00:30Learnin' from each other
00:32While we do our thing
00:34Na na na
00:36Gonna have a good time
00:38Hey hey hey
00:40Na na na
00:42This is Bill Cosby coming at you with music and fun
00:44And if you're not careful
00:46You may learn something before it's done
00:48Hey hey hey
00:50Na na na
00:52Gonna have a good time
00:54Na na na
00:56Gonna have a good time
00:58Na na na
01:00Gonna have a good time
01:29As you recall
01:31Last time we left our hero
01:33The Brown Hornet
01:35And his trusty pal Stinger
01:37Hopelessly trapped
01:39In the poisonous atmosphere
01:41Of Zephyron
01:43As the incredibly vicious
01:45Behemoth monster was about
01:47To turn them into an after
01:49Dinner mint
01:51Using the Brown Hornet's superpowers
01:53They naturally
01:55Escaped unharmed
01:57Yeah yeah look at that
01:59Now we pick up with our heroes
02:01As they face
02:03An even worse threat
02:05I am the commissioner
02:07Surrender at once
02:13Where is the wise and benevolent
02:15Leader of this planet, the teacher?
02:17The teacher is gone
02:19Now I am ruling the planet Arges
02:24Take them to the dungeon
02:28I will handle these mechanical ruffians
02:39Stop this foolishness
02:44You are definitely
02:47Not a nice man, commissioner
02:50I shall find the teacher
02:52And once again
02:53He will be the leader of Arges
02:56Fear not, crew
02:58I shall return
03:04I have a surprise for you too
03:07You will be the first to try out
03:09My new carbonite cruncher
03:13Hello, teacher
03:15What's new, brownie?
03:17Long time no see
03:18I have come to return you
03:20As the rightful leader of Arges
03:23Well, brownie, I got some bad news
03:25I'm not coming back
03:27You see, my time is almost up
03:29How can you know?
03:31I am a robot
03:33As you can see, my transistors are tiny
03:35Now do me a favor, brownie
03:37Go back and tell the people
03:39They have to go on without me
03:44I will keep you from your pressing engagement
03:50Hey fellas, wait
03:52I never really wanted to be a pancake
03:59Hold on, crew
04:01I will save you
04:05People of Arges
04:07I have seen the teacher
04:09And I am sad to say
04:10He is never coming back
04:12You have learned from the teacher
04:14You have his wisdom and his legacy
04:17You must go on without him
04:20And as for you, commissioner
04:22Keep a close superhero eye on your activities
04:26Now, we must away
04:30I have a feeling that the people of the planet will make it
04:34Even without the teacher
04:36Well, my feelings aren't so good about us
04:40We're being drawn into the center of the sun
04:46Will our daring heroes survive their latest dangerous threat?
04:51Join in next week for another exciting episode of
04:56The Brown Hornets
04:59Hey, hey, hey, got out the way
05:02Oh, hey, oh
05:08Hey, hey, hey, this just might play
05:11Here you are, men
05:12The Fat Albert Instant Budget Low Cost Do-It-Yourself Skateboard
05:18Couple of little corrections
05:20Firstly, it wasn't instant since you started building this thing three days ago
05:26Secondly, the low budget turned out to be cost plus
05:30Zooming it up to more than 42 cents
05:34And thirdly, the do-it-yourself part called for all of our creative efforts
05:39To unfix what you fixed
05:42None of us are perfect
05:48Now for the big test run
05:51Now for the big test to read yours truly
06:07Don't nobody get in my way
06:17Don't worry, I will
06:32Anyone for tennis?
06:36Fat Albert, you ok?
06:38Fit as a fiddle
06:39Same shape, too
06:42Only king size
06:44« You all know my uncle Monty, don't you? »
06:48« Monty the Magnificent, at your service! »
06:53« Singer of songs, dancer of dances, the second greatest all-around entertainer in the world! »
07:00« Tatatata! »
07:02« In the night club! »
07:06« Please, please, no applause! »
07:09« I have a headache! »
07:18« Catch! »
07:19« All right! »
07:20« All right, boy! »
07:22« Old Uncle Monty put a little too much on that one. »
07:25« You gotta envy Undine. »
07:27« It's sure nice to have an uncle who can do all those neat things. »
07:30« I mean, your old Uncle Bill here has been known to do a trick or two in his day. »
07:36« Watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat. »
07:38« Rabbit, rabbit! »
07:42« Close. »
07:43« Just for that, you'll have to stay in there, rabbit. »
07:47« Let's see what Uncle Monty's doing. »
07:54« You know, kids, skateboards can be a lot of fun, when you use them wisely. »
08:00« First of all, never skate in the streets where there's traffic. »
08:05« I don't know if that truck driver should be given a ticket for speeding or for flying too low. »
08:10« Uncle Monty, you're too much! »
08:13« Okay, first thing I want to do is ride this thing standing on my hands. »
08:18« No hot-dogging yet, Rudy. »
08:20« After you learn to control the board, you can cut the fancy capers. »
08:23« If old Rude can't start right from the top... »
08:26« ...he won't settle for the bottom. »
08:28« Undine kept telling us what a royal clown sport you were. »
08:31« And here you were back away from a little old skateboard. »
08:34« Ha! »
08:35« Uncle Monty can do anything. »
08:37« Can't you, Uncle Monty? »
08:39« Well, I... »
08:41« Ha! I thought so. »
08:43« Well, let's see now. »
08:45« I guess this is the wrong way to do it, eh? »
08:48« Ha, ha, ha, ha. »
08:50« Whooo! »
08:53« Whooo! »
09:00« Whooo! »
09:06« Yeah, man! »
09:08« I ain't never seen nothing like that! »
09:13« Mark Twain once said we can all pick our friends... »
09:15« ...but we cannot pick our relatives. »
09:18« He might not have said that... »
09:19« ...if he'd had a relative like Undine's Uncle Monty. »
09:22« Not only is he a talented performer... »
09:24« ...but he's a real nice human being. »
09:32« How much further, Uncle Monty? »
09:34« We're almost there, Undine! »
09:36« Cotton candy? »
09:37« Nope! »
09:38« Caramel taffy apples? »
09:40« Nope! »
09:41« Please, Uncle Monty... »
09:42« ...tell me what you've got in the bag. »
09:44« Uh-uh. You'll see in a minute, Undine. »
09:49« Aller, Ongewitt's! »
09:53« Watch how a real magician can make things appear! »
10:06« Here's what you've got in your bag. »
10:08« Crumpets for the ducks. »
10:12« What have you got against... »
10:13«! »
10:18Nous avons plus de moutons à nourrir.
10:22Hey, hey, hey, mauvaise nouvelle les gars.
10:32Qu'est-ce qui te prend?
10:34Quelqu'un te tient à six repas par jour?
10:37C'est un cup de plastique.
10:40Cup de plastique?
10:41Hey, pourquoi tu m'appelles un cup de plastique?
10:43Pas de glace.
10:44Pas de glace?
10:45Tu veux dire pas de classe?
10:46Tu l'as dit.
10:47Je ne l'ai pas dit.
10:50J'ai quelque chose à te dire, les gars.
10:52Il n'y aura plus de sports de jeunesse à l'école.
10:55Ils ont juste coupé les sports du budget de l'école.
10:58On ne peut pas faire ça.
11:01Pas d'utile, les gars.
11:02Il n'y a rien que nous pouvons faire de ça.
11:04Oh, je ne sais pas de ça.
11:08J'ai une idée.
11:10Oui, monsieur.
11:17Je pense que je sais une façon de vous sortir de vos troubles.
11:20Vous voulez dire?
11:23Undine's Uncle Marty va mettre sur un grand défilé de bénéfices.
11:26Vous vous demandez probablement, comment j'ai pu le noter?
11:30Eh bien, c'est ce qu'ils ont fait dans tous ces vieux films avec Gloria Jean, Mickey
11:36Rooney et Deanna Turbin.
11:38Les gens vont vous dire qui ils étaient.
11:40En tout cas, voyons si je n'ai pas raison sur le défilé de bénéfices.
11:53Rudy, qu'est-ce que tu fais tout seul là-bas?
11:55Je me lève.
11:56Tu te lèves?
11:57Mais tu n'as rien fait encore.
11:59Je sais.
12:00Je dois me lever avant de commencer, n'est-ce pas?
12:03L'école s'est fermée pour les réparations, encore une fois.
12:06L'école s'est fermée pour les réparations?
12:08Qu'est-ce que tu parles?
12:10Pas de plan.
12:11Allez les enfants, on n'a pas le temps pour de la bickerie.
12:18Je, Uncle Marty, apporte ici vous deux en tant qu'équipe.
12:23Enlevez et débrouillez-le autour de ces hauts couloirs.
12:30Hey, hey, hey, ne nous en attardons pas.
12:33Ne nous en attardons pas.
12:35Chou, chou.
12:36Un côté pour l'expression de Fat Albert.
12:43Ne vous regardez pas maintenant, Fat Albert.
12:45Mais n'oubliez pas quelque chose.
12:49Uncle Marty, ne vous inquiétez pas de la décoration.
12:51Nous finirons tout, n'est-ce pas les enfants?
12:53Pendant que nous faisons ça, vous pouvez vous préparer pour votre performance.
12:57Yeah, pardon.
13:01Maintenant, la première chose que je fais,
13:03c'est d'ouvrir l'acte avec un petit peu de juggling.
13:05Voici les blagues, les gars.
13:10Vous savez pourquoi Humpty Dumpty a eu un grand départ?
13:14Pour se préparer pour un bon été.
13:21Hey, vous savez quoi?
13:22J'ai trouvé une nouvelle façon de gagner de l'argent.
13:24J'ai utilisé quelqu'un d'autre.
13:27Vous savez, l'argent a toujours été un problème.
13:29Je ne vous jure pas.
13:31Je n'ai jamais eu un centime pour mon nom.
13:33Donc, j'ai changé mon nom.
13:39Mais je ne m'excuserai pas pour mes actions.
13:41Non sirree.
13:43En fait, il n'y a qu'un gars que j'accroche la tête à.
13:46Mon barbare.
13:52Il est là.
13:53Il est un vrai génie.
13:55Il a juste résolu le problème du parking.
13:57Il a acheté un véhicule de parking.
14:14Bien, je ne serai pas aussi bon que l'oncle Marty, vous voyez.
14:18Mais alors, qui est-ce?
14:19Il est très gentil.
14:21Regardez ce qu'il fait maintenant.
14:24Yes sirree.
14:25Les gars, je veux que vous rencontriez mon magnifique chien de parler.
14:33Quel genre de chien es-tu?
14:35Un chien de police.
14:37Tu ne ressembles pas à un chien de police.
14:39Bien sûr que non.
14:40Je suis dans le service secret.
14:44Service secret, hein?
14:47Service secret, hein?
14:54Car Investigating Animal.
15:00Regardez ici.
15:01Où investiguez-vous ces voitures?
15:03Surtout dans...
15:06Les parking lots.
15:11Le parking lot.
15:12Le parking lot.
15:22Moncle Marty, savez-vous de la histoire de la montagne?
15:25Non, je ne sais pas.
15:27Oubliez-le, c'est juste une blague.
15:34Moncle Marty, savez-vous ce que l'une boucle demande à l'autre boucle?
15:37Non, qu'est-ce que l'une boucle demande à l'autre boucle?
15:40Serez-vous sortir ce soir?
15:57Hey, hey, hey.
15:58C'est la bonne façon.
16:00Je comprends.
16:01Comme ça.
16:04Exceptionnellement, je peux faire une petite suggestion?
16:10Hey, hey, hey.
16:11Moncle Marty veut dire quelque chose d'autre.
16:14Au revoir, frère.
16:18Hey, Wombly.
16:19Est-ce que tu viens voir le grand défilé du bénéfice de Moncle Marty?
16:24Il n'y aura pas de défilé, Fat Albert.
16:28Moncle Marty est juste...
16:40Je n'y crois pas.
16:41C'est une erreur.
16:42C'est vrai.
16:43Moncle Marty est mort.
16:44Et c'est difficile à croire.
16:46Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ici qui veut jouer à un jeu?
16:51Oui, je suppose que nous tous nous sentons très mal pour Moncle Marty.
16:54Mais pensez à Undine.
16:56Comment pensez-vous qu'elle se sente?
16:58Oh, Undine.
16:59Viens ici.
17:01Je viens juste de ramener les choses de votre oncle Marty.
17:04Que pour?
17:05Bien, nous devons les déployer.
17:08Les déployer?
17:09Oui, je pensais que nous ferions une chambre de couture à partir de ça.
17:12Non, c'est la chambre de l'oncle Marty.
17:14Ce n'est pas l'entrée.
17:15Mais je pense que c'est la chambre de l'oncle Marty.
17:17Oh, non.
17:18Non, c'est la chambre de l'oncle Marty.
17:19Non, c'est la chambre de l'oncle Marty.
17:20C'est pas vrai.
17:21C'est pas vrai.
17:22Non, non, non, non.
17:23C'est pas vrai.
17:24Non, non, non, non, non, non.
17:28Why can't we leave it the way it is?
17:30Look, Undine, we all loved Uncle Marnie.
17:34Then why are you changing everything?
17:36Because he's gone.
17:38He's not gone to me.
17:40And you wouldn't say that either if you really loved him.
17:48Good old Uncle Marnie.
17:50It isn't easy for any of us to adjust to the loss of a loved one.
17:54And Undine is taking it especially hard and I hope she'll be able to get over it.
17:58And so do Fat Albert and the gang.
18:06Has anyone seen Undine?
18:08No, ma'am. Not since Uncle Marnie died.
18:11It's been some time now.
18:13I hope she's all right.
18:19I wonder how Undine is.
18:21Well, we pass her house every day on the way home.
18:25One of us should stop in and see how she is.
18:28Hey, hey, hey. I know what you're gonna say.
18:31No way. Not me.
18:33Well, if not you, who's gonna do it?
18:36Yeah, man. You go on, Fat Albert.
18:49Uh, you, uh, you okay?
18:53We're, uh, you know, uh, sorry.
18:56Real sorry.
18:58About, you know, all gang miss you, uh, yeah.
19:02When you coming back to, uh, school?
19:09Poor Fat Albert. He aims to please.
19:12But judging by Undine's reaction, he's not a very good shot.
19:17Well, Fat Albert may be down, but he's not out.
19:21Hey, hey, hey. Sure wish I knew what to say to Undine.
19:25No fun having your best uncle die.
19:27But is it right for Undine to stop living either?
19:30I just don't know.
19:42Hey, hey, hey. Undine.
19:46Is this seat taken?
19:48Care for some fresh broken cookies?
19:55Well, there's my poor little girl in the same spot again.
20:02Look, Undine, this just isn't right.
20:05We all know how much you love your uncle, and we love him too.
20:09But you gotta face it, he's gone.
20:11No, he's not gone. Not to me.
20:14Albert's right, Undine. Uncle Monty is gone.
20:19No, no.
20:29Okay, how come nobody's talking?
20:32On account when your big mouth is open, there's no room for anybody else to talk.
20:37Don't try to jive me. Everybody's so tired about Undine.
20:41Yeah, man, I sure put my foot in it.
20:44I wouldn't be surprised if she never talked to me again.
20:50Undine, may I come in?
20:54Undine, I know how much you miss Uncle Monty, and I miss him too.
20:59But he still lives in both of us.
21:02We'll always have Monty's wonderful, zestful life.
21:06It's up to us to carry it on.
21:09It's a priceless gift he left us. We should treasure it.
21:20Hi, gang!
21:21Oh, hi!
21:23How you doing?
21:24Well, how's it going?
21:26Pretty good. Hey, it's nice seeing you smile again.
21:30I've had time to think.
21:32Uncle Monty wouldn't want to be remembered with tears.
21:35He'd rather be remembered for the fun he brought everybody.
21:38So I'm gonna try to be like he was.
21:41There's something else Uncle Monty would have wanted.
21:44Huh? What's that?
21:46He would have wanted us to go on with the show.
21:49Well, it looks like Undine is on her way back.
21:52She's starting to accept the fact that death is a reality.
21:55It brings heartaches.
21:57But Undine knows now that hanging on to the sadness doesn't help anything.
22:01And as her Uncle Monty would have said,
22:04the show must go on.
22:34Subtitling TITRAFILM