• l’année dernière
"The Happiness Playbook" is a 2023 romantic comedy that explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the pursuit of happiness through a lighthearted narrative. The film follows the story of Mia, a young woman who finds herself at a crossroads in life after a series of personal setbacks. Determined to regain her confidence and find joy, she discovers a self-help book titled "The Happiness Playbook," which offers practical advice on how to cultivate happiness and navigate relationships.
Plot Summary
Mia, played by a talented lead actress, embarks on a journey to implement the book's teachings in her daily life. Along the way, she encounters various characters who influence her perspective on love and happiness, including her supportive best friend, a charming neighbor, and a wise mentor. As she applies the principles from the book, Mia begins to transform her outlook on life and relationships.
The film combines humor with heartfelt moments as Mia navigates the ups and downs of dating, friendships, and family dynamics. The story culminates in a realization that true happiness comes from within and that embracing vulnerability is essential for building meaningful connections.
Upon its release, "The Happiness Playbook" received positive reviews for its relatable storyline and engaging performances. Viewers appreciated the film's uplifting message and the chemistry between the lead characters.
Key Details
Release Year: 2023
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Runtime: Approximately 90 minutes.
00:00:30Je ne peux pas dénoncer le nom de mes clients,
00:00:34mais si vous êtes vraiment curieux,
00:00:36vous pouvez vous abonner à Channel 7 à 8h.
00:00:39C'est lui le lead.
00:00:41Il est aussi de taille 11.
00:00:47J'ai lu qu'un paire de chaussures
00:00:49peut prendre de 30 à 90 heures.
00:00:52Qu'est-ce que c'est,
00:00:53faire quelque chose que vous aimez
00:00:55et ne le revoir jamais?
00:00:56Nous appelons ça notre mur de fame.
00:00:58Vous pouvez reconnaître quelques visages.
00:01:00Ce que j'essaie de comprendre, Janet,
00:01:02c'est l'art de faire des chaussures.
00:01:04Faire les chaussures,
00:01:05mais avoir à payer les billes.
00:01:07Quelle est cette balance?
00:01:09Tu m'as pris une photo.
00:01:11Et tu l'as fait encore.
00:01:13Quand as-tu dit
00:01:14que cet article allait sortir?
00:01:47Linda est sur le téléphone.
00:01:49Merci, Enid.
00:02:00Absolument pas.
00:02:01Je ne vais pas vous donner
00:02:03le nom de ma source.
00:02:05Mais je peux vous assurer
00:02:07qu'il chante comme un chien de prière.
00:02:10Nous verrons comment
00:02:12le sénateur Harkey se sent
00:02:14quand le seul mot est
00:02:16« pas de commentaire ».
00:02:18C'est une bonne idée, Alberts.
00:02:20Je vous conseille d'éteindre son schédule.
00:02:24On dirait que quelqu'un
00:02:26a un matin occupé.
00:02:28Écoutez, je voulais vous parler
00:02:30de quelque chose.
00:02:33J'ai le Caprese.
00:02:36J'ai travaillé à Belfaire
00:02:38pour presque...
00:02:41Faites-en une salade de jardin.
00:02:43Envoyez-en une pour Tony.
00:02:45Elle va venir avec sa publicité.
00:02:48Ne me trompez pas.
00:02:50J'adore travailler ici.
00:02:52Amy, ce n'est pas le bon moment.
00:02:54Je veux que vous me fassiez
00:02:56une correspondante.
00:02:58Je veux couvrir les nouvelles.
00:03:00Je veux profiler les gens qui importent.
00:03:02Quand je dis aux sources sérieuses
00:03:04que je suis une écrivaine
00:03:06qui contribue à la vie,
00:03:08ils m'appuient sur la tête
00:03:10et me disent merci d'être là.
00:03:12Amy sera en contact.
00:03:14Comme si j'écrivais pour un journal.
00:03:17Amy, tu es vraiment
00:03:18très intelligente.
00:03:20J'ai adoré ta dernière correspondance.
00:03:22Qu'est-ce que c'était encore?
00:03:24Cette tante-père
00:03:26a aidé ce garçon à survivre à la 6e année.
00:03:28Les histoires locales
00:03:30sont aussi importantes
00:03:31que les histoires d'âme.
00:03:33Mais je ne suis pas
00:03:34une journaliste pour les écrire.
00:03:41Tu veux une correspondance?
00:03:43Prouve-moi que tu en mérites une.
00:03:46Quoi? Vraiment?
00:03:49C'est génial!
00:03:53Mais comment
00:03:55veux-tu que je le fasse?
00:03:58Des ventes controversées
00:04:00ou des ventes de scandales.
00:04:02C'est notre pâtisserie.
00:04:04Trouve-moi une histoire
00:04:05qui appartient à l'avant-page
00:04:06et on reviendra
00:04:08à cette conversation.
00:04:25Tu devrais être enthousiaste.
00:04:27Depuis quand tu parles
00:04:28d'obtenir une promotion?
00:04:30C'est ta chance!
00:04:32Oh! La bande Sonic Arcade
00:04:34est en train de se débrouiller.
00:04:36Amy, si tu n'arrêtes pas
00:04:37de tomber en haut et en bas,
00:04:38je vais le faire pour toi.
00:04:40Oh, le débrouillage
00:04:41était amicable.
00:04:42Oh, c'est trop mal.
00:04:44Mais tu peux arrêter?
00:04:49D'accord, mais quelqu'un
00:04:50doit être enthousiaste
00:04:51autour de là.
00:04:53Si tu es vraiment
00:04:54désespérée par le matériel,
00:04:55j'ai lu un post
00:04:56sur les personnes
00:04:57qui obtiennent
00:04:58leur certification de bonheur.
00:04:59Tu peux le faire
00:05:00et tout.
00:05:01Wow! Ça a l'air fascinant.
00:05:03Mais vous n'êtes pas
00:05:04un comptable?
00:05:05Vous devez être désespérés.
00:05:07Pourquoi êtes-vous
00:05:08si heureuses tout le temps?
00:05:09J'ai trouvé le secret
00:05:10de la vie.
00:05:11Quelqu'un a eu un bon jour.
00:05:14Allez, partagez!
00:05:15Si je te l'avais dit,
00:05:16ce ne serait pas un secret.
00:05:18Tu es une blague.
00:05:21Je dois y aller.
00:05:23dis à Eric que je lui ai dit au revoir.
00:05:24Je le ferai.
00:05:25Et écoute,
00:05:27ne t'inquiète pas.
00:05:28Tu trouveras une histoire.
00:05:30Au revoir.
00:05:34J'ai juste voulu t'appeler
00:05:35sur les allégations
00:05:36contre Colin Jepski
00:05:37qu'il jette des matchs de football
00:05:39Oh, oui,
00:05:40je sais à quel moment c'est.
00:05:42Salut, je t'appelle
00:05:43sur les expositions
00:05:44de la zoo vide.
00:05:45Tu ne l'as pas encore entendu,
00:05:46mais si tu me donnes
00:05:475 minutes de ton temps,
00:05:48je voulais juste
00:05:49te parler
00:05:50de la controverse
00:05:51de l'autorité,
00:05:52de la carte de trésor
00:05:53que tu as prétendue
00:05:54avoir découvert.
00:05:56Non, je ne te payerai pas
00:05:58pour une pièce
00:05:59que tu n'as pas découvert.
00:06:01Non, je ne te payerai pas
00:06:02pour une pièce
00:06:03de la carte de trésor.
00:06:07Certifiée de bonheur?
00:06:10Quand je suis remplacée
00:06:12par nous,
00:06:13même la maladie devient
00:06:15une santé?
00:06:19Tu ne peux pas
00:06:20faire ça.
00:06:23Bien, on dirait
00:06:24que tu as gagné
00:06:25ton 10 %, Marge.
00:06:26Alors, pour obtenir
00:06:27cette certification
00:06:28de bonheur,
00:06:29tu dois prendre
00:06:30cette classe
00:06:31par ce mec,
00:06:32Paul Félix,
00:06:33sauf qu'il n'y a rien
00:06:34sur lui, nulle part.
00:06:35Je veux dire,
00:06:36aucune trace, nulle part.
00:06:37Et quand j'ai essayé
00:06:39pour la classe,
00:06:40c'était enregistré
00:06:41pendant 8 mois.
00:06:42C'est bizarre, n'est-ce pas?
00:06:43Il y a un pont
00:06:44et il n'y a rien
00:06:45sur lui, nulle part.
00:06:46C'est bizarre, n'est-ce pas?
00:06:47Il y a un pont
00:06:48et il n'y a rien
00:06:49sur lui, nulle part.
00:06:50Il y a un pont.
00:06:51J'ai toujours voulu
00:06:52avoir un pont
00:06:53sur mon 100e état.
00:06:54Cet endroit est fou.
00:06:55Je sais, n'est-ce pas?
00:06:56Je veux dire,
00:06:57comment une classe
00:06:58obscure avec peu
00:07:00peut avoir
00:07:01autant d'ateliers?
00:07:02J'ai toujours voulu
00:07:03aller dans le bain.
00:07:04Oh, et pour ne pas le dire,
00:07:05j'ai essayé
00:07:06de regarder ce mec.
00:07:07Il n'y a aucune information
00:07:08sur lui, nulle part.
00:07:09Je veux dire,
00:07:10aucune histoire familiale,
00:07:11aucune bio.
00:07:12C'est comme si
00:07:13Paul Félix
00:07:14venait de nulle part.
00:07:15Très mystérieux.
00:07:16Eh bien,
00:07:17pourquoi ne pas aller
00:07:18juste là-bas
00:07:20Tu sais, Marge,
00:07:21ce n'est pas une mauvaise idée.
00:07:49C'est pas une mauvaise idée.
00:08:44Tu m'en fais rire?
00:09:094, 3, 2, 1, déplacez-vous.
00:09:19Ça ne vous sent pas bien?
00:09:21Ce que je veux que vous fassiez, c'est de vous coucher les bras fatigués autour de vous,
00:09:26vous vous embrassez, vous l'avez gagné.
00:09:30Prenez un grand respire.
00:09:34Regarde, nous avons un nouveau participant.
00:09:37Oh non, non, non, je ne suis pas...
00:09:41Bienvenue, mon nom est Paul.
00:09:43Est-ce que vous avez un smoothie?
00:09:44Un smoothie?
00:09:47Non, non, non, non.
00:09:50Je suis Amy.
00:09:52S'il vous plaît, c'est bon pour vous, je vous promets.
00:10:01Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dedans?
00:10:02Oh, la clé à une belle goutte, c'est de l'huile d'orégano, de la vinaigre et des amandes.
00:10:07Bon, les amis, qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?
00:10:09Nous allons entrer et faire des Ice Breakers!
00:10:12Vous êtes venus. Non, non, non, non, non.
00:10:13Vous avez vu ce que vous avez fait.
00:10:21Je suis sûr que vous avez tous entendu comment nous avons été présents ici,
00:10:23au Playbook du Bonheur.
00:10:25C'est notre version de chaise musicale.
00:10:28Listen, could I talk to you for just a second, I have a few questions.
00:10:32Oh, please, just join the group. No worries.
00:10:35You're going to have a great time. Here, I'll take this for you.
00:10:38And we're taking off in three, two, one.
00:10:46Now, the goal for this coming week is for each of you to develop a skill set that you can bring back with you into the real world.
00:10:53Science-based tools that will help you lead a happier life.
00:11:01Our first victim, go ahead and introduce yourself.
00:11:03My name is Lisa.
00:11:05Hi Lisa.
00:11:06Hi everyone.
00:11:08My boyfriend Matt just ended things with me, so here I am.
00:11:14Thanks Lisa.
00:11:15Go ahead and grab a chair and move to the side.
00:11:22And we're off.
00:11:25Now, each of you will be partnered and given your very own happiness playbook based off the profile you completed before your arrival.
00:11:33At the end of the week, your new skills will be put to the test in one final challenge.
00:11:38Everyone that passes graduates and gets their happiness certification.
00:11:45Hey guys, I'm Matt.
00:11:47Hi Matt.
00:11:48I'm actually Lisa's ex-boyfriend.
00:11:51We signed up for the class and we're still trying to work through our problems.
00:11:54That never worked out, so I figured, hey, I already paid for the tickets.
00:11:58Might as well see what it's all about.
00:12:01And I guess Lisa had the same idea.
00:12:04Well, I wasn't not going to show up just because my ex-boyfriend decided to show up too.
00:12:09Well, okay.
00:12:11This is going to be good.
00:12:12I'm super excited.
00:12:13Yeah, me too.
00:12:15It's going to be great.
00:12:16Thank you so much Matt for sharing.
00:12:18Go ahead and grab your chair and move to the side.
00:12:21And we're off.
00:12:25Now, the program only works if everyone feels comfortable.
00:12:29So we're going to sign this.
00:12:31It's a pledge promising to not talk about the program or the other guests with anyone on the outside.
00:12:38Not your friends, not your family, definitely not journalists.
00:12:42Okay, this is a safe space.
00:12:45Don't be shy.
00:12:46Go ahead and introduce yourself.
00:12:54Hi, I'm Amy.
00:12:57Hi, Amy.
00:12:58Hi, Amy.
00:12:59And I'm a repairer of shoes.
00:13:04I'm a shoe repairer.
00:13:05I'm a shoe repairer.
00:13:06I'm a shoe repairer.
00:13:07I'm a shoe repairer.
00:13:08I'm a repairer of shoes.
00:13:10I'm a repairer of shoes.
00:13:12I'm a shoe repairer.
00:13:13I'm a shoe repairer.
00:13:14I'm a shoemaker on vacation.
00:13:17And I am so excited to be here.
00:13:21Well, Amy, shoemaker on vacation, welcome.
00:13:26Can I speak with you for a moment?
00:13:29Yeah, sure.
00:13:31I've never met a shoemaker before.
00:13:33Oh, yeah.
00:13:35I hear that a lot.
00:13:37Dying breed.
00:13:39You know, with the competition factories.
00:13:44Did you sign up for this class, Amy?
00:13:47Did I sign up for the class?
00:13:51It's a funny story.
00:13:52Maybe I'm getting a little slow in my old age, but I realized with you, we have seven guests, and the class is capped at six.
00:14:00No, I didn't sign up for the class, but I came so far to be here, and I really need this.
00:14:10And that's why I'm going to make a one-time exception.
00:14:13Welcome to the happiness playbook, Amy.
00:14:15Thank you, thank you.
00:14:17I am so ready to get happy.
00:14:22We are still going to need to get you a partner, and unfortunately, everyone else is already paired up.
00:14:28Oh, okay, well, who's my partner?
00:14:32You're looking at him.
00:14:34Yeah, me.
00:14:35Yeah, bring it in.
00:14:40Paul Felix claims he got his doctorate in biology, but decided to use his degree to write the happiness playbook.
00:14:47It's a week-long retreat that takes a scientific approach to unlocking your happiness.
00:14:53No one knows who this guy is.
00:14:55I mean, he doesn't do press.
00:14:56He makes everybody sign an NDA.
00:14:58We don't even know what he's teaching.
00:15:00Oh, and he's loaded.
00:15:02He teaches the program on his hundred-acre estate.
00:15:05I mean, clearly, this guy's hiding something, and I'm going to find out what it is.
00:15:10Undercover at the happiness playbook.
00:15:13A profile about the new hidden face of wellness.
00:15:16Now that, Amy, that's a story I want to read.
00:15:28Look, I know it's crazy, but I had to tell him something.
00:15:33Okay, so you're a shoemaker from the countryside on vacation.
00:15:37Okay, can I be part of your cover story?
00:15:39I want to be the shoemaker's apprentice.
00:15:41Okay, would you rather live alone on a deserted island or be stuck in the jungle with someone you despise?
00:15:48What sort of questions are these?
00:15:51Jungle, 1,000%. I don't care if I hate the person. I still need somebody to talk at.
00:15:56Oh, I know you do.
00:15:58Island, definitely the island for me.
00:16:03This way.
00:16:06Um, Amy, are you sure this is a good idea?
00:16:09Okay, would you rather eat one meal a day for the rest of your life and always be hungry or eat six and always be full?
00:16:16What do you mean?
00:16:18Also, who would rather be full?
00:16:21And I don't know, this whole going undercover thing.
00:16:24You know, what if you get caught?
00:16:26All these health and wellness gurus, they say that they've got all of life's answers figured out
00:16:31and they charge these naive people who can't afford to pay an arm and a leg for the answers.
00:16:37Look, I'm not saying that Paul Felix is a fraud,
00:16:40but I do think that people deserve to know what they're paying for before they write a check for thousands of dollars.
00:16:47Oh, okay, you find out your child cheated on a test.
00:16:53Do you tell the teacher?
00:16:55I mean, it's only cheating if you get caught, right?
00:17:03Oh, this goes here.
00:17:05Thank you.
00:17:26The famous Fred Taylor, ladies and gentlemen.
00:17:30You laugh, but in five years, I'll be playing this thing like nobody's business.
00:17:34I am pulling for you, Dad, I am, but you better start practicing.
00:17:37Yeah, yeah.
00:17:40Son, you know, the most important investments aren't the ones that pay off the quickest.
00:17:45Dad, I love you, I do, but we can't keep having this conversation.
00:17:49You've set up a terrific business. That's something to be proud of.
00:17:52And here it comes.
00:17:54But that's why you need to start thinking long term.
00:17:56I don't want your money.
00:17:59Delfino Equities, a firm I happen to be on the board of, is looking to break into the health and wellness space.
00:18:05Look, I know it sounds crazy, I am aware, but I'm not doing this to get rich.
00:18:10The classes are to...
00:18:12Help people, I know. You're very noble that way.
00:18:15Thank you.
00:18:16Now, may I?
00:18:18I look into your future, I see two possibilities.
00:18:21Option one, you stick with one class, one location.
00:18:25Five years from now, you're old news.
00:18:27You're sitting around wishing you'd taken this conversation more seriously.
00:18:31And let me guess, option two...
00:18:34You expand.
00:18:35Ah, yes.
00:18:36The happiness playbook is primed for it.
00:18:39You've got a sold out class, a strapping strong figurehead with incredible hair.
00:18:44All you need is a partner.
00:18:46And who might that be?
00:18:49Whether you like it or not, you run a business.
00:18:51And in business, you either grow or you get crushed.
00:18:55You want to help people?
00:18:57Five years from now, the happiness playbook doesn't exist if nothing changes.
00:19:02Who are you helping then?
00:19:27There she is. You made it.
00:19:29Sorry, I'm a little late.
00:19:32So, where is everyone?
00:19:34Like I said, everyone has their own playbook.
00:19:36And this is yours.
00:19:38Oh, wow.
00:19:40Laminated and everything.
00:19:42Very fancy.
00:19:44Okay, so I complete all of this and then I get my happiness certification?
00:19:47Let's do it.
00:19:48Getting your certification isn't quite that simple.
00:19:51Oh, right.
00:19:52Then I have to take the secret final test.
00:19:55And then I have to get my diploma.
00:19:58Wait, then I have to take the secret final test?
00:20:01Is it multiple choice? Because I'm very good at multiple choice.
00:20:04The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll find out.
00:20:08The honesty canoe?
00:20:10What's the honesty canoe?
00:20:12Your first activity. Come on.
00:20:19Right over here.
00:20:27Who knew nature could be so peaceful?
00:20:36So, the honesty boat.
00:20:39The honesty canoe.
00:20:41Ah, right. Honesty canoe.
00:20:43Of course. How silly of me.
00:20:46So, how does this work?
00:20:48Well, we sit here as long as we have to until you answer one question honestly.
00:20:54What's the question?
00:20:56Why don't you look in your booklet?
00:21:03What do I want?
00:21:05What do you want?
00:21:08Uh, what does that mean?
00:21:11Interpret it how you will.
00:21:14Okay. What do I want?
00:21:16What do you want?
00:21:18Okay. Um, what I want is to thrive at work.
00:21:23That's what you want.
00:21:25That's what I want.
00:21:26Your shoe business to thrive.
00:21:31And what?
00:21:33Uh, then I want my hard work to pay off.
00:21:38And what?
00:21:40Then I'd be extremely validated.
00:21:43And what?
00:21:45Then, I don't know, Paul, then I would have the life I've always wanted
00:21:49and have money to buy a house and to settle down and, um...
00:21:53And then what?
00:21:55Then I'd open my own chain of, uh...
00:21:58Shoe stores.
00:21:59Mm-hmm. Yep.
00:22:01Then what?
00:22:02Then, I don't know, Paul.
00:22:04I would know that the last ten years haven't been wasted
00:22:07and I've been chasing the right things and I've been using my time smartly
00:22:11and then, Paul, I would live happily ever after.
00:22:15And then what?
00:22:17Then, I don't know, okay? That's as far as I've gotten.
00:22:20All right? That's all I've gotten.
00:22:23That was my phone.
00:22:26We can get that back.
00:22:30You know the point of that exercise?
00:22:32It's about me, Paul.
00:22:34We make lists of what we want.
00:22:36For you, it's opening the next store.
00:22:39For other people, it's a bigger house, a nicer car, the next promotion.
00:22:45But we rarely ask ourselves why.
00:22:49You know, if you're my partner and you're doing the program,
00:22:53I think it's only fair that you answer a question.
00:22:57Okay. What's my question, Amy?
00:23:01Who are you?
00:23:03No, I mean it. I mean, I can't find anything about you online.
00:23:07I like to keep my work and private life separate.
00:23:12But then how is the class always booked up if you don't do any advertising?
00:23:16Well, how'd you find out about us?
00:23:22A couple years ago, I did speak with a journalist at the Sun about the program.
00:23:27He ended up writing a thousand words about how many crunches I do.
00:23:31Oh, a thousand words. You must do a lot of crunches.
00:23:34I don't speak to press because I just don't need that kind of distraction.
00:23:39It's the same reason that the class is pay what you can.
00:23:41There's only one goal this week, and that's to give people the tools that...
00:23:45Tools they need to live a happy life. Yes, I know.
00:23:49But if the class is donation-based, I mean, how can you afford all this?
00:23:57I think you asked your one question two questions ago.
00:24:01How's that phone over there?
00:24:03Oh, um, it's wet. It's very wet.
00:24:16Hey Marjorie.
00:24:18Hey you.
00:24:19Okay, so maybe I'm wrong.
00:24:21Maybe this guy has good motives and he's not really trying to rip people off.
00:24:25He's still trying to hide something.
00:24:30Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night?
00:24:32I was thinking about having Eric over for dinner.
00:24:34Oh, um, I'm not sure. I might be at the office late.
00:24:37I'd like for you to be there.
00:24:41Okay, uh, any particular reason why?
00:24:44Well, A, I think you need a break from work.
00:24:47B, I think it'd be nice for the three of us to hang out.
00:24:51And C, and this is by far the most important letter,
00:24:54I'm making jambalaya.
00:24:56Marjorie Wolfson is cooking?
00:24:59Okay, I'm a little nervous.
00:25:01So you should be.
00:25:03Um, hey, if somebody asked you what do you want,
00:25:08what do you think you would tell them?
00:25:10What do I want?
00:25:13I don't think you're going to like my answer.
00:25:15Oh, come on, I can handle it.
00:25:17You might barf.
00:25:18Oh, should I get the trash can?
00:25:20I'd say I've already got it.
00:25:23Oh, you're a sweet girl.
00:25:28Oh, it works!
00:25:31I knew it.
00:25:38I know, I know, but I'm getting a lot of great stuff.
00:25:41I haven't seen any pages,
00:25:43and I don't even know your angle to this piece.
00:25:45And meanwhile, your lifestyle team is understaffed
00:25:48and working around the clock.
00:25:50I know, I know, but please just trust me,
00:25:52I'm getting tons of good background.
00:25:54Well, at Belfair,
00:25:55we don't have the luxury of waiting on background.
00:25:57I know, but if you just...
00:25:59Just find an angle, Amy.
00:26:36Oh, my God, I can't believe this!
00:26:38Paul partnered us.
00:26:39I came here to work on myself and he partners me with Matt?
00:26:42Oh, uh, yeah, that is tough.
00:26:44I know.
00:26:45Yeah, I...
00:26:46Well, had Lisa told me she was planning on coming,
00:26:48I might not have shown up in the first place.
00:27:22All right, all right.
00:27:24Settle down, okay?
00:27:26People, we only have six more days here together
00:27:29before you're back out in the real world.
00:27:32Make the most of your time here.
00:27:36Today, everyone's going to be partaking in the same activity,
00:27:40albeit in different locations.
00:27:42Today, we're getting off the estate.
00:27:44Oh, I can't wait!
00:27:47What's the activity, Paul?
00:27:50Befriend a random stranger.
00:27:52You know, social interaction isn't just imperative
00:27:54for our mental health.
00:27:56It helps lower stress and inflammation,
00:27:58increases our blood flow,
00:28:00and staves off all sorts of diseases.
00:28:02Sounds like a superfood.
00:28:04You should put it in your next smoothie.
00:28:06That's good, Amy, very good.
00:28:08Hey, um, what's Delfino Equities?
00:28:12Where'd you hear that name?
00:28:14The Internet.
00:28:16Delfino Equities is an investment firm.
00:28:19That also happens to be an international conglomerate
00:28:22worth billions of dollars?
00:28:25Well, what would an investment firm worth billions of dollars
00:28:28have any business getting their happiness certification from you?
00:28:32You ask a lot of questions, you know that?
00:28:35People tell me I'm a naturally curious person.
00:28:38Well, why don't we just stick to the program?
00:28:41Go make a friend.
00:28:44Hey, how's your day going?
00:28:46I'm not interested.
00:28:58Hi! Um, I'm Amy.
00:29:01How's your day going?
00:29:03I'm not interested.
00:29:05I'm not interested.
00:29:07I'm not interested.
00:29:09I'm not interested.
00:29:11I'm Amy. How's your day going?
00:29:13Better before I met you.
00:29:18Next one, get him on the next one.
00:29:20Go there.
00:29:27I'm Amy.
00:29:29You making friends in the park today?
00:29:31Oh, um, yeah.
00:29:34I'm part of a program.
00:29:36It's kind of a long story.
00:29:38What are you doing?
00:29:40This is my people-watching place.
00:29:42It's better than a movie, I swear.
00:29:45Come on up.
00:29:53So, those people come every single day
00:29:57and they always sit under the same tree.
00:30:00So she owns a little pottery studio
00:30:03and her and her husband have lived in town for 35 years.
00:30:06And how did that make you feel?
00:30:08Meeting somebody new?
00:30:09Oh, so connected to the earth.
00:30:13And my fellow human beings.
00:30:15Like we're all one big community.
00:30:17Well, perfect then.
00:30:18The activity worked great.
00:30:21Has anyone ever told you you're a very corny person?
00:30:25Oh, good. Okay. Just wondering.
00:30:27I hope you're ready for this next activity, Amy.
00:30:31Because it's pretty strenuous.
00:30:32Oh, boy.
00:30:34So, I read that Delfino was investing
00:30:38in a small health and wellness company in the city.
00:30:44Are all shoemakers from the countryside this inquisitive?
00:30:48Uh, no comment.
00:30:51But are they investing in your company?
00:30:54Because that would be huge.
00:30:58No comment.
00:31:02Remind me again how cloud gazing
00:31:05helps us become the happiest version of ourselves?
00:31:09Not cloud gazing, Amy.
00:31:11We're practicing mindfulness.
00:31:13Oh, is that what we're doing?
00:31:16But if you're looking for a more science-based answer,
00:31:19I'd be happy to explain the relationship
00:31:21between the amygdala and mindfulness.
00:31:23Because the prefrontal cortex, when it gets activated,
00:31:26stimulates in it.
00:31:27No, no, no. I'm good.
00:31:29Look at this one over here.
00:31:31Don't you feel like you could just reach up and...
00:31:38It's incredible, isn't it?
00:31:40I mean, condensed water just floating
00:31:44tens of thousands of feet up in the air,
00:31:47shape-shifting and moving.
00:31:49If that's not magic, I don't know what is.
00:31:57How are you like this?
00:31:59Like what?
00:32:00I mean, you talk about clouds like they're Mona Lisa.
00:32:04You talk about people like they're not a complete nuisance.
00:32:07I mean, I have asked you a million questions
00:32:10that clearly you don't want to answer,
00:32:12and you haven't told me to get lost yet.
00:32:15So why are you so positive all the time?
00:32:19I think it's better than the alternative.
00:32:22Okay, let me rephrase.
00:32:24How are you so positive all the time?
00:32:27It's hard.
00:32:30You know, you work at it.
00:32:32It takes practice.
00:32:34There are a million reasons to feel down
00:32:37or upset or worried,
00:32:39and you can dwell on those
00:32:40or you can think about the millions of reasons
00:32:42why you should be grateful to be alive.
00:32:44It's a choice.
00:32:46See, I prefer to dwell.
00:32:48I'm so good at dwelling.
00:32:50Yeah, I create tons of problems in my head
00:32:52and then my anxiety just goes through the roof
00:32:54and it's super fun.
00:33:02Yeah, I'm thirsty all of a sudden.
00:33:04Let's get a lemonade.
00:33:05Wait a minute, but...
00:33:08Let's get a drink.
00:33:09I saw somewhere for ice cold beverages.
00:33:11Do you know her?
00:33:12No, I don't think I know her.
00:33:13Amy, hi!
00:33:14She's calling to you, though.
00:33:19Hi, Enid!
00:33:20This is Paul.
00:33:24So funny.
00:33:25I ran into you.
00:33:26Yeah, it is.
00:33:27It's so funny.
00:33:28Enid is the receptionist at the hotel I'm staying at.
00:33:31Oh, really?
00:33:32What hotel do you work at?
00:33:35I don't...
00:33:36Like talking about it,
00:33:37because she's very modest.
00:33:41Just give Linda a call back.
00:33:43Okay, and Linda is her boss.
00:33:45Well, the manager of the hotel.
00:33:47Didn't Linda tell you about Paul?
00:33:50Didn't Linda tell you about Paul Felix,
00:33:53the founder of the Happiness Playbook?
00:33:55I was telling them how excited I was to take the course.
00:33:59You're Paul.
00:34:01I am.
00:34:04Please tell me if you need any restaurant recommendations,
00:34:11Nice to meet you.
00:34:12She's so funny.
00:34:14Say that again.
00:34:17So come on, spill.
00:34:19What's the big scoop about Delfino and the Happiness Playbook?
00:34:24So Paul clearly didn't want to talk about Delfino,
00:34:27but I mean, if they're actually investing in his company,
00:34:30Paul stands to gain a lot.
00:34:34It looks really nice out here.
00:34:38Do you think so?
00:34:39Not too many candles?
00:34:40I think maybe I should get rid of a few candles.
00:34:43Are you okay, Marge?
00:34:44You seem a little bit nervous.
00:34:47No, I just want tonight to be a nice, relaxing...
00:34:50Wait, what's that smell?
00:34:53Oh, shoot!
00:34:54Oh, do you need help?
00:34:56Um, no, I'm fine.
00:34:58I'll get it.
00:35:01Oh, no.
00:35:02Please don't be burned.
00:35:05Hi, Amy.
00:35:06Hi, Eric.
00:35:07I brought dessert.
00:35:08Oh, that's so sweet.
00:35:09Um, Marjorie might have had a little emergency in the kitchen.
00:35:13She burnt the jambalaya, didn't she?
00:35:15She burnt the jambalaya.
00:35:18Hey, Eric, we might want to do takeout tonight.
00:35:23I know she knows the story.
00:35:25Yeah, but you're going to tell it anyway.
00:35:27I love the story.
00:35:28I love it, too.
00:35:29Okay, so you're at the laundromat,
00:35:31minding your own business.
00:35:33And I see this girl walk in.
00:35:34She's got two carts full of laundry,
00:35:36and she's folded her dirty clothes.
00:35:38And I'm thinking,
00:35:39what sort of strange girl folds her laundry
00:35:41before putting it into the washing machine?
00:35:44Then what happens?
00:35:45And wouldn't you know it, three weeks later...
00:35:47My clothes got dirty again!
00:35:49So I walk up to this strange, beautiful woman
00:35:51and ask,
00:35:52why do you fold your clothes
00:35:53before putting them into the washing machine?
00:35:55You know what she says?
00:35:56Uh, where can I get a restraining order?
00:35:58No, not that.
00:36:00You can fit so much more into two carts
00:36:03if you fold it first.
00:36:04This woman hates doing laundry so much
00:36:06that she saves it all for one day,
00:36:07and the only way to fit her entire wardrobe
00:36:09into two laundry carts...
00:36:10Is to fold them.
00:36:11I think I fell in love with her right then and there.
00:36:16Amy, Eric and I actually have something to tell you.
00:36:23Wow, I just felt the mood shift all of a sudden.
00:36:27Well, we've been seeing each other for quite a while,
00:36:31and we are moving in together.
00:36:37Well, when our lease is up in the fall,
00:36:39we're gonna get our own place.
00:36:49Wow, that...
00:36:51That's great.
00:36:53That's really great.
00:36:54I'm really happy for you guys.
00:36:56Seriously, congratulations.
00:37:02Love you guys.
00:37:05Okay, Dad, so hit me.
00:37:07I'm a big boy, I can take it.
00:37:09The lawyers are putting the contract together as we speak.
00:37:12Now, the number's large,
00:37:13but I don't want that scaring you away.
00:37:16You're making that face.
00:37:18What face?
00:37:19That face right there.
00:37:20That means you know you're gonna say something I don't like.
00:37:24The team's really excited to start working with you.
00:37:27They believe in you, son, they really do.
00:37:29They've got some great ideas.
00:37:31There it is.
00:37:32Look, son, money unto itself means nothing.
00:37:36You need investors with business acumen that can help you grow.
00:37:40Ideas are a good thing.
00:37:41Okay, Dad, well, what are these ideas?
00:37:43How to expand, how to get your name out there,
00:37:47how to start building your brand.
00:37:50My brand?
00:37:51Oh, yeah, everybody's got a brand now.
00:37:54It's only a dirty word if you make it one.
00:37:57You know, this isn't what we talked about.
00:38:00À la fin du jour, notre investissement n'est pas dans votre entreprise.
00:38:04Delfino Equities investit dans vous, Paul.
00:38:07Souvenez-vous de ça.
00:38:31Où est Paul?
00:38:33Oh, salut.
00:38:36Salut. Comment était le dîner?
00:38:39C'était bien de voir ta soeur?
00:38:41Oui, oui, c'était bien.
00:38:47Elle s'en va avec son petit ami.
00:38:50Oh, elle doit être très excitée.
00:38:53Oui, elle l'est.
00:38:56En tout cas, je suis venue te dire que les cours sont à l'extérieur,
00:38:59ils t'attendent.
00:39:01Très bien, je reviendrai dans un instant.
00:39:07Tu vas bien?
00:39:10Oui, oui.
00:39:12Je finis juste un peu de papier.
00:39:14D'accord, à plus.
00:39:19À plus.
00:39:21A plus.
00:39:27Nous contrôlons comment nous se sentons.
00:39:30Nous donnons de l'amour quand nous ne pouvons pas le trouver,
00:39:33nous donnons de l'joie quand il n'y a rien à voir.
00:39:37Comment faisons-nous ça?
00:39:44Tu ne souris pas.
00:39:46Je préfère juste regarder.
00:39:48Tu sais, quand tu souris, le monde sourit aussi.
00:39:52Oh mon dieu, pourquoi tu dois dire des choses comme ça ?
00:39:55Je veux dire, je commence juste à aimer toi et puis tu dis que quand on sourit, le monde sourit aussi.
00:40:00C'est horrible.
00:40:06Hey, qu'est-ce que tu lis dans ton bureau ?
00:40:09C'est pas pour toi de s'inquiéter.
00:40:15Très bien, vous allez bien.
00:40:34Oh, salut.
00:40:36Salut, que fais-tu ici ?
00:40:38Tu devrais sortir avec tes collègues, dans le soleil.
00:40:41Le hiking n'est pas vraiment mon truc.
00:40:43J'préfère l'air-conditionning pour les mosquitos et le poisson.
00:40:48Tu veux de l'eau ?
00:40:50Bien sûr. Tu veux un verre ?
00:41:01Tu sais, tu peux me parler si tu veux.
00:41:05Tu n'as pas voyagé tout au long du pays et signé-toi pour ma classe pour entendre mes problèmes.
00:41:12Je ne pensais pas que tu avais des problèmes.
00:41:18Tu sais, hier, quand tu me demandais de l'équité de Delphine, tu as raison.
00:41:24Ils investissent dans le livre du jour du bonheur.
00:41:28OK, mais peut-être que je manque quelque chose, mais n'est-ce pas une bonne chose ?
00:41:33Je n'ai pas vraiment été ouvert à ce que je suis, car je ne veux pas que ça affecte la façon dont les gens pensent de moi.
00:41:41Mon père est Fred Taylor.
00:41:45Fred Taylor ? Fred Taylor ?
00:41:47Oui, et son grand-père a fondé...
00:41:51Taylor Motors.
00:41:53Attends, tu es un Taylor ?
00:41:56Paul Felix est plus un nom de scène.
00:42:00Je veux dire, ce n'est pas qu'il y a quelque chose de mal avec avoir une très célèbre famille qui est aussi une titane de l'industrie.
00:42:07Je veux dire, tu es comme un Rockefeller, sauf que tu as plus d'argent.
00:42:12Mon héritage.
00:42:14Ah, OK, ça fait un peu plus de sens.
00:42:19Mais qu'est-ce que ton père a à faire avec Delphine ?
00:42:22Il est sur la table, même si je suis convaincu qu'il s'est réuni juste pour s'investir.
00:42:27Mais attends, si tu es un Taylor, tu n'as pas vraiment besoin d'argent.
00:42:32Ce n'est pas à propos de l'argent.
00:42:34Pour mon père, c'est à propos d'avoir plus de temps avec moi, de m'aider dans le business.
00:42:39Comme tu peux imaginer, il n'était pas exactement disponible quand j'étais enfant,
00:42:43alors c'est sa façon de le faire.
00:42:47Tu sais, c'était en fait son idée de donner aux gens des certificats de bonheur.
00:42:51Il a dit, tout le monde veut gagner quelque chose, et il avait raison.
00:42:54Tu sais, dès qu'on a commencé à donner des certificats de bonheur, la classe a disparu.
00:42:58C'est un homme intelligente, mon père, je lui donnerai ça.
00:43:05Des engagements en Europe ?
00:43:08Un magasin en ligne ?
00:43:10Un coordonnateur de réseaux sociaux ?
00:43:13Des idées d'expansion d'Equity Delfino, comment améliorer mon marque.
00:43:19Ils veulent que ton nom de scène soit Dalphine.
00:43:22Ils veulent que ton nom de scène soit Docteur Paul.
00:43:25Je veux dire, ce n'est même pas original.
00:43:27Et ce n'est pas moi, tu sais.
00:43:29Je ne veux pas être un influenceur, je ne veux pas vendre de la merchandise.
00:43:32Si ça te fait du bien, je vais totalement acheter un masque avec ton nom dessus.
00:43:37Mais je veux dire, pourquoi ne pas juste dire non à ton père ?
00:43:40Dire que tu n'es pas intéressé.
00:43:43Parce que tu devrais avoir vu le regard sur son visage quand je lui ai dit que j'étais.
00:43:53J'ai un visage !
00:43:55Oui !
00:43:57Donc, Paul Félix n'est pas une personne réelle, mais Paul Taylor l'est.
00:44:02Tu sais, avec le drame familial et les problèmes,
00:44:05mais il n'est pas censé avoir de problèmes,
00:44:08donc, il les a tués.
00:44:10Un docteur de 35 ans, Paul Taylor,
00:44:12héritier de la famille Taylor,
00:44:14qui a fait un grand succès.
00:44:16C'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça.
00:44:19Un docteur de 35 ans, Paul Taylor,
00:44:21héritier de la fortune Taylor Motor,
00:44:23qui a réalisé un séminaire de bonheur secret
00:44:26sur son état de famille.
00:44:29Le problème, c'est que le coach du bonheur n'est pas heureux.
00:44:33Oh, oh, bien, ce n'est pas exactement...
00:44:36Le népotisme de corruption.
00:44:38Comment Fred Taylor a acheté son fils un empire.
00:44:40Oh, non, je veux dire, ce n'est pas là que je pensais que...
00:44:43Fred Taylor alloque des millions de dollars de l'archive de Delphino
00:44:47pour transformer son fils en un étoile.
00:44:50Paul est un seul enfant, seul, seul, sans joye...
00:44:55Forcé à mettre un point d'avant, chaque jour et chaque jour.
00:44:58Il le le dit lui-même.
00:45:00Oh, si je peux, je ne pense pas que c'est si noir et blanc...
00:45:04Je veux dire, dire que le coach du bonheur n'est pas heureux,
00:45:07ça... ça...
00:45:08Notre prochain étude se réalise dans trois jours.
00:45:10Je veux que ça soit notre défi.
00:45:12Trois jours? Oh, je... je ne peux pas.
00:45:15You came to me saying you were ready to be a senior correspondent.
00:45:18Did you not?
00:45:20Well, here's your chance to prove it.
00:45:22And about your run-in with Enid.
00:45:24That won't happen again.
00:45:26Oh, no. It's fine. No harm.
00:45:29Well, she no longer works here.
00:45:31Helen, pick up a Greek salad and a large Diet Coke.
00:45:34I'll be taking dinner in the office.
00:45:36Wait. Linda, you fired her?
00:45:39She didn't know.
00:45:41That's the problem. She should have.
00:45:44You can go now. Thank you.
00:46:15Hey. I'm heading out to Eric's. I just wanted to say good night.
00:46:19Okay. Have a good night.
00:46:23You've seemed off since dinner last night.
00:46:26Have I?
00:46:30Look, I'll be honest. I mean, I was a little blindsided.
00:46:34I'm so happy for you, but moving in together?
00:46:37I mean, are you really sure you've thought this through?
00:46:40Amy, I'm not sure.
00:46:42Well, I mean, it's a big deal.
00:46:44I mean, what happens when you guys get in a fight?
00:46:46Or if you want your own space?
00:46:48Or if you don't know what movie to watch?
00:46:50Or who decides what you're going to eat?
00:46:52I mean, where are you going to go?
00:46:54Amy, do you know how long Eric and I have been seeing each other?
00:46:57Well, a while.
00:46:59Two years.
00:47:01Okay, well, that might seem like a long time,
00:47:03but I'm going to say something,
00:47:05and I don't want it to seem like I'm attacking you,
00:47:07because I'm not. This is coming from a place of love.
00:47:10Oh, doesn't seem like a good sign, does it?
00:47:13Eric and I have been moving in this direction for a while now.
00:47:16I mean, we see each other all the time,
00:47:18I spend half the week at his place,
00:47:20and we'd love to do things more, the three of us,
00:47:22but you're busy all the time.
00:47:24Well, I just work a lot.
00:47:26Yeah, and you love your job, and I so admire that about you,
00:47:29but sometimes I feel like you're so busy
00:47:32that you don't look up,
00:47:34and you miss what's going on in your life.
00:47:37And in mine.
00:47:39I'm sorry, Marge, I didn't know you felt that way.
00:47:44I'm going to get going.
00:47:46We can talk about this later?
00:47:50Good night.
00:47:58I just don't ever feel like you are truly present or there for me.
00:48:02What are you going to tell me?
00:48:04I tried to, Lisa. I tried to so many times.
00:48:07And the thing is, I would have listened,
00:48:09but you didn't, though. You never listen to me.
00:48:11That's not true.
00:48:13I listen to you in the morning, I listen to you at night,
00:48:15I listen to you when you brush your teeth,
00:48:17I listen to you before lunch, after lunch.
00:48:19But it's not about the singing, Matt!
00:48:22Look, even when you listened,
00:48:27I feel like you never really heard me.
00:48:31All right, now.
00:48:33Feels good, doesn't it?
00:48:36Come on, just let it all out.
00:48:38Not another one!
00:48:40Come on, guys, get up here.
00:48:44Yeah, come on.
00:48:46Oh, Amy.
00:48:48Uh, yeah?
00:48:50Would you like to join us?
00:48:52Oh, yeah.
00:48:54Yeah, let's go.
00:48:56Come on.
00:48:58Uh, yeah.
00:49:00Would you like to join us?
00:49:02Oh, I'd love to.
00:49:04Come on, bring it in.
00:49:06You're part of the team.
00:49:11This is where the healing begins.
00:49:13Look at that, peaceful.
00:49:16Feels better.
00:49:24Sorry for the wait.
00:49:26We got a full day ahead of us.
00:49:28Did you see how Lisa and Matt were looking at each other
00:49:31during that weird hug thing?
00:49:33I mean, I didn't even think that they were capable
00:49:35of smiling at each other.
00:49:3795% of people's problems could be fixed
00:49:41if everyone just took a breath,
00:49:43heard each other, you know?
00:49:45Sometimes that's all we need, to listen.
00:49:48Do you and my sister read the same self-help books?
00:49:51I'm genuinely curious.
00:49:53What's going on?
00:49:56Nothing's going on.
00:49:59Is this about her moving in with her boyfriend?
00:50:02Oh, I don't want to talk about it.
00:50:06She says I'm too focused on work,
00:50:08that I don't look up and see what's happening in front of me,
00:50:12and that that's why I didn't know
00:50:14how serious their relationship was.
00:50:16When you live so far away from someone,
00:50:18I imagine that it's hard to pick up
00:50:20on the nuances in a relationship.
00:50:22I'm done talking about it.
00:50:26Okay, well, maybe I do work too much.
00:50:28Yes, and yes, it did blindside me,
00:50:31her moving in with him, and no,
00:50:33I don't know her boyfriend as well as I should.
00:50:35Is that really my fault?
00:50:37I don't know, is it?
00:50:39I said I don't want to talk about it.
00:50:41All right.
00:50:45I guess I really do want to talk about it.
00:50:49All right, well, let's get going anyway.
00:50:52Our next activity?
00:50:54Is it really blogging?
00:50:56Yes, it's the truth, Amy, it is.
00:50:58Wow, I'm a little bit excited.
00:51:00Let's get going, come on.
00:51:06Here I am at the farmer's market.
00:51:09I'm told I have to narrate the experience
00:51:12because narrating forces you to be present.
00:51:16For the record, I never told her
00:51:18she had to talk in that voice.
00:51:20These are beautiful flowers.
00:51:24Oh, and this is a banana.
00:51:28Oh, and these actually look delicious.
00:51:31How much are these?
00:51:33Will you look at that now?
00:51:40Paul Taylor, we are standing here
00:51:42at what seems to be a monument.
00:51:45Paul, can you tell us something
00:51:47about this statue?
00:51:49I know nothing about this statue.
00:51:52I don't either.
00:51:54We should be tour guides.
00:51:56You ready?
00:51:58I am so ready.
00:52:00I'm not sure you are ready.
00:52:02Oh, I have never been more ready
00:52:04for anything in my entire life.
00:52:09Janice Shoes?
00:52:11Yeah, you didn't think I was going to take you
00:52:13on a tour of the city without seeing you
00:52:15in your element, did you?
00:52:17No, you're so wonderful that way.
00:52:20Ladies and gentlemen, if you are watching
00:52:22this, you are in for a real treat.
00:52:24Go ahead.
00:52:25Walk us through the shoemaking process
00:52:27and you will see.
00:52:28Great, okay.
00:52:29Well, there is so much I can talk about
00:52:31about shoemaking.
00:52:33There are leather straps or the studs.
00:52:37They can take anywhere from 30 to 90 hours
00:52:42to make and really precision is everything.
00:52:45Admiring our wall of fame, I see.
00:52:48I can't name names, but let's just say
00:52:51we've had our share of...
00:52:53I know you.
00:52:55No, we just forgot our wallet.
00:52:57We'll be right back.
00:52:58Well, thank you.
00:53:06Of course you don't eat sugar.
00:53:08Do you have any idea what sugar does to the body?
00:53:11What was that?
00:53:12It increases your cholesterol and triglycerides,
00:53:15not to mention what it does to your teeth.
00:53:18But it's so delicious.
00:53:20Are you sure you don't want just one little bit?
00:53:24I'm okay, I'm okay.
00:53:30I never do this.
00:53:31Eat cotton candy?
00:53:33No, just walk in nature in the middle of the day.
00:53:37No agenda, no plan, no work.
00:53:40How does it feel?
00:53:44Like a good strange?
00:53:48So, tell me, how does one become a happiness coach?
00:53:53I'm asking for a friend.
00:53:55Well, my dad wanted me to join the family business,
00:53:58but I knew that was never going to happen.
00:54:01I wanted to be a biologist.
00:54:03That's a big jump from a biologist
00:54:05to whatever it is you are now.
00:54:09Not really.
00:54:10Most people don't realize that happiness is biology.
00:54:14That's it.
00:54:16But you'll never experience true happiness until...
00:54:20How about some real food?
00:54:32I've never met a puzzler before.
00:54:34Okay, well, I wouldn't consider myself a puzzler.
00:54:37I just happen to, you know,
00:54:39like a thousand-piece puzzle every now and again.
00:54:43How exactly did you get into that?
00:54:45I don't know.
00:54:46There were just always puzzles on the tables growing up.
00:54:50I mean, it kind of calms me, I guess.
00:54:53You know why?
00:54:55My bet is that you're not thinking about anything else.
00:55:00Did you really manage to bring mindfulness
00:55:03into this conversation?
00:55:05I can't help myself.
00:55:06I'm sorry.
00:55:07I swear, you and my sister, one in the same.
00:55:12She's such a great person, Paul.
00:55:14I feel bad that I didn't make her a priority.
00:55:20She really is my best friend, you know?
00:55:24I'm sure she knows that, Amy.
00:55:26But once in a while, a reminder never hurts.
00:55:31Yeah, that's true.
00:55:35So, Amy, you have three more days before you graduate.
00:55:39What do you have to say for yourself?
00:55:45All I can think about is
00:55:47I have to know the super secret final challenge.
00:55:51Do you really want to know?
00:55:52Yes, more than anything.
00:55:54But do you really want to know?
00:55:56Oh, come on! Yes!
00:55:59I'm sorry, I just can't tell you.
00:56:02Then I guess my blogging career is over.
00:56:05But you had such a promising future.
00:56:07I know! And now it's over.
00:56:13I had a lot of fun tonight.
00:56:25Good night, Paul.
00:56:28Good night, Amy.
00:56:32Good night.
00:57:03C'est quoi, ça?
00:57:04C'est la dynamique de l'enfant-père.
00:57:06Tu sais, ce que c'est,
00:57:07grandir avec un père super réussi.
00:57:11Tu m'étonnes.
00:57:14Je t'ai demandé.
00:57:15Tu m'étonnes.
00:57:18Non, non, je...
00:57:20On a le printemps dans deux jours.
00:57:22Si tu ne l'écris pas comme on a discuté,
00:57:24je le ferai.
00:57:25Tu choisis.
00:57:33Le printemps
00:57:38Le printemps
00:57:42Le printemps
00:58:17Je ne suis pas sûr de ça.
00:58:19C'est juste le début, Paul.
00:58:21Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
00:58:23Je ne voulais rien dire
00:58:25jusqu'à ce que j'ai eu la confirmation.
00:58:27Mais on a parlé à quelques producteurs de télévision.
00:58:30Tu m'étonnes.
00:58:31Non, je ne l'ai pas.
00:58:33Votre propre défilé.
00:58:34Imagine ça.
00:58:35Docteur Paul.
00:58:37Ça serait quelque chose, n'est-ce pas?
00:58:39Regardez son père et son fils travailler ensemble.
00:58:45Je peux t'appeler tout de suite?
00:58:46J'ai quelqu'un d'autre sur l'autre ligne.
00:58:48T'es en train de mettre ton vieux homme en pauvreté.
00:58:50Je vois comment ça va.
00:58:54Ça a été tout...
00:58:57Ça fait longtemps qu'on ne se voit pas.
00:58:59Tu me manques encore?
00:59:01Oui, j'y suis allé.
00:59:05Je pensais à ce que tu avais dit
00:59:07sur ma soeur.
00:59:08Et je voulais faire quelque chose de bien pour elle.
00:59:11Tu sais, pour montrer qu'elle m'entend.
00:59:13Et je pense que tu seras capable
00:59:15d'avoir des gestes sympas.
00:59:19Tu sais quoi?
00:59:20Je pense qu'il y a quelque chose pour toi.
00:59:34C'est tellement bien de te voir.
00:59:36C'est tellement bien de te voir aussi.
00:59:38Le lieu a l'air génial.
00:59:40Qu'est-ce que je t'ai dit?
00:59:41Et c'est génial de te rencontrer en personne.
00:59:43C'est génial de te rencontrer aussi.
00:59:44Je vais vous préparer.
00:59:47Oh, Marge, Eric.
00:59:48Venez rencontrer Paul.
00:59:50C'est mon coach de bonheur.
00:59:52C'est génial de vous rencontrer aussi.
00:59:54Avez-vous signé-nous pour les cours de potterie?
00:59:58Eh bien, j'ai pensé à ce que tu avais dit.
01:00:01Tu sais, comment j'ai besoin de regarder en haut
01:00:03de ma vie.
01:00:04Et je sais que je devrais être plus soutenue.
01:00:06Et connaître Eric un peu.
01:00:07Écoute, c'est OK.
01:00:08Non, vraiment.
01:00:09Tu as raison.
01:00:11allons peindre de la potterie.
01:00:41C'est bien.
01:00:42Très bien.
01:00:46Tu as peint ma peau.
01:00:50La vérité.
01:00:51La vérité.
01:00:52Donc, Amy ne te pose pas trop de problèmes?
01:00:54Non, elle le fait,
01:00:56mais elle me garde sur les pieds,
01:00:58donc je suis reconnaissant.
01:00:59En parlant de pieds,
01:01:00elle est une potterie, tu sais.
01:01:01J'ai entendu ça.
01:01:04Toi et Eric sont si mignons ensemble.
01:01:06Tu penses que c'est vrai?
01:01:09Il t'adore.
01:01:10C'est évident.
01:01:11Un peu trop évident pour ma taille.
01:01:14C'est seulement parce que tu as des problèmes avec l'affection.
01:01:17Mais merci de faire ça.
01:01:19Vraiment, ça signifie beaucoup.
01:01:21Pour entrer avec le garçon.
01:01:22Je sais.
01:01:23Et j'aime vraiment Paul.
01:01:25Il est génial.
01:01:27Quand il ne quote pas les cartes de salut.
01:01:33Je dois lui dire la vérité.
01:01:34Oui, tu le fais.
01:01:36Mais que dis-je?
01:01:37Je suis désolée,
01:01:38j'ai été en train de te mentir tout le temps.
01:01:40Comment peux-tu dire ça à quelqu'un?
01:01:42Juste réfléchis si les rôles étaient inversés.
01:01:44Tu voudrais savoir?
01:01:47Tu vas te sentir tellement mieux
01:01:48quand tu lui le diras, je te promets.
01:02:07Oh non.
01:02:39le matin de silence ne signifie pas de parler d'une sorte.
01:02:45Cela inclut la chanson.
01:02:51Et on va commencer
01:02:52en 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
01:03:13Il y a...
01:03:20J'ai rencontré cet article.
01:03:22Est-ce que quelqu'un veut lire?
01:04:08C'est une activité de groupe?
01:04:23Je n'ai pas écrit cet article.
01:04:28Je sais.
01:04:29Linda m'a sûrement donné du crédit,
01:04:31mais je suis désolée, je voulais te le dire.
01:04:34Dis-moi quoi, Amy?
01:04:37Je suis journaliste.
01:04:39J'ai travaillé pour Belfair Magazine.
01:04:43Pas de blague.
01:04:44Je sais, ça a l'air vraiment mauvais, mais...
01:04:47Qu'est-ce qui a l'air mauvais, Amy?
01:04:49J'ai besoin d'une histoire, d'accord?
01:04:51Alors je suis venue te parler,
01:04:53mais tu pensais que j'étais une partie de la classe
01:04:55et tu m'as dit que tu ne parles pas aux journalistes.
01:04:57Tu sais, cette classe
01:04:59était supposée être un espace sûr
01:05:01où tout le monde pouvait se confier à l'autre,
01:05:03et tu l'as trahi, et tu me mens.
01:05:05Mais je n'ai pas écrit l'article, Paul.
01:05:09Peu importe ce que tu dis, Amy.
01:05:10Regarde, tu as raison, d'accord?
01:05:12Je devais t'avoir dit que c'était faux de ne pas le faire, d'accord?
01:05:15Mais tu sais, tu fais basiquement la même chose.
01:05:18Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
01:05:19Avec ta famille, avec Delphino Equities,
01:05:22avec l'avenir du Playbook du bonheur.
01:05:24S'il te plaît, ce n'est pas même...
01:05:25Quoi? Je veux dire, tu me parles de confiance et d'honnêteté,
01:05:28mais tu n'as pas dit à une seule personne
01:05:30qui tu es vraiment,
01:05:32ni où se passe ce programme.
01:05:34Et la raison pour laquelle,
01:05:35c'est parce que tu as peur de ce qu'ils vont te penser.
01:05:37Tu as peur qu'ils vont penser que tu vendras.
01:05:40Je ne vends pas.
01:05:41D'accord, c'est bon. Tu peux l'appeler ce que tu veux.
01:05:44Tu peux te dire que tu prends ton père de l'argent
01:05:46juste pour le faire heureux,
01:05:48mais la vérité, Paul, c'est que tu prends l'argent
01:05:50parce que tu as peur de ne pas le faire.
01:05:55C'est un quote.
01:05:57Je suis surpris que tu n'aies pas utilisé ça dans ton article.
01:06:04C'est bon.
01:06:27C'est bon.
01:06:28C'est bon.
01:06:33Bien sûr.
01:06:38Je pense que ça devrait être bon.
01:06:40Hey, tu ne peux pas juste...
01:06:42On a besoin de parler.
01:06:45Cyd, tu as l'air en colère.
01:06:47Je n'ai pas écrit cet article.
01:06:49Tu as fait le background, tu as trouvé l'angle.
01:06:52Amy, ça te correspond.
01:06:54Non, tu ne comprends pas.
01:06:56S'il te plaît, Cyd.
01:06:59Tu sais, Amy, j'aurais pu mettre mon nom sur le bordel.
01:07:03Tu sais pourquoi je ne l'ai pas fait?
01:07:05Parce que tu l'as gagné.
01:07:07C'est une histoire de couverture.
01:07:09Mais ce n'est pas vrai.
01:07:13Où ai-je menti?
01:07:15Point 2 d'inaccuracies factuelles.
01:07:17Montre-moi une et on la retraite immédiatement.
01:07:19Ce n'est pas inaccurace, c'est sensationnel.
01:07:22Je veux dire, c'est présenté de façon...
01:07:24Pour faire les gens lire.
01:07:28Tu sais, j'étais comme toi.
01:07:31Je sais que ce n'est pas toujours facile,
01:07:33aller chercher le jugular,
01:07:34mais tu apprendras.
01:07:36Tu le sauras.
01:07:38Mais ce que tu as, c'est de l'initiative.
01:07:41L'initiative ne peut pas être apprise.
01:07:43Tu es allée sous le couverture,
01:07:44tu as suivi le sujet.
01:07:46Tu as ce qu'il te faut pour faire le travail.
01:07:49Et je veux donner à des femmes fortes comme toi
01:07:51une opportunité de briller.
01:07:55félicitations sur ton article.
01:07:59Vendredi matin,
01:08:00toi et moi, et notre équipe de seniors,
01:08:02nous allons discuter.
01:08:04C'est un grand délai,
01:08:05et je garde toujours ma parole.
01:08:08Comment est-ce qu'on dit « senior correspondent » ?
01:08:12Tu m'étonnes.
01:08:14Tu as un avenir brillant, Amy.
01:08:15Un avenir très brillant.
01:08:17Mais je n'ai même pas écrit l'article.
01:08:19Bien, si le monde ne t'intéresse pas.
01:08:21Tu l'as fait.
01:08:25« Senior correspondent » ?
01:08:40C'est un peu tard.
01:08:41Est-ce que tu penses qu'on va s'arrêter ?
01:08:44Nous avons un nouveau sujet
01:08:45qui sort dans trois semaines.
01:08:47C'est quatre features,
01:08:48douze articles,
01:08:49et un engagement de liseur.
01:08:52Et je suis toujours en train
01:08:53de finaliser notre couverture,
01:08:54notre technologie,
01:08:55et notre layout de gosses.
01:08:56Et je suis toujours en train
01:08:57d'attendre l'article de Sonic Arcade
01:08:58sur le style de Grammy.
01:09:02suis-je toujours en train de travailler ?
01:09:05Je suis toujours en train de travailler, Amy.
01:09:09fais-moi une poudre de café fraîche.
01:09:11Tout de suite.
01:09:12Je te réponds tout de suite.
01:09:13Et puis quoi ?
01:09:14Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?
01:09:16Je veux dire, tu fais tout ce travail,
01:09:17puis le magazine sort,
01:09:20mais qu'est-ce qui vient après ?
01:09:23Et puis quoi ?
01:09:24Et puis, tu le fais tout de suite.
01:09:34Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour toi ?
01:09:56est-ce que je peux t'acheter quelque chose ?
01:09:57Du thé ?
01:09:58Non, je suis bien.
01:10:01Je vais en faire un.
01:10:06je suis en train de recevoir une promotion.
01:10:08Quoi ?
01:10:10Je veux dire,
01:10:11Linda m'a réécrit,
01:10:12mais elle aime mon initiative.
01:10:16prends ça.
01:10:17Elle me fait
01:10:18correspondante séniore.
01:10:20Qu'est-ce qui est mal ?
01:10:21C'est incroyable.
01:10:22J'ai travaillé pour ça
01:10:23depuis des années.
01:10:25Je veux dire, quand elle m'a dit
01:10:26que c'était incroyable,
01:10:27mon coeur
01:10:29et je me suis dit
01:10:32c'est réel.
01:10:33Je l'ai accompli.
01:10:34C'est vrai.
01:10:35Tu as accompli tellement.
01:10:37Et puis,
01:10:3830 secondes plus tard,
01:10:39ce sentiment est parti.
01:10:41Et tout ce que je pouvais penser
01:10:42c'était OK,
01:10:44qu'est-ce que je dois faire
01:10:45pour devenir éditeur ?
01:10:46OK, tu as toujours été
01:10:47un go-getter.
01:10:48Il n'y a rien de mal avec ça.
01:10:49Oui, mais Linda est
01:10:50qui je voulais être
01:10:51et elle est misérable.
01:10:52Je veux dire,
01:10:53elle travaille trop,
01:10:54elle est stressée,
01:10:55elle est fatiguée.
01:10:56Elle va bien.
01:10:57Elle a sacrifié
01:10:58d'avoir une famille
01:10:59pour pouvoir écrire
01:11:01et est-ce que je veux vraiment
01:11:02devenir la personne
01:11:03qui va chercher
01:11:04le jugular ?
01:11:05Et maintenant,
01:11:06tu vas sortir
01:11:07et c'est OK.
01:11:08OK, je suis vraiment
01:11:09heureuse pour toi,
01:11:10mais maintenant,
01:11:11je vais vivre dans
01:11:12cette grande maison
01:11:13toute seule
01:11:14et je...
01:11:15Comment suis-je supposée
01:11:16savoir ce que je veux vraiment,
01:11:17vraiment ?
01:11:19Je ne peux pas
01:11:20te dire ce que tu veux,
01:11:21seulement tu peux
01:11:22le trouver.
01:11:23Mais je pense que le fait
01:11:24que tu te demandes
01:11:25cette question
01:11:26est un grand premier pas.
01:11:27Je veux dire,
01:11:28ce n'est pas quelque chose
01:11:29que tu aurais pu faire
01:11:30même il y a une semaine.
01:11:31Oui, je suppose pas.
01:11:34Tu sais quoi ?
01:11:35Je pense que toute
01:11:36cette self-reflection
01:11:37t'a apporté
01:11:38mon secret.
01:11:39Ton secret ?
01:11:40Le secret
01:11:41d'une vie heureuse,
01:11:42ma chère soeur.
01:11:43Quand je me lève
01:11:44le matin
01:11:45et que les choses
01:11:46ne me passent pas,
01:11:47ou que je ne veux pas
01:11:48sortir du lit,
01:11:49au lieu de dire
01:11:50que je dois,
01:11:51je dis que je dois.
01:11:53Je ne dois pas
01:11:54me lever chaque matin
01:11:55et aller au travail,
01:11:56je dois.
01:11:57Je ne dois pas
01:11:58être là pour ma soeur,
01:11:59je dois.
01:12:01Et tu ne dois pas
01:12:02t'expliquer à Paul.
01:12:03Tu dois,
01:12:04et tu peux décider
01:12:05ce que tu veux dire.
01:12:21Merci d'être venu.
01:12:22Eh bien,
01:12:23qu'est-ce que je dois faire
01:12:24quand mon fils m'envoie
01:12:25qu'il a besoin de parler ?
01:12:26Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
01:12:28J'ai rencontré cette femme.
01:12:30la première ligne
01:12:31de chaque chanson triste.
01:12:33elle n'est pas
01:12:34qui je pensais qu'elle était.
01:12:35Oh, elles ne sont jamais.
01:12:37Et j'ai réalisé
01:12:40elle m'a menti,
01:12:42mais ce qui me fait plus mal
01:12:43c'est de réaliser
01:12:45je n'étais pas
01:12:46ce qu'elle était.
01:12:47Ce qui m'a plus mal
01:12:48c'est de réaliser
01:12:50je suis aussi coupable.
01:12:53Je n'ai rien dit à personne
01:12:54sur nos plans,
01:12:55sur l'expansion,
01:12:56sur les tours de paroles,
01:13:00je dis à mes clients
01:13:01que je suis une chose
01:13:03et que ce n'est pas vrai.
01:13:04Je suis juste un fraude.
01:13:07Si tu penses que prendre de l'équité
01:13:08te rend fraude,
01:13:10pourquoi as-tu accepté
01:13:11en premier lieu ?
01:13:14Parce que je savais
01:13:15à quel point ça te ferait heureux.
01:13:18Je vois.
01:13:24Ces derniers jours,
01:13:27j'ai réalisé quelque chose.
01:13:29Oui ?
01:13:32Nous avons passé plus de temps
01:13:33ensemble dans les deux dernières semaines
01:13:35que nous l'avons fait
01:13:36dans les deux dernières années.
01:13:39Est-ce que c'est ton moyen
01:13:40de me dire que tu as faim de moi ?
01:13:44C'est mon moyen de te dire
01:13:45à quel point j'ai apprécié.
01:13:49Nous n'avons pas constamment été
01:13:50dans les deux vies, Paul.
01:13:52Et je sais que c'est ma faute.
01:13:53Non, ce n'est pas juste ta faute.
01:13:55Je n'ai pas été le meilleur père.
01:13:58Mais je veux que tu saches quelque chose.
01:14:00Et je suis totalement sérieux
01:14:01à ce sujet.
01:14:03De toutes les choses
01:14:04que j'ai faites dans ma vie,
01:14:06être ton père
01:14:07est par ailleurs
01:14:08mon meilleur achat.
01:14:10Tu vois ce que tu fais pour moi ?
01:14:12Peut-être que c'est pour ça
01:14:13qu'on ne se retrouve plus souvent.
01:14:16Prends l'argent.
01:14:17Ou ne le fais pas.
01:14:18Expandis ton entreprise
01:14:19ou gardes-la petite.
01:14:21Mais peu importe ce que tu fais,
01:14:22s'il te plaît,
01:14:23ne le fais pas sans ma compte.
01:14:26Tu sais,
01:14:27tu vas regretter
01:14:28tout ce que j'ai dit plus tard.
01:14:29Oh, je sais.
01:14:30Je sais.
01:14:31Je sais.
01:14:32Je sais.
01:14:33Je sais.
01:14:34Je sais.
01:14:35Je sais.
01:14:36Je sais.
01:14:37Je sais.
01:14:38Je vais te voir plus tard.
01:14:39Oh, je sais.
01:15:09Tu te sens bien.
01:15:11C'est un beau endroit.
01:15:15celui qui te l'a montré,
01:15:16c'est un bon gars.
01:15:19Il l'est.
01:15:21Il est un peu excentrique.
01:15:24C'est vrai.
01:15:27Pour être honnête,
01:15:28quand je l'ai rencontré,
01:15:29je pensais qu'il en avait plein.
01:15:31Parce que quelqu'un
01:15:32de telle qu'il est
01:15:33peut-être n'est pas
01:15:34le meilleur.
01:15:35Je pensais qu'il en avait plein.
01:15:37Parce que quelqu'un
01:15:38de telle qu'il est
01:15:39peut-être n'est pas
01:15:40le meilleur.
01:15:42Mais ensuite,
01:15:43je l'ai connu,
01:15:44et il est en fait
01:15:45la personne
01:15:46la plus sincère
01:15:47que j'ai rencontrée.
01:15:49Et je lui ai menti.
01:15:53Et je me sens vraiment mal.
01:16:02Pourquoi ne me le dis pas ?
01:16:03Parce que tu ne parles pas
01:16:04aux journalistes.
01:16:05Et je veux dire,
01:16:06quand on s'est rencontrés,
01:16:07j'ai essayé de te le dire,
01:16:10je n'ai vraiment pas écrit
01:16:11cet article, Paul.
01:16:13Je devais te l'avoir dit
01:16:14peu importe.
01:16:16Et je suis désolée.
01:16:19Et je ne sais rien
01:16:20sur les chaussures.
01:16:23Je veux dire,
01:16:24je sais comment les acheter.
01:16:25Hey !
01:16:26Tu veux faire
01:16:27un puzzle avec moi ?
01:16:33C'est parti.
01:16:42C'est beaucoup de morceaux.
01:16:44Ne t'intimide pas.
01:16:47Le premier pas,
01:16:48c'est de sortir.
01:16:50Beaucoup de gens
01:16:51font des couleurs,
01:16:52mais j'aime commencer
01:16:53avec les bords.
01:16:56Ne le regarde pas.
01:17:03Je veux dire,
01:17:04tout le monde travaille
01:17:05tellement fort
01:17:06et c'est seulement
01:17:07deux jours de retard.
01:17:08Et pourquoi ça m'intéresse ?
01:17:10Je veux dire,
01:17:11tu as un morceau de papier
01:17:12qui dit que tu es
01:17:13certifié de bonheur.
01:17:14Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?
01:17:15Certifié de bonheur.
01:17:16Ça ne veut rien dire.
01:17:17C'est juste
01:17:18un truc de marketing.
01:17:19Je ne le crois pas.
01:17:21Est-ce que Paul Taylor
01:17:22devient cynique ?
01:17:24Hey !
01:17:25J'en ai un.
01:17:26Bien joué !
01:17:27Il reste seulement
01:17:28300 matchs à jouer.
01:17:31Mais qu'est-ce
01:17:32que c'est que
01:17:33le défi secret ?
01:17:35Tu veux savoir
01:17:36ce que c'est
01:17:37le défi final super secret ?
01:17:39Tout le monde
01:17:41et prend une volonté
01:17:42de chercher
01:17:43son propre bonheur.
01:17:45Et puis quoi ?
01:17:47C'est tout.
01:17:48Tu m'étonnes.
01:17:51Je suis désolée.
01:17:52C'est juste
01:17:53que je suis un peu
01:17:54détendue en ce moment.
01:17:55Je veux dire,
01:17:56c'est ce que tu fais
01:17:57toute la semaine.
01:17:58Personne ne gagne
01:17:59la classe.
01:18:00Tu sais,
01:18:01c'est le dernier moment
01:18:02pour tout le monde
01:18:03pour s'amuser ensemble.
01:18:05C'est un peu dégueulasse,
01:18:06n'est-ce pas ?
01:18:07Un peu.
01:18:09Eh bien,
01:18:10on dirait que les invités
01:18:11ne sont pas les seuls
01:18:12qui ont changé cette semaine.
01:18:14Peut-être que le défi
01:18:15secret final
01:18:16peut changer aussi.
01:18:18Tu veux faire un puzzle ?
01:18:22un puzzle
01:18:23avec des clous.
01:18:27Une chute de scavengers.
01:18:29Pour graduer
01:18:30de ce cours,
01:18:31les six d'entre vous
01:18:32devront travailler ensemble
01:18:33en utilisant ces clous,
01:18:34mis ensemble
01:18:35par notre propre Amy Wolfson.
01:18:37Donc, c'est un peu
01:18:38comme une chute de scavengers.
01:18:40Vous devrez travailler ensemble
01:18:41en utilisant les compétences
01:18:42que vous avez développées
01:18:43au cours de la semaine.
01:18:44Vous aurez quatre heures
01:18:45pour trouver le prix.
01:18:56Clou numéro un.
01:18:59quelque chose
01:19:00de ce que vous souhaitez.
01:19:01Gardez-moi pour toujours
01:19:02si vous m'éteignez
01:19:03par le feu.
01:19:05Ça rime.
01:19:07Je ne peux pas m'aider.
01:19:11C'est du play-doh ?
01:19:12Non, ça ne peut pas être du play-doh.
01:19:14Oh, du poterie !
01:19:15C'est du poterie ?
01:19:16C'est du poterie ?
01:19:20J'ai hâte !
01:19:24Vous avez un clou pour nous ?
01:19:27OK, les gars.
01:19:30Les trésors du roi
01:19:31ne sont satisfaisants
01:19:32que pour si longtemps.
01:19:33Vous me trouverez
01:19:34à l'intérieur
01:19:35de la boîte en bois
01:19:36qui chante
01:19:37la chanson la plus douce.
01:19:39Je ne sais même pas
01:19:40où commencer.
01:19:42Les trésors du roi
01:19:43ne sont satisfaisants
01:19:44que pour si longtemps.
01:19:46Un homme avec de l'argent.
01:19:48Ça ressemble à mon père.
01:19:49Est-ce ?
01:19:51Vous me trouverez
01:19:52à l'intérieur
01:19:53de la boîte en bois
01:19:54qui chante
01:19:55la chanson la plus douce.
01:19:56Son piano.
01:19:58Hey, hey !
01:19:59Hey !
01:20:03Voyons voir.
01:20:06Oh !
01:20:07Là, c'est !
01:20:09Clou numéro 3.
01:20:20OK, c'est compliqué.
01:20:22Allez !
01:20:23Qu'est-ce que tu cherches
01:20:24pour voir ton passé ?
01:20:25Une diarhée.
01:20:27Une machine à voyager dans le temps.
01:20:30Oh !
01:20:31Une photo !
01:20:32Une photo !
01:20:34Et quelle photo
01:20:36pour voir aussi
01:20:37ton présent ?
01:20:38Une photo
01:20:39qui est
01:20:42un miroir.
01:20:43Hum hum.
01:20:44Oh !
01:20:45Comme un miroir
01:20:46de photo.
01:20:47Oui !
01:20:48OK !
01:20:49Félicitations !
01:20:57Oh !
01:20:59Où as-tu trouvé ça ?
01:21:01Hum, j'aurais peut-être
01:21:02préparé un petit self-timer.
01:21:05Donc, je pense
01:21:06que mon gros point
01:21:07pour la semaine
01:21:08est l'importance
01:21:09de se balancer dans la vie,
01:21:10de ne pas ressembler
01:21:11trop à Paul.
01:21:12Mais regarder en avant,
01:21:14c'est important,
01:21:15mais aussi
01:21:16être présent
01:21:17et savoir
01:21:18d'où tu viens.
01:21:20c'est ce que le miroir
01:21:22Je veux dire,
01:21:23pour moi, en tout cas.
01:21:26Qui es-tu ?
01:21:27Hum, je suis Amy Wilson,
01:21:28du journal Belfair.
01:21:29Heureuse de te rencontrer.
01:21:32je ne parle pas
01:21:33aux journalistes.
01:21:34OK !
01:21:36je pense que j'ai
01:21:37d'ailleurs qu'à y aller.
01:21:38Mais, hum,
01:21:39je te verrai demain.
01:21:41Hey, Amy.
01:21:42Oui ?
01:21:44Je suis très impressionné,
01:21:45c'est tout.
01:21:53Hey !
01:21:57Come in.
01:22:00Where have you been ?
01:22:01I've been trying
01:22:02to get in touch all day.
01:22:04AP wants to run
01:22:05sections of our story.
01:22:06We're getting all kinds
01:22:07of network interest.
01:22:09I appreciate all
01:22:10that you've done for me.
01:22:11I really do.
01:22:12But, hum,
01:22:13I can't work here anymore.
01:22:15What ?
01:22:16It's just not
01:22:17what I want to do.
01:22:18You just got promoted.
01:22:20Did someone else
01:22:21make you an offer ?
01:22:23Are you going out
01:22:24on your own ?
01:22:26I don't understand.
01:22:28What's your plan here ?
01:22:29I don't know yet.
01:22:30And for the first time
01:22:31in my life,
01:22:32I am okay with that.
01:22:36and I'd like you to print
01:22:37a retraction
01:22:38taking my name
01:22:39off the article.
01:22:40That's not how
01:22:41it was supposed to be written.
01:23:26All right, keep turning.
01:23:28A little more.
01:23:29A little more.
01:23:30All right,
01:23:31back it up a little bit.
01:23:34Thank you so much.
01:23:35Hey there.
01:23:38They're here.
01:23:39Oh, who ?
01:23:40Delfino Equities Board.
01:23:45They want me to
01:23:46live stream the ceremony
01:23:47to announce that
01:23:48Delfino Equities
01:23:49is going to be
01:23:50the first
01:23:51in the world
01:23:52to launch
01:23:53a ceremony
01:23:54to announce that
01:23:55Delfino Equities
01:23:56has invested
01:23:57a sizable sum of money
01:23:58to expand
01:23:59the happiness playbook.
01:24:02What's that ?
01:24:03This is an article
01:24:04about you.
01:24:05Except this one
01:24:06I actually wrote.
01:24:08Ten steps
01:24:09to becoming
01:24:10a happiness coach.
01:24:12I'll let you
01:24:13look it over.
01:24:19we did it.
01:24:21It's been a
01:24:22great experience,
01:24:23I have to say.
01:24:27I would talk about
01:24:28all the changes
01:24:29I have seen in you
01:24:30and it's true
01:24:31I have seen many.
01:24:34I want to thank you
01:24:36because as much
01:24:37as you've all grown
01:24:38you helped me grow too.
01:24:41I want to read a snippet
01:24:42from an article
01:24:43written by
01:24:44our very own
01:24:45Amy Wolfson.
01:24:48is a man of contradictions.
01:24:50He is happy
01:24:51et inévitablement conflicté,
01:24:53il est aidant,
01:24:54mais évident de ses propres problèmes.
01:24:57Il veut aider les autres, et le fait,
01:24:59mais parfois à son propre détriment.
01:25:03En d'autres mots,
01:25:05Paul est humain.
01:25:07J'étais censé utiliser ce moment
01:25:10pour annoncer une partenariat
01:25:12entre le Playbook du bonheur et Delphino Equities.
01:25:15Je ne vais plus faire ça.
01:25:18Au lieu,
01:25:20le Playbook du bonheur va être relancé
01:25:22d'une manière plus ouverte et sincère.
01:25:27Je m'appelle Paul Taylor,
01:25:30et aujourd'hui, c'est le premier jour.
01:25:42Amy, tu te souviens de mon père?
01:25:44Oui, bien sûr!
01:25:46Ah, oui!
01:25:47Je suis le journaliste en couverture,
01:25:49et Master Clue, salut!
01:25:51C'est bien de te revoir, Mr. Taylor.
01:25:53Depuis qu'on s'est rencontrés,
01:25:54sa vie s'est tournée vers l'envers.
01:25:56Chaque homme devrait être si chanceux.
01:26:01Je l'aime!
01:26:03C'est rare,
01:26:04c'est souvent un goût acquis.
01:26:09Je voulais te remercier.
01:26:12C'est à l'heure.
01:26:14Pour quoi?
01:26:16Je pense que j'ai cherché quelque chose
01:26:18depuis très longtemps.
01:26:20Et si c'est le cas,
01:26:22je pense que tu m'as aidé à réaliser
01:26:23que j'avais l'inconnu.
01:26:30Paul Taylor mange du sucre?
01:26:32Je veux juste voir
01:26:33comment ça se passe.
01:26:35Tu sais ce que le sucre fait au corps?
01:26:36Je sais.
01:26:41Tu sais quoi?
01:26:43Je pense que j'ai une idée
01:26:44pour ton prochain projet.
01:26:46Toutes les idées de mon père
01:26:48sur l'expansion de l'entreprise,
01:26:50me prendre plus au sérieux,
01:26:51m'ont fait penser
01:26:53à ce que si j'écrivais un livre
01:26:54sur cette expérience.
01:26:56Mais j'ai toujours un problème.
01:26:58Qu'est-ce que c'est?
01:26:59J'ai une histoire,
01:27:01mais je ne suis pas beaucoup un écrivain.
01:27:04Eh bien,
01:27:05je ne suis pas très facile à travailler avec,
01:27:07je vais te le dire.
01:27:09Crois-moi, je sais.
01:27:13Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
01:27:43Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
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