• 10 hours ago
Kill Me Love Me (2024) EP 18 ENG SUB


00:30不要被时光吞没掉 Don't be engulfed by time
00:37黑暗无声消逝的人 The people who disappeared in the darkness
00:40也曾渴望白日里活 Have also longed to live in the day
00:44被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:47被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:49被命运束缚的一个 How can I escape
00:51谁在耳边说 Who said in my ear
00:54说我注定坠落 That I'm destined to fall
01:01那就燃烧我 Then burn me
01:04燃烧我的执着 Burn my stubbornness
01:08苦海里奋战 In the bitter sea
01:12眼中放下多少责任 How much responsibility lies in my eyes
01:15无人知道的 No one knows
01:19或许在挑战着 Maybe in the challenge
01:23黑暗里无声 The darkness is silent
01:26微光终于化作 The light finally becomes
01:32重生的火 The fire of rebirth
01:53啊 Ah
02:10你不会剁馅儿啊 You can't chop the shrimp
02:11你不劲大吗 Aren't you strong?
02:24嗯 Um.
02:32其实我是第一次做肉笼 Actually, this is my first time making meatloaf.
02:35你放心,我早就放出话去了 Don't worry, I've already put out my words.
02:38我们夫妻二人只管做熟,不管味道 We two just cook, we don't care about the taste.
02:49你这老面团不能加太多,会酸的 Hey, you can't add too much old flour, it will be sour.
02:52我放的不多 I don't put much old flour.
03:00你这劲使得也太大了吧 You're using too much strength.
03:02我们军中的厨子也没你劲大 Our cooks in the army are not as strong as you.
03:04那面会硬的 That dough will be hard.
03:15你这就要盖了 You're going to cover it now?
03:16那你放碱水了吗 Did you add salt water?
03:18慕容锦和 Murong Jinghe
03:19不放碱水会酸的 If you don't add salt water, it will be sour.
03:20慕容锦和 Murong Jinghe
03:22你去烧柴 Go burn the firewood.
03:24烧柴 Burn the firewood.
03:27你在这儿比我还大啊 You're stronger than me here.
03:29我就是劲大 I am strong.
03:31我阿娘说我自小劲有大 My mother said I was strong since I was a child.
03:33她总是担心我会把好不容易招上门的女婿打跑了 She was always worried that I would hit the son-in-law who finally came to the door.
03:37那你阿娘想招一个什么样的女婿啊 What kind of son-in-law does your mother want?
03:42人好脾气好,能帮我阿爹做事的,还得会读书写字 Good person, good temper, can help my father do things, and can read and write.
03:47往后能教小孩,最好是能帮铺子算账,我阿爹是个粗人,我阿娘总嫌他算账算不明白 In the future, it's best to be able to teach children to do the accounting for the shop. My father is a rough guy. My mother always thinks he doesn't know how to do the accounting.
03:56你阿娘这哪是招女婿啊,分明是招长工嘛 Your mother is not looking for a son-in-law, but a regular worker.
04:02那你呢,你想找个什么样的 What about you? What kind of son-in-law do you want?
04:05我? I?
04:09我没想过,反正我阿娘满意就行 I haven't thought about it. Anyway, as long as my mother is satisfied.
04:16哇,哇,哇,哇 Wow, wow, wow, wow.
04:34比我做的龙肉好吃多了 It's much better than the dragon meat I made.
04:38我比不过你,二牛他娘都说了,你既会针线又会带孩子,说你能干 I can't compare to you. Erniu's mother said you know how to sew and take care of the kids.
04:44我家娘子既会武功又会做肉龙,同样也很能干 My wife is good at martial arts and making dragon meat. She is also very capable.
04:56你脸上有面粉啊?头上也有啊? Do you have flour on your face? Do you have it on your head?
05:02我去收拾一下 I'll go get it.
05:13我帮你 I'll help you.
05:44你呢? What about you?
05:47什么? What?
05:49你想找什么样的王妃? What kind of princess do you want to find?
05:57王妃? I haven't thought about it.
06:04那个时候一心想着上战场,还立下豪言壮语,不破夕阴,不娶妻 At that time, I was thinking about going to the battlefield, and I made a great promise.
06:14那皇后娘娘定为你娶妻之事操碎了心。 Then Her Majesty must have been worried about your marriage.
06:20是啊,后来实在拗不过母后,便答应了成婚。 At that time, I couldn't win over my mother, so I agreed to marry her.
06:27那个时候我就想,要是选王妃,一定要选个不喜欢的人。 At that time, I thought, if I want to choose a princess, I must choose someone I don't like.
06:33不喜欢的? Someone you don't like?
06:35无情无爱无牵挂,上了战场,才敢舍生忘死。 Someone who has no affection, no love, no concern, and dares to give up his life on the battlefield.
06:39那做你的王妃真可怜。 It's so pitiful to be your princess.
06:44不过,后来有人改变了我的想法。 But, someone changed my mind later.
06:51我现在总觉得,情,爱,既是软肋,也是盔甲。 I always feel love, affection, softness, and armor.
06:58有了想保护的人,上了战场,也有了绝地求生的力量。 I have someone I want to protect, go to the battlefield, and have the power to survive.
07:04不管以后能不能上战场,选王妃还是要选一个自己喜欢的人。 No matter if I can go to the battlefield in the future, choosing a princess is still choosing someone I like.
07:18你就不问问我喜欢什么样的? Why don't you ask me what I like?
07:23那你喜欢什么样的? What do you like?
07:29我喜欢的是一个好人。 I like a good person.
07:35一个宁愿伤害自己,也要保护无辜的好人。 A good person who would rather hurt himself than protect the innocent.
07:41他的性子坚韧,倔强,认定的是宁死也不会放弃。 His temperament is tough, stubborn, and he will not give up even if he were to die.
07:49他的言行坦率,真诚,一怒一笑都会轻易牵绊住我的心。 His words, actions, frankness, sincerity, anger, and laughter will easily bind my heart.
08:04她是这世间最特别的女子,会武功,会刺绣,还会做肉笼。 She is the most special woman in the world. She knows martial arts, embroidery, and can also make meat baskets.
08:15她不会事事都让着我,吵起架来也厉害得很。 She will not give in to me all the time, and she is also very good at arguing.
08:37你知道的,我这个人最讨厌输,但是我愿意这辈子都输给她。 You know, I hate losing the most, but I am willing to lose to her for the rest of my life.
09:00老大老大,你们的肉笼做好了吗? Boss, have you finished your meat basket?
09:03嗯,做好了。 Yes, it's done.
09:20臭小子,真会挑时候啊! Brat, you really know how to pick the right time.
09:24丰盛宴马上开始了,你们赶紧的! The banquet is about to begin, hurry up!
09:33来来来,干杯! Cheers!
10:00你先不要说话。 Don't say anything.
10:02想说的都已经说完了。 I've said everything I wanted to say.
10:05之前就觉得他们两个怪怪的,不像是兄妹。 I thought they were weird before, not like siblings.
10:09原来是小夫妻吵架了呀。 So it was a little couple fighting.
10:11早就好了,这夫妻哪有隔夜仇对吧? That's a long time ago, there's no such thing as a couple fighting overnight, right?
10:15对啊。 Yeah.
10:17卫大哥,大娘,快坐。 Brother Wei, Madam, have a seat.
10:25这就是肉笼啊? This is the meat basket?
10:26肉笼啊? The meat basket?
10:30卫大哥,这个红果酒是你亲手酿的? Brother Wei, did you make this red fruit wine yourself?
10:34是,这个酒很甜的,你尝尝。 Yes, it's very sweet, try it.
10:46来,给我吧。 Here, give it to me.
10:50你脾胃虚寒,但身体养好了,我陪你喝。 You have a weak stomach, but you're in good health, I'll drink with you.
10:54看吧。 Let's see.
10:57大块头,我敬你。 Bighead, let me propose a toast to you.
11:00其实吧,你眼光不错,不过它是我的了,你不许再惦记了。 Actually, you have a good taste, but it's mine now, you don't have to worry about it.
11:09我想通了,我不会再跟你抢梅林了。 I've made up my mind, I won't fight for the plum forest with you anymore.
11:14你也抢不过啊。 You can't beat me.
11:15大哥,妹子,这杯我敬你们,你们夫妻俩的救命之恩,我会还的,我干了。 Big brother, sister, I'll toast to you, I'll pay back the life-saving grace of your couple. I'll drink it.
11:30这就对了。 That's right.
11:35梅林啊,你家男人还会做肉笼,这厨艺可真好啊。 Meili, your husband can make meat dumplings, this is a good idea.
11:40其实,这肉笼不是我做的,是我家娘子做的,我只用烧柴。 Actually, I didn't make the meat dumplings, my wife did it, I just used firewood.
11:45看看,梅林,你这相公可真不错,这挑男人的眼光你最高。 Look, Meili, your husband is really good, you have the best taste in choosing men.
11:50大娘,这哪是他会挑啊,是我岳母会挑,我是他们家的上门女婿,他们家挑贼婿都是他阿娘说了算。 Madam, it's not him who will choose, it's my mother-in-law who will choose, I'm the son-in-law of their family, it's their mother-in-law who decides who to marry.
11:59他这个人只会做戏,说话做事难辨真假,你们都别被他给骗了。 He can only act, he can't tell the truth. Don't be fooled by him.
12:07你觉得我现在还是在做戏吗? Do you think I'm still acting?
12:17他们刚来村子的时候啊,这丫头死拽着他不撒手,我问是不是他男人,后来丫头还说我是你们的女婿。 When they first came to the village, this girl grabbed him and didn't let go, I asked if he was her husband. Then she said I was her husband.
12:26她说我是你们的,不是一家人,不进一家门,都会演戏,你们说对不对啊? She said I wasn't your family, I didn't come into your house, I can act, what do you think?
12:39我也会演戏。 I can act too.
12:41你这臭孩子又逃避是不是,那我不收拾你。 You naughty boy, you're running away again, I'll teach you a lesson.
12:44站住! Stop!
12:46老二,再去拿点酒。 Laoer, go get some more wine.
12:48好。 Okay.
12:51借一步说话啊。 Let's talk in private.
12:52好。 Okay.
12:54梅林啊,大娘,你跟大娘说实话,你对你这相公满意不? Meilin, Da Niang, tell me the truth, are you satisfied with your husband?
13:07他这个人身上有诸多毛病,但他是个好人。 He has a lot of problems, but he's a good man.
13:13他,他对我挺好的,吵架了也愿意认输。 He, he's nice to me, and he's willing to admit defeat even if we fight.
13:22他,总之我阿娘应该挺满意他的。 He, in short, my mother should be quite satisfied with him.
13:28我问你呢,你干吗提你阿娘啊? I'm asking you, why are you mentioning your mother?
13:33我阿娘满意,我阿娘满意。 My mother is satisfied, I'm satisfied.
13:37你这丫头。 You naughty girl.
14:07我不擅长编故事,我也不擅长演戏,我说的每句都是真的。 I'm not good at making up stories, and I'm not good at acting. Everything I say is true.
14:37不需要人。 I don't need anyone.
15:07你们在干嘛? What are you guys doing?
15:23我们,我们在抓流营。 We're, we're catching the flies.
15:30大哥,你们带我走吧,大哥。 Brother, take me away, brother.
15:33去哪儿啊? Where are you going?
15:34我住外面,我讨厌挨打,我不想待在老窝子钻了。 I hate being beaten outside. I don't want to stay in the old nest.
15:41阿娘,外面有很多凶兽,他们都会吃人,你阿娘打你是为了保护你,家里才是最安全的地方。 Ning, there are a lot of monsters out there, they eat people. Your mother hit you to protect you. Home is the safest place.
15:50那你们为什么不回家呀? Then why don't you go home?
15:52因为我。 Because I.
15:54因为他的阿爹阿娘被咬人的凶兽给吃掉了。 Because his father and mother were eaten by a biting monster.
15:57所以呢,我们要去外面抓到这只凶兽,大哥才能给他一个新的家呀。 So, we have to go outside and catch this monster, so that brother can give him a new home.
16:04大哥,我一定要抓到那只凶兽。 Brother, I must catch that monster.
16:07放心吧,走。 Don't worry. Let's go.
16:10走啦。 Let's go.
16:27走啦。 Let's go.
17:11弱没,实在不值得太子殿下再费心思。 You're not worth it.
17:48I want my father to grant Luo Mei's marriage to me.
17:57But how can His Majesty agree to marry a Crown Princess who holds military power?
18:01Besides, General Ying also...
18:03It's a matter of manpower. They have no choice.
18:13Send this to Feng Yi Palace.
18:29I heard that your aunt's headache is getting worse.
18:32Her Highness's headache is a mental illness.
18:34Her Highness is worried about General's marriage.
18:36But General is focused on military affairs and has no time for love affairs.
18:40This dress was custom-made by Her Highness's best seamstress.
18:45If General is willing to change into this dress for Her Highness,
18:47Her Highness's headache will get better.
18:54Thank you, General.
19:15Are you all right, Luo Mei?
19:45Luo Mei.
20:15Luo Mei.
20:45Luo Mei.
21:04Luo Mei.
22:34I was impolite just now.
22:36It's my aunt.
22:38My aunt wants to force His Majesty to grant her marriage.
22:42What happened today has never happened before.
22:45Don't feel burdened.
22:50Your Majesty.
22:51Feng Yi Palace's newly picked lotus leaves are the most suitable for making tea.
22:57You take it.
22:58I'll deal with it.
23:00Luo Mei.
23:01Don't worry.
23:02I'll take care of everything.
23:22Your Highness.
23:24Your Highness.
23:25Where's Luo Mei?
23:26You haven't seen her.
23:27I heard that Her Highness is in good health, so I came to see you.
23:33Your Majesty, I caught a cold during the night.
23:37I'm a little tired. I've already taken a rest.
23:39Your Majesty, please come in.
23:47Your Majesty.
23:49I heard that Her Highness is in good health, so I came to see you.
23:51I'm a little tired. I've already taken a rest.
23:53Your Majesty, please come in.
23:57I was reckless and accidentally broke Her Highness's screen.
23:59I would like to ask you and my father to investigate from a different place.
24:01I would like to ask you and my father to investigate from a different place.
24:03Is Luo Mei inside?
24:05Is Luo Mei inside?
24:07Is there anything that we can't see?
24:09Is there anything that we can't see?
24:11Crown Prince.
24:13Go to Yan Ming Hall.
24:21Why did you change the plan?
24:27Why did you change the plan?
24:39Luo Mei.
24:43Aunt, you don't have to do this.
24:47Xuan Lie is going to marry Yin Luo Mei.
24:49My Crown Princess is only his wife.
24:53Your third brother is still alive.
24:55How dare you...
24:57My third brother is already dead.
24:59Father, how long are you going to remember him?
25:01Father, how long are you going to remember him?
25:05It's you!
25:07It's you!
25:09It's you!
25:11It's you!
25:13It's you!
25:17I hate her.
25:19I envy her.
25:21All the things that she's been pursuing.
25:23My father's favor.
25:25Luo Mei's affection.
25:29She got it all.
25:33But she doesn't care about it.
25:39I want to kill her with my own hands.
25:43But if he really died in my hands and ruined his reputation,
25:45I'm afraid that my request will never be fulfilled.
25:50You suspect me, but I don't want to defend myself.
25:52Once I find that Mei Lin and interrogate him,
25:54the truth will be revealed.
25:57It's all his doing.
26:03Crown Prince, you have always been sensible and reasonable.
26:08Your third brother, Wan Lie, caused trouble and went to look for you.
26:12You protected him.
26:16I know that you have been punished a lot for this.
26:19I thought that you two brothers
26:21could take care of each other.
26:26But in the end, I still wronged you.
26:29Royal Father,
26:33if I can marry Luo Mei,
26:36I will do anything for the sake of my brother's safety.
26:43You are the Crown Prince, the Crown Prince of Chu,
26:48and the future Emperor.
26:49You want to sit on this dragon chair and rule the world and kill people?
26:54I hope that your love for your brother will turn against you sooner or later.
26:59I know what Royal Father is afraid of.
27:02Mastering military power is a great danger since ancient times.
27:07I will never forget the lesson of overthrowing the previous dynasty.
27:11You may not believe in the loyalty of the Yin family,
27:14but at least you should believe in me.
27:18No one is allowed to overthrow the Murong family's empire.
27:33But I have already approved it.
27:37Luo Mei will decide for herself.
27:39Luo Mei will agree to this sooner or later.
27:43I can't even do this kind of thing.
27:48How can I promise Royal Father that I will rule the world?
28:02The End
28:14Your Highness the Crown Prince,
28:16Luo Mei has the courage of the Yin family and the Pingnan Army.
28:21It's all right. Don't worry.
28:23No matter what my Royal Father says,
28:25you should act according to your heart.
28:29Actually, if you don't do this,
28:31I will write your name on the marriage certificate.
28:39I am a martial artist.
28:41I don't know much about love.
28:44But I will try my best to repay
28:48your love.
28:58The End
29:14Your Highness the Crown Prince, why did you change your plan?
29:17Your Highness,
29:19just now,
29:21Luo Mei agreed.
29:29Your Highness, you are so lonely.
29:31You know that Luo Mei has a strong personality.
29:33If you force her with your love,
29:35I'm afraid that it will arouse her rebellious thoughts.
29:38In this world,
29:40what Xuan Lei wants
29:42is only her own wishful thinking.
29:58The End
30:15Minister Li, long time no see.
30:24Long time no see.
30:28I can help you bring down the Crown Prince.
30:33I have to see your master first.
30:43Minister Li, His Majesty's guards have all retreated.
30:46Those who are watching us now are all the Crown Prince's men.
30:48His Majesty even wants to grant General Yin's marriage to the Eastern Palace.
30:51It seems that the Crown Prince has already disposed of His Majesty's suspicion.
30:55Inform His Highness in advance.
30:57Obey His Highness's orders.
31:04It seems that I have to find a way to return to the capital by myself.
31:20The wine is expensive.
31:22You can't drink anymore.
31:26I know my body.
31:29I'm happy these days.
31:31I want to drink.
31:40Tell me.
31:42After we leave Lao Wu Zi Village,
31:45will there still be such a good life?
31:49As long as it's the life you like,
31:51I'm willing to spend it with you.
31:55What's wrong?
31:57You don't believe me?
31:59Qing Yan sent a letter.
32:01Li Qing has been cured.
32:05Then we have to hurry back.
32:07Don't worry.
32:09Qing Yan has already been targeted.
32:11Maybe we need to go back to the capital by ourselves.
32:13There will be some setbacks on the way.
32:15No matter how hard it is, it can't be harder than the road to Zhongshan.
32:20Now Li Qing is the most critical witness.
32:23He must hate the crown prince
32:25more than we do.
32:29we can move to the crown prince when we return to the capital.
32:35When we move to the crown prince
32:37and the situation is stable,
32:39we will go back to Qingzhou together.
32:43You open your fruit cake shop.
32:45I'll be my general.
32:47When I'm free,
32:49I'll draw with a brush.
32:51When there is chaos,
32:53I will do my best to protect my country.
32:55Do you like
32:57such a day?
33:22If you are in trouble outside,
33:24just come back.
33:26Come back to see us when you are free.
33:28Don't worry.
33:30I heard from Erniu
33:32that you were on the battlefield.
33:34You lied to him.
33:36I don't even dare to kill chickens.
33:38How dare I kill people?
33:40I dare.
33:42Dare to kill chickens.
33:46Brother Jinghe.
33:48You wrote me so many prescriptions.
33:50These are the rewards.
33:52You can eat and cure.
33:54It's a good thing.
33:56Thank you, doctor.
33:58It's getting late.
34:00Let's go.
34:05Aunt, I'm leaving.
34:07Take care.
34:41Someone is behind us.
34:44Brother Wei.
34:49I will go with you.
34:51I can protect you.
34:53Why do you think
34:55I can't protect her?
34:57You don't dare to kill chickens.
34:59I dare.
35:01Brother Wei.
35:03Go back.
35:05We can protect ourselves.
35:07I said
35:09you saved my life.
35:11I want to repay you.
35:13I'm strong.
35:15I can help you.
35:25How is it?
35:27Brother Wei.
35:29You can't survive
35:31on your own outside.
35:35You are smart.
35:37So I will follow you
35:39to the outside world.
35:47Brother Wei.
35:49Can you pull up
35:51that tree?
35:53That tree?
36:35Did he go back?
36:39Whether he goes back or not,
36:41it's his choice.
36:43Don't worry about us.
36:49What are you picking?
36:51Red fruit seeds.
36:53Don't you like it?
36:55I will plant it for you.
36:57I have never seen
36:59this kind of red fruit outside.
37:01Is it possible that
37:03only the soil here can grow red fruit?
37:05It makes sense.
37:07Then I will take some soil back.
37:09It can grow the same flavor.
37:17Let's make a bet.
37:19If I grow red fruit,
37:21will you marry me?
37:27I won't marry you.
37:29I will only have a son-in-law.
37:31I am afraid
37:33my family won't agree.
37:37Unless you make a word
37:39that if you quarrel in the future,
37:41you will always admit defeat.
37:43Didn't you say that you are willing to lose to me forever?
37:45I am willing to lose to my queen forever.
37:51All right.
37:53When we go back to Qingzhou, we will get married.
37:55Anyway, Qingzhou is so far away.
37:57My father can't control it.
37:59Didn't you say
38:01you wouldn't bet?
38:03It's too late.
38:31I owe you.
38:35As a father,
38:37I have never owed the third son.
38:39I didn't expect to hurt him.
38:41Maybe I shouldn't have
38:43called the third son back to the capital.
38:45Man Changwen and Wu Jie
38:47thought that I had the intention to kill him.
38:51It was me who turned the third son into a sword.
38:55In terms of the way of the capital,
38:57the third son is not as good as the crown prince.
38:59My choice was not wrong.
39:03I also gave him a chance.
39:07But in Qingzhou,
39:13as a king,
39:17I can't owe him.
39:21Now that the third son has been buried,
39:23who set the sword?
39:29I don't want to know.
39:31I don't need to know.
39:37I expected
39:39that you Yuchi family would be meritorious.
39:43The third son was killed here.
39:45In the end, I broke my promise.
39:49I owe you.
39:53I also owe
39:55Yuchi family.
40:23Concubine Yan heard that
40:25the emperor withdrew
40:27the imperial guards.
40:29Concubine Yan is worried.
40:31Tell Concubine Yan
40:33that since Meilin is dead,
40:35tell her that I mean it.
40:41The emperor also has his difficulties.
40:43I will find Meilin myself.
40:45I will find Meilin myself.
40:53The young general of Xi'an is about to enter the capital.
40:55Let the crown prince go to the camp.
41:07Your Highness. General Qingyan sent a message.
41:09On the day the young general of Xi'an entered the capital,
41:11the crown prince will welcome the young general.
41:13The guards at the gate of Xi'an
41:15have all been replaced by iron guards of the Eastern Palace.
41:17Depart immediately.
41:19Hurry back to the capital before the young general of Xi'an.
41:39Young general.
41:43Young general.
41:49Brother, Meilin is missing.
42:23This is the herb from Yongtai Pharmacy.
42:25Yongtai Pharmacy belongs to the Mansion of Marquis Jinning.
42:29I don't care who you are.
42:31Check everything.
42:39It seems that I have to
42:41improve my skills.
42:53When will the young general of Xi'an enter the capital?
42:55It will be tomorrow soon.
42:57He has already taken the throne
42:59as the crown prince
43:01for several months.
43:03I have spent
43:05more than twenty years for this.
43:07I am really ashamed.
43:09You don't have to be ashamed.
43:11Everyone knows that
43:13he took the throne
43:15with the help of the emperor of Yan.
43:17Send it to Consort Yan
43:19according to Fengyi Palace.
43:21Your Highness.
43:23Don't you think the young general of Xi'an is too important?
43:27This pair of brothers and sisters
43:29is very important to the future of the two countries.
43:31It's not a bad thing for us if we can get them.
43:35I understand.
43:39Your Highness.
43:49Your Highness.
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