• last year
(Adnkronos) - E’ stato un giorno di festa quello che si è celebrato a Palazzo Rospigliosi, sede di Coldiretti e teatro dell’assegnazione del “Premio Amiche della Terra – Storie di Donne che nutrono il mondo”. L’iniziativa, giunta alla sua seconda edizione, ha visto 8 donne in rappresentanza di 8 categorie salire sul palco per ricevere un importante riconoscimento da parte del Ministro del Lavoro Marina Elvira Calderone e del Ministro dell’Agricoltura Francesco Lollobrigida. Sul banco dei premiati quelle imprenditrici agricole che, con passione e determinazione, portano avanti pratiche virtuose che combinano tradizione e innovazione, con un forte impegno per la tutela dell’ambiente.

Fra i protagonisti di Amiche della Terra anche Philip Morris Italia, artefice di “una profonda trasformazione verso un futuro senza fumo, in cui le sigarette diventino quanto prima un ricordo del passato”, spiega Paola Parrella, manager leaf strategy di Philip Morris Italia.


00:00It was a day of celebration, what was celebrated at the Palazzo Rospigliosi, the seat of the
00:08directors and theater of the awarding of the Amiche della Terra prize.
00:12The initiative, added this year to its second edition, saw eight women in the representation
00:17of eight categories go on stage to receive an important recognition from the Minister
00:22of Labor Marina Calderone and the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida.
00:27We certainly have a positive data, which is that of the growth of the female occupation
00:33in this context, in the award of the women directors, Amiche della Terra, there is instead
00:40a particular attention to the female entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, entrepreneurship
00:46that then intersects with many paths and above all also with the valorization of traditional
00:56professions with obviously also at the base a lot of competence and above all a lot of
01:03From the yoga between the lavender fields to the agrigelateria, which revitalizes a small
01:08village, up to the social factory where foreign workers are welcomed.
01:12In all, eight categories, a testimony of a creativity and a workmanship not common,
01:18obviously applied to agriculture.
01:20In the award ceremony, eight agricultural entrepreneurs who, with passion and determination,
01:25are carrying out virtuous practices combining tradition and innovation, without neglecting
01:30the commitment to the protection of the environment.
01:32Exceptional women awarded today for their work, for the ability often to reconvert even
01:38their own existence, returning to the agricultural world, engaging with technological innovations,
01:45often unique ability to imagine how to carry out a traditional activity, but nested
01:52of so much quality that allows to realize production and also to open to a profitability
01:59and an economic growth for the entire community in which these women live and for the entire
02:06The women farmers constitute an extraordinary community, with almost 200,000 businesses,
02:11equal to 30% of Italian agricultural companies.
02:13Among the strengths is the ability to combine respect for the environment, social commitment,
02:18quality of life, the valorization of typical products, facing with courage the challenges
02:24of a market in continuous evolution.
02:26The goal is to promote agriculture to the female, to enhance the work of the fields and to make
02:31known a world in which women are increasingly central, renewing the agri-food sector with
02:36creativity and innovative spirit.
02:38We are more than 200,000 women who work in the agricultural sector, a third of the
02:44agricultural companies in fact run by women, and that is our importance, to give a new
02:50vision of agriculture, to give a new perspective.
02:53We are ultra-graduate women, ultra-trained, who bring within their companies innovation
03:00united to tradition.
