... Hello. Are you OK?
25:59She's in the house in her pyjamas!
26:01Oh, my God!
26:03You're covered in cake. Oh, my God, I know.
26:06Basically... No, no, no, it's a game.
26:08Hold on, hold on, hold on. Come and sit down.
26:10Yeah, yeah, come and sit down. Can we tell you?
26:12So we can hear properly.
26:14So, all of a sudden, this fucking massive cake blew up everywhere.
26:19You should see the room. It was awful.
26:22This is Big Brother.
26:25Earlier, Martha won the first head-to-head to become a housemate.
26:32Well done, Martha. Thank you.
26:34Martha, it's time for you to choose.
26:37Who do you want to become housemates and why?
26:42Um, Hannah.
26:46Martha, my babes!
26:48Because we just got changed together, had little vibes together.
26:52It was nice. She let me use her make-up wipes.
26:54Like, we've had a nice little chat.
26:56And I think she'd appreciate sleeping in a bed.
26:59And also Rosie.
27:02Oh, my God!
27:04Oh, how's it going?
27:06Well done. Well done, honey.
27:08Boys, love you all, but it's nice for the girls, I think, to...
27:11We've got eyelashes on, yeah.
27:13And there's less girls here as well, so...
27:15I'll be honest, it wouldn't bother us.
27:18Well done.
27:19Hannah, Rosie, you must make your way to the house immediately.
27:24Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
27:26No, I can't carry that.
27:27Fuck the old woman.
27:29Let her die on the mattress.
27:32Fuck you! Fuck you!
27:34See you, guys!
27:38Nathan, I'm, like, dead gutted.
27:41Are you? I don't believe you. It's all right.
27:44I'm so happy!
27:46My baby!
27:48Oh, Arthur!
27:50Oh, my God!
27:52Original blue team.
27:56You said you were blue, Arthur.
27:58Welcome back.
28:00Oh, my God!
28:02Oh, my God!
28:04How can we repay you?
28:06You luscious...
28:08It's false!
28:10This whole situation is not ethical at all.
28:14Oh, my God!
28:34The non-housemates are in storage.
28:38This is Big Brother.
28:41Non-housemates, food is ready for collection.
28:44Food is?
28:46Food is available outside the door.
28:48Where? Oh, my God, food, please. I'm so hungry.
28:50I'm actually peckish. Oh, fuck off.
28:52Oh, no. Oh, man!
28:54Don't tell. Anyone for some stuffed cabbage?
28:57Oh, I love pickled onions.
28:59Oh, my God, can I get on the gherkins, guys?
29:02Let's put this on Alison's bench.
29:04Oh, shit, that's a bit...
29:06Is it what we expect? We've got a can of tuna.
29:08Oh, for fuck's sake.
29:10Stuffed fucking cabbage.
29:12How long do you reckon it's got to last?
29:14What the hell? That's actually really true.
29:16Dry crackers, you know.
29:18I don't think we'll get caught really early.
29:22Guys, I absolutely love cockles.
29:24Do you?
29:26Yeah. The banging cockles.
29:28Have you tried cock?
29:30Do you mind if I have a sardine?
29:32What the fuck is that?
29:34Smells like pure fucking BB.
29:36It's not fucking cabbage.
29:38It's stuffed with, like, old vaginas.
29:42What is going on?
29:44If that's fat, I'm not going to...
29:46Do you want me to try it? Yeah, please.
29:48Give Sarah the review as well. OK.
29:50That's dangerous.
29:52It's all come out.
29:54Yes, Lily.
29:56And then try the filling as well.
29:58It's not bad, I promise you.
30:00Is it got meat in it?
30:02I don't know. Are you vegetarian?
30:04Don't spit it out on me.
30:06OK, that's all right, then.
30:08I've got meat in it.
30:10I don't know if it has or not, to be honest.
30:12You mean in front of the bin?
30:14Lily, no! Sorry.
30:16It's, like, fatty.
30:18This is Big Brother.
30:22The bedroom and bathroom are now open.
30:24Oh, my God!
30:26The bedrooms are open.
30:30The bedrooms are open, bro.
30:32Fuck off, bro.
30:34Oh, I want sliders.
30:38Where are they at?
30:44No way!
30:46There's another one. I'm sorry, I can't lie.
30:48I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
30:50Oh, you dick.
30:52Love, love.
30:54I put my shoes down.
30:56Oh, my God, this is insane.
30:58I love it. This is crazy.
31:00Sometimes I just feel so old.
31:02First come, first serve.
31:04Sorry, man.
31:08I must go over there, then.
31:10That's a double bed, babe, so you'll forget it.
31:14So I might want to share with you. I'll be single.
31:16Wait, what? You have to share with people?
31:18What if someone comes over?
31:20Huh? What if someone comes and you have to share?
31:22OK, do you want to rock, paper, scissors it?
31:26You've said it. You remember this, though?
31:28Yeah. You remember what I've done? Yeah.
31:30You know it, man. I ain't not like that.
31:32OK, on shoot. On shoot.
31:34Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
31:38No, no, no!
31:40I refuse! Are you a man of your word or not?
31:42I refuse! Are you a man of your word?
31:44I love you, bro.
31:46We do this on a nightly basis.
31:48We swap. All right.
31:50We rock, paper, scissors every night.
31:52All night.
31:54This is Big Brother.
31:56Would Martha come to the diary room?
31:58Oh, my God!
32:00Yes, I can!
32:02In here?
32:04Oh, green. Green.
32:06Oh, my God.
32:08Is this the diary room?
32:10Oh, my God!
32:14Oh, Big Brother, this is giving slay.
32:16No, stop this right now.
32:18Big Brother, when you're done with this,
32:20can I please have this in my house?
32:22This is a great chair.
32:24This is iconic.
32:28This is for my mum. Can you take my picture?
32:30In my pyjamas, in my rightful...
32:34I'm in Big Brother!
32:36Oh, my God, this is amazing.
32:38Hello, Big Brother.
32:40Hello, Martha.
32:44Could I do my party trick?
32:46So, basically, you have to lay on the side like this.
32:48I don't want to break the chair.
32:50And then you have to kind of get your leg up like this.
32:52Ooh, let me just sort this bit out.
32:54And I like to do that wherever I go.
32:56I think it's fun.
32:58Martha, how does it feel to be out of storage?
33:02Part of me just feel really guilty,
33:04because, obviously, I could only choose two,
33:06so I feel like it's never good
33:08when you've got lots of people
33:10that definitely don't want to be sleeping on the wooden floor.
33:13So I...
33:15It was a difficult decision,
33:17and I feel like I based my decision
33:19just on purely who I'd kind of, like,
33:21had a bit more interaction with,
33:23like, and who...
33:25And, again, like, there wasn't many girls in the house,
33:27so it was nice to bring some more girls in the main house.
33:30I do feel really bad, and I do hope that...
33:32A, I hope they get some sleeping bags and a mattress or something,
33:35but I hope they do sleep,
33:37and I do hope some more people get to come through to the main house,
33:40but I'm hoping they're not going to be too angry.
33:43That's not slaying, really.
33:53The housemates are in the bedroom.
33:56I say just swap with Ali, just come me and you, my girl, up there.
33:59Cos it's a single bed, anyways. Ali, would you do that?
34:02If I swap with you here, and you could be with the girls,
34:05and I'll go up there with him with a single.
34:07You want me to go in that bed that you guys have just messed up?
34:10No, no, no, that's how it came. It came like that.
34:12Do you know why I did that?
34:15No, no, I... We're cleaning it, we're cleaning it.
34:17Put it as a claim, so no-one goes on there.
34:19That makes no sense. That was your claim?
34:21That was. I didn't know how else to put it.
34:23Come on! I don't mind, I'll go anywhere.
34:25Come on! Hey! Let's go, let's go, let's go!
34:33Take that, take that, take that.
34:35What are you going to do? What I'm going to do for you,
34:37I'm going to put it back nice. Wait.
34:39You know what it is, yeah?
34:42I'm going to do it nice.
34:45So, this one goes first.
34:47You're so sweet. This one goes first.
34:49He's literally making my bed back there.
34:52And there you are. Thank you.
34:54And let me sort that part out.
34:57Non-housemate Emma has come to the diving room.
35:01Everybody's really, you know,
35:03doesn't seem to be any nasty pasties about,
35:06but it's early days, isn't it?
35:08It's not great sleeping in the storeroom,
35:10although I did go straight in and eagle-eye the mattress.
35:13But now I feel bad that I've got the mattress
35:15and everybody's, like, sleeping on benches
35:17and I keep saying,
35:18do you want to top and tail with me?
35:20But I think they're all treating me like, you know,
35:22the old... I'm not...
35:24Yeah, the older lady in the group.
35:26So, they're like, you have it.
35:28You know, what with your brittle bones and that.
35:32I'm just going with it.
35:34Lily is very lively.
35:37I think we're all a bit tired.
35:39I can see a few people kind of like,
35:41maybe we should just quiet things down about a bit.
35:44And, you know, people are getting a bit tired.
35:46But I certainly wouldn't say I'm not fond of her.
35:49But I do wish she would fall asleep when I was 20.
35:55I had a lot of energy,
35:57but not quite at Lily's level.
36:02I would like her just to be gagged and bound
36:06and put in a box for a few hours.
36:09Bless her.
36:10But I've got a feeling even Lily's going to burn out at some stage.
36:14And maybe she's overexcited.
36:16She's very, very young.
36:17This is a huge, huge thing for her.
36:19So, I reckon Lily's probably just a little bit excited
36:23and she's probably going to chill out tomorrow.
36:26I fucking hope so, anyway.
36:29I like Emma a lot.
36:31Yeah, I like Emma, actually.
36:33I didn't think I would, I'll be honest, but I do.
36:35Mm-hm. No, I think so.
36:37For me, she looked quite intimidating.
36:39But then she's actually nice.
36:41Guys, I'm so bored.
36:45Was she crying?
36:46No, no, no.
36:47It's all this adult conversation.
36:49Who's crying?
36:50I thought she was crying.
36:51No, I think it's just...
36:52What's it about?
36:53Yeah, I think it's just the way...
36:59I know.
37:00I know.
37:02We had that silent little nod then, didn't we?
37:051, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
37:0813, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
37:1426, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
37:2141, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
37:2855, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60.
37:47Just shave our legs.
37:56Lily is having a moment.
38:04Cut in a bad romance...
38:13Cut in a bad romance...
38:16Go on, girl.
38:21Is it your hairbrush?
38:24Oh, Jesus, this hair is not healthy.
38:27No, I don't think it's meant to be brushed, babes.
38:31Hey, big brother.
38:33Hannah is in the diary room.
38:36Hello, Hannah.
38:37How was living in storage for you?
38:40Storage was hell.
38:41Oh, my gosh, it was hell in there.
38:44You know what it was, babes?
38:45Like, with storage, OK, I was just thinking,
38:49like, where am I going to sleep sort of thing?
38:53Like, what's the vibe going to be?
38:57Am I going to have a cup of tea?
38:59Because all I want is tea, you know?
39:01I swear to God, like, tea just makes me happy.
39:04And I was actually thinking to myself, like,
39:06am I going to be there and have no flipping tea?
39:09Storage is so ghetto!
39:11Like, babes, even the slum's got beds.
39:14Like, word to Thomas, like, slum's got beds, you guys,
39:17I'm coming from.
39:18We ain't got no beds up in there.
39:20I don't know where the people,
39:21them are going to be sleeping in.
39:23I don't know where they're going to be sleeping at.
39:25I'm discombobulated, I'm confused.
39:28The moment that I heard my name,
39:30finito, ran away.
39:32Oh, my gosh, God save us all.
39:35I think Martha is a goddess.
39:37I swear down, she is amazing.
39:40Mi amor, mi amor.
39:42I love, I love, I love.
39:44Beautiful girl.
39:54And what do you do, Nathan, for work?
39:56So, I work in lots and seals,
39:58but my thing was King Charles' butler.
40:01Oh, wow.
40:02You know him quite well.
40:04Well, in a work capacity, like,
40:06you would have spoken to him and stuff, yeah?
40:08Yeah, exactly, yeah.
40:10Was he, like, nice to you?
40:12Like, I'm a big royalist.
40:14I am, I love the royal family.
40:16So, and I can't speak highly enough of them all.
40:18Like, I'm, yeah, I'm a big fan.
40:20Did you meet others as well?
40:21Yeah, Camilla was there.
40:22Did you ever meet the Queen?
40:24I've never met the Queen, actually.
40:25No, I didn't, unfortunately.
40:26But, yeah, Princess Anne was there.
40:28She was lovely.
40:29Was she, yeah?
40:30Yeah, she was really nice.
40:31And how did you even apply for the job?
40:32Sorry, I know I'm peppering your questions,
40:34but I'm intrigued by it.
40:35No, you're fine.
40:37Like, I, I'd worked on the estate.
40:40I'd worked in the cafe when I was, like, just, like, 15.
40:44I just went to school at the weekends.
40:46Like, I was still at school, and then I went to the weekends.
40:48And then said that I'd left and that,
40:50could I get a job in the house?
40:51And they're like, yeah.
40:52And then that was that.
40:53And I just kind of went from there.
40:54So, yeah.
40:55I was pretty ballsy.
40:56I'm not as ballsy now, but I was ballsy when I was 16.
40:59I know.
41:00Maybe, yeah, but, you know what I mean?
41:02Yeah, but, yeah, a lot more fearless, probably,
41:06when I was that age.
41:08I'm more fearless now than I've ever been,
41:10and I think it's went after I lost my mum.
41:12Because, you know that saying, like,
41:14what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?
41:16For me, in any way, it's true.
41:18It's like, because when I lost my mum, it killed me.
41:24Life's never the same.
41:26It isn't the same, but you do, you know, get over it,
41:29but you learn to live with it.
41:30Do you know what I mean?
41:31That big, massive hole in your chest does get smaller,
41:35never goes completely, but then after that,
41:38you think, like, other things will happen,
41:40and you think, it's not as bad as my mum dying.
41:42I've dealt with that, so...
41:44So that makes you more fearless, yeah.
41:46Yeah, yeah. Do you know what I mean?
41:48That's deep, man.
41:49The housemates are in the living area.
41:52Oh, my God!
41:54Oh, my word.
41:55This is crazy.
41:56This is wild, but look.
41:59This is mad.
42:00Yeah, the eviction border.
42:02Oh, my God.
42:04Look at those poor bastards.
42:08And they've done nothing.
42:10They've done nothing to deserve it.
42:14You look fresh.
42:15Oh, thank you, babes. You too.
42:17Non-housemate Sarah is in the dining room.
42:21I'm feeling very emotional, I'm feeling very overwhelmed,
42:24because, I don't know, I'm just getting upset,
42:27I don't want to talk about it.
42:30I just feel like everyone's coping with it really well,
42:32and everyone's, like, fine, having a laugh and doing this,
42:35and I feel like I'm the only one that's...
42:37I feel like I'm the only one that's overwhelmed,
42:39and I'm the only one that's struggling a bit.
42:42I think being a non-housemate probably doesn't help,
42:45because I'm not really comfortable,
42:48I'm not going to sleep well, but...
42:52With Lily, I find Lily sensory overload.
42:55That's the best way I can describe it.
42:57I find her sensory overload.
42:59Surely you can't be like this all the time,
43:01like, running around screaming,
43:02because how would you get, like, your work done
43:05and, like, a normal life?
43:07But maybe I'm a massive ball bag,
43:09and this is... That is the way to...
43:11That is how people live,
43:12and I'm the one that's not in the know,
43:14but it's definitely not something that I'm used to.
43:16But you don't get a normal conversation back,
43:18you just get, like, a reaction,
43:20or you just get, like, a...
43:22I want to make that human connection with her,
43:25and be like, you know,
43:26what is going on in there, what makes you tick?
43:28And then let's scratch beneath the surface
43:31and see, you know, a little bit of depth.
43:34So, as much as it is a bit irritating at the moment
43:38if it carries on like this,
43:39but it'd be interesting to see what lays beneath.
43:53Most of the non-housemates are bedding down for the night.
43:58Oh, my God, I'm your biggest fan!
44:00I'm your biggest fan!
44:02I'm your biggest fan!
44:06Oh, sorry.
44:07No, you're not. No, you're not.
44:09It's not funny.
44:10What? You're not funny.
44:12Don't lie.
44:22Non-housemate Ryan is in the daily room.
44:26Hello, Ryan. How are you feeling?
44:28Yeah, good. Tired, to be fair.
44:32I had my cake and I ate it, as they say,
44:34but I blew it, didn't I, really?
44:37Had it all in the house, chilling, safe from eviction.
44:42I fucked it.
44:44I'm a shit liar, so I knew if I started going down, like,
44:48the story route, I'd have fucked it even more,
44:51so I tried a little bit of that, I think,
44:54and then I just went with the whole I didn't push that button.
44:58Ryan, how do you feel about Ali's decision-making abilities?
45:02All I'm saying is, if it was the other way round,
45:05I'd have backed the blue team.
45:07But, yeah, no hard feelings.
45:10And, yeah, it'd be interesting to chat about that,
45:12but, again, it's not like a deep thing,
45:14I'm not going to lose sleep over it,
45:16plotting away on some mad one, but, yeah,
45:19blue team should have stuck together, in my opinion.
45:22Hoping for more tasks, a chance to redeem myself.
45:25But if you gave me an opportunity right now
45:27to not be facing eviction, yeah, I would bite your hand off.
45:30It's been a long day. I'm covered in cake.
45:34Yeah, and I'm sleeping on a bloody camp chair,
45:37but tomorrow's a new day.
45:39It's never over till it's over,
45:41and it's going to be an exciting journey, I think.
45:47Oh, sleep tight, everybody!
45:49Goodnight, everyone!
45:51Goodnight, Nathan.
46:12And if you love drama, how's about this?
46:14Right now on ITVX, you can binge on the amazing,
46:17thrilling true story Sophie Turner is starring in, Joan.
46:22OK, AJ and Will are here next in the studio.
46:24They've got all the goss and hot off-the-press news
46:27from the housemates' first full day.
46:29Get ready for Big Brother, later live.