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00:00Le film de la série
00:07Le film de la série
00:16Le film de la série
00:23Quelle nuit Stanley!
00:25C'est la pire neige que nous avons pu vivre en de nombreuses années!
00:28I certainly wouldn't want to be out tonight.
00:31What's that?
00:32Sounds like somebody at the door.
00:34I'll go see who it is.
00:38I don't see anyone, Ollie.
00:42Ollie, it's a little puppy dog.
00:45Well, don't just stand there, bring it in out of the cold.
00:49Poor little fella, he's half frozen.
00:52He's liable to get ammonia.
00:54The word is pneumonia.
00:56Now go get some warm milk, Stanley.
00:58That'll take the chill off.
01:00Oh, thanks, Charlie, but I'm not a bit cold.
01:03Not for you, Stanley.
01:05It's for the puppy.
01:09It must be our cranky landlord.
01:11And he forbids pets in the apartment.
01:14Here, you hold him.
01:16No, no, you take him.
01:21Have you got the puppy hidden yet, Ollie?
01:25Come on, open the door.
01:27I know you're in there.
01:29Please, come in.
01:31Okay, where is it?
01:33Where is what, sir?
01:37Where's the little critter that left those tracks?
01:40A little critter?
01:42We haven't seen any little critter.
01:44That's right, and we haven't seen any little puppy dog either.
01:48He means there aren't any animals in here, sir.
01:51There better not be or out in the cold you go.
02:00Aha, what was that?
02:02That was Stanley.
02:04He has a cold.
02:07That's right, I have a...
02:10Cough, cough for the nice man, Stanley.
02:13Oh, sure, Ollie.
02:18Sorry, my mistake.
02:21That does it, Stanley.
02:23We've got to get rid of the puppy.
02:25But, Ollie, you wouldn't put a dog out on a night like this.
02:30We'll take him to the pound, where it's nice and warm.
02:33I'm going to miss the poor little fellow, Ollie.
02:40It's him again.
02:42Here, Stanley, we'll hide him.
02:45Come in.
02:47This time I heard a dog bark.
02:49Hey, don't give me that phony coughing routine.
02:52Did you say dog bark, sir?
02:54We didn't hear any dog bark.
02:58Aha, what do you call that?
03:06Well, I'll be dog gone.
03:13Oh, I'm not feeling so good.
03:16I think I'd better lie down for a while.
03:20Where'd he go?
03:24He's a tricky little rascal, Ollie.
03:27He certainly is.
03:29But now that the landlord's gone, we'd better get him down to the pound.
03:34Come back here, puppy.
03:42Come on, Stanley, after him.
03:44He's heading for the door.
03:46Here, little fellow.
03:48Don't worry, Ollie, he can't get out.
03:50The door's closed.
03:54Just as I thought.
03:58So, you want to keep a puppy, eh?
04:00Well, I've got just the place for you.
04:06Now cut it out.
04:08Ha, ha, ha!
04:14Anyway, Ollie, the rent is cheap.
04:17Ha, ha, ha!