• last year
(Adnkronos) - ‘Diabete e benessere’, questo il tema della giornata mondiale del diabete 2024 che si celebra il 14 novembre. A Roma il convegno di presentazione ufficiale del World Diabetes Day, durante il quale è stata presentata la campagna 2024 di FeSdi, la Federazione società diabetologiche italiane contro il diabete, ‘Facciamo squadra attorno al diabete’. Al termine dell’incontro è stato firmato il ‘Manifesto dei diritti della persona con diabete e dei doveri dell’individuo e della comunità’. Tra i temi affrontati l’importanza dell’uniformità di accesso alle cure e l’innovazione terapeutica, come l’insulina settimanale, di grandissimo aiuto nella gestione della malattia per milioni di pazienti.


00:00Diabetes in Italy affects about 4 million people, a number destined to increase by 2040 when it could affect up to 10% of the population.
00:15Globally, by 2045, diabetes will affect an adult of 8.
00:20The pathology is constantly growing and on the occasion of the World Diabetes Day, which is this year as a theme of diabetes and well-being,
00:27FESDI, the Italian Diabetic Society Against Diabetes, which includes SID, the Italian Diabetic Society and AMD, the Association of Diabetic Doctors,
00:38has launched the campaign Let's make a team around diabetes, which invites institutions, scientific societies and patients to join forces to face the common challenge.
00:48Prevention must be the key word.
00:50Prevention for type 2 diabetes, which is preventable and which, with correct lifestyles and combating overweight and obesity, can be prevented.
01:01Prevention also for type 1 diabetes, although in reality it is still inappropriate to talk about prevention of this,
01:07but we are talking about the prevention of type 1 diabetes, which, thanks to the new Screening, which will begin in all of Italy from 2025,
01:17will tend to cancel these type 1 diabetes outbreaks in type 1 diabetes, which is a very dangerous condition that can lead to death.
01:25In recent years, new drugs, innovative therapies and therapeutic education programs have significantly improved the quality of life of patients.
01:34Innovation is certainly something that helps diabetologists a lot in managing a diabetic patient.
01:41We expect a lot in terms of innovation, especially in terms of therapeutic innovation.
01:48For example, weekly insulin will certainly be a very important innovation,
01:55but there will also be double, triple agonists for weight loss, for the reduction of glycemia.
02:05So new, smart, intelligent insulin, also drugs that will help reduce weight, reduce glycemia and control cardiovascular risk factors,
02:19as well as cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients.
02:23The campaign Let's make a team around diabetes was launched in Rome in the context of the official presentation of the World Diabetes Day 2024,
02:34at the end of which the Manifesto of the Rights of the Person with Diabetes and the Duties of the Individual and the Community was signed.
02:41An important manifesto is our Bible, which we should all follow.
02:47If I have to decline this manifesto, I would say that it is necessary that there is uniformity throughout the national territory of what is the assistance to people with diabetes,
03:00access to new drugs, to new therapies, which are fundamental elements to be able to have a good quality of life.
03:07We are waiting for AIFA to decline this weekly insulin.
