• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Questo rapporto ha evidenziato che la legge 194, in questi 44 anni, ha avuto un costo notevole in termini economici, un costo notevole in termini di complicazioni rispetto alla salute delle donne, non ha eliminato la piaga degli aborti clandestini, non ha migliorato la mortalità materna ed infine ha causato la terminazione della vita di milioni di bambini. Quindi, ha generato costi umani, economici, sociali e quali sarebbero i benefici?”. Così il membro del comitato direttivo dell’Osservatorio Permanente sull’Aborto, Francesca Romana Poleggi, a margine della conferenza stampa di presentazione del Terzo rapporto sui costi dell’aborto indotto tenutasi presso la sala stampa Nassirya al Senato


00:00The OPA is a technical-scientific committee that is offered to the service of the community
00:12for an analysis of the costs and benefits of the application of Law 194 of 1978.
00:21Like any state law, like any state policy, an analysis of the costs and benefits
00:28serves to leave the policy the task of improving the policy itself,
00:36the implementation itself, in order to reach the common good.
00:40This report is the third that we have done and that you can find on the website www.observatorioaborto.it
00:51It is freely downloadable.
00:53It has highlighted that Law 194, in these 44 years, the latest data available in 2022,
01:02has had a considerable cost in economic terms.
01:06It has had a considerable cost in terms of complications with respect to women's health.
01:12It has not eliminated the plague of clandestine abortions.
01:17It has not improved maternal mortality,
01:22because we have done statistical studies on the ISTAT data
01:26and maternal mortality has not decreased with the introduction of the law on abortion.
01:32In addition, it has caused the termination of the lives of millions of children,
01:43because in addition to the 6 million there are many others that have not been reported
01:49or that are not considered because abortion is caused by postpartum pills.
01:57So, human costs, economic costs, social costs, what are the benefits?
02:02The work of the OPA is a technical work.
02:05We offer the science and the competence of our professors, of our doctors, of our members
02:14to give data to politics.
02:18It is politics that will then have to decide what to do with these data.
02:22We ask that they be taken into consideration.
