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Full video: Conceive the child only in love || Acharya Prashant (2016)
Link: https://youtu.be/XUIWL25-Qqo?si=CFqx1CQjs4C_mZbg

Video Information: 26th Advait Learning Camp, 26.11.16, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand, India

~ What is love?
~ When should one give birth to a child?
~ How to live rightly?
~What is an exploitative person?
~What does exploited people mean?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00If you will observe, you will find that people who are leading contended lives, do not find
00:19it necessary to intrude in the lives of their kids, their sons and daughters.
00:28Because they are complete and satisfied in themselves.
00:36If they have to do something or get something or act in a particular way, they place the
00:42responsibility upon themselves.
00:45They would not say that, that which I want to do or that which is left unfinished in
00:52my life must be taken forward by my offspring.
01:01And on the contrary, people who themselves are frustrated, incomplete, insecure, barge
01:22just too much into the lives of their sons and daughters, just too much.
01:32And if somebody is intruding too much in the life of someone else, it is a sure shot proof
01:41that the intruder is not joyful within himself.
01:47Because you are not joyful within yourself, hence you feel the need to poke your nose
01:55And because kids are easy targets, they live under the weight of morality.
02:06So you exploit them.
02:11Are you sure you know for yourself what is wrong and what is right?
02:16Are you sure you know for yourself what is meant by a right life?
02:26Then why do you act as custodians of your children's lives?
02:35Are you an exemplar of what it means to live beautifully?
02:40And if you are not, then must you not first discover this for yourself before you impose
02:47yourself upon anybody else, be it your husband or your wife or your child?
02:57You look at your life, you look at the quality of your decisions, you look at the quality
03:00of your mind.
03:03Have you settled down?
03:09You know what settling down means?
03:20Have you ever driven your vehicle on a dusty road?
03:24Have you seen how the dust rises after your vehicle passes?
03:31And then it settles down.
03:34There is dust all over in your mind.
03:38Where is the question of settling down?
03:40But then why do you keep phoning your kids?
03:43Why do you keep making their lives miserable by asking them to settle down quickly?
03:50Have you settled down?
03:55There are many exploited groups in the world, ethnic minorities, lower castes, tribes living
04:14in secluded regions, people with physical disabilities, people who are exploited in
04:41the name of race or skin color or religion.
05:01But if there is one group of people that is the most exploited and can't even complain
05:07because it is in no position to complain, it is kids, the child.
05:15The child is the most exploited person in the world ever and since always.
05:25This morning Sampataji said she feels bad about those mules.
05:28They are being made to stand there and carry those stones against their wish.
05:38You feel bad for those mules and you don't feel bad for kids.
05:47What are they carrying?
05:48You know what are they carrying against their wish when their wish has not even been formed?
05:57And these mules, they would be offloaded in a while.
06:04And then they can relax because the burden upon them is merely physical.
06:13But the burden that we gave to our kids is mental and they carry it for their entire
06:19lives, concepts, lifestyle, morality, religion, obligations, duties, responsibilities, patterns
06:34of thought, deep lies, distorted histories.
06:48Those of us who have studied marketing would know that kids today comprise a major target
06:55group for marketers.
06:59And different and specific targeting techniques are used to encircle and pin down kids.
07:13Such heartlessness.
07:15The fellow is four years old.
07:19His brain is not yet fully developed.
07:24And you are tempting him, telling him lies, seducing him so that he may buy your product.
07:36Parents do not just emerge from some dark caves.
07:42Young people like you, like so many others sitting over here, become parents.
07:51And the same darkness that engulfs our lives becomes the darkness that surrounds the child
08:02as well.
08:06You won't even know when you become a parent.
08:09It just happens.
08:14Parents are not a separate ethnic community or something.
08:20Their DNA is not different.
08:29They do not live in separate countries reserved for parents.
08:40It's a matter of time.
08:41You are a parent.
08:42He is a parent.
08:43She is a parent.
08:44He is a parent.
08:45He is a parent.
08:46He is a parent.
08:47Everybody is a parent.
08:48And if you do not know yourself, you will also not know your child.
08:53A parent is first and foremost a person and the person is responsible to first of all
09:07discover the truth for himself.
09:13And if you have not done that, then you will fail in all your roles in life.
09:18You will fail in your role as a husband, as a wife, as a parent, as an employee, as a
09:22worker, as a friend, as a member of community.
09:33You will fail in everything.
09:41The man whose mind is not in the proper place cannot be a good anything.
09:47He cannot be even a good idiot.
09:58He cannot be a good painter, an artist.
10:00He cannot be a good sports person.
10:04He cannot be a good dancer.
10:06He cannot be a good anything.
10:07How will he then be a good parent?
10:12So do not restrict your question to parenting.
10:15It's about being the right mind.
10:19And then you will also be the right parent.
