• l’année dernière


00:30It's Bill Cosby coming at you with music and fun, and if you're not careful, you may learn something before it's done.
00:37So let's get ready, okay? Hey, hey, hey!
01:00Hey, hey, hey!
01:30You're wondering about the tin cup, I guess.
01:33Well, I want to catch some of the money that's about to come down any minute, see,
01:37because the paper said there's going to be some change in the weather.
01:42You get it? Change in the weather.
01:45Okay, so it's a bad pun, but that's not the only thing that's bad.
01:49The climate is still bad for Pat Albert and his cousin Justin,
01:52and in just a second, you'll see who else it's bad for.
01:56Change in the weather.
02:04I got a great idea, man.
02:06Let's play some cool sports heroes.
02:10Yeah, you be Broadway Joe and I'll be O.J.
02:13Right on, man. Hey, hey, hey, get going, O.J.
02:20I'm in the clear.
02:26Hey, hey, you boys are going to catch the back of my hand
02:29if you don't clear this mess up fast, you hear?
02:32Okay, Dad, right away.
02:35When you get through with that, go out and play. The rain is easing up.
02:39Well, they say today's young people are pretty cool.
02:42Well, no wonder. The heat is on us parents.
02:53Uh-oh, it's starting to rain again.
02:56Come on, let's head for the Junkyard Clubhouse.
02:59Wait, I got a better idea.
03:01Let's go in there till the rain's over.
03:04But I don't have any cash.
03:06Don't need any money. We'll just act like we're just going to spend.
03:10I don't know. They don't dig dudes like us wandering around inside.
03:15Aw, don't be a big fat chicken, Pat Albert. Come on.
03:22I don't know.
03:24A dog with gumdrops? Why, big dog, big old man?
03:28Cause one little old gumdrops in your mouth for 3 seconds
03:32and then it's in your belly for 3 months.
03:35Psst, psst, psst.
03:42Shut up.
03:46Shut up.
03:53My name's Harlow and you've got to be Fat Albert.
03:57That's me. How do you know?
03:59How could I miss?
04:01Man, there's sure a lot of you, isn't there?
04:04Well, I've sort of been watching my weight.
04:07Yeah, watching it go up.
04:11How did you two dudes get to know each other?
04:14Oh, we met at the Swipe Meet.
04:16You mean Swap Meet.
04:18Oh, yeah, Swap Meet at the youth center.
04:22I'm very interested in the youth of this country.
04:25Every chance I get.
04:27I work with all young people. Yes, sir.
04:30Yeah, Harlow knows more kids than anybody.
04:33Look, dudes, I got to be moving along now
04:36and see you around. Get it? Around.
05:22Peanut brutal? Don't you mean peanut brittle?
05:25No, I don't. The way I love them, it's brutal.
05:32Wow. Look at this.
05:35Half price for a Marty Markham coloring book.
05:38This one's even better.
05:40You draw between all these dots and when you get done,
05:43you get a picture of Harry Belafonte.
05:45All right, boys. Outside, all of you.
05:47I told you before to keep out of this store.
05:51Now, what was that all about?
05:53Boss, I still don't get it. We didn't do nothing.
05:56Bob is right.
06:00Hey, hey, hey. Peanut brittle, hey.
06:06Wait a minute. I didn't see you buying them, boss.
06:09That's right. Nobody saw me do nothing.
06:12Then how did you... Oh, no.
06:15Don't tell me that you took them, boss,
06:18without paying them for them.
06:20Okay. I won't tell you.
06:22Come on, Fat Albert. Eat your candy and stop worrying about it.
06:26About where it came from, will you?
06:37Justin, that's all wrong. Didn't you know that?
06:40What's wrong with it?
06:41Nothing except everything.
06:43Come on, Fat Albert.
06:45Just because I pick up a couple of candy bars,
06:47you don't think that makes me a crook, do you?
06:53Sounds like Fat Albert and Justin have a little difference of opinion there.
06:57It also sounds like Justin has a surefire method for getting things.
07:02He forgets who he borrowed them from,
07:05which is what's worrying Fat Albert so much right now.
07:09Thanks for babysitting Justin, Fat Albert.
07:12All right, let's get back to our dinner again.
07:15We've got your favorite dinner tonight.
07:18Hickory smoked, barbecued pizza a la mode.
07:24Albert, are you all right?
07:26Yeah, just fine, Mom.
07:28Hey, why aren't you eating your pizza?
07:31You're not eating the pizza the way you usually eat, son.
07:34You're the only one I ever saw who gets sparks out of a knife and fork.
07:38Hmm, your head isn't too hot.
07:40That's not all that isn't too hot.
07:42What's wrong?
07:43Well, I'm...
07:44You can tell us, Albert, please.
07:47It's... it's just...
07:49What's with Justin?
07:51Well, today, when I was taking care of him,
07:53he gave me a candy bar.
07:55That's right, that's just what he did.
07:57What's wrong with that?
07:59Well, he didn't pay for it.
08:01You mean he stole it?
08:03That's right, and he took it.
08:05You mean he stole it?
08:07That's right, and he took a couple of other bars, too.
08:10Little Justin stealing?
08:12I can't believe it.
08:14Well, neither can I.
08:15Did you tell him it was wrong?
08:17Sure, but there's this older dude named Harlow
08:20who's been telling Justin a lot of junk about it,
08:22and it's cool to swipe stuff.
08:25So when I told Justin the stealing was bad,
08:27he just laughed at me.
08:29He did, did he?
08:30Well, we better call Justin's mom right away.
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