• l’année dernière


01:30J'ai l'impression d'avoir les muscles de l'ancien Joe.
01:32Oui, monsieur. J'espère que j'aurai un noir.
01:34La dernière fois que j'ai eu un vert, je ne peux pas rester au vert.
01:37Attendez un instant.
01:42Vous voyez, ça me rappelle de la façon dont j'étais quand j'étais petit.
01:46Je n'ai jamais eu de l'argent.
01:47Au fait, la première chose que j'ai appris à l'école
01:49c'est que tout le monde avait un rendu plus élevé que moi.
01:52Vous savez, l'argent serait beaucoup plus amusant
01:54si ça nous a pris autant de temps à le dépenser qu'à l'acheter.
01:57Bien sûr, certains gars semblent toujours avoir de l'argent.
01:59Comme on peut le dire, ils n'ont jamais gagné du tout.
02:02Prenez Franny Bates.
02:04Il n'a pas été avec Fat Albert et ses enfants depuis longtemps,
02:06mais il a déjà la réputation d'être un grand vendeur.
02:13Hey, hey, hey, c'est la fin de la journée.
02:16Rappelez-vous ce que j'ai.
02:23C'est le plus grand.
02:27Le plus grand?
02:28Le plus grand, c'est quoi?
02:35Oui, c'est ce qu'ils appelaient les vaisseaux pirates.
02:42Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un vieux compass?
02:48Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
02:53Je sais déjà où je suis.
02:59C'est quoi ça?
03:00Pourquoi tu m'appelles vieux?
03:02Parce que tu prends toujours des déchets.
03:06Hey, les gars, qu'est-ce qui se passe?
03:09Hey, Franny.
03:16Hey, hey, hey, Franny.
03:20Je t'ai manqué, Franny.
03:21Moi aussi.
03:22Moi aussi.
03:23On ne t'a pas vu depuis longtemps.
03:24Non, on ne t'a pas vu depuis longtemps.
03:28Hey, mec.
03:29Prends mon nouveau compass.
03:31Qu'est-ce que t'as de plus grand cette fois?
03:33Qu'est-ce que t'as de plus grand?
03:34Oui, mec, je veux le voir.
03:35Je veux le voir.
03:36Je veux le voir.
03:37Oui, mec, je veux le voir.
03:38Je veux le voir.
03:39C'est facile, les gars, c'est facile.
03:41La vieille Franny ne t'a jamais laissé tomber, a-t-elle?
03:44Vous, les gars, vous prenez des déchets liquides?
03:47Des déchets liquides?
03:48Oui, j'aime les déchets liquides.
03:49Oui, j'aime.
03:50C'est mon préféré.
03:51Oui, c'est mon préféré.
03:52Tout le monde aime ça.
03:53Oui, c'est mon préféré.
03:54Des déchets liquides.
03:58Hey, mec, regarde, c'est le mien.
04:00C'est le mien.
04:01Oui, c'est le mien.
04:02Je suis le champion, en tout cas.
04:04Hey, hey, hey, ne va pas.
04:21Comment ça va, Franny?
04:23Désolé, Fat Albert, il n'y a pas grand-chose.
04:25Ah, bien, c'est OK, Franny.
04:29Psst, Fat Albert.
04:36Hey, hey, hey, Franny, tu es OK.
04:42Oui, c'est une façon de devenir populaire, de donner des choses.
04:45Tu dois en avoir un.
04:47Et la question est, où est-ce que Franny l'obtient?
04:49Ah, ah.
04:51Mettez la première base sur trois pieds.
04:55La deuxième base devrait être là-bas.
04:58Et la troisième base ici.
05:02Non, non, encore deux pieds, trois centimètres à gauche.
05:07Maintenant, selon ma compréhension,
05:10nous avons un bon baseball.
05:12Oui, c'est ça.
05:13Oui, c'est ça.
05:15Nous avons un bon baseball.
05:18Selon ma compréhension, vous avez un bon masque.
05:21Ah, c'est assez proche.
05:23Allons, jouons avec mon nouveau ballon.
05:26Hey, Franny, d'où avez-vous obtenu cet équipement cool?
05:30De mon gros frère.
05:32Allons, mon vieux, voyons la fameuse balle.
05:35Tu veux dire Donald?
05:38Je ne savais pas que j'étais célèbre.
05:40Ce n'est pas tout, il ne le sait pas.
05:45Hey, vous, qui d'entre vous est Franny Bates?
05:51C'est lui, c'est Franny Bates, là-bas.
05:55Vous êtes Franny Bates?
05:58Nous avons quelque chose pour vous.
06:02Ne l'ouvrez pas jusqu'à ce que nous soyons partis.
06:14Allons, Franny, ouvrez-le.
06:17Eh bien, ok.
06:44J'aimerais en avoir un comme celui-là.
06:46Hey, hey, hey, qui vous donne la roue, Franny?
06:50Qui me donne tout? Mon frère Muggles.
06:53Muggles, hein?
06:55J'ai l'impression qu'on va entendre plus
06:57sur le généreux frère de Franny plus tard.
07:00Hey, Fat Albert, pourquoi ne pas donner une course de test?
07:03Tu ne veux pas prendre la première course, mon gars?
07:06Non, je peux faire la course à tout moment.
07:08Tout le monde peut faire la course.
07:10Hey, Franny, tu es cool.
07:13Wow, tu es cool, man.
07:15Hey, hey, hey, ça me donnera une bonne chance
07:17de tester mon compass.
07:19Pourquoi ne pas te perdre avec ce compass?
07:21Tu ne peux pas te perdre avec un compass.
07:23Hey, hey, hey, je suis en route.
07:32Hey, Bill, tu sais ce que j'ai pensé?
07:35J'ai pensé que Fat Albert avait déjà fait une course de moto.
07:38C'est ce que j'ai pensé.
07:40Bien sûr qu'il ne l'a pas fait. Man, il a déjà fait une course.
07:43Oh, oh.
07:54Il n'y a pas de soucis quand tu as un compass.
08:25Hey, hey, hey, this compass is really okay.
08:28How do you like my new wheels, Fat Albert?
08:31The greatest. These bikes really hold together, man.
08:40Make mine vanilla.
08:41I want chocolate.
08:42Hey man, I want some butter.
08:43I want some pecan.
08:44Butter pecan too.
08:45That is good.
08:47Easy dudes.
08:48It's always a bash when Franny's got the cash.
08:55Ketchup on ice cream?
08:58The fat without the mustard.
09:00No class.
09:01Too bad Fat Albert's missing all this.
09:06Where's Fat Albert anyway?
09:09He's over talking to my brother, Muggles.
09:14Fat Albert felt so bad about busting up my bike,
09:17he went over to explain how it happened.
09:23Hey, hey, hey!
09:30I promise I'll work after school and nights and all
09:33until I get enough money to pay you back for the motorbike.
09:36Kid, I dig your style.
09:39Forget about the motorbike.
09:40I'll get Franny another one.
09:43But isn't there something I can do?
09:49There's a real favor you'd do for me.
09:55You can deliver this to a pal of mine.
09:58He'd get it himself, but he's too sick to come over.
10:02Now, I wouldn't trust this to just anybody.
10:05My friend will pay you, and you bring me the money.
10:09Got it?
10:11The address is on the package.
10:13And whatever you do, don't let anybody see it.
10:17It's priceless merchandise.
10:20Don't worry, Mr. Muggles.
10:22Old Fat Albert won't let you down, man.
10:30Hey, hey, hey.
10:31I've never been around this neighborhood before.
10:36OK, kid, tell us again.
10:38It's like I told you.
10:40Muggles didn't tell me what was in the package.
10:42He just told me to deliver and get the money back to him.
10:45I think the kid's telling the truth.
10:47I do, too.
10:48But let's make sure.
10:51You still claim you don't know what's in this package?
10:54All right, I'll tell you.
10:58That's right.
10:59Hard knocks.
11:00Hard knocks.
11:01Hard knocks.
11:02Hard knocks.
11:03Hard knocks.
11:04Hard narcotics.
11:05Your friend Muggles is a narcotics pusher.
11:08But I didn't know.
11:11There's one way you can prove you're on the level.
11:13You're gonna help us nab Muggles.
11:18Fat Albert, how could you ever get us in a mess like this?
11:22Now, now.
11:23It's not his fault.
11:25He was just trying to do the right thing and he got involved.
11:28Well, I don't like the police using my boy to catch a narcotics pusher.
11:32But it's the only way, Pop.
11:34I promise I'll go through with helping catch Muggles tomorrow night.
11:38Oh, Albert.
11:39I'm so worried.
11:41So am I.
11:42I'm worried, too.
11:43But we've got to let Albert go ahead with it.
11:50Hey, dudes.
11:51Come and get them while they're hot.
11:53Hey, oh.
11:54Hey, man.
11:55Look at this.
11:56Man, that's great.
11:57Yeah, right on.
11:58That's what's right.
11:59My man.
12:03Pepperoni, Rudy.
12:05Cheese and tomato, Bucky.
12:07Sausage and bell pepper, Weird Harold.
12:10Mushroom, Mushmouth.
12:12And for Fat Albert, the kitchen sink pizza.
12:17Fat Albert?
12:18Don't want no pizza.
12:19I'm not hungry.
12:23Hey, Fat Albert.
12:24You sick or something?
12:26Just don't want no pizza.
12:27That's all.
12:28But I bought it for you special.
12:30Muggles give you the money?
12:32So what?
12:33Franny, did Muggles ever tell you where he gets that money he gives you?
12:38What do you mean?
12:39I mean, don't you know what business your brother's in?
12:42Well, sure.
12:43He's in big business.
12:45Yeah, with a big office and all that stuff.
12:48Franny, you just don't know what he does, do you?
12:51Oh, I know what he does.
12:54He takes care of me real good.
12:56I don't know what I'd do without Muggles.
13:31Well, looks like Fat Albert's the hero of the hour.
13:35Pretty brave thing he did.
13:37But don't think that Fat Albert wasn't afraid.
13:39You take it from me, any dude who doesn't know the meaning of the word fear
13:42probably doesn't know the meaning of many other words either.
13:45And there's one word right now that Fat Albert sure knows the meaning of.
13:49And that word is guilt.
13:51Now if you ask me, I don't think he should feel guilty.
13:53Do you?
13:55Albert, oh Albert, breakfast.
13:59Got your favorite, lots of everything.
14:05Well, how's our hero doing this morning?
14:08Okay. I'm not hungry, Mom. I think I skipped breakfast.
14:12Albert, are you sick?
14:15I don't feel so good.
14:17Really? Maybe we better call the doctor.
14:20No doctor can cure what I feel.
14:26Yes, sir.
14:28My hero pal Fat Albert is sure gonna be surprised
14:30when he sees all the neat stuff I'm fixing up for him.
14:32What do you mean your hero pal?
14:34He's our hero pal too.
14:36What's that dumb thing you're rolling out there?
14:39I'm gonna roll it out for Fat Albert.
14:41It's a red carpet.
14:42Red? That's great.
14:44I got it figured out.
14:46Red glasses.
14:47Oh, man.
14:49Oh, yeah?
14:51What you cats got for Fat Albert that's so great?
14:54We got him a genuine Barber Chair Hero's Throne.
15:01And I'm presenting him with the Weird Harold Medal of Honor.
15:07And when Fat Albert comes by,
15:09I'm gonna drop this whole sack of confetti on him.
15:17That'll be my musical salute to Fat Albert,
15:21our greatest hero ever.
15:23Hero? Fully.
15:27Now, wait a minute.
15:28Your old pal Fat Albert is a real thing.
15:31Hey, what kind of talk is that?
15:34Fat Albert put my brother in jail.
15:36Now I won't get nothing.
15:37You won't get nothing.
15:39No more pizzas.
15:40No more ice cream.
15:41No more motorbikes.
15:42No more sports stuff.
15:44No more nothing.
15:51Hey, hey, hey.
15:53Franny, I'm always sorry about your brother,
15:56but you know, pushing dope is bad news.
15:58And it just ain't right.
16:00I know it makes it rough on you.
16:02Here, I want you to have my all-time favorite neat thing.
16:06I know you're mad at me now,
16:08but I still want you to be my friend.
16:11I know you're mad at me now,
16:13but I still want you to be my friend.
16:15I know you're mad at me now,
16:17but I still want you to be my friend.
16:23Fat Albert, I'm never going to be your friend.
16:26And you know what?
16:27The gang doesn't want you for a friend neither.
16:32You don't have a friend in the world.
16:35Fat Albert!
16:38Fat Albert, we got something to say to you.
16:41Wait a minute.
16:42I got something to say to you.
16:44All I've been trying to do is the right thing,
16:46but it's getting messed up more and more.
16:48And on top of it all,
16:49I just lost my friend and my favorite accomplice,
16:52and I don't want to hear no flack from you dudes or nobody.
16:57Wait, Fat Albert.
16:58You got us all wrong.
17:01Hey, man, we're on your side.
17:03Yeah, right on.
17:04Come back here, Fat Albert.
17:05Pushing dope is the worst thing in the world.
17:07I know it.
17:08Buggles got what he deserved.
17:09He sure did, and you did the right thing.
17:11And you can't say you're mad at me?
17:14You know, Franny ain't gonna be giving you any more big stuff.
17:17Who cares?
17:19Yeah, you're the biggest stuff there is.
17:22Hey, lighten up.
17:23Hey, Fat Albert, it's all right.
17:28Well, Fat Albert's big stuff with the gang now,
17:31but he's not very big stuff with Franny.
17:34And we can only hope that in time, Franny will see
17:37that it's no good to help yourself by hurting others,
17:40and dope pushers like Muggles hurt a lot of people.
17:43And Fat Albert and the gang think we all ought to be more concerned
17:46about this drug problem,
17:48and they're gonna do a little song about it right now.
17:50Hey, listen, what was that song you guys had for me?
17:53Remember you told me about the dope thing?
18:06Dope is for dopes
18:09Drugs are for dummies
18:13And if you mess around with them
18:16That kind of mess isn't funny
18:20If some guy tries to tell you
18:24He's gonna make you a real big man
18:28You better get up and run away from him
18:33Just as fast as you can
18:35Cause you don't need a microscope
18:39To see that he is really a dope
18:46Dope is for dopes
18:50Drugs are for dummies
18:54And if you mess around with them
18:57That kind of mess isn't funny
19:01Drugs are bad for your body
19:05And that means a lot
19:09You better take care of your body
19:13Cause it's the only one you've got
19:17You don't need to be a private eye
19:21To see dope is bad
19:23And understand why
19:26Dope is for dopes
19:30Drugs are for dummies
19:34And if you mess around with them
19:37That kind of mess isn't funny
19:41If some guy tries to tell you
19:45He's gonna make you a real big man
19:49You better get up and run away from him
19:53Just as fast as you can
19:56Cause you don't need a microscope
20:00To see that he is really a dope
20:07Dope is for dopes
20:11Drugs are for dummies
20:15And if you mess around with them
20:19That kind of mess isn't funny
20:23And if you mess around with them
20:53That kind of mess isn't funny
