• last year
(Adnkronos) - L'importanza di una strategia integrata che mira all'attrazione di capitali e investimenti, ma anche alla formazione e alla valorizzazione dei talenti scientifici. E' quanto è emerso durante la seconda edizione del Forum Incyte sulla Ricerca, tenutasi a Roma, un'opportunità di confronto tra istituzioni, università e il Terzo settore. L'evento, organizzato dall'azienda biofarmaceutica Incyte Italia, in collaborazione con Formiche e Healthcare Policy, ha messo in luce come il capitale umano ed economico siano leve strategiche per valorizzare la ricerca in Italia.


00:00The importance of an integrated strategy that aims to attract capital and investment, but also to train and enhance scientific talents, is what emerged during the second edition of the Insight Forum on research held in Rome, an opportunity to compare between institutions, universities and the third sector.
00:22The event, organized by the biopharmaceutical company Insight Italia, highlighted how human and economic capital are strategic levers to enhance research in Italy.
00:52The report on European competitiveness, curated by Draghi, highlighted a growing gap in terms of innovation between the European Union and other regions of the world, emphasizing the importance of research to fill this gap.
01:12In this context, the Life Science department, with the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors at the forefront, emerges as a strategic actor. It is enough to think that only in 2023 in Italy the sector invested 2 billion euros, with a growth of 21% compared to the other five years.
01:27Only in 2024 we have enrolled more than 120 patients in clinical experiments in Italy. The main challenges for the future remain those of today, continuing to finance the extraordinary wave of innovation that is crossing the biopharmaceutical industry and developing new approaches and collaborations to improve the lives of patients.
01:49The challenge is not limited to investments, but also to the ability to value human capital, offering adequate training and tools to translate the results of research into concrete value for society. It is expected that between 2025 and 2030 pharmaceutical companies will invest about 2 billion euros, 80% of which will be dedicated to research networks.
02:11This represents a great opportunity for Italy, but it is necessary to develop an integrated strategy to best exploit these resources.
02:18We are facing a transitional challenge, many transitional challenges, and the only tool we have to try to manage this process is to add and have skills. Skills that are very much in demand from the market, but very often do not cross the famous mismatch between demand and supply.
02:41So we have established this week, which is the first national week of Materiestem, precisely to carry out promulgation activities.
02:48The forum highlighted a series of challenges, but also many opportunities for the future of research in Italy.
