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00:00Gentle Hush. Interrupted only by the songbird and... and the...
00:03If I told you once, I told you a thousand times.
00:06I'm sick and tired of this kind of life.
00:08You expect me to live out here in this godforsaken wilderness.
00:12You can at least get me some pretty things to wear.
00:14But... but dear, you have a whole closet full of mink coats.
00:17Mink schmink. Out here they're a dime a dozen.
00:20I want a hat with pretty feathers like this.
00:24Go out there and trap a bird with pretty feathers.
00:35Excuse me, mister. Is this the way to the big redwood forest?
00:38Yeah. You go that way to the dry creek and...
00:41turn right and just follow the moose tracks.
00:44Thank you, big nose.
00:51Get up, George. Did you see that bird go by?
00:54You see those feathers? That's what I want.
00:57Now get going and trap that bird before he gets away.
01:06I'm sorry, woodpecker, but my wife wants these red feathers...
01:09and I'm gonna take them.
01:11Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
01:15What do you mean you didn't get the feathers?
01:17Well, no. He, uh, he got away.
01:20And he pecked my nose, too.
01:22Uh, would you settle for some pussy willows, Milted?
01:28Now go back there, George, and catch that red-headed bird.
01:36Uh-oh. Here he comes.
01:39Here we go gathering nuts and may, nuts and may, nuts and may.
01:53What's the matter, trapper? Something wrong with your trap?
01:56Gee, I don't know.
01:58Uh, mind if I try it?
02:01Hmm. Let's give it one final test.
02:08Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
02:17This is my best plan.
02:19I'll catch that bird in my king-size rat trap.
02:21Hmm, let's see. What'll I use for bait?
02:24How about an acorn?
02:25I think I'll use an acorn.
02:30Oh, look. There's an acorn.
02:32Ah, it's too small.
02:34Wish I had an apple.
02:36I'll get an apple.
02:40Hmm, an apple.
02:42No, I don't feel like an apple.
02:44I'd rather have a cantaloupe.
02:51Ah, I know what I want.
02:52A great big watermelon.
03:03Just the old box and stick trap will do the trick.
03:06I'll use a banana for bait.
03:12Oh, boy, my favorite fruit.
03:20I've got it.
03:23Hey ! Où est-ce que tu es ?
03:29Pourquoi tu n'abandonnes pas Trapper ?
03:31Tu prends un terrible coup !
03:33Oui je sais !
03:34Mais ma femme va me tuer si je ne lui donne pas ce nouveau chapeau !
03:38Eh bien je vais te dire ce que je vais faire !
03:40Je vais faire le sacrifice suprême !
03:42Attends ici !
03:44Ici tu es mon ami !
03:46Ça va faire un gros coup !
03:47Merci mon ami en fleur !
03:49Je suppose que ça va surprendre Mildred !
03:52C'est sûr Trapper !
03:58Surprise Mildred !
03:59Voici ton nouveau chapeau !
04:00Oh merci ! Laissez-moi l'avoir !
04:03Ferme tes yeux !
04:06Je ne peux pas attendre de le voir !
04:13Attends juste jusqu'à ce que je sors de là George !
04:15Je vais te réparer bien !
04:17Attends juste ! Tu m'entends George ?
04:20Oui mon amour !
04:21Je suis désolé mon amour !