• 6 minutes ago
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00:00Please, Mr. Gulazi, pull me up!
00:02You ain't going nowhere until you tell me what you did to Avani!
00:05I didn't do anything, I swear!
00:07Well, do you want us to get hit by a train?
00:08No, no, no, no, please! Please, no, I'm begging you!
00:10Oh, you're begging me now?
00:12Leave him alone, he's just a kid!
00:13Help, please!
00:14How would you like it if I come up there and...
00:15Dave, would you buy your ghoulies?
00:17Right, I'm calling the police!
00:18Did you force yourself on her?
00:19Please! Please, no!
00:20She rejected you, didn't she?
00:22And you thought you'd show my little girl who's boss?
00:24Barney! Barney!
00:27You're not even on a drink now, can you?
00:28Oi, you listen to me very carefully.
00:30You pull my boy up right now!
00:33I think you're going to have to stop the trains as well.
00:36Yeah, I know, but I think someone's going to die.
00:38Swear on my life, if you arm one hair on his head,
00:40it'll be the last mistake you ever make!
00:46Your dad and brother might have fallen for this story,
00:48but you ain't falling me.
00:50This is really bad, Avani.
00:53Look, any bloke that ever lays a hand on you
00:55ain't worth a single one of them tears.
00:57Do you hear me?
00:58Oh, babe.
01:01Oh, you just wait till I get my hands on that little bookworm.
01:05What about Barney?
01:07What do you mean?
01:08He ain't my boyfriend.
01:09But earlier you said that...
01:11you were dating that older bloke, aren't you?
01:13Oh, I knew you were lying!
01:16Cos I've been there, done that, got the T-shirt myself.
01:19You two, you'd better get out of there.
01:21Private conversation, Avani.
01:22I don't care, I don't care.
01:23Ravi, you're about to kill that Barney kid.
01:25Get out of there.
01:27You've got five seconds to pull him up,
01:29or I'm coming up there for you!
01:31I'd never hurt her.
01:32She's my friend.
01:33She told us you were seeing each other.
01:35Next thing we know, she comes home with a busload of riptides.
01:39Tell me!
01:42Barney, it's all right.
01:43Please, just get me down.
01:46Pull him up!
01:48You all right, little girl?
01:49Please, just get me down.
01:50It wasn't him, Dad.
01:52You what?
01:53I asked Barney to cover for me.
01:54He's just a man.
01:55For God's sake, Ravi, just pull him up!
02:06Barney, come down from there right now, Bob.
02:08Come down before a train comes.
02:10It's OK.
02:11I think me and you need a word.
02:14Don't you?
02:17OK, well, tell me what I'm supposed to think.
02:19I've got a Brummy Lamb a couple of weeks.
02:21Come back, you look like you've done ten rounds with Kung Fu Panda.
02:23I told you.
02:24Ouzo martinis and platform meals always have me on me backside.
02:27That's right.
02:28Yeah, Winnie.
02:29I spoke to Stace.
02:31And you weren't on the lash, were you?
02:34You do not return what happened or I'll pop round the old bill station and report an assault.
02:40All right, no more lies.
02:42I didn't fall and hit my head on the steps.
02:47It was Tommy.
02:53Here, honey.
02:54You all right?
02:57Look at me, boy.
02:59You all right?
03:00Did he hurt you?
03:01Not really, just shook me up a bit, you know.
03:05You lost the plot or what?
03:06I thought you'd attacked the Barney.
03:08Are you stupid or something? You could have killed him!
03:10No, no, please.
03:11I just wanted some answers.
03:12I wasn't going to hurt him.
03:13As soon as he's got the truth, I'll let him go.
03:16You don't want feelings?
03:18What are you talking about, eh?
03:19You nearly throw my boy off a bridge for something he'd never even done and all you can say is no hard feelings?
03:23Nah, I ain't having it.
03:25I got it wrong.
03:27That woman's hurt.
03:29Don't you stand there and tell me you haven't done the same in my shoes.
03:35No, we ain't finished yet.
03:36Get your hands off me.
03:37Well, someone needs to put you in your place.
03:38What, you? That someone, are you?
03:40I ain't having it.
03:43Listen, I'll dangle another Mitchell off the bridge just like I did your boy!
03:47Yeah, that's enough.
03:48No one threatens my kid!
03:49Yeah, I was trying to find out who attacked my kid.
03:51I don't need it, that's enough!
03:54And what's this about you threatening someone?
03:57No one see anything?
04:00Alright, fine.
04:01You can explain it all down at the station.
04:02Oh, come on.
04:03Is that really necessary?
04:04No, you're probably arresting him.
04:05Look, Martin, you're fine.
04:06Tell him you're alright.
04:07Yeah, yeah.
04:08He didn't do anything.
04:09I mean, like, it weren't for real.
04:10It was just a prank for my channel.
04:12What are you talking about?
04:13Everyone saw it.
04:14You don't need to cover for him.
04:15It was my idea.
04:16You really expect me to believe that?
04:18Go on, listen to him.
04:19It was my biggest stunt yet, and I asked Ravi to help.
04:22Look, no one else was in on it, I swear.
04:26Looks like it was your lucky day.
04:32What did you do that for?
04:34He deserves to be locked up for that.
04:35I just want to go home, please.
04:46Baby twins.
04:48Yeah, they're alright.
04:49Where is he?
04:50Took his chance and legged it.
04:53Kate, you know, I'm so sorry, darling.
04:55Why? It's not your fault.
04:57Well, I shouldn't have left you on your own with him, should I?
04:59Don't be daft.
05:00You had to do the training.
05:01And I practically pushed you on the coach myself.
05:05Has he really been that bad?
05:08He was alright at first.
05:09Still a cheeky so-and-so, but then before long...
05:12I thought that you being away would make him step up,
05:14you know, enjoy being man of the house,
05:16but he's been worse than ever.
05:18And then stealing from the caf.
05:19Hold on, what? He stole from Kathy?
05:21She caught him trying to dip the teal.
05:22Oh, God.
05:23And he said he was trying to help out because money's been so tight.
05:26And I told him that stealing's not the right thing,
05:28and any money problems, me and you would sort it out.
05:31And that's when he lost it.
05:33He just lashed out.
05:36I've known men my whole life that have scared me and hurt me.
05:39And in the end, you know, I can stand up to him, but...
05:45I've made some bad choices in my life,
05:47but one thing I can pride myself on is being a good mum.
05:51I would die for those boys.
05:55Maybe this is all my fault, eh?
05:58Maybe I ain't brought him up right.
05:59Hey, stop, stop.
06:01You're the best mum in the world, right?
06:03And he's lucky to have you.
06:05That's when he gets that look in his eyes.
06:06I can't believe I'm scared of my own kid.
06:08Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
06:10Come here. It's all right.
06:12I'm his mum and I don't know how to deal with him.
06:15OK, listen, all right.
06:16How about I see if I can find him, have a chat,
06:18see if I can get through to him, yeah?
06:19Yeah, what if you can't, eh?
06:21What if he calls the social again?
06:22I could lose my boy.
06:23Listen to me. It ain't going to happen.
06:25I ain't going to let it happen.
06:27I promise, all right?
06:29Come on. It's all right.
06:37You just can't stay away, can you?
06:39Well, since that was my last drop-off of the day,
06:41how about you lock the door behind you and get over here?
06:44Oh, unless you want to risk getting caught.
06:46Who's Shireen?
06:48You what?
06:50That girl you were dating.
06:52She disappeared.
06:54What happened?
06:55I don't know what you're talking about.
06:56Same bit. My dad's been looking into you.
06:59Great. I'll just go and ask your old man then, yeah?
07:02I'll just go and ask your old man then, yeah?
07:04Great. I'll just go and ask your old man then, yeah?
07:06Who the hell do you think you are?
07:08Is that what you do?
07:09You dig around in other people's private lives?
07:11When they're stuck to dig around, yeah.
07:13So go on.
07:14What's the story?
07:16It don't concern you.
07:18We're friends with benefits last time I checked,
07:20so actually, it very much concerns me.
07:23I have a right to know.
07:24Yeah, it was me.
07:25I'd done her in and then I got rid.
07:27Is that what you want to hear?
07:29I had to ask.
07:33I had to ask.
07:47I said go on, bub and weave, bub and weave.
07:50Where's your money on?
07:52Very foolish.
07:53You know, your mum filled me in what happened while I was away.
07:56There's one thing being aggy at home
07:57but trying to nick from Kath.
07:59I was only doing it to help my mum.
08:00I bet she never told you that though, did she?
08:01Of course, yeah.
08:02I was helping your mum out by taking her credit card
08:03and buying her headset.
08:04I get it.
08:05Stepping up, taking responsibility.
08:06That's all good.
08:12And the mark?
08:14On your mum's face?
08:15How many times?
08:16It was an accident.
08:18I know it.
08:19It should never have happened.
08:20Just stop going on about it.
08:21You're as bad as she is.
08:22It was one time, that's all.
08:25It's not one time, is it?
08:26Why do you look at me when I'm talking?
08:29Because you've hit her before
08:31and you've punched me.
08:33This ain't an accident.
08:34There's a pattern here
08:35and it's getting out of control.
08:37I've warned you about hitting women, haven't I?
08:39Listen, your mum loves you more than anything in the whole wide world.
08:41She's worked her fingers so hard
08:42to get everything you want
08:44and this is how you repay her, is it, eh?
08:46Treating her like this,
08:47making her scared of her own son.
08:48Tommy, this is not how we rage.
08:50Listen up, people!
08:52Now, when you're all in here pumping iron,
08:54Sonia Fowler is sat far away,
08:56terrified behind bars
08:58for something that she never even done.
08:59Alright, so before
09:00we all get back to doing whatever we're doing,
09:02we need to get on our social media,
09:04message the MP
09:05and join the campaign
09:06to save our Sonia, yeah?
09:08I'm done with the lecture.
09:10You've got no respect, have you, Tom?
09:12You know, while I was away,
09:13I thought you might step up to the mark.
09:16Heard your chants.
09:17You've blown it.
09:20Just a pathetic, nasty little kid.
09:23So whose fault do you think that is?
09:25Maybe if my mum hadn't spent her whole life
09:26going from one boat to the next,
09:27I wouldn't be who I am.
09:29Listen to me.
09:30You listen good, OK?
09:32Don't you ever, ever
09:33speak about your mum like that again, OK?
09:35And if you ever lay a finger on her again,
09:37I will drag you to social services.
09:39Myself, is that clear?
09:40Is that clear?
09:41Alfie, Alfie, easy.
09:42Is everything alright?
09:43Yeah, it's good.
09:44I'm just telling you.
09:45It's not Freddy.
09:46I'm just...
09:48Listen, maybe now ain't the time
09:49or the place.
09:50It'll all go somewhere.
09:58You're not taking it easy.
09:59You're not exactly setting a good example.
10:01I'm sorry if I need something
10:02to settle my nerves.
10:03And don't lecture me about
10:04being a good example.
10:05You're the one who just dangled
10:06a 15-year-old off a bridge.
10:07Hey, this ain't all on me.
10:08You said you spoke to her
10:09about her knee last week
10:10and it was nothing.
10:11And yet she's planning to have sex.
10:12Why didn't you pick up on something?
10:13I'm here, you know.
10:14I did speak to her
10:15and I told her to wait
10:16for the right time and the right person.
10:17What was I supposed to do?
10:18Lock her up in her room?
10:19And actually,
10:20have you even asked her how she is?
10:21You know, been a bit more of a dad to her?
10:22That's exactly what I have been doing.
10:27Give it up.
10:28I'm going to sort this out.
10:30Rabby, give it to her.
10:31I'm going to sort it out.
10:32Is there anything that he don't ruin?
10:34Right, name.
10:38Not yours.
10:39The boyfriend.
10:41What does it matter?
10:42It's over.
10:43Look, of course it matters.
10:44A scumbag like him
10:45shouldn't get away with what he's done.
10:48How are you, baby?
10:51I feel like an idiot.
10:56I thought that he actually liked me for me.
10:58I didn't think he was just after, you know.
11:03Welcome to being a woman.
11:05And now with what that just did to Barney,
11:07I've lost my best friend as well.
11:10Come here.
11:12Are you suffering?
11:15It's the least I could do,
11:16after calling you a murderer.
11:18I'm so sorry.
11:19I had no right.
11:21Me and Serena,
11:22it's just, it's difficult to talk about, you know.
11:27It's cool.
11:28I'll, er...
11:30I'll just...
11:32I'll just...
11:33I'll just...
11:34I'll just...
11:35I'll just...
11:36I'll just...
11:37I'll just...
11:38I'll just...
11:39I'll just...
11:41I'll leave you to your carburettor.
11:44It's a headliner.
11:47Look, our relationship was fiery.
11:49We both gave as good as we got.
11:51When she disappeared,
11:52at first I thought it was just a mess with me.
11:55But then as time went on,
11:57and the investigation got more serious,
11:59I realised something went right.
12:01The night before, we had this blazing row.
12:04Because loads of people saw,
12:05they thought I must have been involved with her disappearing.
12:08Guess you can't really blame them.
12:10I honestly didn't do it.
12:12But you know me.
12:14I ain't no angel.
12:15So they thought I had to be involved.
12:17Police included.
12:20Were you ever charged?
12:23But they didn't believe me.
12:25The only person that did was my dad.
12:29Is that why you moved here?
12:31To get away from it all?
12:34Look, I know I've got a bit of a temper.
12:36That's just Mitchell DNA.
12:38But I would never,
12:40ever, hurt a woman.
12:44For telling me.
12:46Look, if you want to call time on us,
12:47get someone else to mess with your old man.
12:49I understand.
12:51The way I see it,
12:53we're only just getting started.
12:57Oh, I should have stomped him out when I had the chance.
13:00How dare he do that to your dad?
13:01It's fine.
13:02No, it ain't fine.
13:03It ain't fine at all, Bar.
13:07Why'd you tell that copper not to arrest him, eh?
13:10Do you think if you let her old man off the hook,
13:11a varney will come running into your arms or something?
13:14Because it don't always work like that, son.
13:16Trust me.
13:19Nah, her old man's crossed the line.
13:22And he's going to have to pay.
13:23Dad, please, I don't want you getting in any trouble.
13:25Just, I want to forget about it.
13:27Well, it's out of your hands now, Bar,
13:28because nobody lays a finger on my kids and gets away with it.
13:32Where are you?
13:34Where are you?
13:36Ain't you heard?
13:37Ravigolati just got hold of your little brother.
13:40Yeah, don't worry about that.
13:41Just get back home as soon as you can.
13:44There's something I need you to do.
13:50Where's Tommy?
13:51He's outside playing football with the twins.
13:54What's he doing here?
13:56He's playing peacekeeper.
13:59I lost my rag at the boxing den.
14:01What did you say exactly?
14:05I just caught the end of it in passing.
14:07Oh, great.
14:10I'm glad our problems can be shared around the square.
14:12I'll go and ring the bell in the Vic, shall I?
14:14No, I'm sorry, all right.
14:15Just that he wouldn't listen.
14:19How bad is it?
14:21It's fine.
14:22We're dealing with it.
14:23Just don't breathe a word of this to anyone, yeah?
14:27Maybe it's just a teenage thing.
14:28You know what's forever.
14:29I didn't act like that when I was his age.
14:30What, did you?
14:32Listen, we need to talk to him together.
14:34You know, a united front.
14:36I know, I get it.
14:37But what if he doesn't listen?
14:38He will.
14:39If we're patient and calm.
14:42Treat him like an adult.
14:44I know he can be difficult, all right?
14:46But he's our son.
14:48I'm not giving up on him.
14:51Right, I've got the call centre,
14:52the minute mark,
14:53Walford East,
14:54then a bunch of rental properties.
14:56Not the rentals.
14:57That's people's homes.
14:58We need to minimise collateral damage.
15:01All right, the businesses.
15:02Sounds good.
15:04Why the change of heart?
15:05You've been giving me grief about Jack Brannan,
15:07but now this?
15:08I thought you wanted to keep the neighbours sweet.
15:10Well, that was before Ravi messed with our family boy.
15:12And you know the apple.
15:13If we don't stick it straight back on him,
15:14it's going to make us look weak.
15:16All right, let's do it.
15:18I just want to apologise, all right?
15:20I shouldn't have lost my cool like that.
15:22I'm sorry, I...
15:23You know we'd never hurt you, right?
15:25You're our boy and we love you.
15:27But we've had this little sit-down before,
15:29haven't we, Tommy?
15:30And like I said, things need to change, yeah?
15:33You can't be getting angry
15:34every time you don't like what we say.
15:37Come on.
15:38It's our job to look after you, all right?
15:42Is there anything you want to talk about?
15:44Get off your chest.
15:46I don't want to talk about it.
15:47I don't want to talk about it.
15:49Is there anything you want to talk about?
15:52Get off your chest.
15:54About us?
15:56About how you're feeling?
15:59I just...
16:00I just feel like you're always getting at me.
16:02Like, everything I do is wrong.
16:05Even when I say sorry, you're still on my case about it.
16:08OK, that's a fair point.
16:10Maybe it's something that we can look at, yeah?
16:15But we need to address your anger issues, Tommy.
16:17The violence ain't good.
16:18We can tackle this together.
16:20Find out why it happens.
16:21Nip it in the bud, yeah?
16:23I'm not the only one that can't control their anger sometimes.
16:28Yeah, you're right.
16:29And we all have to try harder.
16:32We'll get through this as a family.
16:39Who fancies Chinese?
16:41Want me to come?
16:44Yeah, that's a good idea, yeah.
16:45Yeah, come on.
16:56You got a visitor?
17:03Have you got some nerve?
17:04Listen, I ain't here for a slanging match.
17:06I just came to see how he is.
17:08How do you think he is?
17:09Your psycho ex nearly killed him.
17:11I'm sorry.
17:12I finally didn't mean to put him in danger.
17:14Well, thanks to her little dramas,
17:15I could have been visiting my boy in an hospital bed.
17:17Or the mortuary.
17:18Little dramas?
17:19She was assaulted by an older man.
17:21Not only is she trying to process that,
17:23she's worried she's lost her best mate and all.
17:26Well, I'm sure they'll be OK in a few days.
17:28You know what kids are like.
17:30Ravi's an idiot.
17:32He knows he messed up, yeah?
17:34This don't need to be the start of any bad blood between us, does it?
17:37No, it don't.
17:39And you ain't got to worry.
17:40Cos my barn is in one piece.
17:42And that is all I care about.
17:56Have you gone soft?
17:58You just said we need to retaliate,
17:59now you're going back cos she flicked her eyelashes at you.
18:01They're making a mug out of us.
18:03Well, slow down, boy, cos I ain't going back on nothing.
18:05But they don't need to know about that, do they?
18:07So we're still on?
18:08We're going to send the Panaceas a message.
18:11Loud and clear.
18:41Who are you?
18:42What's the matter?
18:43Expecting someone younger?
18:49Drive the car.
18:56Tommy, do us a favour, mate.
18:57Go and tell your brothers to wash their hands.
18:59Food's nearly ready, yeah?
19:01Right, nice.
19:02What's up, Frista?
19:06Whatever you said to him has obviously worked.
19:07Well, let's hope so, oi.
19:09I've never seen Kat that worried.
19:11Oh, mate, listen, you don't know the alphabet.
19:13We were just really worried he was going to phone socials again.
19:17I've called him before.
19:18Yeah, nearly did it myself this time.
19:21I think it all kind of started when she moved in with Mr Meathead.
19:25Two years ago?
19:26Yeah, well, that's when I started to see the change.
19:28I feel Mitch was going to be a bad influence on him.
19:30How did that turn out, eh?
19:32Turned my little boy into a mini-thug.
19:35I mean, mini-thug's a bit harsh, isn't it?
19:37Oh, yeah.
19:38He's done some bad things, but he's been through a lot, hasn't he?
19:41He's a good boy, really, isn't he? He's like me.
19:43You weren't like that with your mum, though, were you?
19:47No, no, no.
19:48Oh, your soup's here.
19:49You can have a cracker, there you go.
19:51Don't worry, I ain't stopping.
19:52It's somewhere I've got to be.
19:53Well, get on with it, then, cos I've got lasagna in the oven.
19:56Well, forget what I said about letting me know by the end of the week.
19:59I'm glad to see you're coming to your senses.
20:01I want an answer tomorrow.
20:02If you agree to be my man on the side or that video goes viral,
20:05then straight into your boss's inbox.
20:08Well, it ain't going to happen, is it?
20:09Oh, you think I'm bluffing?
20:12As a matter of fact, I do.
20:14Cos I know what you've done.
20:16Oh, yeah?
20:17And what's that?
20:18The parking ticket from three years ago?
20:21More like your girlfriend going missing, presumed dead.
20:26Stormy relationship, was it?
20:28You're going to serve a lot of time for that, boy.
20:31You think you're the first copper to use Shireen to try and get one over on me?
20:35Go ahead.
20:36Look into it.
20:37You won't find nothing.
20:38And neither did any of the others.
20:41Lasagna smells nice.
20:49That's good timing. Here we go.
20:50I've got your chicken chow mein for my queen.
20:52How's he been?
20:53He's been all right, yeah.
20:54He helped me lay the table.
20:55He's playing with the boys.
20:56Actually, you might want to give him a shout.
20:57Come here.
20:58Boys, come on, dinner!
20:59Come on, lads!
21:00Some lovely food here.
21:01Come on, hurry up.
21:02Put yourselves down.
21:03Yeah, hurry up.
21:04Oi, that's my seat.
21:05I was here first.
21:06Does it matter where you sit?
21:10I'll buy this.
21:11Ah, Fredster, here you go.
21:12I've got your soup here.
21:13Right, be careful because that is piping hot.
21:15All right, nice one.
21:16That looks nice, though.
21:19Hey, I was using that.
21:21Well, wait your turn.
21:23What do you think you're doing?
21:24I ain't finished yet.
21:25You're not using it, though.
21:26They can have a bit, can't they?
21:27Yeah, come on, boys.
21:28Good things don't come to those who fight.
21:30Hey, what are you doing?
21:31Who puts ketchup on Chinese, anyway?
21:34What are you doing?
21:36Whoa, whoa, whoa!
21:37Tommy, are you all right?
21:38You all right?
21:39Get off!
21:40OK, OK, he's fine, he's fine.
21:41He's a tough cookie, isn't he, Tommy?
21:42You're all right.
21:43Do you want to see what he did?
21:45Whoa, whoa, whoa!
21:47Tommy, listen to me.
21:48Oi, listen up!
21:49OK, listen, you listen to me, OK?
21:50You just can't...
21:51Get out of my face!
21:52Relax, man, it was an accident.
21:54So's this.
21:55I'm done with you!
21:56What are you doing?
22:02Listen, what the hell got into you?
22:04He attacked me first!
22:05He deserved it!
22:13So, is it all sorted, then?
22:15You and Barney will be thick as thieves by the end of the week.
22:21Speaking of thick...
22:22Don't start.
22:23I've had enough of one day.
22:24Yeah, I wonder why.
22:27Come on, mate.
22:28I hope you put that perv in the hospital.
22:32It's the call centre.
22:33Come on!
22:36Hold on.
22:49Is that door locked?
23:16I'll tell you this isn't an accident.
23:23We've just made ourselves a new enemy.