• last year
00:00Don't want to speak for you
00:01But I think the four of us between you me and Grandy and and the director of sports Lucas
00:07Alexander director commissioner of the fantasy football league at 95-7 the game collectively
00:12we think that this is a
00:16Precursor to what is about to happen in the second half of the year when we get there for the Golden State Warriors
00:22This this is a precursor. We believe okay, so
00:27Listen to this it's 55 seconds
00:30And I want to make sure you understand where the conversation started
00:34And it was really us grabbing what we hear from a lot of you, which is
00:40They're too old
00:43Right and you can't center your team around a 36
00:4837 year old to be star anymore you can't do that is that so I asked Steve is that
00:55Realistic we hear from a lot of people you can't be a championship squad when your best players about to turn
01:0237 years old is that realistic
01:06Both listen to what he says at the beginning, but listen closely
01:11To what he says at the end. I think the answer to that is
01:16Yes, it's realistic. This is a once-in-a-generation
01:20Player and athlete he's superbly conditioned
01:23We just watched him two and a half years ago carry us to the title
01:28This is Steph Curry's team, and he's still an all-star you saw him in the Olympics this past year
01:34It's our job put him in a position where?
01:38We're in the playoffs and we give him a chance with the best group around him the best schemes the best coaching the best
01:45Training staff and that's the focus and
01:48Warriors fans know really well that guys like Steph don't come around very often
01:53You know we went 40 years between titles from 75 to 15, but we have stuff
01:58He's still playing at an elite level we we have to give him every resource
02:03To try to take us home again because we've watched him do it four times, so that's why we're doing what we're doing, okay?
02:09That's why we're doing what we're doing, and I think he said it dibs two different ways
02:14In that clip that we just heard
02:18He starts out by saying it is our job
02:21It is our job to surround him with whatever he needs
02:26And then he circles back at the end and essentially says it again
02:30There is nowhere in there that I heard him say it's our job to develop Jonathan Kaminga
02:36It's our job to develop Brandon Pudzemski
02:38It's our job to make sure that Moses Moody lives up to his contract by getting enough minutes like
02:45Steve Kerr told us without telling us yesterday
02:49Exactly what the entire mindset of the Warriors
02:53Organization is you don't have to agree with it, but this is where they're coming from there is one focus only
03:01Steph Curry and
03:03Get him what he needs and everything else
03:07We are willing to lose if that's what it means
03:10So the resources and that to me means you're gonna bring in players if that's what resources mean
03:15and he talked about having the best training staff and the best coaching staff and all the other things that are already in place or
03:22Are going to be in place
03:23I don't think you're gonna find a better trainer or a better
03:27Head of sports medicine than Rick Celebrini to suddenly come in and that's gonna make you a better team
03:32But the one thing that makes it interesting to me is can you be in a spot heading to the deadline where?
03:38actual additional resources matter because right now you're stuck in a morass of five teams separated by one game in
03:47The standings and there are clearly
03:48Two or three maybe four teams that are the creme de la creme in the West and then there's about six teams in the middle
03:54And you're one of them
03:55So can you get to a spot where you are one?
03:59Resource away from being a team that can be a championship contender that I think they have to show on the floor because
04:06Right now you're 14 and 11 and if you play the next 20 games and you go 10 and 10 and you're 24 and 21
04:14How motivated will you be as a team to go out there and try to get that one?
04:18Resource if you're still kind of stuck in the mud, I think very I think very I don't think this team needs
04:24Steph Curry or anyone else to prove to them that that he can win there
04:29They're already convinced and I'd argue the 14 and 11. They may respond to that by saying yeah
04:34But that was before our first acquisition
04:36I think they think that they're a better team today than
04:39Better team because they have a player as opposed to an injured player
04:42We got to see we got to see who they are with this group
04:44Like whatever you think about Dennis Schroeder and whether or not he is a game-changing acquisition
04:50The Warriors just acquired a starter and a finisher
04:5520% of their starting lineup
04:5720% of their finishing lineup just got acquired and they've not played a minute with him yet
05:02So, I don't know that we know who they are right now because they just at least mildly reinvented themselves a little bit
05:09I mean they added a piece when they added a piece where they didn't have a piece because the Anthony Melton was hurt
05:15but I look at the overall roster and I still see major flaws in the second unit where buddy healed has
05:22Largely become the player that many of the fans
05:25Warned us about buddy had the great hot start and we all were saying man. Why'd all these teams sour on buddy healed?
05:31Well, this is the buddy healed
05:33Experience that many of the fan bases have seen and you know, Kyle Anderson and GP 2 and all the rest of the roster
05:40They're mostly limited players
05:42Can you turn three of those guys or four of those guys into a real bona fide star to pair with Steph Curry?
05:48Well, maybe and that's something that we'll have to see at the deadline
05:52But you know the whole roster right now you're playing 12 guys and you'd love to play eight
05:58But you can't play eight because you don't have eight clear-cut guys. You want to play so you're playing 12
06:04hoping that maybe eight or nine of them will
06:06Percolate to the top and then you'll have nine to play and then you'll have a real rotation
06:11I do think that they're playing 12 because they don't have nine. I think that's gonna start to whittle down
06:17It's just a 20 20 games
06:20Yeah, they did and we're at 25 and they just acquired somebody else that they're gonna lean on a lot
06:25They're gonna lean on a lot. They're gonna lean on to score. They're gonna lean on him to defend
06:28They're gonna lean on to start and Steve said he's gonna play the non-staff minutes
06:33And that's 16 minutes right there because Steph is playing about 32 and then he'll play probably another
06:3810 or at least he'll play another 14 with Steph
06:41So that's 30 minutes for him right there
06:43Which means pods minutes get cut GP twos get cut and you know
06:48The rotation will pare down by the very nature of bringing in a 30 minute a night guy
06:53Let me ask you this and we can throw it out to our audience 8 at 8 9 5 7 9 5 70
07:00Just take the concept that Steve just threw out there. Do you agree with it?
07:05and the concept is
07:08Our job is to surround Steph with what he needs period
07:16Period you don't hear him say I mean not at the expense of 2028
07:22Of course, we don't want to do that. And if financially it's not right. We don't want to do that
07:27We certainly don't want to mess with JK. He didn't say any of that
07:31Our job is to help Steph because we are Steph
07:37That's what he said and to me
07:40It's at the core of the warrior disagreement that I hear I hear from a lot of fans
07:45We talk about it. And and so if that's the
07:50Organization's stance. Do you agree with it or not? I
07:54Agree with it, but be careful what you do when you trade Jonathan cominga because I think he's trending toward being a very good player
08:01I don't know if he'll ever be an all-star
08:03Because being an all-star and we can run over the list of who has been in all-star over the last 10 years
08:10The the list of players who have actually made an all-star team is about 50 or 60 players short
08:16Yeah, the same guys year after year. So for me, that's not a fair bar for him to have to clear
08:22But be careful what happens when you trade Jonathan cominga a 22 year old who's got a lot of upside totally get it
08:29Totally get it. And here's what I think Steve is saying
08:32I think this is really what I think
08:35They're not asking themselves the question that we ask ourselves. We ask ourselves. Is Jonathan gonna be good?
08:41is he gonna be an all-star or
08:44You know, we don't know yet because it's only 22 and we haven't really seen what can have last five games
08:49The stats are good. Those are that's what we do
08:53The organization has one question for Jonathan has nothing to do with whether he can average 20 points a game or whether or not
09:00He's gonna be an all-star someday. They have one question for Jonathan
09:04Excuse me, Jonathan. Are you the right person to stand next to step?
09:10Right now that's it for me. The question is more about when it's not if it's about when
09:16Minga can be that guy in
09:192028 well that doesn't help you. That's right. And that doesn't help for what Steve is saying about, you know
09:25Maximizing the Steph Curry win. I'll buy your addition use the words right now
09:28are you the right person to stand next to Steph Curry right now because if you're not you're gone and
09:36We don't really even want to talk about any of the other aspects that scare everybody watching warrior basketball
09:44They don't care. It's not that they don't care. I shouldn't say it that way. They're willing to make that sacrifice
09:50Well, he's willing to Steve Kerr and I this speaks for the organization
09:55I don't know if he speaks for Joe Lacob and you heard Joe Lacob talk about the Steph Curry timeline
09:59What about the Joe Lacob timeline about it?
10:02and that to me becomes an interesting push pull and all this because
10:06Joe Lacob is the one who ultimately makes these calls and if you go to Joe and you say
10:11Kaminga pods
10:13TJD and two first-round picks for fill-in-the-blank
10:16NBA star and Joe says I don't want to do that because in
10:202028 we're gonna stink and I'm gonna be here and none of you will be I think there's a push-pull there
10:26That's gonna be laid out maybe but I like with all due respect and I know he's the boss. He's the owner
10:31I would imagine that everybody else in the organization is like
10:36Good for you Joe have fun owning in 2028
10:41None of us are going to be here. None of us care about that
10:46I don't even know what that means
10:48Like five years from now four years from now
10:51How could we even predict what on earth is going on with any of these players or this team or the financial structure or or?
10:57Anything else Kyle Shanahan will call in on zoom and say I don't even know if we're gonna be alive by then
11:02What like that's not what they care about and I am inclined to get on that boat with them
11:09And I am fully willing. I will promise to the audience right now
11:14If I'm the jerk in
11:182027 I'm ready for that. I'm absolutely ready for that if JK is
11:23at the all-star game in a
11:27Pelicans Jersey or Nets Jersey or whatever and
11:32And the Warriors organization has egg on their face. I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it
11:38And it's not because I believe that they're going to win a title if they trade JK
11:42But I think that that's the right focus I really do even if it even if it's unlikely unlikely though it may be so
11:51Do you agree with that focus of the Golden State Warriors?
11:56This is about helping Steph right now period
12:01Meeting over do you agree with that?
