Art et designTranscription
00:00Hey kids, guess what day it is!
00:15Cinco de Mayo!
00:19That's right!
00:22Do you all understand?
00:28Why Cinco de Mayo is important?
00:31Of course we do!
00:32Piñatas! It's the one day a year we get rewarded for vandalism!
00:38Actually Chef, there's more to Cinco de Mayo than piñatas!
00:41That's true! There's also a taco bar!
00:47And later we'll all take a nice siesta!
00:51That just means nap time! We always have nap time!
00:54Not today! Today it's siesta!
00:57Cinco de Mayo celebrates the day Mexico drove off French invaders!
01:01We should spend the day researching the true meaning...
01:04Sure, we'll get right on that!
01:06Time to get our snack on!
01:10Chef! Do something!
01:13Oh right! Your form's all wrong kids! Keep your back elbow up and follow through!
01:23And now for some real piñatas!
01:27Oh no!
01:29You shall not pass!
01:32What? Why?
01:33What do these piñatas ever do to you? We must protect all of nature's creations!
01:38Izzy, I want to agree, but it feels like you've had to stick up for nature a lot lately.
01:45What? He's just playing!
01:48It's like a big sticky sleeping bag!
01:54Every building should have a dinosaur on top!
01:58Those only sound bad if you remember them!
02:00Izzy, I understand your feelings, but piñatas aren't alive.
02:04In fact, there's nothing natural about them.
02:06They come from the deranged, sugar-crazed minds of human beings.
02:10Oh! Okey-dokey then!
02:16Now that everyone's in position, let us begin! Blindfolds tight!
02:21Backs up!
02:22Now kids, every piñata must be destroyed before siesta!
02:26Every. Last. One.
02:29Why is he saying it like that?
02:30Who cares? It's smashing time!
02:33Three, two, one, attack!
02:51I'm a piñata!
02:56Wow! This is a tough one!
02:58I need backup!
02:59Hey! What are you doing to my car?
03:06This candy's really hard!
03:09Why? Why?
03:12I guess that's the last of them!
03:14Wait! What's a piñata doing here?
03:16That doesn't matter! I'm a smash again!
03:22Oh! You're... alive?
03:25I knew we shouldn't be smashing you guys!
03:29What should I name you?
03:30I know! I'll call you... Piñata!
03:33I need more smashing!
03:38Let's find you somewhere safe to hide!
03:41Perfect! You won't get hurt in there!
03:44Yep! Uh-huh! Very good!
03:47Job well done, my tiny army!
03:50Now look at that! Just in time, too!
03:52Now, uh, we are sure we smashed every last one, right?
03:58Are we sure we're sure?
03:59Oh yes, Chef! Every last one! I mean, yeesh! Am I right?
04:03Looks like we dodged that bullet for another year!
04:06Time for a siesta!
04:08Oh, hey, Izzy! Why no candy?
04:11Me? Oh, uh, I'm, uh, saving room for the taco bar!
04:14I don't blame ya! She is a beaut!
04:22Izzy, it's not taco time yet!
04:25Uh, I'm making mine for later! See?
04:29And now I will place it by this open window... cool down!
04:34And now I will place it by this open window... cool!
04:39Well, that checks out! Have a good nap!
04:45Dangling from a swing? That's the worst place for a piñata!
04:51Piñata! You can't play out in the open like that!
04:58What am I gonna do in here?
05:01Wow! You can lay candies?
05:05Wow! A lot of candies!
05:07But if you can do that, why do people smash their guts out every single mile?
05:18Don't take this the wrong way, but you're less cute than your mom!
05:23Ugh! Poppy breath!
05:31Hey, Chef! I have a Cinco de Mayo question!
05:33Hippopotamously speaking, if all piñatas weren't destroyed before Siesta, what would happen?
05:40Izzy, I think it's time you learned the truth about piñatas.
05:44Once upon a time, there was a great battle between the Mexican and the invading French armies.
05:50Mexico was victorious, so they celebrated by smashing toys full of candy.
05:55It made sense at the time.
05:57But then, the celebrations got bigger and bigger.
06:00Normal piñatas weren't enough anymore, so they made super-giant piñatas,
06:06which, naturally, immediately turned evil.
06:10The army was called in, but even they were no match for the piñatas.
06:14Luckily, as it turns out, all piñatas are vulnerable to blindfolded children with sticks,
06:19so the uprising was contained.
06:21So now, every Cinco de Mayo, we round them up for smashing.
06:25If we didn't, they could take over the world.
06:31Wow is right! So it's a good thing we smashed every last one, right?
06:37How about that?
06:43I'm sorry! My piñata was just so cute! I didn't think it would take over the world!
06:49Okay, this is bad, but we're not throwing in the taco just yet!
06:53We will fight! We will fight them on the slide!
06:59Hey! He wasn't finished his long, boring speech!
07:05Guys, help! I kept the piñatas and Pat and it turned evil,
07:07and now its pups are taking over the world and we gotta stop them!
07:10Follow me, H-Chef!
07:14Sorry, Izzy, can't move. Too full.
07:19Then it looks like it's up to me!
07:24Time to crush the panda!
07:54Chef! Are you okay?
07:58Don't worry about me. You have to smash the head piñata!
08:01It's vampire rules, Izzy! Vampire rules!
08:10Sorry, piñata. I guess you're just too sweet for this world.
08:14I'm sorry, Izzy. I'm sorry.
08:16I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
08:18I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
08:20Sorry, piñata. I guess you're just too sweet for this world.
08:26I know you spawned an army bent on destroying mankind,
08:29but I still can't bear to see you hurt.
08:32So it's lucky I still have this blindfold!
08:41Izzy! No!
08:51Enjoy your siesta!
08:59Izzy! You saved me! And my job!
09:05Well, that was fun! Time to hit the taco bar!
09:09Well, kids, I think we all learned a valuable lesson today.
09:12I didn't learn anything!
09:14How to survive yet another holiday!
09:17I can't wait for International Shark Day!
09:20To be continued...