• 4 hours ago


00:00Callid, this is where your role of head of house truly begins.
00:07Last time on Big Brother.
00:10In front of you are two powers.
00:13Both will have a major impact on the house.
00:16You can only choose one.
00:18Killer nomination.
00:20Facing eviction are Days, Ali and Lily.
00:24Callid, explain which housemate you chose to killer nominate
00:29and why.
00:32I picked Martha.
00:34I tried to be as fair as possible.
00:38Lily, stand up.
00:40Tonight on Big Brother, Martha, stand up.
00:46I am facing it, but I'm just repeating what they just said.
00:50I do miss home. I think it's because I was nominated.
00:55I don't want to have arguments with people.
00:57I am not staying.
01:04I honestly just want to get out now.
01:25Day 9, 9.34am.
01:38Yesterday, Ali, Days and Lily received the most nominations
01:46and will be facing the next public vote.
01:51They'll be joined by Martha,
01:54who is given a killer nomination by head of house, Callid.
01:59Martha, how are you feeling?
02:01Well, yeah, fine.
02:03Obviously gutted, a little bit.
02:05But, like, all right overall.
02:07That's what it is, isn't it?
02:11Morning, handsome.
02:16I want to do it, Tommy.
02:18I want to do it.
02:20How are you doing, darling?
02:22Just checking the frost smells.
02:24Muah, muah, muah.
02:26Love to my side.
02:28Oh, I'd love a hot shower.
02:30Are you going to go in the shower?
02:33I'm getting a big bowl of hot water.
02:36Yeah, we're going to bathe each other.
02:38Yeah. Are you doing that, yeah?
02:40Yeah, me and Emma. Yeah.
02:42Do you want to bathe me, Tom?
02:44I thought you'd never ask.
02:46Nobody loves... You smell like old ladies, mate.
02:49Like old who? Ladies?
02:51Remember he was like, I would stay down there with this cologne.
02:54I was like... You smell like period and tea bags.
02:57I smell like... I beg your pardon?
03:00I beg your pardon?
03:03Come on, Mr Big Stroke. I beg your pardon?
03:05Nobody loves... I beg your pardon?
03:09I beg your pardon? What did you say, sorry?
03:11You smell like tea bags.
03:13That's not what you said. I said it. No, you didn't.
03:15What did I say then? You said I smell like periods and tea bags.
03:18Is it that time of the month?
03:22Are you going to go into the shower, Lil?
03:28I'm just going to wear as much deodorant as possible.
03:34Strong move.
03:39Can everyone help me explain why saying,
03:41are you on your period, is not a nice thing to say?
03:44Is that what you said?
03:46But he generally was like, I think I can tell.
03:49The thing is... I could tell somebody was in the air and then I realised...
03:52I understand, Margie, but if I'm feeling upset... Yeah?
03:55..and you say, are you on your period,
03:57that makes it feel like you're invalidating the way I feel.
04:00You think the way I feel is because I'm on my period.
04:02You're not sitting down and saying, why do you feel sad, Sarah?
04:05You're saying, oh, God, are you on your period?
04:07Do you know what I mean? I might say, oh, God, but, yeah.
04:09I understand.
04:11I'm learning in here. I'm not very articulate.
04:14I'm learning. OK, that's fine.
04:16I don't know if any ladies want to chip in.
04:18That was articulate. Oh, thank you.
04:20I'm learning. I know, and that's why I'm talking to you,
04:23because you're my bestie and I don't want you to...
04:25And I'm learning. I'm not going to say it again.
04:27..go around offending people and not knowing who you are.
04:29I'm not going to say it again.
04:38Martha is in the divy room.
04:41The only plus with me being nominated is at least it was, like,
04:44straight to the point, straight to my face.
04:47You know, it wasn't by the house, which I'm quite grateful for,
04:50because I think if it was by the house,
04:52I think I'd be a very different story.
04:54I think I'd be a bit of a mess, to be fair.
04:56I know I look a mess, but I think I would be very, like...
05:00..like, going round not knowing who to talk to and stuff.
05:03What a night, really.
05:05It's giving you stenders.
05:06Like, it was quite you stenders, actually, last night.
05:08But I know that Ali is obviously really upset
05:10with the whole Khalid thing.
05:12It's just a weird dynamic at the minute, big brother.
05:14Like, there's been a little, like, there's been a split.
05:16It's like if you've got, like, a blanket, right,
05:19and then you've, like, done a little tear in it,
05:21and I just don't know if it's going to rip into two,
05:25or if we're going to...
05:27..stitch it back up and become one big blanket again,
05:30but I don't know.
05:32The damage might already be done, BB.
05:34I'm not sure, you know.
05:36Not sure.
05:38I just wanted to talk cos it's awkward,
05:40and I don't want, like, awkwardness to go on
05:42for, like, days and days and days and days.
05:45But I also don't want to talk for hours and hours and hours
05:49and, like, stress you out and stress me out as well,
05:51because I think some of what's happening
05:53is getting blown way out of proportion.
05:55They're talking out there, aren't they? Yeah.
05:58Is Khaled and Ali out there having a chat?
06:00What's occurring, then?
06:01I think they were going to have a chat.
06:03Yeah, that was it. Khaled and Ali.
06:06But I think the thing is, they might as well not bother,
06:09because that's the third day running,
06:11so they're clearly both not going to like one another.
06:14Yeah, just be...
06:15Sometimes you just... It's OK not to be friends
06:18and just accept it, do you know what I mean?
06:20Don't try and fight it. Yeah, three days running. Yeah.
06:23I have said repeatedly to people that I don't dislike you,
06:27I have said that there are parts of you
06:29that I experience as genuine and nice,
06:32that I'd like to get to know more.
06:34And yesterday, in that moment where you felt picked upon
06:37when you were stood up, the first thing I said was,
06:40I can see you being genuine
06:41and I can see that that was really difficult for you.
06:44And yet you continued. That's what I'm saying.
06:47It's what you do, actions, you say certain things,
06:50but then you still proceed to scrutinise me.
06:52Right there and then, why couldn't you pull me for a chat after?
06:55Because Martha was crying and in front of everybody,
06:58you were continuing to say things that were...
07:00She was experiencing as upsetting.
07:02Your aim was to scrutinise me.
07:04Hi, Quinn, we're just... Good morning.
07:06Good morning, love, you all right? You OK?
07:08Yeah. Yeah? Yeah.
07:10I mean, what I was going to suggest was
07:14that maybe it would be nice to park some of this stuff
07:20and try to get to know each other.
07:24I feel like that's disingenuine now.
07:26Can you see how that raises a lamppost for me?
07:28What about disingenuine? Because you had no interest in that.
07:31Like, I don't have an agenda. I'm not staying here. I'm going home.
07:35Well, you don't know that yet.
07:36No, I'm going home by choice. I'm not staying here.
07:39Why are you going home? Because this sucks.
07:42It's a shit experience and I don't want to be here.
07:46Dude, don't go home.
07:47Like, I don't want to have arguments with people on television.
07:51I am not staying.
07:53I still believe there are parts of your presentation that have been false.
07:57I didn't like how you spoke to Hannah at the beginning of the week.
08:00That did set a tone as well, in terms of accusing her of being aggressive
08:04and having her in tears in the storeroom and things like that.
08:07Yeah. There are things that have happened
08:10that have changed my view of you.
08:13And what I was going to say is, that being said,
08:16there are also parts of you that I do like.
08:18OK. You've left...
08:20But I'm not going to do it and I haven't done it,
08:22because I'm still speaking. I know that you forget a lot of things.
08:25I'm still speaking. Go ahead.
08:26Because I don't have an agenda to turn other housemates against you.
08:29Go on.
08:30But I have wanted to explain to you why I have felt the way that I have felt
08:34and why certain things have shaped my view.
08:36But I don't want to get to a point now where it's like Khaled and Ali,
08:40Khaled and Ali, Khaled... I don't want to do that.
08:42I just don't want to do it. Neither.
08:44Neither. But you outright kind of just went at me yesterday.
08:48You forget I'm 23 years old, I'm just another lad,
08:51I had to make a horrible decision in five minutes,
08:54and then, yeah, I'm just being constantly scrutinised.
08:56I think you use really strong language to describe what's happening,
09:00to make me look like a villain.
09:02And actually, I think what has happened is...
09:04What is a strong language?
09:05Things like I'm scrutinising you.
09:07You know that other people are going to hear that and be like,
09:10oh, Ali's not being nice to Khaled, Ali's picking on Khaled.
09:13Same with you calling me fake and insulting me,
09:15and you standing on that in front of everyone.
09:17Many people have said you're being fake.
09:19The only difference with me is that I said it to your face.
09:22So what do you want to do here?
09:24I think our conversation has finished,
09:26and I feel like if we keep talking, it will just go round and round.
09:30OK, I take responsibility for the insult.
09:34It wasn't as funny as I thought it was.
09:36For real?
09:38Don't leave. There's a lot of people. I am leaving. Come.
09:42Hold on, hold on. Seriously?
09:44I'm sorry things have snowballed over. It's all right.
09:47But, genuinely, don't leave.
09:49I'm not staying.
09:51Not a chance.
09:56I'm going.
09:58I don't want to be here anymore.
10:02Don't tell the others.
10:04But I don't want to be here anymore.
10:06No, no, no, wait. So I'm going.
10:23Some of the housemates are talking about Ali.
10:26She wants to leave. Ali is packing all her stuff.
10:29No. I know, darling, don't.
10:31She thinks she's the villain, but she isn't the villain.
10:34She's not. She's not the villain.
10:36There's no villain. I'm not saying that.
10:38There's just people who's argued and that's it.
10:41I mean, what has happened? Like, it's crazy.
10:44I'll tell you what's happened, mate. Big brother. Yeah.
10:50Hello, Ali. Hello.
10:52I would like to leave the experiment now.
10:55Can you tell Big Brother what the reasons are for you wanting to leave?
11:00It's not an impulsive decision.
11:02I was thinking about it, like, through the night as well.
11:06And I thought, I'll have one, like, shot at a talk with Khaled
11:10before I make the decision.
11:12The conversation hasn't helped.
11:14It's just confirmed that I don't want to be here anymore.
11:17So I'd like to leave the experiment.
11:21She felt like I did something wrong by saying I feel like she's vilifying me.
11:25Then I was like, you just did the same by calling me fake in front of everyone.
11:29But yet you insulted me as well.
11:31If someone comes out like this, bro, you're naturally defensive.
11:34It's just... It's not a morning chat to have, isn't it?
11:39You all right, kid? I'm fine, I'm fine.
11:41Yeah? Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, yeah.
11:44I'm all sweet. Don't worry about me, man.
11:47God. I'm always good.
11:55Did you get much sleep at all last night?
11:58Not really.
12:00I was just trying to decide whether to stay or go.
12:05It's too much.
12:07Like, I feel that I'm, like, getting sucked into things
12:10that I was so confident that I wouldn't get sucked into.
12:14And it's affecting me more than I thought it would.
12:20I honestly just want to get out now.
12:45Lily is upset about Ali.
12:48All I can say is I haven't been witness to anyone slagging off.
12:51I know, I'm just sad that she's sad.
12:54Well, that's nice. You're a nice friend for doing that.
12:57They're very empathetic of you.
12:59Yeah, empathetic.
13:02It's nice that she's got a friend like you, Lily, eh?
13:06Just never had a friend that cool.
13:12She reminded me of my mum as well.
13:14You want to marry her?
13:16No, she reminded me of, like, my mum and that.
13:21The way we did the shopping, this was great. Yeah.
13:24But you just need to be a bit more mindful
13:26because we're running out of food quick.
13:28I mean, we're on Monday.
13:30Someone needs to call a house meeting.
13:32I think so. I swear.
13:34Unless we've got a head of house for, innit?
13:36But I don't think he's going to call a house meeting.
13:38I don't think that's a great idea right now.
13:40Nah, honestly.
13:41Because even though he's not on the chopping block this week,
13:44people like holding grudges, babes.
13:46Oh, I mean, here, words don't just hurt,
13:50they stay in your brain.
13:53Did you see Ali?
13:56Yeah, she's gone in the diary room.
13:58She's in the diary room? Don't be upset, babe.
14:00It's OK, she'll get through it.
14:02She's just a really nice person.
14:04She's a lovely person. She'll get through it.
14:06She's strong.
14:07I think she's been through a hard time lately
14:09and this is just a lot for her.
14:11But she'll get there, just keep supporting her.
14:14Them two are going to make up, I promise.
14:17Yeah? Yeah.
14:20Was that a nice toast?
14:22It's all right. Do you want another piece?
14:24No, thanks. Do you want a tea?
14:26Yeah, go on, I'll have a brew, please.
14:32Ali has been speaking with Big Brother for over an hour.
14:36It's OK, like, I'm going to go back to the house now.
14:40I'm going to try not to be impulsive.
14:43I'm going to try and think things through.
14:47Ali, Big Brother is very happy to have you in the house.
14:51Thank you, Big Brother.
14:53I will leave you in peace
14:55and stop crying my big, snotty tissues into the diary room.
14:58I'll go and throw them away.
15:04Hey, you. Aye, aye, you.
15:06You're not going anywhere, are you?
15:08I really hope not.
15:14Excellent. Well done.
15:16Listen, I think, can I just say, it's been a bad few days,
15:20but I don't want you to go.
15:22And you deserve your moment.
15:23Like, I don't think you're going to get affected,
15:25but if you are, you deserve your moment, going out there,
15:27not shutting off out the back door, that's what I think.
15:29And I'd feel sorry for you if that happened.
15:31I just don't want you to go, because I think you're, like,
15:34who am I going to, like, have a bit of an argument with?
15:37Do you know what I mean?
15:38Yeah, I definitely, like, I don't want to talk about Khaled again.
15:41No, that's good.
15:42And I've told him that as well.
15:44Like, I said to him, like, I've always said there's parts of you
15:47that I like and it would be quite nice to get to know those parts.
15:50He just said that's not, he doesn't feel like that's genuine.
15:53So I said, that's cool, then.
15:54But you don't feel like he's genuine, so you're both in the same boat there.
15:58Yeah, like, so stay and try and enjoy it and, yeah.
16:03We'll just take, we'll just see how today goes.
16:07We'll take it hour by hour.
16:08We'll see how things go.
16:10Shall I do you a drink?
16:11Tea, coffee?
16:12You should do a bluff.
16:13Coffee, please.
16:15Thanks, honey.
16:16And Sarah's in her front room as well.
16:25No, no, no, leave it.
16:26Mm-mm, mm-mm.
16:27Cos I want to go tell her sorry, just hug and just try and wash it,
16:30but right now might not be the right time.
16:32No, just leave it, bro.
16:33She literally just came out the diary.
16:35Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll just give her some, I'm not going to bombard her.
16:48Marcello is in the diary room.
16:50There's a bit of tension in the house.
16:52Lily's upset, Daisy's upset, Ali's upset,
16:55but I'm enjoying my journey here.
16:57I prefer my life in Big Brother than on the outside, to be honest.
17:01It's better here.
17:02Minus the cold showers, though, I don't like that.
17:05We're all stinking.
17:06Lily stinks, Daisy was stinking the other day,
17:10Dean just had a wash, but he was stinking before,
17:13and Ali's attitude is stinking.
17:15No, joking, that's inappropriate, sorry, sorry.
17:19Baked Potato and Nathan are analysing their housemates.
17:24Who would you have said most authentic?
17:26That's a hard one.
17:28I don't think, like... Biggest game player.
17:31Interesting, who do you think?
17:34I'm going along the way, and then I'm going...
17:36So I'm going, no, maybe, no, maybe.
17:39No, no.
17:44No, no, no.
17:47You is no also.
17:49Bottom left, no, no, don't know, and yes.
17:56That's my opinion!
18:02You're going to get back to where you need to be,
18:04and we're all going to help you do that.
18:06But if you leave, we'll all feel like you let you down,
18:09and I know it's not about us, but I think at the end
18:11you'll feel like you let yourself down as well,
18:13and you will regret it, no matter how you feel right now.
18:20No, you can come in.
18:22Yeah, of course.
18:24We'll just have a little chitty-chat.
18:34All I just want to say is, like, just genuinely, please stay.
18:38You've worked so hard to be what all of us have.
18:42This is just such an early thing, it'll all blow over,
18:45and for everything that I may have done or said
18:49that's come off the wrong way, I'm sorry.
18:52I'm not asking you to change whatever you think of me,
18:55but all I'm saying is, I will just forget whatever happened
18:58and I'll just take it as face value now,
19:00and I'll try to rebuild whatever we've got,
19:03and I mean that wholeheartedly, and I'm so on it if you are.
19:08Yeah, well, I'm really sorry that you feel like
19:10I've been picking on you, cos that's not my intention.
19:13And I'm happy not to, like, rehash anything.
19:16Yeah, and just leave it for the past.
19:18Yeah. I mean, forward for a fresh slate.
19:22Go on, you two.
19:26I really am sorry, all right? Everything good?
19:28I'm sorry as well.
19:33That's good, yeah.
19:35I'm an alley cat.
19:36Not guilty.
19:38Poor Izzaz, he's like the child of divorced parents.
19:41No, he actually is!
19:43He's trying to please us all.
19:58Are you OK? I'm so...
20:00Are you all right? I'm so sorry that you were so upset.
20:06Like, I just can't explain how good you are as well.
20:09This is kind of horrible, isn't it?
20:11Everyone in this bus is the same, but you are not.
20:16Oh, shit!
20:17If everyone was like...
20:19Why is that here?
20:20..well, then it would be different, but...
20:22Why would I put it on my bed?
20:25Nathan, Big Potato and Emma are in the garden.
20:29If you knew for a fact that he liked you...
20:34..how would you respond?
20:35Would you like him back?
20:36I like him, I think he's great.
20:38Would you like to snog him?
20:41You don't want to climb him like a tree.
20:43Yeah, I really like you, but I don't see anything romantic
20:46happening with Emma.
20:47Fucking rude!
20:48I don't feel like...
20:50Yeah, yeah.
20:51Yeah. OK.
20:52Like, I'm not even...
20:53Yeah, you feel the same as me, you like him.
20:55I fucking love him, like, no joke.
20:57I think he's hilarious, I think he's cool,
20:59I think he's fucking a legend.
21:01Yeah, yeah.
21:02It's the...
21:03It's not your type.
21:04Loads of girls, it's a bit...
21:06I'm not very good at that kind of stuff,
21:08so it's, like, a bit too much.
21:10Do you know what I mean?
21:11What's, like, your perfect guy, like, quiet and a bit...
21:13Like, just, like, silly.
21:15I just prefer that.
21:16Just silly.
21:18Not trying to be too sexy with every female in his perimeter.
21:21I'm not a sexy person, so I find it a bit, like...
21:24Yeah, like...
21:25I love that!
21:30I think that's all bravado.
21:32I think, get him on his ones,
21:34he'd be, like, quite respectful and quite romantic.
21:37What's he said? I think he's just messing.
21:39No, he does, he does fancy you.
21:41How about you, Marcello?
21:43Absolutely fucking loot me not.
21:45I would never be interested in a younger guy.
21:47Like, maybe, like, a year, a year or two younger.
21:50He's a mature, younger guy, though.
21:52No, he's not my kind of guy.
21:55Are you mad? I've got knickers older than him, for a start.
21:58What, he's 34? That's not...
22:00Yeah, I've got some really old knickers.
22:02You must have.
22:03Hannah is talking to Big Brother.
22:06Yesterday was a bit intense.
22:08Like, I was like, oh...
22:09Drama, drama, drama.
22:11Anyways, now, seeing Daisy's name up on the board,
22:13I was like, why?
22:14I said, this is a bit crazy right now.
22:16Poor little Daisy up there,
22:18and she had a tragic time being in here.
22:21Let's go through the list, OK?
22:23Homegirl got sent to storage.
22:25She then went up for a challenge.
22:27With the dog.
22:28The dog said, basically,
22:29Bun you, I'm not really vibing with you.
22:32Bye, see you later.
22:34Then afterwards, on top of it,
22:36got her picture shredded to bits.
22:38Now you're up for nomination.
22:40When you had a male of a time, like, shit.
22:44Like, she's actually been through the trenches,
22:46dragged through the mud.
22:50It's a bit of a mad one, innit?
22:52Dears and Khaled are talking about last night's
22:56killer nomination.
22:58If it was me in that position,
23:00and everyone going around going, it's fair, it's just a game,
23:03it's fair, it's just a game,
23:04and you're already feeling upset about it,
23:06it might not feel nice.
23:07And I was just trying to make sure
23:08that we're safeguarding her feelings.
23:10So it kind of led to me saying it quickly and sloppily.
23:13I didn't choose my words in the best way that I could have done,
23:16because I felt so comfortable with it.
23:18It wasn't that, it was the timing of it all.
23:20You need to understand what I just did,
23:22I'm shaky as well, during it, I just sat down,
23:24I've had to stand up and say it out of my chest.
23:26And, like, I just did that.
23:28As soon as I sat down...
23:32..I heard it from you, and then straight, Ali.
23:34And then it felt like, boom.
23:36I'm so sorry, I didn't, like...
23:38I really, like... I know.
23:40I just literally, that's why I went silent.
23:42I was like, she's just emotional right now,
23:44high passions, say what you've got to say.
23:47I can see it came from a good place. Yeah.
23:49It was just, you know, mixed with emotions and all this and that.
23:52Yeah, and I also didn't recognise that, yeah,
23:54you might have also been feeling a bit...
23:56Oh, I felt like... Odd.
23:58The thing is, with me, a lot of people,
24:00you know, you'll never see me cry.
24:02That doesn't mean I don't feel it.
24:03If anything, I feel it fucking worse. Of course, yeah.
24:05Because I'm not getting it out. Yeah. I hold it in there.
24:07And, yeah, when I put it into perspective,
24:09I did not take it to heart. Yeah. Don't worry.
24:11Do you mind? Smile, bro, come here, man.
24:13There's nothing to your mind.
24:14I don't know about it.
24:16You're a good man.
24:28For today's task, housemates will be given a statement
24:32and must decide, out of two names,
24:34who the statement relates to the most
24:37by choosing either side A or side B.
24:41In the diary room, head of house Khaled and Shegan
24:45must predict which side the majority will choose.
24:49If they predict enough answers correctly, they'll win a prize.
24:54Question number one.
24:56Who is the biggest attention seeker?
25:10Why are you rushing over there like that? Easy, easy, easy.
25:13I love giving all my attention to you, darling.
25:16He does say some mad things and that,
25:18and he does dress proper loud.
25:20I like to make people laugh as much as I can,
25:22so I guess I'm an attention seeker, yeah.
25:24I'm going to go for Marcello. Yeah?
25:28Who is the most boring?
25:35Fucking answered, innit?
25:37Oh, my face.
25:39Sarah is more playful with the guys.
25:42Makes a lot of jokes, more outward.
25:44Martha is very sweet.
25:46It's going on!
25:47Who's made me laugh?
25:49You have made me laugh quite a few times.
25:51Thanks, Will.
25:52It's a little bit of Pete.
25:53I'm a little bit of Pete, then.
25:55Who is more manipulative?
25:59Nathan or Izzaz?
26:01Izzaz is a sweetheart. He's beloved by every female.
26:04Izzaz is like a little puppy
26:09who would struggle to have the capacity to manipulate.
26:13I'm going to go for A, Nathan.
26:16Who has contributed least to the house?
26:26I think I've contributed the fitness, the boxing,
26:28everyone's wanted to learn.
26:30I'd say Hannah contributed the least.
26:32Marcello, why have you gone for Hannah?
26:35I don't really see him do much, to be honest.
26:38She spends about three hours getting ready.
26:41She's just staring in my eyes for the rest of the day.
26:44And I contribute in discussions and shit.
26:46So, yeah, I'd say me.
26:49Who is the most authentic?
26:52Oh, OK.
26:54Run it.
26:56Oh, yeah, yeah.
26:58Or Marcello.
27:01That's ridiculous.
27:03Because Dean is a real person. He's a real person.
27:05He's opened up.
27:07He's opened up, he's been true.
27:09But Marcello, for sure, is filterless.
27:11Personally, if I have an issue, I would go to Dean,
27:14because I know he'd give me a straight honest answer.
27:20Marcello, yeah.
27:22Who is the most self-centred?
27:25What does he mean by self-centred?
27:27Like, he loves himself.
27:28Oh, OK.
27:31So we've got Hannah.
27:34I'm telling you, everyone might as well go A.
27:36Thomas, as number B.
27:40Self-centred, the girls stick together.
27:43It's honest truth.
27:44I know I'm self-centred.
27:45I'm really not going to change that self-centredness, am I?
27:48We have chosen Hannah.
27:51Which housemate is most likely to play dirty to win?
27:58This is...
27:59Great question.
28:02Emma is B.
28:06Are you picking yourself?
28:08Oh, bless.
28:11Oh, wait a minute, is this the more likely to play dirty?
28:15I know.
28:16Oh, yeah.
28:17What are you doing?
28:22Days, why do you think Emma would play dirtier than Martha to win?
28:29No, I'm so sorry, I just can't do it.
28:31I'm just not doing that.
28:32I've had it up to here, I'm just not doing it.
28:34I don't think she's dirty at all in any other way.
28:37I literally just stood here and I feel really bad about it
28:40and I'm just not doing it, Big Brother.
28:44This is Big Brother.
28:48Housemates, today's task was a test on how well
28:52Shegan and Khalid, as head of house, knew their fellow housemates.
29:00Congratulations, Khalid and Shegan.
29:03Say something! Say something! Say something!
29:06Oh, my God!
29:13Oh, my God!
29:15Oh, my God!
29:17Well done, boys, well done, boys.
29:19Oh, my God, you guys think I'm boring.
29:21I felt like we were watching Magic Mike when they got off on the table.
29:24I thought, here we go.
29:25This is Big Brother.
29:28By aligning with the majority, the majority of the time,
29:32you have passed this task.
29:38I'm so happy, that's so good, well done.
29:40I didn't think you'd do it.
29:41And, as a result, the house has earned a reward.
29:45Well done, team.
29:48Heart is beating, man, palpitations.
29:51Big Brother can reveal, by Khalid and Shegan passing today's task,
29:56the hot water and appliances will be turned back on.
30:02Well done, guys, well done. Everyone, well done.
30:05Well done.
30:29Some of the housemates are dropping some bars.
30:33And I get it, like, hello, hey.
30:36Christine, know what I say, and I say what I mean.
30:38Down on the dance floor, getting up a spleen,
30:40dancing everywhere with a vodka and cranberry.
30:47Lily has come to speak to Big Brother.
30:51I do miss home, and...
30:54But, like, I knew, like, I really wanted to do this.
30:58And I am enjoying it, but I think it's cos I was nominated,
31:02and now I know people nominated me that, like,
31:05I'm just like, why did you nominate me?
31:07Well, like, I know why you nominated me, but, like...
31:13Like, it's just annoying living in a house of people who nominate you,
31:16but that's the whole concept of the show,
31:18so I've just got to suck it up.
31:21Who are you closest to in the Big Brother house?
31:24Probably Daisy and Ali, and they're up for nomination.
31:28So, anyway, like, if I go...
31:32..and they get to stay in there,
31:36but then if they go and I stay in,
31:40it's a lose-lose situation anyway.
31:44Ali means a lot to me. I think she's really nice.
31:48I think she's a really nice person.
31:52It's really cool having a friend who's a criminal psychologist,
31:56and it's really cool having a friend who is an activist
32:01and, to be fair, I don't know what they're saying half the time,
32:04but I think they're really cool and I've never had friends like that.
32:19Big Brother has gathered the housemates.
32:23Looking fresh, my guy.
32:25Thanks, man.
32:26This is Big Brother.
32:28Housemates, you've done it again.
32:32Broken the rules.
32:35Despite being told explicitly on more than one occasion,
32:40the rule regarding the discussion of nominations
32:44has been broken yet again on two separate occasions.
32:52I think it was me.
32:54I think it was me.
32:57Lily, at 10.07pm,
33:00in a conversation with Daze, Emma and Baked Potato,
33:04you said,
33:06and I know who nominated me.
33:10Sarah entered the conversation and you said to her,
33:14I know you nominated me.
33:18Isn't it?
33:21Oh, God.
33:22I don't want to be punished anymore.
33:25Then, at 10.21pm,
33:28in a conversation with Sarah and Izzaz,
33:31Martha, you said the following.
33:35They are really strong characters.
33:37Daze is a great character.
33:40Sarah, you said,
33:42what the fuck is that all about?
33:44That has absolutely floored me.
33:51Martha, you replied,
33:54I didn't vote for any of them.
33:58Sorry, I didn't click I said that.
34:00I'm sorry.
34:02Sorry, I didn't click about that.
34:05Then again, Martha, at 10.44pm,
34:08in a conversation with Ali, Lily and Emma,
34:11Ali said,
34:13I know a good few people who hugged me,
34:15nominated me.
34:17Martha, you shook your head,
34:19pointed at yourself and said,
34:27Sorry, sorry.
34:29Lily, stand up.
34:35Martha, stand up.
34:41You have left Big Brother with no choice
34:43but to punish you.
34:45Until further notice,
34:47you will both reside in the garden
34:49in Big Brother's jail.
34:55Someone bust a jacket.
34:57Guys, I am really sorry.
34:59I think it's not an excuse,
35:01but emotions were really high last night.
35:03I was genuinely surprised by all the nominations.
35:05I was obviously surprised that I was a killer nomination.
35:07So it's not an excuse,
35:09and I'm sorry that I've spoken about it.
35:11I think I just need to fucking...
35:15And listen, at least you all know
35:17that I didn't vote for any of you that were up, so...
35:19Stop saying that!
35:21You'll face the consequences of your actions, that's fine.
35:23I am facing it.
35:25But I'm just repeating what they've just said.
35:27We're not angry, are we? We're not angry.
35:29Sorry, well, they've just said it, so...
35:31Lily, do you have anything to say?
35:39Just say sorry, love.
35:41Sorry for what?
35:43Breaking the nomination rule.
35:47I'm sorry, Big Brother.
35:49In addition, housemates,
35:51the house has not complied
35:53with these basic rules,
35:55therefore you have lost your reward
35:57and the hot water will be turned off again
35:59until further notice.
36:03Martha and Lily,
36:05you should collect your jail uniform
36:07from the storeroom
36:09and head straight to jail.
36:11Are you... I'm really... I am sorry, guys.
36:13I am sorry. It's fine.
36:15Everyone was rule-breaking, don't worry.
36:17Just think it's a bit of a joke.
36:19Hm? Just think it's a bit of a joke.
36:21So then the conversation didn't involve us?
36:23Yeah, but we were... Guilty by association.
36:25We saw the... Yeah.
36:27Cos we overheard someone saying something they shouldn't.
36:29Yeah. Our name gets put in the mix.
36:31It's bullshit.
36:33And I'm just tired and grumpy.
36:35And I wanted... I was really looking forward
36:37to washing my fudge
36:39and washing my hair.
36:45What, we're both going in there?
36:47Get in there!
36:49Have they seen what size I am?
36:51I've got one chair.
36:53One of you can sit down at a time.
36:55One chair?
37:03Oh, my God.
37:05Oh, if it rains.
37:07Can you move it?
37:09Lil, this is the whole thing.
37:11Now it's bolted to the floor.
37:13Do you want to sit on the chair?
37:15No, I'll just sit down.
37:17Do you want to sit on my jacket?
37:19Lily, Martha,
37:21you must not leave jail.
37:23Don't worry, I'll chill with you
37:25for a little bit because I need some fresh air.
37:27All right?
37:29I don't want a cushion.
37:31It's giving jail. Do you want to sit here, Lilz?
37:33No, it's all right.
37:35I'm eating a sandwich.
37:37Do you want to take my lap?
37:39Go on.
37:41Hello, officers. It's Officer Sarah over here.
37:43How are you doing, Officer Sarah?
37:45The prisoners are getting very too close
37:47for comfort, to be honest.
37:49They look a bit lazy.
37:51Let me out. This is human rights.
37:53It's like a traffic cone.
37:55This is fucked up, Big Brother.
37:57I did nothing wrong.
37:59It was the heat of the moment
38:01and if I think someone nominated me,
38:03I think someone nominated me.
38:09Join me, Will Best,
38:11at 10pm for Big Brother,
38:13late and live.
38:15We're going to be bringing you the inside scoop
38:17on this week's shopping task
38:19and I'm going to be chewing the fat
38:21and we're going to have a cameo
38:23from last year's winner, Jordan.
38:25You don't want to miss it.
38:31As a reward for completing today's task,
38:33Ash has treated themselves to some new boots.
38:35An eye for pre-love fashion.
38:37Vintage sponsors Big Brother.
38:57Lily and Martha have been in jail
38:59for 41 minutes.
39:05Knocks me sick.
39:07Huh? I know.
39:11Just boys in general. I know.
39:13So crazy. I know.
39:15Do you like Callum?
39:17It's not that I don't like him.
39:19Do you think he's nice? Yeah.
39:21I'm starting to feel a bit like that.
39:25Diz is in the dining room.
39:28After the intensity of yesterday,
39:30I don't think I'm cut out for this game.
39:35And, yeah, like, I have been considering, like,
39:38waving the white flag and leaving today.
39:43Yesterday, I was put up for the nominations.
39:46Obviously, it didn't feel great.
39:48Because that makes you start to question
39:50everything in here.
39:52And, yeah, it just feels a bit weird,
39:54because it's kind of like everyone's being really nice,
39:57and then everyone's, like, covering their mouths,
39:59like, when I was nominated.
40:02And in actuality, it's like someone did vote for me.
40:05And I guess, like, in this game, like,
40:08there is no space for resolution,
40:10because you don't know what anyone's saying about you.
40:13So it doesn't allow you to go,
40:15OK, if someone's not liking that, I can, like,
40:17tailor my behaviour to that.
40:19It's just like, you know what I mean?
40:21And that's just, like, really difficult,
40:23because there might be something really fundamental
40:25that someone's not liking about me,
40:27and, like, I don't even know.
40:39Martha and Lily have been in jail for nearly four hours.
40:44This is Big Brother.
40:46Martha and Lily are now free to leave jail.
40:50Yay! Yay!
40:53Thanks, Big Brother!
40:55Love you!
40:57The storeroom is now open for refreshments.
41:02Badminton! Badminton!
41:05Badminton! Badminton!
41:09Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
41:12Hey! Hey! Hey!
41:14Hey! Hey!
41:16He's scared!
41:18You've done that before.
41:20Some of the housemates are in the bathroom,
41:22talking about Sarah.
41:24You're not a fan?
41:26She's the one person that I've not got to know, really,
41:29and probably don't intend to.
41:31She is really nice. Do you think?
41:33Yeah, I like her.
41:35Maybe it's on me, maybe I need to make it my own effort.
41:37I don't think it's on you.
41:39No, but I've not made much of an effort. What are you saying, then?
41:41I've just decided that I don't like her. No comment.
41:43Really? Yeah.
41:45No comment.
41:57Lily and Martha are in the divy room.
42:00I'm sorry, Big Brother, we won't do it again, will we, Lily?
42:03Honestly, I am sorry.
42:05I complain sometimes about being here,
42:07but I'm so grateful to be here.
42:09We're really sorry, Big Brother.
42:11We really didn't mean to get anyone in trouble
42:13and I didn't mean to speak about things
42:15that we weren't allowed to speak about,
42:17and I'm sorry for breaking the rules, and I won't do it again
42:19because I didn't really like being in prison.
42:21It wasn't really... It wasn't good.
42:23Marcello is reflecting on Sarah's earlier twerking
42:28at the storeroom door.
42:30No, the twerking there at the storage room,
42:33that was... I didn't know you had that in you, I'll be honest.
42:36What the hell? Where did you learn that?
42:38I don't know.
42:42The right moment, yeah. I beg your pardon?
42:44And then the storage door opened.
42:46No, Marci, don't say things like that.
42:48Marci, Marci.
42:50I was going to dance with you, you know what I'm saying?
42:52I was going to jump in.
42:56I'm joking, man!
43:00This is why I don't do things like that
43:02with boys around.
43:04Why can't I rate your thing?
43:06Because I'm the closest to you,
43:08and I want everyone to know that it's like a brother and sister.
43:10Babe, I'm not, like, going to dream of you with a boner tonight.
43:13You better fucking not.
43:15Better fucking not. Not again.
43:22Marci, you're really starting to piss me off now.
43:24I'm joking! Oh, my God.
43:26You can say it in your head, you can catch a bubble.
43:28You don't have to let it come out.
43:31Yeah, peace decorum. Peace and decorum.
43:33I don't have the patience, but I never smoke.
43:35Oh, yeah, fuck that shit.
43:37I have no patience.
43:47Marcello, Izzaz and Emma are in the bathroom.
43:51She's angry at me for saying that.
43:53I'm just thinking, let her sleep.
43:55Sleep on her. Sleep not on her.
43:57That would make everything a lot worse.
43:59Let her have a chat tomorrow. Yeah.
44:01I'm sorry. If she's worried about that,
44:03then she shouldn't have done the dance in the first place.
44:05And also, allow me, like, I'm not trying to get with you.
44:07Sorry, I love her to bits, but that's where...
44:09I'm not trying to get with her at all, like, nothing.
44:11No, I know. I like the girl, but... Yeah.
44:13Like, she's my friend. Yeah.
44:15That's just how you are.
44:16You always have little sexy bants with everyone.
44:18I don't think she'll worry about it.
44:20I think as soon as you obviously have...
44:22I said sorry, but she's going to cry.
44:24The issue is the dance.
44:29You all right? Yeah, I couldn't talk to you.
44:31Let's chat. I'm sorry I upset you.
44:33I don't want you to think I mean anything,
44:35but I'm only playing.
44:37All right?
44:39OK? Why are you angry at me, though?
44:41I know. Let's sit down. I want to talk properly.
44:43OK. Shall we sit there? OK.
44:47It just makes me upset.
44:49Why? What are you upset about?
44:51Because it just does, because I don't want...
44:53Cos I value your friendship so much.
44:55I don't want you to, like, spoil everything.
44:57No. All your innuendos and this and the other
44:59and all the inclinations.
45:01I know you were joking. I know you were joking.
45:03But do you know the implication
45:05of what I was saying?
45:07Is that I would have jumped in and danced with you.
45:09Yeah, but if I didn't get that,
45:11someone else might not get it.
45:13What I'm trying to get at is that I care about you so much.
45:15I just won't say things like that anymore.
45:17That's fine.
45:19You just don't seem very motivated right now,
45:21and I feel like you're very, like, cold.
45:23I'm not cold. I don't know what you want me to say.
45:25I'm sorry. I don't feel like I've done anything...
45:27If I had done something wrong to you,
45:29like, slapped your bum or something,
45:31I'll be... I'm so sorry.
45:33But I made a joke, as I would with anyone I would make a joke.
45:35Do you know, I would never, ever go for a girl
45:37or with a guy, ever in my life.
45:39OK, maybe I'm overthinking it there.
45:41No, no, it's not about you overthinking it.
45:43If you felt that way, that's fine.
45:45And I...
45:47If I didn't... If I didn't run so close,
45:49I'd be like, OK, whatever.
45:53I don't want to upset you.
45:55OK. OK?
45:57Don't worry.
45:59Dean has come to talk to Big Brother.
46:03The rule breaks are pissing me off.
46:05Like, stop talking about nominations,
46:07because now we've got
46:09no hot water again.
46:11Am I the only one
46:13actually with a brain?
46:15And today's task was interesting.
46:17I think a lot of people are forgetting
46:19that we are playing a game.
46:21It was very eye-opening.
46:23My nomination this week
46:25was Days,
46:27and I don't feel bad about it.
46:29And I know some people out there
46:31are going to say,
46:33I know they're thinking, I feel really bad about my nomination.
46:35Babes, like, no.
46:37I don't feel bad, because the behaviour that I
46:39spoke about in my nomination,
46:41I saw again today in the task.
46:43Like, you're meant to answer the question.
46:45It's not about being too nice.
46:47We're all nice people, but we're asked to do something
46:49so just do it.
46:51Don't have a tantrum over it.
46:53Like, I don't understand where that's coming from.
46:55Like, have you never seen the show?
46:57Like, what the fuck?
47:03This week,
47:05Ali, Dears,
47:07Lily, and Martha
47:09face the public vote.
47:11Who goes?
47:13You decide.
47:15Head to the app
47:17to vote for the housemate you want to evict.
47:19The housemate with the most votes
47:21will be evicted.
47:23Voting is free
47:25and you can access it via the app.
47:27You can vote up to five times.
47:29The vote closes
47:31in Friday's eviction show.
47:41Just love it.
47:43And if you want some more action,
47:45how's about this on ITVX?
47:47It's based on the nights of Muhammad Ali's
47:49comeback fight.
47:51It's so brilliant. Samuel L Jackson, Kevin Hart,
47:53and more are starring in the
47:55epic fight night.
47:57Okay, we're spilling all the tea next here on ITV2
47:59as we get to lap up some Big Brother
48:01later in life.